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作者 朱兵 王嘉赋 +2 位作者 胡大炜 王均义 王炜 《声学技术》 CSCD 1997年第3期127-128,共2页
脑在噪声中感觉信号的能力朱兵王嘉赋胡大炜王均义王炜(南京大学物理系,生物物理研究所,南京·210093)1引言人们在喧闹的茶馆里轻声谈话能互相听见,这是脑从背景噪声中感觉信号的一种能力,如何用实验来模拟和检测这种... 脑在噪声中感觉信号的能力朱兵王嘉赋胡大炜王均义王炜(南京大学物理系,生物物理研究所,南京·210093)1引言人们在喧闹的茶馆里轻声谈话能互相听见,这是脑从背景噪声中感觉信号的一种能力,如何用实验来模拟和检测这种听觉功能,并从理论上解释噪声在脑识别信... 展开更多
关键词 噪声 感觉信号 人脑 检测
作者 马志兰 《辽宁教育行政学院学报》 2007年第11期174-175,共2页
一、外加感觉信号的方法 在有些跳跃动作的练习中,利用不同高度的悬挂物(挂球、挂牌子等)作为视觉信号,使练习者用脚踢,或跳起来用手摸,或用头顶等方法,训练练习者跳到一定高度。例如:学生在开始学习跳远时,往往只想到向远处... 一、外加感觉信号的方法 在有些跳跃动作的练习中,利用不同高度的悬挂物(挂球、挂牌子等)作为视觉信号,使练习者用脚踢,或跳起来用手摸,或用头顶等方法,训练练习者跳到一定高度。例如:学生在开始学习跳远时,往往只想到向远处跳,而忽略了往高处跳。有的教师就在起跳处设置一个挂球或其他悬挂物,作为视觉信号,要求学生在起跳时用头能触及它。 展开更多
关键词 感觉信号 体育教学 训练 应用 视觉信号 悬挂物 练习 学生
体育教学和训练中感觉信号的应用 被引量:1
作者 姚大强 《辽宁师专学报(自然科学版)》 2004年第2期43-44,共2页
在体育教学和训练中 ,正确地利用感觉信号帮助练习者 ,会使他们学习和掌握正确的动作 ,起到事半功倍的作用 .
关键词 体育教学 体育训练 感觉信号 动作 肌肉运动感觉
作者 秦娇琴 庞国防 +6 位作者 吕泽平 胡才友 付棉 周琴 梁庆华 何本进 杨泽 《中国老年保健医学》 2015年第4期36-39,共4页
动物通过生理调节保持体内平衡、适应外部环境的变化。来自体内、外部的刺激,经动物体内各种类型的感受器转换成信号,转导至下游感受器,感觉信号经处理后影响激素分泌、调节体内平衡。感觉信号转导和激素分泌过程主要依赖于离子通道受体... 动物通过生理调节保持体内平衡、适应外部环境的变化。来自体内、外部的刺激,经动物体内各种类型的感受器转换成信号,转导至下游感受器,感觉信号经处理后影响激素分泌、调节体内平衡。感觉信号转导和激素分泌过程主要依赖于离子通道受体和G蛋白偶联受体。另外,研究发现,感觉系统不仅影响动物的行为和生理,也影响寿命,机制可能是通过调节动物的食物摄入影响寿命。本文讨论:1动物外部感觉信号如何被感受器细胞所识别和转换;2如何进一步处理这些感觉信号以调节生理过程中维持体内平衡的肽激素的分泌;3感觉影响衰老的可能的机制。 展开更多
关键词 感觉信号 体内平衡 衰老
TRP通道与信号转导 被引量:20
作者 段波 徐天乐 《生物物理学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第4期245-260,共16页
TRP(transient receptor potential)通道是一类在外周和中枢神经系统分布很广泛的通道蛋白。到目前为止,有超过30个TRP通道家族成员在哺乳动物中被克隆。TRP通道均为六次跨膜蛋白,其N末端和C末端均在胞内,由第五和第六跨膜结构域共同构... TRP(transient receptor potential)通道是一类在外周和中枢神经系统分布很广泛的通道蛋白。到目前为止,有超过30个TRP通道家族成员在哺乳动物中被克隆。TRP通道均为六次跨膜蛋白,其N末端和C末端均在胞内,由第五和第六跨膜结构域共同构成非选择性阳离子孔道。这些通道可被许多种因素调节,包括温度、渗透压、pH值、机械力,以及一些内、外源性配体和细胞内信号分子。TRP通道家族包含七个亚族。目前,它们最公认的功能是介导感觉信号的传递,其他功能包括调节细胞钙平衡和影响发育等。 展开更多
关键词 TRP通道 门控特性 感觉信号传递 钙平衡 发育
同视机在双眼视功能检查的应用 被引量:2
作者 王翠英 陈丽萍 邢华禹 《中国眼镜科技杂志》 2019年第11期107-109,共3页
双眼视觉是指外界物体像分别落在两眼视网膜对应点,大脑高级中枢把来自双眼的视觉信息分析综合成一个完整且具有立体感的视觉图像。为了获得良好的双眼视觉,需具备感觉性融像和运动性融像。感觉性融像负责将双眼感觉信号合二为一、形成... 双眼视觉是指外界物体像分别落在两眼视网膜对应点,大脑高级中枢把来自双眼的视觉信息分析综合成一个完整且具有立体感的视觉图像。为了获得良好的双眼视觉,需具备感觉性融像和运动性融像。感觉性融像负责将双眼感觉信号合二为一、形成单一像的能力,运动性融像使双眼能保持一致的能力。在二者共同的作用下,维持良好的双眼视觉三级功能即同时视、融合和立体视。同时视是三级视功能中的初级功能,它是指两眼对物像有同时接受的能力。融合指大脑可以将来自两眼的像在知觉水平上综合形成一个完整的像的能力。立体视,也被称为深度觉,是感知三维空间的双眼视觉能力,是建立在双眼同时知觉和融合基础上的高级视觉功能。本文重点介绍使用同视机进行双眼视功能检查。 展开更多
关键词 功能检查 双眼视觉 应用 视觉图像 信息分析 合二为一 感觉信号 视觉能力
《中国酿造》 CAS 北大核心 2017年第10期201-202,共2页
从多角度相互作用观察的美味--从人脑的印象功能开始研究 研究“好吃”的概念并非易事。除了食物本身的因素以外,感觉和生理状态也十分重要。味道和嗅觉都与化学物质相关,嗅觉还与过往饮食的嗜好和经验有关。化学性的味和口腔中的感... 从多角度相互作用观察的美味--从人脑的印象功能开始研究 研究“好吃”的概念并非易事。除了食物本身的因素以外,感觉和生理状态也十分重要。味道和嗅觉都与化学物质相关,嗅觉还与过往饮食的嗜好和经验有关。化学性的味和口腔中的感觉信号是从口腔经过延髓的孤束核和丘脑进入大脑,然后传入脑的岛盖部。气味是由鼻腔上皮,经嗅结节、梨状皮质、扁桃体、嗅内皮质等进行一系列的传导。此外,对食物的评价还关系到许多其他因素,如人的心理,即人们对某种食物的经验性情报, 展开更多
关键词 文摘 海外 相互作用 生理状态 化学物质 感觉信号 食物 孤束核
作者 梅洁妍 《自然杂志》 1993年第1期56-56,共1页
关键词 苦味 味觉蛋白 gustducin蛋白 感觉信号 化学反应
