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恶性雀斑样黑素瘤6例临床及组织病理学分析 被引量:3
作者 王雷 廖文俊 +4 位作者 王刚 李承新 李春英 马翠玲 高天文 《临床皮肤科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第10期609-611,共3页
目的:分析恶性雀斑样黑素瘤的临床和组织病理特点。方法:回顾性分析6例恶性雀斑样黑素瘤患者的临床和组织病理资料。结果:4例患者在老年期发病,其中1例患者有两处皮损,另2例患者在中青年期发病。所有皮损临床上均表现为面部直径较大的... 目的:分析恶性雀斑样黑素瘤的临床和组织病理特点。方法:回顾性分析6例恶性雀斑样黑素瘤患者的临床和组织病理资料。结果:4例患者在老年期发病,其中1例患者有两处皮损,另2例患者在中青年期发病。所有皮损临床上均表现为面部直径较大的边界不规则、颜色不均的黑色斑片,有1例出现溃疡。皮损组织病理学检查:1例为浸润性黑素瘤,其余皮损均为原位黑素瘤。原位黑素瘤表现为表皮内不典型黑素细胞增生,细胞分布不均,有明显异形性,充分进展的皮损可形成小细胞巢。2例发病年龄较早的患者无明显胶原嗜碱性变,其余的组织病理学特征与发生在老年的恶性雀斑样痣无明显差异。免疫组化结果示所有皮损肿瘤细胞S-100蛋白和Melan-A均为阳性。结论:恶性雀斑样黑素瘤是一种老年人多发的多见于面部的黑素瘤,但也可见于中青年患者。其组织病理可表现为原位黑素瘤或浸润性黑素瘤。 展开更多
关键词 黑素瘤 恶性雀斑 面部
恶性雀斑样痣临床研究进展 被引量:1
作者 刘引引 《中国中西医结合皮肤性病学杂志》 CAS 2017年第5期472-473,共2页
关键词 恶性雀斑样痣 黑素瘤 Mohs外科切除术
作者 郑利雄 孙兆军 +2 位作者 阳芳 宋彪 房思宁 《临床皮肤科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第9期623-624,623,共2页
患者男,48岁。主诉:右颊部褐色斑7年余,出现红斑伴瘙痒1个月余。现病史:患者8年前右颊部米粒大“色素痣”经二氧化碳激光治疗,数月后手术部位出现褐色斑点,逐渐缓慢扩大,无自觉症状,未做任何治疗。1个月前皮损边缘出现红斑,伴轻度瘙... 患者男,48岁。主诉:右颊部褐色斑7年余,出现红斑伴瘙痒1个月余。现病史:患者8年前右颊部米粒大“色素痣”经二氧化碳激光治疗,数月后手术部位出现褐色斑点,逐渐缓慢扩大,无自觉症状,未做任何治疗。1个月前皮损边缘出现红斑,伴轻度瘙痒。家族史:家族中无类似疾病患者。体格检查:一般情况良好,各浅表淋巴结未触及增大,其余各系统检查无异常。 展开更多
关键词 恶性雀斑样痣 激光治疗 褐色斑点 体格检查 浅表淋巴结 二氧化碳 手术部位 自觉症状
作者 孙玮玮 赵肖庆 +1 位作者 张黎 笪倩 《诊断病理学杂志》 2022年第1期71-73,共3页
恶性雀斑样痣(lentigo maligna,LM),又称Hutchinson黑素性雀斑,于1890年由Hutchinson首次报道。恶性雀斑样痣最常见于老年人曝光部位的皮肤。由于恶性雀斑样痣发病率较低,国内报导仅10余例[1-2],易误诊或漏诊。本文收集4例恶性雀斑样痣... 恶性雀斑样痣(lentigo maligna,LM),又称Hutchinson黑素性雀斑,于1890年由Hutchinson首次报道。恶性雀斑样痣最常见于老年人曝光部位的皮肤。由于恶性雀斑样痣发病率较低,国内报导仅10余例[1-2],易误诊或漏诊。本文收集4例恶性雀斑样痣患者,分析其临床病理学、免疫表型、诊断及鉴别诊断,并复习相关文献,充分了解以上内容,并了解治疗、预后等,旨在提高对该病的认识。1材料与方法1.1临床资料收集2015⁃01—2020⁃10上海交通大学附属瑞金医院和上海市松江区中心医院确诊的4例恶性雀斑样痣病例。患者均为女性,年龄61~70岁,中位年龄65岁;其中3例位于面部,1例位于手背;肿瘤均为边界不清的褐色及黑褐色斑片,表面光滑或粗糙,直径0.8~2.0 cm(图1);病程2~7年,其中一例为激光治疗后复发(表1)。 展开更多
关键词 恶性雀斑样痣 诊断 免疫组织化学
作者 黄亚强 曹文华 《中国麻风皮肤病杂志》 北大核心 2003年第6期610-610,共1页
关键词 色素性毛发上皮痣 误诊 恶性雀斑样痣 治疗 激光疗法
作者 朱茜如 周志瑜 《国外医学(口腔医学分册)》 CAS 北大核心 1989年第1期34-36,共3页
恶性雀斑样痣(LM)为扁平的色素斑好发于中老年人曝光区皮肤,口腔粘膜少见。缓慢生长多年后在扁平损害的基础上可出现突起或结节,预示侵袭性生长阶段的发生,可形成恶性雀斑样痣性黑色素瘤(LMM)。在临床上LM以颜色、形态不断变化的色素斑... 恶性雀斑样痣(LM)为扁平的色素斑好发于中老年人曝光区皮肤,口腔粘膜少见。缓慢生长多年后在扁平损害的基础上可出现突起或结节,预示侵袭性生长阶段的发生,可形成恶性雀斑样痣性黑色素瘤(LMM)。在临床上LM以颜色、形态不断变化的色素斑为其特点。其组织形态为(1)基底层异型黑素细胞增生、排列紊乱,(2)异型黑素细胞可向上皮浅层迁移,(3)固有层内淋巴细胞带状浸润。LM以彻底手术切除为最佳治疗方案。 展开更多
关键词 恶性雀斑样痣 黑色素瘤 口腔肿瘤
作者 喻光莲 寸玥婷 +2 位作者 代子佳 王莹 刘彤云 《皮肤病与性病》 2022年第5期418-420,共3页
1临床资料患者女,30岁。因“面部黑褐色斑疹30年,斑片、斑块20年,肿物3月”于2021年7月来我院就诊。患者自诉半岁时日晒后双侧面部出现红斑,无水疱、糜烂等皮损,逐渐出现散在黑褐色斑疹,无自觉症状,皮损逐渐增多。10岁时左面部出现一个... 1临床资料患者女,30岁。因“面部黑褐色斑疹30年,斑片、斑块20年,肿物3月”于2021年7月来我院就诊。患者自诉半岁时日晒后双侧面部出现红斑,无水疱、糜烂等皮损,逐渐出现散在黑褐色斑疹,无自觉症状,皮损逐渐增多。10岁时左面部出现一个黄豆大小不规则黑色斑片,未予重视及诊治。 展开更多
关键词 左面部 着色性干皮病 恶性黑色素瘤 基底细胞癌 临床资料 恶性雀斑样痣 自觉症状 斑疹
作者 万川 艾勇 +1 位作者 胡国红 薛玮 《临床皮肤科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第7期433-434,共2页
