[ Objective ] This study was to analyze the genetic polymorphism in GDF8 Region of HU sheep. [Method] Four microsatellite loci including BMS1591, TEXAN-2, FCB128 and BM81124 mapped on GDF8 region of chromosome No. 2 o...[ Objective ] This study was to analyze the genetic polymorphism in GDF8 Region of HU sheep. [Method] Four microsatellite loci including BMS1591, TEXAN-2, FCB128 and BM81124 mapped on GDF8 region of chromosome No. 2 of sheep that may be correlated with growth performance were chosen to detect the molecular genetics foundation of growth performance of Hu sheep. [ Result] Four microsatellite loci detected were high in heterozygosity, more in effective alleles number and rich in polymorphic information, all the three indices passed through the high polymorphic level (PIC 〉0.5). [ Conclusion ] The four microsatellite loci detected could be used to estimate the genetic polymorphism of growth performance of Hu sheep.展开更多
Selected persistent organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), including 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethane (DDT) and its principal metabolites 1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethylene (DDE) and 1,1-dichloro-2,2...Selected persistent organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), including 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethane (DDT) and its principal metabolites 1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethylene (DDE) and 1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)e- thane (DDD), hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) and its isomers (α-,β-, γ-, and δ-HCH), hexachlorobenzene (HCB), endo- sulfan, dieldrin, and endrin were quantified to determine current levels of organochlorine pesticides, to assess the eco- toxicological potential, and to distin…展开更多
The aim of the present research is to identify the main mechanisms of sulfur behavior in saline lakes in the course of time and followed transformations in their chemical composition. The influence of water on chemica...The aim of the present research is to identify the main mechanisms of sulfur behavior in saline lakes in the course of time and followed transformations in their chemical composition. The influence of water on chemical composition of biochemical processes involved in decomposition of organic matter was determined by the study of behavior of reduced forms of sulfur in lakes. The determination of reduced forms of sulfur was carried out by successive transfer of each form of sulfur to hydrogen sulfide followed by photometric measurements. The other chemical components were determined by standard methods(atomic absorption, potentiometric method, titration method and others). The salt lakes of the Altai steppe were studied in summer season 2013–2015. Analysis of the chemical composition of the saline lakes of Altai Krai has shown that carbonate-, hydrocarbonate-and chloride ions dominate among anions; sodium is main cation; sulfates are found in subordinate amounts. Reduced forms of sulfur occur everywhere: hydrogen and hydrosulfide sulfur S^(2-) prevail in the bottom sediments; its derivative—elemental S^0—prevails in the lakes water. The second important species in water of soda lakes is hydrosulfide sulfur S^(2-), and in chloride lakes is thiosulfate sulfur S_2O_2^(3ˉ). The lag in the accumulation of sulfates in soda lakes in comparison to chloride lakes can be explained by their bacterial reduction, followed by the formation and deposition of iron sulfides in sediments. In chloride lakes gypsum is a predominantly barrier for sulfates.展开更多
The visible and infrared bands of Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) can be used for inland water studies. A method of retrieving water-leaving radiance from TM image over Taihu Lake in Jiangsu Province of China was inves...The visible and infrared bands of Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) can be used for inland water studies. A method of retrieving water-leaving radiance from TM image over Taihu Lake in Jiangsu Province of China was investigated in this article. To estimate water-leaving radiance, atmospheric correction was performed in three visible bands of 485nm, 560nm and 660rim. Rayleigh scattering was computed precisely, and the aerosol contribution was estimated by adopting the clear-water-pixels approach. The clear waters were identified by using the Landsat TM middle-infrared band (2.1 μm), and the water-leaving radiance of clear water pixels in the green band was estimated by using field data. Aerosol scattering at green band was derived for six points, and interpolated to match the TM image. Assuming the atmospheric correction coefficient was 1.0, the aerosol scattering image at blue and red bands were derived. Based on a simplified atmospheric radiation transfer model, the water-leaving radiance for three visible bands was retrieved. The water-leaving radiance was normalized to make it comparable with that estimated from other remotely sensed data acquired at different times, and under different atmospheric conditions. Additionally, remotely sensed reflectance of water was computed. To evaluate the atmospheric correction method presented in this article, the correlation was analyzed between the corrected remotely sensed data and the measured water parameters based on the retrieval model. The results show that the atmospheric correction method based on the image itself is more effective for the retrieval of water parameters from Landsat TM data than 6S (Second Simulation of the Satellite Signal in the Solar Spectrum) code based on standard atmospheric and aerosol models.展开更多
