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高校学科带头人的成长阶段及成功机制探索 被引量:1
作者 郑友训 赵丹丹 《教育评论》 北大核心 2016年第11期116-119,共4页
高校学科带头人是推动高校学科建设的领军人物。高校普通教师一般经过关注自我成长阶段、关注团队管理阶段、关注学科发展阶段和关注人才培养阶段,逐步成长为一名学科带头人。其成功是一个比较复杂漫长的过程,受到宏观背景因素、中观环... 高校学科带头人是推动高校学科建设的领军人物。高校普通教师一般经过关注自我成长阶段、关注团队管理阶段、关注学科发展阶段和关注人才培养阶段,逐步成长为一名学科带头人。其成功是一个比较复杂漫长的过程,受到宏观背景因素、中观环境因素和微观个人因素的相互作用与影响。深入剖析高校学科带头人的成长历程和成长规律,对我国下阶段的高校建设、学科发展具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 高校学科带头人 成长阶段 成功机制
韩国影视文化贸易的成功机制及启示 被引量:5
作者 王亚丽 《山西煤炭管理干部学院学报》 2014年第4期219-221,共3页
影视业作为最国际化的媒介产业,对促进一个国家的文化贸易增长起着非常重要的作用。韩国影视文化贸易取得了巨大成功,不仅仅促进了本国影视产品的"走出去",更重要的是提高了韩国文化的影响力。我国的文化产品走出去始终步履维... 影视业作为最国际化的媒介产业,对促进一个国家的文化贸易增长起着非常重要的作用。韩国影视文化贸易取得了巨大成功,不仅仅促进了本国影视产品的"走出去",更重要的是提高了韩国文化的影响力。我国的文化产品走出去始终步履维艰,分析韩国影视文化贸易的成功机制对我国文化产品出口不无裨益,其经验可资借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 文化 韩国影视 成功机制 启示
作者 夏玲 《师资建设》 2011年第9期48-50,共3页
赫尔巴特说:“如果不坚强而温和地抓住管理的缰绳,任何功课的教育都是不可能的。”这话道出了班级管理工作的重要性。班集体是学校管理结构中最基层的组织管理单位,是学生学习和生活的主要环境。一个功能健全的和谐班集体,不仅能够... 赫尔巴特说:“如果不坚强而温和地抓住管理的缰绳,任何功课的教育都是不可能的。”这话道出了班级管理工作的重要性。班集体是学校管理结构中最基层的组织管理单位,是学生学习和生活的主要环境。一个功能健全的和谐班集体,不仅能够促进学生身心健康发展,而且会对学生的学习兴趣、学习态度和学习效果产生积极影响。 展开更多
关键词 成功机制 和谐班级 学生身心健康 班级管理工作 和谐班集体 学习兴趣 赫尔巴特 管理单位
成功的信念-愿望推理机制 被引量:2
作者 刘希平 刘娜 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期1202-1204,1219,共4页
本文介绍了模块论的最新进展——成功的信念-愿望推理机制(ToMM-Sp)。ToMM-SP结合信息加工理论阐述心理理论的内部加工机制,提出双抑制和返回抑制两类抑制控制模型。本文综述了ToMM-SP的理论假设及各类实验研究,并针对其不足指出了要确... 本文介绍了模块论的最新进展——成功的信念-愿望推理机制(ToMM-Sp)。ToMM-SP结合信息加工理论阐述心理理论的内部加工机制,提出双抑制和返回抑制两类抑制控制模型。本文综述了ToMM-SP的理论假设及各类实验研究,并针对其不足指出了要确定心理理论的内部加工过程尚需解决的问题。 展开更多
关键词 成功的信念-愿望推理机制 心理理论机制 抑制控制 双抑制 返回抑制
成功激励机制在主动式课堂教学中的使用 被引量:1
作者 周燕玲 王羡欠 艾国平 《科技广场》 2010年第10期251-253,共3页
进入高校的大学生受各种因素影响,学习积极性普遍不高。但每个学生都渴望成功,渴望他人承认自己的付出。成功激励成为调动学生学习积极性的必要前提,本文主要讲述了运用问题激励、解惑激励、信任激励等成功激励机制,采用主动式课堂教学... 进入高校的大学生受各种因素影响,学习积极性普遍不高。但每个学生都渴望成功,渴望他人承认自己的付出。成功激励成为调动学生学习积极性的必要前提,本文主要讲述了运用问题激励、解惑激励、信任激励等成功激励机制,采用主动式课堂教学方式,激励学生积极主动参与到教学活动中,极大的提高了学习的积极性,取得了显著的教学效果。 展开更多
关键词 成功激励机制 主动式课堂教学 离散数学
作者 郑友训 《国内高等教育教学研究动态》 2017年第9期9-9,共1页
毋庸置疑,高校学科带头人在学科发展、学术梯队建设中发挥着至关重要的作用。一、学科带头人的内涵界定“学科带头人”这一概念在我国学术界使用比较广泛,一般是指在本学科内拥有很高的学术成就和知名度,活跃在科学研究前沿,带领学... 毋庸置疑,高校学科带头人在学科发展、学术梯队建设中发挥着至关重要的作用。一、学科带头人的内涵界定“学科带头人”这一概念在我国学术界使用比较广泛,一般是指在本学科内拥有很高的学术成就和知名度,活跃在科学研究前沿,带领学科梯队,组织学术研究活动的学科发展领军型“帅才”。 展开更多
关键词 学科带头人 成功机制 成长阶段 高校 学术梯队建设 学术研究活动 学术成就 科学研究
作者 何荧楹 杨中华 +1 位作者 丁可琦 庄芳丽 《运筹与模糊学》 2024年第2期556-573,共18页
大学生心理问题频发,找到大学生心理救助成功的影响机制对大学生乃至整个社会心理健康教育有着重要意义。以“中国大学生在线”、“高校辅导员网络学院”、“豆丁网”等网站以及深度访谈得到的30个大学生心理救助的案例为基础,采取扎根... 大学生心理问题频发,找到大学生心理救助成功的影响机制对大学生乃至整个社会心理健康教育有着重要意义。以“中国大学生在线”、“高校辅导员网络学院”、“豆丁网”等网站以及深度访谈得到的30个大学生心理救助的案例为基础,采取扎根理论方法提取大学生心理救助成功的影响因素,并利用清晰集定性比较分析方法探究大学生心理救助成功的作用路径。研究发现:正确分析原因(ARC)、情感支持(ES)、工具性支持(TS)、信息支持(IS)、归属性支持(AS)、个人主动配合(IC)是导致大学生心理救助成功的影响因素,并得出导致大学生心理救助成功的4种机制,分别是情感物质支持型、情感信息支持型、情感物质支持–主动型和综合支持型。 展开更多
关键词 大学生心理救助 成功影响机制 扎根理论 清晰集定性比较分析(csQCA)
作者 闫永利 吝丽霞 《广西教育学院学报》 1998年第2期72-74,共3页
关键词 语文教学 激励机制 诱导机制 评价机制 成功机制 中学生 语文学习兴趣 培养机制
中国公立大学董事会:似“董”非“董”的迷局 被引量:6
作者 王绽蕊 《董事会》 2007年第8期42-45,共4页
中国公立大学是否需要真正意义上的董事会,不成立这种真正意义上的董事会又对我国高等教育事业发展有何影响呢?在中国谈论这一问题常常被视为政治上幼稚的表现,也使一些学者宁可去研究国外大学的董事会而对国内大学的董事会制度建设三... 中国公立大学是否需要真正意义上的董事会,不成立这种真正意义上的董事会又对我国高等教育事业发展有何影响呢?在中国谈论这一问题常常被视为政治上幼稚的表现,也使一些学者宁可去研究国外大学的董事会而对国内大学的董事会制度建设三缄其口。但只要谈到中国大学的治理改革,就无法绕开这个问题。 展开更多
关键词 董事会制度 公立大学 中国 世界一流大学 教学相长 成功机制 高校发展 体制
IT治理对企业的影响分析 被引量:18
作者 郝晓玲 李明 《科研管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第3期17-21,72,共6页
