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改革奋进 办出特色──顺德永强成人学院、顺德永强广播电视大学的办学实践
作者 姜蕙 《高教探索》 北大核心 1997年第4期76-77,共2页
关键词 分教点 广播电视大学 办学实践 成人学 办出特色 人高等教育 学校 人高校 学生考勤 发展机遇
作者 黄敬东 《河北成人教育》 北大核心 1996年第1期46-46,共1页
农苑科星──记潜江市熊口镇成人学校教师关立成湖北黄敬东熊口乡下.常见中等个头默然减骂的一位中年汉子在田头地边向农民指点种养技术a他正是市镇几度达派到湖北农学院进修的熊口镇成人学校教师关立成。传播技术注重适应性能口果林... 农苑科星──记潜江市熊口镇成人学校教师关立成湖北黄敬东熊口乡下.常见中等个头默然减骂的一位中年汉子在田头地边向农民指点种养技术a他正是市镇几度达派到湖北农学院进修的熊口镇成人学校教师关立成。传播技术注重适应性能口果林繁茂,来自关立成心血浇灌。为着探索... 展开更多
关键词 成人学 校教师 潜江市 更新复壮技术 新品种 巨穗小麦 无性繁殖 生态模式 水稻 肉鸡种蛋
作者 蒋涛 《河北成人教育》 北大核心 1996年第3期35-35,共1页
试谈乡级成人学校教师唐山市开平区洼里乡蒋涛“党的十三届七中全会明确提出“科技教育兴农”的发展战略,旨在把农业发展转移到依靠科技进步和提高劳动者素质的轨道上来。“两高一优”农业的发展迫切需要更多农民掌握更高的科学技术。... 试谈乡级成人学校教师唐山市开平区洼里乡蒋涛“党的十三届七中全会明确提出“科技教育兴农”的发展战略,旨在把农业发展转移到依靠科技进步和提高劳动者素质的轨道上来。“两高一优”农业的发展迫切需要更多农民掌握更高的科学技术。乡成人学校的教师,在完成这项艰巨而... 展开更多
关键词 校教师 成人学 人教师 科学技术 班主任 “两高一优”农业 生理特性 密植栽培技术 三种作用 农民
作者 安仲平 《伊犁师范学院学报(社会科学版)》 1998年第3期50-52,共3页
学前教育专业的培养目标,是幼儿教育工作者.在新的教育思想指导下,幼儿音乐教育与胎儿音乐教育应运而生,其宗旨明确而深远,充分证明了音乐是开发智力的重要手段.它不仅是艺术,也是科学.幼儿教师的教学活动主要是通过艺术手段来达到的.因... 学前教育专业的培养目标,是幼儿教育工作者.在新的教育思想指导下,幼儿音乐教育与胎儿音乐教育应运而生,其宗旨明确而深远,充分证明了音乐是开发智力的重要手段.它不仅是艺术,也是科学.幼儿教师的教学活动主要是通过艺术手段来达到的.因为,艺术最能拨动人的心弦,它与人的内心情感直接联系着,正如黑格尔说的那样:“音乐是心情的艺术,它直接针对着心情,它反映心情最直接,打动心情也是最直接的.”所以说,它的教育作用也是相当深刻的.因此,对学前教育专业音乐类课程的教学进行认真的研究、探讨,是非常有必要的.学前教育专业艺术类课程与高师音乐专业从内容上、时间上,学习目的等方面都有很大的区别.音乐专业学生毕业后担负的是国民音乐教育任务。 展开更多
关键词 课程教学 学前教育专业 教学方法 音乐类 成人学 音乐素质 培养目标 幼儿教师 教学能力 考核办法
作者 赫迪 《北方音乐》 2016年第4期99-99,共1页
随着当今社会文艺的兴盛和各式音乐栏目对广大群众的开放,各种通俗歌曲几乎家喻户晓,人们的视野和欣赏水平、音乐素质也更加增进。中国好歌曲、中国好声音等家喻户晓的音乐艺术节目对人们耳熏目染,那些都是一般老百姓只要有梦想,只要喜... 随着当今社会文艺的兴盛和各式音乐栏目对广大群众的开放,各种通俗歌曲几乎家喻户晓,人们的视野和欣赏水平、音乐素质也更加增进。中国好歌曲、中国好声音等家喻户晓的音乐艺术节目对人们耳熏目染,那些都是一般老百姓只要有梦想,只要喜欢音乐都可以参加,可见学习音乐已经是全社会不同年龄、不同阶层都可以广泛学习的一种趋势了,已经不是必须从孩提时代学的童子功的传统观念了。随着时代的更新发展,学音乐的传统观念已经被信息的加快、新新人类的出现给彻底打破了。明星也是普通的人,做明星也不是什么神秘不可触碰的冰山了,你也可以是明星!那么成人学钢琴也不是多么难的事。 展开更多
关键词 成人学 钢琴 心理素质 科学弹奏
与成人学语文句群结构分析法 被引量:1
作者 李开钧 《武汉市教育科学研究院学报》 1999年第1期59-59,共1页
本文谈谈成人中专语文速成教学法之一——句群结构分析法。句群,在汉语语法书中历来是不占重要地位的,也不被一些语文教师重视,但我认为它很重要。究其原因主要有如下几个方面。其一,句群兼有语意搭配及构段成章的作用,因此它不仅仅是... 本文谈谈成人中专语文速成教学法之一——句群结构分析法。句群,在汉语语法书中历来是不占重要地位的,也不被一些语文教师重视,但我认为它很重要。究其原因主要有如下几个方面。其一,句群兼有语意搭配及构段成章的作用,因此它不仅仅是语法类知识,还兼有逻辑学和结构学方面的知识,功能很大,不可小看。我认为,抓好句群教学,可以起到前承字、词、句,后启段、层、章的连贯作用。因此,指导学生认识它,运用它,是很有必要的。其二,从成年人和普通中学生的差异上看。 展开更多
关键词 结构分析法 句群教学 句群组织 重要地位 教学法 成人学 年人 普通中学生 中专语文 语文教师
作者 杨兆军 杨艳 +1 位作者 李晓雪 史文海 《河北成人教育》 北大核心 1996年第3期31-32,共2页
新时期普遍高校─—成人教育的─—主要任务─—河北医科大学成教学院杨兆军,杨艳,李晓雪,史文海成人教育作为传统学校教育向终生教育发展的一种新型教育制度,在世界各国普通受到重视,我国1995年3月公布的教育法中有多处涉及... 新时期普遍高校─—成人教育的─—主要任务─—河北医科大学成教学院杨兆军,杨艳,李晓雪,史文海成人教育作为传统学校教育向终生教育发展的一种新型教育制度,在世界各国普通受到重视,我国1995年3月公布的教育法中有多处涉及到成人教育的条款,如第二章十九条规... 展开更多
关键词 普通高校人教育 人教育发展 新时期 人高校招生 大学后继续教育 人教育制度 发展趋势 主要任务 科学技术 成人学
谈谈成人的小提琴教学 被引量:1
作者 石志佗 《福建师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1989年第4期129-131,共3页
关键词 小提琴教学 小提琴演奏 成人学 音乐表现 技能技巧 再创造 动作 有机组合 音乐内容 学习过程
作者 王奎远 《中共天津市委党校学报》 1996年第2期62-65,共4页
现在,成人学外语的人数逐年增加。年轻者20出头,年长者50开外,年龄跨度之大是前所未有的。如何看待成人学外语,如何掌握成人心理,弄清二者之间的关系及其规律,并充分利用这一规律搞好外语教学,应该是需要认真思考的。一、成人学外语的热... 现在,成人学外语的人数逐年增加。年轻者20出头,年长者50开外,年龄跨度之大是前所未有的。如何看待成人学外语,如何掌握成人心理,弄清二者之间的关系及其规律,并充分利用这一规律搞好外语教学,应该是需要认真思考的。一、成人学外语的热潮,应该说是当今社会的进步党的十一届三中全会确立的改革开放政策使我们国家发生了巨大的变化。中国要走向世界,世界要了解中国,这是一种必然趋势。党的十四大更进一步确立了改革开放政策。 展开更多
关键词 人心理 外语教学 成人学 当今社会 改革开放政策 外语学习 三个阶段 年人 必然趋势 主动性
