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作者 王大桥 冯乐群 《湖北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第1期49-57,共9页
斯蒂格勒等当代美学家不断突破形而上学美学对感性的桎梏,重返“感觉与意义”以及在此基础之上的情感生成机制问题,以扩展的理论话语与研究范式重新介入艺术问题的思考。斯蒂格勒将艺术置于可感物的存在模式中,强调艺术“技艺”面向对... 斯蒂格勒等当代美学家不断突破形而上学美学对感性的桎梏,重返“感觉与意义”以及在此基础之上的情感生成机制问题,以扩展的理论话语与研究范式重新介入艺术问题的思考。斯蒂格勒将艺术置于可感物的存在模式中,强调艺术“技艺”面向对感性的重构,艺术与感性的双向构成为当代美学进入艺术场域提供了诸多启发。面对文化工业与消费主义造成的美学的灾难,斯蒂格勒以“工业艺术”调和技术与艺术之间的复杂关系,与技术结合的数字艺术焕发出独特的感受力,蕴含着重塑感知方式与意义的潜能。感性的“技艺性”成为当代美学的重要问题,推动了美学重新进入艺术的进程,当代美学与艺术重新结盟。 展开更多
关键词 贝尔纳·斯蒂格勒 当代美学 工业艺术 感性的“技艺
论感性对象性活动——读《1844年经济学—哲学手稿》 被引量:1
作者 屈光峰 范伶俐 《哈尔滨学院学报》 2005年第1期16-18,22,共4页
感性对象性活动超出了感性、感性对象性的视阈 ,道出了人与世界的原初关联 ,构成了马克思哲学的存在论基础 ,从而在根基处瓦解了理智形而上学 ,彰显出生存论的哲学境域。
关键词 感性 感性对象 感性时象活动 存在论基础
丙戊酸盐治疗情感性障碍 被引量:26
作者 刘美兰 《国外医学(精神病学分册)》 1990年第1期14-18,共5页
关键词 丙戊酸盐 感性障碍
新课程理念下,教学情感性、生活性的实践 被引量:1
作者 曾忠民 《福建陶研》 2008年第2期21-23,共3页
关键词 新课程理念 思想政治课 感性、生活教学实施
感染性心内膜炎患者心脏赘生物培养病原菌分布及耐药性 被引量:14
作者 赵娟 李艳明 +4 位作者 刘宁 晏群 刘青霞 李虹玲 刘文恩 《中国感染控制杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2018年第6期485-489,共5页
目的分析感染性心内膜炎患者心脏赘生物培养病原菌分布及其耐药性,为临床合理使用抗菌药物提供参考依据。方法回顾性分析某院2012年7月—2017年7月同期送检心脏赘生物和血培养感染性心内膜炎患者病原菌分布以及赘生物培养病原菌的耐药... 目的分析感染性心内膜炎患者心脏赘生物培养病原菌分布及其耐药性,为临床合理使用抗菌药物提供参考依据。方法回顾性分析某院2012年7月—2017年7月同期送检心脏赘生物和血培养感染性心内膜炎患者病原菌分布以及赘生物培养病原菌的耐药情况。结果 193例患者心脏赘生物培养阳性率为38.86%(75/193),75例患者赘生物中共分离病原菌82株,其中革兰阳性菌58株(70.73%),革兰阴性菌19株(23.17%),真菌5株(6.10%)。革兰阳性菌对万古霉素仍高度敏感,草绿色链球菌对四环素(37.14%)、克林霉素(51.43%)和红霉素(68.57%)有较高耐药率;葡萄球菌属对红霉素(50.00%)、苯唑西林(60.00%)和青霉素(80.00%)有较高耐药率;肠球菌属对左氧氟沙星、红霉素、环丙沙星和四环素耐药率均≥75.00%;假单胞菌属对环丙沙星(36.36%)、左氧氟沙星(36.36%)、亚胺培南(45.45%)有较强耐药性;苍白杆菌属对β-内酰胺类抗生素耐药率达100.00%;不动杆菌属对所检测抗菌药物均有较高耐药率(均>30.00%)。结论感染性心内膜炎患者心脏赘生物培养病原菌以革兰阳性菌为主,赘生物培养可作为血培养的有效补充与验证,临床治疗应根据药敏结果合理选择抗菌药物。 展开更多
关键词 感性性心内膜炎 心脏赘生物 病原菌 耐药 抗药 微生物
不同抗性小鼠ECTV感染前后重要模式识别受体的组织表达差异分析 被引量:2
作者 何小兵 王聪 +5 位作者 成温玉 贾怀杰 陈国华 房永祥 刘翊中 景志忠 《中国比较医学杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2020年第7期13-22,109,共11页
探讨抗性/易感小鼠DNA识别受体的组织表达差异与抗病性的关系。方法不同抗性品系小鼠感染ECTV后,采用实时荧光定量PCR(qRT-PCR)技术分析其组织的重要DNA识别受体差异表达谱。结果TLR9、DAI、cGAS、RNA pol III和RIG-I这5个与DNA识别相... 探讨抗性/易感小鼠DNA识别受体的组织表达差异与抗病性的关系。方法不同抗性品系小鼠感染ECTV后,采用实时荧光定量PCR(qRT-PCR)技术分析其组织的重要DNA识别受体差异表达谱。结果TLR9、DAI、cGAS、RNA pol III和RIG-I这5个与DNA识别相关的受体在不同抗性小鼠组织中均呈广泛性表达,但鼠痘抗性小鼠C57BL/6品系的表达明显整体高于BALB/c小鼠;在ECTV感染后易感小鼠BALB/c品系的这些基因表达明显上调,而C57BL/6小鼠变化不大甚至下调。结论这种差异表达特征表明这些受体分子可能与小鼠的天然抗病力密切相关。 展开更多
关键词 小鼠 /易感性 模式识别受体 差异表达 实时定量PCR
牛朊蛋白基因多样性与抗病性研究进展 被引量:7
作者 管峰 潘磊 +1 位作者 石国庆 杨利国 《草食家畜》 2008年第2期7-10,共4页
朊蛋白(Prion protein,PrP)是近来证明的可传播性海绵状脑病(TSE)的根源,牛朊蛋白基因(PRNP)多样性与抗病性/易感性存在相关关系。本文就朊蛋白的生物学特征和牛PRNP多样性与抗病性/易感性的关系进行简要综述,旨在为牛的抗病性评价和抗... 朊蛋白(Prion protein,PrP)是近来证明的可传播性海绵状脑病(TSE)的根源,牛朊蛋白基因(PRNP)多样性与抗病性/易感性存在相关关系。本文就朊蛋白的生物学特征和牛PRNP多样性与抗病性/易感性的关系进行简要综述,旨在为牛的抗病性评价和抗病育种提供理论参考。 展开更多
关键词 PRP 可传播海绵状脑病(TSE) PRNP多样 抗病/易感性
德性和恶都是出于意愿——论亚里士多德对苏格拉底“德性即知识”的批评 被引量:2
作者 宋友文 《重庆社会科学》 2006年第12期36-37,42,共3页