1病历摘要 患者男,43岁。因有侧下颌黑褐色斑6年,出现结节1年于2010年5月6日至我院就诊。患者于6年前无明显诱因右侧下颌出现黄豆大的黑褐色斑,缓慢扩大,无明显自觉症状,患者未重视.一直未诊治。1年前黑褐色斑中央出现黑色结节,
关键词 黑素瘤 恶性雀斑样痣
作者 常建民 冯和平 《临床皮肤科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第12期741-742,共2页
患者男,74岁。主诉:右手背色素斑3年。现病史:患者3年前发现右手背出现一色素斑,无自觉症状,3年来色素斑逐渐扩大,增至2cm×1.5cm,并出现颜色不均匀。色素斑意外碰触后曾有出血,于2009年4月就诊。家族史:父母非近亲结婚... 患者男,74岁。主诉:右手背色素斑3年。现病史:患者3年前发现右手背出现一色素斑,无自觉症状,3年来色素斑逐渐扩大,增至2cm×1.5cm,并出现颜色不均匀。色素斑意外碰触后曾有出血,于2009年4月就诊。家族史:父母非近亲结婚,家族中无类似疾病患者。既往史:既往曾有常年户外工作史,身体健康。无肿瘤病史。体格检查:一般情况好,系统检查未见异常。 展开更多
关键词 雀斑样痣.恶性
作者 陈卫 杨蓉娅 《实用皮肤病学杂志》 2015年第1期78-79,共2页
恶性雀斑样痣(lentigo maligna,LM)也称为哈钦森黑素雀斑,是一种生长缓慢的皮肤癌,最常见于面部。LM有水平生长或原位生长方式,但主要是横向扩展,从而导致直径较大。自40岁起,随着年龄增加发病率也逐渐增加,70~80岁是发病的... 恶性雀斑样痣(lentigo maligna,LM)也称为哈钦森黑素雀斑,是一种生长缓慢的皮肤癌,最常见于面部。LM有水平生长或原位生长方式,但主要是横向扩展,从而导致直径较大。自40岁起,随着年龄增加发病率也逐渐增加,70~80岁是发病的高峰。LM如果不及时治疗,可以最终侵入到真皮,发展成恶性雀斑样痣黑素瘤(lentigo maligna melanoma,LMM)。 展开更多
关键词 恶性雀斑样痣 Johnson 黑素瘤 治疗 切除法 生长缓慢 生长方式 发病率
作者 陶灵 《实用皮肤病学杂志》 2012年第1期62-63,共2页
恶性雀斑样痣于1892年首次被Hutchinson描述为长期慢性晒伤后非典型黑素细胞在真皮表皮交界部的过度增生。由于其临床特征不典型,常常影响皮肤科及整形科医师及时诊治。恶性雀斑样黑素瘤由恶性雀斑样痣发展而来,其发病率与年龄、性别、... 恶性雀斑样痣于1892年首次被Hutchinson描述为长期慢性晒伤后非典型黑素细胞在真皮表皮交界部的过度增生。由于其临床特征不典型,常常影响皮肤科及整形科医师及时诊治。恶性雀斑样黑素瘤由恶性雀斑样痣发展而来,其发病率与年龄、性别、地理、阳光暴晒有关。 展开更多
关键词 恶性雀斑样痣 黑素瘤 分阶段治疗 临床观察 过度增生 黑素细胞 临床特征 阳光暴晒
作者 Lang J. MacKie R.M 罗素菊 《世界核心医学期刊文摘(皮肤病学分册)》 2006年第9期11-12,共2页
DNA was extracted from 52 thick primary melanomas and mutations sought in exon 15 of the BRAF (v-raf murine sarcoma viral oncogene homolog B1) gene using denaturing high performance liquid chromatograph (dHPLC) fragme... DNA was extracted from 52 thick primary melanomas and mutations sought in exon 15 of the BRAF (v-raf murine sarcoma viral oncogene homolog B1) gene using denaturing high performance liquid chromatograph (dHPLC) fragment analysis, sequencing, and allele-specific PCR. Exon 15 BRAF mutations were found in 13 of 52 (25% ) primary melanomas. These comprised five of 17 (29% ) superficial spreading melanomas, three of 11 (27% ) nodular melanomas, two of 13 (15% ) acral lentiginous melanomas, one of one (100% ) mucosal melanoma and two of 10 (20% ) lentigo maligna melanomas. In common with other groups, our findings show a relative concentration of the exon 15 BRAF mutation in superficial spreading and nodular melanomas, but add further evidence that this mutation not necessary for malignant transformation of the melanocyte. 展开更多
关键词 原发性黑素瘤 恶性雀斑样痣 基因外显子 结节型 突变 扩散 浅表 肢端
作者 Bevona C. Fewkes J. +1 位作者 Sober A.J. 张宪旗 《世界核心医学期刊文摘(皮肤病学分册)》 2005年第4期44-45,共2页