Two Minor Saponins from Leaves of Panax ginseng C. A.Meyer 被引量:2
作者 窦德强 陈英杰 +4 位作者 孟志云 文晔 裴玉萍 徐绥绪 姚新生 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 1996年第4期195-199,共5页
Two minor saponins were isolated from the leaves of P. ginseng and their struc-tures were elucidated as 3β,12β, 20(S)-trihydroxyl-dammar-24(25)-ene-(20-O-α-L-arabinofurano-syl(1→6)-β-D-glucopyranosyl)-3-O-β-D-gl... Two minor saponins were isolated from the leaves of P. ginseng and their struc-tures were elucidated as 3β,12β, 20(S)-trihydroxyl-dammar-24(25)-ene-(20-O-α-L-arabinofurano-syl(1→6)-β-D-glucopyranosyl)-3-O-β-D-glucopyranoside (1),and 3β,12β, 20(S)-trihydroxyl-dam-mar-24(25)-ene-(20-O-α-L-arabinopyranosyl(1→6)-β-D-glucopyranosyl)-3-O-β-glucopyranoside(2),respectively The fonner corresponds to notoginsenoside-Fe which is isolated for the first time from the title plant The latter is a new natural product and named as ginsenoside-Rd2. 展开更多
关键词 Notoginsenoside-Fe Ginsenoside-Rd2
Analysis of the Constituents in the Chinese Drug Notoginseng by Liquid Chromatography-Electrospray Mass Spectrometry 被引量:20
作者 刘进怀 王璇 +2 位作者 蔡少青 小松かつ子 难波恒雄 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 2004年第4期225-237,共13页
To develop a HPIX-UV-MS method for identifying the constituents in theChinese drug Notoginseng (the root of Panax notoginseng). Methods A Phenomenex Luna C_(18) column(250 mm x 4.6 mm ID, 5 μm) was utilized. Water co... To develop a HPIX-UV-MS method for identifying the constituents in theChinese drug Notoginseng (the root of Panax notoginseng). Methods A Phenomenex Luna C_(18) column(250 mm x 4.6 mm ID, 5 μm) was utilized. Water containing 0.005% formic acid (A) and acetonitrilecontaining 0.005% formic acid (B) were used as gradient eluents. UV spectra were recorded in range195 - 400 nm. Both positive and negative ion ESI modes were used. Results The constituents inNotoginseng were well separated and detected. Fourteen compounds were identified by comparing theirretention time and ESI-MS data with those obtained from the reference compounds. Forty-one compoundswere deduced by data analysis of MS and literature; among them, yesanchinosides-H and -E,chikusetsusaponin-L_5, malonyl-ginsenoside-R_(g_1), the isomers of notoginsenosides-J, -A, -R_1, -G,-R_2, and ginsenoside-Rh_3 were discovered in Notoginseng for the first time. Conclusion Thismethod gives high sensitivity and good separation, and is suitable for identifying the constituentsin Notoginseng. This result is helpful for further phytochemical research on Notoginseng. Based onthis result, further quality control can be studied. 展开更多
关键词 panax notoginseng HPLC-MS GINSENOSIDES notoginsenosides FLAVONOIDS
强化思想道德建设 全力培养“四有”新人
作者 康瑞清 《成人教育》 1997年第5期5-6,共2页
关键词 成人学 思想道德建设 德育教育
架金桥 送技术
《河北成人教育》 1999年第2期41-41,共1页
关键词 优质高产技术 辛集市 技术要点 产业化技术 果农 学习技术 骑摩托车 鸭梨 成人学 农民致富
作者 张明昌 《科学之友》 1996年第2期20-20,共1页
"孙悟空大闹天宫"的故事不仅使稚童学子欣喜若狂,就是对成人学者也有特殊的魅力,近年来它又飘洋过海,同样倾倒了东瀛民众和西方洋人。齐天大圣敢作敢为的气魄,变幻莫测的神通,超凡绝伦的本领都使人神往。当然这仅是美丽的神话... "孙悟空大闹天宫"的故事不仅使稚童学子欣喜若狂,就是对成人学者也有特殊的魅力,近年来它又飘洋过海,同样倾倒了东瀛民众和西方洋人。齐天大圣敢作敢为的气魄,变幻莫测的神通,超凡绝伦的本领都使人神往。当然这仅是美丽的神话,但人类的"太空时代" 展开更多
关键词 猴子 孙悟空 太空时代 成人学 太空飞行 人类 本领 神话 单细胞动物 生物卫星
