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意识机:理论与模型 被引量:5
作者 钟义信 《电子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2000年第10期41-44,共4页
智能机器的研究已经成为日益迫切的课题和普遍关注的焦点 .但是 ,由于智能问题本身的巨大复杂性 ,使智能机器的研究面临着许多理论上的困难 .研究发现 :智能系统的基础和核心在“意识” ;而意识起源的机制则正好是“全信息”的生成过程 ... 智能机器的研究已经成为日益迫切的课题和普遍关注的焦点 .但是 ,由于智能问题本身的巨大复杂性 ,使智能机器的研究面临着许多理论上的困难 .研究发现 :智能系统的基础和核心在“意识” ;而意识起源的机制则正好是“全信息”的生成过程 .基于这一重要发现 ,本文提出了一种基于全信息理论的意识机理论与模型 ,论证了意识机模型的技术可行性以及意识机与智能机的联系与区别 .这一研究结果有助于人们对于意识问题的奥秘进行深入的探索 ,也为智能理论的研究开拓了一条新的途径 . 展开更多
关键词 智能 意识机 归纳学习 神经网络 人工智能
作者 董雅丽 《兰州大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 1995年第3期102-107,共6页
关键词 能主义心理学 意识机 现代心理学 操作理论 安吉尔 詹姆斯 心理现象 意识状态 构造主义心理学
作者 李绍猛 《北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第3期52-57,共6页
很多人都相信,我们最终肯定可以制造出有意识的机器。本文试图挖掘这种信念的哲学基础,并探讨这个哲学基础的可靠性。本文发现,这种信念的现有哲学基础,即所谓的"第三人称原则"并不成立。通过一个名为"意识分享"的... 很多人都相信,我们最终肯定可以制造出有意识的机器。本文试图挖掘这种信念的哲学基础,并探讨这个哲学基础的可靠性。本文发现,这种信念的现有哲学基础,即所谓的"第三人称原则"并不成立。通过一个名为"意识分享"的思想实验,本文用归谬法否定了第三人称原则:第三人称原则意味着意识分享是可能的,但事实上意识分享不可能实现。因此,第三人称原则不能成立,更不能被用来证明我们最终能造出意识机。 展开更多
关键词 意识机 意识分享 第三人称原则 还原论的唯物主义
冷月下的凝视──鲁迅视觉经验心理无意识探微 被引量:3
作者 姚新勇 《鲁迅研究月刊》 CSSCI 1996年第4期32-38,共7页
冷月下的凝视──鲁迅视觉经验心理无意识探微姚新勇1鲁迅对“看客”深恶痛绝,而且对眼睛这一视觉器官似乎具有特别的注视之偏好,这两点对鲁迅研究者来说,实是常识性知识。然而就我所见,人们对其主要是从社会学、政治学或传记学、... 冷月下的凝视──鲁迅视觉经验心理无意识探微姚新勇1鲁迅对“看客”深恶痛绝,而且对眼睛这一视觉器官似乎具有特别的注视之偏好,这两点对鲁迅研究者来说,实是常识性知识。然而就我所见,人们对其主要是从社会学、政治学或传记学、经验心理学的角度去做阐释或发生学的... 展开更多
关键词 视觉经验 鲁迅文本 客体 陈士成 意识欲望 《狂人日记》 意识机 弗洛伊德 《长明灯》 鲁迅研究
作者 Arthur W.Burks 罗永东 石绍华 《心理学报》 1987年第2期158-166,共9页
本文提出了一个意向性目标搜寻的计算机模型,它有两个部分,静态部分包括一个目标表征和到达这个目标的程序。动态部分是一个感觉输入、中间信息加工,行为输出的重复的反馈循环。人类意向必然伴有意识,但机器人则可能无意识而有意向。 ... 本文提出了一个意向性目标搜寻的计算机模型,它有两个部分,静态部分包括一个目标表征和到达这个目标的程序。动态部分是一个感觉输入、中间信息加工,行为输出的重复的反馈循环。人类意向必然伴有意识,但机器人则可能无意识而有意向。 利用目标搜寻系统机器人模型,我们对目标搜寻系统的目的连续统下了定义;这个连续统从简单的直接反应系统一直到意向性系统。对这个目的连续统有两种传统的解释:一是柏拉图、亚里士多德和普罗提诺的终极原因理论,二是希腊原子论者和现代进化生物学家的还原主义学说。本文评价了这些学说。 本文考察了几种类型的意识机能,提出了以自动机为依据的意识理论,比较了人类和计算机。从计算机结构的角度来看,人类意识是一类特殊的计算机控制系统。 展开更多
关键词 意识 终极原因 连续统 器人 表征 信息加工 目标搜寻 意向系统 意识机
作者 陈社潮 《江汉论坛》 1988年第10期8-9,共2页
意识范畴的传统表述为:意识是人脑的机能;意识是客观存在的主观映象.我认为该表述欠妥应代之以尽量准确而全面的表述.首先,该表述存在两个潜在的错误前提:意识范畴是本体论域的范畴:意识范畴等值于意识的本质定义.基于此,该表述背弃了... 意识范畴的传统表述为:意识是人脑的机能;意识是客观存在的主观映象.我认为该表述欠妥应代之以尽量准确而全面的表述.首先,该表述存在两个潜在的错误前提:意识范畴是本体论域的范畴:意识范畴等值于意识的本质定义.基于此,该表述背弃了马克思主义哲学之精要:其立足点不在主体实践而在本体物质,其思维方式不是多维的辩证的而是形而上学的. 展开更多
关键词 意识能力 思维方式 人脑 客观存在 研究对象 意识机 精神活动 生理 马克思主义哲学 范畴
鲁迅《铸剑》新探 被引量:4
作者 姚新勇 《中国现代文学研究丛刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 1996年第1期216-224,共9页
《铸剑》问世已近70年了。按理来说,对于鲁迅这样一个经典作家的一个重要的文本,有关的阐释应该是详尽而透彻了吧。然而实际情况是,不少有关《铸剑》的阐释并没有真正进入文本深层,就连该文本的一个明显的表层歧意都没有给予真正的重视... 《铸剑》问世已近70年了。按理来说,对于鲁迅这样一个经典作家的一个重要的文本,有关的阐释应该是详尽而透彻了吧。然而实际情况是,不少有关《铸剑》的阐释并没有真正进入文本深层,就连该文本的一个明显的表层歧意都没有给予真正的重视,被有意识或无意识地忽略和掩饰了。这个歧意集中表现于该文本的两个并列的主题内容上:锄害抗暴与“憎恶社会上的旁观者之多”。具体地说,就是为什么这个仅有四节的短篇小说,竟然用了整整一节的篇幅去描写臣子们竭力去辨别王头的丑态:而这个内容却与前三节的故事既无直接也无必然的联系。很显然,如果把《铸剑》的主题概括为锄害抗暴(这正是现有的基本观点),就不仅否定了它的另一个重要内容,“强暴”地删去了整整一节的篇幅,而且实际上也就取消了上述“文本的发问”。 展开更多
关键词 《铸剑》 意识欲望 文本 鲁迅 意识机 客体 主题概括 弗洛伊德 视觉经验 象征秩序
Auditory attention model based on Chirplet for cross-corpus speech emotion recognition 被引量:1
作者 张昕然 宋鹏 +2 位作者 查诚 陶华伟 赵力 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2016年第4期402-407,共6页
