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广东增城大封门水库——深圳大鹏半岛“火成岩岩石学”野外教学实习 被引量:2
作者 曹建劲 程书婷 胡乖 《教育教学论坛》 2020年第3期34-35,共2页
“火成岩岩石学”是地质学专业的必修课程,广东增城大封门水库一带出露燕山期双峰式火山岩,可以观察到花岗岩体边缘相到中心相矿物成分、结构、构造的变化,是“火成岩岩石学”的理想实习地点。深圳大鹏半岛国家地质公园具备丰富的火成... “火成岩岩石学”是地质学专业的必修课程,广东增城大封门水库一带出露燕山期双峰式火山岩,可以观察到花岗岩体边缘相到中心相矿物成分、结构、构造的变化,是“火成岩岩石学”的理想实习地点。深圳大鹏半岛国家地质公园具备丰富的火成岩种类,学生可在室内观察岩石标本,也可在野外观察岩石产状等。通过在广东增城大封门水库———深圳大鹏半岛“火成岩岩石学”野外教学实习,学生可学会野外地质现象的观察和分析方法,提高野外工作能力。 展开更多
关键词 野外教学实习 成岩岩石 观察与分析
火成岩油气储层的岩石学特征及研究方向 被引量:67
作者 赵海玲 刘振文 +4 位作者 李剑 狄永军 罗霞 刘清华 赵国泉 《石油与天然气地质》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第6期609-613,共5页
火成岩油气储层具有分布范围广、地质时代长、不具岩石类型的专属性。火成岩冷却后所形成的晶间孔、收缩孔等原生孔隙不受压实作用的影响 ,与沉积岩储层具有不同的特征。这些特征对寻找深层油气藏具有巨大的优势。根据火成岩油气储层特... 火成岩油气储层具有分布范围广、地质时代长、不具岩石类型的专属性。火成岩冷却后所形成的晶间孔、收缩孔等原生孔隙不受压实作用的影响 ,与沉积岩储层具有不同的特征。这些特征对寻找深层油气藏具有巨大的优势。根据火成岩油气储层特征 ,形成演化机制、火成岩的时空展布及储层预测等方面存在的问题 ,提出了火成岩油气储层需要加强火成岩岩石学、火山地质、热力学。 展开更多
关键词 成岩储层 成岩岩石 火山地质 热力学 流体动力学 地球物理
从教材看当前我国火成岩石学教学的某些不足 被引量:1
作者 汪洋 《中国地质教育》 2007年第4期150-153,共4页
本文对近年来出版的国外火成岩石学教材与国内新版教材的内容进行了对比,结果表明,缺乏独立的热力学基础部分是国内教科书的主要缺陷。国内新版火成岩石学教材的其他缺点包括:缺少对岩石类别的实例介绍,参考文献和图件不足,以及不同岩... 本文对近年来出版的国外火成岩石学教材与国内新版教材的内容进行了对比,结果表明,缺乏独立的热力学基础部分是国内教科书的主要缺陷。国内新版火成岩石学教材的其他缺点包括:缺少对岩石类别的实例介绍,参考文献和图件不足,以及不同岩石类别的比例不合适等。 展开更多
关键词 成岩岩石 教材 热力学
高放废液合成岩石固化研究 被引量:13
作者 张传智 张宝善 +5 位作者 郄东生 陈曦 汤宝龙 周慧 姜耀中 朱鑫璋 《辐射防护》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1997年第6期417-426,共10页
建立了高放废液合成岩石固化装置,确定了固化工艺和性能测试方法,制备的合成岩石固化体样品测试结果表明,采用的实验装置、工艺流程和测试方法可行。将Na0.5REE0.5TiO3型钙钛矿和Na2Al2TiO6O16型黑钛铁... 建立了高放废液合成岩石固化装置,确定了固化工艺和性能测试方法,制备的合成岩石固化体样品测试结果表明,采用的实验装置、工艺流程和测试方法可行。将Na0.5REE0.5TiO3型钙钛矿和Na2Al2TiO6O16型黑钛铁钠矿作为包容钠的主要矿相,分别研制了国内生产堆高放废液的合成岩石基料配方,氧化钠的包容量可达5.7%(wt)。 展开更多
关键词 高放废液 成岩 固化装置 高钠废液
模拟三价锕系元素合成岩石固化研究 被引量:7
作者 杨建文 朱鑫璋 罗上庚 《核化学与放射化学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2000年第1期50-54,共5页
针对模拟三价锕系元素的固化 ,分别合成了富钙钛锆石固化体和富钙钛矿固化体 ,并对其主要性能进行了分析和比较 。
关键词 成岩 锕系元素 固化 高放废液处理
作者 安晓力 《全球科技经济瞭望》 1986年第10期24-,共1页
澳大利亚原子能委员会设在卢卡斯高地的实验室正在制造一台用以验证澳研制的一种稳定放射性废料方法是否可行的示范装置。据报道,一家生产能力为1000兆瓦的核电站平均每年要排放30吨核废料。这台装置制成后,将用来验证用合成岩石稳定放... 澳大利亚原子能委员会设在卢卡斯高地的实验室正在制造一台用以验证澳研制的一种稳定放射性废料方法是否可行的示范装置。据报道,一家生产能力为1000兆瓦的核电站平均每年要排放30吨核废料。这台装置制成后,将用来验证用合成岩石稳定放射性核废料方法的可行性。 展开更多
关键词 成岩 示范装置 原子能委员会 卢卡斯 酸盐矿物 波纹形 压缩处理 中子通量 国立大学 锻烧
安徽沿江地区燕山期火成岩成岩成矿地质背景 被引量:52
作者 杜建国 戴圣潜 +2 位作者 莫宣学 邓晋福 许卫 《地学前缘》 EI CAS CSCD 2003年第4期551-560,共10页
安徽沿江地区位于长江中下游Cu,Fe成矿带的中段。通过区内变质基底类型、时代和地球物理、地球化学资料等综合研究,证明该区存在一元古宙基底缝合带,即“古岩石圈尺度不连续”,燕山期的强烈构造-岩浆-成矿活动是“古岩石圈尺度不连续”... 安徽沿江地区位于长江中下游Cu,Fe成矿带的中段。通过区内变质基底类型、时代和地球物理、地球化学资料等综合研究,证明该区存在一元古宙基底缝合带,即“古岩石圈尺度不连续”,燕山期的强烈构造-岩浆-成矿活动是“古岩石圈尺度不连续”的“再活化”的表现。燕山期火成岩岩石构造组合以及岩浆作用有关的矿种组合表征它也是深达地幔的岩石圈尺度不连续,实质上岩石圈尺度不连续为区内的重要控岩、控矿构造,而燕山期挤压加厚环境中形成的高钾钙碱性系列火成岩及对应的Cu,Au组合、橄榄安粗岩系列火成岩及对应的Fe,S组合是岩浆成矿受壳幔相互作用和幔源物质贡献等因素控制的直接反映。同时,文中还利用了Nd-Sr同位素示踪体系对区内中、新生代地幔类型进行了初步研究,论证了中-新生代岩石圈/软流圈发生了灾变事件,区内晚中生代属富集型地幔(EMⅡ),火成岩为富集型地幔(EMⅡ)与亏损地幔(DM)或下地壳(IC)相互作用的结果,新生代则成为亏损型地幔(DM)。 展开更多
关键词 岩石圈不连续 燕山期再活化 成岩岩石组合 成岩成矿背景 安徽沿江地区
火成岩油气储层的水岩相互作用:研究进展与发展方向 被引量:1
作者 梁明亮 毛秀玲 +2 位作者 郑国东 罗晓容 李忠 《矿物岩石地球化学通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第2期215-222,共8页
火成岩油气储层具有与其他类型油气储层不同的岩石学特征和流体特征。火成岩冷却后所形成的原生孔隙受压实作用的影响较小,而次生孔隙的形成演化对于火成岩储集空间的发育有重要意义。其中,水岩相互作用更是火成岩储层次生孔隙形成演化... 火成岩油气储层具有与其他类型油气储层不同的岩石学特征和流体特征。火成岩冷却后所形成的原生孔隙受压实作用的影响较小,而次生孔隙的形成演化对于火成岩储集空间的发育有重要意义。其中,水岩相互作用更是火成岩储层次生孔隙形成演化的重要自然营力之一,因此,这一领域的相关研究对火成岩油气藏的预测有重要意义。作者在调研文献的基础上发现,已有的火成岩储层研究多集中在对一些现象的描述和地质背景的相关性研究,而比较欠缺对油气储层水岩相互作用的系统研究。目前,火成岩油气储层领域需要引进新概念和新技术,重视火成岩储层水岩相互作用的综合分析与系统研究,尤其需要加深对火成岩油气储层次生孔隙形成和演化的理解,以促进油气资源的勘探与开发。 展开更多
