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作者 宋文杰 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)经济管理》 2024年第9期0124-0127,共4页
在当今社会,绿色建筑发展是为了促进全球的可持续发展,由于人们对环境保护意识的增强,绿色建筑需要体现出对环境的友好,也要做好对未来可持续发展的投资。为了能够真正理解评估绿色建筑的全生命周期成本与效益,因此需要探讨绿色建筑在... 在当今社会,绿色建筑发展是为了促进全球的可持续发展,由于人们对环境保护意识的增强,绿色建筑需要体现出对环境的友好,也要做好对未来可持续发展的投资。为了能够真正理解评估绿色建筑的全生命周期成本与效益,因此需要探讨绿色建筑在各个阶段的成本效益分析。本文首先研究了绿色建筑的概念与发展现状,然后分析了全生命周期成本的定义及构成,接下来对绿色建筑在各阶段的成本特点以及全生命周期效益分析做了研究,结合案例分析最后探讨了推动绿色建筑发展的策略建议。 展开更多
关键词 绿色建筑 全生命周期 成本经济效益
有效发挥风景园林绿化工程建设 质量管控核心的成本经济效益
作者 王英 《现代物业(新建设)》 2020年第5期153-153,共1页
风景园林是城市的重要组成部分,也是一个城市地域文化的集中体现。本文以风景园林绿化工程建设中质量管控的成本经济效益的有效发挥为探讨主题,针对当前工程施工质量管理的落实与发展现状,从树立成本管理意识、重视质量管理、提高现场... 风景园林是城市的重要组成部分,也是一个城市地域文化的集中体现。本文以风景园林绿化工程建设中质量管控的成本经济效益的有效发挥为探讨主题,针对当前工程施工质量管理的落实与发展现状,从树立成本管理意识、重视质量管理、提高现场管理水平以及强化管理队伍建设等四方面分析最大化发挥成本经济效益的有效措施。 展开更多
关键词 风景园林绿化工程 质量管控 成本经济效益
上消化道出血三种止血方案的药物经济效益成本比较 被引量:2
作者 杨冬爱 陈琳琳 《中国处方药》 2016年第10期34-35,共2页
目的探讨上消化道出血三种止血方案药物的经济效益成本。方法选取收治的150例肝硬化上消化道出血患者作为研究对象,按照所用止血方案的差异,将其分为Ⅰ组、Ⅱ组和Ⅲ组,每组各50例,Ⅰ组给予垂体后叶素、法莫替丁以及硝酸甘油进行治疗,Ⅱ... 目的探讨上消化道出血三种止血方案药物的经济效益成本。方法选取收治的150例肝硬化上消化道出血患者作为研究对象,按照所用止血方案的差异,将其分为Ⅰ组、Ⅱ组和Ⅲ组,每组各50例,Ⅰ组给予垂体后叶素、法莫替丁以及硝酸甘油进行治疗,Ⅱ组给予法莫替丁以及奥曲肽进行治疗,Ⅲ组给予奥美拉唑以及奥曲肽进行治疗,比较三种止血方案药物具体经济效益成本。结果三组均能获得很高治疗效果,而I组患者成本-效果比值明显优于其他两组,说明Ⅰ组用药方案最优。结论对肝硬化上消化道出血患者(不合并其他并发症)采取垂体后叶素、法莫替丁以及硝酸甘油用药方案进行治疗,可以获得有效治疗效果,同时成本投入比较少,应用价值非常高。 展开更多
关键词 上消化道出血 止血药物 经济效益成本
建设平潭海峡大桥对平潭综合实验区经济的影响 被引量:2
作者 岳小泉 郭建钢 +1 位作者 徐锦强 陈金山 《交通建设与管理》 2014年第9X期87-90,共4页
随着公路建设项目数量的增加和投资规模的扩大,对于公路建设项目实施完成后的实际效果及其所带来影响的重视程度也日益增强。为加强对公路建设项目的全程跟踪管理,避免项目建成后实际成果和效益与预定目标相悖,逐步开展对公路建设项目... 随着公路建设项目数量的增加和投资规模的扩大,对于公路建设项目实施完成后的实际效果及其所带来影响的重视程度也日益增强。为加强对公路建设项目的全程跟踪管理,避免项目建成后实际成果和效益与预定目标相悖,逐步开展对公路建设项目的目标评价显得迫在眉睫。分析建设平潭海峡大桥前后的经济发展情况,得出建设平潭海峡大桥具有一定必要性的结论。从国民经济整体角度出发,运用特定的评价指标体系,定量分析建设平潭海峡大桥与平潭综合实验区经济发展的相关性。 展开更多
关键词 平潭海峡大桥 经济发展 内部收益率 经济净现值 经济效益成本
作者 傅红霞 《经济视野》 2013年第13期-,共2页
在社会主义市场经济体制日趋完善的新形势下,国有企业的成本管理已经发生了深刻的变革。现代成本管理中对于企业发展具有重要的意义,它突破了传统成本管理,把重心转向企业整体战略的研究领域。本文探讨了大型国有企业成控制管理的思... 在社会主义市场经济体制日趋完善的新形势下,国有企业的成本管理已经发生了深刻的变革。现代成本管理中对于企业发展具有重要的意义,它突破了传统成本管理,把重心转向企业整体战略的研究领域。本文探讨了大型国有企业成控制管理的思路和具体措施,有利于企业正确进行成本预测、正确处理企业发展与加强成本管理的关系。 展开更多
关键词 国有企业 成本经济效益 成本管理
大西海子水库除险加固工程经济评价分析 被引量:2
作者 郭峰 《水利科学与寒区工程》 2021年第6期106-108,共3页
大西海子水库是一座将防洪、农业灌溉、生态供水、水产养殖等功能综合在一起的大型水库建筑。经过多重计算,并根据计算结果进行合理分析后,对大西海子水库进行除险加固工程,可收获经济净现值3389.10万元>0元,项目经济效益成本比是1.1... 大西海子水库是一座将防洪、农业灌溉、生态供水、水产养殖等功能综合在一起的大型水库建筑。经过多重计算,并根据计算结果进行合理分析后,对大西海子水库进行除险加固工程,可收获经济净现值3389.10万元>0元,项目经济效益成本比是1.19>1。经济内部收益率达8.50%,大于由计算所得的社会折现率6.00%。由此可以看出,除险加固项目建设,可以取得良好的经济效益。 展开更多
关键词 经济净现值 经济效益成本 经济内部收益率 社会折现率
浅谈建筑项目施工阶段的成本控制 被引量:2
作者 郑辉 《价值工程》 2010年第24期41-41,共1页
随着我国经济发展,建筑行业竞争日趋激烈,中标后的施工企业利润空间越来越小,要想在激烈的竞争中获得较高的效益,必须要进行成本控制,才能有效提高工程效率和质量。本文通过分析建筑施工阶段成本控制的特点及原则,针对其控制方法进行探... 随着我国经济发展,建筑行业竞争日趋激烈,中标后的施工企业利润空间越来越小,要想在激烈的竞争中获得较高的效益,必须要进行成本控制,才能有效提高工程效率和质量。本文通过分析建筑施工阶段成本控制的特点及原则,针对其控制方法进行探讨,以期通过本文的阐述保证施工项目达到预期经济指标,使工程项目最终达到最高的经济效益。 展开更多
关键词 建筑 施工企业 成本控制:经济效益
Comparison of Benefits from Different Planting Models of Ningza No.21
作者 浦惠明 龙卫华 +2 位作者 刘雪基 胡茂龙 高建芹 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第10期1781-1788,1804,共9页
