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作者 阪川 武志 张东生 《感光材料》 北大核心 1990年第3期45-46,48,共3页
关键词 底片 黑白片 相纸 感色性
作者 陈学廉 罗丹 《影像科学与实践》 1991年第2期19-19,18,共2页
关键词 光材料 卤化银 感色性 海洋
作者 汪永明 丁振忠 《影像材料》 2002年第2期26-27,共2页
1 前言 已经知道,感光材料中的光敏物质卤化银只对可见光中的蓝色光和紫色光以及部分紫外线敏感,而对其它色光不敏感.例如氯化银仅吸收接近紫外区域的光和可见紫光的某些部分.而溴化银吸收光的程度大约可达到490nm,若将碘化银加入溴化银... 1 前言 已经知道,感光材料中的光敏物质卤化银只对可见光中的蓝色光和紫色光以及部分紫外线敏感,而对其它色光不敏感.例如氯化银仅吸收接近紫外区域的光和可见紫光的某些部分.而溴化银吸收光的程度大约可达到490nm,若将碘化银加入溴化银中,使可见光吸收扩大到520nm,即延长到绿光区.感光材料对不同颜色光波敏感的特性,叫做感色性.如果用纯卤化银制成的胶片拍摄蓝色瓷盘中的苹果,在底片上只能显现出瓷盘影像,而苹果在底片上是透明的,印在照相纸上表现为漆黑一团. 展开更多
关键词 黑白胶卷 光谱 光度 感色性曲线 日光光度
作者 邓秀林 《刑事技术》 1992年第2期38-,共1页
盲色片也叫色盲片,其感光乳剂是溴化银及少量碘化银的混合物,未加入光学增感剂,因而只感受蓝光、紫光及部分紫外线,对其它色光则感受迟钝或不能感受,这类感光片感光速度慢,银粒细,反差强,分析力高,宽容度小,适用于拍照黑白文件、图纸、... 盲色片也叫色盲片,其感光乳剂是溴化银及少量碘化银的混合物,未加入光学增感剂,因而只感受蓝光、紫光及部分紫外线,对其它色光则感受迟钝或不能感受,这类感光片感光速度慢,银粒细,反差强,分析力高,宽容度小,适用于拍照黑白文件、图纸、捺印指印及制作幻灯片。 展开更多
关键词 盲片 光乳剂 捺印 银粒 力高 紫光 曝光量 感色性
作者 孙占元 郭军 《刑事技术》 1982年第6期47-48,共2页
滤色镜对可见光中的色光有通过、吸收和限制的作用。在物证照相中,滤色镜的作用一是校正颜色,二是调整反差,使原物的颜色变成合乎需要的色调。在'5·27'反革命武装暴乱案中,查获一面反动组织的所谓'国旗',旗面为棕... 滤色镜对可见光中的色光有通过、吸收和限制的作用。在物证照相中,滤色镜的作用一是校正颜色,二是调整反差,使原物的颜色变成合乎需要的色调。在'5·27'反革命武装暴乱案中,查获一面反动组织的所谓'国旗',旗面为棕红色,'国徽'是用黄油漆画的月牙,它是反革命集团的主要罪证之一。 展开更多
关键词 革命武装 反革命集团 感色性 肥皂水 分辨力 下加 光反射 了明
作者 邹调洞 《三晋测绘》 1996年第4期42-43,共2页
滤色镜在航空摄影中的应用通用航空公司飞行大队●邹调洞航空摄影是受天气影响较大的一项工作。所摄的底片质量优劣,直接影响着航摄资料的使用效果,航空摄影的质量优劣,取决于航摄照像机的精度、胶片的性能、曝光量的正确、大气的光... 滤色镜在航空摄影中的应用通用航空公司飞行大队●邹调洞航空摄影是受天气影响较大的一项工作。所摄的底片质量优劣,直接影响着航摄资料的使用效果,航空摄影的质量优劣,取决于航摄照像机的精度、胶片的性能、曝光量的正确、大气的光学条件、滤色镜的选用以及洗印过程的... 展开更多
关键词 航空摄影 能见度 感色性 短波光 曝光时间 滤光 底片质量 航空摄影底片
印刷用感光材料型号编排原则 第一部分 印刷用银盐感光材料
《印刷质量与标准化》 1994年第2期23-25,30,共4页
《印刷用感光材料型号编排原则 第一部分 印刷用银盐感光材料》是由全国感光材料标准化技术委员会提出,由中国乐凯胶片公司第二胶片厂和第一胶片厂负责起草的化工行业标准.现将其报批稿刊出,以飨读者.