本文首先分析了IT治理的背景与应用现状,提出了IT治理的概念和内容,并研究了IT治理对企业的影响机制,指出了如何通过IT治理的途径控制企业IT风险、提高信息资源利用率、实现信息技术价值交付等目标的解决办法,对推进信息化进程具有积极... 本文首先分析了IT治理的背景与应用现状,提出了IT治理的概念和内容,并研究了IT治理对企业的影响机制,指出了如何通过IT治理的途径控制企业IT风险、提高信息资源利用率、实现信息技术价值交付等目标的解决办法,对推进信息化进程具有积极的指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 IT治理、管理指南、运行机制关键成功因素CSF、关键目标指标KGI、关键性能指标KPI
上市公司并购过程中财务整合研究 被引量:2
作者 张小刚 《现代商业》 2015年第20期241-242,共2页
文章认为成功地进行并购并不意味着并购就是成功的。当并购活动结束会,还要做好并购财务整合工作,这是并购成功的重要一环。当实施财务整合时,应当基于并购的类型确定财务整合关注的重点。笔者在此基于并购动因,对两类并购的财务整合关... 文章认为成功地进行并购并不意味着并购就是成功的。当并购活动结束会,还要做好并购财务整合工作,这是并购成功的重要一环。当实施财务整合时,应当基于并购的类型确定财务整合关注的重点。笔者在此基于并购动因,对两类并购的财务整合关注重点进行了分析,并对怎样顺利地进行并购,确保并购成功给出了自己的看法。 展开更多
关键词 上市公司并购 并购绩效评价 成功机制
作者 朱斌 冷蓉晖 《江苏教育学院学报(社会科学版)》 2004年第4期5-8,共4页
本个案以实地访谈为主的质性研究方法 ,对江苏省小学语文特级教师孙双金进行了研究 ,目的是探究他成长为名教师的规律及机制。研究表明 ,孙双金的成功是由其所处的校本文化、亲身参与的行动研究及其个性倾向特征
关键词 孙双金 个案研究 成功机制
作者 党艳霞 《重庆科技学院学报(社会科学版)》 2009年第6期227-228,共2页
关键词 素质教育 数学思维方式 数学思想方法 创造力 成功机制
The Potential Pathway of L-arginine·L-aspartate for Inhibition of Platelet Function
作者 王银叶 王超 +2 位作者 韩梅 彭师奇 赵明 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 2004年第1期76-79,共4页
Aim L-Arginine· L-aspartate, a double salt, has been recently reported toinhibit platelet aggregation and thrombosis, but its action mechanism is not clear yet. This studywas conducted to investigate its effect o... Aim L-Arginine· L-aspartate, a double salt, has been recently reported toinhibit platelet aggregation and thrombosis, but its action mechanism is not clear yet. This studywas conducted to investigate its effect on FITC-PAC-1, an anti-glycoprotein IIb/IIIa monoclonalantibody binding to activated platelets, and on correlative autacoid levels in plasma or inplatelets in order to explore its potential pathway of inhibiting platelet aggregation andthrombosis. Methods Monoclonal antibody binding to activated platelets was assayed by flowcytometry; NO was assessed by colorimetric method. cAMP, TXB_2 or 6-keto-PGF_(1α) levels wereassessed by radioimmunoassay. Results Gavaged 30 mg·kg^(-1) of L-arginine·L-aspartate increasedboth concentration of NO in plasma and 6-keto-PGF_(1) in incubated supernatant of aortic segment ofrats ex vivo (P < 0.05), but it did not influence cAMP content in platelets and the level of TXB_2or 6-keto-PGF_(1) in plasma of rats, whereas ASA significantly lowered TXB_2 or 6-keto-PGF_(1α) inplasma. Both 100 μmol-L^(-1) of L-arginine ·L-aspartate and ASA inhibited FITC-PAC-1 binding toactivated platelets in vitro. Conclusion The increase in NO and PGI_2 release from endo-thelialcells and consequent inhibition of platelet activation may contribute to the inhibition of plateletaggregation and thrombosis by L-arginine· L-aspartate; whereas arachidonic acid or cAMP metabolicpathway is not closely correlative with the studied effect. 展开更多
关键词 L-arginine·L-aspartate nitric oxide PGI_2 TXA_2 cAMP glycoproteinIIb/IIIa monoclonal antibody
Role and Mechanism of Functional Components in Promoters for Enhancing FCC Propylene Yield
作者 Jiang Wenbin Chen Beiyan +2 位作者 Shen Ningyuan Song Haitao Zhu Yuxia (Research Institute of Petroleum Processing,SINOPEC,Beijing 100083) 《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2010年第2期13-18,共6页