亚里士多德在批评“德性即知识”的命题时,认为苏格拉底抹煞了灵魂中的非理性部分,忽视了意志和情感在德性形成过程中的作用。亚里士多德继承了柏拉图关于灵魂二分的思想,认为德性是理性对灵魂欲望部分(非理性部分)的控制和正确引导,而... 亚里士多德在批评“德性即知识”的命题时,认为苏格拉底抹煞了灵魂中的非理性部分,忽视了意志和情感在德性形成过程中的作用。亚里士多德继承了柏拉图关于灵魂二分的思想,认为德性是理性对灵魂欲望部分(非理性部分)的控制和正确引导,而恶就是由于理性失去了对非理性的欲望的控制。由此,他不赞成“恶是出于无知”“、无人自愿作恶”的观点。亚里士多德进一步论证了德性和恶都是出于意愿的行为,在这种行为实践中,人始终是自己行为的始因,所以人应该对自己的行为负责。由此可见,亚里士多德的伦理学说包含着意志论和责任论思想的萌芽,这是他不同于苏格拉底单纯知识论伦理学的关键之所在。 展开更多
关键词 的实践和情感性 的意愿与选择
作者 冯道东 《湖北民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1997年第1期33-35,共3页
幽默的理性品格是幽默中蕴含的人的精神内涵、人格价值、机敏智慧和理智感以及领悟幽默所需要的理性过程,是人对自身理性品质的审美观照;幽默的理性是具有科学理性特征的艺术理性,不同于感性喜剧形态的单一的艺术感受;幽默是审美的... 幽默的理性品格是幽默中蕴含的人的精神内涵、人格价值、机敏智慧和理智感以及领悟幽默所需要的理性过程,是人对自身理性品质的审美观照;幽默的理性是具有科学理性特征的艺术理性,不同于感性喜剧形态的单一的艺术感受;幽默是审美的而非审丑的。总之,幽默的理性品格和审美特征使它拥有优于一般喜剧性的地位. 展开更多
关键词 品格 幽默 感性喜剧 喜剧 审美特征 艺术理 科学理
作者 王瑞琪 廉传江 +3 位作者 易诚 韩凌霞 杨春文 陈洪岩 《实验动物与比较医学》 CAS 2017年第3期244-248,共5页
目的在前期高通量测序分析的基础上,进一步利用荧光定量PCR验证miR-200b-3p和miR-200b-5p在马立克氏病(MD)抗性(B21单倍型)与易感(B19单倍型)鸡法氏囊组织的差异表达情况。方法通过经优化后确定的最佳实时荧光定量PCR反应体系和扩增条件... 目的在前期高通量测序分析的基础上,进一步利用荧光定量PCR验证miR-200b-3p和miR-200b-5p在马立克氏病(MD)抗性(B21单倍型)与易感(B19单倍型)鸡法氏囊组织的差异表达情况。方法通过经优化后确定的最佳实时荧光定量PCR反应体系和扩增条件,进行荧光定量PCR分析。结果 miR-200b-3p和miR-200b-5p荧光定量PCR结果与高通量测序结果上下调情况基本一致,但差异表达显著性分析结果却不完全相同。结论尽管差异表达显著性分析结果不完全一致,但两种方法的结果均提示来源于同一前体的miR-200b-3p和miR-200b-5p可能与MD抗性/易感性相关。 展开更多
关键词 miR-200b 马立克氏病(MD) /易感性 高通量测序 荧光定量PCR
艺术直觉与艺术创造 被引量:2
作者 王炳社 《唐都学刊》 2005年第1期151-155,共5页
艺术直觉就是主体不借助于逻辑思维程序和经验积累 ,直接洞察某一现象的社会涵义、思想意义和审美价值的能力。艺术家具有这种特别敏锐的生活洞察力。艺术直觉的特征具体表现为感性性和情感性、模糊性和转化性、直接性和整体性。艺术直... 艺术直觉就是主体不借助于逻辑思维程序和经验积累 ,直接洞察某一现象的社会涵义、思想意义和审美价值的能力。艺术家具有这种特别敏锐的生活洞察力。艺术直觉的特征具体表现为感性性和情感性、模糊性和转化性、直接性和整体性。艺术直觉在艺术创造中的作用是十分明显的 ,在艺术创造的实施阶段 ,艺术直觉具有不可替代的作用。在艺术活动过程中 ,艺术直觉是在隐存状态中协助艺术家进行理性认识的。艺术直觉能够以“思维的感觉”帮助艺术家迅速准确地把握审美客体的本质和规律 ,并能够以“直接领悟”审美客体本质 。 展开更多
关键词 艺术直觉 艺术创造 感性性 感性 模糊 转化 直接 整体
作者 王炳社 《渭南师范学院学报》 2007年第6期45-47,共3页
关键词 艺术直觉 感性性 直接 模糊 转化 整体
Baseline Sensitivity of Botrytis cinerea from Liaoning Province to Boscalid 被引量:3
作者 刘妍 祁之秋 +2 位作者 韩宝艳 赵铂锤 纪明山 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第11期2531-2534,共4页
[Objective] This study aimed to avoid and delay the generation of resis- tance in Botrytis cinerea to boscalid. [Method] The sensitivity of Botrytis cinerea to boscalid was tested by the mycelial growth rate method. T... [Objective] This study aimed to avoid and delay the generation of resis- tance in Botrytis cinerea to boscalid. [Method] The sensitivity of Botrytis cinerea to boscalid was tested by the mycelial growth rate method. The distribution of sensitivity variation of B. cinerea to boscalid in different regions was cleared, and the sen- sitivity baseline of B. cinerea from Liaoning Province to boscalid was established. [Result] The ECso values of B. cinerea strains from Liaoning Province ranged from 0.080 0 to 7.787 2μg/ml, and the highest ECho value was 97.34 times higher than the minimum. The average EC50 value (1.973μg/ml) of the 158 strains was treated as the baseline sensitivity of B. cinerea from Liaoning Province to boscalid. [Conclu- sion] It is essential to conduct a risk assessment of drug resistance in B. cinerea to boscalid. 展开更多
