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作者 黄巧萍 《淮阴师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2023年第3期274-279,共6页
西周早期的青铜器中有“有息”“息伯”等词,说明姬姓息国在西周早期已经存在。目前有关“息妫过蔡”的记载有三种不同的文本,其中争议较大的是蔡哀侯对息妫的所作所为。清华简《系年》的“妻之”中的“妻”应通作“微”,压抑、减少的... 西周早期的青铜器中有“有息”“息伯”等词,说明姬姓息国在西周早期已经存在。目前有关“息妫过蔡”的记载有三种不同的文本,其中争议较大的是蔡哀侯对息妫的所作所为。清华简《系年》的“妻之”中的“妻”应通作“微”,压抑、减少的意思。“妻(微)之”和《史记》中的“不敬”,都表达出蔡侯对息妫过蔡不够重视的态度,而《左传》中的“弗宾”则是具体的表现,即蔡侯没有按照应有的礼仪对息妫及其随从回赠礼物。息国于春秋早期被楚国所灭,被灭后的息国成为楚王管辖的息县,并没有降为楚国的附庸。 展开更多
关键词 周代 息国 妫过蔡
息国历史与地理论考 被引量:4
作者 闫孟莲 《信阳师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2010年第1期93-96,共4页
息国作为一个古老的方国早在商代便已存在于豫南地区,主要活动于淮河上游南岸的今信阳市罗山、光山境内。至西周时期,周武王于公元前1046年在商代息国旧地重新分封同姓方国,也称为息国,文王第三十七子羽达为第一代息国君主。周代息国始... 息国作为一个古老的方国早在商代便已存在于豫南地区,主要活动于淮河上游南岸的今信阳市罗山、光山境内。至西周时期,周武王于公元前1046年在商代息国旧地重新分封同姓方国,也称为息国,文王第三十七子羽达为第一代息国君主。周代息国始为伯爵,后为侯爵,活动中心向北移至淮河北岸,主要在今天信阳市息县县境,故城在今息县县城西十里处的青龙寺。姬姓息国在公元前683年为楚人所灭,息人被迁往楚地安置,息君自称为"息子"。息国故地沦为楚的一个县,成为楚人向北与北方诸侯逐鹿中原和向东经略淮河中游地区的前沿阵地。 展开更多
关键词 息国
清华简《系年》所见息国史事小札 被引量:3
作者 陈晓丽 万德良 《枣庄学院学报》 2013年第3期51-53,共3页
清华简《系年》第五章中提供了有关息国的珍贵史料,其内容与传世文献大致相同,但也存在诸多差异,例如,息侯的称谓、息妫过蔡时蔡侯的行为以及楚灭息的时间等问题。文章中就差异之处进行分析,并作出一定的判断,同时对清华简及传世文献中... 清华简《系年》第五章中提供了有关息国的珍贵史料,其内容与传世文献大致相同,但也存在诸多差异,例如,息侯的称谓、息妫过蔡时蔡侯的行为以及楚灭息的时间等问题。文章中就差异之处进行分析,并作出一定的判断,同时对清华简及传世文献中所见的息国史事进行了简要的梳理。 展开更多
关键词 清华简 《系年》 息国 不同
古息国变迁考 被引量:10
作者 赵燕姣 《中原文物》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期29-35,共7页
关键词 息国 族姓 地望 郐子
作者 刘亚丽 唐宏博 +2 位作者 林茜妍 梁正 赵新力 《全球科技经济瞭望》 2023年第4期34-40,共7页
在国际电信联盟曾使用的信息通信技术(ICT)发展指数(IDI)基础上,提出改进的信息通信技术发展指数。通过分析2007—2020年二十国集团(G20)的19个成员国的IDI指数和ICT相关指标揭示了G20成员国在信息通信技术发展方面的特点和差异性。分... 在国际电信联盟曾使用的信息通信技术(ICT)发展指数(IDI)基础上,提出改进的信息通信技术发展指数。通过分析2007—2020年二十国集团(G20)的19个成员国的IDI指数和ICT相关指标揭示了G20成员国在信息通信技术发展方面的特点和差异性。分析发现G20成员国信息通信技术发展水平均有较大幅度的提升,国家之间的信息通信技术发展差距逐渐缩小,但增长速度和发展水平仍存在较大差异;G20成员国中韩国、日本、法国、德国和英国的信息通信技术发展水平最高,美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、沙特阿拉伯和俄罗斯的信息通信技术发展居于G20成员国的中上水平,意大利、阿根廷、中国、巴西、土耳其的发展居于中下水平,墨西哥、南非、印度尼西亚和印度的信息通信技术发展水平较低。 展开更多
关键词 G20 数字化 通信技术发展指数 ICT IDI
作者 刘博 《信阳师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2009年第5期148-152,共5页
舜封象之有息国,俗称"月象"国,即有象国,与"豫"即"予象"国相类。商时古豫国先后占据河南的天息山至洧水一带。周初古豫国曾先后两次亡国,后南迁成为南淮夷;"宣王中兴"时,东迁进入"豫章&qu... 舜封象之有息国,俗称"月象"国,即有象国,与"豫"即"予象"国相类。商时古豫国先后占据河南的天息山至洧水一带。周初古豫国曾先后两次亡国,后南迁成为南淮夷;"宣王中兴"时,东迁进入"豫章"地区;春秋早期再南迁进入湖南中北部;"巴蛇食象"后,又迁零陵、九嶷山。古豫国的迁播实为"永嘉南渡"前早期大规模南迁移民之缩影。 展开更多
关键词 息国 迁播 移民
息夫人及其传说 被引量:1
作者 高贵海 《中州今古》 2003年第2期73-73,共1页
关键词 夫人 息国 周庄王 政治联姻 春秋时期 桃花夫人 文王 诸侯 周襄王 蔡哀侯
作者 陶短房 《全国商情》 2012年第S8期91-91,共1页
最昂贵一小时4万美元人们最熟悉的专机莫过于美国的"空军一号",这架飞机是特别定制、出厂时就注定"高贵血统"的、货真价实的专机。这种特制的波音747飞机号称"飞行白宫"、"空中椭圆办公室",续... 最昂贵一小时4万美元人们最熟悉的专机莫过于美国的"空军一号",这架飞机是特别定制、出厂时就注定"高贵血统"的、货真价实的专机。这种特制的波音747飞机号称"飞行白宫"、"空中椭圆办公室",续航力10000公里,设有办公室、会客室、会议室、卧室,85部电话、10台电脑。 展开更多
关键词 公务机 政府首脑 蒙博托 定期保养 舌断 息国 苏联领导人 女王 空军部队 自宫
“息”方国族氏考 被引量:5
作者 王长丰 《中原文物》 北大核心 2007年第2期59-65,共7页
关键词 息国 鄎地 青铜器 地望
《环境保护》 CSSCI 2016年第21期8-8,共1页
关键词 交接工作 家生态建设 空气质量监测 生态保护 生态省 息国 达气 中报 省部
作者 王铁 《西南金融》 1990年第11期63-62,共2页
二、信托类(Ⅱ) 4.证券投资信托、组合商品①中期国债基金。是一种将信托资金主要运用于中期剪息国债(国家发行、期限2—4年)的追加型证券投资信托(信托成立后随时都可追加投入新信托资产)。
关键词 中期 商品知识 息国 投资场所 期满偿还 资金运用 地方债 活期贷款 有价证券交易税 到期日
作者 余惕君 《国际展望》 1988年第6期30-,共1页
国际航运业近年来困难重重,然而联邦德国的汉莎航空公司却事业兴隆;蒸蒸日上,成为国际上经营最有成效的航空公司之一。“汉莎”公司成功的奥秘之一,就是改变了以往的单一型经营,实行了多角化经营。汉莎航空公司除了正常的航运业务以外,... 国际航运业近年来困难重重,然而联邦德国的汉莎航空公司却事业兴隆;蒸蒸日上,成为国际上经营最有成效的航空公司之一。“汉莎”公司成功的奥秘之一,就是改变了以往的单一型经营,实行了多角化经营。汉莎航空公司除了正常的航运业务以外,其触角伸向了各个领域;首先是兼营维修。该公司每年要为世界各国的航空公司维修五十多架飞机,培训各种专业人员;其次是兼营制造。 展开更多