《科学大众(小诺贝尔)》 2016年第10期9-9,共1页
我们的大脑中有一个叫丘脑的器官,是名副其实的“翻译官”,它能翻译身体发送过来的感觉信号。正常情况下,人在移动时,肌肉也在移动,眼睛会观察走过的距离,同时我们的内耳有个“平衡传感器”,可以很好地调节机体平衡,丘脑会整理... 我们的大脑中有一个叫丘脑的器官,是名副其实的“翻译官”,它能翻译身体发送过来的感觉信号。正常情况下,人在移动时,肌肉也在移动,眼睛会观察走过的距离,同时我们的内耳有个“平衡传感器”,可以很好地调节机体平衡,丘脑会整理各种信息,告诉大脑。 展开更多
关键词 晕车 坐车 机体平衡 感觉信号 传感器 丘脑 大脑 翻译
作者 李国军 《农村科技》 2011年第7期35-35,共1页
昆虫化学感受器是昆虫识别寄主植物的主要工具,昆虫的取食行为取决于从化学感受器传来的感觉信号。科学家研究发现昆虫取食行为特征受大脑神经肽的控制,昆虫借视觉、嗅觉、味觉等感觉通道对植物及环境所产生的刺激进行编码传导,最后通... 昆虫化学感受器是昆虫识别寄主植物的主要工具,昆虫的取食行为取决于从化学感受器传来的感觉信号。科学家研究发现昆虫取食行为特征受大脑神经肽的控制,昆虫借视觉、嗅觉、味觉等感觉通道对植物及环境所产生的刺激进行编码传导,最后通过神经中枢的综合与解码,并根据遗传所形成的模版和生理形态,对取食作出选择。如蚜虫、叶蝉类昆虫先把唾腺分泌液注入植物体以分解植物细胞壁,保证取食过程中植物汁液的流通。如果昆虫取食这些植物后不适应,便会再转移到其他植物上继续取食。而咀嚼式口器的,如蝗蝻则通过感受器探测后再取食。 展开更多
关键词 昆虫 诱食剂 化学感受器 取食行为 寄主植物 植物细胞壁 感觉信号 脑神经肽
作者 李君浩 《农村科技》 2010年第4期34-34,共1页
一、开发背景 昆虫的取食行为取决于从化学感受器传送的感觉信号的输入。有研究认为,昆虫各种不同取食行为特征受大脑神经肽控制。昆虫化学感受器是昆虫识别寄主植物的主要工具。昆虫借视觉、嗅觉、味觉等感觉通道对植物及环境所产生... 一、开发背景 昆虫的取食行为取决于从化学感受器传送的感觉信号的输入。有研究认为,昆虫各种不同取食行为特征受大脑神经肽控制。昆虫化学感受器是昆虫识别寄主植物的主要工具。昆虫借视觉、嗅觉、味觉等感觉通道对植物及环境所产生的刺激进行编码内导,最后通过神经中枢的综合和解码,并根据遗传所形成的模版和生理形态,对植物的取舍作出选择。昆虫的取食行为多样,但取食过程大致相似。如植食性昆虫取食一般要经过兴奋、试探与选择、进食、清洁等过程。 展开更多
关键词 植食性昆虫 诱食剂 新技术 取食行为 化学感受器 杀虫 寄主植物 感觉信号
Loss of CO_2 sensing by the olfactory system of CNGA3 knockout mice
作者 Jinlong HAN Minmin LUO 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第6期793-799,共7页
Atmospheric CO2 can signal the presence of food, predators or environmental stress and trigger stereotypical behaviors in both vertebrates and invertebrates. Recent studies have shown that the necklace olfactory syste... Atmospheric CO2 can signal the presence of food, predators or environmental stress and trigger stereotypical behaviors in both vertebrates and invertebrates. Recent studies have shown that the necklace olfactory system in mice sensitively detects CO2 in the air. Olfactory CO2 neurons are believed to rely on cyclic gnanosine monophosphate (cGMP) as the key second messenger; however, the specific ion channel underlying CO2 responses remains unclear. Here we show that CO2-evoked neuronal and behavioral responses require cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) channels consisting of the CNGA3 subunit. Through Ca2+-imaging, we found that CO2-triggered Ca2+ influx was abolished in necklace olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) of CNGA3-knockout mice. Olfactory detection tests using a Go/No-go paradigm showed that these knockout mice failed to detect 0.5% CO2. Thus, sensitive detection of atmospheric CO2 depends on the function of CNG channels consisting of the CNGA3 subunit in necklace OSNs. These data support the important role of the necklace olfactory system in CO2 sensing and extend our understanding of the signal transduction pathway mediating CO2 detection in mammals [Current Zoology 56 (6): 793-799, 2010]. 展开更多
关键词 Olfactory sensory neurons Ca2+ imaging Go/No-go CGMP Guanylyl cyclase CNG channels