关键词 成岩储层 成岩岩石 次生孔隙 水岩相互作用
作者 陈开水 《地图》 北大核心 1996年第1期49-50,共2页
1:5万区调地质组图岩石花纹菲林的制作陈开水根据1989年全国地质学会制图专业会议精神,将来1:5万区调地质图不采用现行的面色普染地质系图的表现形式,而改用以岩石花纹为主的地质组图表现形式。地质岩石花纹是以各种复杂的... 1:5万区调地质组图岩石花纹菲林的制作陈开水根据1989年全国地质学会制图专业会议精神,将来1:5万区调地质图不采用现行的面色普染地质系图的表现形式,而改用以岩石花纹为主的地质组图表现形式。地质岩石花纹是以各种复杂的点线按规则或不规则的几何图形组合排... 展开更多
关键词 地质组图 成岩岩石 菲林片 区调地质图 自动绘图机 地质图图例 排列规则 表现形式 计算机程序 阳片
Sandstone Diagenesis and Porosity Evolution of Paleogene in Huimin Depression 被引量:10
作者 朱筱敏 钟大康 +1 位作者 张琴 张莉 《Petroleum Science》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第3期23-29,共7页
The sandstones of the paleogene in the Huimin Depression have undergone numerous diagenetic processes, such as compaction, cementation, dissolution, metasomasis and recrystallization. The first three — compaction, ... The sandstones of the paleogene in the Huimin Depression have undergone numerous diagenetic processes, such as compaction, cementation, dissolution, metasomasis and recrystallization. The first three — compaction, cementation and dissolution — affect reservoir properties most intensively. An average porosity loss due to compaction is 0.78% per 100 meters, slightly higher in the central and southern parts and lower in the northern. Cementation has resulted in the porosity loss from 8% to 20% at a depth below 1,500 meters. Dissolution, which in most cases is the dissolution of feldspar and of carbonate cement, primarily occurs in two depth intervals, from 1,400 to 2,500 meters and 2,700 to 4,000 meters respectively. New porosity is created through dissolution from 4% to 14%. The sandstones experienced stage A and stage B of early diagenesis and stage A of late diagenesis. At present, most of them are experiencing Phase A2 of late diagenesis. The types of pores in the sand reservoir can be grouped into primary and secondary ones. 展开更多
关键词 DIAGENESIS porosity evolution secondary porosity Huimin Depression
Petrogenesis of skarn in Shizhuyuan W-polymetallic deposit, southern Hunan,China:Constraints from petrology,mineralogy and geochemistry 被引量:2
作者 成永生 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第6期1676-1687,共12页
Skarn is the main altered rock type and is of great importance to mineralization and ore-prospecting in the Shizhuyuan area of Hunan province, China. Its features of petrography, mineralogy and geochemistry were st... Skarn is the main altered rock type and is of great importance to mineralization and ore-prospecting in the Shizhuyuan area of Hunan province, China. Its features of petrography, mineralogy and geochemistry were studied systematically. The results show that the skarn mainly consists of garnet skarn, secondary wollastonite-garnet skarn, tremolite-clinozoisite skarn, and few wolframine garnet skarn, idocrase-garnet skarn and wollastonite skarn with granoblastic texture, granular sheet crystalloblastic texture, and massive structure, disseminated structure, mesh-vein structure, comb structure, and banded structure. And, it is mainly composed of garnet, fluorite, chlorite, hornblende, epidote, tremolite, plagioclase, biotite, muscovite, plagioclase, quartz, idocrase, and calcite and so on. The chemical components mainly include SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, MgO and CaO, and the trace