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作者 张明文 《电脑知识与技术》 2016年第8X期42-43,共2页
当今社会是信息化发展迅猛的社会,各种高新技术不断涌现出来,通信系统显得尤为重要,通信系统与集成电路已经密不可分了。如何利用集成电路工艺设计出高性能的集成电路是电子信息技术产业急需解决的问题。该文将要简要介绍光纤通信光电... 当今社会是信息化发展迅猛的社会,各种高新技术不断涌现出来,通信系统显得尤为重要,通信系统与集成电路已经密不可分了。如何利用集成电路工艺设计出高性能的集成电路是电子信息技术产业急需解决的问题。该文将要简要介绍光纤通信光电集成电路工艺设计分析。 展开更多
关键词 现代 光纤通信 光电集成 成电路 设计分析
作者 G.芬克宾 莫梧生 《电信科学》 1956年第4期39-43,共5页
所谓“印成电路”就是用印刷的方法,把接线、线圈、电阻、电容器和弱电仪器(特别是电子仪器)的其他元件制造出来的一种电路。在美国文献中,“Print-ed Circuit”既表示“印成的元件祖合”,例如包含电阻及电容器的组合,也总的表示“印成... 所谓“印成电路”就是用印刷的方法,把接线、线圈、电阻、电容器和弱电仪器(特别是电子仪器)的其他元件制造出来的一种电路。在美国文献中,“Print-ed Circuit”既表示“印成的元件祖合”,例如包含电阻及电容器的组合,也总的表示“印成电路”。如专指“印成接线”,则称为“Printed Wiring”,近十年来主要是在美国和英国,研究出了许多印制的方法,在这里谈到的是其中最重要的几种。 展开更多
关键词 成电路 元件数 箔片 印压 电感元件 元件制造 美国标准局 金属箔 酸液 压印
作者 李葆青 《六盘水师范学院学报》 1992年第4期16-22,共7页
关键词 成电路 分析 关系表示 元件 等效电阻 等效电 基尔霍夫定律 桥式电 电阻元件 电桥平衡
作者 刘一美 《湖北教育(科学课)》 1989年第2期33-33,共1页
在讲解《电流》一课时少不了让学生做实验,通常的做法是事先发给学生器材,如导线、电池、灯泡,然后由教师教给他们将这些器件连接起来,使灯泡发光,如果灯泡发光,说明电路接对了;反之,可能接线有错误。 我在教学实践中发现,这样就事论事... 在讲解《电流》一课时少不了让学生做实验,通常的做法是事先发给学生器材,如导线、电池、灯泡,然后由教师教给他们将这些器件连接起来,使灯泡发光,如果灯泡发光,说明电路接对了;反之,可能接线有错误。 我在教学实践中发现,这样就事论事的教授方法有一个很大的弊端,就是学生对电路的“来龙去脉”不甚了了,没有一个整体概念,只知“依葫芦画瓢”,若要求对电路稍作改动,不少学生则会感到茫然不知所措,碰到较为复杂的电路更是不能举一反三地去掌握。 展开更多
关键词 教授方法 茫然不知所措 依葫芦画瓢 整体概念 成电路 图形符号 指接 上图
美国在电子技术课程设置、教学方法和教材建设方面的一些情况 被引量:1
作者 童诗白 《电气电子教学学报》 1991年第4期1-11,共11页
今年五六月间,我有机会到美国去了一趟,顺便了解到那里的一些教学情况.回来后曾在教研组和电子技术课程教学指导小组会议上介绍,现根据发言整理成此文.因在美时间短促,所见所闻有不少片面性,个人看法也有谬误和不妥之处,敬祈各位教师指... 今年五六月间,我有机会到美国去了一趟,顺便了解到那里的一些教学情况.回来后曾在教研组和电子技术课程教学指导小组会议上介绍,现根据发言整理成此文.因在美时间短促,所见所闻有不少片面性,个人看法也有谬误和不妥之处,敬祈各位教师指正.我是带着以下这样一些问题去了解的: 展开更多
关键词 电子技术课程 电子技术基础 教学方法 数字电 电工教学 电子专业 场效应管 五六月 成电路 计算机辅助教学
作者 王明龙 《企业技术开发》 1999年第3期6-9,共4页
关键词 ALTERA MAX+PLUSⅡ 编程器件 成电路
Study on Si-SiGe Three-Dimensional CMOS Integrated Circuits 被引量:2
作者 胡辉勇 张鹤鸣 +2 位作者 贾新章 戴显英 宣荣喜 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第5期681-685,共5页
Based on the physical characteristics of SiGe material,a new three-dimensional (3D) CMOS IC structure is proposed,in which the first device layer is made of Si material for nMOS devices and the second device layer i... Based on the physical characteristics of SiGe material,a new three-dimensional (3D) CMOS IC structure is proposed,in which the first device layer is made of Si material for nMOS devices and the second device layer is made of Six Ge1- x material for pMOS. The intrinsic performance of ICs with the new structure is then limited by Si nMOS.The electrical characteristics of a Si-SiGe 3D CMOS device and inverter are all simulated and analyzed by MEDICI. The simulation results indicate that the Si-SiGe 3D CMOS ICs are faster than the Si-Si 3D CMOS ICs. The delay time of the 3D Si-SiGe CMOS inverter is 2-3ps,which is shorter than that of the 3D Si-Si CMOS inverter. 展开更多
关键词 SI-SIGE THREE-DIMENSIONAL CMOS integrated circuits
《中国集成电路》 2003年第2期34-35,共2页
关键词 国内要闻 产业化 英飞凌 成电路 美元 投资 代工 本位币 财政管理 中芯国际 成电路设计 王阳元 海尔 设计业 晶圆厂 无锡新区 制程技术
A Ka Broadband High Gain Monolithic LNA with a Noise Figure of 2dB 被引量:2
作者 黄清华 刘训春 +2 位作者 郝明丽 张宗楠 杨浩 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第8期1457-1460,共4页
A four-stage monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMIC) low noise amplifier (LNA) operating from 23 to 36GHz is reported using commercially available 0.15μm PHEMT technology. The LNA is self-biased. To achie... A four-stage monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMIC) low noise amplifier (LNA) operating from 23 to 36GHz is reported using commercially available 0.15μm PHEMT technology. The LNA is self-biased. To achieve a low noise characteristic, careful optimizations of gate width are performed to reduce gate resistance. Absorption circuits and an elaborate bias structure with a resistor-capacitor network are employed to improve stability. Multiple resonance points and negative feedback technologies are used to widen the bandwidth. Measurements show a noise figure (NF) of less than 2.0dB,and the lowest NF is only 1.6dB at a frequency of 31GHz. In the whole operation band,the LNA has a gain of higher than 26dB,and an input return loss and output return loss of more than 11 and 13dB,respectively. The output power at ldB compression gain of 36GHz is about 14dBm. The chip area is 2.4mm ×1mm. 展开更多