Modulation of the assay system for the sensory integration of 2 sensory stimuli that inhibit each other in nematode Caenorhabditis elegans 被引量:1
作者 李隐侠 汪洋 +2 位作者 胡亚欧 仲纪祥 王大勇 《Neuroscience Bulletin》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第2期69-82,共14页
Objective To perform the modulation of an assay system for the sensory integration of 2 sensory stimuli that inhibit each other.Methods The assay system for assessing the integrative response to 2 reciprocally-inhibit... Objective To perform the modulation of an assay system for the sensory integration of 2 sensory stimuli that inhibit each other.Methods The assay system for assessing the integrative response to 2 reciprocally-inhibitory sensory stimuli was modulated by changing the metal ion barrier.Moreover,the hen-1,ttx-3 and casy-1 mutants having known defects in integrative response were used to evaluate the modulated assay systems.Based on the examined assay systems,new genes possibly involved in the sensory integration control were identified.Results In the presence of different metal ion barriers and diacetyl,locomotion behaviors,basic movements,pan-neuronal,cholinergic and GABAergic neuronal GFP expressions,neuronal development,structures of sensory neurons and interneurons,and stress response of nematodes in different regions of examined assay systems were normal,and chemotaxis toward different concentrations of diacetyl and avoidance of different concentrations of metal ions were inhibited.In the first group,most of the nematodes moved to diacetyl by crossing the barrier of Fe2+,Zn2+,or Mn2+.In the second group,almost half of the nematodes moved to diacetyl by crossing the barrier of Ag+,Cu2+,Cr2+,or Cd2+.In the third group,only a small number of nematodes moved to diacetyl by crossing the barrier of Pb2+ or Hg2+.Moreover,when nematodes encountered different metal ion barriers during migration toward diacetyl,the percentage of nematodes moving back and then turning and that of nematodes moving straight to diacetyl were very different.With the aid of examined assay systems,it was found that mutations of fsn-1 that encodes a F-box protein,and its target scd-2 that encodes a receptor tyrosine kinase,caused severe defects in integrative response,and the sensory integration defects of fsn-1 mutants were obviously inhibited by scd-2 mutation.Conclusion Based on the nematode behaviors in examined assay systems,3 groups of assay systems were obtained.The first group may be helpful in evaluating or identifying the very subtle deficits in sensory integration,and the third group may be useful for the final confirmation of sensory integration defects of mutants identified in the first or the second group of assay systems.Furthermore,the important association of sensory integration regulation with stabilization or destabilization of synaptic differentiation may exist in C.elegans. 展开更多
