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不同成花量金花茶花果期果枝叶内源激素的变化 被引量:8
作者 孙红梅 廖浩斌 +3 位作者 刘盼盼 杨雪 李吉涛 漆小雪 《广西植物》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第12期1537-1544,共8页
该研究运用酶联免疫法(ELISA)对不同成花量(花多、花少、无花)金花茶花果期果枝叶内源激素吲哚乙酸(IAA)、赤霉素(GA_3)、玉米素核苷(ZR)、脱落酸(ABA)含量进行了测定。结果表明:始花期金花茶果枝叶内源IAA先升高后降低,花多株含量低于... 该研究运用酶联免疫法(ELISA)对不同成花量(花多、花少、无花)金花茶花果期果枝叶内源激素吲哚乙酸(IAA)、赤霉素(GA_3)、玉米素核苷(ZR)、脱落酸(ABA)含量进行了测定。结果表明:始花期金花茶果枝叶内源IAA先升高后降低,花多株含量低于花少株;有花株ZR含量高于无花株;GA_3含量呈现整体上升趋势,有花株高于无花株;ABA含量先降低后升高,无花株高于花多株。盛花期IAA、GA_3、ABA含量整体下降,ZR含量先降低后升高,花多株叶内源IAA、ZR、GA_3含量高于花少株或无花株,ABA含量低于花少株或无花株。花期内,有花株果枝叶IAA/ZR、IAA/ABA、ZR/ABA、GA_3/ABA比值均高于无花株,而(IAA+GA_3)/ZR比值低于无花株,说明金花茶花果的发育不仅和单个激素的含量有关,还和激素平衡有关。秋梢期营养生长旺盛时无花株IAA/ZR比值较大,花果期生殖生长强烈时比值较小,(IAA+GA_3)/ZR与之相反。这说明花蕾期高水平的内源IAA、ZR和ABA及低水平的内源GA_3有利于金花茶开花;末花期高含量的IAA、ZR和低含量的GA_3、ABA可减少落花落果,提高坐果率,有利于果实快速生长;果实生长后期高含量的ABA有利于果实成熟。该研究结果为生产上应用生长调节剂调控金花茶成花、坐果提供了理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 金花茶 果枝叶 成花量 花果期 吲哚乙酸 赤霉素 玉米素核苷 脱落酸
渭北富士苹果拉枝角度与成花量及果实偏斜度的相关性分析 被引量:2
作者 张伯虎 武月妮 +3 位作者 梁俊 王雷存 贾凯峰 问亚军 《黑龙江农业科学》 2018年第6期66-69,共4页
为研究富士苹果不同结果枝角度对花芽数量及果实偏斜度的影响,于2015-2016年在渭南市白水县的2个乡镇,以20~23年生乔化富士为试验材料,调查分析结果枝角度、单位成花量、果实着生位置、果实着生角度、果实偏斜度、果形指数的相互关系。... 为研究富士苹果不同结果枝角度对花芽数量及果实偏斜度的影响,于2015-2016年在渭南市白水县的2个乡镇,以20~23年生乔化富士为试验材料,调查分析结果枝角度、单位成花量、果实着生位置、果实着生角度、果实偏斜度、果形指数的相互关系。结果表明:结果枝的垂直角度与枝条的单位成花量表现出极显著的正相关,相关系数为0.886(n=110,P<0.01);结果枝水平角度的绝对值与果实着生角度、果实偏斜度分别存在极显著负相关和正相关,相关系数分别为-0.615、0.434(n=409,P<0.01);结果枝的垂直角度与果实偏斜度呈现显著的二元一次线性关系,当结果枝垂直角度为113.75°时,果实偏斜度最低;果实着生角度与果形指数、果实偏斜度都存在极显著正相关,相关分别系数为0.362、0.355(n=409,P<0.01);果形指数与果实偏斜度存在显著负相关,相关系数为-0.276(n=409,P<0.05);果实着生位置对果实偏斜度的差异性显著,果实顶生的偏斜度最高,背上的偏斜度次之,背下的偏斜度最低。综上所述,苹果拉枝角度对成花量及果实的偏斜度影响显著,随着结果枝角度的增大,成花量增加,而果实偏斜度先减小后增大。结合成花量与偏斜度的因素,富士生产中的拉枝角度以110°~120°为宜,且尽量保留枝条背下果,疏除顶生及背上果。 展开更多
关键词 苹果 拉枝角度 成花量 果实偏斜度 相关性
作者 周晓斌 《新疆林业》 2011年第6期14-15,共2页