elements and REEs consist of Li, Be, V, Co, Zn, Ga, Rb, Sr, Y, Ce, Nd, Pb and Bi, etc. And, the obvious fractionation exists between LREE and HREE, and it shows typical features of Nanling ore-forming granite for W?Sn polymetallic deposit. Skarn is derived from the sedimentary rock, such as limestone, mudstone, argillaceous rock, and few pelitic strips. It is affected by both Shetianqiao formation strata and Qianlishan granite during the diagenesis, indicating a strong reduction environment. The occurrence of skarn, whose mutation site is favorable to the mineralization enrichment, is closely related to the mineralization and prospecting. 展开更多
关键词 SKARN PETROGENESIS GEOCHEMISTRY Shizhuyuan W-polymetallic deposit southern Hunan
Geochemistry of intrusive rock in Dachang tin-polymetallic ore field, Guangxi, China: Implications for petrogenesis and geodynamics 被引量:5
作者 成永生 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第1期284-292,共9页
The major element, trace element and rare earth element(REE) of the intrusion rock from the Dachang ore field in Guangxi, China, were analyzed. The results show that the phenocryst(about 15%) and matrix(about 85%... The major element, trace element and rare earth element(REE) of the intrusion rock from the Dachang ore field in Guangxi, China, were analyzed. The results show that the phenocryst(about 15%) and matrix(about 85%) mainly consist of quartz, K-feldspar and plagioclase. The rock is composed of low content of Si and high content of Al2O3, low contents of Ca, Fe2O3, Na, TiO2, etc. The intrusion rock has the medium alkali content, attributing to K-rich type rock; and contains medium to low REE contents, of which light rare earth elements(LREEs) and heavy rare earth elements(HREEs) are highly fractionated, showing a weak negative Ce anomaly and a negative Eu anomaly. These rocks are enriched in LREE, and the large ion lithophytes elements(LILE) are rich in Rb, Sr, and U; the high-field-strength elements(Nb, Th, etc) are relatively depleted. The REE chondrite-normalized patterns are consistent with the overall, roughly indicating their similar characteristics, sources and evolution. The intrusion rock mainly formed during the collisional and within-plate periods. 展开更多
关键词 GEOCHEMISTRY PETROGENESIS tectonic setting magma evolution Dachang ore field GUANGXI
《矿物岩石地球化学通报》 CAS CSCD 1997年第1期64-68,共5页
地学新星马鸿文男,1952年生。1986年7月获武汉地质学院北京研究生部岩石学专业理学博士学位。随即在中国科学院地质研究所做博士后研究工作,1988年11月回中国地质大学(北京)工作。现为材料学系教授、博士生导师、系... 地学新星马鸿文男,1952年生。1986年7月获武汉地质学院北京研究生部岩石学专业理学博士学位。随即在中国科学院地质研究所做博士后研究工作,1988年11月回中国地质大学(北京)工作。现为材料学系教授、博士生导师、系主任。主要从事岩浆岩岩石学及矿物材... 展开更多
关键词 蛇绿岩 成岩岩石 地质条件 中生代 华北陆台 蓝片岩 构造演化 上地幔 铀成矿 遥感地质
Petrogenesis of Mesozoic granitoids and volcanic rocks in South China: A response to tectonic evolution 被引量:723
作者 Xinmin Zhou Tao Sun +2 位作者 Weizhou Shen Liangshu Shu Yaoling Niu 《Episodes》 SCIE 2006年第1期26-33,共8页
