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作者 杨秀红 《赤峰学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2013年第2期133-134,共2页
十四行诗是欧洲的一种格律严谨的抒情诗体,由于意大利诗人彼特拉克和英国诗人莎士比亚使这种诗体的创作臻于完美,从而使意大利体十四行诗和英国体十四行诗成为欧洲诗坛的重要诗体。本文以同为英国文学巨匠的莎士比亚和弥尔顿所著的两首... 十四行诗是欧洲的一种格律严谨的抒情诗体,由于意大利诗人彼特拉克和英国诗人莎士比亚使这种诗体的创作臻于完美,从而使意大利体十四行诗和英国体十四行诗成为欧洲诗坛的重要诗体。本文以同为英国文学巨匠的莎士比亚和弥尔顿所著的两首具有代表性的十四行诗为切入点,从诗歌的格式和押韵的方法并结合诗歌内容和诗歌中所反映出来的思维习惯等方面,展开对意大利体和英国体十四行诗的对比研究,借此深化对这两种诗歌的理解和鉴赏。 展开更多
关键词 意大利体十四行诗 英国十四行诗 诗歌格式 韵律 思维习惯
作者 岳福新 《语言教育》 1992年第7期2-3,共2页
十四行诗是一种格律严谨的抒情小诗,文艺复兴初期流行于意大利民间。诗人彼特拉克(Petrarch,1304—1374)采用这一形式歌颂青年时代倾心的少女劳拉。他的十四行诗流行很广,对欧州大陆产生影响。16世纪中叶这种以歌咏爱情为主要内容的诗... 十四行诗是一种格律严谨的抒情小诗,文艺复兴初期流行于意大利民间。诗人彼特拉克(Petrarch,1304—1374)采用这一形式歌颂青年时代倾心的少女劳拉。他的十四行诗流行很广,对欧州大陆产生影响。16世纪中叶这种以歌咏爱情为主要内容的诗体由华埃特(Thomas Wyatt)介绍到英国,不久即风行英国诗坛,这种独特的诗歌要求颇为复杂的韵律,意大利语很容易做到,而英国人就感到为难了。 展开更多
关键词 意大利体 意大利 欧州 彼特拉克 弥尔顿 抑扬格 劳拉 音步 诗味 朗费罗
作者 Vere Foster 林柷敔 《语文建设》 1958年第7期27-31,共5页
关键词 哥特 意大利体 日尔曼 艺术创造 武卿 五卫 凯尔特 可卿
作者 万兆凤 《江西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1987年第2期82-84,共3页
笔者曾在《江西师大学报》1984年第1期上发表过《英国十四行诗用韵的探讨》一文,主要的目的想澄清社会上一些人对英国十四行诗混乱的概念和错误的说法。这一篇想对英国十四行诗早期的形成与发展,作进一步的探索,以冀正本清源,从而更明... 笔者曾在《江西师大学报》1984年第1期上发表过《英国十四行诗用韵的探讨》一文,主要的目的想澄清社会上一些人对英国十四行诗混乱的概念和错误的说法。这一篇想对英国十四行诗早期的形成与发展,作进一步的探索,以冀正本清源,从而更明了它以后的演变。十四行诗先流行于意大利,意大利大诗人Francesco Petrarch把它定型,全诗分为两部分,前部分为八行,韵脚为abba,abba;后部分为六行,韵脚多为cde,cde,或cdc,dcd,或在排列上作适当的变动。内容都是爱情。英国的Thomas Wyatt(1503—1542)最早接受意大利十四行诗的传统,学习Petrarch,用这种诗体写爱情诗。 展开更多
关键词 用韵 意大利体 爱情诗 WORDSWORTH 江西师大 十九世纪 前部分 双行诗 BROWNING 英诗
作者 厉兵 《语文建设》 CSSCI 北大核心 1994年第8期5-6,共2页
关于字母a/a、g/g的通信厉兵香港朗文亚洲出版有限公司的两位编辑致函国家语委,就汉语拼音字母问题提出咨询。来信说:我们在编辑有关汉语拼音的书籍时,遇到这样一个问题:二十六个拉丁字母中有几个字母有不同的字款,例如a和... 关于字母a/a、g/g的通信厉兵香港朗文亚洲出版有限公司的两位编辑致函国家语委,就汉语拼音字母问题提出咨询。来信说:我们在编辑有关汉语拼音的书籍时,遇到这样一个问题:二十六个拉丁字母中有几个字母有不同的字款,例如a和a,g和g,t和t等。这在英文中是... 展开更多
关键词 国家语委 出版有限公司 罗马 一个问题 元音字母 汉语普通话 现代汉语词典 等线 意大利体 众说纷坛
作者 陈炜 《宁德师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1994年第4期82-84,共3页
庞德一生中出过多部诗集。他最重要的作品是长篇巨制《诗章》,其创作过程竟长达50年之久,共一百余篇,以世界文化为主题,内容阔大庞杂,其中也包括孔子哲学,诗中不乏精彩的篇章。笔者在此仅讨论诗人在主张意象主义之前发表的一首十四行诗... 庞德一生中出过多部诗集。他最重要的作品是长篇巨制《诗章》,其创作过程竟长达50年之久,共一百余篇,以世界文化为主题,内容阔大庞杂,其中也包括孔子哲学,诗中不乏精彩的篇章。笔者在此仅讨论诗人在主张意象主义之前发表的一首十四行诗《少女琴》,旨在窥探诗人作诗的才华。 展开更多
关键词 长篇巨制 意象主义 孔子哲学 意大利体 创作过程 抑扬格 六行诗 抒情主人公 诗歌创作 九行
从心所欲 不逾矩——从《伦敦,1802》看格律与诗歌创作
作者 陶沙 《邢台学院学报》 2007年第2期35-37,共3页
运用Paul Fussell的文学批评理论和华兹华斯的诗论对《伦敦,1802》从韵律的角度进行分析,并探讨诗歌韵律与诗歌主题语言之间的关系,内容与形式完美有机的统一,解读诗人对韵律、语言和主题恰到好处的把握、运用和处理。力图展现华兹华斯... 运用Paul Fussell的文学批评理论和华兹华斯的诗论对《伦敦,1802》从韵律的角度进行分析,并探讨诗歌韵律与诗歌主题语言之间的关系,内容与形式完美有机的统一,解读诗人对韵律、语言和主题恰到好处的把握、运用和处理。力图展现华兹华斯诗歌创作更深层次的意义和诗人个性追求的新视角、新技巧。 展开更多
关键词 华兹华斯 意大利十四行诗 主题 韵律
Genetic Diversity of Italian Ryegrass Diploid Cultivars, Revealed by Electrophoretically Detected Genotypes in Phosphoglucose Isomerase (PGI) 被引量:1
作者 M. Krzakowa 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2011年第5期778-782,共5页
Nine diploid cultivars of Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lain.) from France (Fortyl, Vertyl and Jericho), Germany (Ligrande), United Kingdom (Aber Epic and Aber Mario), Denmark (Cordelia), Netherlands ... Nine diploid cultivars of Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lain.) from France (Fortyl, Vertyl and Jericho), Germany (Ligrande), United Kingdom (Aber Epic and Aber Mario), Denmark (Cordelia), Netherlands (Alamo) and Poland (Tur) were tested with horizontal gel electrophoresis according to one locus (with four alleles) of the PGI enzyme system. One of them, named P4 is typical for the species, therefore can serve as a good marker for hybrids identification. Each cultivar was characterized by frequencies of different phenotypes. They were highly polymorphic (Pg = 0.58 - 0.78) and showed differences in heterozygosity level. The variability within populations (GST = 0.055) was higher than among populations (DST = 0.032). 展开更多
关键词 Lolium multiflorum diploid cultivars genetic structure phosphoglucose isomerase (PGI) ELECTROPHORESIS
