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水貂阿留申病对水貂产仔性能及成活数量的影响 被引量:2
作者 刘俊平 王振军 +8 位作者 罗国良 赵志刚 王春霞 林志军 张淼 程悦宁 栾杨 侯海良 吴威 《黑龙江畜牧兽医(下半月)》 北大核心 2017年第6期195-197,共3页
为了确定水貂阿留申病对水貂的产仔数、成活数的影响程度,试验采用水貂阿留申病毒抗体胶体金检测试纸条对吉林、大连、山东等地的4个水貂养殖场的1 458只母貂进行了水貂阿留申病毒抗体检测。检测过程中笔者根据检测结果将水貂体内阿留... 为了确定水貂阿留申病对水貂的产仔数、成活数的影响程度,试验采用水貂阿留申病毒抗体胶体金检测试纸条对吉林、大连、山东等地的4个水貂养殖场的1 458只母貂进行了水貂阿留申病毒抗体检测。检测过程中笔者根据检测结果将水貂体内阿留申病毒抗体分成四个等级:阴性、弱阳性、阳性、强阳性,并且对受检母貂的产仔数、幼仔成活数进行了统计。结果表明:水貂阿留申病阴性貂平均产仔数4.15只,平均成活数为4.11只;弱阳性貂平均产仔数为2.85只,平均成活数为2.85只;阳性貂平均产仔数为2.38只,平均成活数为2.20只;强阳性貂平均产仔数为2.67只,平均成活数为2.00只。由此看出,水貂阿留申病对水貂的产仔数、成活数有很大的影响,阴性水貂比阳性水貂平均产仔数多1.30~1.77只,而成活数方面阴性貂要比阳性貂高1.26~2.11只。 展开更多
关键词 水貂阿留申病 产仔 成活数 胶体金检测试纸条 防制策略
喷雾干燥与水浴模拟实验条件对应关系的研究 被引量:1
作者 于章龙 武慧媛 +3 位作者 李永歌 薛文通 张惠 张泽俊 《食品工业科技》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第2期101-103,共3页
喷雾干燥是生产粉末的一种常用加工方式,但如果用来生产有活性的菌种粉末,依然需要进一步的研究。喷雾干燥使菌种致死的主要原因是高温脱水,本实验对喷雾干燥菌落成活数与水浴模拟加热条件的对应关系进行了研究,选择不同水浴加热温度和... 喷雾干燥是生产粉末的一种常用加工方式,但如果用来生产有活性的菌种粉末,依然需要进一步的研究。喷雾干燥使菌种致死的主要原因是高温脱水,本实验对喷雾干燥菌落成活数与水浴模拟加热条件的对应关系进行了研究,选择不同水浴加热温度和不同加热时间与最佳喷雾条件进行对比,结果表明,在喷雾条件为进口温度170℃,出口温度70℃时与水浴模拟实验60℃,10min的菌落成活数相当。 展开更多
关键词 喷雾干燥 水浴模拟实验 菌落成活数
野生假俭草营养繁殖方式比较研究 被引量:8
作者 彭燕 干友民 《中国种业》 北大核心 2003年第9期24-24,共1页
关键词 野生假俭草 营养繁殖方式 撒茎法 插茎法 枝条成活数 成活 草坪草
作者 谢荣清 唐俊妮 +2 位作者 王远微 杨廷勇 谢红旗 《草学》 2019年第5期73-76,共4页
2018年通过对甘孜州康定市、色达县、石渠县牦牛养殖情况进行调查,发现草原退化,鼠害猖厥(石渠县放牧草场户均达0. 36公顷),草地沙漠化加剧,产草量下降,毒害草增加,严重影响草场载畜及使用力。户均养殖牦牛群结构不合理,数量少品质差,... 2018年通过对甘孜州康定市、色达县、石渠县牦牛养殖情况进行调查,发现草原退化,鼠害猖厥(石渠县放牧草场户均达0. 36公顷),草地沙漠化加剧,产草量下降,毒害草增加,严重影响草场载畜及使用力。户均养殖牦牛群结构不合理,数量少品质差,石渠县户均牦牛数量仅6. 2头;户均养殖能繁母牦牛数量10头,占总存栏数的41. 13%,养殖牦牛周期长其所产生的收益不佳;另外,牧区贫困户文化程度普遍较低(小学文化占50%,文盲率高达45. 45%)。建议应结合当地贫困户的实际情况,从各方面制定相对应对策。加强教育培训,普及牦牛健康、高效养殖方法,建立持续、稳定的保障措施,以提高当地牧养户收益。 展开更多
关键词 牦牛 能繁母牛 产仔 成活数
葫芦岛海域不同水层养殖海湾扇贝效果对比 被引量:1
作者 金玉先 马骞 王国玲 《科学养鱼》 2004年第10期31-31,共1页
关键词 葫芦岛海域 水层 海湾扇贝 成活数
作者 侯富华 《河北林果研究》 1998年第S1期80-81,共2页
河北省黄骅市的冬枣是优良鲜食晚熟品种,以100~120元/g的价格畅销北京、深圳、上海等地。但由于原用做砧木的酸枣来源少,生长慢,所以发展规模小,并且以此做砧木所结果实口感酸。金丝小枣是献县、沧县的特产,酸甜可口,含糖量高,其根蘖... 河北省黄骅市的冬枣是优良鲜食晚熟品种,以100~120元/g的价格畅销北京、深圳、上海等地。但由于原用做砧木的酸枣来源少,生长慢,所以发展规模小,并且以此做砧木所结果实口感酸。金丝小枣是献县、沧县的特产,酸甜可口,含糖量高,其根蘖苗多且生长快。探索金丝小枣嫁接冬枣的可行性将有助于冬枣的发展,创造更大的经济效益。 展开更多
关键词 成活 平均生长量 嫁接成活 小枣 成活数 砧木粗度 嫁接时间 金丝 接穗粗度 试验结果
《河南畜牧兽医(市场版)》 2021年第12期51-52,共2页
为了提高产房的生产成绩,产房仔猪出生后,寄养是不可避免的工作。也是产房中工作的重点,那么仔猪出生后我们该如何寄养呢?仔猪出生后,首先我们要挑选用于寄养的母猪。第一,要按照每头母猪产仔多少来寄养,寄养前先要了解母猪的带仔能力... 为了提高产房的生产成绩,产房仔猪出生后,寄养是不可避免的工作。也是产房中工作的重点,那么仔猪出生后我们该如何寄养呢?仔猪出生后,首先我们要挑选用于寄养的母猪。第一,要按照每头母猪产仔多少来寄养,寄养前先要了解母猪的带仔能力。后备或者2~5胎的母猪,在词养管理到位的情况下,带仔能力都是非常强的,建议1~2胎母猪带仔数不低于13头,最多可以带到14头(目的是以后带仔成活数不低于12头,明显提高仔猪成活率)。 展开更多
关键词 仔猪成活 母猪产仔 寄养 产房仔猪 带仔 成活数 管理到位 断奶
Climate change trend and causes of tropical cyclones affecting the South China Sea during the past 50 years 被引量:4
作者 BO Xiang XINNING Dong YONGHUA Li 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2020年第4期301-307,共7页
