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作者 马悦然 《明日风尚》 2009年第5期169-170,12,共3页
关键词 论翻译 鲁智深 典文 成瑞 文学作品 诗译 语言能力 余光中 中国文学史 不能自己
作者 杨文海 曹成瑞 林锦泉 《福建医药杂志》 CAS 1994年第6期110-,109,共2页
福州地区502名7岁以下小儿缺铁性贫血的调查福州市祥谦中心卫生院杨文海,曹成瑞,林锦泉指导赵子庆为了解福州地区小儿铁营养状况,我院于1993年10~12月对福州市区及乡村502名7岁以下小儿进行缺铁性贫血(IDA)的... 福州地区502名7岁以下小儿缺铁性贫血的调查福州市祥谦中心卫生院杨文海,曹成瑞,林锦泉指导赵子庆为了解福州地区小儿铁营养状况,我院于1993年10~12月对福州市区及乡村502名7岁以下小儿进行缺铁性贫血(IDA)的调查,现将结果报告如下。一、调查对... 展开更多
关键词 福州地区 铁营养状况 杨文海 铁缺乏症 成瑞 福州市区 食物种类 营养性贫血 子庆 小儿贫血
作者 周成瑞 《山西成人教育》 1997年第6期14-15,共2页
中阳县沙AABK村:农科教结合兴农富民周成瑞位于中阳县城关镇东南15华里处的沙用村,过去由于山河阻隔、交通闭塞,致使这里山秃秃、水澄澄、人烟寥寥的局面一直沿袭了许多年。1989年,靠党的开放政策致了富的村民武润锁、杨... 中阳县沙AABK村:农科教结合兴农富民周成瑞位于中阳县城关镇东南15华里处的沙用村,过去由于山河阻隔、交通闭塞,致使这里山秃秃、水澄澄、人烟寥寥的局面一直沿袭了许多年。1989年,靠党的开放政策致了富的村民武润锁、杨凤平返回家乡,带领村民踏上了“依托... 展开更多
关键词 农科教结合 AABK 中阳县 成瑞 庄园经济 一村 小康村 种养加 经济发展 四荒
作者 曹成瑞 林金官 《福建医药杂志》 CAS 1994年第6期63-63,共1页
胰岛β细胞增生症1例报告闽侯祥谦医院内科曹成瑞闽侯祥谦医院外科林金官患者男性,30岁。因阵发性饥饿感伴乏力、出冷汗一个月余为主诉入院。患者既往史无特殊,家族中无类似病史。体检:T37℃,P90次/分,R22次/分,B... 胰岛β细胞增生症1例报告闽侯祥谦医院内科曹成瑞闽侯祥谦医院外科林金官患者男性,30岁。因阵发性饥饿感伴乏力、出冷汗一个月余为主诉入院。患者既往史无特殊,家族中无类似病史。体检:T37℃,P90次/分,R22次/分,Bp15/9.5kPa。精神焦虑,轻... 展开更多
关键词 饥饿感 因阵 医院外科 金官 胰岛细胞 胰腺Β细胞 成瑞 侯祥 尿糖阴性 精神焦虑
作者 林金官 曹成瑞 《福建医药杂志》 CAS 1994年第6期122-122,共1页
快速探查抢救危重颅内血肿4例闽侯县祥谦中心卫生院林金官,曹成瑞外伤性颅内血肿的死亡率和致残率很高,有些危重伤员如两侧瞳孔散大固定,伴有去大脑强直及时吸停止者,许多学者认为手术也不能奏效,有的则列为手术禁忌症。我院根据... 快速探查抢救危重颅内血肿4例闽侯县祥谦中心卫生院林金官,曹成瑞外伤性颅内血肿的死亡率和致残率很高,有些危重伤员如两侧瞳孔散大固定,伴有去大脑强直及时吸停止者,许多学者认为手术也不能奏效,有的则列为手术禁忌症。我院根据基层中心卫生院实际情况,改进了抢救... 展开更多
关键词 颅内血肿 去大脑强直 瞳孔散大固定 手术禁忌症 颞肌下减压术 金官 双侧瞳孔散大 成瑞 硬膜下血肿 危重伤员
作者 邵韦平 《建筑创作》 2002年第S1期40-41,共2页
关键词 建筑特征 内院 城市空间 过渡空间 COURT 内虚 阶及 成瑞 公共台 facilities
禽流感对中国市场影响有限 肉鸡企业出口转内销
《中国供销商情(村官)》 2004年第2期29-30,共2页
1、 春节后三个月内是肉鸡销售淡季 面对突如其来的禽流感,京城市场也在悄然发生着一些变化:昨天记者在朝阳区的升和菜市场发现,以往鸡鸭声不断的鲜禽摊点已经“人去笼空”。活鸡活鸭难见踪影,市场里鸡蛋的价格则攀升到了两块七一斤,比... 1、 春节后三个月内是肉鸡销售淡季 面对突如其来的禽流感,京城市场也在悄然发生着一些变化:昨天记者在朝阳区的升和菜市场发现,以往鸡鸭声不断的鲜禽摊点已经“人去笼空”。活鸡活鸭难见踪影,市场里鸡蛋的价格则攀升到了两块七一斤,比年前的销售旺季还高了几毛钱。禽流感,到底对经济产生了什么样的影响? 展开更多
关键词 销售淡季 小型加工厂 商场购物 入住酒店 损失金额 亚洲开发银行 雅纳 塔器 成瑞 延续时间
作者 徐志远 《黄梅戏艺术》 1993年第4期3-5,共3页
10月6日晚,时白林声乐作品音乐会在合肥安徽剧院首演成功。翌日上午,组委会在绿州歌厅召开了时白林音乐作品研讨会。来自北京、上海、湖北和省内各地的专家学者及文艺界知名人士近60人出席了会议。 会议由省文化厅副厅长、组委会成员王... 10月6日晚,时白林声乐作品音乐会在合肥安徽剧院首演成功。翌日上午,组委会在绿州歌厅召开了时白林音乐作品研讨会。来自北京、上海、湖北和省内各地的专家学者及文艺界知名人士近60人出席了会议。 会议由省文化厅副厅长、组委会成员王成瑞同志主持。 展开更多
关键词 作品音乐会 白林 作品研讨会 组委会成员 冯光钰 音协 艺术歌曲 一级编剧 《孟姜女》 成瑞
开阔思路 谋求发展──普朝柱同地州市民委主任座谈纪实
作者 国益 《民族工作》 1994年第5期14-15,共2页
关键词 民族工作 民族地区 云南民族 云南省委书记 成瑞 扶贫工作 规模经营 工作会议 事务工作 张国
作者 成瑞珩 《财会研究》 1994年第2期26-27,共2页
浅谈财务报销制度之改革成瑞珩财务报销制度是指机关或企事业单位的工作人员,将在业务活动中所发生的经济支出,凭据到财务部门核销的一种手续制度。我国现行财务报销制度的基本模式和内控程序是:经济支出→原始凭证→领导签字→财务... 浅谈财务报销制度之改革成瑞珩财务报销制度是指机关或企事业单位的工作人员,将在业务活动中所发生的经济支出,凭据到财务部门核销的一种手续制度。我国现行财务报销制度的基本模式和内控程序是:经济支出→原始凭证→领导签字→财务报销→登记帐簿→核减经费或转摊成本... 展开更多
关键词 财务报销 财务部门 企事业单位 原始凭证 国家资产 资金管理 财务管理 成瑞 国家税法 假发票
作者 成瑞珩 《会计之友》 1994年第3期41-41,共1页
关键词 成瑞 十年
Impacts of the Rising Opportunity Cost of Farm Labor on Agricultural Land Use Structure: Theory and Empirical Evidences 被引量:2
