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大学生烟草广告诉求意涵的认知分析 被引量:1
作者 熊文军 《科技资讯》 2015年第30期226-226,228,共2页
在促使大学生初始吸烟以及强化已有吸烟行为上,烟草广告无疑起到了重要的作用。烟草广告通过呈现表达个人价值、生活型态和人物形象三种诉求意涵,与大学生进行不同层面的沟通,进而影响大学生对烟草的认知。在影响大学生吸烟认知与行为... 在促使大学生初始吸烟以及强化已有吸烟行为上,烟草广告无疑起到了重要的作用。烟草广告通过呈现表达个人价值、生活型态和人物形象三种诉求意涵,与大学生进行不同层面的沟通,进而影响大学生对烟草的认知。在影响大学生吸烟认知与行为的诸多因素中,烟草广告的促使大学生初始吸烟与强化大学生已有吸烟行为的影响格外显著,而烟草广告是通过其丰富的诉求意涵来影响大学生对烟草的认知与吸烟行为的。对烟商这种烟草传播与说服企图的分析与暴露,有利于控烟组织有针对性对大学生进行控烟传播与健康教育,提高控烟工作与健康教育的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 烟草广告 广告诉 认知 分析
作者 孙玉安 陈芳 《社会科学论坛》 2022年第3期178-188,共11页
王质是南宋“废序言诗”三大家之一,“废序”突出表现于主张“因情求意”,反对汉儒附会生说,故其《诗》说的最大特征是浓郁的情感性。现代文学理论认为,情感的审美是文学最核心的属性,因此,它常被认为是文学性《诗》说。该文通过探索“... 王质是南宋“废序言诗”三大家之一,“废序”突出表现于主张“因情求意”,反对汉儒附会生说,故其《诗》说的最大特征是浓郁的情感性。现代文学理论认为,情感的审美是文学最核心的属性,因此,它常被认为是文学性《诗》说。该文通过探索“因情求意”的解《诗》体系,展现它对汉唐经学的传承因素,揭示“因情求意”的弊端与工具性,指出王质《诗》说的本质是经学的,而不是文学的。 展开更多
关键词 王质 《诗经》学 因情 经学本质
作者 沈燕 《广东技术师范学院学报》 2012年第2期81-84,共4页
作为时代的文化标杆,古文保存了优质的语言资源和深沉的文化底蕴。就其形式看,声律自由,长短随意,以气为主,无一定音韵之律,而有一定气脉之妙;就其内容看,以形象性的表意为主,尽泄襟抱与情怀。阅读古文必须以此为追求,因声求气,因象求意... 作为时代的文化标杆,古文保存了优质的语言资源和深沉的文化底蕴。就其形式看,声律自由,长短随意,以气为主,无一定音韵之律,而有一定气脉之妙;就其内容看,以形象性的表意为主,尽泄襟抱与情怀。阅读古文必须以此为追求,因声求气,因象求意,构建古文与读者、世界的关联,清楚而生动地感受其生命情调。 展开更多
关键词 古文 诵读 因声 因象
现代标志设计中传统龙纹图案的应用 被引量:3
作者 周汝豪 《盐城师范学院学报(人文社会科学版)》 2014年第2期99-101,共3页
龙纹图案在中国传统文化中既是物化形式的吉祥寓意,又是富有深厚文化底蕴的经典图形符号。传统龙纹图案在当今设计界的应用,主要通过借形表意、变形求意、留形传神的造型手法,将传统龙纹加以提炼与改造,与现代设计元素相融合。中国本土... 龙纹图案在中国传统文化中既是物化形式的吉祥寓意,又是富有深厚文化底蕴的经典图形符号。传统龙纹图案在当今设计界的应用,主要通过借形表意、变形求意、留形传神的造型手法,将传统龙纹加以提炼与改造,与现代设计元素相融合。中国本土设计师应当在图形与寓意的基础上,立足中国传统图案的整理和挖掘,对传统龙纹图案不断地分解和重构,设计出符合现代人审美理念的龙纹图案。 展开更多
关键词 龙纹图案 借形表 变形 留形传神
王质《诗总闻》体现的学术思想与方法 被引量:1