关键词 TOMATO Botrytis cinerea BOSCALID Sensitivity Baseline sensitivity
Uniaxial compressive behavior of equal channel angular pressing Al at wide temperature and strain rate range 被引量:1
作者 汤忠斌 索涛 +3 位作者 张部声 李玉龙 赵峰 范学领 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第8期2447-2452,共6页
Uniaxial compressive experiments of ultrafine-grained Al fabricated by equal channel angular pressing(ECAP) method were performed at wide temperature and strain rate range. The influence of temperature on flow stress,... Uniaxial compressive experiments of ultrafine-grained Al fabricated by equal channel angular pressing(ECAP) method were performed at wide temperature and strain rate range. The influence of temperature on flow stress, strain hardening rate and strain rate sensitivity was investigated experimentally. The results show that both the effect of temperature on flow stress and its strain rate sensitivity of ECAPed Al is much larger than those of the coarse-grained Al. The temperature sensitivity of ultrafine-grained Al is comparatively weaker than that of the coarse-grained Al. Based on the experimental results, the apparent activation volume was estimated at different temperatures and strain rates. The forest dislocation interactions is the dominant thermally activated mechanism for ECAPed Al compressed at quasi-static strain rates, while the viscous drag plays an important role at high strain rates. 展开更多
关键词 ultrafine-grained materials equal channel angular pressing AL mechanical behavior strain rate sensitivity temperature dependence activation volume
Experimental study on the effects of climatic characteristics on people's adaptability to thermal environment 被引量:1
作者 余娟 朱颖心 +1 位作者 欧阳沁 曹彬 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2010年第2期279-282,共4页
In order to find out how the climatic characteristics affect people's adaptability to thermal environments,experimental studies in a climate chamber are conducted on the effects of transition seasons(from spring to ... In order to find out how the climatic characteristics affect people's adaptability to thermal environments,experimental studies in a climate chamber are conducted on the effects of transition seasons(from spring to summer)and the occupants' native areas on indoor thermal sensations.Results reveal that people's tolerances to cool and warm indoor environments are different in the transition season.When the outdoor temperature is higher,the occupants have a weaker tolerance to a cool indoor environment,but a stronger tolerance to a warm