关键词 MMIC LNA Ka broadband NF high gain
A Fast and Efficient Global Router for Congestion Optimization 被引量:2
作者 许静宇 鲍海云 +3 位作者 洪先龙 蔡懿慈 经彤 顾钧 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第2期136-142,共7页
An efficient parallel global router using random optimization that is independent of net ordering is proposed.Parallel approaches are described and strategies guaranteeing the routing quality are discussed.The wire le... An efficient parallel global router using random optimization that is independent of net ordering is proposed.Parallel approaches are described and strategies guaranteeing the routing quality are discussed.The wire length model is implemented on multiprocessor,which enables the algorithm to approach feasibility of large scale problems.Timing driven model on multiprocessor and wire length model on distributed processors are also presented.The parallel algorithm greatly reduces the run time of routing.The experimental results show good speedups with no degradation of the routing quality. 展开更多
关键词 global routing congestion optimizing global routing graph (GRG) parallel algorithm
Epitaxial Growth of 150mm Silicon Epi\|Wafers for Advanced IC Applications 被引量:3
作者 王启元 蔡田海 +1 位作者 郁元桓 林兰英 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2000年第5期426-430,共5页
With the device feature's size miniaturization in very large scale integrated circuit and ultralarge scale integrated circuit towards the sub\|micron and beyond level, the next generation of IC device requires s... With the device feature's size miniaturization in very large scale integrated circuit and ultralarge scale integrated circuit towards the sub\|micron and beyond level, the next generation of IC device requires silicon wafers with more improved electrical characteristics and reliability as well as a high perfection of the wafer surface. Compared with the polished wafer with a relatively high density of crystal originated defects (e. g. COPs), silicon epi\|wafers can meet such high requirements. The current development of researches on the 150mm silicon epi\|wafers for advanced IC applications is described. The P/P\++ CMOS silicon epi\|wafers were fabricated on a PE2061 Epitaxial Reactor (made by Italian LPE Company). The material parameters of epi\|wafers, such as epi\|defects, uniformity of thickness and resistivity, transition width, and minority carrier generation lifetime for epi\|layer were characterized in detail. It is demonstrated that the 150mm silicon epi\|wafers on PE2061 can meet the stringent requirements for the advanced IC applications. 展开更多
关键词 SILICON epitaxial growth
Challenges to Data-Path Physical Design Inside SOC 被引量:2
作者 经彤 洪先龙 +5 位作者 蔡懿慈 许静宇 杨长旗 张轶谦 周强 吴为民 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第8期785-793,共9页
Previously,a single data-path stack was adequate for data-path chips,and the complexity and size of the data-path was comparatively small.As current data-path chips,such as system-on-a-chip (SOC),become more complex,m... Previously,a single data-path stack was adequate for data-path chips,and the complexity and size of the data-path was comparatively small.As current data-path chips,such as system-on-a-chip (SOC),become more complex,multiple data-path stacks are required to implement the entire data-path.As more data-path stacks are integrated into SOC,data-path is becoming a critical part of the whole giga-scale integrated circuits (GSI) design.The traditional physical design methodology can not satisfy the data-path performance requirements,because it can not accommodate the data-path bit-sliced structure and the strict performance (such as timing,coupling,and crosstalk) constraints.Challenges in the data-path physical design are addressed.The fundamental problems and key technologies in data-path physical design are analysed.The corresponding researches and solutions in this research field are also discussed. 展开更多
关键词 physical design data-path bit-sliced structure SYSTEM-ON-A-CHIP giga-scale integrated circuits very-deep-submicron
A Novel CMOSDual-Modulus Prescaler Based on New Optimized Structure and Dynamic Circuit Technique 被引量:8
作者 池保勇 石秉学 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第4期357-361,共5页