石榴花芽形成快,分化量大,花期长,化蕾形成与萌芽生长、外化坐果同时进行,对养分的消耗多,竞争也激烈,往往形成大量的退化花。退化花的形成,多是由于花在分化过程中营养不足,导致雌蕊发育不全,从而不能受精结实,造成整株坐果... 石榴花芽形成快,分化量大,花期长,化蕾形成与萌芽生长、外化坐果同时进行,对养分的消耗多,竞争也激烈,往往形成大量的退化花。退化花的形成,多是由于花在分化过程中营养不足,导致雌蕊发育不全,从而不能受精结实,造成整株坐果率低,落花落果严重。因此,采取有效措施,提高成花质量和坐果率,是实现石榴丰产的关键。 展开更多
关键词 坐果率 成花量 石榴 分化过程 花芽形成 营养不足 发育不全 落花落果
环剥(割)对澳洲坚果成花坐果的影响 被引量:3
作者 陈贞洁 何伟 +1 位作者 叶发权 薛进军 《中国果树》 北大核心 2022年第12期52-54,共3页
2019—2020年在广西壮族自治区崇左市扶绥县对桂热1号、695、JW、OC 4个澳洲坚果品种的初果树与盛果树开展环剥(割)试验,调查环剥(割)对澳洲坚果成花与坐果的影响。结果表明:采收后(10月中下旬)环剥(割)能显著提高澳洲坚果初果树和盛果... 2019—2020年在广西壮族自治区崇左市扶绥县对桂热1号、695、JW、OC 4个澳洲坚果品种的初果树与盛果树开展环剥(割)试验,调查环剥(割)对澳洲坚果成花与坐果的影响。结果表明:采收后(10月中下旬)环剥(割)能显著提高澳洲坚果初果树和盛果树成花量,初果树花穗数量增加了36.76%~91.47%,由高到低排序依次是OC>桂热1号>695>JW;盛果期树花穗数量增加了24.70%~47.28%,由高到低排序依次是JW>OC>桂热1号>695。盛花期(3月中下旬)环割能有效提高澳洲坚果初果树花穗坐果率和花朵坐果率,花穗坐果率提高了8.06%~22.91%,花朵坐果率提高了32.69%~72.26%;环割能有效提高澳洲坚果盛果树花朵坐果率,对澳洲坚果盛果树花穗坐果率的影响因品种不同而存在差异,能显著提高JW花穗坐果率,对桂热1号、695和OC花穗坐果率没有显著影响。环剥(割)能够促进澳洲坚果成花,增加澳洲坚果坐果数量,进而提高产量,对澳洲坚果实际生产具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 澳洲坚果 品种 环剥 成花量 坐果率
根域限制栽培对主干形桃幼树生长及成花的影响 被引量:5
作者 庞钰洁 竺啸恒 +3 位作者 陶宁颖 陈心源 满坤 贾惠娟 《上海农业学报》 2019年第5期33-38,共6页
由于我国南方地区温度高、湿度大、光照不足,充沛的水分条件使桃树长势旺盛,树冠辐射面大,整枝修剪的工作量大,幼龄树花芽分化欠佳,早期成园慢且产量低。根域限制栽培具有抑制果树营养生长、促进生殖生长等方面的效果,适用于密植果园。... 由于我国南方地区温度高、湿度大、光照不足,充沛的水分条件使桃树长势旺盛,树冠辐射面大,整枝修剪的工作量大,幼龄树花芽分化欠佳,早期成园慢且产量低。根域限制栽培具有抑制果树营养生长、促进生殖生长等方面的效果,适用于密植果园。桃树采用主干形整枝,不仅结构简单、作业省力,还具有成形快、便于密植、产量高、果实品质均一等优点。以普通桃‘圆梦’[Prunuspersica(L.)Batsch.]为试材,设计两种副梢诱导技术——短截和扭梢,通过测定树体生长量和成花量,比较不同整枝技术和根域限制栽培对树形养成的影响,旨在为密植早产主干形桃树栽培技术提供理论依据。结果显示:采用新梢两芽短截的方式诱导桃副梢发生,与扭梢的方式相比,能有效控制新梢生长量,改善果枝结构,使长果枝增加约45%、徒长性果枝减少约50%。根域限制栽培与常规栽培的‘圆梦’都在新梢长度20—25cm时短截成花最好,尽管根域限制栽培的树冠面积较常规栽培减少41%左右,但总生长量无显著差异,总花芽数增加11%左右,并且两年生树折合每667m2产量可达407kg,约为常规栽培的58倍。 展开更多
关键词 根域限制 主干形树形 营养生长 成花量
秋季枝干环剥对龙眼冬梢抽发及产量的效应初探 被引量:1
作者 吴德宜 方金强 +1 位作者 张爱加 邱金海 《中国南方果树》 北大核心 2003年第5期38-38,共1页
关键词 秋季 枝干环剥 龙眼 冬梢抽发 成花量
作者 李秋玲 《落叶果树》 2014年第5期50-50,共1页