The form in which a metal exists strongly influences its mobility and thus, the effects on the environment. Operational methods of speciation analysis, such as the use of sequential extraction procedures, are commonly...The form in which a metal exists strongly influences its mobility and thus, the effects on the environment. Operational methods of speciation analysis, such as the use of sequential extraction procedures, are commonly applied. The Dongting Lake, the second largest fresh-water lake in China, contains three China wetlands of international importance, the East Dongting Lake, South Dongting Lake, and West Dongting Lake. In this work, an optimized BCR sequential extraction procedure was used to assess the environmental risk of Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn in contaminated sediment of the Dongting Lake. The procedure was evaluated by using a certified reference material, BCR701. The results of the partitioning study indicated that in the lake sediments, more easily mobilized forms (acid exchangeable) were predominant for Cd, particularly in the samples from the East Dongting Lake. In contrast, the largest amount of Pb was associated with the iron and manganese oxide fractions and Cu, Zn, Cr, and Ni analyzed were mainly distributed in residual phase at an average percentage greater than 60% of the total metals. The potential risk to the lake's water contamination was highest in the East Dongting Lake based on the calculated contamination factors. On the other hand, the total metal content was determined as well by inductively coupled plasma and mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and assessed by using geo-accumulation index. The assessment results using geo-accumulation index were compared with the information on metal speciation. Both were correspondent with each other.展开更多
We investigated seasonal variations in cyanobacterial biomass and the forms of its dominant population (M. aeruginosa) and their correlation with environmental factors in the water source area of Chaohu City, China ...We investigated seasonal variations in cyanobacterial biomass and the forms of its dominant population (M. aeruginosa) and their correlation with environmental factors in the water source area of Chaohu City, China from December 2011 to October 2012. The results show that species belonging to the phylum Cyanophyta occupied the maximum proportion of phytoplankton biomass, and that the dominant population in the water source area of Chaohu City was M. aeruginosa. The variation in cyanobacterial biomass from March to August 2012 was well fitted to the logistic growth model. The growth rate of cyanobacteria was the highest in June, and the biomass of cyanobacteria reached a maximum in August. From February to March 2012, the main form of M. aeruginosa was the single-cell form; M. aeruginosa colonies began to appear from April, and blooms appeared on the water surface in May. The maximum diameter of the colonies was recorded in July, and then gradually decreased from August. The diameter range ofM. aeruginosa colonies was 18.37-237.77μm, and most of the colonies were distributed in the range 20-200μm, comprising 95.5% of the total number of samples. Temperature and photosynthetically active radiation may be the most important factors that influenced the annual variation in M. aeruginosa biomass and forms. The suitable temperature for cyanobaeterial growth was in the range of 15-30℃. In natural water bodies, photosynthetically active radiation had a significant positive influence on the colonial diameter of M. aeruginosa (P〈0.01).展开更多
Jiuzhaigou, characterized by its magnificent waterscapes and subalpine karstic features, is both a World Heritage Site and a World Biosphere Reserve in southwestern China. In recent years, this unique ecosystem has sh...Jiuzhaigou, characterized by its magnificent waterscapes and subalpine karstic features, is both a World Heritage Site and a World Biosphere Reserve in southwestern China. In recent years, this unique ecosystem has shown signs of stress due to increasing tourism activities within the reserve. The various routine methods, which monitor physical and chemical properties, do not fully reflect water quality in the subalpine and alpine lakes, while the indicators using aquatic organisms to evaluate the water quality or status of the subalpine lakes are poorly reported. Thus, in this study, benthic diatoms from multiple habitats in Jiuzhaigou were sampled and assessed for water quality monitoring. Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) showed that the canonical coefficients for elevation, water temperature and total nitrogen on the first Canonical Corresnondence Analysis axis were -0.84. 0.78 and -0.53, respectively, environmental variables associated with the distribution patterns of benthic diatoms. The dominance of diatom taxa indicative of nutrient enrichment indicates a clear trend toward eutrophication in the Pearl Shoal and Colorful Lake, two of the sites mostly visited by tourists. It was observed that the effect of the type of substratum on diatom community composition is not significant in subalpine lakes. The most dominant species in Jiuzhaigou lakes are the genera Achnanthes, Fragilaria, CymbeUa, Cocconeis, Diatoma and Denticula. In combination with dominant and sensitive species in the benthic diatom communities, CCA and CA methods can be used to evaluate the impact of human activities on subalpine karstic lakes. The dominance of diatom taxa is indicative of nutrient enrichment and the results of CCA and CA indicate a clear trend toward eutrophication in the Pearl Shoal and Colorful Lake, two of the sites mostly visited by tourists.展开更多
Tujia Waving Dance, as an important part of culture, has drawn the attention of many scholars in sociology and ethnology and researched by them in recent years, with the results one after another. But from the perspec...Tujia Waving Dance, as an important part of culture, has drawn the attention of many scholars in sociology and ethnology and researched by them in recent years, with the results one after another. But from the perspective of sports and culture to observe and understand the Waving Dance, there are still not many learners and their analysis is limited to the discussions of the value of fitness and the recreational sports, but being ambiguous on the classification of the Waving Dance and its genes discussions, with some problems having big controversy. We can start from the basic shape of the Waving Dance to identify its dance category, to determine its basic factor, and to analyze the diversity value of the Waving Dance.展开更多
This study aimed to characterize constituents of phosphorus (P) fractionation as wel as reciprocities among factors in sediments of a freshwater shal ow lake. [Method] Surface sediment was discretely sampled at 24 s...This study aimed to characterize constituents of phosphorus (P) fractionation as wel as reciprocities among factors in sediments of a freshwater shal ow lake. [Method] Surface sediment was discretely sampled at 24 sites through Van Veen grabs. Based on a modified sequential extraction scheme, P fractionation was determined as Fe/Al bound P (Fe/Al-P), Ca bound P (Ca-P), solute and re-ductive P (S/R-P) and organic P (OP). Curve estimation and Pearson product-mo-ment correlation were employed for statistical analysis. [Result] Total P (TP) content ranged from 443 to 774 mg/kg. Inorganic P (IP) was the major component of TP, of which Ca-P was dominated with an average of 51%±9.7%. Average contents of P fractionation were in the fol owing order: Ca-P(51%) 〉 OP(29%) 〉 S/R-P(8%) 〉Fe/Al-P(7%). The molar ratio of Fe to P was 11 - 20, close to the threshold value of P leaching. [Conclusion] In freshwater shal ow lakes, IP and Ca-P were prone to be relatively high, whereas Fe/Al-P was low compared with deep lakes. Occurrence of spatial y monotonic gradient indicated the primary causation of anthropogenic sources. Imminent sediment P liberation was also expected. Close associations a-mong TP, Fe/Al-P and Ca-P, implying that anthropogenic P was mainly bound to metals in particulates. Significant correlations of TOC and P fractionation highlighted endogenous mechanism and authigenic origin in sediments.展开更多
We explored the potential of the environment and disaster monitoring and forecasting small satellite constellations (HJ-1A/1B satellites) charge-coupled device (CCD) imagery (spatial resolution of 30 m, revisit time o...We explored the potential of the environment and disaster monitoring and forecasting small satellite constellations (HJ-1A/1B satellites) charge-coupled device (CCD) imagery (spatial resolution of 30 m, revisit time of 2 days) in the monitoring of total suspended sediment (TSS) concentrations in dynamic water bodies using Poyang Lake, the largest freshwater lake in China, as an example. Field surveys conducted during October 17-26, 2009 showed a wide range of TSS concentration (3-524 mg/L). Atmospheric correction was implemented using the Fast Line-of-sight Atmospheric Analysis of Spectral Hypercubes (FLAASH) module in ENVI with the aid of aerosol information retrieved from concurrent Terra/Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) surveys, which worked well at the CCD bands with relatively high reflectance. A practical exponential retrieval algorithm was created between satellite remote sensing reflectance and in-situ measured TSS concentration. The retrieved results for the whole water area matched the in-situ data well at most stations. The retrieval errors may be related to the problem of scale matching and mixed pixel. In three selected subregions of Poyang Lake, the distribution trend of retrieved TSS was consistent with that of the field investigation. It was shown that HJ-1A/1B CCD imagery can be used to estimate TSS concentrations in Poyang Lake over synoptic scales after applying an appropriate atmospheric correction method and retrieval algorithm.展开更多