Aspiring for competence in a multifaceted everyday life:A qualitative study of adult students’experiences of a blended learning master programme in Norway 被引量:1
作者 Bodil Gjestvang Sevald Høye Berit Arnesveen Bronken 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2021年第1期71-78,I0005,共9页
Aim:To gain knowledge of how adult students experienced the first year of a blended learning master programme to better understand their learning process.Methods:A qualitative,exploratory,descriptive study based on da... Aim:To gain knowledge of how adult students experienced the first year of a blended learning master programme to better understand their learning process.Methods:A qualitative,exploratory,descriptive study based on data from two focus group interviews with students attending a blended learning Master programme.Qualitative content analysis based on Graneheim and Lundman’s procedures was applied.Findings:Our analyses revealed one main theme:aspiring for competence in a multifaceted everyday life and four main categories:acquiring professional competence,struggling to manage diverse forms of communication,demanding task juggling and confused student role.Conclusions:The participants experienced that the programme enabled them to acquire professional competence relevant to practice.Despite the challenges,the programme is recommended for prospective students who live in both urban and rural areas,who are working and also responsible for children and other family tasks. 展开更多
关键词 Adult students Blended learning Nurses Nursing education Online education Sociocultural learning
Total Chemical Synthesis, Assembly of Human Torque Teno Virus Genome 被引量:4
作者 Zheng Hou Gengfu Xiao 《Virologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第3期181-189,共9页
Torque teno virus(TTV) is a nonenveloped virus containing a single-stranded,circular DNA genome of approximately 3.8kb.We completely synthesized the 3 808 nucleotides of the TTV(SANBAN isolate) genome,which contains a... Torque teno virus(TTV) is a nonenveloped virus containing a single-stranded,circular DNA genome of approximately 3.8kb.We completely synthesized the 3 808 nucleotides of the TTV(SANBAN isolate) genome,which contains a hairpin structure and a GC-rich region.More than 100 overlapping oligonucleotides were chemically synthesized and assembled by polymerase chain assembly reaction(PCA),and the synthesis was completed with splicing by overlap extension(SOEing).This study establishes the methodological basis of the chemical synthesis of a viral genome for use as a live attenuated vaccine or gene therapy vector. 展开更多
关键词 Torque teno virus(TTV) Synthetic biology Polymerase chain assembly reaction(PCA) Gene splicing by overlap extension(SOEing)
Asymptomatic lymphangioma involving the spleen and retroperitoneum in adults 被引量:8
作者 Sook Hee Chung Young Sook Park +8 位作者 Yun Ju Jo Seong Hwan Kim Dae Won Jun Byoung Kwan Son Jun Young Jung Dae Hyun Baek Dong Hee Kim Yoon Young Jung Won Mi Lee 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第44期5620-5623,共4页