Ningza No.21, a new hybrid rapeseed cultivar, was used as the test mate-rial in this study. The common planting models in large-scale production (3 trans-planting models and 2 direct-seeding models) were adopted. Ba... Ningza No.21, a new hybrid rapeseed cultivar, was used as the test mate-rial in this study. The common planting models in large-scale production (3 trans-planting models and 2 direct-seeding models) were adopted. Based on the high-yield cultivation, the yield and economic benefits of different planting models were investi-gated. ln addition, the labor costs, agricultural production materials costs and agri-cultural machinery costs of different planting model were analyzed to explore the low-costs and high-economic benefits planting model. The results showed the yields of the 5 planting models were al relatively high with average yield of 3 282.30 kg/hm2, ranging from 2 899.50 to 3 642.00 kg/hm2. Although the average yield and output value of transplanting models were higher than that of direct-seedling models by 429.25 kg/hm2 and 2 189.18 yuan/hm2 respectively, the production costs of trans-planting models were higher than that of direct-seedling model by 2 098.81 yuan/hm2 and the economic benefits were basical y equal. Among the costs of rapeseed pro-duction, the labor costs accounted for more than 60%. ln the labor costs, the har-vesting labor costs represented about 50%. Therefore, under current production con-ditions, the direct seeding and mechanized harvesting should be adopted in the rapeseed production to reduce production costs and improve economic benefits. 展开更多
关键词 RAPESEED Transplanting cultivation Direct-seeding cultivation Production costs Economic benefits
关于铁合金矿热炉炉型选择的研究 被引量:1
作者 王勇 《世界有色金属》 2017年第11期272-273,共2页
目前铁合金矿热炉炉型主要向封闭和半封闭方向发展,贵州省是全国铁合金大省,主要品种为硅锰合金,冶炼硅锰合金的矿热炉炉型也有封闭和半封闭两种选择,到底哪种炉型对于像贵州这种西部工业欠地区更有利、更经济呢?本文针对这个问题,分别... 目前铁合金矿热炉炉型主要向封闭和半封闭方向发展,贵州省是全国铁合金大省,主要品种为硅锰合金,冶炼硅锰合金的矿热炉炉型也有封闭和半封闭两种选择,到底哪种炉型对于像贵州这种西部工业欠地区更有利、更经济呢?本文针对这个问题,分别从原辅料的资源供应情况,两种矿热炉操作特性及产品的成本效益上,进行一些分析和研究,希望对相关领域工作者及贵州省铁合金发展有所帮助和启迪。 展开更多
关键词 铁合金 矿热炉炉型 成本经济效益
Travel modal choice analysis for traffic corridors based on decision-theoretic approaches 被引量:1
作者 郭伟 张毅 +2 位作者 尤佳轩 胡坚明 裴欣 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第11期3028-3039,共12页
The rapid development of multimodal transportation system prompts travellers to choose multiple transportation modes, such as private vehicles or taxi, transit(subways or buses), or park-and-ride combinations for urba... The rapid development of multimodal transportation system prompts travellers to choose multiple transportation modes, such as private vehicles or taxi, transit(subways or buses), or park-and-ride combinations for urban trips. Traffic corridor is a major scenario that supports travellers to commute from suburban residential areas to central working areas. Studying their modal choice behaviour is receiving more and more interests. On one hand, it will guide the travellers to rationally choose their most economic and beneficial mode for urban trips. On the other hand, it will help traffic operators to make more appropriate policies to enhance the share of public transit in order to alleviate the traffic congestion and produce more economic and social benefits. To analyze the travel modal choice, a generalized cost model for three typical modes is first established to evaluate each different travel alternative. Then, random utility theory(RUT) and decision field theory(DFT) are introduced to describe the decision-making process how travellers make their mode choices. Further, some important factors that may influence the modal choice behaviour are discussed as well. To test the feasibility of the proposed model, a field test in Beijing was conducted to collect the real-time data and estimate the model parameters. The improvements in the test results and analysis show new advances in the development of travel mode choice on multimodal transportation networks. 展开更多