作者 Tian Yujun Li Xiubin +1 位作者 Ma Guoxia Hao Haiguang 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2011年第1期85-90,共6页
Nowadays the rising of opportunity cost of farm labor comes to the forefront of attention in China. In order to understand its impact on agricultural land-use structure, a theoretical framework of household economics ... Nowadays the rising of opportunity cost of farm labor comes to the forefront of attention in China. In order to understand its impact on agricultural land-use structure, a theoretical framework of household economics is formulated drawn on Low's model. Under the theoretical framework, the impact of the rising opportunity cost of on-farm on cropping structure is deduced in theory. And then, using statistic and survey data, taking mountain area of southern Ningxia as an example, the theoretical assumes are verified. The results show that the rise of opportunity cost of farm labor leads to less diversified cropping structure. 展开更多
关键词 opporttmity cost of farm labor agricultural land use structure theoretical analysis empirical study
Rayleigh Wave Group Velocity Maps of East Guangdong and Its Surrounding Regions from Ambient Seismic Noise Tomography
作者 Huang Yuanmin Shen Yusong Yang Maling 《Earthquake Research in China》 2013年第4期490-500,共11页
We perform Rayleigh wave tomography in east Guangdong and its surrounding regions by applying the ambient noise method to broadband data recorded at 26 stations from Guangdong,Fujian and Jiangxi Digital Seismic Networ... We perform Rayleigh wave tomography in east Guangdong and its surrounding regions by applying the ambient noise method to broadband data recorded at 26 stations from Guangdong,Fujian and Jiangxi Digital Seismic Networks.Cross-correlations of verticalcomponent ambient noise data are computed in one-day segments and stacked over seven months from March to September,2011.Then Rayleigh wave group dispersion curves are measured using the frequency-time analysis method.Group velocity maps at periods from5s to 15s are inverted.The resulting group velocity maps generally show good correlation with tectonic features,reflecting the velocity variations in the shallow crust.The basin areas are clearly resolved with lower group velocities at the short periods due to thick sedimentary layers,and the mountain areas with higher group velocities due to thin sedimentary layers.The variations of group velocity on the map can draw out the distribution of basins and mountains in study areas.The geothermal field can change the group velocity obviously,and lower group velocities are always found in high geothermal areas.The velocity maps indicate that a low-velocity layer may be found in the study areas. 展开更多
关键词 Ambient seismic noise CROSS-CORRELATION Green's function Dispersion curves
作者 Cheng Yulun Yang Longxiang 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2013年第4期352-361,共10页
