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意大利史书写中的“记忆转向”与“全球史转向” 被引量:1
作者 朱明 《史学理论研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第1期60-70,159,共12页
20世纪90年代,意大利兴起“历史记忆”的研究潮流,这是受当时席卷欧洲的“记忆之场”趋势影响的结果。20年后,意大利又兴起“全球史”书写,将意大利史放在全球框架中展开。从“记忆之场”到“全球史”,这两次“转向”体现了意大利史书... 20世纪90年代,意大利兴起“历史记忆”的研究潮流,这是受当时席卷欧洲的“记忆之场”趋势影响的结果。20年后,意大利又兴起“全球史”书写,将意大利史放在全球框架中展开。从“记忆之场”到“全球史”,这两次“转向”体现了意大利史书写的发展和演变。一方面,它受地方多样性、共和危机、欧盟困境、全球化等现实因素的影响,地方、国家、区域、全球在不同层次上与意大利的现实相互交织,影响意大利的本国史研究;另一方面,意大利历史书写长期以来又有为民族认同和国家建构服务的强烈倾向,故而强调以民族国家为本位。以民族国家整合为宗旨的历史写作还将在意大利特定的历史和现实背景下艰难跋涉。 展开更多
关键词 记忆 全球 书写 意大利史
作者 朱明 《中国社会科学文摘》 2023年第7期25-26,共2页
关键词 全球 书写 探索历程 意大利史 转向
考察历史 警示后人——《墨索里尼与意大利法西斯》简介
作者 木梓 《学术动态(北京)》 2005年第24期22-24,共3页
世界历史所研究员陈祥超承担的国家社科基金一般项目“关于意大利法西斯主义历史与现状研究”,于2004年10月结项,最终成果为35万字的专著《墨索里尼与意大利法西斯》。该成果始终立足于马克思主义唯物史观,深入考察意大利法西斯的沉... 世界历史所研究员陈祥超承担的国家社科基金一般项目“关于意大利法西斯主义历史与现状研究”,于2004年10月结项,最终成果为35万字的专著《墨索里尼与意大利法西斯》。该成果始终立足于马克思主义唯物史观,深入考察意大利法西斯的沉浮史,剖析墨索里尼法西斯政权,揭露了法西斯主义的反动本质,通过考察历史,警示后人,防止法西斯主义死灰复燃。主要内容是: 展开更多
关键词 《墨索里尼与意大利法西斯》 陈祥超 书评 法西斯主义 极权体制 意大利史
作者 信美利 《上海师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第6期142-151,共10页
意大利史研究长久以来呈现出相对“断裂式”的发展态势,即以古罗马史、文艺复兴史和法西斯史为特定主题,强调其各自独特性、重要性,由此缺乏对意大利史作为完整研究对象的系统性、连贯性讨论。实际上,意大利史可从整体视角切入,断代研... 意大利史研究长久以来呈现出相对“断裂式”的发展态势,即以古罗马史、文艺复兴史和法西斯史为特定主题,强调其各自独特性、重要性,由此缺乏对意大利史作为完整研究对象的系统性、连贯性讨论。实际上,意大利史可从整体视角切入,断代研究方法并不排斥历史延续性和内在逻辑的统一性。以法西斯意大利史为例,作为第二次世界大战的策源地之一,学界对其外交政策的研究已取得丰硕成果,但以意大利本土及英语世界的研究者为主,中国学界的关注及成果较集中于个别研究者。以往研究倾向于将法西斯意大利外交“单独”探讨,认为其自成体系,明显区别于自由政府时期,其强烈的投机色彩主要归咎于法西斯党和墨索里尼的个人作用。然而,法西斯意大利外交遵循的可称为“现实主义”的路径,在法西斯夺权后的若干年里,与自由政府时期的外交选择并无本质区别,甚至二者均受到意大利传统政治外交文化的影响,因其共同面临意大利自统一以来就已形成的经济基础薄弱、国家实力欠缺、强权环伺等局面。“现实主义”是两段不同历史时期的共同选择,法西斯意大利亦是整体意大利史中既特殊又具有某种关联性、共性的历史阶段。 展开更多
关键词 意大利史 法西斯 外交 现实主义 二战
作者 李勇 《淮北煤炭师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2009年第2期6-9,共4页
圭恰亚迪尼一生亦官亦学,其最著名的历史著作是《佛罗伦萨史》和《意大利史》。他的历史写作受到古典作家和当代人文主义者的影响,但是在确切的细节方面远远超出了一般人文主义者历史著作。在很长时间里,其著作受到后人高度重视,也遭到... 圭恰亚迪尼一生亦官亦学,其最著名的历史著作是《佛罗伦萨史》和《意大利史》。他的历史写作受到古典作家和当代人文主义者的影响,但是在确切的细节方面远远超出了一般人文主义者历史著作。在很长时间里,其著作受到后人高度重视,也遭到过强烈批评。其实,若按照科学史学观点来看,圭恰亚迪尼在史料真实性和确切性上是存在着不足的。但是,在文艺复兴时期,他能够把历史写作做到那样实属不易,堪称那时史学家中的佼佼者。 展开更多
关键词 圭恰亚迪尼 《佛罗伦萨 意大利史 人文主义
作者 王新梅 《史学理论与史学史学刊》 2019年第1期193-211,共19页
