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作者 罗青 《华文文学》 1990年第1期32-33,共2页
关键词 八十年代 台湾文坛 罗青 意洞 给你 中所 一九 四年 两行
作者 徐洪耀 《宁波大学学报(教育科学版)》 1982年第3期74-76,共3页
《与妻书》不是一封普通的家信,而是革命者赴汤蹈火前的誓言,是用鲜血和热泪写成的。信中充满着高度的爱国热忱和谋求民族的独立、自由而自我牺牲的精神。这封信的作者是一位把青春献给了祖国人民的年轻人——黄花岗七十二烈士之一的林... 《与妻书》不是一封普通的家信,而是革命者赴汤蹈火前的誓言,是用鲜血和热泪写成的。信中充满着高度的爱国热忱和谋求民族的独立、自由而自我牺牲的精神。这封信的作者是一位把青春献给了祖国人民的年轻人——黄花岗七十二烈士之一的林觉民。他就义时才二十五岁,刚刚在人生的道路上迈出了起点,就惨死在敌人的屠刀之下。林觉民(1886——1911)字意洞,福建闽侯人。在学生时代,就蕴育了远大的革命志向。他就学于福建高等学堂。 展开更多
关键词 与妻书 林觉民 意洞 爱国热忱 学生时代 高等学堂 人生的道路 七十二 美满幸福 天下人
作者 张志善 《宁夏大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 1983年第2期83-86,共4页
林觉民,字意洞,号抖飞,又号天外生,福建省闽侯县(今福州市)人。黄花冈七十二烈士之一。他十四岁就进入高等学堂学习。由于他早年接受了资产阶级民主思想的影响,在课余讨论时事时,他曾激昂慷慨地说过:中国不革命不能自强。毕业后到日本... 林觉民,字意洞,号抖飞,又号天外生,福建省闽侯县(今福州市)人。黄花冈七十二烈士之一。他十四岁就进入高等学堂学习。由于他早年接受了资产阶级民主思想的影响,在课余讨论时事时,他曾激昂慷慨地说过:中国不革命不能自强。毕业后到日本留学。在日本庆应大学文科学习文学、哲学。这时他参加了孙中山先生组织的同盟会,开展了民主革命活动。 1911年(即辛亥革命的一年)春天,林觉民在日本接到黄兴、赵声两人的来信。 展开更多
关键词 林觉民 与妻书 日本庆应大学 天外生 赵声 意洞 黄兴 高等学堂 天下人 革命活动
作者 马晓鸣 《中国西部》 2016年第5期20-27,共8页
关键词 佛顶山 甘溪乡 意洞 犀牛 石阡县 向导处 日思夜想 变化万千 不疾不徐 余人
作者 林觉民 《新湘评论》 2007年第4期60-61,共2页
关键词 林觉民 妻子 意洞 《与妻书》 天下 汝其
Role of oxides in the formation of hole defects in friction stir welded joint of 2519-T87 aluminum alloy
作者 YI Tie LIU Sheng-dan +1 位作者 FANG Chen JIANG Geng-duo 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第12期3836-3846,共11页
The role of oxides in the formation of hole defects in friction stir welded joint of 2519-T87 aluminum alloy has been investigated by using optical microscope, scanning electron microscope, electron backscatter diffra... The role of oxides in the formation of hole defects in friction stir welded joint of 2519-T87 aluminum alloy has been investigated by using optical microscope, scanning electron microscope, electron backscatter diffraction and electron probe microanalyzer to examine the distribution of oxides and the features of hole defects, and using ABAQUS 3D thermo-mechanical coupling finite element model based on arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian method to simulate the material flow behavior. Oxides exist at the edge of tunnel hole and in the micropores in the joint. Based on distribution of oxygen and material flow behavior, it is believed that the oxides on the surface of the alloy tend to flow down into the bulk along the flow direction of plastic material during friction stir welding, aggregate in the weak region of material flow at the intersection of the shoulder affected zone and the stir pin-tip affected zone, and consequently prevent the material from contacting and diffusing. Due to the insufficient material flow and therefore the small plastic deformation,the pressure is not high enough to compress the accumulated oxides, resulting in hole defects. 展开更多
关键词 aluminum alloy friction stir welding arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian method hole defects OXIDES
作者 雪凌 《少年月刊》 2007年第17期31-32,共2页
关键词 意洞 钱全 摇摇头 给你 能值
品词析句能力的培养门径指要 被引量:1
作者 周志恩 《语文月刊》 2017年第10期58-62,共5页
语文教师品词析句能力强,他一定能在备课时读出自己对课文词句的深刻理解,会对作者写作技巧之奥妙与言语背后之深意洞幽烛微,会读出自己由课文词句引发的个性化的人生感悟。语文教师品词析句能力强,深谙词句三昧,这就为培养学生品词析... 语文教师品词析句能力强,他一定能在备课时读出自己对课文词句的深刻理解,会对作者写作技巧之奥妙与言语背后之深意洞幽烛微,会读出自己由课文词句引发的个性化的人生感悟。语文教师品词析句能力强,深谙词句三昧,这就为培养学生品词析句能力创造了条件,提供了可能。但要用好这个条件,将教会学生品词析句的可能真正化为现实,这中间还大有文章可做。本文拟就品析词句的选择、 展开更多
关键词 人生感悟 意洞 析词 祥林嫂 残阳 语句 名词活用为动词 大堰河 特定含义
作者 林觉民 《新闻与写作》 1985年第3期21-23,共3页
