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短信 信短情长
《数字生活》 2006年第8期140-140,共1页
关键词 幸福 情长
唐前山水诗的情理要素消长之路 被引量:1
作者 王刚 《山西大同大学学报(社会科学版)》 2009年第2期47-49,共3页
关键词 山水诗 玄理 理消情长
并肩战斗 情长谊深——陈云和张闻天交谊述略
作者 程中原 《上海陈云研究》 2010年第1期256-274,共19页
陈云和张闻天,从20世纪30年代初在上海中共临时中央政治局共事开始,经过在中央苏区、在长征途中、在延安、在东北的并肩战斗,到新中国成立后的经济建设,直至'文革'的艰难岁月,他们共同奋斗了半个多世纪,结下了深厚的战友情谊。... 陈云和张闻天,从20世纪30年代初在上海中共临时中央政治局共事开始,经过在中央苏区、在长征途中、在延安、在东北的并肩战斗,到新中国成立后的经济建设,直至'文革'的艰难岁月,他们共同奋斗了半个多世纪,结下了深厚的战友情谊。十一届三中全会前后,陈云为张闻天的平反昭雪,为总结张闻天留下的精神财富、弘扬张闻天的思想品格,进行了不懈的努力。 展开更多
关键词 思想 经济 交谊 延安 情长 世纪 上海 建设 品格
作者 贾慧慧 《满分阅读(高中版)》 2009年第12期29-29,共1页
关键词 高中 作文 语文教学 《词之情长
作者 王有照 《诗词月刊》 2016年第11期81-81,共1页
关键词 中国 当代文学 诗歌 《同学情长
作者 陆明伟 《源流》 2000年第9期42-43,共2页
早春二月,在花城出版社谈罢我那本长篇小说《三八线上归来者》出版事宜之后,正赶上朝鲜人民艺术团来广州演出,我的一位志愿军老战友邀我同往观看。嘿!这岂不是乐坏了我这当年战斗在三千里江山的志愿军老战士。帷幕缓缓地从灯光辉煌的舞... 早春二月,在花城出版社谈罢我那本长篇小说《三八线上归来者》出版事宜之后,正赶上朝鲜人民艺术团来广州演出,我的一位志愿军老战友邀我同往观看。嘿!这岂不是乐坏了我这当年战斗在三千里江山的志愿军老战士。帷幕缓缓地从灯光辉煌的舞台上拉开了,接着传来的是那一曲曲熟悉而优美的音乐,飘起了那美丽洁白如纱如羽的长裙和那婀娜动人的舞姿。这时一位妩媚俊俏的朝鲜姑娘,在如诗如画梦幻一般的残存着积雪银光的山溪潺潺的幕景下,以那情意绵绵起伏婉转的女高音,唱起了那首朝鲜民歌《在泉边》。她那歌声和舞姿。 展开更多
关键词 指导员 山溪 卫生队 溪边 清流 溪水 姑娘 朝鲜 志愿军 军队 情长
作者 韦世平 《含笑花》 2018年第2期31-43,共13页
1"几番惆怅,几番嗟叹,回首烟雾茫茫……"龙城大厦传来震耳欲聋的歌声,仿佛是在唱给阿龙听。正午的东风大道,阳光当头,车水马龙,人声鼎沸,阿龙置身其中,失魂落魄,大脑一片茫然。阿龙一家三口茶余饭后经常手牵手在东风大道共看黄昏,是... 1"几番惆怅,几番嗟叹,回首烟雾茫茫……"龙城大厦传来震耳欲聋的歌声,仿佛是在唱给阿龙听。正午的东风大道,阳光当头,车水马龙,人声鼎沸,阿龙置身其中,失魂落魄,大脑一片茫然。阿龙一家三口茶余饭后经常手牵手在东风大道共看黄昏,是那样的温馨和浪漫,而今阿龙一个人走在闹市里,感受到的尽是孤单和凄凉。自己辛辛苦苦打拼十几载, 展开更多
关键词 阿龙 兰香 牵手 情长 烟雾 一个人 亲戚朋友 置身其中 阿成 家书
作者 杨秀茹 《农家女》 2012年第3期49-49,共1页
关键词 《老屋情长 小说 文学 文学作品
作者 邝厚勤 《当代音乐》 2017年第2期93-94,共2页
早就听闻湖北籍著名词作家佟文西毕业于天津音乐学院,原本是正儿八经学院派词、曲兼修高材生出身的他,毕业后竟鬼使神差放下了作曲的那只手,一门心思专营起歌词创作,作曲这一行当几乎不再问津,偶尔谱写一两首歌曲也只不过在刊物上露一下... 早就听闻湖北籍著名词作家佟文西毕业于天津音乐学院,原本是正儿八经学院派词、曲兼修高材生出身的他,毕业后竟鬼使神差放下了作曲的那只手,一门心思专营起歌词创作,作曲这一行当几乎不再问津,偶尔谱写一两首歌曲也只不过在刊物上露一下脸,为应酬编辑朋友索稿,却早已被他在圈内外那振聋发聩的歌词显赫名声所淹没,人们逐渐遗忘甚至不知道写得一手好歌词的佟文西,同时还作得一手好曲子。 展开更多
关键词 佟文西 盛川》 茶文化
作者 潘丽娜 谢灵 《现代语文(上旬.文学研究)》 2010年第3期46-47,共2页
南宋著名爱国诗人陆游不仅创作了许多壮志凌云的爱国诗作,还有不少似水柔情的爱情佳作。《沈园二首》就是其爱情诗歌中的代表作品,本文结合陆游的人生经历分析《沈园二首》“以情动人”的艺术特色和他的沈园情结,以期揭示出该诗打动... 南宋著名爱国诗人陆游不仅创作了许多壮志凌云的爱国诗作,还有不少似水柔情的爱情佳作。《沈园二首》就是其爱情诗歌中的代表作品,本文结合陆游的人生经历分析《沈园二首》“以情动人”的艺术特色和他的沈园情结,以期揭示出该诗打动人心的真正原因。 展开更多
关键词 沈园 情长
Investigation on Resources Status of Wild Platycodon grandiflourus in Changbai Mountain Area 被引量:1
作者 于亚彬 严一字 +2 位作者 玄春吉 吴松权 吴基日 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2009年第5期143-146,共4页
[Objective] The aim was to investigate the status of wild Platycodon grandiflourus resources in Changbai Mountain area. [ Method] The habitats and growth environment of the wild Platycodon grandiflourus were investiga... [Objective] The aim was to investigate the status of wild Platycodon grandiflourus resources in Changbai Mountain area. [ Method] The habitats and growth environment of the wild Platycodon grandiflourus were investigated, and made a collection of the germplasm resources at 24 sites in Changbai Mountain area. [ Result ] Most of the exiting wild Platycodon grandiflourus survived because of its small roots that means no value and grew in poor or remote conditions that led to much difficulty to dig. The character of wild Platycodon grandiflourus was obviously inferior to cultivated Platycodon grandiflourus. [ Condusion] This study lays a foundation for the genetic diversity analysis and the establishment of germplasm resource pool of wild Platycodon grandflourus in Changbai Mountain Area. 展开更多
关键词 Wild Platycodon grandiflourus Germplasm resource Status investigation
簸之揉之 高华沉痛——苏轼婉约词论略 被引量:4
作者 姜朝晖 《兰州交通大学学报》 CAS 2005年第5期117-122,共6页
北宋词坛,婉约词仍居主流,开创一代词风之苏轼,亦由婉约词作而开疆拓域。苏轼以其创作实践、伟大的精神气魄,从内容、形式上对传统的婉约风格进行了革新,以语辞、情思之“净化”,摆脱“花间”词风的“香软”,赋予“婉约”以新的含义,极... 北宋词坛,婉约词仍居主流,开创一代词风之苏轼,亦由婉约词作而开疆拓域。苏轼以其创作实践、伟大的精神气魄,从内容、形式上对传统的婉约风格进行了革新,以语辞、情思之“净化”,摆脱“花间”词风的“香软”,赋予“婉约”以新的含义,极大地发挥了词之抒情写物的细腻深刻、曲折隐微、波澜层深、要眇宜修之特色,因而从根本上提高了词的品味,开创了词发展的向上一路,对婉约词的发展做出了不容忽视的贡献,并对南宋骚雅词派有深刻的影响。 展开更多
关键词 苏轼 婉约词 姿态横生 辞俱
短视频——助力传统媒体建立新媒体舆论场 被引量:2
作者 罗漫 《中国地市报人》 2020年第11期78-80,共3页
实战范例总结短视频新闻怎样充分运用 "新、短、快"的信息交互优势和"小、正、大"的内容吸引力,做到热点新闻的视觉化表达,提升传播效能,助力传统媒体转型。
关键词 短视频 信息增量 时短情长
一位“煽情家”的求“真”呼叹:本居宣长“物哀”思想新探 被引量:9
作者 胡稹 《外国文学评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第3期126-138,共13页
有关日本"物哀"思想的评述多有混同难解之感。本文通过回顾宣长对物哀的解释和该解释背后所隐含的社会历史背景,对与物哀内涵相通的词汇进行对比分析,得出结论:该思想的提出与儒学在日本的传播及其被泛道德化的"義理&qu... 有关日本"物哀"思想的评述多有混同难解之感。本文通过回顾宣长对物哀的解释和该解释背后所隐含的社会历史背景,对与物哀内涵相通的词汇进行对比分析,得出结论:该思想的提出与儒学在日本的传播及其被泛道德化的"義理"过程有关,是反中国"理学"的产物,意味着日本"人情"观的反抗。"物哀"概念不易为人所理解,这与宣长的"古道"神秘主义思想和他不用汉语词汇的语言态度等有关。 展开更多
关键词 本居宣“物哀”“人”“羲理” 泛道德
Annoyance-type speech emotion detection in working environment
作者 王青云 赵力 +1 位作者 梁瑞宇 张潇丹 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2013年第4期366-371,共6页
In order to recognize people's annoyance emotions in the working environment and evaluate emotional well- being, emotional speech in a work environment is induced to obtain adequate samples of emotional speech, and a... In order to recognize people's annoyance emotions in the working environment and evaluate emotional well- being, emotional speech in a work environment is induced to obtain adequate samples of emotional speech, and a Mandarin database with two thousands samples is built. In searching for annoyance-type emotion features, the prosodic feature and the voice quality feature parameters of the emotional statements are extracted first. Then an improved back propagation (BP) neural network based on the shuffled frog leaping algorithm (SFLA) is proposed to recognize the emotion. The recognition capability of the BP, radical basis function (RBF) and the SFLA neural networks are compared experimentally. The results show that the recognition ratio of the SFLA neural network is 4. 7% better than that of the BP neural network and 4. 3% better than that of the RBF neural network. The experimental results demonstrate that the random initial data trained by the SFLA can optimize the connection weights and thresholds of the neural network, speed up the convergence and improve the recognition rate. 展开更多
