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准噶尔盆地车-莫古隆起的构造演化特征及其成因模拟 被引量:20
作者 于福生 阿木古冷 +1 位作者 杨光达 马保军 《地球学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第1期39-44,共6页
根据钻井层位标定、区域地震剖面解释追踪,侏罗系各组原始沉积厚图的变化特征,详细地圈定了车-莫古隆起不同时期的分布范围。结合构造演化史剖面、侏罗系各组残存地层展布特征、层系超覆、尖灭现象综合分析,将车-莫古隆起的演化划分为... 根据钻井层位标定、区域地震剖面解释追踪,侏罗系各组原始沉积厚图的变化特征,详细地圈定了车-莫古隆起不同时期的分布范围。结合构造演化史剖面、侏罗系各组残存地层展布特征、层系超覆、尖灭现象综合分析,将车-莫古隆起的演化划分为初始发育(J1s)、逐渐隆升(J2x)、强烈隆升(J2t)、剥蚀改造(J3)、隐伏埋藏(K-E)、调整定位(N-Q)6个阶段。卷入古隆起的断裂、褶皱组合关系表明车-莫古隆起的形成机制与其南、北缘两大右旋压扭性走滑断裂带成生演化相关。沙箱模拟实验证明车-莫古隆起是在NW300°斜向挤压应力作用下形成的。 展开更多
关键词 准噶尔盆地 车-莫古隆起 构造演化 成因模拟
稠环芳烃和多环芳烃成因模拟 被引量:7
作者 夏燕青 王春江 +2 位作者 孟仟祥 王红勇 杜丽 《沉积学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1998年第2期1-4,共4页
通过模拟实验发现:硫与β-胡萝卜素反应可以形成稠环芳烃,硫或氧与联苯反应可以形成多种多环芳烃。稠环芳烃主要是以一个合适的分子为基础发展形成的,多环芳烃也可以由一个分子转化形成,但主要是两个或两个以上联苯等化合物分子连... 通过模拟实验发现:硫与β-胡萝卜素反应可以形成稠环芳烃,硫或氧与联苯反应可以形成多种多环芳烃。稠环芳烃主要是以一个合适的分子为基础发展形成的,多环芳烃也可以由一个分子转化形成,但主要是两个或两个以上联苯等化合物分子连接起来而成。 展开更多
关键词 稠环芳烃 多环芳烃 成因模拟 石油形成
作者 郭磊 《农村青少年科学探究》 2009年第11期21-21,共1页
提出问题 世界乒乓冠军孔令辉拉出的弧圈球为什么能急速旋转而下沉;足球明星贝克汉姆踢出的直接任意球为什么能绕过人墙而直入网底。
关键词 成因模拟 弧线 提出问题
芴系列化合物的成因 被引量:6
作者 夏燕青 孟仟祥 +2 位作者 王红勇 王春江 杜丽1 《沉积学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1999年第4期655-658,共4页
模拟实验揭示出:芴系列化合物的形成并不依赖于具有相同碳骨架的生物前身物质,在一定温度条件下,β胡萝卜素可以转化成芴系列,而硫和链状化合物反应可以形成更为丰富的芴系列化合物。β胡萝卜素在芳构化过程中会出现部分甲基脱落、甲基... 模拟实验揭示出:芴系列化合物的形成并不依赖于具有相同碳骨架的生物前身物质,在一定温度条件下,β胡萝卜素可以转化成芴系列,而硫和链状化合物反应可以形成更为丰富的芴系列化合物。β胡萝卜素在芳构化过程中会出现部分甲基脱落、甲基转移等变化,而且甲基上的活泼氢也会部分脱离,这样形成的自由基就可能结合成键形成芴系列;β胡萝卜素在热演化过程中生成的二苯甲烷系列可进一步转化成芴系列;硫在和链状化合物反应时也可能先形成一些二苯甲烷系列化合物,硫继续和这些产物反应会夺取两个苯环上的α位氢形成自由基,当一个苯环上的自由基和另一个苯环上的自由基结合时就可能形成芴系列。芴系列虽然具有生物骨架,但不能被认为是生物标志化合物,因为其地球化学合成作用形成的可能占多数。 展开更多
关键词 芴系列 硫作用 成因模拟 有机地球化学 石油
云南保山盆地生物气生成模拟实验及生物气资源预测 被引量:17
作者 高玲 宋进 《成都理工学院学报》 CSCD 1998年第4期487-494,共8页
根据有机地球化学、微生物学实验方法,对云南保山盆地生物气源岩进行了研究。鉴定了主要气源岩中产甲烷细菌等厌氧微生物分布,求取了不同温度下生化甲烷产率,揭示了盆地生物气生成特征,从而建立了盆地生物气生成模式和评价依据。结... 根据有机地球化学、微生物学实验方法,对云南保山盆地生物气源岩进行了研究。鉴定了主要气源岩中产甲烷细菌等厌氧微生物分布,求取了不同温度下生化甲烷产率,揭示了盆地生物气生成特征,从而建立了盆地生物气生成模式和评价依据。结合盆地地质背景及有机地球化学特征,进行了盆地生物气生成量预测,指出了有利勘探区。 展开更多
关键词 生物气 模拟实验 气源岩 甲烷 天然气 成因模拟
基于SWMM的市政排水管道泥沙淤积对溢流积水影响的模拟分析 被引量:11
作者 吴慧英 江凯兵 +1 位作者 李天兵 黄博凡 《给水排水》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第11期135-139,共5页
采用SWMM作为研究工具,首次提出以全局管网淤积系数(GSC)作为自变量,排水系统溢流节点数量及节点溢流量作为因变量,对城市排水系统进行模拟计算与分析,并辅以相对溢流节点数比和相对溢流量比两个参数,系统探讨了市政管道泥沙淤积程度对... 采用SWMM作为研究工具,首次提出以全局管网淤积系数(GSC)作为自变量,排水系统溢流节点数量及节点溢流量作为因变量,对城市排水系统进行模拟计算与分析,并辅以相对溢流节点数比和相对溢流量比两个参数,系统探讨了市政管道泥沙淤积程度对溢流积水及内涝影响的研究方法及步骤。提出控制一定的全局管网淤积系数GSC值,可调控管理研究区域内的溢流节点数和总溢流量,从而减少或避免城市积水和内涝风险。将研究方法成功应用于广州市某排水系统中,结果表明暴雨重现期不超过5年时,控制GSC<0.3是具有较好性价比的降低研究区积水和内涝风险的做法。 展开更多
关键词 管道淤积系数 SWMM 积水 内涝成因模拟 节点溢流
作者 王亚丽 《小学教学参考》 2020年第36期67-67,共1页
关键词 小学科学 模拟实验 运动模拟实验 成因模拟实验 原理模拟实验
鄂尔多斯盆地构造沉降特征及对盆地成因的启示 被引量:10
作者 开百泽 何登发 +3 位作者 马静辉 许艳华 翟咏荷 成祥 《地质科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第3期657-671,共15页