To solve the problem of mismatching features in an experimental database, which is a key technique in the field of cross-corpus speech emotion recognition, an auditory attention model based on Chirplet is proposed for... To solve the problem of mismatching features in an experimental database, which is a key technique in the field of cross-corpus speech emotion recognition, an auditory attention model based on Chirplet is proposed for feature extraction.First, in order to extract the spectra features, the auditory attention model is employed for variational emotion features detection. Then, the selective attention mechanism model is proposed to extract the salient gist features which showtheir relation to the expected performance in cross-corpus testing.Furthermore, the Chirplet time-frequency atoms are introduced to the model. By forming a complete atom database, the Chirplet can improve the spectrum feature extraction including the amount of information. Samples from multiple databases have the characteristics of multiple components. Hereby, the Chirplet expands the scale of the feature vector in the timefrequency domain. Experimental results show that, compared to the traditional feature model, the proposed feature extraction approach with the prototypical classifier has significant improvement in cross-corpus speech recognition. In addition, the proposed method has better robustness to the inconsistent sources of the training set and the testing set. 展开更多
关键词 speech emotion recognition selective attention mechanism spectrogram feature cross-corpus
作者 甘明 《云南学术探索》 1998年第4期35-38,共4页
对顺的哲学思考甘明思顺世上最愉快的事莫过于思顺。*思顺可以平心和气,思顺可以消减忧愁烦*恼。本来,自然中万事万物都是顺顺互通的。因顺*的互通,人与周围世界也就有了相当的联系。思*顺自然可得顺思。*思顺是一番思想活动,... 对顺的哲学思考甘明思顺世上最愉快的事莫过于思顺。*思顺可以平心和气,思顺可以消减忧愁烦*恼。本来,自然中万事万物都是顺顺互通的。因顺*的互通,人与周围世界也就有了相当的联系。思*顺自然可得顺思。*思顺是一番思想活动,思顺本身就是一种愉*快的享受。希望... 展开更多
关键词 “在” 哲学家 科学思维 哲学思考 “实” 循环性 意识机 语言文字 “是” 思想活动
作者 潘国宏 《牡丹江大学学报》 2012年第5期144-146,共3页
关键词 人才培养 阅读 诗性情怀 就业商意识
Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy:Are preparatory interventions or conscious sedation effective? A randomized trial 被引量:4
作者 LucioTrevisani SergioSartori +4 位作者 PiergiorgioGaudenzi GiuseppeGilli GiancarloMatarese SergioGullini VincenzoAbbasciano 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第22期3313-3317,共5页
AIM: The fears and concerns are associated with gastroscopy (EGD) decrease patient compliance. Conscious sedation (CS) and non-pharmacological interventions have been proposed to reduce anxiety and allow better execut... AIM: The fears and concerns are associated with gastroscopy (EGD) decrease patient compliance. Conscious sedation (CS) and non-pharmacological interventions have been proposed to reduce anxiety and allow better execution of EGD. The aim of this study was to assess whether CS, supplementary information with a videotape, or presence of a relative during the examination could improve the tolerance to EGD. METHODS: Two hundred and twenty-six outpatients (pts), scheduled for a first-time non-emergency EGD were randomly assigned to 4 groups: Co-group (62 pts): throat anaesthesia only; Mi-group (52 pts): CS with i.v. midazolam; Re-group (58 pts): presence of a relative throughout the procedure; Vi-group (54 pts): additional information with a videotape. Anxiety was measured