关键词 speech emotion detection annoyance type sentence length shuffled frog leaping algorithm
袁宗道小品艺术特征略论 被引量:1
作者 李展 《岱宗学刊(泰安教育学院学报)》 2002年第2期31-34,共4页
关键词 袁宗道 理性精神 禅境 深韵
Understanding the Past,Present,and Future of China's Economic Development——Based on A Unified Framework of Growth Theories 被引量:2
作者 蔡昉 《China Economist》 2014年第2期4-13,共10页
Through exploring the limitation of the neoclassical theory of economic growth,which classifies growth as a homogenous process,this paper reconciles various theories of economic development and explains the rises and ... Through exploring the limitation of the neoclassical theory of economic growth,which classifies growth as a homogenous process,this paper reconciles various theories of economic development and explains the rises and falls of economic growth under a unified framework,focusing on incentives of the accumulation of physical and human capital.This paper classifies instances of economic growth into four categories—the Malthusian poverty trap,the Lewis dual model of economic development,the Lewis turning point,and Solow neoclassical growth model.This paper conducts empirical analysis of these categories of economic development as they are relevant to Chinese economic growth and discusses policy implications therein. 展开更多
关键词 Needham's Grand Question economic growth type great divergence middle-income trap
Multi-head attention-based long short-term memory model for speech emotion recognition 被引量:1
作者 Zhao Yan Zhao Li +3 位作者 Lu Cheng Li Sunan Tang Chuangao Lian Hailun 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2022年第2期103-109,共7页
To fully make use of information from different representation subspaces,a multi-head attention-based long short-term memory(LSTM)model is proposed in this study for speech emotion recognition(SER).The proposed model ... To fully make use of information from different representation subspaces,a multi-head attention-based long short-term memory(LSTM)model is proposed in this study for speech emotion recognition(SER).The proposed model uses frame-level features and takes the temporal information of emotion speech as the input of the LSTM layer.Here,a multi-head time-dimension attention(MHTA)layer was employed to linearly project the output of the LSTM layer into different subspaces for the reduced-dimension context vectors.To provide relative vital information from other dimensions,the output of MHTA,the output of feature-dimension attention,and the last time-step output of LSTM were utilized to form multiple context vectors as the input of the fully connected layer.To improve the performance of multiple vectors,feature-dimension attention was employed for the all-time output of the first LSTM layer.The proposed model was evaluated on the eNTERFACE and GEMEP corpora,respectively.The results indicate that the proposed model outperforms LSTM by 14.6%and 10.5%for eNTERFACE and GEMEP,respectively,proving the effectiveness of the proposed model in SER tasks. 展开更多