关键词 多角化经营 际航运业 航运业务 专业人员 钟表商 运动用品 市场竟争 息国 合资开发 市场竞争
作者 蔡芷若 《当代音乐》 2020年第9期69-74,共6页
本文研究表明洛庄汉墓编磬107件所分六组,其实分别来自瓦国、鲁国、息国、吕国四个不同的国家和地区,其中前三套音乐性能良好,旋宫转调自如,皆有同均三宫转换运用的可能性。同时,本文认为"瓦""息"是西汉初年诸侯所... 本文研究表明洛庄汉墓编磬107件所分六组,其实分别来自瓦国、鲁国、息国、吕国四个不同的国家和地区,其中前三套音乐性能良好,旋宫转调自如,皆有同均三宫转换运用的可能性。同时,本文认为"瓦""息"是西汉初年诸侯所分封的瓦国和息国,这样洛庄汉墓编磬分别属于鲁国、瓦国、息国和吕国。洛庄汉墓编磬是研究汉代音乐地域性的重要标本。 展开更多
关键词 洛庄汉墓编磬 益瓦 息国
作者 许晖 《中州今古》 2004年第Z1期114-115,共2页
关键词 文王 蔡哀侯 息国 夫人 令尹 桃花夫人 活着 春秋时期 楚人 政治联姻
Histologic characteristics of gastric polyps in Korea: Emphasis on discrepancy between endoscopic forceps biopsy and endoscopic mucosal resection specimen 被引量:19
作者 Won Jae Yoon Dong Ho Lee +13 位作者 Yong Jin Jung Ji Bong Jeong Ji Won Kim Byeong Gwan Kim Kook Lae Lee Kwang Hyuck Lee Young Soo Park Jin-Hyeok Hwang Jin-Wook Kim Nayoung Kim Jun Kyu Lee Hyun Chae Jung Yong Bum Yoon In Sung Song 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第25期4029-4032,共4页
AIM: To investigate histological characteristics of gastric polyps in the Korean population. METHODS: We reviewed endoscopic photographs and medical records of patients with gastric polyps who underwent endoscopic m... AIM: To investigate histological characteristics of gastric polyps in the Korean population. METHODS: We reviewed endoscopic photographs and medical records of patients with gastric polyps who underwent endoscopic mucosal resection from April 1996 through February 2003. RESULTS: A total of 85 gastric polyps from 74 patients were reviewed, Male-to-female ratio was 1:1,96, Mean age was 59.9 =1:10,8 years. Multiple polyps were observed in 10,8%, Gastric polyps occurred most frequently in the antrum (58.8%), Pathological results on resected specimens were as follows: tubular adenoma 45.9%, hyperplastic polyp 31.8%, inflammatory polyp 9.4%, hamartoma 3.5%, fundic gland polyp 2.4%, tubulovillous adenoma 2.4%, adenocarcinoma 2.4%, dysplasia 1.1%, and mucosal pseudolipomatosis 1.1%. Discrepancy rate between endoscopic biopsy and pathology of resected specimens was 27.1%. There was no relationship between the size of the polyp and concordance rate. CONCLUSION: There is considerable discrepancy in histologic findings between endoscopic forceps biopsy and resected specimens. Approaches to review of the histology of an entire polyp should be performed, especially when an adenoma is suspected. 展开更多
A Theoretical Framework and Methodology for Urban Activity Spatial Structure in E-society: Empirical Evidence for Nanjing City, China 被引量:18
作者 WANG Bo ZHEN Feng +2 位作者 WEI Zongcai GUO Shu CHEN Tingting 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第6期672-683,共12页
The existing researches on the influence of information and communication technology (ICT) are mainly focused on human activity, whilst with few efforts on urban space. In the e-society, the widespread adoption of 1... The existing researches on the influence of information and communication technology (ICT) are mainly focused on human activity, whilst with few efforts on urban space. In the e-society, the widespread adoption of 1CT devices not only affects almost every aspect of people's daily life and thereby reshapes the spatial development of regions and cities, but also generates a large amount of real-time activity data with location information. These georeferenced data, however, have relatively recently