using the “Spielberger State and Trait Anxiety Scales” The patients assessed the overall discomfort during the procedure on an 100-mm visual analogue scale, and their tolerance to EGD answering a questionnaire. The endoscopist evaluated the technical difficulty of the examination and the tolerance of the patients on an 100-mm visual analogue scale and answering a questionnaire. RESULTS: Pre-endoscopy anxiety levels were higher in the Mi-group than in the other groups (P<0.001). On the basis of the patients' evaluation, EGD was well tolerated by 80.7% of patients in Mi-group, 43.5% in Co-group, 58.6% in Regroup, and 50% in Vi-group (P<0.01). The discomfort caused by EGD, evaluated by either the endoscopist or the patients, was lower in Mi-group than in the other groups. The discomfort was correlated with “age” (P<0.001) and “groups of patients” (P<0.05) in the patients' evaluation, and with “gender” (females tolerated better than males, P<0.001) and “groups of patients” (P<0.05) in the endoscopist's evaluation. CONCLUSION: Conscious sedation can improve the tolerance to EGD. Male gender and young age are predictive factors of bad tolerance to the procedure. 展开更多
关键词 Conscious Sedation ADULT ANXIETY control Endoscopy Digestive System FEAR Female Gastrointestinal Diseases Humans Male Middle Aged Patient Compliance Patient Education Prospective Studies Videotape Recording
Transformer-like model with linear attention for speech emotion recognition 被引量:3
作者 Du Jing Tang Manting Zhao Li 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2021年第2期164-170,共7页
Because of the excellent performance of Transformer in sequence learning tasks,such as natural language processing,an improved Transformer-like model is proposed that is suitable for speech emotion recognition tasks.T... Because of the excellent performance of Transformer in sequence learning tasks,such as natural language processing,an improved Transformer-like model is proposed that is suitable for speech emotion recognition tasks.To alleviate the prohibitive time consumption and memory footprint caused by softmax inside the multihead attention unit in Transformer,a new linear self-attention algorithm is proposed.The original exponential function is replaced by a Taylor series expansion formula.On the basis of the associative property of matrix products,the time and space complexity of softmax operation regarding the input's length is reduced from O(N2)to O(N),where N is the sequence length.Experimental results on the emotional corpora of two languages show that the proposed linear attention algorithm can achieve similar performance to the original scaled dot product attention,while the training time and memory cost are reduced by half.Furthermore,the improved model obtains more robust performance on speech emotion recognition compared with the original Transformer. 展开更多
关键词 TRANSFORMER attention mechanism speech emotion recognition fast softmax
Corporate Environmental Awareness Incentives and Recommendations
作者 Jing HAN Xilin LIU 《International English Education Research》 2015年第3期73-75,共3页