【简析】这是林觉民烈士在广州起义前夕,写给妻子陈意映的绝笔书.信中表达了对帝国主义和封建统治者的仇恨,对祖国和亲人的热爱,充满了牺牲一己,为全国同胞争取自由幸福的革命精神.可谓“郁怒情深,兼而有之.”这封信是作者与爱人诀别时... 【简析】这是林觉民烈士在广州起义前夕,写给妻子陈意映的绝笔书.信中表达了对帝国主义和封建统治者的仇恨,对祖国和亲人的热爱,充满了牺牲一己,为全国同胞争取自由幸福的革命精神.可谓“郁怒情深,兼而有之.”这封信是作者与爱人诀别时谈“吾衷”的情书.虽儿女情长,却不掩英雄气壮.作者论述了个人幸福与人民幸福的关系,没有革命的胜利,就没有人民的幸福;为了人民的幸福,应不惜牺牲个人的幸福. 展开更多
关键词 林觉民 全国同胞 封建统治者 革命精神 时谈 司马青衫 江州司马 大诗人白居易 天下人 意洞
作者 林觉民 《北方人》 2016年第1期61-61,共1页
意映卿卿如晤:吾今以此书与汝永别矣!吾作此书时,尚为世中一人;汝看此书时,吾已成为阴间一鬼。吾作此书,泪珠和笔墨齐下,不能竟书而欲搁笔。又恐汝不察吾衷,谓吾忍舍汝而死,谓吾不知汝之不欲吾死也,故遂忍悲为汝言之。吾至爱汝!即此爱... 意映卿卿如晤:吾今以此书与汝永别矣!吾作此书时,尚为世中一人;汝看此书时,吾已成为阴间一鬼。吾作此书,泪珠和笔墨齐下,不能竟书而欲搁笔。又恐汝不察吾衷,谓吾忍舍汝而死,谓吾不知汝之不欲吾死也,故遂忍悲为汝言之。吾至爱汝!即此爱汝一念,使吾勇于就死也!吾自遇汝以来,常愿天下有情人都成眷属,然遍地腥云,满街狼犬,称心快意,几家能够?司马青衫,吾不能学太上之忘情也。语云,仁者"老吾老以及人之老,幼吾幼以及人之幼"。吾充吾爱汝之心。 展开更多
关键词 司马青衫 与妻书 汝一 汝言 称心快 汝永 狼犬 意洞 三四 君行
作者 王中翼 《中学生百科(大语文)》 2017年第10期6-11,共6页
简洁、凝练、克制而有分寸的文字如何写就?文言文篇章是磨炼文字功底的必读之物。在古意中探寻主题的侧面,在古文中聆听遥远的回响。如今,我们的心灵仍能与之共振,激起穿越千年的默契和声。[作者简介]林觉民(1887-1911),字意洞,号抖... 简洁、凝练、克制而有分寸的文字如何写就?文言文篇章是磨炼文字功底的必读之物。在古意中探寻主题的侧面,在古文中聆听遥远的回响。如今,我们的心灵仍能与之共振,激起穿越千年的默契和声。[作者简介]林觉民(1887-1911),字意洞,号抖飞,又号天外生,福建闽县(今福州市)人。少年之时,即接受民主革命思想,推崇自由平等学说。留学日本期间,加入中国同盟会。 展开更多
关键词 与妻书 林觉民 天外生 意洞 文字功底 作者简介 闽县 林尹 自由平等 革命思想
作者 耿立 《中国作家(纪实版)》 2011年第1期194-208,共15页
一尼采的《苏鲁支语录》有一节:Von allem Geschriebenen liebe ich nur das,was einer mit-seinem Blute schreibt.Schreibe mit Blut:und duwirsterfahren,daβ Blut Geist ist.(凡一切已经写下的,我只爱其人用其血写下的。用血写:然... 一尼采的《苏鲁支语录》有一节:Von allem Geschriebenen liebe ich nur das,was einer mit-seinem Blute schreibt.Schreibe mit Blut:und duwirsterfahren,daβ Blut Geist ist.(凡一切已经写下的,我只爱其人用其血写下的。用血写:然后你将体会到,血便是精义。)血便是精义,要懂得旁人的血是不易的。 展开更多
关键词 林觉民 长调 与妻书 李准 意洞 易水歌 陈更新 生命之树 我不知道 悠悠我思
Analytics study on the problem of two holes having arbitrary shapes and arrangements in plane elastostatics 被引量:4
作者 张路青 杨志法 吕爱钟 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2001年第2期146-158,共13页
By using Schwarz alternating method, this paper presents asimplified alternating algorithm for the problems of two holes having arbitrary shapes and arrangements in an isotropic homogeneous linear elastic infinite reg... By using Schwarz alternating method, this paper presents asimplified alternating algorithm for the problems of two holes having arbitrary shapes and arrangements in an isotropic homogeneous linear elastic infinite region, and obtains stress and displacement fields for random times of iteration. After precision analysis it is found that the results for twenty times of iteration are of very high precision, and those with higher precision can be acquired if the iteration solving is further conducted. The comparison of the results from FEM further proves the reliability of the simplified alternating algorithm presented by this paper. 展开更多
关键词 Schwarz alternating method two holes having arbitrary shapes arbitrary arrangements simplified alternating algorithm ITERATION stress field displacement field precision analysis
Sustainable Development and Tourists’Satisfaction in Historical Districts:Influencing Factors and Features 被引量:3
作者 YU Wenting ZHU He ZHANG Shuying 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2021年第5期669-681,共13页