作者 黄丹丹 《中北大学学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第2期89-94,共6页
王质是宋代《诗经》研究史上的重要人物,其《诗总闻》是他历时三十年而编撰的学术专著。该书废序言诗,独创"十闻",他的论说"因情求意",以示今古虽异、人情不远,以比较批评的方法扬弃前人之说、树立作者之意,并且征... 王质是宋代《诗经》研究史上的重要人物,其《诗总闻》是他历时三十年而编撰的学术专著。该书废序言诗,独创"十闻",他的论说"因情求意",以示今古虽异、人情不远,以比较批评的方法扬弃前人之说、树立作者之意,并且征引屈原《离骚》、焦氏《易林》进行《诗经》解读,尝试比较品评,多发个人新见,具有独特的思想和方法。 展开更多
关键词 王质 《诗总闻》 废序言诗 因情 比较批评
作者 张晓春 《苏州教育学院学报》 2009年第3期12-14,共3页
苏州传统文人画是中国传统文人画的重要组成部分,它的起源融会在中国传统文人画的产生和发展之中。六朝时陆探微、张僧繇等强调作品中人格精神的表现和理想境界的寄托,由此形成了苏州传统文人画的滥觞,并将苏州(吴地)美术文化的发展推... 苏州传统文人画是中国传统文人画的重要组成部分,它的起源融会在中国传统文人画的产生和发展之中。六朝时陆探微、张僧繇等强调作品中人格精神的表现和理想境界的寄托,由此形成了苏州传统文人画的滥觞,并将苏州(吴地)美术文化的发展推上了第一个高峰。 展开更多
关键词 苏州 美术文化 传统文人画 舍象
作者 王雁南 《艺术家》 2018年第6期2-2,共1页
何谓禅?悟心即禅、自在是禅,行住坐卧亦是禅。苦心孤诣、一意求禅,却处处不得真机,难矣.如何自在?放下便自在,真性情是也.丹青绘事者,工整细微,心思缜密巧为是真;奇拙古灵,怪癖异思迸发亦真;势壮气宏,豪情侠义一挥亦真。不然,即如贪官... 何谓禅?悟心即禅、自在是禅,行住坐卧亦是禅。苦心孤诣、一意求禅,却处处不得真机,难矣.如何自在?放下便自在,真性情是也.丹青绘事者,工整细微,心思缜密巧为是真;奇拙古灵,怪癖异思迸发亦真;势壮气宏,豪情侠义一挥亦真。不然,即如贪官哭穷、流氓演戏,所为何也,难自在.画者,贵能自在,何许人画何许画。 展开更多
关键词 贪官 禅韵 豪情 意求 真性情 贵能 势壮气 工整 怪癖
论文本阐释策略的选择——以王弼本《老子》第四十一章为例 被引量:1
作者 张瀚墨 《人文杂志》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第8期10-21,共12页
跟其他有争议的章节不同,人们对《老子》今本第四十一章关于上、中、下士闻道后不同反应的解释,基本上没有太大差异:下士之大笑之所以成为道之为道的标志,源于下士无法理解道之幽深的本质。但细检各家注释,这样的理解实际上是注家对不... 跟其他有争议的章节不同,人们对《老子》今本第四十一章关于上、中、下士闻道后不同反应的解释,基本上没有太大差异:下士之大笑之所以成为道之为道的标志,源于下士无法理解道之幽深的本质。但细检各家注释,这样的理解实际上是注家对不同语义刻意选择的结果,而不同的、更加合理的解释仍然存在。这种新的理解之所以优于先前各家注释,在于它在解释上、中、下士的闻道反应时,充分考虑到第四十一章乃至《老子》文本的整体语境。这种突出《老子》文本本身语境的方法,相对于《老子》阅读的两种基本方法——"求理阅读"(reading for truth)和"求意阅读"(reading for meaning),更符合《老子》的文本性质,因而理应在《老子》阅读研究中引起大家的充分注意。 展开更多
关键词 《老子》 阐释 语境 理阅读 阅读
What to understand in interpretation: Meaning or sense?