This paper reports the geochemical and zircon U-Pb dating data of the Sinian to Cambrian low-grade metamorphic rocks in the Miaoer Mountain area,Guangxi and the Jinjiling area,Hunan Province.Petrographic and geochemic...This paper reports the geochemical and zircon U-Pb dating data of the Sinian to Cambrian low-grade metamorphic rocks in the Miaoer Mountain area,Guangxi and the Jinjiling area,Hunan Province.Petrographic and geochemical features indicate that protoliths of these metamorphic rocks are clastic sedimentary rocks with medium weathering,which were formed in the passive continental margin.Geochemistry and zircon U-Pb ages indicate that the Sinian and Cambrian sedimentary rocks in the Jinjiling area have similar detritus components,which are characterized by abundant Grenvillian detrital zircons,suggesting a close affinity with the Cathaysia Block.The Cambrian sedimentary rocks in the Miaoer Mountain area have similar geochemistry and zircon geochronology to those in the Jinjiling area,showing an affinity with the Cathaysia Block.However,the Sinian sedimentary rocks in the Miaoer Mountain area show different geochemical features from the Cambrian sedimentary rocks and those in the Jinjiling area,and are characterized by abundant 840–700 Ma detrital zircons and less^2.0 Ga ones,showing a close affinity with the Yangtze Block.These variations suggest that the Jinjiling area continuously accepted the fragments from the Cathaysia from the Sinian to the Cambrian,whereas the provenance of the Miaoer Mountain sedimentary basin changed from the Yangtze Block to the Cathaysia Block during this interval.This change implies a tectonic movement,which caused the further sinking of the basin in the Miaoer Mountain area and northwestward transferring of the basin center before the Middle Cambrian,so that the Miaoer Mountain basin received the detritus from the Cathaysia Block in the Middle Cambrian.This fact also proves that the Yangtze and Cathaysia blocks have converged at least in Middle Cambrian,and the southwestern boundary between them is located between the Miaoer Mountain and Jinjiling areas.展开更多
The Pliocene fluvial/lacustrine sediments of the Sanying Formation lie along the Red River fault and its northwest extension;their majority outcrops appear around Eryuan.The Sanying Formation is characterized by multi...The Pliocene fluvial/lacustrine sediments of the Sanying Formation lie along the Red River fault and its northwest extension;their majority outcrops appear around Eryuan.The Sanying Formation is characterized by multiple intercalated coal layers and its unconformities contact with the underlying Triassic limestone and the overlying Quaternary coarse sediments.Cosmogenic nuclide burial dating confirms the Pliocene age of the Sanying Formation.The burial ages of the overlying Quaternary sediments provide the lower age limit of the Sanying Formation:2 Ma.Detrital zircon U-Pb age distribution suggests provenance of the Sanying Formation traced to the Songpan-Ganzi flysch belt.From the spatial distribution as well as sedimentary and fault ages,we found a strong connection of the Sanying Formation with the Red River and the Jianchuan faults.We therefore propose that activation of the Red River and the Jianchuan faults during the Late Miocene resulted in subsidence of basins in the extensional areas around Eryuan and in the middle to south segments of the Red River fault.The basins were filled with water carried by the Jinsha River and overflow-lakes formed within the basins where the Sanying Formation was deposited.Most of the lakes were dried and sedimentation of the Sanying Formation ceased due to the uplift of the Yunling Mountains,which forced rerouting of the Jinsha River at the beginning of Quaternary.展开更多
基金Supported by the State Scientific Basic Research Platform Program( No. 2005DKA21101)China Postdoctoral Science Foundation(No. 20080430470)+7 种基金Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Prov-ince of China (BK2007556)the National high-tech R&D program(863 program)(No.2006AA10Z198)Key Projects in the NationalScience &Technology Pillar Program during the Eleventh Five-Year Plan Period(No.2006BAD13B08 )Support Foundation of Chinaduring the 11th Five-Year Plan Period (No. 2008BADB2B04)BasicNatural Science Foundation for Colleges and Universities in JiangsuProvince (NK051039)Jiangsu Government Scholarship for Over-seas Studies ProjectQing Lan Project of Colleges and UniversitiesJiangsu Provincethe New Century Talent Project of Yangzhou University in China~~