构造沉降作为盆地成因研究中的重要组成部分,对其特征进行分析有助于盆地成因的解析。本次通过对鄂尔多斯盆地内5口典型探井的多期不整合所代表的的剥蚀厚度进行恢复,结合去压实矫正模型以及平均密度、平均古水深等参数的确定,较为精确... 构造沉降作为盆地成因研究中的重要组成部分,对其特征进行分析有助于盆地成因的解析。本次通过对鄂尔多斯盆地内5口典型探井的多期不整合所代表的的剥蚀厚度进行恢复,结合去压实矫正模型以及平均密度、平均古水深等参数的确定,较为精确地刻画出了鄂尔多斯盆地不同构造单元自早寒武世至今的构造沉降特征,同时结合裂谷盆地瞬时拉张模型、裂后热坳陷模型以及前陆盆地挠曲模型对构造沉降曲线进行了模拟,对盆地成因进行分析。鄂尔多斯盆地中寒武世—中生代末期主要由早古生代沉降旋回、二叠—三叠纪沉降旋回与侏罗—白垩纪沉降旋回组成。其中岩石圈热冷却作用引起的沉降贯穿全地质时期。早古生代沉降旋回中,中寒武世的加速沉降主要体现在盆地南部,沉降机制为岩石圈伸展减薄,中奥陶世马家期为全盆地尺度的加速沉降,沉降机制仍为岩石圈伸展减薄。二叠—三叠纪沉降旋回中,晚二叠世—早-中三叠世为该旋回的加速沉降期,该期加速沉降具有多幕裂陷的特征。侏罗—白垩纪沉降旋回中,中侏罗世盆地南部处于缓慢沉降期,沉降机制为岩石圈热冷却作用,晚侏罗世—早白垩世,除伊盟隆起,盆地整体处于加速沉降期,沉降机制为前陆盆地引起的挠曲沉降。 展开更多
关键词 构造沉降 构造沉降成因数值模拟 沉降旋回划分 盆地成因
安徽沿江地区中生代基性岩稀土元素地球化学特征 被引量:7
作者 徐祥 邢凤鸣 《安徽地质》 1999年第2期81-89,共9页
安徽沿江地区中生代基性岩稀土、微量元素模拟表明:该区中生代碱性玄武岩—辉长岩是由石榴石二辉橄榄地幔岩经低度部分熔融形成的产物,并且经历了早期橄榄石、斜方辉石等铁镁矿物的分离结晶作用。其地幔源区受到近期交代富集作用的影... 安徽沿江地区中生代基性岩稀土、微量元素模拟表明:该区中生代碱性玄武岩—辉长岩是由石榴石二辉橄榄地幔岩经低度部分熔融形成的产物,并且经历了早期橄榄石、斜方辉石等铁镁矿物的分离结晶作用。其地幔源区受到近期交代富集作用的影响,具有富集LREE、K、P、Th、U等不相容元素的特征。 展开更多
关键词 地球化学 稀土元素 成因模拟 中生代基性岩 安徽沿江地区
Numerical Simulation of the Genesis of Typhoon Durian (2001) over the South China Sea:the Effect of Sea Surface Temperature 被引量:1
作者 WANG Lei LAU Kai-Hon FUNG Chi-Hung 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2010年第2期99-115,共17页
Typhoon Durian (2001),which formed over the South China Sea (SCS),was simulated by using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. The genesis of typhoon Durian which formed in the monsoon trough was reproduce... Typhoon Durian (2001),which formed over the South China Sea (SCS),was simulated by using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. The genesis of typhoon Durian which formed in the monsoon trough was reproduced by numerical simulations. The simulated results agree reasonably well with observations. Two numerical experiments in which the sea surface temperature (SST) was either decreased or increased were performed to investigate the impact of the SST on the genesis of the ty-phoon. When the SST was decreased by 5℃ uniformly for all grids in the model,the winds calculated became divergent in the lower troposphere and convergent in the upper troposphere,creating conditions in which the amount of total latent heat release (TLHR) was low and the tropical cyclone (TC) could not be formed. This simulation shows the importance of the convergence in the lower tropo-sphere and the divergence in the upper troposphere for the genesis of the initial vortex. When the SST was increased by 1℃ uni-formly for all grids,a stronger typhoon was generated in the results with an increase of about 10 m s-1 in the maximum surface wind speed. Only minor differences in intensity were noted during the first 54 h in the simulation with the warmer SST,but apparent dif-ferences in intensity occurred after 54 h when the vortex began to strengthen to typhoon strength. This experiment shows that warmer SST will speed the strengthening from tropical storm strength to typhoon strength and increase the maximum intensity reached,while only minor impact can be seen during the earlier stage of genesis before the TC reaches the tropical storm strength. The results sug-gest that the amount of TLHR may be the dominant factor in determining the formation and the intensification of the TC. 展开更多