弗朗切斯科 圭恰尔迪尼一直是一位非常有争议的历史人物。一方面,学者们认为他是当时意大利最伟大、客观的历史学家,是可以与塔西佗和吉本相提并论的人物;另一方面,有些学者则批评其政治生涯中的两面派作风、分裂主义思想及其《意大利... 弗朗切斯科 圭恰尔迪尼一直是一位非常有争议的历史人物。一方面,学者们认为他是当时意大利最伟大、客观的历史学家,是可以与塔西佗和吉本相提并论的人物;另一方面,有些学者则批评其政治生涯中的两面派作风、分裂主义思想及其《意大利史》的枯燥、“不实”文风。对圭恰尔迪尼的这种负面批评肇始于19世纪民族国家的兴起时期,当时以兰克和德 桑克提斯为代表的批评家需要树立一个负面的典型来宣扬其符合时代需求的爱国主义思想。随着20世纪中叶文艺复兴研究中心的转移,英美学者对圭恰尔迪尼的评价趋于多元化、客观化,但不容否认,对其形象的争议依然存在。 展开更多
关键词 圭恰尔迪尼 意大利史 兰克 德·桑克提斯 意大利衰落
作者 刘美 《环球财经》 2022年第11期38-42,共5页
如果说2018年意大利大选两个民粹主义政党——五星运动(M5S)和联盟党(Lega)的获胜和联手让欧盟惊出一身冷汗,那么2022年9月该国大选的结果则将极右翼“疑欧”之“狼”引到了欧盟的大门口。这次大选后,被认为“拥有法西斯根源”的意大利... 如果说2018年意大利大选两个民粹主义政党——五星运动(M5S)和联盟党(Lega)的获胜和联手让欧盟惊出一身冷汗,那么2022年9月该国大选的结果则将极右翼“疑欧”之“狼”引到了欧盟的大门口。这次大选后,被认为“拥有法西斯根源”的意大利兄弟党(FdI)成为议会第一大党,其党首梅洛尼(Giorgia Meloni)于10月22日宣誓就任意大利史上首位女性总理。 展开更多
关键词 联盟党 民粹主义政党 大选 极右翼 梅洛尼 意大利史 “疑欧” 欧盟
The Historical Development of the Port of Livorno (Italy) and Its New Port Plan 2010 in Advanced Stage of Elaboration
作者 P. De Girolamo A. Noli +2 位作者 C. Vanni A. Del Corona M. Tartaglini 《Journal of Shipping and Ocean Engineering》 2011年第2期77-100,共24页
The geographical location makes the port of Livorno one of the most important in Italy. The port, in fact, benefits of an extended network of roads and rails connecting it with the rest of Italy, and central and south... The geographical location makes the port of Livorno one of the most important in Italy. The port, in fact, benefits of an extended network of roads and rails connecting it with the rest of Italy, and central and southern Europe as well. The history of Livorno and its port is inextricably linked to that of Pisa and Florence, and to the complexity of events that determined the political set-up of the region along several centuries. Looking at the new port plan of Livorno has made it necessary an extensive overview of the history of both the port, and of its planning. This analysis has allowed: to understand the reason for the different choices made in the past for the development of the port, highlighting, when necessary, the errors made; to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the existing port infrastructure; to identify the works needed to boost the port in the European context. The purpose of this paper is to provide a summary of the analysis performed for the implementation of the new Livorno port plan 2010 and show how the port planning in Italy is often conditioned by hundreds of centuries of history. 展开更多
关键词 HISTORY port of Livomo new port plan.