关键词 煤污病 发生与防治 果实产 蒸腾作用 成花量 枝条 叶片
Effects of Microbial Fertilizer and Compound Feritlizer Mixed Application on Yield and Fruit Quality and Flowering and Fruit Setting of Following Year of Apple 被引量:1
作者 杨素苗 杜纪壮 +4 位作者 徐国良 石海强 尼群周 俎文芳 秦立者 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第3期642-644,共3页
In order to study the application effect of microbial fertilizer and compound fertilizer mixed application on microirrigation apple, three types of fertilizers were applied in spring which were urea(CK, 15 kg/plant)... In order to study the application effect of microbial fertilizer and compound fertilizer mixed application on microirrigation apple, three types of fertilizers were applied in spring which were urea(CK, 15 kg/plant), microbial fertilizer(5.0 kg/plant),microbial fertilizer and compound fertilizer mixed(each 2.5 kg/plant) to study the effect of different fertilizer treatments on yield, fruit quality, flowering and fruit setting of Xinshijie apple. The results showed that application of microbial fertilizer could increase the yield, fruit weight and fruit shape index, significantly increase the flowering rates and inflorescence fruit setting rate of following year, while reduce the fruit hardness and soluble solids content, and the effect of microbial fertilizer and compound fertilizer mixed application on increasing fruit weight and yield was higher than that of microbial fertilizer separate application, the effect of the two was not obvious in other aspects. Therefore, microbial fertilizer could be used instead of some chemical fertilizer and organic fertilizer in apple production to reach the aim of increasing yield and efficiency, and the effect of microbial fertilizer and compound fertilizer mixed application was best. 展开更多
关键词 Microbial fertilizer APPLE YIELD Fruit quality Flowering and fruit setting
大樱桃设施栽培花期最宜温湿度试验简报 被引量:3