关键词 modal choice analysis traffic corridor modelling decision field theory
Effects of Large-Scale Wind Energy Base on Power Grid Company
作者 Wang Ningbe 《Electricity》 2012年第1期40-44,共5页
The first stage project of Jiuquan wind energy base with 5.5-GW installed capacity is about to be completed. However, there exist several technical issues such as power transfer capability, electricity accommodation, ... The first stage project of Jiuquan wind energy base with 5.5-GW installed capacity is about to be completed. However, there exist several technical issues such as power transfer capability, electricity accommodation, frequency control and peak load regulation as well as system stability. In addition, the high capital cost and operation cost of the supporting transmission project invested and constructed by the Gansu Provincial Power Company will definitely have significant impacts on the management and economic profit of the Company. Through analysis of the construction and operation cost changes resulting from the wind power collection and delivery project, the author carried out research into the effects of developing large-scale wind power base on the management and economic benefits of power grid enterprises and proposed corresponding suggestions to make the related policies perfect. 展开更多
关键词 wind power grid integration economic benefit operation and management
作者 张仁广 白雪松 《橡塑技术与装备》 CAS 2018年第23期19-22,共4页
关键词 密炼机 再制造技术 零部件的修复技术 高分子表面工程技术 成本经济效益
Open pit limit optimization considering economic profit,ecological costs and social benefits
作者 Xiao-chuan XU Xiao-wei GU +2 位作者 Qing WANG Yun-qi ZHAO Zong-kang WANG 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第12期3847-3861,共15页
Pit limit design has,up to date,focused mainly on maximization of economic profit alone,with environmental and social issues largely ignored.This paper focuses on incorporating both environmental and social issues in ... Pit limit design has,up to date,focused mainly on maximization of economic profit alone,with environmental and social issues largely ignored.This paper focuses on incorporating both environmental and social issues in the pit limit design process and provides an approach to pit limit optimization that is in compliance with sustainable development.The case study demonstrates that ecological costs have a substantial down-sizing effect and social benefits have a substantial up-sizing effect on the optimal pit limit.When the ecological costs are factored in,the optimal pit limit is 37.5%smaller than the economically optimal pit limit.However,when the social benefits are factored in,the optimal pit limit is 48.3%larger than the economically optimal one.The overall optimal pit limit,with the economic profit,ecological costs and social benefits simultaneously considered,is a result of balancing conflicting goals of maximizing economic profit,minimizing ecological cost,and maximizing social benefit. 展开更多
关键词 open pit mine pit limit economic profit ecological cost social benefit sustainable development
To Understand Why Airships Lost the Sky to Airplanes Take a Look at the Network on the Ground
作者 Helmut E. Braun 《History Research》 2013年第1期23-30,共8页