Network Coding (NC) brings correlation between the coded signals from different sources, which makes the system more vulnerable to the decode error at relay. Conventional Cyclic Redundancy Code (CRC) has been implemen... Network Coding (NC) brings correlation between the coded signals from different sources, which makes the system more vulnerable to the decode error at relay. Conventional Cyclic Redundancy Code (CRC) has been implemented for error bit detection. However, its error correction is simply ignored. To fully exploit this feature, this paper proposes a novel joint Log-Likelihood Ratio (LLR) CRC error mitigation for NC two way relay channel. Specific thresholds are designed to estimate the error number of data block and identify those which can be recovered if the number is within the error correction scope of CRC. We examine two modes of the thresholds, one based on the average Bit Error Rate (BER) of source-relay link, while the other based on that of instantaneous one. We provide the full analysis for the Pair-wise Error Probability (PEP) performance of the scheme. A variety of numerical results are presented to reveal the superiority of the proposed scheme to conventional CRC NC under independent Rayleigh fading channels. Moreover, the efficiencies of the proposed thresholds are also validated. 展开更多
关键词 Network Coding (NC) Log-Likelihood Ratio (LLR) Cyclic Redundancy Code (CRC) Denoise-and-forward Pair-wise Error Probability (PEP)
Chemical Composition of Meat in Castrated Male Brahman Cattle in Venezuela
作者 Jose A. Miguel Jestls Ciria +2 位作者 Begofia Asenjo Hector Pargas David Colmenarez 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2011年第7期562-568,共7页
Chemical composition of Brahman cattle was studied and determined in this study. Fifty males had been castrated at birth, farmed semi-intensively on the Venezuelan plain and then slaughtered at the age of 31 months wi... Chemical composition of Brahman cattle was studied and determined in this study. Fifty males had been castrated at birth, farmed semi-intensively on the Venezuelan plain and then slaughtered at the age of 31 months with an approximate weight of 500 kilograms. The average pH value of beef was 5,84 after obtained for 24 hours after staughtering, which matches the ~atue found in similar studies made on the same breed in Venezuela (5.8). The moisture, crude protein and ash contents correspond to the expected values of cattle, while the intramuscular fat values are slightly higher than those of the different breeds ofBos indicus. The total collagen values found in this study are either similar or lower than those found by other researches from the different breeds ofBos indicus and their crossbreeds, while the collagen solubility value (39%) was higher than the one found in other studies on the Brahman breed. 展开更多
关键词 Bos Indicus BRAHMAN cattle castrated COLLAGEN pH meat.