Tropical cyclones(TCs)in the South China Sea(SCS)cause serious disasters and loss every year to the coastal and inland areas of southern China.The types of TCs are usually difficult to forecast,and studies on the unde... Tropical cyclones(TCs)in the South China Sea(SCS)cause serious disasters and loss every year to the coastal and inland areas of southern China.The types of TCs are usually difficult to forecast,and studies on the understanding of the TCs affecting the SCS are lacking.In this study,the authors use the TC data during 1965–2017 from two best-track datasets to analyse the climatic characteristics in terms of the frequency,the track activity,and the influencing indexes of the TCs affecting the SCS and investigate the possible causes.The results show that,during 1965–2017,there were 535 TCs affecting the SCS,mainly occurring from June to November of each year,with the annual average frequency exhibiting a significant downward trend.Meanwhile,the frequency of the track activity in most areas of the SCS also demonstrate a remarkable decreasing trend but an increase in the Gulf of Tonkin and the Taiwan Strait.The large-scale environmental anomalous westerlies and the decrease of humidity in the mid-and low-level over the northern part of the SCS are likely the main causes for the decrease in frequency and the track activity.In addition,the analysis using the cyclone activity index shows that the influence of the before mentioned TCs in southern China gradually decreases,while the influence of TCs in the SCS show a decreasing trend during past decades. 展开更多
关键词 Tropical cyclones affecting the South China Sea climatic characteristics cyclone activity index cause analysis
Considerations when using the activPAL monitor in field-based research with adult populations 被引量:5
作者 Charlotte L.Edwardson Elisabeth A.H.Winkler +4 位作者 Danielle H.Bodicoat Tom Yates Melanie J.Davies David W.Dunstan Genevieve N.Healy 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2017年第2期162-178,共17页
Research indicates that high levels of sedentary behavior(sitting or lying with low energy expenditure) are adversely associated with health. A key factor in improving our understanding of the impact of sedentary beha... Research indicates that high levels of sedentary behavior(sitting or lying with low energy expenditure) are adversely associated with health. A key factor in improving our understanding of the impact of sedentary behavior(and patterns of sedentary time accumulation) on health is the use of objective measurement tools that collect date and time-stamped activity information. One such tool is the activP AL monitor. This thigh-worn device uses accelerometer-derived information about thigh position to determine the start and end of each period spent sitting/lying, standing, and stepping, as well as stepping speed, step counts, and postural transitions. The activP AL is