Lymphangioma, a benign neoplasm of the lymphatic system, is common in children but rare in adults. Its clinical manifestations include abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and a palpable mass. However, abdominal sonograph... Lymphangioma, a benign neoplasm of the lymphatic system, is common in children but rare in adults. Its clinical manifestations include abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and a palpable mass. However, abdominal sonography or abdominal computed tomography (CT) scan can also incidentally reveal lymphangioma. A larger or symptomatic lymphangioma is treated with total resection to prevent recurrence, infection, torsion and enlargement. Although lymphangioma rarely becomes malignant, its prognosis is generally good. We report a cystic lymphangioma of the spleen and retroperitoneum, which was incidentally found in a 56-year-old man who was hospitalized due to a colon mass. Physical examination showed no specific findings. Abdominal CT revealed a 5.7 cm, non-enhanced multilobulated cystic mass with multiple sepia in the spleen and a 10 cm lobulated cystic mass in the paraaortic area. Splenectomy and retroperitoneal resection of the cystic mass were conducted. The endothelium of splenic and retroperitoneal cyst was immunohistochemically stained with D2-40 antibody. The patient was finally diagnosed with splenic cystic and retroperitoneal cavernous lymphangioma. 展开更多
New Constituents from the Fresh Stems of Opuntia Dillenii 被引量:2
作者 QIUYing-kun CHENYing-jie +2 位作者 PEIYu-pin MatsudaHisashi YoshikawaMasayuki 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 2003年第1期1-5,共5页
Aim To study the chemical composition of Opuntia dillenii Haw. Methods Manykinds of chromatogra-phy methods were used in the isolation procedure, while the structures ofisolated compounds were determined on the aids o... Aim To study the chemical composition of Opuntia dillenii Haw. Methods Manykinds of chromatogra-phy methods were used in the isolation procedure, while the structures ofisolated compounds were determined on the aids of NMR and MS spectral analysis. Result Three newcompounds, together with 14 known compounds, were isolated form the 80% ethanolic extract of itsstems. Conclusion The three new compounds, opuntioside Ⅰ (2), 4-ethoxyl-6-hydroxymethyl-α-pyrone(3) and kaempferol 7-O-β-D-glucopyranosyl (1→4)-β-D-glucopyranoside (4), were characterized. 展开更多
关键词 opuntia dillenii opuntioside 4-ethoxyl-6-hydroxymethyl-α-pyrone kaempferol 7- O-β-D-glucopyranosyl (1→4)-β-D-glucopyranoside
作者 吴兑 李菲 +3 位作者 邓雪娇 毕雪岩 王新华 黄晓莹 《Journal of Tropical Meteorology》 SCIE 2009年第1期68-72,共5页
Samples of fog water collected in the area of Guangzhou during February, March and April of 2005 are used in this work to study the chemical composition of fog water in polluting fog there. Three typical episodes of p... Samples of fog water collected in the area of Guangzhou during February, March and April of 2005 are used in this work to study the chemical composition of fog water in polluting fog there. Three typical episodes of polluting fog are analyzed in terms of ionic concentration and their possible sources. It is found that the concentration of various ions in fog water is much higher than those in rainwater. Fog not only blocks visual range