作者 袁颖磊 张添琼 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第8期72-75,共4页
Source language perception is the beginning and also the most unobservable stage of interpretative activity. According to ESIT, it is the sense that constitutes a communicative intention. Sense cohort theory and requi... Source language perception is the beginning and also the most unobservable stage of interpretative activity. According to ESIT, it is the sense that constitutes a communicative intention. Sense cohort theory and requirement equation upon interpreter shall be presented in the paper by combining perspectives from psycholinguistics and cognitive science. 展开更多
关键词 SL perception SENSE sense cohort theory interpretation requirements equations
作者 项麒达 《兰台世界》 2021年第11期158-160,共3页
蒙洪飏导师开设文字学课程受到的启发,对成语熟词"暴虎冯河"词义查阅中发现,几种字典辞书解释各不相同,甚至自相矛盾。学术需要严谨,通过古文字形分析和因声求意的方法,对"暴虎冯河"的意义进行考证。探究"暴&q... 蒙洪飏导师开设文字学课程受到的启发,对成语熟词"暴虎冯河"词义查阅中发现,几种字典辞书解释各不相同,甚至自相矛盾。学术需要严谨,通过古文字形分析和因声求意的方法,对"暴虎冯河"的意义进行考证。探究"暴"和"冯"所对应的本字及其所表达的真正含义。 展开更多
关键词 暴虎冯河 古文字形 因声 假借字
Quadrature Element Vibration Analysis of Arbitrarily Shaped Membranes
作者 WANG Xinwei CAI Deng’an ZHOU Guangming 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI CSCD 2022年第1期1-11,共11页
The aim of the present study is to develop an efficient weak form quadrature element for free vibration analysis of arbitrarily shaped membranes.The arbitrarily shaped membrane is firstly mapped into a regular domain ... The aim of the present study is to develop an efficient weak form quadrature element for free vibration analysis of arbitrarily shaped membranes.The arbitrarily shaped membrane is firstly mapped into a regular domain using blending functions,and the displacement in the element is assumed as the trigonometric functions.Explicit formulations are worked out for nodes of any type and a varying number of nodes.For verifications,results are compared with exact solutions and data obtained by other numerical methods.It is demonstrated that highly accurate frequencies can be obtained with a small number of nodes by present method. 展开更多
关键词 arbitrarily shaped membrane free vibration quadrature element blending function
On the Localization of Hip-hop Culture in China
作者 Qiong Song 《International English Education Research》 2015年第2期3-5,共3页
With sports as its carrier, youth hip hop culture reflects the absorption, digestion and development of foreign culture among Chinese young people. Hip-hop is popular among Chinese teenagers is not only due to the you... With sports as its carrier, youth hip hop culture reflects the absorption, digestion and development of foreign culture among Chinese young people. Hip-hop is popular among Chinese teenagers is not only due to the young people's psychological needs, but also because of the profound connotation of the era. Hip hop can contribute to the campus cultural construction. However, it also implies that local youth culture is missing in China. Hip hop dance was born in 1960s and classified into hip hop culture in 1970s as a typical representative of the four Hip-hop elements together with Graffiti, DJing, and MCing. It was spread into China in 1980s together with the movie Breakin: Hip hop has gradually become popular with Guangzhou, Shanghai, and Beijing as the center drawing much attention of the Chinese youth. Its educational significance cannot ignored from the perspective of youth culture, reflecting the absorption, digestion and development of foreign culture among Chinese young people,At the same time, it provides a good platform for young people to show their unique personality, passion, courage and life attitude. 展开更多
关键词 SPORTS hip hop youth culture cultural integration
The analysis of Chinese cruise market
作者 Yang Hong Shi Jianyong 《International English Education Research》 2014年第8期64-67,共4页
Based on outlining the current development situation of the world cruise market ,this paper investigates the market characteristics of the China's cruise in two areas: market supply and market demand. Currently, the... Based on outlining the current development situation of the world cruise market ,this paper investigates the market characteristics of the China's cruise in two areas: market supply and market demand. Currently, the supply of cruise tourism market include port infrastructure, cruise line, cruise companies and travel agencies. Demand in the market, with the perspective of domestic cruise tourists, discusses the structural characteristics of tourists, aspects consumption characteristics, route selection and visitor satisfaction and other characteristics. And from multiple perspectives analysis of the domestic cruise market problems, on this basis, we propose to strengthen the construction of port facilities, the implementation of cruise tourism promotion plan, effectively guide the development of domestic consumption cruise countermeasures. 展开更多
关键词 Cruise tourism domestic cruise market supply characteristics demand characteristics
Investigation and analysis of the job-hunting intentions and employment orientations of students majored in nursing