关键词 sensory integration paired stimuli assay system metal ion barrier C.elegans
《中国食品学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第2期201-201,共1页
饥饿/饱食感、食物的摄入、内脏感觉信号和情绪之间存在着联系。研究显示,从胃肠道到脑部的饥饿/饱食感,在饮食及其引起的一系列生理活动中起着关键作用。近期,比利时卢汶大学的LukasVanOudenhove等研究人员发现了营养诱导的肠道-... 饥饿/饱食感、食物的摄入、内脏感觉信号和情绪之间存在着联系。研究显示,从胃肠道到脑部的饥饿/饱食感,在饮食及其引起的一系列生理活动中起着关键作用。近期,比利时卢汶大学的LukasVanOudenhove等研究人员发现了营养诱导的肠道-脑部之间的信号通路。通过核磁共振检测由音乐和图像所引起的悲伤情绪对行为以及脑部神经系统的影响。 展开更多
关键词 情绪 食物 高脂 感觉信号 生理活动 信号通路 研究人员 神经系统
作者 詹姆斯L.亚当斯 《中国机电工业》 2014年第3期28-29,共2页
美感--通过美妙的画面、气味、声音、感觉和味道带给人类不同寻常的满足的某种感觉信号,或者感觉信号的组合。这种感觉的来源可能是一幅美景、一棵植物、一只动物或者一件物品。我们保留了祖先从滋养他们的自然万物中感受到的愉悦:波... 美感--通过美妙的画面、气味、声音、感觉和味道带给人类不同寻常的满足的某种感觉信号,或者感觉信号的组合。这种感觉的来源可能是一幅美景、一棵植物、一只动物或者一件物品。我们保留了祖先从滋养他们的自然万物中感受到的愉悦:波光粼粼的清澈溪流的声音,柔软的皮毛的触感,成熟的果实的色泽和果香,郁郁葱葱的景色。我们喜爱凝视丛林、高大的树木和嬉戏的动物,喜欢花香、初春和春雨。我们认为这样的感觉和体验富有美感。 展开更多
关键词 工业产品 美感 感觉信号 声音 动物
Hear no evil: The effect of auditory warning signals on avian innate avoidance, learned avoidance and memory 被引量:2
作者 Emma C. SIDDALL Nicola M. MARPLES 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第2期197-207,共11页
Many aposematic insect species advertise their toxicity to potential predators using olfactory and auditory signals, in addition to visual signals, to produce a multimodal warning display. The olfactory signals in the... Many aposematic insect species advertise their toxicity to potential predators using olfactory and auditory signals, in addition to visual signals, to produce a multimodal warning display. The olfactory signals in these displays may have interesting effects, such as eliciting innate avoidance against novel colored prey, or improving learning and memory of defended prey. However, little is known about the effects of such ancillary signals when they are auditory rather than olfactory. The few studies that have investigated this question have provided conflicting results. The current study sought to clarify and extend understanding of the effects of prey auditory signals on avian predator responses. The domestic chick Gallus gallus domesticus was used as a model avian predator to examine how the defensive buzzing sound of a bumblebee Bombus terrestris affected the chick's innate avoidance behavior, and the learning and memory of prey avoidance. The results demonstrate that the buzzing sound had no effect on the predator's responses to unpalatable aposematically colored crumbs, suggesting that the agitated buzzing of B. terrestris may provide no additional protection from avian predators . 展开更多
关键词 APOSEMATISM Auditory signals Dietary conservatism Avoidance learning Memorability Multimodal signaling
A different view: sensory drive in the polarized-light realm 被引量:1
作者 Thomas W. CRONIN 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第4期513-523,共11页