Zeppelins and airplanes went into a commercial competition during the 1920s and 1930s. The Zeppelin was a very costly and high-scale technology which operated with a number of devices less than fingers a hand has. Air... Zeppelins and airplanes went into a commercial competition during the 1920s and 1930s. The Zeppelin was a very costly and high-scale technology which operated with a number of devices less than fingers a hand has. Airplanes, however, were cheap both in investment and operation and improved their cost-effectiveness rapidly during the times. Therefore, it was clear from an economic point of view to develop a fast growing net of commercial airports serving an even fast growing number of passengers. This was self-energizing. Zeppelins, however, focused on one, later two point-to-point services only, justified by a lack of capital and permanent economic losses. 展开更多
关键词 airplanes innovation diffusion network Zeppelin
Modeling Biodiversity Benefits and External Costs from a Keystone Predator Reintroduction Policy
作者 Yohan LEE Jane L. HARRISON +1 位作者 Cristina EISENBERG Byungdoo LEE 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第3期385-394,共10页
In this paper, an economic model was constructed to determine the optimal wolf population and distribution across the Northern Rocky Mountains. Both ecological and economic concepts were incorporated in an implicitly ... In this paper, an economic model was constructed to determine the optimal wolf population and distribution across the Northern Rocky Mountains. Both ecological and economic concepts were incorporated in an implicitly spatial social welfare maximization problem. This interdisciplinary model relies on multiple data sources, including current wolf population and distribution information, opportunity cost to local landowners, and contingent valuation studies to determine willingness-to-pay for wolves. Economic models tend to externalize ecological concerns and ecological models often omit the complex human dimensions of conservation policy. Accordingly, this model can serve as a guide for integrating best practices from both fields. The model presented here is sufficiently general to apply to wolves in other ecosystems and to other highly interacting species such as beavers and bison. The Northern Rocky Mountain wolf was used as an example of how this economic model works, but this model can be applied far more broadly. 展开更多
关键词 WOLF ECONOMICS BIODIVERSITY Ecological economics Opportunity cost Conservationpolicy Endangered species
Comments on the development trend of the construction cost management in the new period
作者 Danjing Wang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第6期102-104,共3页
Building construction projects generally needs a long period, and there are many fixed factors in the process of building, therefore, the management of the project cost is a little difficult. On the basis that the qua... Building construction projects generally needs a long period, and there are many fixed factors in the process of building, therefore, the management of the project cost is a little difficult. On the basis that the quality of construction is not affected, the effective management of the project cost can effectively control the costs so that the economic and social benefits of the construction unit will be raised, and then continue to promote the development of construction industry in China. 展开更多
关键词 COMMENTS construction cost management market mechanisms.