attracted attention from geographers. Adapted from Lynch's framework based on people's perceptions, this paper proposes a framework of urban spatial struc- ture based on people's actual activity, including five elements, namely activity path, activity node, central activity zone (CAZ), activity district, and activity edge. In the empirical study, by using one week's check-in tweets (from February 25 to March 3 in 2013) collected in Nanjing City, the five elements are recognized and analyzed. Through the comparison between our results and urban spatial structure based on population (and land use), we argue that ICT uses: 1) lead to polarize, rather than to smooth, the urban structural hierarchy, due to the dual role of distance; 2) enable a partial decoupling of activity and activity space node, which challenges our conventional under- standing of the role of home and the utility of travel; 3) blur the boundaries of activity districts and hence may play a positive role in enriching districts' functions, which should not be overlooked in the current urban transformation in China. 展开更多
关键词 information and communication technology (ICT) tele-activities activity space big data e-society Nanjing City
The prospect of wildlife tourism
作者 刘元 张伟 唐晓东 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第3期243-245,共3页
The paper extends an overview of the worldwide development of wildlife tourism, introduced the conception of wild-life tourism and its components, and analyzed the development of international wildlife tourism and its... The paper extends an overview of the worldwide development of wildlife tourism, introduced the conception of wild-life tourism and its components, and analyzed the development of international wildlife tourism and its international trends. The sustainability of wildlife tourism, the protection of wildlife habitat, as well as the possible impacts of wildlife tourism development in China were discussed. 展开更多
关键词 WILDLIFE TOURISM Long-term sustainability
How to establish a first-class international scientific journal in China? 被引量:2
作者 Zhen-Xi Li 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第43期6905-6908,共4页
Hundreds of scientific journals are published in China. However, only scores of them are included in Science Citation Index by the Institute for Scientific Information, with impact factors of only 1 or less. Thus, how... Hundreds of scientific journals are published in China. However, only scores of them are included in Science Citation Index by the Institute for Scientific Information, with impact factors of only 1 or less. Thus, how to establish a first-class international scientific journal in China is an important but difficult topic that deserves extensive exploration. World Journal of Gastroenterology (WJG) sets a good example although it has experienced setbacks on the road towards success. Concepts and pursuits that affirm the overall development direction, innovation and dreams that provide impetus and aspiration for higher objectives, team work and unique pattern that assure excellent quality and service, and culture and environment that also determine the speed and direction of the development, are believed to be the major factors contributing to the success of WJG. It is recommended that the effective resolution to the above issue is to learn from Chinese examples such as WJG rather than from “how foreign journals do”. 展开更多