Determining how to achieve sustainable development and protection of historical districts is a worthwhile research topic.As a vital way to update urban space,tourism development in historical districts is an effective... Determining how to achieve sustainable development and protection of historical districts is a worthwhile research topic.As a vital way to update urban space,tourism development in historical districts is an effective tool for redistributing urban functions and increasing urban vitality.This paper takes the Insa-dong in South Korea as a case study for the evaluation of tourist satisfaction in historical districts,based on 550 questionnaires.The questionnaire contains 33 evaluation indicators,and the subjects’subjective judgment and satisfaction with Insa-dong are measured in the form of the Likert scale.Using SPSS to analyze tourists’satisfaction with historical districts,this studyfinds that:(1)The tourist satisfaction evaluation of Insa-dong includes six dimensions in total:"Embodiment of historical elements","The blend of tradition and modernity","Industry distribution and type","Consumer demand","Street layout and function"and"Landscaping".(2)"The blend of tradition and modernity"has the highest weight while"Industry distribution and type"has the lowest one in the analysis of factors influencing overall satisfaction.(3)The analysis of the common factor weights and the common factor satisfaction levels shows that"The blend of tradition and modernity"and"Street layout and function"are the parts that need to be improved."Consumer demand"also has a lot of room for promotion.The research results will be beneficial for enhancing the tourist experiences of historical districts and they provide a theoretical basis and practical experience reference for effective protection and sustainable development of historical districts. 展开更多
关键词 historical district sustainable development SATISFACTION Insa-dong South Korea
Characteristics and environmental significance of Ca, Mg, and Sr in the soil infiltrating water overlying the Furong Cave,Chongqing, China 被引量:7
作者 LI JunYun LI TingYong +3 位作者 WANG JianLi XIANG XiaoJing CHEN YunXuan LI Xuan 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第12期2126-2134,共9页
This paper explores the influence of the local meteoric conditions, the overlying soil on the concentrations of Ca, Mg, and St, and the ratios of Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca, and Mg/Sr in soil infiltrating water (SIW). An in situ ... This paper explores the influence of the local meteoric conditions, the overlying soil on the concentrations of Ca, Mg, and St, and the ratios of Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca, and Mg/Sr in soil infiltrating water (SIW). An in situ monitoring program was carried out above the Furong Cave throughout 2010 to collect data on SIW, monthly temperature and rainfall, and the geochemical com- position and granularity of soils. The discharge of SIW responded quickly to the local rainfall, and its residence time was the primary factor affecting the Ca, Mg, and Sr content of the SIW. The high concentrations of Ca, Mg, and Sr in the SIW during April should be attributed primarily to the prolonged residence of SIW in the soil during the local dry seasons of winter and early spring. The maximum Mg/Sr ratio also occurred in April. The ratio of Mg/Ca in SIW is positively correlated with pro- longed residence time and with high temperatures, which do not strongly affect the ratio of Sr/Ca. The Mg/Ca ratio was lowest when the Sr/Ca ratio was highest because plant metabolism increased the absorption of Ca and Mg, but not St, and also be- cause higher temperatures enhanced the dissolution of Mg more than that of Sr. These different responses of Mg and Sr to temperature increases resulted in high Mg/Sr ratios during July and August. 展开更多
关键词 Furong Cave soil infiltrating water CA Mg SR ratios of elements
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