关键词 tropical cyclone WRF numerical simulation cyclone genesis
Numerical Simulation of NO_x Formation in Coal Combustion with Inlet Natural Gas Burning 被引量:1
作者 张宇 周力行 +1 位作者 魏小林 盛宏至 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第3期318-323,共6页
A full two-fluid model of reacting gas-particle flows and coal combustion is used to simulate coal combustion with and without inlet natural gas added in the inlet. The simulation results for the case without natural ... A full two-fluid model of reacting gas-particle flows and coal combustion is used to simulate coal combustion with and without inlet natural gas added in the inlet. The simulation results for the case without natural gas burning is in fair agreement with the experimental results reported in references. The simulation results of different natural gas adding positions indicate that the natural gas burning can form lean oxygen combustion enviroment at the combustor inlet region and the NOx concentration is reduced. The same result can be obtained from chemical equilibrium analysis. 展开更多
关键词 coal combustion natural gas BURNING NOx formation numerical simulation
珠江口盆地东部油气聚集系数求取 被引量:2
作者 朱俊章 朱明 +3 位作者 石创 黄玉平 杨娇 魏启任 《长江大学学报(自然科学版)》 2022年第2期12-22,共11页
油气运聚系数是盆地模拟成因法油气资源评价的一个关键参数,直接影响资源量计算结果,而油气聚集系数法在算法上更合理。油气聚集系数是油气资源评价中最为关键的一个参数,科学地求取油气聚集系数,可以使油气资源评价结果更加客观。采用... 油气运聚系数是盆地模拟成因法油气资源评价的一个关键参数,直接影响资源量计算结果,而油气聚集系数法在算法上更合理。油气聚集系数是油气资源评价中最为关键的一个参数,科学地求取油气聚集系数,可以使油气资源评价结果更加客观。采用一种新的方法求取珠江口盆地东部油气聚集系数和石油地质资源量及其概率分布,采用盆地模拟成因法计算了5个成熟油区烃源岩的排油量及其概率分布,创新采用油藏规模序列法计算了珠江口盆地东部5个成熟油区的石油地质资源量及其概率分布,采用Oracle抽样模拟风险分析软件计算了5个成熟油区不同概率分布下的油气聚集系数,其概率均值下的油气聚集系数介于8.36%~11.59%之间。综合考虑珠江口盆地东部石油成藏的地质条件,可将成熟油区的油气聚集系数应用于邻区低成熟区或未勘探区,可以减少资源量计算过程中的人为因素,使珠江口盆地东部石油资源评价的结果更加客观,贴近实际地质和目前勘探开发情况。 展开更多
关键词 资源评价 油气聚集系数 油藏规模序列法 盆地模拟成因 石油地质资源量 排油量 珠江口盆地
Comprehensive analysis of the origin of giant jellyfish near Qinhuangdao in summer
作者 吴玲娟 吴晓芬 白涛 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第5期1061-1069,共9页
A massive bloom of the giant jellyfi sh Nemopilema nomurai occurred in waters off Qinhuangdao,a port city in Hebei Province,in July 2013.However,jellyfi sh larvae were not found in this location during the previous wi... A massive bloom of the giant jellyfi sh Nemopilema nomurai occurred in waters off Qinhuangdao,a port city in Hebei Province,in July 2013.However,jellyfi sh larvae were not found in this location during the previous winter and spring.To determine the possible origin of the giant jellyfi sh medusa in the Bohai Sea,we developed a backward particle-tracking model and a series of numerical simulations were conducted by using the hydrodynamic,three-dimensional Regional Ocean Modeling System(ROMS)results.The simulated results showed that passive particles,representing jellyfi sh medusae,released in surface waters at diff erent dates during the summer had consistent trajectories.Particles released at the sea surface on August1 and 15 could be traced back to the center of the Bohai Sea and to waters between Feiyan Shoal and the new Huanghe(Yellow)River