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我国图情专硕产教融合模式:类型、问题及其对策 被引量:7
作者 钱明辉 郭佳璐 秦婧 《图书馆论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第8期79-89,共11页
深化产教融合是推进人力资源供给侧结构性改革的迫切要求,对新形势下全面提高教育质量、扩大就业创业、推进经济转型升级、培育经济发展新动能具有重要意义。文章在图情专硕产教融合已有研究的基础上,通过深度访谈与内容分析提炼出4类... 深化产教融合是推进人力资源供给侧结构性改革的迫切要求,对新形势下全面提高教育质量、扩大就业创业、推进经济转型升级、培育经济发展新动能具有重要意义。文章在图情专硕产教融合已有研究的基础上,通过深度访谈与内容分析提炼出4类图情专硕产教融合模式:实习驱动式、项目嵌入式、基地共建式和教学渗透式,并依据访谈结果总结各类模式在实践中所存在的问题。通过面向图情专硕教学和学习人员的问卷调查,分析优化图情专硕产教融合模式的主要策略:形成可持续且可以动态调整的实习机制,建立具有针对性的校外导师考评机制,设置专人专岗与实体场所保障基地共建产教融合实践性培养方案,落地“双导师全过程”人才培养机制。 展开更多
关键词 情专 产教融合 模式类型
我国图情专硕数字管理能力培养研究 被引量:1
作者 姜建华 张钰龘 《兰台内外》 2022年第3期78-80,65,共4页
随着图书情报专硕招生规模的急速扩张,能否承载与发扬数字管理能力上的专业竞争优势,成为一个亟待研究的问题。本文梳理了国内图书情报专硕培养单位的基本情况,重点分析图书情报专业硕士点的研究方向、课程设置等,通过访谈调查深度剖析... 随着图书情报专硕招生规模的急速扩张,能否承载与发扬数字管理能力上的专业竞争优势,成为一个亟待研究的问题。本文梳理了国内图书情报专硕培养单位的基本情况,重点分析图书情报专业硕士点的研究方向、课程设置等,通过访谈调查深度剖析其内在形成机理,并给出做好“政产学研用”五位一体的人才培养数字管理能力建设相关建议。 展开更多
关键词 情专 人才培养
作者 唐维 刘景义 吴凡 《图书馆学刊》 2024年第5期28-32,共5页
当前密集型数据环境要求图书情报专业硕士具备更高阶水准的数据素养。介绍了课程地图理念及应用现状,基于课程地图设计的视角,通过编制课程嵌入图、课程评估图和课程体系图,将数据素养能力框架嵌入图书情报专业硕士的课程体系,促进图书... 当前密集型数据环境要求图书情报专业硕士具备更高阶水准的数据素养。介绍了课程地图理念及应用现状,基于课程地图设计的视角,通过编制课程嵌入图、课程评估图和课程体系图,将数据素养能力框架嵌入图书情报专业硕士的课程体系,促进图书情报专业硕士的数据素养教育深入开展和教学质量的提升。 展开更多
关键词 数据素养教育 课程地图 情专
作者 左子扬 《电子竞技》 2019年第5期44-45,共2页
2003年5月28日晚间,“梦剧场”老特拉福德球场的草皮上,来自意大利的AC米兰足球俱乐部捧起了代表欧洲最高荣誉的“大耳朵杯”,这是这支俱乐部历史上第六座欧冠冠军奖杯,也被认为是下一个“米兰王朝”的开端。在“战术大师”安切洛蒂的治... 2003年5月28日晚间,“梦剧场”老特拉福德球场的草皮上,来自意大利的AC米兰足球俱乐部捧起了代表欧洲最高荣誉的“大耳朵杯”,这是这支俱乐部历史上第六座欧冠冠军奖杯,也被认为是下一个“米兰王朝”的开端。在“战术大师”安切洛蒂的治下,这支红黑军团席卷了当年的欧洲大陆,完成了五年三进欧冠决赛两度捧杯的壮举,风头一时无两。更因为队内有着“乌克兰核弹头”舍甫琴科、“圣西罗王子”卡卡等一众球技出众同时相貌英俊的球星,吸引了大批80、90后拥趸,那几年的AC米兰,便是被称作国内最受欢迎的球队也丝毫不为过。 展开更多
关键词 米兰 意大利 轶俊 俱乐部 足球 欧洲 梦剧场
论唐代妓女的才华、情操、命运 被引量:3
作者 苏者聪 《唐都学刊》 1992年第2期33-39,15,共8页
关键词 唐代妓女 才思敏捷 情专 命运悲惨
作者 杨杰 《滇西科技师范学院学报》 2022年第3期56-62,共7页
在清代《红楼梦》的众多评点家中,陈其泰的《桐花凤阁评〈红楼梦〉》脱颖而出,其中对贾宝玉的评点更是独具匠心。陈氏认为宝玉用情,只在于知心,而非溺情于床第之间的男女之爱。他具有“爱博”而情专的天性,这种天性集中体现在与黛玉、... 在清代《红楼梦》的众多评点家中,陈其泰的《桐花凤阁评〈红楼梦〉》脱颖而出,其中对贾宝玉的评点更是独具匠心。陈氏认为宝玉用情,只在于知心,而非溺情于床第之间的男女之爱。他具有“爱博”而情专的天性,这种天性集中体现在与黛玉、妙玉等众姊妹的关系中。在与“红学评点三大家”的对比中,陈其泰对《红楼梦》“写情”主题的接受和阐释是较为客观。 展开更多
关键词 陈其泰 桐花凤阁评红楼梦 贾宝玉 “爱博” 情专
多情苏轼的情感世界——试论苏轼女性观兼其词的表现特征 被引量:1
作者 陈芯芸 《艺术科技》 2018年第4期73-74,共2页
苏轼爱自称多情,其真实性格也是如此。他为人至情至性,对待妻妾长情且专情,对待歌儿舞伎多情且富有同情。他看重情义的同时,也喜欢并欣赏重情义、忠贞不贰的女性。苏轼这种女性观影响其词的创作,在对女性的描写中,语言上多有节制而无意... 苏轼爱自称多情,其真实性格也是如此。他为人至情至性,对待妻妾长情且专情,对待歌儿舞伎多情且富有同情。他看重情义的同时,也喜欢并欣赏重情义、忠贞不贰的女性。苏轼这种女性观影响其词的创作,在对女性的描写中,语言上多有节制而无意淫之心,内容上真实呈现女性自然可爱的一面,挖掘她们的个性与思想。苏词的这些特征与其重情的可贵品质密切相关,由此可知其多情不是虚假之情,而是其品性的自然流露。 展开更多
关键词 苏轼 忠贞 语言节制
作者 田丽红 《今日科苑》 2009年第12期194-194,共1页
感情丰富而敏感的黛玉,和宝玉青梅竹马,情趣相投,于是把宝玉作为唯一的感情寄托,宝玉引黛玉为平生知己,他对黛玉的感情,也不可谓不真,但是他的感情,远远达不到和黛玉相对等的深度和纯度。在脂砚斋暗示的"情榜"上,宝玉是"... 感情丰富而敏感的黛玉,和宝玉青梅竹马,情趣相投,于是把宝玉作为唯一的感情寄托,宝玉引黛玉为平生知己,他对黛玉的感情,也不可谓不真,但是他的感情,远远达不到和黛玉相对等的深度和纯度。在脂砚斋暗示的"情榜"上,宝玉是"情不情",以有情心对待不情无情之人事,在不能两全的情况下,他选择的是怠慢"情情"的黛玉。当专情遭遇泛爱,感受更多的大概就是委屈和孤独。 展开更多
关键词 泛爱 孤独
作者 王柏华 《文体用品与科技》 2012年第2X期106-106,共1页
关键词 政治教学 感教学 课程 课堂 语言激 创设
The Analysis and Prospect of Development of Fresh Cut Flower Industry Based on the Patent Analysis 被引量:1
作者 双凡 严国洋 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第9期2064-2069,共6页