increasingly being used within field-based research for its ability to measure sitting/lying via posture. We summarise key issues to consider when using the activP AL in physical activity and sedentary behavior field-based research with adult populations. It is intended that the findings and discussion points be informative for researchers who are currently using activP AL monitors or are intending to use them. Pre-data collection decisions, monitor preparation and distribution, data collection considerations, and manual and automated data processing possibilities are presented using examples from current literature and experiences from 2 research groups from the UK and Australia. 展开更多
关键词 populations monitor lying collection accelerometer expenditure Australia stepping currently intended
Field Establishment of Cashew (Anacardium occidentale L,) Transplants as Affected by Nursery Periods
作者 LateefAkinkunle Hammed Amudalat Bolanle Olaniyan 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2012年第11期1158-1164,共7页
Field establishment of cashew has been seriously hampered by long delay in the nursery. This has led to transplanting of overgrown seedlings resulting in high transplant mortality, especially during the first dry seas... Field establishment of cashew has been seriously hampered by long delay in the nursery. This has led to transplanting of overgrown seedlings resulting in high transplant mortality, especially during the first dry season on the field. The experiment was set up to study field establishment of cashew transplants as affected by the nursery periods. Four nursery periods were tried. These were cashew transplanted at 3, 4, 8 and 12 weeks after sowing (WAS). The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block with three replicates. Records were taken on morphological parameters and survival percentage of the transplants till fruiting. Cashew seedlings transplanted at 12 WAS had better morphological plant parameters compared to other transplants. At 3 months after transplanting (MAT), cashew transplants of 12 WAS were 172.6%, 93.7% and 38.5% taller than transplants of 3, 4 and 8 WAS, respectively and the differences were significant (P 〈 0.05). Similarly, seedlings transplanted at 12 WAS had 245.4%, ! 51.9% and 99.4% more leaves than those of 3, 4 and 8 WAS at 3 MAT, respectively. However, the survival percent of cashew seedlings transplanted at 12 WAS were 66.7% followed by that of 3 WAS with 75.0% within 12 MAT. No transplant mortality was incurred in seedlings transplanted at 4 and 8 WAS up to 12 MAT. For optimum growth and high survival rate, transplanting cashew seedlings between 4 and 8 WAS will be encouraged so as to have high plant stands, thereby, reducing supply in the following planting season. 展开更多
关键词 Cashew transplants survival rate growth performance FLOWERING nut yield.