China's environmental problems become increasingly serious. In the context of the enterprise, which does not have the motivation to take the initiative to improve the environment, we realize the importance of environ... China's environmental problems become increasingly serious. In the context of the enterprise, which does not have the motivation to take the initiative to improve the environment, we realize the importance of environmental consciousness. The necessity of the incentive of the environmental awareness will be elaborated by psychology aspect. In the meantime, some suggestions are advanced in knowledge and experience, government policy and financial institution fields, to really motivate the China's environmental consciousness, to really change environmental protection problem into the internal problems of the enterprise. Finally, it can enable the enterprises to protect environment actively, and promote the smooth implementation of environmental accounting. 展开更多
关键词 Environmental awareness positive incentives FINANCING GAME psychological analysis
Colors of Peace
作者 Indira Y. Junghare 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2016年第1期14-27,共14页
In this age of modernization and mechanization, we seem to have lost sensitivity to a collective awareness regarding the welfare of our surroundings, people, animals, microbes, and plants. We seem to encounter systemi... In this age of modernization and mechanization, we seem to have lost sensitivity to a collective awareness regarding the welfare of our surroundings, people, animals, microbes, and plants. We seem to encounter systemic problems of corruption, moral bankruptcy, and spiritual decay. This leads to a rise in violence at various levels: individual, familial, societal, global, environmental, and biological. In order to combat these problems, it is necessary to examine the diverse semantics of the concept of peace: positive peace, negative peace, world peace, socio-cultural peace, and individual peace. The semantics of peace changes according to the context, for example, "May he rest in peace," is quite different from: "His beautiful memories will give you peace." Since society is constituted of a group of persons, an individual becomes society's substantive foundation with his/her conscious self, made of mind, body and spirit. The individual with creative power can become an agent of positive change. Using the interdisciplinary socio-linguistic/semantic and humanistic-philosophical approaches, this paper analyzes the "all-inclusive" and "interdependent" nature of life and the role and power of the individual (self) in the creation of peace at diverse levels: personal, community, the globe, and the cosmos. The paper draws heavily from India's spiritual worldview and humanistic techniques in resolving conflicts and attaining freedom from ill-health for peaceful living. 展开更多
作者 杨春明 《山东农机化》 2001年第5期7-7,共1页
关键词 马戈庄镇 检审主动权 工作 办事效率 山东 依法治意识
English Christmas Pantomime: Theatre or Community Activism
作者 Pete Reader, MFA 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2016年第7期804-810,共7页