文摘[ Objective ] This study was to analyze the genetic polymorphism in GDF8 Region of HU sheep. [Method] Four microsatellite loci including BMS1591, TEXAN-2, FCB128 and BM81124 mapped on GDF8 region of chromosome No. 2 of sheep that may be correlated with growth performance were chosen to detect the molecular genetics foundation of growth performance of Hu sheep. [ Result] Four microsatellite loci detected were high in heterozygosity, more in effective alleles number and rich in polymorphic information, all the three indices passed through the high polymorphic level (PIC 〉0.5). [ Conclusion ] The four microsatellite loci detected could be used to estimate the genetic polymorphism of growth performance of Hu sheep.
基金1Project supported by the National Key Basic Research Support Foundation (NKBRSF) of China (No. 2002CB410805)and the Outstanding Youth Fund of National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 40325001).
文摘Selected persistent organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), including 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethane (DDT) and its principal metabolites 1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethylene (DDE) and 1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)e- thane (DDD), hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) and its isomers (α-,β-, γ-, and δ-HCH), hexachlorobenzene (HCB), endo- sulfan, dieldrin, and endrin were quantified to determine current levels of organochlorine pesticides, to assess the eco- toxicological potential, and to distin…
基金Supported by the Russian Science Foundation(No.15-17-10003)
文摘The aim of the present research is to identify the main mechanisms of sulfur behavior in saline lakes in the course of time and followed transformations in their chemical composition. The influence of water on chemical composition of biochemical processes involved in decomposition of organic matter was determined by the study of behavior of reduced forms of sulfur in lakes. The determination of reduced forms of sulfur was carried out by successive transfer of each form of sulfur to hydrogen sulfide followed by photometric measurements. The other chemical components were determined by standard methods(atomic absorption, potentiometric method, titration method and others). The salt lakes of the Altai steppe were studied in summer season 2013–2015. Analysis of the chemical composition of the saline lakes of Altai Krai has shown that carbonate-, hydrocarbonate-and chloride ions dominate among anions; sodium is main cation; sulfates are found in subordinate amounts. Reduced forms of sulfur occur everywhere: hydrogen and hydrosulfide sulfur S^(2-) prevail in the bottom sediments; its derivative—elemental S^0—prevails in the lakes water. The second important species in water of soda lakes is hydrosulfide sulfur S^(2-), and in chloride lakes is thiosulfate sulfur S_2O_2^(3ˉ). The lag in the accumulation of sulfates in soda lakes in comparison to chloride lakes can be explained by their bacterial reduction, followed by the formation and deposition of iron sulfides in sediments. In chloride lakes gypsum is a predominantly barrier for sulfates.
基金Under the auspices of National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 40671138)
文摘The visible and infrared bands of Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) can be used for inland water studies. A method of retrieving water-leaving radiance from TM image over Taihu Lake in Jiangsu Province of China was investigated in this article. To estimate water-leaving radiance, atmospheric correction was performed in three visible bands of 485nm, 560nm and 660rim. Rayleigh scattering was computed precisely, and the aerosol contribution was estimated by adopting the clear-water-pixels approach. The clear waters were identified by using the Landsat TM middle-infrared band (2.1 μm), and the water-leaving radiance of clear water pixels in the green band was estimated by using field data. Aerosol scattering at green band was derived for six points, and interpolated to match the TM image. Assuming the atmospheric correction coefficient was 1.0, the aerosol scattering image at blue and red bands were derived. Based on a simplified atmospheric radiation transfer model, the water-leaving radiance for three visible bands was retrieved. The water-leaving radiance was normalized to make it comparable with that estimated from other remotely sensed data acquired at different times, and under different atmospheric conditions. Additionally, remotely sensed reflectance of water was computed. To evaluate the atmospheric correction method presented in this article, the correlation was analyzed between the corrected remotely sensed data and the measured water parameters based on the retrieval model. The results show that the atmospheric correction method based on the image itself is more effective for the retrieval of water parameters from Landsat TM data than 6S (Second Simulation of the Satellite Signal in the Solar Spectrum) code based on standard atmospheric and aerosol models.