关键词 光材料 编排原则 乐凯胶片公司 英文字母 阿拉伯数 第二胶片厂 产品型号 氦氖激光 感色性 银盐
作者 王恒根 马广原 赵丽芹 《黑龙江八一农垦大学学报》 1999年第1期56-58,共3页
在教学活动中,我们经常需要制作资料幻灯片,以便提高教学质量.然而传统的幻灯片(以负片拷贝得到正片)的制作方法有很大的局限性,费时费力,成本高,周期长.本文着重介绍一种简便易行的方法,即正片拍摄反转冲洗制作幻灯片的方法... 在教学活动中,我们经常需要制作资料幻灯片,以便提高教学质量.然而传统的幻灯片(以负片拷贝得到正片)的制作方法有很大的局限性,费时费力,成本高,周期长.本文着重介绍一种简便易行的方法,即正片拍摄反转冲洗制作幻灯片的方法.该方法操作简单,快捷方便. 展开更多
关键词 黑白电影正片 感色性 反转冲洗 影像清晰度
作者 肖伟奇 安立国 《哈尔滨师范大学自然科学学报》 CAS 2000年第6期59-63,共5页
本文对滤光镜的因数与影响滤光镜因数的三个因素 ,以及滤光镜曝光倍数的计算方法 ;滤光镜的缺陷及检验方法等方面进行了分析 .对在摄影创作中正确的了解和应用滤光镜的因数 。
关键词 滤光镜 因数 焦距 曝光倍数 摄影 感色性 吸收率 照明光源 曝光量
作者 臧鸿民 王继顺 刘欣 《影像技术》 CAS 2003年第3期32-34,共3页
天津牌黑白航空复照胶片是一种颗粒微细、高分辨率、高清晰度的黑白低速胶片,专用于复制或拍摄航空照片、黑白或彩色地形图及文件资料等,是航空胶片必不可少的配套产品。该产品按其光谱感色性分盲色型和全色型,又按其影调反差分硬调、... 天津牌黑白航空复照胶片是一种颗粒微细、高分辨率、高清晰度的黑白低速胶片,专用于复制或拍摄航空照片、黑白或彩色地形图及文件资料等,是航空胶片必不可少的配套产品。该产品按其光谱感色性分盲色型和全色型,又按其影调反差分硬调、中间调和软调以适应不同用途要求。本文详细介绍其性能特点和使用注意事项。 展开更多
关键词 黑白航空复照胶片 分辨率 清晰度 黑白低速胶片 光谱感色性 影调反差
作者 邹明理 吴知 袁泽钊 《刑事技术》 1983年第3期60-63,共4页
关键词 刑事照相 感色性 照相技术 计算盘 光谱成分 中心照相 曝光时间 拍摄条件 照射方式 海拔高度
作者 杨玉柱 童桂兰 《影像科学与实践》 1995年第3期13-14,25,共3页
关键词 光谱对比法 感色性 加强反差
作者 王强 《影像材料》 2001年第3期28-29,48,共3页
关键词 乐凯电影声带负片 光度 感色性 刑事技术 拍摄技术 痕迹拍摄
作者 Xiao-ran He Xiao-peng Wu 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2008年第1期54-59,共6页
Objective To investigate and compare the biological characteristics and sensitivity to chemotherapy and radiotherapy of intrahepatic and extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma cells in vitro.Methods The intrahepatic and extr... Objective To investigate and compare the biological characteristics and sensitivity to chemotherapy and radiotherapy of intrahepatic and extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma cells in vitro.Methods The intrahepatic and extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma cell lines were established,and cells with steady passage were chosen to study the biological characteristics including morphology,growth dynamics,chromosome,and levels of cancer antigen(CA)125,CA19-9,alpha-fetoprotein(AFP),and carcino-embryonic antigen(CEA).Meanwhile,MTT assay was used to determine the sensitivity of both kinds of cells to 6 chemotherapeutic drugs,including cisplatin,paclitaxel,harringtonine,5-fluorouracil,vincristine,and aclacimomycin,and the inhibitory rate of cells under the irradiation of 10 Gy ray was also measured.Results The intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma cells were mostly fusiform in shape,and extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma cells were mostly round or polygon in shape.Their doubling time was 26.3 hours and 23.1 hours,respectively.Their average number of chromosomes was 59(range,38-84)and 67(range,49-103),respectively.The chromosome karyotypes of most intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma cells were hyperdiploid and hypotriploid,while hypertriploid was predominant in extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma cells.The level of CA 125 in supernatant of extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma cells increased obviously,while levels of other determined tumor markers in both kinds of cells were all within normal range.The intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma cells were low sensitive to cisplatin and paclitaxel,but not sensitive to the other 4 chemotherapeutic drugs.The extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma cells were high sensitive to cisplatin,but not sensitive to the other 5 drugs.Both kinds of cells had poor sensitivity to radiotherapy.Conclusions Intrahepatic and extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma cells show differences in shape,doubling time,chromosome karyotype,tumor marker level,and chemosensitivity,whereas they both have poor radiosensitivity.Though they are similar in histopathology,they have different growth characteristics and have discrepancy in treatment and prognosis. 展开更多
An Approach to Improving the Retrieval Accuracy of Oceanic Constituents in Case Ⅱ Waters 被引量:2
作者 ZHANGTinglu FrankFell 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2004年第2期220-224,共5页