"Had He a Hand to Write This?" Missing "Secretary" Hands
作者 W. Ron Hess Alan R. Tariea 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2016年第10期1181-1202,共22页
When Elizabethan's were trained to read and write, the handwriting they first learned was "Secretary" (or "Secretarial") hand, reflecting the style used by monks and scribes well back into the Middle Ages. Only... When Elizabethan's were trained to read and write, the handwriting they first learned was "Secretary" (or "Secretarial") hand, reflecting the style used by monks and scribes well back into the Middle Ages. Only in the mid-1500s did an alternative hand called "Italic" (or "Italianate") slowly begin to be adopted as a second hand, reflecting handwriting used on the continent, and Italic was rarer than Secretary until well after 1600. Today, extant Elizabethan handwriting samples normally show each person used both hand styles, and where only one hand is extant for a given person, it is usually a Secretary hand. Thus, it's a surprise that two noblemen, the great William Cecil, Lord Burghley, and his son-in-law Edward DeVere, the 17th Earl of Oxford, are each assumed to have only Italic hand samples among their voluminous collections of handwriting. Did they not learn and never use Secretary hands, or is it that any Secretary hands in their documents are simply presumed to be written by clerks? This article begins with questioning whether the two men really were limited to Italic hands, fmds a few plausible Secretary hand samples for one of them (possibly for both), reconstructs a hypothetical Italic alphabet for him, and nominates many candidate manuscripts (MSS, singular MS) for having been written or contributed to by him, some of which may be relevant to Shakespeare studies. Other subjects touched on are calligraphy, a clerk (or amanuensis), and griffe de notaire (literally a "notary's scratch", or identifying scribble). 展开更多
关键词 Elizabethan handwriting-calligraphy William Cecil Lord Burghley Edward DeVere 17th Earl ofOxford SHAKESPEARE CALLIGRAPHY clerk-scribe-amanuensis griffe de notaire
The Effect of Art Music on Pompeo Coppini: Greatest Sculptor of Texas Monuments
作者 Valentino Belfiglio 《Sociology Study》 2016年第11期706-712,共7页
Art music has the ability to communicate, entertain, and inspire other artists. Opera is a dramatic multimedia genre which fuses solo and choral singing with instrumental accompaniment, dance, staging, costumes, scene... Art music has the ability to communicate, entertain, and inspire other artists. Opera is a dramatic multimedia genre which fuses solo and choral singing with instrumental accompaniment, dance, staging, costumes, scenery, and libretto. This multimedia approach can inspire painters, sculptors, poets, writers, and other musicians in their works. Italian opera greatly inspired Pompeo Coppini--the Italian sculptor. In particular, scenes and arias by Verdi and Puccini correlate with specific tasks involved in the creation of a monument. In creating the Alamo cenotaph, Coppini often played Gioacchino Rossini's opera, "William Tell" (1829) correlating the sacrifices made by Texans for their independence at the Alamo (1836) with the sacrifices made by Swiss patriots in their independence from Austrian tyranny. This case study suggests that art music can enhance creativity and visual attention among artists of all genres. 展开更多
Camillo Camilli's Imprese for the Academies
作者 Liana De Girolami Cheney 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2018年第4期589-613,共25页