indoor environment.Besides,it is found that the occupants' thermal sensations depend on both the climatic characteristics of the season and their native areas.The people from southern China present a greater tolerance to both warm and cool indoor environments than those from northern China.The reason can be explained according to the occupants' adaptability to the climatic characteristics and the indoor thermal environments of their native areas in different climate zones. 展开更多
关键词 climatic characteristics ADAPTABILITY thermal sensation TOLERANCE
Analysis of Hereditary Stability and Disease Susceptivity of sFat-1 Transgenic Pigs 被引量:1
作者 华文君 刘西梅 +2 位作者 程妮 郑新民 李莉 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第4期573-576,共4页
[Objective] This study aimed to investigate the hereditary stability of sFat-1 transgenic pigs and the differences in disease susceptivity between sFat-1 transgenic pigs and non-transgenic pigs. [Method] The integrati... [Objective] This study aimed to investigate the hereditary stability of sFat-1 transgenic pigs and the differences in disease susceptivity between sFat-1 transgenic pigs and non-transgenic pigs. [Method] The integration of sFat-1 gene in pigs was detected by PCR; the infection of transgenic pig to pseudorabies, leptospirosis, swine dysentery, brucellosis, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, rotavirus and mycoplasma hyopneumoniae was detected by using ELISA and PCR. [Result] The positive ratio of F3 generation sFat-1 transgenic pigs was 18.5%; the susceptivity of positive sFat- 1 transgenic and negative pigs to seven infectious diseases showed no significant difference. [Conclusion] Exogenous gene in sFat-1 transgenic pigs can not be stably inherited. The overall physical condition of positive transgenic and negative pigs was similar. 展开更多
关键词 sFat-1 Transgenic pigs Hereditary stability Susceptivity
Application of support vector machine in trip chaining pattern recognition and analysis of explanatory variable effects 被引量:2
作者 杨硕 邓卫 程龙 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2017年第1期106-114,共9页
In order to improve the accuracy of travel demand forecast and considering the distribution of travel behaviors within time dimension, a trip chaining pattern recognition model was established based on activity purpos... In order to improve the accuracy of travel demand forecast and considering the distribution of travel behaviors within time dimension, a trip chaining pattern recognition model was established based on activity purposes by applying three methods: the support vector machine (SVM) model, the radial basis function neural network (RBFNN) model and the multinomial logit (MNL) model. The effect of explanatory factors on trip chaining behaviors and their contribution to model performace were investigated