Phosphorus (P) and metal (M) components were incorporated into promoters for enhancing FCC propylene yield, and the reactive behavior of promoters, before and after modification, were investigated. The results sho... Phosphorus (P) and metal (M) components were incorporated into promoters for enhancing FCC propylene yield, and the reactive behavior of promoters, before and after modification, were investigated. The results showed that both LPG and propylene yields were increased, and propylene selectivity was improved after the incorporation of P or M into the matrix, resulting in an increased C3 to C4 ratio in LPG during FCC process. But the sole incorporation of M into the matrix also led to an increase in coke and H2 yields on the other hand. Simultaneous modification of the matrix by P and M components resulted in more enhancement in propylene yield and selectivity along with little influence on FCC product distribution. Physico-chemical characterizations and model compound reactions were used to assist in analyzing the mechanism for improving propylene selectivity. Two types of active centers could strengthen the oligomerization of C4 olefins in LPG and these oligomers could be further cracked into C3 olefins on ZSM-5 zeolite, therefore maximizing the ratio of C3 to C4 in liquefied petroleum gas obtained during FCC process. 展开更多
Twist-related locomotion of a snake-like robot
作者 叶长龙 Ma Shugen +2 位作者 Li Bin Wang Yuechao Jing Tao 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2006年第2期143-149,共7页
As a hyper-redundant robot, a 3D snake-like robot can perform many other configurations and types of locomotion adapted to environment except for mimicking the natural snake locomotion. The natural snake locomotion us... As a hyper-redundant robot, a 3D snake-like robot can perform many other configurations and types of locomotion adapted to environment except for mimicking the natural snake locomotion. The natural snake locomotion usually limits locomotion capability of the robot because of inadequacy in the mechanism and actuation to imitate characters of natural snake such as the too many DOFs and the characteristics of the muscle. In order to apply snake-like robots to the unstructured environment, the researchers have designed many gaits for increasing the adaptability to a variety of surroundings. The twist-related locomotion is an effective gait achieved by jointly driving the pitching-DOF and yawing-DOF, with which the snakelike robot can move on rough ground and even climb up some obstacles. In dfis paper, the twist-related locomotion function is firstly solved, and simplified to be expressible by sine or cosine function. The 2D locomotion such as V-shape and U-shape is achieved. Also by applying it to the serpentine locomotion or other types of locomotion, the snake-like robot can complete composite locomotion that combines the serpentine locomotion or others with twist-related locomotion. Then we extend the twist-related locomotion to 3D space. Finally, the experimental results are presented to validate all above analyses. 展开更多
关键词 snake-like robot twist-related locomotion simplified function composite locomotion
Neural Mechanism in Emotion Regulation by Simultaneous Recording of EEG and fMRI
作者 LUO Jin-hong ZOU Ling +1 位作者 QIAN Nong ZHOU Ren-lai 《Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering(English Edition)》 2013年第1期7-14,共8页