Risk Analysis of Historic Urban Areas: A Case Study of the Salerno City, Italy
作者 Federica Ribera Luigi Petti +2 位作者 Gennaro Miccio Alessandra Landi Alessio Lodato 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2015年第9期1099-1106,共8页
The preservation of historical and cultural heritage from seismic risk is a question of interest in Italy. However, too little has been done to deal with this problem. First of all, the seismic safety of cultural heri... The preservation of historical and cultural heritage from seismic risk is a question of interest in Italy. However, too little has been done to deal with this problem. First of all, the seismic safety of cultural heritage should be a topic of prevention. The research described in the paper presents a multi-approach procedure to address risk assessment of large-scale urban systems with the aim to contribute at the development of risk mitigation policies for historical centers buildings. The observation of the earthquakes effects in Italy clearly highlights the role of the high vulnerability of the existing building on the consequences in terms of casualties and damage, rather than the severity of seismic events, especially in historical contexts. Unlike the new buildings which should be planned and designed to respect seismic safety requirements, existing buildings require a careful safety assessment on the basis of their susceptibility to damage which depends on building techniques, past damage events, maintenance, changes, etc. 展开更多
关键词 Seismic hazard historical centers VULNERABILITY
缪斯的诱惑 莫迪里阿尼与他的裸女
作者 Pandora 《收藏与投资》 2015年第12期113-118,共6页
//荣耀降临之时死神将他召去//1884年,莫迪里阿尼生于意大利南方塔什肯尼地区一个小镇。塔什肯尼阳光灿烂,在意大利美术史上,那里产生过著名的塔什肯尼画派,以色彩明亮著称。1920年1月24日夜,莫迪里阿尼在珍妮和兹博罗夫斯基夫妇的守护... //荣耀降临之时死神将他召去//1884年,莫迪里阿尼生于意大利南方塔什肯尼地区一个小镇。塔什肯尼阳光灿烂,在意大利美术史上,那里产生过著名的塔什肯尼画派,以色彩明亮著称。1920年1月24日夜,莫迪里阿尼在珍妮和兹博罗夫斯基夫妇的守护下与世长辞,终年三十六岁,被埋葬在巴黎市郊贝尔·拉雪兹公墓的苍松翠柏之间的一块普通墓地。 展开更多
关键词 莫迪里阿尼 意大利美术 拉雪兹公墓 裸女 博罗夫斯基 三十六岁 肯尼 珍妮 方塔 纽约苏富比
Examples of National and Transnational Cinema: Akira Kurosawa's Yojimbo and Sergio Leone's A Fistful of Dollars
作者 Flavia Brizio-Skov 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2016年第3期141-160,共20页
The term transnational originated in the historical field when, in the late 1990s, lan Tyrrell wrote a seminal essay entitled "What is Transnational History?" and changed the course of the academic discipline, clai... The term transnational originated in the historical field when, in the late 1990s, lan Tyrrell wrote a seminal essay entitled "What is Transnational History?" and changed the course of the academic discipline, claiming that studying the history of a nation from inside its borders was outmoded because the study of history concerns the movements of peoples, ideas, technologies, and institutions across national boundaries. The study of cross-national influences and the focus on the relationship between nation and factors beyond the nation spilled over into many other fields, especially into cinematic studies. Today transnational refers to the impossibility of assigning a fixed national identity to much cinema, to the dissolution of any stable connection between film's place of production and the nationality of its makers and performers. Because there is a lot of critical debate about what constitutes national and transnational cinema, the study of international remakes is a promising method to map the field with some accuracy. This essay will analyze the journey from Hammett's novel to Kurosawa's film and then to Leone's western, and will demonstrate how the process of adaptation functions and what happens to a "text" when it becomes tmnsnational and polysemic. Because Leone is the creator of the Italian western, the one who initiated the cycle that was copied many times over for a decade, we must look at A Fistful of Dollars as a prototype, a movie that when dissected can shed light on the national-transnational dichotomy of the spaghetti western. However, before studying the prototype, we must look at the complex history of the origin of the first spaghetti western, taking into account that A Fistful of Dollars was "transcoded" by Leone from Kurosawa's Yojimbo (1961) that derived his script from Dashiell Hammett's RedHarvest (1929). 展开更多
关键词 national and transnational cinema adaptation from literature to screen international remakes transculturization PERMUTATION reappropriation REINTERPRETATION
"Art of Construction" and "Building Science": Diachronic and Dialectic-The Case Study of Mary's Church of the Immaculate Conception of Montecalvario in Naples-Italy
作者 Alessia Bianco 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2010年第12期56-61,共6页
This paper is divided into two parts: a reflection about the diachronical and dialectical relationship between the "Art of Construction" and the "Building Science", in terms of capability to evaluate structural c... This paper is divided into two parts: a reflection about the diachronical and dialectical relationship between the "Art of Construction" and the "Building Science", in terms of capability to evaluate structural characteristics and conservative conditions of traditional buildings, especially for buildings of historical or artistic value, using a peculiar approach for planning modem construction (Building Science) or the ancient complex of rules and logics to which a specific building monumental pertains (Art of Construction). The second part reports a case study of application of this second methodology of approach, concerning the St. Mary's Church of the Immaculate Conception of Montecalvario in Naples, an important monumental church situated into the historic centre of Naples, built between 1718 and 1726 by one of the greatest Italian architects of the XVIII century, Domenico Antonio Vaccaro. The building, that presents all the structural and lexical peculiarities of Neapolitan Baroque (central plan, altimetric development of concentric volumes, plastic virtuosity of structural and formal apparatuses), finds in its formal conception and in its stylistic conception part of its structural vulnerabilities. The study examines the understanding of cracks affecting the Church, also in relation to around historic buildings, in order to determine a diagnosis and to understand how this condition of structural vulnerability could be combined with future seismic strain, having high local seismicity and damages suffered during the earthquakes of the last three centuries. 展开更多
关键词 "Art of Building" "Building Science" seismic vulnerability architectural heritage.