基金Supported by science and technology foundation project of Xi’an Shiyou University (No. Z06098)China Geological Survey (No. 200314200021)
文摘The form in which a metal exists strongly influences its mobility and thus, the effects on the environment. Operational methods of speciation analysis, such as the use of sequential extraction procedures, are commonly applied. The Dongting Lake, the second largest fresh-water lake in China, contains three China wetlands of international importance, the East Dongting Lake, South Dongting Lake, and West Dongting Lake. In this work, an optimized BCR sequential extraction procedure was used to assess the environmental risk of Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn in contaminated sediment of the Dongting Lake. The procedure was evaluated by using a certified reference material, BCR701. The results of the partitioning study indicated that in the lake sediments, more easily mobilized forms (acid exchangeable) were predominant for Cd, particularly in the samples from the East Dongting Lake. In contrast, the largest amount of Pb was associated with the iron and manganese oxide fractions and Cu, Zn, Cr, and Ni analyzed were mainly distributed in residual phase at an average percentage greater than 60% of the total metals. The potential risk to the lake's water contamination was highest in the East Dongting Lake based on the calculated contamination factors. On the other hand, the total metal content was determined as well by inductively coupled plasma and mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and assessed by using geo-accumulation index. The assessment results using geo-accumulation index were compared with the information on metal speciation. Both were correspondent with each other.
基金Supported by the Major Science and Technology Program for Water Pollution Control and Treatment of China(Nos.2012ZX07103-005-01,2012ZX07103-004-02)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.41171366,41471075)the Science Foundation of Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology,Chinese Academy of Sciences(No.NIGLAS2012135013)
文摘We investigated seasonal variations in cyanobacterial biomass and the forms of its dominant population (M. aeruginosa) and their correlation with environmental factors in the water source area of Chaohu City, China from December 2011 to October 2012. The results show that species belonging to the phylum Cyanophyta occupied the maximum proportion of phytoplankton biomass, and that the dominant population in the water source area of Chaohu City was M. aeruginosa. The variation in cyanobacterial biomass from March to August 2012 was well fitted to the logistic growth model. The growth rate of cyanobacteria was the highest in June, and the biomass of cyanobacteria reached a maximum in August. From February to March 2012, the main form of M. aeruginosa was the single-cell form; M. aeruginosa colonies began to appear from April, and blooms appeared on the water surface in May. The maximum diameter of the colonies was recorded in July, and then gradually decreased from August. The diameter range ofM. aeruginosa colonies was 18.37-237.77μm, and most of the colonies were distributed in the range 20-200μm, comprising 95.5% of the total number of samples. Temperature and photosynthetically active radiation may be the most important factors that influenced the annual variation in M. aeruginosa biomass and forms. The suitable temperature for cyanobaeterial growth was in the range of 15-30℃. In natural water bodies, photosynthetically active radiation had a significant positive influence on the colonial diameter of M. aeruginosa (P〈0.01).