s:A divide- by- 12 8/ 12 9or6 4/ 6 5 dual- modulus prescaler based on new optimized structure and dynam ic circuit technique im plem ented in 0 .2 5 μm CMOS digital technology is described.New optimized structure re... s:A divide- by- 12 8/ 12 9or6 4/ 6 5 dual- modulus prescaler based on new optimized structure and dynam ic circuit technique im plem ented in 0 .2 5 μm CMOS digital technology is described.New optimized structure reduces the propagation delay and has higher operating speed.Based on this structure,an im proved D- flip- flop(DFF) using dynam ic circuit technique is proposed.A prototype is fabricated and the measured results show that this prescaler works well in gigahertz frequency range and consumes only35 m W(including three power- hungry output buffers) when the input frequency is2 .5 GHz and the power supply voltage is2 .5 V.Due to its excellent perform ance,the prescaler could be applied to many RF system s. 展开更多
关键词 dual- modulus prescaler D- flip- flop CMOS
Total Dose Radiation-Hard 0.8μm SOI CMOS Transistors and ASIC 被引量:2
作者 肖志强 洪根深 +1 位作者 张波 刘忠立 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第10期1750-1754,共5页
This paper presents the total dose radiation performance of 0.8μm SOI CMOS devices fabricated with full dose SIMOX technology. The radiation performance is characterized by threshold voltage shifts and leakage curren... This paper presents the total dose radiation performance of 0.8μm SOI CMOS devices fabricated with full dose SIMOX technology. The radiation performance is characterized by threshold voltage shifts and leakage currents of transistors and standby currents of ASIC as functions of the total dose up to 500krad(Si). The experimental results show that the worst case threshold voltage shifts of front channels are less than 320mV for pMOS transistors under off-gate radiation bias at 1Mrad(Si) and less than 120mV for nMOS transistors under on-gate radiation bias. No significant radiation-induced leakage current is observed in transistors to 1Mrad (Si). The standby currents of ASIC are less than the specification of 5μA over the total dose range of 500krad(Si). 展开更多
A 1.25Gb/s InP-Based Vertical Monolithic Integration of an MQW Laser Diode and an HBT Driver witha Lateral Buffer Mes a Structure 被引量:2
作者 李献杰 曾庆明 +7 位作者 徐晓春 敖金平 赵方海 杨树人 柯锡明 王志功 刘式墉 梁春广 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第5期468-472,共5页
A novel fabrication process related to a smoothly wet chemical etching profile o f InP-based epitaxial layers in the crystal direction of [01for an InP-based monol ithic vertically integrated transmitter with an M... A novel fabrication process related to a smoothly wet chemical etching profile o f InP-based epitaxial layers in the crystal direction of [01for an InP-based monol ithic vertically integrated transmitter with an MQW laser diode and a heterojunction bipolar tran sistors driver circuit is described.A clear eye output diagram via an O/E converter is demonstrat ed und er a 1.25Gb/s non-return-zero pseudorandom code with a pattern length of 2 the integrated transmitter has a power dissipation of about 120mW with an optical output of 2dBm. 展开更多
关键词 integrated optoelectronics optoelectronic int egrated circuits transmitter
A Thermal-Conscious Integrated Circuit Power Model and Its Impact on Dynamic Voltage Scaling Techniques 被引量:2
作者 刘勇攀 杨华中 汪蕙 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第4期530-536,共7页
We propose a novel thermal-conscious power model for integrated circuits that can accurately predict power and temperature under voltage scaling. Experimental results show that the leakage power consumption is underes... We propose a novel thermal-conscious power model for integrated circuits that can accurately predict power and temperature under voltage scaling. Experimental results show that the leakage power consumption is underestimated by 52 % if thermal effects are omitted. Furthermore, an inconsistency arises when energy and temperature are simultaneously optimized by dynamic voltage scaling. Temperature is a limiting factor for future integrated circuits,and the thermal optimization approach can attain a temperature reduction of up to 12℃ with less than 1.8% energy penalty compared with the energy optimization one. 展开更多