estuary.Particles released on July 1 and 15 could also be traced back to the center of the Bohai Sea and to waters between Feiyan Shoal and only to Zhuangxi tide station.However,none of the particles released in the middle and bottom water layers could be traced back to those areas.Based on the results of the numerical simulations,the distribution characteristics of seafl oor sediments,and observational data for giant jellyfi sh in the region,we suggest that waters between Feiyan Shoal and the new Huanghe River estuary are the likely origin of giant jellyfi sh observed near Qinhuangdao in summer. 展开更多
关键词 backward particle-tracking Bohai Sea Lagrangian method giant jellyfish numerical simulation
Accommodating the bacterial decoding release factor as an alien protein among the RNAs at the active site of the ribosome
作者 Elizabeth S Poole David J Young +2 位作者 Marjan E Askarian-Amiri Debbie-Jane G Scarlett Warren P Tate 《Cell Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第7期591-607,共17页
The decoding release factor (RF) triggers termination of protein synthesis by functionally mimicking a tRNA to span the decoding centre and the peptidyl transferase centre (PTC) of the ribosome. Structurally, it m... The decoding release factor (RF) triggers termination of protein synthesis by functionally mimicking a tRNA to span the decoding centre and the peptidyl transferase centre (PTC) of the ribosome. Structurally, it must fit into a site crafted for a tRNA and surrounded by five other RNAs, namely the adjacent peptidyl tRNA carrying the completed polypeptide, the mRNA and the three rRNAs. This is achieved by extending a structural domain from the body of the protein that results in a critical conformational change allowing it to contact the PTC. A structural model of the bacterial termination complex with the accommodated RF shows that it makes close contact with the first, second and third bases of the stop codon in the mRNA with two separate loops of structure" the anticodon loop and the loop at the tip of helix orS. The anticodon loop also makes contact with the base following the stop codon that is known to strongly influence termination efficiency. It confirms the close contact of domain 3 of the protein with the key RNA structures of the PTC. The mRNA signal for termination includes sequences upstream as well as downstream of the stop codon, and this may reflect structural restrictions for specific combinations of tRNA and RF to be bound onto the ribosome together. An unbiased SELEX approach has been investigated as a tool to identify potential rRNA-binding contacts of the bacterial RF in its different binding conformations within the active centre of the ribosome. 展开更多
关键词 release factor protein synthesis termination TRNA functional mimicry molecular mimicry SELEX RIBOSOME
作者 周阳 茆龙伟 《中国教育技术装备》 2022年第23期75-78,共4页
随着新课程改革的不断深入,实验室中现有教具由于技术陈旧、精度不高、与新版教材不匹配等问题,已经不能满足当前教学的需求,需要科学教师通过自制教具的方式来更好地开展教学。根据多年的教学经验,针对小学科学教材中的物质科学、生命... 随着新课程改革的不断深入,实验室中现有教具由于技术陈旧、精度不高、与新版教材不匹配等问题,已经不能满足当前教学的需求,需要科学教师通过自制教具的方式来更好地开展教学。根据多年的教学经验,针对小学科学教材中的物质科学、生命科学、地球与宇宙科学三个领域进行自制教具的开发与优化,并将其运用在教学活动中,取得良好的效果。 展开更多