In the present paper, a method is proposed to improve the performance of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) based algorithms for the retrieval of oceanic constituents in Case Ⅱ waters. The ANN-based algorithms have been... In the present paper, a method is proposed to improve the performance of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) based algorithms for the retrieval of oceanic constituents in Case Ⅱ waters. The ANN-based algorithms have been developed based on a constraint condition, which represents, to a certain degree, the correlation between suspended particulate matter (SPM) and pigment (CHL), coloured dissolved organic matter (CDOM) and CHL, as well as CDOM and SPM, found in Case Ⅱ waters. Compared with the ANN-based algorithm developed without a constraint condition, the performance of ANN-based algorithms developed with a constraint conditions is much better for the retrieval of CHL and CDOM, especially in the case of high noise levels; however, there is not significant improvement for the retrieval of SPM. 展开更多
关键词 retrieval accuracy oceanic constituents artificial neural network Case waters ocean colour remote sensing
Absolute multi-pole encoder with a simple structure based on an improved gray code to enhance the resolution 被引量:1
作者 刘勇 《Journal of Chongqing University》 CAS 2009年第3期181-187,共7页
We developed a novel absolute multi-pole encoder structure to improve the resolution of the multi-pole encoder, realize absolute output and reduce the manufacturing cost of the encoder. The structure includes two ring... We developed a novel absolute multi-pole encoder structure to improve the resolution of the multi-pole encoder, realize absolute output and reduce the manufacturing cost of the encoder. The structure includes two ring alnicos defined as index track and sub-division track, respectively. The index track is magnetized based on the improved gray code, with linear halls placed around the track evenly. The outputs of linear halls show the region the rotor belongs to. The sub-division track is magnetized to N-S-N-S (north-south-north-south), and the number of N-S pole pairs is determined by the index track. Three linear hall sensors with an air-gap of 2 mm are used to translate the magnetic filed to voltage signals. The relative offset in a single N-S is obtained through look-up. The magnetic encoder is calibrated using a higher-resolution incremental optical encoder. The pulse output from the optical encoder and hall signals from the magnetic encoder are sampled at the same time and transmitted to a computer, and the relation between them is calculated, and stored in the FLASH of MCU (micro controller unit) for look-up. In the working state, the absolute angle is derived by looking-up with hall signals. The structure is simple and the manufacturing cost is very low and suitable for mass production. 展开更多
关键词 signal encoding magnetic encoder improved gray code absolute output
A highly sensitive SPE-liquid/liquid extraction-RPLC analytical method for the determination of 6β-hydroxycortisol and cortisol in cancer patients' urine 被引量:3
作者 Zhang Hong Fang Yu Li Ying Liang Aibin 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2010年第2期75-83,共9页
A highly sensitive SPE-liquid/liquid extraction RPLC method has been developed for the analysis of 6β-hydroxycortisol and cortisol in the urine of cancer patients. Methods: After SPE column purification and liquid-l... A highly sensitive SPE-liquid/liquid extraction RPLC method has been developed for the analysis of 6β-hydroxycortisol and cortisol in the urine of cancer patients. Methods: After SPE column purification and liquid-liquid extraction, the sample test solutions were analyzed with RPLC using a C18 analytical column. This improved analytical method has been validated for linearity, accuracy (recovery from urine), repeatability (within-day and between-day precision), specificity, sensitivity, and stability. This SPE-liquid/liquid extraction-RPLC is rapid, simple, accurate and reproducible. The technique is particularly useful for monitoring the CYP3A activity of cancer patients in clinical settings. The results are expressed as the ratio of 6β-hydroxycortisol to cortisol. Results: The CYP3A activity from a total of 153 samples was measured using this improved method. Considerable variation in the CYP3A activity of different cancer patients has been documented. Thus, personalized medical treatment based on the individual metabolic enzyme activity level is necessary. Conclusion: This new analytical method facilitates such individualized medical treatments. 展开更多