This paper summarizes the new results on the petrogenesis of Mesozoic granitoids and volcanic rocks in South China. The authors propose that these rocks were formed in time and space as a response to regional tectonic... This paper summarizes the new results on the petrogenesis of Mesozoic granitoids and volcanic rocks in South China. The authors propose that these rocks were formed in time and space as a response to regional tectonic regime change from the continent-continent collision of the Indosinian orogeny within the broad Tethyan orogenic domain in the Early Mesozoic (T1-T3) (Period Ⅰ) to the largely extensional setting as a result of the Yanshanian orogeny genetically associated with the NW-WNW-ward subduction of the paleo-Pacific oceanic lithosphere in the Late Mesozoic (J2-K2) (Period Ⅱ). Of the Period I Indosinian granitoids, the early (T1-T2^1) ones are syn-collisional, and formed in a compressional setting; the late (T2^2-T3) ones are latecollisional, and formed in a locally extensional environment. During the Period Ⅱ Yanshanian magmatism, the Early Yanshanian (J2-J3) granitoid-volcanic rocks, which are distributed mainly in the Nanling Range and in the interior of the South China tectonic block (SCB), are characteristic of rift-type intraplate magmatism, whereas the Late Yanshanian K1 granitoidovolcanic rocks are interpreted as genetically representing active continental margin magmatism. The K2 tholeiitic basalts interlayered with red beds are interpreted as genetically associated with the development of back-arc extensional basins in the interior of the SCB. The Yanshanian granitoid-volcanic rocks are distributed widely in South China, reflecting extensional tectonics within much of the SCB. The extension-induced deep crustal melting and underplating of mantle-derived basaltic melts are suggested as the two principal driving mechanisms for the Yanshanian granitic magmatism in South China. 展开更多
Geochemistry and petrology of rift-related mafic sills and arc-related Gabbro–Diorite bodies, Northern Bafq District,Central Iran 被引量:1
作者 S.M.Niktabar N.Rashidnejad Omran 《Acta Geochimica》 EI CAS CSCD 2018年第2期180-192,共13页
Two types of mafic intrusions have been recognized in the north of the Bafq district, Central Iran. A number of olivine-gabbroic to gabbroic sills intruded the Rizu Formation, comprised of alternating carbonate and vo... Two types of mafic intrusions have been recognized in the north of the Bafq district, Central Iran. A number of olivine-gabbroic to gabbroic sills intruded the Rizu Formation, comprised of alternating carbonate and volcanic rocks. Mineralogical data show that olivine + pyroxene +brown amphibole(kaersutite) + calcic plagioclase +opaque comprise the olivine-gabbroic rocks, and intermediate(or sodic) plagioclase + altered pyroxene and altered amphibole to biotite + opaque minerals the gabbroic rocks.Both rock types have shown within-plate and alkaline characters and have been presumed to be related to rift formation. The mafic-alkaline magma source of the sills is proposed to have been derived from enriched mantle.Regionally, two Gabbro–Diorite intrusions have been identified in the metamorphic complexes. Mineralogical data suggest that the pyroxene + amphibole(hornblende) +plagioclase + biotite + opaque minerals formed the gabbro to diorite intrusions. These rocks have shown characteristics of calc-alkaline and volcanic arc magmatism. 展开更多
关键词 SILLS Rizu formation RIFT Volcanic arc
Zircon geochemistry of different intrusive phases of Weiya pluton: implications for magma genesis 被引量:3
作者 张遵忠 顾连兴 +3 位作者 吴昌志 吴华 郗爱华 唐俊华 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 EI 2005年第4期472-477,共6页