关键词 First-class scientific journal Concepts andpursuits Innovation and dreams Team work and uniquepattern Culture and environment World Journal ofGastroenterology
A New Word Detection Method for Chinese Based on Local Context Information 被引量:1
作者 曾华琳 周昌乐 郑旭玲 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2010年第2期189-192,共4页
Finding out out-of-vocabulary words is an urgent and difficult task in Chinese words segmentation. To avoid the defect causing by offline training in the traditional method, the paper proposes an improved prediction b... Finding out out-of-vocabulary words is an urgent and difficult task in Chinese words segmentation. To avoid the defect causing by offline training in the traditional method, the paper proposes an improved prediction by partical match (PPM) segmenting algorithm for Chinese words based on extracting local context information, which adds the context information of the testing text into the local PPM statistical model so as to guide the detection of new words. The algorithm focuses on the process of online segmentatien and new word detection which achieves a good effect in the close or opening test, and outperforms some well-known Chinese segmentation system to a certain extent. 展开更多
关键词 new word detection improved PPM model context information Chinese words segmentation
Roles of Financial Innovation and Information Technology:Lessons from US Sub-prime Mortgage Crisis and Its Implications for China 被引量:2
作者 James H LENZER JR Simon Xiaobin ZHAO 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第3期343-355,共13页
The mortgage loan has evolved from a local lending instrument into a major global security and its role is unparallel to other financial instruments in the process of financial globalization. This paper explains how t... The mortgage loan has evolved from a local lending instrument into a major global security and its role is unparallel to other financial instruments in the process of financial globalization. This paper explains how technology and financial innovation transformed the mortgage loan from a local security into a premier global security traded worldwide. It examines the fundamental flaws of this process and why it does not work in regards to mortgage lending and the re-securitization products that were created through financial innovation. The findings show that regulation was unable to keep pace with financial innovation, which created an environment where actors in the financial service sector were able to behave geographically irresponsibly by using information asymmetries to their advantage by par- ticipating in moral hazard activities and engaging in other immoral and unethical business practices that were centered around localized geography, which ultimately contributed to the global financial crisis. It also examines the roll of financial innovation in regard to the Lehman Brothers Mini-Bond in Hung and its role as a driving force behind China's newly emerging shadow banking sector. It concludes with a policy recommendation and its implication for China's continued economic development. 展开更多
关键词 shadow banking US sub-prime mortgage crisis financial tsunami global financial crisis wealth man- agement vehicle China asset bubble
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