The combination of electroencephalogram (EEG) and functional magnetic resonance imaging(fMRI) is a very attractive aim in neuroscience in order to achieve both high temporal and spatial resolution for the non-invasive... The combination of electroencephalogram (EEG) and functional magnetic resonance imaging(fMRI) is a very attractive aim in neuroscience in order to achieve both high temporal and spatial resolution for the non-invasive study of cognitive brain function. In this paper, we record simultaneous EEG-fMRI of the same subject in emotional processing experiment in order to explore the characteristics of different emotional picture processing, and try to find the difference of the subjects' brain hemisphere while viewing different valence emotional pictures. The late positive potential(LPP) is a reliable electrophysiological index of emotional perception in humans. According to the analysis results, the slow-wave LPP and visual cortical blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) signals are both modulated by the rated intensity of picture arousal. The amplitude of the LPP correlate significantly with BOLD intensity in visual cortex, amygdala, temporal area, prefrontal and central areas across picture contents. 展开更多
关键词 emotional processing late positive potential functional magnetic resonance imaging blood oxygen level-dependent
Overview of researches on central action mechanism of needling Zusanli(ST 36) 被引量:12
作者 刘灿 周芝根 +6 位作者 李波 杨茜芸 常小荣 周杰 陈勤 刘迈兰 杨燕萍 《Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science》 CSCD 2017年第3期191-198,共8页
The contents about the central action mechanisms of needling Zusanli(ST 36) were sorted by summarizing the relevant literatures published in the past 10 years, and it was found that: by comparing acupuncture at Zus... The contents about the central action mechanisms of needling Zusanli(ST 36) were sorted by summarizing the relevant literatures published in the past 10 years, and it was found that: by comparing acupuncture at Zusanli(ST 36), other acupoints or sham points, most studies showed that Zusanli(ST 36) had relatively specific characteristics in the brain function response; studies on the central action mechanisms of Zusanli(ST 36) were mainly focused on sequelae of cerebral apoplexy, pain, gastrointestinal diseases, weight loss and drug addiction withdrawal and so on; acupuncture manipulations, stimulation methods, individual differences, stimulation quantity, and stimulation duration, etc. could also induce different brain function responses; acupuncture at Zusanli(ST 36) had an after-working effect, also called long-term effect, but with poor repeatability. So, it was suggested that the future studies should focus on the factors that affect the clinical efficacies and experimental results, including the compatibility effects of the acupoints, reproducibility of research results, sample size, acupuncture methods, long-term effects and disease entities. 展开更多
关键词 Acupuncture Therapy POINT Zusanli(ST 36) Central Mechanism Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Specificity of Acupoints Research on Acupoints
Dysfunction of Wnt signaling and synaptic :lisassembly in neurodegenerative diseases 被引量:3
作者 Silvia A. Purro Soledad Galli Patricia C. Salinas 《Journal of Molecular Cell Biology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第1期75-80,共6页