Self-Dealing Among Convergence and Path-Dependency Opportunities: An Empirical Analysis of Regulatory From Six European Countries
作者 Rosa Vinciguerra Nadia Cipullo 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2014年第6期629-651,共23页
Self-dealing refers to all kinds of transactions and operations diverting value from a company to corporate controllers. In order to tackle self-dealing, academics and regulators have emphasised the legal tools. Howev... Self-dealing refers to all kinds of transactions and operations diverting value from a company to corporate controllers. In order to tackle self-dealing, academics and regulators have emphasised the legal tools. However, there is a divergence between those supporting the existence of a benchmark model towards which to converge (convergence hypothesis) and those underscoring the importance of socio-economic factors on the efficacy of governance rules (path-dependency view). The aim of this paper is to join in the convergence vs. path-dependency debate by focusing on the efficiency of mandatory rules and investigating their effectiveness. Considering the current market integration, the traditional cost-benefit analysis has been extended in order to embrace costs specifically associated to the issue of domestic rules in a global scenario. This analysis supports the convergence view and encourages at least a partial and gradual adjustment of national legislations towards the prevailing Anglo-Saxon model. In order to test this hypothesis, an examination of the self-dealing regulatory (on conflict of interests and self-dealing) adopted in some Western (Germany, Italy, and the United Kingdom (UK)) and Eastern (Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland) European countries has been conducted. 展开更多
关键词 self-dealing Europe transition economies International Accounting Standards (IAS) 24
Analysis on Human Resource Outsourcing in Chinese Government
作者 CHEN Siyu 《International English Education Research》 2016年第12期5-8,共4页
Social and economic development, the deepening of the reform of our government have higher requirements, then the Government is an important step in the implementation of human resources outsourcing, is now the phenom... Social and economic development, the deepening of the reform of our government have higher requirements, then the Government is an important step in the implementation of human resources outsourcing, is now the phenomenon of corporate human resources outsourcing has been very common, the Government also needs further enterprise, This paper studies the cost-benefit analysis of government human resource outsourcing by deepening the understanding of human resource management and the comparative analysis of government and enterprise human resource management to verify whether it is feasible and the way to outsource human resource management. The content has made the detailed analysis, to study our country government's human resources outsourcing question has the vital significance. 展开更多
关键词 GOVERNMENT human resources management human resources outsourcing
Clusters as a Way of Penetration of International Market
作者 Marina Fronkova 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2012年第5期740-747,共8页
The global financial and economic crisis has negatively affected all business units. Tough fight for the market position results in effort to create efficient methods to maintain company's competitiveness. Some of sm... The global financial and economic crisis has negatively affected all business units. Tough fight for the market position results in effort to create efficient methods to maintain company's competitiveness. Some of small and medium entrepreneurs have started to search the business allies. As an example of such possibility of cooperation the formation of clusters should be mention. The main intention of this paper is to demonstrate possibility for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to cooperatively penetrate new markets. Attention is focused mainly on a real export-oriented cluster. Ambition is to use costs and benefits analysis to test ability of the cluster to improve chances of companies to penetrate new markets. In order to link this analysis to real life as much as possible, existing cluster was used and on its accomplishments and failures costs and benefits of clustering are demonstrated. 展开更多
关键词 cluster EXPORT small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
作者 沈国梁 《中国广告》 2007年第8期2-2,共1页
关键词 本土企业 策划外脑 中国 市场机会成本 经济效益成本 人力资源成本 投资风险成本
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