Cut flower industry is an important branch of floral industry, characterized by less occupation of lands, high output values per unit area and export capacity.Therefore, it enjoys promising economic profits and develo... Cut flower industry is an important branch of floral industry, characterized by less occupation of lands, high output values per unit area and export capacity.Therefore, it enjoys promising economic profits and development potential. The research conducted relevant analysis on patents of cut flowers at home and abroad,including development trend, regional distribution, applicants, and technology classification. Besides, the research discussed status quo, characteristics, and development trend of cut flower industry, providing references for policy formulation for governments. 展开更多
关键词 Cut flower Analysis on patent information Patent layout Industrial competitiveness
作者 罗门 《新智慧》 2009年第8期78-78,共1页
洪晃为女人算了一笔非常有趣的账—— 女人一生该有几个性伴侣?回答是:零:白活了,一个=亏了,二到三=传统,三到五=正常,五到十=够本,十到十五=有点忙,十五到二十=有点乱,二十到三十=有点累,三十到五十=过于开放,五十以上=完... 洪晃为女人算了一笔非常有趣的账—— 女人一生该有几个性伴侣?回答是:零:白活了,一个=亏了,二到三=传统,三到五=正常,五到十=够本,十到十五=有点忙,十五到二十=有点乱,二十到三十=有点累,三十到五十=过于开放,五十以上=完全瞎掰。 展开更多
关键词 性伴侣 女人 境界
作者 沈嘉柯 《青春男女生(许愿草)》 2010年第5期46-51,共6页
清晰说 如果距离产生美,一定是爱得不够,爱情的浪漫不就是在可以牵手的时候拥抱,可以拥抱的时候亲吻吗?爱情是一架时光机,请在思念的时候勇敢步入。
关键词 小说 文学作品 现代文学 《星星不在 拜托时光
Emotional Intelligence and Belief in Just World Among Engineering Students
作者 Alpana Ashutosh Vaidya 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2014年第9期740-748,共9页
The present study is an attempt to find out relation between emotional intelligence and Belief in Just World (BJW) among engineering students of Pune city. The sample consisted of 217 second year engineering student... The present study is an attempt to find out relation between emotional intelligence and Belief in Just World (BJW) among engineering students of Pune city. The sample consisted of 217 second year engineering students from various engineering colleges of Pune city. Emotional intelligence was measured with the help of one of the popular measures of emotional intelligence developed by Schutte et al. in 1998 (SE1S). BJW was measured with the help of General Belief in a Just World scale by Dalbert et al. in 1987. Pearson's Product moment correlation was used to find out correlation between BJW and emotional intelligence and test was used to find out gender differences on the variables of the study. Obtained results showed a significant positive correlation between BJW and emotional intelligence. The results demonstrated sex differences in general belief in a just world and also on emotional intelligence. Implications of the study in the light of engineering course have been discussed. 展开更多
关键词 BJW emotional intelligence General Belief in a Just World
Investigating the Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Personality Types Among Nursing Candidates in Ardebil University, in Iran
作者 Sohrab Yaghoubi Namin Nahid Dehghan Nayeri Farhad Jomehri 《Sociology Study》 2014年第6期531-537,共7页