关键词 小学科学 自制教具 光学组合教具 月相模拟及四季成因演示仪 环氧树脂标本
Multisymplectic Fourier pseudo-spectral integrators for Klein-Gordon-Schrdinger equations 被引量:4
作者 KONG LingHua WANG Lan +1 位作者 JIANG ShanShan DUAN YaLi 《Science China Mathematics》 SCIE 2013年第5期915-932,共18页
A multisymplectic Fourier pseudo-spectral scheme, which exactly preserves the discrete multisym- plectic conservation law, is presented to solve the Klein-Gordon-SchrSdinger equations. The scheme is of spectral accura... A multisymplectic Fourier pseudo-spectral scheme, which exactly preserves the discrete multisym- plectic conservation law, is presented to solve the Klein-Gordon-SchrSdinger equations. The scheme is of spectral accuracy in space and of second order in time. The scheme preserves the discrete multisymplectic conservation law and the charge conservation law. Moreover, the residuals of some other conservation laws are derived for the geometric numerical integrator. Extensive numerical simulations illustrate the numerical behavior of the multisymplectic scheme, and demonstrate the correctness of the theoretical analysis. 展开更多
关键词 Klein-Gordon-SchrSdinger equations multisymplectic integrator Fourier pseudo-spectral meth- od. conservation law. soliton
In vivo investigation of the role of SfmO2 in saframycin A biosynthesis by structural characterization of the analogue saframycin O 被引量:1
作者 PENG Chao TANG Yu-Min +5 位作者 LI Lei DING Wei DENG Wei PU Jin-Yue LIU Wen TANG Gong-Li 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第1期90-97,共8页
Saframycin A(SFM-A),a tetrahydroisoquinoline antibiotic isolated from Streptomyces lavendulae,shows potent anti-proliferation activities against a variety of tumor cell lines,and shares the core structure with ecteina... Saframycin A(SFM-A),a tetrahydroisoquinoline antibiotic isolated from Streptomyces lavendulae,shows potent anti-proliferation activities against a variety of tumor cell lines,and shares the core structure with ecteinascidin 743(ET-743),the anticancer drug for soft-tissue sarcoma.Characterization of the SFM-A biosynthetic gene cluster revealed three nonribosomal peptide synthetase genes and a series of genes encoding oxygenases.To investigate the function of sfmO2 gene,encoding a FAD-dependent monooxygenase/hydroxylase,we constructed the gene replacement mutant(△sfmO2) strain S.lavendulae TL2007 and the corresponding gene complementation mutant strain S.lavendulae TL2008.A novel compound,SFM-O,was isolated from the △sfmO2 replacement mutant strain and its structure was characterized by comparison to the HRMS and NMR spectra of SFM-A.These findings indicated that SfmO2 is responsible for the oxidation of ring A in the biosynthetic pathway of SFM-A,and the new compound SFM-O could be considered as an advanced intermediate in the semisynthesis of ET-743. 展开更多
关键词 saframycin A BIOSYNTHESIS SfmO2 OXYGENASE saframycin O
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