基金funded by the Programme of Introducing Talents of Discipline to Universities(the 111 Project)(grant no.B08037)National Key Technology R&D Program of China(grant no.2012BAC06B02)
文摘Jiuzhaigou, characterized by its magnificent waterscapes and subalpine karstic features, is both a World Heritage Site and a World Biosphere Reserve in southwestern China. In recent years, this unique ecosystem has shown signs of stress due to increasing tourism activities within the reserve. The various routine methods, which monitor physical and chemical properties, do not fully reflect water quality in the subalpine and alpine lakes, while the indicators using aquatic organisms to evaluate the water quality or status of the subalpine lakes are poorly reported. Thus, in this study, benthic diatoms from multiple habitats in Jiuzhaigou were sampled and assessed for water quality monitoring. Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) showed that the canonical coefficients for elevation, water temperature and total nitrogen on the first Canonical Corresnondence Analysis axis were -0.84. 0.78 and -0.53, respectively, environmental variables associated with the distribution patterns of benthic diatoms. The dominance of diatom taxa indicative of nutrient enrichment indicates a clear trend toward eutrophication in the Pearl Shoal and Colorful Lake, two of the sites mostly visited by tourists. It was observed that the effect of the type of substratum on diatom community composition is not significant in subalpine lakes. The most dominant species in Jiuzhaigou lakes are the genera Achnanthes, Fragilaria, CymbeUa, Cocconeis, Diatoma and Denticula. In combination with dominant and sensitive species in the benthic diatom communities, CCA and CA methods can be used to evaluate the impact of human activities on subalpine karstic lakes. The dominance of diatom taxa is indicative of nutrient enrichment and the results of CCA and CA indicate a clear trend toward eutrophication in the Pearl Shoal and Colorful Lake, two of the sites mostly visited by tourists.
文摘Tujia Waving Dance, as an important part of culture, has drawn the attention of many scholars in sociology and ethnology and researched by them in recent years, with the results one after another. But from the perspective of sports and culture to observe and understand the Waving Dance, there are still not many learners and their analysis is limited to the discussions of the value of fitness and the recreational sports, but being ambiguous on the classification of the Waving Dance and its genes discussions, with some problems having big controversy. We can start from the basic shape of the Waving Dance to identify its dance category, to determine its basic factor, and to analyze the diversity value of the Waving Dance.
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(grant No.41171384,41271414 and 41301529)
文摘This study aimed to characterize constituents of phosphorus (P) fractionation as wel as reciprocities among factors in sediments of a freshwater shal ow lake. [Method] Surface sediment was discretely sampled at 24 sites through Van Veen grabs. Based on a modified sequential extraction scheme, P fractionation was determined as Fe/Al bound P (Fe/Al-P), Ca bound P (Ca-P), solute and re-ductive P (S/R-P) and organic P (OP). Curve estimation and Pearson product-mo-ment correlation were employed for statistical analysis. [Result] Total P (TP) content ranged from 443 to 774 mg/kg. Inorganic P (IP) was the major component of TP, of which Ca-P was dominated with an average of 51%±9.7%. Average contents of P fractionation were in the fol owing order: Ca-P(51%) 〉 OP(29%) 〉 S/R-P(8%) 〉Fe/Al-P(7%). The molar ratio of Fe to P was 11 - 20, close to the threshold value of P leaching. [Conclusion] In freshwater shal ow lakes, IP and Ca-P were prone to be relatively high, whereas Fe/Al-P was low compared with deep lakes. Occurrence of spatial y monotonic gradient indicated the primary causation of anthropogenic sources. Imminent sediment P liberation was also expected. Close associations a-mong TP, Fe/Al-P and Ca-P, implying that anthropogenic P was mainly bound to metals in particulates. Significant correlations of TOC and P fractionation highlighted endogenous mechanism and authigenic origin in sediments.