Sensory drive, the concept that sensory systems primarily evolve under the influence of environmen tal features and that animal signals are evolutionarily shaped and tuned by these previously existing sensory systems,... Sensory drive, the concept that sensory systems primarily evolve under the influence of environmen tal features and that animal signals are evolutionarily shaped and tuned by these previously existing sensory systems, has been thoroughly studied regarding visual signals across many animals. Much of this work has focused on spectral aspects of vision and signals. Here, I review work on polarized light signals of animals and relate these to what is known of polarization visual systems, polarized light aspects of visual scenes, and polarizationrelated behavior (e.g., orientation, habitatfinding, contrast enhancement). Other than the broad patterns of scattered polarized light in the sky, most po larization in both terrestrial and aquatic environments results from either reflection or scattering in the horizontal plane. With overhead illumination, horizontal features such as the surfaces of many leaves or of air: water interfaces reflect horizontal polarization, and water scatters horizontally polar ized light under most conditions. Several animal species have been demonstrated to use horizontally polarized light fields or features in critical aspects of their biology. Significantly, most biological sig nals are also horizontally polarized. Here, I present relevant polarizationrelated behavior and discuss the hypothesis that sensory drive has evolutionarily influenced the structure of polarization signals. The paper also considers the evolutionary origin of circular polarization vision and circularly polar ized signals. It appears that this class of signals did not evolve under the influence of sensory drive. The study of signals based on polarized light is becoming a mature field of research. 展开更多
关键词 animal communication polarized light sensory drive VISION visual signal
Mimicry and masquerade from the avian visual perspec-tive 被引量:2
作者 Mary Caswell STODDARD 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第4期630-648,共19页
Several of the most celebrated examples of visual mimicry, like mimetic eggs laid by avian brood parasites and pala-table insects mimicking distasteful ones, involve signals directed at the eyes of birds. Despite this... Several of the most celebrated examples of visual mimicry, like mimetic eggs laid by avian brood parasites and pala-table insects mimicking distasteful ones, involve signals directed at the eyes of birds. Despite this, studies of mimicry from the avian visual perspective have been rare, particularly with regard to defensive mimicry and masquerade. Defensive visual mimicry, which includes Batesian and Mtillerian mimicry, occurs when organisms share a visual signal that functions to deter predators. Masquerade occurs when an organism mimics an inedible or uninteresting object, such as a