Rayleigh Wave Tomography of Ningxia and Its Adjacent Areas Based on Ambient Noise
作者 Xie Hui Ma Heqing +3 位作者 Ma Xiaojun Li Qingmei Zhang Nan Ren Jiaqi 《Earthquake Research in China》 CSCD 2016年第4期542-555,共14页
In this article,the vertical components of the continuous waveform data of 90 seismic stations in Ningxia and its adjacent regions recorded from January 2012 to December 2013 are used to obtain the Rayleigh surface wa... In this article,the vertical components of the continuous waveform data of 90 seismic stations in Ningxia and its adjacent regions recorded from January 2012 to December 2013 are used to obtain the Rayleigh surface wave group velocity dispersion images in the study area( 101°- 112°E,31°-42°N) according to the method of noise imaging,with period between 6s - 50s and resolution of 0.5°. The Yinchuan basin in the 6s - 26 s period obviously shows a low velocity anomaly,which is not uniform and has a tendency to gradually weaken; the Guanzhong Basin in 6 s-22s shows a strip of low velocity anomaly and demonstrates a transverse inhomogeneity,where velocity in the southeast is slightly faster than that in the northwest. In the 30s - 50s period it shows that in the Yinchuan graben basin and its southern area,there is a large low velocity anomaly area,which moves from northeast to southwest. It shows that between the main active tectonic zones,like mountains and basins,there are obvious geomorphologic boundaries. For example,the deep fault near Liupan Mountain is the dividing line between two large tectonic units of eastern and western of China. The inversion results have good correlation with the geological structure and the stratigraphic landform. The results are consistent with the results of artificial seismic section tomography across the basin. It provides an important basis for the dynamics of active tectonic zones and the mechanism of earthquake occurrence in this area. 展开更多
关键词 Surface wave tomography Crust and upper mantle Background noise Ningxia and its adjacent areas
Impact of Rising Oil Prices on the Living Cost in Burkina Faso
作者 Alexandre Ouedraogo 《Journal of Mathematics and System Science》 2013年第12期608-613,共6页
Fluctuations of the world oil prices affect economic performance. Outside the impact on the sector of energy production, the rising oil price has consequences on inflationary pressures and a deteriorating fiscal posit... Fluctuations of the world oil prices affect economic performance. Outside the impact on the sector of energy production, the rising oil price has consequences on inflationary pressures and a deteriorating fiscal position of Burkina Faso. In this context, studying the impact of rising oil prices on the economy, especially the cost of living of its population has a great interest because although many studies have attempted to link 〈〈oil prices〉~ and 〈〈cost of living~, very few have focused on the specific case of Burkina Faso. This allows us to make our contribution to this construction literature. This contribution will consist to highlight the relation between changes in oil prices and the cost of living in Burkina Faso. Also to be reached, we will find the best indicator to reflect the cost of living in Burkina Faso, identify the suitable econometric model for estimating the correlation and verify the existence of the relation between oil prices and the cost of living. For a better approach to this study, we used a VAR (Vector Auto-Regressive) model. Also, we will use documentary research that will make an assessment on the existing in terms of theoretical debates around the theme descriptive statistics that will help to introduce and describe the variables used in the study, and econometric analysis will analyze and estimate the parameters of our objective function using Eviews. 展开更多
关键词 Inflationary pressure vector autoregressive
道光年间乌鲁木齐“定舫诗社”钩沉 被引量:2
作者 吴华峰 《西域研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期125-130,共6页
道光年间的乌鲁木齐,驻镇官员和遣戍文人们共同成立了"定舫诗社",这是有清一代西域地区首个具体可考的诗学社团。"定舫诗社"有固定的成员、固定的组织与诗课活动,还常以成员群体为单位雅集赋诗。诗社不仅展现出边... 道光年间的乌鲁木齐,驻镇官员和遣戍文人们共同成立了"定舫诗社",这是有清一代西域地区首个具体可考的诗学社团。"定舫诗社"有固定的成员、固定的组织与诗课活动,还常以成员群体为单位雅集赋诗。诗社不仅展现出边塞文人的生活风貌,成为他们寄身异乡的精神砥砺,更充当了文化聚合与传播的载体,在清代西域文学及文化史上具有独特意义。 展开更多
关键词 乌鲁木齐 定舫诗社 西域诗 黄濬 成瑞
《希望月报(下)》 2004年第9期58-61,共4页
关键词 幼儿英语 YOU&ME GUESS today TRIANGLE 成瑞 HANDS 二时
作者 黄帅 《音乐大观》 2008年第9期76-76,共1页
九月,满眼菊花金黄的颜色,沉默着,深厚着,收获着。可是九月,也许你依旧在这个奔忙的城市里,依旧闭上眼看不到你心的丰盛。有时候我们可以把生活看成一个简陋的完美,就像阳光漫溢的午后.手中一杯淡淡的清水.没有味道.却淡淡的甜心。在最... 九月,满眼菊花金黄的颜色,沉默着,深厚着,收获着。可是九月,也许你依旧在这个奔忙的城市里,依旧闭上眼看不到你心的丰盛。有时候我们可以把生活看成一个简陋的完美,就像阳光漫溢的午后.手中一杯淡淡的清水.没有味道.却淡淡的甜心。在最好的季节的光线里,柔情蜜意。九月,我想去墓园,给自己立一块墓碑,悼念墓碑上面自己的名字和样子。因为当你死去,你无法想念自己,所以我要在活着的日子里,经常去看望自己,怀念自己。带上一束菊花。一些清水,在光线很好的日子里,对自己无声的说话。我不知道这样的想念是一种明媚,还是一种悲伤,但是感情无处寄托无处给予,或者不被想念的时候.我想这是我找到的一种绚烂的绽放。 展开更多
关键词 我不知道 活着 你那 王力宏 同情感 成瑞
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