Lentigo maligna (LM) is a melanocytic lesion which is a potential precursor to melanoma and often has a prolonged intraepidermal growth phase before evolving into lentigo ma-ligna melanoma (LMM). LM is also noted for ... Lentigo maligna (LM) is a melanocytic lesion which is a potential precursor to melanoma and often has a prolonged intraepidermal growth phase before evolving into lentigo ma-ligna melanoma (LMM). LM is also noted for its tendency to locally recur after treatment. We present a patient who had a persistent LM on her left cheek which, despite multiple excisions, persisted and transformed into a partially amelanotic LMM roughly three decades later. Our patient’s course was also notable for this melanoma recurring at the edge of, and subsequently migrating into, a previously placed skin graft. 展开更多
关键词 恶性雀斑样痣 慢性迁延 黑素瘤 黑色素细胞 颊部 持久性
作者 Kamin A. Eigentler T.K. +2 位作者 Radny P. C.Garbe 冯义国 《世界核心医学期刊文摘(皮肤病学分册)》 2005年第6期17-17,共1页
We report the case of a 70- year-old white male with an extensive recurrence of lentigo maligna in a skin-transplanted region. He was treated with imiquimod 5% cream topically applied 5 times a week for a total durati... We report the case of a 70- year-old white male with an extensive recurrence of lentigo maligna in a skin-transplanted region. He was treated with imiquimod 5% cream topically applied 5 times a week for a total duration of 9 months. Clinically and histologically, a complete clearing of the lesion was observed after treatment. Topical treatment with imiquimod seems to be effective and safe in lentigo maligna. 展开更多
关键词 咪喹莫特 恶性雀斑样痣 泛发性 皮肤移植
作者 Fleming C.J. Bryden A. +1 位作者 Evans R.S. 田中伟 《世界核心医学期刊文摘(皮肤病学分册)》 2005年第2期26-27,共2页
Background: Lentigo maligna (LM) is an in situ form of malignant melanoma, and surgical excision is often unsatisfactory. Imiquimod cream is an immune response modifier and induces a predominantly T-helper 1 type resp... Background: Lentigo maligna (LM) is an in situ form of malignant melanoma, and surgical excision is often unsatisfactory. Imiquimod cream is an immune response modifier and induces a predominantly T-helper 1 type response. Objectives: Assessment of histological and clinical response of surgically resectable LM after treatment with 5%imiquimod cream. Methods: Six patients with LM were treated with 5%imiquimod cream daily for 6 weeks. The whole site of the original lesion was then excised. Clinical and histological and appearances were measured using clinical response and histological grading scores. Results: Complete or almost complete clearance of pigmentation with minimal residual histological evidence of LM was observed in four patients, one patient showed no clinical or histological improvement, and the remaining patient had almost no residual pigmentation clinically after treatment yet histopathological changes remained as severe as before treatment. Conclusions: Topical imiquimod cream merits further investigation as a new therapy for LM. 展开更多