关键词 Solid phase extraction (SPE) Liquid/liquid extraction Reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography (RPLC) CYP3A 6β-hydroxycortisol/cortisol Cancer
Sustained Viral Response to Ipilimumab Treatment in a Patient with HCV Chronic Infection and Metastatic Melanoma: A Case Report
作者 Daniel Eiger Rodrigo Coutinho Mariano +2 位作者 Patricia Taranto Daniela Pezzutti Domingues Armentano Rene Claudio Gansl 《Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology》 2017年第5期231-236,共6页
The treatment of metastic melanoma has rapidly evolved in the last 5 years, giving clinicians and patients the hope for long lasting responses. In the field of modern immunotherapy, we are reaching the point of an exp... The treatment of metastic melanoma has rapidly evolved in the last 5 years, giving clinicians and patients the hope for long lasting responses. In the field of modern immunotherapy, we are reaching the point of an expressive percentage of patients achieving long term survival with anti-CTLA4 and anti-PD1 checkpoint inhibitors. Of note, there is a considerable amount of patients excluded from the checkpoint blockade trials because of comorbidities like chronic viral infections. A precaution to avoid autoimmune induced hepatitis rendered HBV (hepatitis B virus) and HCV (hepatitis C virus) infected patients usually ineligible, but real life data in those patients, who are getting treatment despite of that, is pointing toward the feasibility and safety of immunotherapy in this context. To ilustrate that, we report the case of a metastatic non-BRAF mutated melanoma patient with HCV chronic infection and a surprising benefit derived from ipilimumab and pembrolizumab for his latter condition. 展开更多
关键词 MELANOMA IMMUNOTHERAPY checkpoint inhibitors IPILIMUMAB pembrolizumab HCV.
The Infectious Tricuspid Endocarditis in ICU: Clinical Features, Management and Outcome
作者 A. Jamoussi T. Merhebene +4 位作者 K Ben Ismail S. Ayed A Ben Jazia Ben Khelil M. Besbes 《Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology》 2017年第11期827-833,共7页
Objectives: Infectious tricuspid endocarditis is known to simply require antibiotherapy and to have good prognosis in most cases. Few studies focused on severe episodes managed in ICU. We aimed to describe clinical a... Objectives: Infectious tricuspid endocarditis is known to simply require antibiotherapy and to have good prognosis in most cases. Few studies focused on severe episodes managed in ICU. We aimed to describe clinical and microbiological features, and fmal outcome of infectious tricuspid endocarditis managed in ICU. Methods: From 1 January 2009 to 31 August 2017, all patients hospitalized in intensive care unit with infectious tricuspid endocarditis were enrolled. Key findings: We collected 15 episodes of infectious tricuspid endocarditis. Median age was of 39 years. Risk factors were: intravenous drug users (n = 10), pace maker (n = 1), vascular device (n = 2), none (n = 2). Median SAPS II, APACHE II and SOFA on admission were 21, 10 and 2 respectively. Organ failures on admission were: acute respiratory failure (n = 10), sepsis (n = 7), coma (n = 1) and acute kidney injury (n = 8). The most frequent causative pathogen was Staphylococcus Aureus. Antibiotherapy failure happened in 10 patients from whom 8 underwent cardiac surgery (53.3%). Most frequent complications were acute kidney injury (n = 14) and withdrawal syndrom. Infectious tricuspid endocarditis relapse on bioprosthesis occurred within 2 intravenous drug users after hospital discharge. Overall in-hospital mortality was 40%. Conclusions: Infectious tricuspid endocarditis in ICU is fitted with poor prognosis and high need to cardiac surgery. Special care should be provided to intravenous drug users to prevent relapse. 展开更多
关键词 Infectious endocarditis tricuspid valve intensive care unit intravenous drug users staphylococcus aureus COMPLICATIONS surgery endocarditis recurrence withdrawal syndrome.
《当代矿工》 1999年第7期33-33,共1页
什么是感光度? 答:胶片对光线敏感的程度叫做底片的感光度。 什么叫密度? 答:胶片感光后,底片颗粒形成粗、细的变化程度叫做底片的密度。 什么叫反差? 答:胶片感光后,在胶片上形成明暗对比差叫做底片的反差。 什么叫宽容度? 答:宽容度... 什么是感光度? 答:胶片对光线敏感的程度叫做底片的感光度。 什么叫密度? 答:胶片感光后,底片颗粒形成粗、细的变化程度叫做底片的密度。 什么叫反差? 答:胶片感光后,在胶片上形成明暗对比差叫做底片的反差。 什么叫宽容度? 答:宽容度是胶片按正比关系。 展开更多
关键词 底片 容度 透明胶片 胶片 光度 感色性 明暗对比 反转片 景物 正比关系
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