but contains liquid particles that result in high degree of pollution and are very harmful to human health. SO4= is the anion with the highest concentration in fog water, followed by NO3-. For the cation, Ca++ and NH4+ are the highest in concentration. It is then known that rainwater is more acidic than fog water, indicating that ionic concentration of fog water is much higher than that of rainwater, but there are much more buffering materials in fog water, like NH4+ and Ca++. There is significant enrichment of Ca++, SO4=, and Mg++ in fog water. In the Guangzhou area, fog water from polluting fog is mainly influenced continental environment and human activity. The episodes of serious fog pollution during the time have immediate relationships with the presence of abundant water vapor and large amount of polluting aerosol particles. 展开更多
关键词 Atmospheric chemistry polluting fog fog water chemical composition Guangzhou
Materials Development for Adult Learners in Teaching Vocabulary
作者 Ayhan Yavuz 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2014年第4期259-276,共18页
Considering the special needs and the learning styles of their learners, foreign language teachers should use the most effective methods or approaches which are appropriate for their teaching strategies. Redundant or ... Considering the special needs and the learning styles of their learners, foreign language teachers should use the most effective methods or approaches which are appropriate for their teaching strategies. Redundant or a diverse range of teaching techniques are not meant to use in the process of their learners' acquiring new vocabulary items; instead, the most effective and to the point teaching techniques in terms of each language skill should be employed. Efficiency of language learners in terms of their command of the vocabulary can be assessed through their understanding any reading or listening context and managing to be productive in speaking or writing procedures in language acquisition process. Phonological, morpho-syntactic, or socio-pragmatic positions of new lexical items as well as the learners' learning styles and multiple intelligences should all be taken into consideration by language teachers so that their learners could really reach an efficient level of vocabulary power. This efficiency has been identified as having a language passport in terms of the proficiency level of the learners within the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference) for Languages by all EU countries in recent years. Foreign language teachers should try very hard to supply their learners with the required qualifications in every language skill so that they can have a linguistic identity both in their own societies and inter-cultural or multi-cultural contexts. Within this framework, foreign language teachers will hopefully make use of any suggested approach presented in this study so as to widen their learners' horizons in language acquisition process. 展开更多
关键词 learning styles teaching strategies lexical item CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference) language acquisition
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