Personality characteristics of each people are unique. It seems that these features of personality have an impact on emotional intelligence and ability to interact with people in a social environment. This study was c... Personality characteristics of each people are unique. It seems that these features of personality have an impact on emotional intelligence and ability to interact with people in a social environment. This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between emotional intelligence and personality types of nursing students. The research was descriptive and correlative. The study population consisted of Ardebil University of senior nursing candidates in 2011-2012. The study sample included 125 people. Assessment tools were the Bar-on Emotional Intelligence Inventory and MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) personality type questionnaire. The data were analyzed by SPSS 20 (T-test, analysis of variance, Pearson correlation and multiple regression with significant level P〈0 .05). Pearson correlation coefficients showed there is a significant inverse between variables extroversion-introversion and emotional intelligence with level of .01 (r=-522). Therefore, personality characteristics impact on emotional intelligence of students. Thus, more research of emotional intelligence and personality characteristics is necessary at different levels to selection for nursing profession. 展开更多
关键词 Emotional intelligence personality type nursing candidates
Love in Plato's The Symposium Contrasted with the Christian Concept of Love
作者 Suresh Vythylingam 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2012年第7期502-512,共11页
This paper will discuss Plato's view of love in The Symposium, in particular the arguments presented by the Diotima character, but not neglecting all the other views of love presented therein. The paper, as the title... This paper will discuss Plato's view of love in The Symposium, in particular the arguments presented by the Diotima character, but not neglecting all the other views of love presented therein. The paper, as the title indicates, will be confined to a comparison and evaluation of Platonic love against love as articulated within Christianity. Both forms of love will be analyzed and I will attempt to show that although Plato, through Socrates (and Socrates through the Diotima character), tries to redeem the traditional understanding of love in the ancient Greek society that he was living in, Platonic love is still very different from the Christian concept of love. 展开更多
关键词 LOVE The Symposium PLATO SOCRATES Christian love Biblical love Platonic love AGAPE
Narrative Techniques in The Waterfall
作者 ZHOU Hong-wei 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2014年第9期700-706,共7页