by sensitivity analysis. Results show that the SVM model has a better performance than the RBFNN model and the MNL model due to its higher overall and partial accuracy, indicating its recognition advantage under a smai sample size scenario. It is also proved that the SVM model is capable of estimating the effect of multi-category factors on trip chaining behaviors more accurately. The different contribution of explanatory, factors to trip chaining pattern recognition reflects the importance of refining trip chaining patterns ad exploring factors that are specific to each pattern. It is shown that the SVM technology in travel demand forecast modeling and analysis of explanatory variable effects is practical. 展开更多
关键词 trip chaining patterns support vector machine recognition performance sensitivity analysis
Genetic predisposition to inflammation:a new risk factor of Alzheimer's disease 被引量:1
作者 万赢 王刚 陈生弟 《Neuroscience Bulletin》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第5期314-322,共9页
Inflammation has been shown to play an important role in the progression of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Recent epidemical study indicates that the incidence of AD in some populations is substantially influenced by th... Inflammation has been shown to play an important role in the progression of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Recent epidemical study indicates that the incidence of AD in some populations is substantially influenced by the gene polymorphisms of the inflammation mediators. Meanwhile, an ensured risk factor, the ApoE ε4 allele is also reported to directly promote inflammation. Accordingly, it appears that an individual genetic background has partly determined his predisposition for AD by the extent of the inflammation response to the chronic stimulus by β-amyloid peptide (Aβ) deposits and other antigen stressor in the elderly. Hence we present a hypothesis that the inflammation genotypes may contribute to AD susceptibility. This may provide a new orientation both for future identification of individuals at risk and for personalized medication. 展开更多
关键词 Alzheimer's disease INFLAMMATION PREDISPOSITION polymorphism inflammation mediators ApoE ε4 allele identification personalized medication
氟对骨形成和矿化的作用受遗传因素的影响 被引量:2
作者 罗明秀 曹峻岭 《国外医学(医学地理分册)》 CAS 2009年第4期212-214,共3页
目的本实验以牙釉质对氟具有不同敏感性、近亲交配的3个小鼠品系(A/J:易感品系;SWR/J:中度易感品系;129P3/J:抗性品系)逐级增加氟剂量(0、25、50、100μg/L),证明对这些小鼠皮质骨及松质骨力学性能有不同影响。方法研究采用了微型计算... 目的本实验以牙釉质对氟具有不同敏感性、近亲交配的3个小鼠品系(A/J:易感品系;SWR/J:中度易感品系;129P3/J:抗性品系)逐级增加氟剂量(0、25、50、100μg/L),证明对这些小鼠皮质骨及松质骨力学性能有不同影响。方法研究采用了微型计算机断层摄影、小连接体分析、静态组织形态测定、反向散射电子(BSE)成像、X射线粉末衍射等方法对3个品系小鼠骨的形成、骨的显微结构、矿化作用和显微硬度值等相关指标分别进行了测定。结果3个品系小鼠在最大氟剂量时其骨形成有显著增加;随F^-剂量增加,小鼠骨矿化程度无显著提高,只有SWR/J品系小鼠在50、100μg/L剂量时其椎体松质骨的矿化不均一程度明显降低;3个品系除129P3/J品系自身晶体较小外,随F^-剂量增加3者晶体的宽度都显著增加;F^-处理对三品系皮质骨和松质骨的显微硬度值无任何影响。结论氟作用对3品系骨微结构无显著影响,类骨质形成的增加和矿化不均一程度的降低都支持F^-离子延迟新骨矿化的理论;晶体宽度随F^-剂量的增加而增加的现象证实了早期的研究结果,并与大多数骨力学性能的降低相关;骨中F^-的增加可能影响了骨基质蛋白的性质,妨碍了骨晶体在微晶体面的生长抑制和有机-无机相界面间的结合;129P3/J抗性品系存在较强的有机-无机相界面,可能会降低微晶体的生长速率,故该品系自身骨晶体最小,受氟作用影响不显著。 展开更多
