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作者 王彬 《现代语文(高中读写与考试)》 2005年第1期6-6,共1页
关键词 先秦 《庄子》 庄周 意怠鸟》 译文 高中 语文 文言文阅读
《电脑采购》 2005年第31期43-43,共1页
眼看进入“立秋”,但“秋老虎”的余威尚在,好在“桑拿天”应该不多了,秋高气爽的日子离我们不远了。近日编辑部内“聚集”了众多LCD液晶显示器,可谓“大脸面全集合”,大家感兴趣就看前面的LCD大横评吧!近日跟大家生活密切相关的... 眼看进入“立秋”,但“秋老虎”的余威尚在,好在“桑拿天”应该不多了,秋高气爽的日子离我们不远了。近日编辑部内“聚集”了众多LCD液晶显示器,可谓“大脸面全集合”,大家感兴趣就看前面的LCD大横评吧!近日跟大家生活密切相关的还有台风“麦莎”,它以“夏风扫落叶”之势吹遍全国各地,连北京都受到波及,“大到暴雨”虽然给我们的生活带来不便,但是能缓解旱情也是值得欣喜的,毕竟北京是个非常缺水的城市,珍惜水源是我们大家应该做的。好了,还是来看看本期的“露馅”吧!大家有任何数码采购方面的问题都可以发邮件到zhangnan@maxvisiongroup.com。 展开更多
关键词 看本 液晶显示器 水货手机 显示屏幕 彩屏 硬盘容量 你喜欢 多普达 意怠 薄膜晶体管
作者 赖仁 《中外企业家》 1994年第Z1期40-43,共4页
069.瞒天过海“备周则意怠;常见则不疑。阴在阳之內,不在阳之对。太阳,太阴。”(无名氏《三十六计》) 释文:防备得万分周到的,就容易产生麻痹轻敌思想;平时看惯了的。
关键词 三十六计 投笔肤谈 意怠 以敌借敌 百战奇略 因形用权 军队物资 道济 羌胡 刘伯温
《中国临床护理》 1989年第6期232-234,共3页
喂养不当引起的意怠原因分析/贾建筑/实用护理杂志一1988,4(12)一31 1、婴儿胃呈“T”型,贵门松弛,加之喂奶时吸入气体易引起呕吐。2、睡眠姿势不正确。8、呕吐物刺激迷走神经兴奋,支气管痉挛,阻塞气道引起窒息。4、婴儿呼吸和神经系统... 喂养不当引起的意怠原因分析/贾建筑/实用护理杂志一1988,4(12)一31 1、婴儿胃呈“T”型,贵门松弛,加之喂奶时吸入气体易引起呕吐。2、睡眠姿势不正确。8、呕吐物刺激迷走神经兴奋,支气管痉挛,阻塞气道引起窒息。4、婴儿呼吸和神经系统发育不全,咳嗽,呕吐、吞咽反射不灵敏,误吸入气管的胃内容物不易排出。预防措施:1、喂奶时避免过饱和吸入大量气体。2、喂奶后要抱起患儿拍背,排出胃内气体。3、奶嘴吸孔大小要适当,防止流量太快而引起窒息。4、早产及吸奶能力差的病儿应滴管喂养。 展开更多
关键词 支气管痉挛 迷走神经兴奋 入气管 吞咽反射 睡眠姿势 实用护理杂志 发育不全 胃内容物 意怠 预防措施
Influential factors and correlation analysis of hospital ethical climate and psychological empowerment of ICU nurses
作者 Min Zhang Zhi Guan Ying Wang 《TMR Integrative Nursing》 2019年第5期159-165,共7页
Background and aims:Objective To investigate the current situation of ICU nurses'hospital ethical climate in China and analyze the correlation and influencing factors of hospital ethical climate.In order to provid... Background and aims:Objective To investigate the current situation of ICU nurses'hospital ethical climate in China and analyze the correlation and influencing factors of hospital ethical climate.In order to provide a new direction and idea for creating the good hospital ethical climate,relieving the nurses'job burnout and stabilizing the nursing team.Methods:A total of 226 ICU nurses from 6 tertiary Tianjin hospitals were selected as subjects,and the Chinese version hospital ethical climate scale and psychological empowerment scale were used for investigation.Results:The gender and labor relationship of ICU nurses affected the perception of nurses'hospital ethical climate;hospital ethical climate and psychological empowerment were positively correlated;stepwise regression analysis showed that labor relationship and psychological empowerment can explain 58.5%variation rate of hospital ethical climate.Conclusion:We should pay attention to the current situation of the hospital ethical climate of ICU nurses.Managers should create a comfortable working environment not only to provide good material conditions for nurses and transfer of right,but also to pay attention to the nurses'mental state and negative impact of ethical issues.Hospital managers should reasonably allocate human resources,establish effective incentive and assessment standards,reasonable reward and punishment system and promotion mechanism.To provide comprehensive learning resources and channels.To improve nurses'awareness of their own professional value.Creating a harmonious and positive hospital ethical climate,reduce the impact of ethical issues on nurses,improve nurses'enthusiasm and satisfaction. 展开更多
关键词 ICU nurse Hospital ethical climate Psychological empowerment BURNOUT Turnover intention
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