The characteristics of hosted magmas and their petrogenesis based on electron microprobe determination of trace element contents in zircons were discussed. Trace element geochemistry of zircons indicates that zircons ... The characteristics of hosted magmas and their petrogenesis based on electron microprobe determination of trace element contents in zircons were discussed. Trace element geochemistry of zircons indicates that zircons in both gabbro and quartz syenite have two-generations. Zircons of the first generations are crystallized in the magma chamber, whereas those of the second generations are formed in supercooling environment. The former is richer in Zr, but poorer in U, Th, Hf and Y. Quartz diorite porphyrite contains zircons that can be distinguished into the early and late generations. Compared to the late generation, the early generation is richer in Zr but poorer in U, Th, Hf and Y. No conspicuous disruption of zircon evolution has been found in both biotite monzogranite and fine-grained granite. However, the content of zircon in fine-grained granite is higher in U, Th and Y and lower in Zr relative to biotite monzogranite without significant contrast in mass fraction ratio of ZrO2 to HfO2 ratio. Such differences in zircon geochemistry of various intrusive phases and the occurrence of the two zircon generations within a single intrusive phase suggest that these phases of magmas are generated from diverse sources during post-collisional continental extension. These magmas ascend rapidly and cool quickly in a short interval. 展开更多
关键词 ZIRCON trace element PETROGENESIS Weiya Eastern Tianshan
Petrogenesis and tectonic setting of granite porphyry in Keyouzhongqi area,Inner Mongolia 被引量:1
作者 WU Qing YANG Weihong +3 位作者 HE Zhonghua YANG Deming MA Rui WANG Jianguo 《Global Geology》 2014年第1期24-33,共10页
The authors studied the geochemistry, zircon U-Pb ages, Hf isotope of the granite porphyry and its petrogenesis and tectonic setting in the studied area. The zircon U-Pb dating indicates the formation of the granite p... The authors studied the geochemistry, zircon U-Pb ages, Hf isotope of the granite porphyry and its petrogenesis and tectonic setting in the studied area. The zircon U-Pb dating indicates the formation of the granite porphyry is in Early Cretaceous ( 125.1 ± 1.5 Ma). The granite porphyry has high-SiO2 and alkali-rich features, which belongs to high-K talc-alkaline series rocks ( A/CNK = 0. 95%-1. 25% ). The analyses of trace elements show the characteristics of a swallow-shaped REE distribution pattern with enrichment in LREEs and most of LILEs and HFSEs, depletion in Ba, Sr, Nb, P and Ti, and especially strong depletion in Eu, which indicates the granite porphyry belongs to the aluminous A-type granite. Their εHf(t) range from 5.94 to 8.80 with Hf two-stage model ages (TDM2 ) of 620 Ma to 803 Ma. Combining with the regional tectonic background, we conclude that the source of the rocks is the new crust materials accreted from depleted mantle in Neoproterozoic and is the product of partial melting of middle and lower crustal rocks, which may be suffered from the dual impact of the subduction of the Palaeo-Pacific Ocean and the closure of the Mongol-Okhotsk Ocean. 展开更多
关键词 PETROGENESIS granite prophyry A-type granite zircon U-Pb dating Keyouzhongqi area Inner Mongolia
A criterion for crack initiation and propagation in intact rocks under creep condition
作者 陈有亮 孙钧 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2003年第2期1-4,共4页