关键词 CMOS integrated circuits power model TEMPERATURE DVS
Equivalent Circuit Analysis of an RF Integrated Inductor with Ferrite Thin-Film 被引量:1
作者 任天令 杨晨 +3 位作者 刘锋 刘理天 王自惠 张筱 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第3期511-515,共5页
An equivalent circuit for a novel RF integrated inductor with ferrite thin-film is derived. The enhancement of the magnetic ferrite thin-film on the inductance (L) and quality factor (Q) of the inductor is analyze... An equivalent circuit for a novel RF integrated inductor with ferrite thin-film is derived. The enhancement of the magnetic ferrite thin-film on the inductance (L) and quality factor (Q) of the inductor is analyzed. Circuit element parameters are extracted from RF measurements. Compared with the reference air-core inductor without magnetic film, L and Q of the ferrite thin-film inductor are 17% and 40% higher at 2GHz,respectively. Both the equivalent circuit analysis and test results demonstrate significant enhancement of the performance of RF integration inductors by ferrite thin-film integration. 展开更多
关键词 INDUCTOR equivalent circuit ferrite thin-film RF ICs
A4~12GHz Wideband Balanced MIC Power Amplifier 被引量:1
作者 姚小江 李滨 +2 位作者 刘新宇 陈中子 陈晓娟 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第12期1868-1871,共4页
A 4-12GHz wideband power amplifier,using a balanced configuration with a strip line Lange coupler, is designed and fabricated. This power amplifier shows a maximum continuous wave output power of 29.5dBm at 8GHz cente... A 4-12GHz wideband power amplifier,using a balanced configuration with a strip line Lange coupler, is designed and fabricated. This power amplifier shows a maximum continuous wave output power of 29.5dBm at 8GHz center frequency with an associated gain of 8.5dB and a gain flatness of + /- 0.6dB in the 4-12GHz frequency range. 展开更多
关键词 WIDEBAND Lange coupler microwave integrated circuit balanced power amplifiers
A CMOS Low Power Fully Differential Sigma-Delta Frequency Synthesizer for 2Mb/s GMSK Modulation 被引量:1
作者 张利 池保勇 +2 位作者 姚金科 王志华 陈弘毅 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第12期2106-2111,共6页
A CMOS fully-differential 2.4GHz ∑-△ frequency synthesizer for Gaussian minimum shift keying (GMSK)modulation is presented. A pre-compensation fractional-N phase-locked loop(PLL)is adopted in the modulator.The t... A CMOS fully-differential 2.4GHz ∑-△ frequency synthesizer for Gaussian minimum shift keying (GMSK)modulation is presented. A pre-compensation fractional-N phase-locked loop(PLL)is adopted in the modulator.The transfer function of the type- Ⅱ third-order phase-locked loop is deduced,and the important parameters that affect the loop transfer function are pointed out. Methods to calibrate the important loop parameters arc introduced. A differential tuned LC-VCO and a fully-differential charge pump are adopted in the PLL design. The designed circuits are simulated in a 0.18gm 1P6M CMOS process. The power consumption of the PLL is only about llmW with the low power consideration in building blocks design, and the data rate of the modulator can reach 2Mb/s. 展开更多
关键词 CMOS FRACTIONAL-N Gaussian minimum shift keying phase-locked loop~ sigma-delta
AlGaN/GaN HEMTs Power Amplifier MIC with Power Combining at C-Band 被引量:1
作者 姚小江 李宾 +8 位作者 陈延湖 陈小娟 魏珂 李诚瞻 罗卫军 王晓亮 刘丹 刘果果 刘新宇 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第4期514-517,共4页
A power amplifier MIC with power combining based on AlGaN/GaN HEMTs was fabricated and measured. The amplifier consists of four 10 × 120μm transistors. A Wilkinson splitters and combining were used to divide and... A power amplifier MIC with power combining based on AlGaN/GaN HEMTs was fabricated and measured. The amplifier consists of four 10 × 120μm transistors. A Wilkinson splitters and combining were used to divide and combine the power. By biasing the amplifier at VDS = 40V, IDS = 0.9A, a maximum CW output power of 41.4dBm with a maximum power added efficiency (PAE) of 32.54% and a power combine efficiency of 69% was achieved at 5.4GHz. 展开更多
关键词 AlGaN/GaN HEMTs power combining MIC power amplifiers
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