关键词 恶性雀斑 咪喹莫特 恶性黑色素瘤 外科切除 临床反应 色素沉着 免疫反应 等级评分 局部应用 极微量
作者 Stante M. Giorgi V. +2 位作者 Stanganelli I. 李晓莉 冯义国 《世界核心医学期刊文摘(皮肤病学分册)》 2005年第7期14-15,共2页
Up until now, only lesions selected on the basis of their clinical atypia or which appear equivocal on naked eye examination have been shown to benefit from the use of dermoscopy. In our experience, dermoscopic evalua... Up until now, only lesions selected on the basis of their clinical atypia or which appear equivocal on naked eye examination have been shown to benefit from the use of dermoscopy. In our experience, dermoscopic evaluation of lesions located on the face may require a different approach, as a histopathological diagnosis of malignancy is not uncommon in clinically trivial lesions (i.e. lesions lacking the ABCD criteria for clinical suspicion). Moreover, at this site dermoscopy reveals specific criteria according to the particular histological architecture shown by sun- damaged skin. We report four cases of lentigo maligna (LM) of the face whose identification depended on dermoscopic examination which was performed routinely on all faciallesions,as the lesions did not show ABCD clinical criteria for malignancy. In our experience, the identification of early signs of malignancy by dermoscopy may indicate the excision of LM at an early phase, before the lesion is associated with the ABCD signs of melanoma. Dermatologists should avoid the mistake of immediately excluding a diagnosis of malignancy when examining an ABCD- negative pigmented skin lesion of the face. 展开更多
关键词 恶性雀斑样痣 早期检查 黑素瘤 色素性 恶性诊断 光损伤 组织学结构 诊断指标 病理学诊断
作者 Chen C.- S.J. Elias M. +1 位作者 Busam K. 潘敏 《世界核心医学期刊文摘(皮肤病学分册)》 2006年第2期38-39,共2页
Knowledge of the accurate margins of a lentigo maligna melanoma (LMM) is crucial in the presurgical evaluation of the patient. Towards this end clinicians have utilized the Wood’ s lamp and dermoscopy to help delinea... Knowledge of the accurate margins of a lentigo maligna melanoma (LMM) is crucial in the presurgical evaluation of the patient. Towards this end clinicians have utilized the Wood’ s lamp and dermoscopy to help delineate the borders of the LMM.However, many LMMs arise on photo damaged skin, making it difficult to determine the border of the LMM and separate it from the background lentiginous skin. We present a case of a patient with a recurrent LMM on the scalp that developed in a background of photodamage with diffuse melanocytic atypia and lentigines, making it virtually impossible to determine the precise margins of the LMM by clinical, Wood’ s lamp or dermoscopic examination. To avoid subjecting the patient to multiple staged excisions we attempted to determine the margins