作者 WU Chipeng 《International English Education Research》 2015年第12期53-56,共4页
In recent years, China's employment problem of the college graduates has become a hot topic in the communities. Each year there are a large number of the graduating students, but few can find the job suitable for the... In recent years, China's employment problem of the college graduates has become a hot topic in the communities. Each year there are a large number of the graduating students, but few can find the job suitable for their own professional direction in colleges and universities. The employment problems have plagued the university graduates, and also have brought the unnecessary trouble to some students in the colleges. The college students have just entered the society, and they do not understand a lot of the social status very well, and have very little experience in the employment. In order to reduce the pressure of the employment of the university students, and help the graduate students bettor get employed, also to make the college students have a better planning for their future, in this paper, the author carried out the investigation and analysis of the job-hunting intentions and the employment orientations of the students majored in nursing, hoping to hclp the employment of the college students in some aspects, and do a good job in the planning of their career. 展开更多
关键词 Nursing science students' job-hunting intentions employment orientation investigation and analysis
Study on Satisfaction and Benefit of Apparel Enterprise Exhibitor on 2013 Mode Shanghai
作者 Tang Xinling 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第4期125-127,共3页
Through researching the exhibitor on the 2013 Mode Shanghai, the article studies the satisfaction and benefit of exhibitors who are apparel enterprise,and analyzs the question of the trade. It suggest that organizer s... Through researching the exhibitor on the 2013 Mode Shanghai, the article studies the satisfaction and benefit of exhibitors who are apparel enterprise,and analyzs the question of the trade. It suggest that organizer should dig the market demand, up grade the quantity and quality of exhibitor, exert the effect of industry union, and step up the service level. 展开更多
关键词 Mode Shanghai Apparel Enterprise Exhibitor Satisfaction BENEFIT
A case study of customer satisfaction for information technology solutions 被引量:1
作者 Sung Yun YU Jinsoo PARK +2 位作者 Jin KIM Hyung Jin LEE Hee Jun YOON 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第11期4279-4285,共7页
There are numerous information technology solutions including hardware and software. A company that provides the solution should have knowledge of the customer needs in the purpose of sailing strategy or upgrade polic... There are numerous information technology solutions including hardware and software. A company that provides the solution should have knowledge of the customer needs in the purpose of sailing strategy or upgrade policy. The needs are also directly connected to the user satisfaction. However, the users have respective points of view in the needs as well as they may not identify the requirements to improve the solution. SERVQUAL can be an appropriate method to define and measure the customer satisfaction for the information technology solutions. As a case study of the customer satisfaction, the modified SERVQUAL items and scoring method are applied to a cyber-infrastructure system named CyberL ab in Korea. The measurement results of user satisfaction for CyberL ab are provided to confirm that our proposed method performs as we intended. From the results, we can score the satisfaction level of users and identify their needs in the various aspects. The total user satisfaction level for CyberL ab is scored by 88.3. 展开更多
关键词 cyber-infrastructure customer satisfaction user satisfaction SERVQUAL
A Laplace Decomposition Method for Nonlinear Partial Diferential Equations with Nonlinear Term of Any Order
作者 朱海星 安红利 陈勇 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第1期23-31,共9页
A Laplace decomposition algorithm is adopted to investigate numerical solutions of a class of nonlinear partial differential equations with nonlinear term of any order, utt + auxx + bu + cup + du^2p-1 = 0, which c... A Laplace decomposition algorithm is adopted to investigate numerical solutions of a class of nonlinear partial differential equations with nonlinear term of any order, utt + auxx + bu + cup + du^2p-1 = 0, which contains some important equations of mathematical physics. Three distinct initial conditions are constructed and generalized numerical solutions are thereby obtained, including numerical hyperbolic function solutions and doubly periodic ones. Illustrative figures and comparisons between the numerical and exact solutions with different values of p are used to test the efficiency of the proposed method, which shows good results are azhieved. 展开更多
关键词 nonlinear partial differential equations Laplace decomposition algorithm numerical solution
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