How is English Christmas panto community activism? The structure of pantomime has not changed in a hundred years, but allows for local creativity to work within its framework to be both family entertainment and socia... How is English Christmas panto community activism? The structure of pantomime has not changed in a hundred years, but allows for local creativity to work within its framework to be both family entertainment and social satire This basic structure is founded on a children's story like Puss 'n 'boots or Cinderella. The story and character types remain the same; but the community can add their own jokes and commentary to make the play relevant to themselves and their community. What is added by the community says a lot about who they are and what they care about. The company Price-Waterhouse-Coopers produces their pantomime as management training and team building while engaging the community. The Basel Swiss panto raises money for African Charities. The Maplewood, NJ panto raises money for the homeless and the Jaguar Charity panto in Birmingham performs to disadvantaged children and adults. The productions can be extravagant or threadbare, but share the same goal of raising cheer and goodwill to the benefit of the community. What is it, then, about panto that brings a community together in such civic mindedness? 展开更多
关键词 English Christmas pantomine community engagement THEATRE ACTIVISM
The Important Task of Promoting Reading for all of Library --The Establishment and Promotion Mode Research of the Universal Reading Guide Mechanism in the New Era
作者 Ying Zhu 《International English Education Research》 2014年第10期37-39,共3页
The rise and fall of a country are closely associated with the country's intellectuals, and knowledge is a fundamental method of changing the fate of a country. Wake up the national ideology of reading. In this conte... The rise and fall of a country are closely associated with the country's intellectuals, and knowledge is a fundamental method of changing the fate of a country. Wake up the national ideology of reading. In this context of the times, the Library undertakes the important task of advancing the national reading, libraries should continue to strengthen self-construction, and work together with other institutions and government, strangthaning our universal reading mechanism and developing it into a mature career. 展开更多
关键词 Universal Reading Deep Reading Oriented Mechanisms Promotion Model
意识化自然:人化自然的重要组成部分 被引量:1
作者 刘跃进 《哲学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 1993年第8期31-32,共2页
在讨论人化自然问题时,有人认为只有被人的实践活动实际改造过的自然才是人化自然;有人认为,被人认识到的自然也是人化自然。笔者认为,作为与自在自然相对的概念,人化自然是在不同程度上、以不同形式与人发生不同联系的自然。不可否认,... 在讨论人化自然问题时,有人认为只有被人的实践活动实际改造过的自然才是人化自然;有人认为,被人认识到的自然也是人化自然。笔者认为,作为与自在自然相对的概念,人化自然是在不同程度上、以不同形式与人发生不同联系的自然。不可否认,实践改造过的自然是人化自然的最重要的内容。但是,它不是人化自然的全部内容。本文所要探讨的。 展开更多
关键词 实践活动 人化自然 意识机 重要组成部分 情感化 相互作用 自在自然 意识 认知参与 意志
“脑—精神相互作用”析 被引量:2
作者 傅世侠 《哲学研究》 1983年第1期25-33,60,共10页
一 近年来,在国际哲学论坛上,有一些脑神经科学家和科学哲学家,对所谓脑—精神相互作用(Brain—mind interection)的观点竞相争论。有的学者认为,随着脑科学的发展,只有采取“脑—精神相互作用论”,才能在唯物主义一元论原则的基础上,... 一 近年来,在国际哲学论坛上,有一些脑神经科学家和科学哲学家,对所谓脑—精神相互作用(Brain—mind interection)的观点竞相争论。有的学者认为,随着脑科学的发展,只有采取“脑—精神相互作用论”,才能在唯物主义一元论原则的基础上,建立“完善的脑理论”(先塔戈太,J·Szentagothai);有的学者却明确宣称,他所主张的“脑—精神相互作用论”。 展开更多
关键词 相互作用论 脑神经科学 辩证唯物主义哲学 脑科学 科学哲学家 一元论 意识机 精神现象 环境条件 人脑
作者 杨光 《商务与法律》 2003年第5期35-37,共3页
关键词 北京 国际金融中心 意识 金融 资金结算 金融市场体系 金融组织体系 金融人才
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