This study examines the humanistic influence of ancient and Renaissance art in Camillo Camilli's Imprese of 1586. Camillo Camilli (ca. 1560-1615--his exact birth date is unknown) was an Italian poet of the sixteent... This study examines the humanistic influence of ancient and Renaissance art in Camillo Camilli's Imprese of 1586. Camillo Camilli (ca. 1560-1615--his exact birth date is unknown) was an Italian poet of the sixteenth-century. His family came from Monte San Savino, Siena, and records mention that he died on July 13, 1615, in Ragusa. While personal documentation on Camilli's life is scarce there are substantial sources about his literary career as a translator, compiler and poet. Camilli wrote extensively. There are the five canti on Erminia e Tancredi which were collated with Tarquo Tasso's (1544-1595) unfinished poems, and his commentaries for Ludovico Ariosto's Orlando Furioso in 1584 and for Tasso's Gerusalemme Liberata in 1585. Under the influence of Tasso's writings and his involvement in the commentary of Gerusalemme Liberata (1585), Camilli started formulating his concetto (conceit) of what an impresa is (badge, device or insignia). The focus of this essay is on Camilli's Imprese for the Academies. The whole collection of the lmprese consists of three volumes. The frontispiece to each volume depicts three different stage settings filled with classical ornamentation and bearing in the center of the lintel the impresa or insignia of Francesco Ziletti's printing company--a starfish surrounded by stars and bound by a ribbon. Camilli selected this image to announce through the imprese the significance of these famous men (uominifamosi) of the academy, granting them immortality and honor for their cultural and intellectual accomplishments. 展开更多
关键词 Italian imprese emblems ICONOGRAPHY SYMBOLISM famous men ACADEMIES Camillo Camilli
Defining the Entrepreneurial Capital Construct
作者 Paola Demartini Paola Paoloni 《Chinese Business Review》 2014年第11期668-680,共13页
The purpose of this paper is to show preliminary results from an international research project on intellectual capital and value creation led by Lappeenranta University of Technology (Finland). In the case of this ... The purpose of this paper is to show preliminary results from an international research project on intellectual capital and value creation led by Lappeenranta University of Technology (Finland). In the case of this paper, results from Italy will be reported and specifically. The Italian analysis focuses on the entrepreneurial capital (EC) and it analyses how large Italian companies develop and enhance this intangible element. The main research question is: What is the current level of EC in Italian organizations and how does it affect value creation.'? To this end, the research addressed the different definitions of EC that literature offers. As a secondary step, this paper analysed the variables suggested by previous literature and proposed an original definition for the research project. The definition is that EC is a stock of competences and the personnels' attributes related to proactive, risky, and aggressive decision-making and behaviour. This research provides researchers and managers with unique insights into the evolutionary nature of the relationships between distinct 1C variables and draws a picture on the state of art of corporate EC in the selected sample. This research highlights and improves companies' abilities to manage their EC. Furthermore, this research will set the agenda for improving the EC practices of Italian companies and will allow future comparison with firms from other countries that are participating in the same project identifying different pathways to success. 展开更多
关键词 entrepreneurial capital (EC) risk-taking proactiveness and autonomy AGGRESSIVENESS
《国内外香化信息》 2004年第2期13-14,共2页
(1574)圆叶当归根提取物 Lovage Root Extract 来源——Chart,FEMA #2650,CAS#8016-31-7,天然;天然来源——圆叶当归根;香气特征——@100%,槭树样香气,甜香,带有壤香香韵的药草芹菜样香气;尝味特征——@1000PPM,槭树样香味,药草香味以... (1574)圆叶当归根提取物 Lovage Root Extract 来源——Chart,FEMA #2650,CAS#8016-31-7,天然;天然来源——圆叶当归根;香气特征——@100%,槭树样香气,甜香,带有壤香香韵的药草芹菜样香气;尝味特征——@1000PPM,槭树样香味,药草香味以及轻微的涩味,焦香,带有一种茶和坚果香韵的芹菜样香味;建议应用——槭树、焦糖、坚果类香韵,芹菜滋补饮料底韵,苹果酒以及红糖香韵。 展开更多
关键词 美国调香师 食用香料 评价 圆叶当归根提取物 麦芽提取物 麦芽糖 薄荷净油 乙酸橙花酯 意大利4倍桔油 固态甘草提取物
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