Financial Statement Valuations in Italian Accounting Thought Between the 19th and the 20th Century: From "Exchange Value" to "Historical Cost"
作者 Enrico Gonnella 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2012年第9期1255-1271,共17页
The main subject of this paper is the theory of financial statement valuations observed in its historical development. More notably, regarding the subject, the research is concerned with some theoretical concepts deve... The main subject of this paper is the theory of financial statement valuations observed in its historical development. More notably, regarding the subject, the research is concerned with some theoretical concepts developed by the Italian doctrine in a very specific age, namely, between the 19th and the 20th century, which in fact, devoid of any accounting regulation. This paper analyzes in particular the shift from the exchange value rule to the historical cost method and tries to explain the reasons of such a development. In the second half of the 19th century, some of the best Italian scholars, who were faced with the need to properly develop the problem of accounting valuations, thought that it was appropriate to rely on concepts that belonged to similar sciences, such as economics and real estate appraisal, by blindly borrowing the theory of value from the former and the theory of valuations from the latter. During that age, everything hinged around the concept of exchange value. At the dawn of the 20th century, the Italian accounting doctrine began to wonder about a subject that was crucial to the financial statement theory: the informative purposes underlying the financial statements. At the same time, the first principle took shape, which might be called as the "finalistic principle of value". It is still the basis of the theory of financial accounting measurements, for which different evaluative criteria must be applied to different informative purposes. Thus, an alternative criterion to that of the exchange value makes its appearance on the scene of the accounting valuations, notably the historical cost. The introduction of the historical cost criteria and above all the relinquishment of the combination of the "economic cost" in favor of that of the "manufacturing cost" allow the Italian accounting to get rid of the theories of economics and real estate appraisal, thus, becoming independent regarding the financial statement valuations. 展开更多
关键词 accounting history financial statement valuations asset valuation exchange value historical cost ITALY
近代史学思想的革新——圭恰迪尼的史学思想探析 被引量:1
作者 朱兵 《历史教学问题》 CSSCI 2011年第2期97-103,共7页
弗朗西斯科·圭恰迪尼(Francesco Guicciardini,1483-1540)是意大利文艺复兴时期的一位重要历史人物,也是一位著名的历史学家和政治思想家。在其史著,尤其是《意大利史》之中,圭恰迪尼展示了独特的历史思想:那就是以一种视... 弗朗西斯科·圭恰迪尼(Francesco Guicciardini,1483-1540)是意大利文艺复兴时期的一位重要历史人物,也是一位著名的历史学家和政治思想家。在其史著,尤其是《意大利史》之中,圭恰迪尼展示了独特的历史思想:那就是以一种视野宏大的整体史观来进行历史著述;注重对历史人物的心理进行分析;在历史叙述中注入自身的政治理念;以及不懈地对原始档案进行挖掘和批判使用。这些史学思想的革新极大地提升了文艺复兴时期的史学研究水平,对后来西方史学的发展也有极大的促进作用。 展开更多
关键词 意大利史 整体 心理分析 政治理念 原始档案
Roberto Rossellini's Compassion as Social Evaluation
作者 Simonetta Milfi Konewko 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2012年第7期683-690,共8页
Emotions have long been considered by philosophers as a fundamental element to understand human thought and existence in general. This present study examines how Roberto Rossellini's early neorealist films, Rome, Ope... Emotions have long been considered by philosophers as a fundamental element to understand human thought and existence in general. This present study examines how Roberto Rossellini's early neorealist films, Rome, Open City (1945) and Paisan (1946), utilize the emotion of compassion to examine the social and historical significance of women in the postwar Italy. Furthermore, it also focuses on the role of the female protagonists and the compassionate responses they suggest to clarify their position in society. In fact, by depicting the female protagonists as modest dissenter that attempt to perform traditional domestic roles, the director proposes a unique perspective on the conditions and social involvement of women in Italy during that time. Additionally, this study will propose interesting observations on the emotion of compassion itself, and its mechanisms that produce an image of idealized womanhood. 展开更多