Comparative investigation on spindle behavior and MPF activity changes during oocyte maturation between gynogenetic and amphimictic crucian carp 被引量:4
作者 YANG ZHONG AN QUN HUA LI +1 位作者 YU FENG WANG JIAN FANG GUI (State Key Laboratory of Freshwater Ecology and Biotechnology, Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan 430072, China) 《Cell Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1999年第2期145-154,共10页
The spindle behavior and MPF activity changes in the progression of oocyte maturation were investigated and compared with cytological observation and kinase assay between gynogenetic silver crucian carp and amphimicti... The spindle behavior and MPF activity changes in the progression of oocyte maturation were investigated and compared with cytological observation and kinase assay between gynogenetic silver crucian carp and amphimictic colored crucian carp. MPF activity was measured by using histone H1 as phosphorylation substrate. There were two similar oscillatory MPF kinase activity changes during oocyte maturation in two kinds of fishes with different reproductive modes, but there existed some subtle difference between them. The subtle difference was that the first peak of MPF kinase activity was kept to a longerlasting time in the gynogenetic silver crucian carp than in the amphimictic colored crucian carp. It was suggested that the difference may be related to the spindle behavior changes, such as tripolar spindle formation and spindle rearrangement in the gynogenetic crucian carp. 展开更多
关键词 GYNOGENESIS silver crucian carp oocyte maturation MPF kinase tripolar spindle MEIOSIS
Immediate cystectomy or conservative management for T_1 G_3 bladder cancer: A meta-analysis of general survival rate
作者 Liang Yu Yanjiang Li +1 位作者 Zhenwei Zhao Ran Cai 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2013年第5期243-245,共3页
Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the therapeutic effects of bladder preserving approach transurethral resection (TURBT) with additional intravesicel instillation versus immediate cystectomy in patien... Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the therapeutic effects of bladder preserving approach transurethral resection (TURBT) with additional intravesicel instillation versus immediate cystectomy in patients with newly diagnosed stage T1G3 bladder cancer. Methods: Clinical data of patients with newly diagnosed T1G3 bladder cancer underwent immediate cystectomy (Group A) or TURBT with additional intravesical instillation (Group B) was collected from online databases. Meta-analysis that recommended by Cochrane Collaboration was done for the data obtained. Publication bias was examined using a funnel plot. Results: Four trails, including 434 patients, were eligible for this study. The general mortality rate of group A (74/149 = 49.7%) and group B (102/285 = 35.8%) was calculated and compared in RevMan 4.2, which showed the difference on general mortality rate between the two groups was not statistical significant, with the pooled RR = 1.23 (95% CI 1.10-1.70, P 〉 0.05). Conclusion: Compared with TURBT, immediate cystectomy may not reduce the general mortality rate to improve the forward survival rate. 展开更多
关键词 bladder neoplasms CYSTECTOMY meta analysis
不同胎次对水貂产仔性能的影响 被引量:1
作者 丛波 刘琳玲 +2 位作者 宋兴超 王雷 杨福合 《黑龙江畜牧兽医(下半月)》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第4期125-126,共2页
为了解水貂胎次与产仔数间的内在规律,试验对黑褐色标准水貂的334窝产仔记录进行统计分析,研究母貂胎次对产仔性能的影响,并对胎次与产仔性能进行相关分析。结果表明:第2胎的胎平均产仔数和分窝成活数最高,分别为5.96只、5.40只,极显著... 为了解水貂胎次与产仔数间的内在规律,试验对黑褐色标准水貂的334窝产仔记录进行统计分析,研究母貂胎次对产仔性能的影响,并对胎次与产仔性能进行相关分析。结果表明:第2胎的胎平均产仔数和分窝成活数最高,分别为5.96只、5.40只,极显著高于其他胎次(P<0.01);不同胎次间妊娠天数差异不显著(P>0.05)。母貂胎平均产仔数、年龄与分窝成活数均呈极显著正相关(P<0.01)。 展开更多
关键词 水貂 胎次 产仔性能 产仔 分窝成活数
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