This paper presents a study on the criterion of crack initiation and propagation under creep conditions, which were investigated using specimens collected from outcropped sandstone rock formations. Beam specimens unde... This paper presents a study on the criterion of crack initiation and propagation under creep conditions, which were investigated using specimens collected from outcropped sandstone rock formations. Beam specimens under three points bending were used in this investigation. The experimental result shows that due to creep deformation, rock crack will inevitably initiate and propagate after a time interval of sustained loading under a load of K I , which is less than fracture toughness K IC but not less than a constant marked as K IC2 . K IC2 indicates the ability of rock to resist crack initiation and propagation under creep conditions and it is defined as creep fracture toughness. 展开更多
关键词 CRACK initiation and propagation SANDSTONE CREEP
《中国高新技术企业》 2011年第26期111-111,共1页
还在担心一旦磁盘罢工,当中的各种和谐物从此化为乌有吗?Millenniata给出了完美的解决方案。其产品M—Disc光盘采用被其称作“合成岩石”的物质作为信息载体,信息被蚀刻在上面而非像一般光盘那样仅仅用激光头写下,得出的结果就是,... 还在担心一旦磁盘罢工,当中的各种和谐物从此化为乌有吗?Millenniata给出了完美的解决方案。其产品M—Disc光盘采用被其称作“合成岩石”的物质作为信息载体,信息被蚀刻在上面而非像一般光盘那样仅仅用激光头写下,得出的结果就是,在美国国防部认证的极端环境下获得1000年以上保存期限——也可以说就是永远。 展开更多
关键词 保存期限 光盘 信息载体 美国国防部 成岩 DISC 极端环境 激光头
Characteristics of breccia lava reservoirs and analysis of their dominant factors: case study of the Xushen gas field located in the Songliao Basin
作者 WANG Zhiqiang LIU Chengzhi +3 位作者 WANG Wenguang TIAN Zhao LI Minghui SUN Wei 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2010年第1期109-114,共6页
Breccia lava is a type of rock in transition between volcanic clastic rock and lava. Its physical properties are compara-tively special, while the nature of its genesis and the formation of reservoirs, deposits and co... Breccia lava is a type of rock in transition between volcanic clastic rock and lava. Its physical properties are compara-tively special, while the nature of its genesis and the formation of reservoirs, deposits and concentrations vary considerably. In order to discover the different genesis for breccia lava reservoirs, our study has been carried out on breccia lava for its rock constituents, structures, diagenesis and reconstruction from tectonic movements to mineral depositions. From our analysis, we conclude that the main type of reservoir is a secondary emposieu, where rock compositions, structures, diagenesis and tectonic action are the major contributing factors to the deposition of breccia lava and its properties. Diagenesis constrained the extent of conservation of the primary pore of breccia lava and produced secondary porosity. The roles of tectonics were played out through the formation controlling tectonic fissures inside breccia lava and affected the impermeability of breccia lava fluids. The constituents of lava rock determine directly the type of diagenesis and its response to tectonic action. At the time of appropriate rock composition and structures, constructive formation occurred to breccia lava. Breccia lava also responded proactively to tectonic movements, forming the best quality collective reservoir agglomerations of vast spaces and strong permeability. 展开更多
关键词 breccia lava DIAGENESIS volcanic rock RESERVOIR
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