leaf, stick, or pebble. In this paper, I present five case studies covering diverse examples of defensive mimicry and masquerade as seen by birds. The best-known cases of defensive visual mimicry typically come from insect prey, but birds themselves can exhibit defensive visual mimicry in an at- tempt to escape mobbing or dissuade avian predators. Using examples of defensive visual mimicry by both insects and birds, I show how quantitative models of avian color, luminance, and pattern vision can be used to enhance our understanding of mimicry in many systems and produce new hypotheses about the evolution and diversity of signals. Overall, I investigate examples of Batesian mimicry (1 and 2), Miillerian mimicry (3 and 4), and masquerade (5) as follows: 1) Polymorphic mimicry in African mocker swallowtail butterflies; 2) Cuckoos mimicking sparrowhawks; 3) Mimicry rings in Neotropical butterflies; 4) Plumage mimicry in toxic pitohuis; and 5) Dead leaf-mimicking butterflies and mantids. 展开更多
关键词 MIMICRY MASQUERADE Protective coloration Avian vision PATTERN LUMINANCE
Effect of initial phase diversity on signal detection in excitable systems
作者 LIANG XiaoMing LIU ZongHua 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第3期376-386,共11页
Undoubtedly, the sensory organs of biological systems have been evolved to accurately detect and locate the external stimuli, even if they are very weak. However, the mechanism underlying this ability is still not ful... Undoubtedly, the sensory organs of biological systems have been evolved to accurately detect and locate the external stimuli, even if they are very weak. However, the mechanism underlying this ability is still not fully understood. Previously, it had been shown that stochastic resonance may be a good candidate to explain this ability, by which the response of a system to an external signal is amplified by the presence of noise. Recently, it is pointed out that the initial phase diversity in external signals can be also served as a simple and feasible mechanism for weak signal detection or amplification in excitable neurons. We here make a brief review on this progress. We will show that there are two kinds of effects of initial phase diversity: one is the phase disorder, i.e., the initial phases are different and static, and the other is the phase noise, i.e., the initial phases are time-varying like noise. Both cases show that initial phase diversity in subthreshold periodic signals can indeed play a constructive role in the emergence of sustained spiking activity. As initial phase diversity can mimic different arrival times from source signal to sensory organs, these findings may provide a cue for understanding the hunting behaviors of some biological systems. 展开更多
关键词 stochastic resonance excitable neuron phase noise subthreshold signal
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