of the LMM by utilizing in vivo confocal laser scanning reflectance microscopy. Using this, it was apparent that there were increased numbers of atypical/dendritic intraepidermal melanocytes in all layers of the epidermis within the LMM. In contrast, skin not involved with the LMM, as viewed under confocal laser examination, had normal honeycomb architecture and no abnormal melanocytes. The confocally determined border was further confirmed by obtaining multiple punch biopsies that were evaluated by haematoxylin and eosin histology and immunohistochemistry. Based on this information, the presurgical margins were marked and the tumour excised accordingly. The excised tissue was examined with multiple- step sections and the margins were determined to be clear. There has been no evidence of tumour recurrence after 1 year. In conclusion, this case illustrates that confocal reflect ancemicroscopy, in conjunction with other in vivo optical instruments, can be utilized to enhance the accuracy for the presurgical margin mapping of LMM. 展开更多
关键词 恶性雀斑 黑色素瘤 表皮发光显微镜 光学成像 光老化皮肤 斑痣 术前评价 肿瘤切除 异型性 切除术
作者 Robinson J.K. 刘超 《世界核心医学期刊文摘(皮肤病学分册)》 2005年第2期3-4,共2页
Objective: To compare identification of the border of lentigo maligna (LM) with digital epiluminescence microscopy (DELM) with clinical and Wood light assessment. Design: The borders of lesions identified clinically w... Objective: To compare identification of the border of lentigo maligna (LM) with digital epiluminescence microscopy (DELM) with clinical and Wood light assessment. Design: The borders of lesions identified clinically with the Wood light, with DELM, and after excision by Mohs micrographic surgery were traced onto plastic sheets. The borders defined on the tracings were compared for congruence and mean surface area. Setting: Cardinal Bernardin Cancer Center for Skin Cancer, Loyola University Health System, Maywood, Ill. Patients: Twenty-six consecutive patients with LM of the head and neck. Main Outcome Measures: Results of the comparison of the outlines of the borders and the mean surface area identified by the 4 methods. Results: The border determined by clinical examinationwas smaller than that determinedwith the Wood lamp or by DELM. Most lesions underwent an additional excision 5 mm beyond the DELM-defined border. The DELM pattern of LM with asymmetric follicular openings and dark brown rhomboidal structures changed at the periphery and became a pigmented thin mesh that was associated with the histopathological features of melanoma in situ. More homogeneous pigmented areas extending from the LM were associated with the pathologic features of melanocytic hyperplasia. Conclusions: Visualization of LM by DELM (dermoscopy) helps to guide resection. Because LM arises in sun-damaged skin with melanocytic hyperplasia, determining the tumor-free margin requires the judgment of an experienced physician. 展开更多