关键词 氟化物 遗传易感性/抗 羟基磷灰石晶体 有机-无机界面结合
Dynamic Change and Simulation and Prediction of the Karst Rocky Desertification Sensitivity in Guizhou Province
作者 安宏锋 安裕伦 +1 位作者 袁士聪 张跃红 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第11期155-161,共7页
Sensitivity evaluation of rocky desertification is to recognize the areas prone to be rock-deserted,so as to assess the sensitivity degree of rocky desertification to human activities.To perform the sensitivity evalua... Sensitivity evaluation of rocky desertification is to recognize the areas prone to be rock-deserted,so as to assess the sensitivity degree of rocky desertification to human activities.To perform the sensitivity evaluation of rocky desertification,we should be on the basis of the mechanism of rocky desertification formation for analyzing its regional distribution difference in the sensitivity and further for finding out the rocky desertification-susceptive areas and their possible degrees.Employing remote sensing and geological information system techniques,we regarded the 1∶ 50 000 topographic map and the TM image in 2000 of Guizhou Province,together with the hydrologic map,soil map,geologic map,rock formation map,administrative map and other geological information as data sources to generate the degree data of rocky desertification sensitivity of Guizhou Province in 1962 and 2000,based on which we determined the corresponding degree transfer matrix and adopted Markov model to simulate the dynamic change process of rocky desertification sensitivity and its future evolution trend.In various sensitivity types of rocky desertification in Guizhou Province,only the insensitive type showed a declined acreage,from the proportion of total land acreage of 61.35% in 1962 to 55.55% in 2000.Various sensitivity types inter-conversed,resultantly the acreage of mildly sensitive type increased most.The prediction results showed that the acreage of insensitive type of rocky desertification in Guizhou Province will assume a remarkable decline trend,of mildly sensitive type will present a remarkably increasing trend and of slightly sensitive type basically will maintain a stable level in the future tens of years.Acreages of both highly sensitive and extremely sensitive type of rocky desertification expanded to some extent,suggesting that the rocky desertification risk in Guizhou Province is in an aggravating process. 展开更多
关键词 KARST Sensitivity of rocky desertification Rock assemblages SLOPE Land use Markov model Guizhou Province
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