关键词 NEOREALISM Second World War COMPASSION theory of emotions
Historical and Traditional Notes on Collecting Crop Genetic Resources in Central Part of Calabria Region
作者 Gina Maruca Gaetano Laghetti +2 位作者 Francesco Losavio Domenico Pignone Karl Hammer 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2013年第2期117-126,共10页
A collecting expedition has been carried out in the central part of Calabria region, south Italy; it has been concentrated on Reventino, Serre, Occitan and Albanian areas that were covered in certain coinciding sites ... A collecting expedition has been carried out in the central part of Calabria region, south Italy; it has been concentrated on Reventino, Serre, Occitan and Albanian areas that were covered in certain coinciding sites in the past. In totality, 50 accessions belonging to 14 taxa were collected from 8 collecting sites, representing mainly highly variable old landraces of vegetables and cereals and, especially, of pulses; most of them that appear severely threatened by genetic erosion are still cultivated, at certain level, by old farmers and directly used by their families. A comparison of the results of the previous missions that have been carried out in Calabria region that preserve valuable crop genetic resources on farm shows the large degree of genetic erosion for all crops collected. The results stressed the need to conserve a considerable amount of material endangered and the necessity of our ongoing care for their preservation either on farms or ex situ in genebanks. The complementarity of both conservation methods is needed. 展开更多
关键词 Genetic erosion CALABRIA on farm conservation genetic resources.
Cultural and Economic Maps Within the Italian Agricultural Landscape
作者 Andrea Bosio 《Sociology Study》 2013年第2期146-160,共15页
The paper situates itself within a Ph.D. research investigating the relationship between food cultural habits and the built environment, aiming to understand how thinking on sustainable food production and distributio... The paper situates itself within a Ph.D. research investigating the relationship between food cultural habits and the built environment, aiming to understand how thinking on sustainable food production and distribution can help deal in a new way with urban sustainability by considering the cultural principles connected to the Slow Food philosophy. The paper investigates the activities of a small group of Italian wine producers and farmers within the agricultural landscape around Piacenza, and the way they influence the transformation of local urban and rural environments through either the application of the principles promoted by the Slow Food organization, or the creation of alternative “unofficial” strategies. Through the analysis of documents relating to the past and present history of the agricultural territory around Piacenza and its material culture, the presented study aims to understand how historically consolidated contexts are physically transformed through food culture. Considering historical and economic works on the Italian agricultural landscape, the paper stresses the dichotomy between consolidated cultural practices acting on a historically traditional landscape, and the innovation coming from the subversion of those practices, by visualizing them through a qualitative-quantitative gastronomic map of the local territory. 展开更多
作者 摩归 《新美术》 1987年第1期74-80,共7页
根据某种简便方法把我们的图书馆和书店里书架上满塞着的多种艺术书籍分门别类,从此入手可能有益。有供阅读的书籍,有供参考的书籍,还有供观看的书籍。上面说的第一类书,我们欣赏它们的原因在于它们的作者。这些书籍不会“过时”,因为... 根据某种简便方法把我们的图书馆和书店里书架上满塞着的多种艺术书籍分门别类,从此入手可能有益。有供阅读的书籍,有供参考的书籍,还有供观看的书籍。上面说的第一类书,我们欣赏它们的原因在于它们的作者。这些书籍不会“过时”,因为即使书中的观点和解释不再时兴,作为当年的文献,作为一位名人个性的表述,它们仍有价值。这也正是我想推荐给那些有意加深自己对艺术世界的一般认识而无意精通某一个别领域的人,让他们进一步阅读的书籍。在这些书籍中,我还要选出过去年代的资料书。 展开更多
关键词 西方美术 现代艺术 里希特 意大利文艺复兴 意大利美术 十七世纪 艺术 印象主义 柯柯施卡 超现实主义
悲喜门神 迪诺·佐夫
作者 闫斌 《全明星》 2008年第7期66-66,共1页
关键词 佐夫 欧洲杯 意大利 意大利史 尤文图斯 国际米兰 大力神 职业联赛 防守反击 雅辛
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