关键词 恶性雀斑样痣 荧光显微镜 伍德光 黑色素瘤 外科切除 黑色素细胞 色素性 过度增生 癌症中心 切除范围
作者 Hantschke M. Mentzel T. +1 位作者 Kutzner H. 牛新武 《世界核心医学期刊文摘(皮肤病学分册)》 2005年第1期25-25,共1页
Follicular malignant melanoma can be regarded as a rare and unique presentation ofmelanoma. It is characterized by a deepseated follicular structure in which atypicalmelanocytes extend downward along the follicular ep... Follicular malignant melanoma can be regarded as a rare and unique presentation ofmelanoma. It is characterized by a deepseated follicular structure in which atypicalmelanocytes extend downward along the follicular epitheliumand permeate parts of the follicle as well as the adjacent dermis. The clinical diagnosis of follicular malignant melanoma may be difficult because the tumor mostly resembles a comedo or a pigmented cyst. We studied five cases of follicular malignant melanoma in which the patients were between 61 and 82 years old. Three lesions were localized on the nose, one on the cheek, and one on the back of the neck. Clinically, all five cases measured distinctly less than 0.5 cm in size. While lentigo maligna is traditionally known as a pigmented macule in actinically damaged skin that gradually evolves in a slow process before invasive growth, three follicular malignant melanomas had developed in relatively short timeframes of 9 months to 1 1/2 years. In all five cases the inconspicuous clinical appearance did not herald a malignant melanoma with invasive growth. Follicular malignant melanoma underlines the importance of a correct excision technique with subsequent histologic workup and diagnosis. Superficial shave excision or even laser treatment in these specific cases may lead to a fatal prognosis for the patient. 展开更多
关键词 黑色素瘤 恶性雀斑 滤泡性 黑素瘤 色素性 滤泡样 颊部 侵袭性生长 组织学检查 鼻部
作者 Schiffner R. Perusquia A.M. +1 位作者 Stolz W. 冯义国 《世界核心医学期刊文摘(皮肤病学分册)》 2005年第4期14-15,共2页
We report a 64-year-old man with a pigmented lesion on his forehead, initially thought to be actinic lentigo. At follow-up 1 year later the lesion had increased in size and showed new areas of pigmentation. Dermoscopi... We report a 64-year-old man with a pigmented lesion on his forehead, initially thought to be actinic lentigo. At follow-up 1 year later the lesion had increased in size and showed new areas of pigmentation. Dermoscopic observation and biopsy led to a diagnosis of lentigo maligna and the lesion was excised. The dermoscopic features indicative of early growth of lentigo maligna are identified and discussed. 展开更多
关键词 恶性雀斑样痣 色素性 光性
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