Though a bit strange to Chinese readers, Margaret Drabble is well known in Britain literature field. Her novels mainly reflect the life of middle class woman intellectual. And The Waterfall (1967) is in the book lis... Though a bit strange to Chinese readers, Margaret Drabble is well known in Britain literature field. Her novels mainly reflect the life of middle class woman intellectual. And The Waterfall (1967) is in the book list that must be read by English majors. This paper mainly analyzes the narrative characteristics of Margaret Drabble's famous novel The Waterfall from three aspects ofnarratology, narrative temporality, focalization, and narrating voice. The Waterfall is unique in writing style: It has no chapters, and each part is divided by asterisk, what is more, "I" and "she" appear alternatively. It consists of two alternatively appeared plotlines, one is the line of story, the other is the line of psychology. In the line of story, traditional narrative techniques are usually used, whereas in the line of psychology, new narrative techniques are often found. All these show that the author is trying to adopt new writing form, while at the same time she cannot completely give up the old ones. Therefore, this novel appears half-old and half-new characteristics in narrative characteristics. 展开更多
关键词 narrative temporality (linear narration anachrony) focalization narrating voice
Regional whole-course trauma care - Experiences from a county-level hospital 被引量:4
作者 Zi-Long Li Ping Jin, Hai-Hong Yuan +5 位作者 Jie-Feng Xu Yong-Jie Chen Zheng-Quan Wang Zhe Li Ya Fang Xia-Di Yu 《Chinese Journal of Traumatology》 CAS CSCD 2018年第5期250-255,共6页
Fifty percent of the deaths caused by severe trauma occur within 1 h after injury. With the concepts ot "golden 1 h" and "platinum 10 rain', the professionals in the field of emergency trauma treatment have agreed... Fifty percent of the deaths caused by severe trauma occur within 1 h after injury. With the concepts ot "golden 1 h" and "platinum 10 rain', the professionals in the field of emergency trauma treatment have agreed on the necessity of establishing a rapid and efficient trauma rescue system. However, due to the size of the hospital, the population in the neighborhood, the local economic conditions and geographical features, how to establish an optimal trauma rescue system remains an issue. In this paper, we introduced our experiences in a county-level hospital located in middle-and high-income areas. 展开更多
关键词 INJURY Emergency care Trauma system
作者 空谷渺音 《中学生博览》 2021年第31期53-53,共1页
苏听风大概是我青春里一抹奇异的色彩了。他是个很矛盾的个体,专情又花心,开朗又成熟,话多又狡黠,内敛又外放。苏听风是我的初中高中同学,他初中就有一套撩妹手法,我怀疑这是基因使然,或许是天生的才华。他有很多任女朋友,但我没听到他... 苏听风大概是我青春里一抹奇异的色彩了。他是个很矛盾的个体,专情又花心,开朗又成熟,话多又狡黠,内敛又外放。苏听风是我的初中高中同学,他初中就有一套撩妹手法,我怀疑这是基因使然,或许是天生的才华。他有很多任女朋友,但我没听到他张扬地向别人炫耀过,或许也只是暧昧对象。苏听风的五官很好看,大大的眼睛,弧度刚好的鼻子,笑起来弯弯的嘴巴。就是很黑,他的偶像是NBA球星,那这样的外形倒是很适合。 展开更多
关键词 高中同学 NBA
作者 王建柱 《老人世界》 2022年第4期4-7,共4页
关键词 剧场 始终如一
作者 袁波 《金融博览》 2019年第2期92-95,共4页
碑,一般说来至少包括汉碑和魏碑两大系统。万里兄是汉碑高手,他以《西狭颂》为基,并融会诸多东汉经典的隶书作品已蜚声书坛,勿需赘言。这里单说他的魏碑。魏碑,以风格和功用论,可分为四大类别:以《郑文公碑》、《石门铭》为代表的摩崖石... 碑,一般说来至少包括汉碑和魏碑两大系统。万里兄是汉碑高手,他以《西狭颂》为基,并融会诸多东汉经典的隶书作品已蜚声书坛,勿需赘言。这里单说他的魏碑。魏碑,以风格和功用论,可分为四大类别:以《郑文公碑》、《石门铭》为代表的摩崖石刻,以《张猛龙碑》、'二爨'为代表的颂德碑或墓碑,以'龙门二十品'为代表的造像记,以'元氏墓志'为代表的墓志铭。万里兄近些年专情于魏碑,遍临魏碑四大类别中的经典作品。 展开更多
关键词 代表 风格 作品 勿需 书坛 经典作品 类别
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