The molecular mechanisms that regulate synapse formation have been well documented. However, little is known about the factors that modulate synaptic stability. Synapse loss is an early and invariant feature of neurod... The molecular mechanisms that regulate synapse formation have been well documented. However, little is known about the factors that modulate synaptic stability. Synapse loss is an early and invariant feature of neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer's lAD) and Parkinson's disease. Notably, in AD the extent of synapse loss correlates with the severity of the disease. Hence, understanding the molecular mechanisms that underlie synaptic maintenance is crucial to reveal potential targets that will allow the development of ther- apies to protect synapses. Writs play a central role in the formation and function of neuronal circuits. Moreover, Wnt signaling compo- nents are expressed in the adult brain suggesting their role in synaptic maintenance in the adult. Indeed, blockade of Wnts with the Wnt antagonist Dickkopf-1 (Dkkl) causes synapse disassembly in mature hippocampal cells. Dkkl is elevated in brain biopsies from AD patients and animal models. Consistent with these findings, Amyloid-β (Aβ) oUgomers induce the rapid expression of Dkkl. Importantly, Dkkl neutralizing antibodies protect synapses against Aβ toxicity, indicating that Dkkl is required for Aβ-mediated synapse loss. In this review, we discuss the role of Wnt signaling in synapse maintenance in the adult brain, particularly in relation to synaptic loss in neurodegenerative diseases. 展开更多
关键词 Wnt signaling synaptic disassembly degenerative diseases Alzheimer's disease Dkkl synaptic maintenance
Brain activity in Parkinson's disease patients with mild cognitive impairment 被引量:3
作者 Linlin Gao Xuemin Wu +2 位作者 Jiarong Zhang Piu Chan Tao Wu 《Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第24期1876-1883,共8页
Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is common in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD), yet the underlying neural mechanisms of this disease state remain unclear. We investigated alterations in the spontaneous brain... Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is common in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD), yet the underlying neural mechanisms of this disease state remain unclear. We investigated alterations in the spontaneous brain activity of PD patients with MCI (PD-MCI) relative to cognitively normal PD patients (PD-CN) and healthy control (HC) subjects. In this work, 13 PD-MCI patients, 16 PD-CN patients, and 16 HC subjects completed resting state functional MRI. Spontaneous brain activity was measured by calculating amplitude of low frequency fluctuation (ALFF) values across the whole brain. Between-group differences and correlations between ALFF values and cognitive test scores were analyzed. ALFF values decreased in the right superior temporal gyrus and increased in the left middle temporal gyrus and left superior frontal gyms of PD-MCI patients compared with PD-CN patients. In the PD-MCI group, ALFF values in the left middle temporal gyrus were negatively correlated with Montreal Cognitive Assessment and vocabulary test scores, and the ALFF values in the left superior frontal gyms were negatively correlated with vocabulary test scores. Our study demonstrates that PD-MCI is associated with abnormal spontaneous brain activity in the temporal and frontal lobes. These findings inform the underlying neural mechanism of cognitive impairment in PD. 展开更多
关键词 Parkinson's disease - Mild cognitive impairment ~ Resting state functional MRI - Low frequency fluctuation
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