关键词 speech emotion recognition long short-term memory(LSTM) multi-head attention mechanism frame-level features self-attention
作者 刘金潇 《美与时代(城市)》 2018年第4期85-86,共2页
从明清私家园林设计风格的角度,结合自身的品质特点分析"妙在小,精在景,贵在变,长在情"的私家园林。私家园林所具有的设计风格就像设计者赋予了它全新的生命,当游走于其间,就像品味自身品质特点。私家园林所具有的设计内涵,... 从明清私家园林设计风格的角度,结合自身的品质特点分析"妙在小,精在景,贵在变,长在情"的私家园林。私家园林所具有的设计风格就像设计者赋予了它全新的生命,当游走于其间,就像品味自身品质特点。私家园林所具有的设计内涵,就是要学习的典范,待人细细揣摩。 展开更多
关键词 妙在小 精在景 贵在变
Stride length-velocity relationship during running with body weight support
作者 John A. Mercer Carmen Chona 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2015年第4期391-395,共5页
Background: Lower body positive pressure (LBPP) treadmills can be used in rehabilitation programs and/or to supplement tun mileage in healthy runners by reducing the effective body weight and impact associated with... Background: Lower body positive pressure (LBPP) treadmills can be used in rehabilitation programs and/or to supplement tun mileage in healthy runners by reducing the effective body weight and impact associated with running. The purpose of this study is to determine if body weight support influences the stride length (SL)-velocity as well as leg impact acceleration relationship during running. Methods: Subjects (n = 10, 21.4 ± 2.0 years, 72.4 ± 10.3 kg, 1.76 ± 0.09 m) completed 16 run conditions consisting of specific body weight support and velocity combinations. Velocities tested were 100%, 110%, 120%, and 130% of the preferred velocity (2.75± 0.36 m/s). Body weight support conditions consisted of 0, 60%,5, 70%, and 80% body weight support. SL and leg impact accelerations were determined using a light-weight accelerometer mounted on the surface of the anterior-distal aspect of the tibia. A 4 × 4 (velocity x body weight support) repeated measures ANOVA was used for each dependent variable (a = 0.05). Results: Neither SL nor leg impact acceleration were influenced by the interaction of body weight support and velocity (p 〉 0.05). SL was least during no body weight support (p 〈 0.05) but not different between 60%, 70%, and 80% support (p 〉 0.05). Leg impact acceleration was greatest during no body weight support (p 〈 0.05) but not different between 60%, 70%, and 80% support (p 〉 0.05). SL and leg impact accelerations increased with velocity regardless of support (p 〈 0.05). Conclusion: The relationships between SL and leg impact accelerations with velocity were not influenced by body weight support. 展开更多
关键词 Overuse injury REHABILITATION Running economy Stride length-speed
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