基金Supported by the National Basic Research Program of China(973Program)(No.2011CB707106)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.41071261,41023001,41021061,40906092,40971193,41101415)+3 种基金the Opening Foundation of Institute of Remote Sensing and Earth Sciences,Hangzhou Normal University(No.PDKF2010YG06)the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities,the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation(No.20100480861)LIESMARS Special Research Funding,the Natural Science Foundation of Hubei Province,China(No.2009CDB107)the Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province,China(No.Y5090143)
文摘We explored the potential of the environment and disaster monitoring and forecasting small satellite constellations (HJ-1A/1B satellites) charge-coupled device (CCD) imagery (spatial resolution of 30 m, revisit time of 2 days) in the monitoring of total suspended sediment (TSS) concentrations in dynamic water bodies using Poyang Lake, the largest freshwater lake in China, as an example. Field surveys conducted during October 17-26, 2009 showed a wide range of TSS concentration (3-524 mg/L). Atmospheric correction was implemented using the Fast Line-of-sight Atmospheric Analysis of Spectral Hypercubes (FLAASH) module in ENVI with the aid of aerosol information retrieved from concurrent Terra/Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) surveys, which worked well at the CCD bands with relatively high reflectance. A practical exponential retrieval algorithm was created between satellite remote sensing reflectance and in-situ measured TSS concentration. The retrieved results for the whole water area matched the in-situ data well at most stations. The retrieval errors may be related to the problem of scale matching and mixed pixel. In three selected subregions of Poyang Lake, the distribution trend of retrieved TSS was consistent with that of the field investigation. It was shown that HJ-1A/1B CCD imagery can be used to estimate TSS concentrations in Poyang Lake over synoptic scales after applying an appropriate atmospheric correction method and retrieval algorithm.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.41272085)research grants from the Bureau of Nuclear Geology of China(YK11)+1 种基金the Major State Basic Research Program(Grant No.2012CB416701)the State Key Laboratory for Mineral Deposits Research(Nanjing University)(Grant No.ZZKT-201106)
文摘This paper reports the geochemical and zircon U-Pb dating data of the Sinian to Cambrian low-grade metamorphic rocks in the Miaoer Mountain area,Guangxi and the Jinjiling area,Hunan Province.Petrographic and geochemical features indicate that protoliths of these metamorphic rocks are clastic sedimentary rocks with medium weathering,which were formed in the passive continental margin.Geochemistry and zircon U-Pb ages indicate that the Sinian and Cambrian sedimentary rocks in the Jinjiling area have similar detritus components,which are characterized by abundant Grenvillian detrital zircons,suggesting a close affinity with the Cathaysia Block.The Cambrian sedimentary rocks in the Miaoer Mountain area have similar geochemistry and zircon geochronology to those in the Jinjiling area,showing an affinity with the Cathaysia Block.However,the Sinian sedimentary rocks in the Miaoer Mountain area show different geochemical features from the Cambrian sedimentary rocks and those in the Jinjiling area,and are characterized by abundant 840–700 Ma detrital zircons and less^2.0 Ga ones,showing a close affinity with the Yangtze Block.These variations suggest that the Jinjiling area continuously accepted the fragments from the Cathaysia from the Sinian to the Cambrian,whereas the provenance of the Miaoer Mountain sedimentary basin changed from the Yangtze Block to the Cathaysia Block during this interval.This change implies a tectonic movement,which caused the further sinking of the basin in the Miaoer Mountain area and northwestward transferring of the basin center before the Middle Cambrian,so that the Miaoer Mountain basin received the detritus from the Cathaysia Block in the Middle Cambrian.This fact also proves that the Yangtze and Cathaysia blocks have converged at least in Middle Cambrian,and the southwestern boundary between them is located between the Miaoer Mountain and Jinjiling areas.
基金supported by the"Strategic Priority Research Program"of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(Grant No.XDB03020300)National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.41173067&41021063)
文摘The Pliocene fluvial/lacustrine sediments of the Sanying Formation lie along the Red River fault and its northwest extension;their majority outcrops appear around Eryuan.The Sanying Formation is characterized by multiple intercalated coal layers and its unconformities contact with the underlying Triassic limestone and the overlying Quaternary coarse sediments.Cosmogenic nuclide burial dating confirms the Pliocene age of the Sanying Formation.The burial ages of the overlying Quaternary sediments provide the lower age limit of the Sanying Formation:2 Ma.Detrital zircon U-Pb age distribution suggests provenance of the Sanying Formation traced to the Songpan-Ganzi flysch belt.From the spatial distribution as well as sedimentary and fault ages,we found a strong connection of the Sanying Formation with the Red River and the Jianchuan faults.We therefore propose that activation of the Red River and the Jianchuan faults during the Late Miocene resulted in subsidence of basins in the extensional areas around Eryuan and in the middle to south segments of the Red River fault.The basins were filled with water carried by the Jinsha River and overflow-lakes formed within the basins where the Sanying Formation was deposited.Most of the lakes were dried and sedimentation of the Sanying Formation ceased due to the uplift of the Yunling Mountains,which forced rerouting of the Jinsha River at the beginning of Quaternary.