作者 张永翊 杨雷 岳琳 《西北园艺(综合)》 2017年第1期63-64,共2页
关键词 设施栽培 试验简报 温湿度 大樱桃 花期 试验目的 效益 成花量
苹果一边倒树形常见问题及对策 被引量:1
作者 朱鹏 石其山 +1 位作者 崔怀新 朱学亮 《落叶果树》 2016年第1期61-62,共2页
近年来,一边倒树形在桃、核桃、樱桃、苹果等北方果树尤其是设施果树栽培中得到应用推广(图1)。有些果农采取一边倒树形进行高密度苹果栽植后,仍沿用传统的管理方法,出现主干过高、侧枝过粗、"枝条串门"、成花量少、果园郁闭、效益... 近年来,一边倒树形在桃、核桃、樱桃、苹果等北方果树尤其是设施果树栽培中得到应用推广(图1)。有些果农采取一边倒树形进行高密度苹果栽植后,仍沿用传统的管理方法,出现主干过高、侧枝过粗、"枝条串门"、成花量少、果园郁闭、效益降低等问题。笔者总结了这些问题的成因及解决办法,供果农参考。 展开更多
关键词 树形 苹果 果树栽培 高密度 成花量 核桃 果农 樱桃
苹果覆膜栽培技术 被引量:1
作者 赵小刚 周丽芳 《中国林副特产》 2003年第3期19-19,共1页
天水地处黄土高原,海拔900~2700m,年平均温度7~10.9℃,1月平均温度-5.5~-2.4℃,7月平均温度18.4~23℃,年均降水量400~600mm,年有效积温3000℃以上,无霜期179~210天,优越的气候条件使天水成为中国最佳苹果产区.天水所产"花牛&... 天水地处黄土高原,海拔900~2700m,年平均温度7~10.9℃,1月平均温度-5.5~-2.4℃,7月平均温度18.4~23℃,年均降水量400~600mm,年有效积温3000℃以上,无霜期179~210天,优越的气候条件使天水成为中国最佳苹果产区.天水所产"花牛"苹果驰名中外.但近年来由于天水持续干旱,严重影响了天水苹果的生长和发育,进而制约了天水苹果的进一步发展.为此,天水市引进苹果覆膜栽培技术,每年对2~3万亩新建苹果园采用树盘覆膜和顺行覆膜,取得了非常好的效果. 展开更多
关键词 苹果 覆膜栽培 树盘覆膜 顺行覆膜 成活率 果实生长 成花量
《中国果树》 北大核心 2007年第2期F0004-F0004,共1页
关键词 PBO 果树促控剂 红富士苹果 果树生产 嘎拉苹果 成花量 早熟 光亮度
《果农之友》 2009年第5期F0004-F0004,共1页
PBO是汇集世界尖端科技的结晶,功能多、效益高。 1、取代环剥:苹果成花量高于环剥22%,不需环剥。
关键词 PBO 果树促控剂 成花量 环剥 苹果
《果农之友》 2010年第9期48-48,共1页
关键词 早期落叶病 苹果 褐斑病 韩城市 成花量 病害 果园 病斑
《果农之友》 2007年第4期F0004-F0004,共1页
PBO是汇集世界尖端科技的结晶,解决了我国果树生产上的几个难题,使红富士苹果成花量增加2.5~3.0倍,取代了环剥,早熟15天,光亮度极高,果价提高0.4~0.6元/千克;嘎拉苹果早熟7天,果价提高0.6元/千克;大樱桃坐果率提高5.5倍,早... PBO是汇集世界尖端科技的结晶,解决了我国果树生产上的几个难题,使红富士苹果成花量增加2.5~3.0倍,取代了环剥,早熟15天,光亮度极高,果价提高0.4~0.6元/千克;嘎拉苹果早熟7天,果价提高0.6元/千克;大樱桃坐果率提高5.5倍,早熟7~9天; 展开更多
关键词 PBO 果树促控剂 红富士苹果 果树生产 嘎拉苹果 成花量 早熟 光亮度
《河北果树》 2008年第1期59-59,共1页
PBO是汇集世界尖端科技的结晶,使我国的果树及农作物优质、高产和高效: ①促进优质花芽分化,红富士苹果的成花量增加2.5~3倍,取代了环剥。 ②促进提早成熟,红富士苹果早熟15d(天),杏早熟10d(天),葡萄早熟15d(天),梨早... PBO是汇集世界尖端科技的结晶,使我国的果树及农作物优质、高产和高效: ①促进优质花芽分化,红富士苹果的成花量增加2.5~3倍,取代了环剥。 ②促进提早成熟,红富士苹果早熟15d(天),杏早熟10d(天),葡萄早熟15d(天),梨早熟10-13d(天),桃树早熟7d(天)。667m^2(亩)增效益2500~4000元。 展开更多
关键词 果树促控剂 PBO 红富士苹果 花芽分化 提早成熟 早熟 农作物 成花量
The Effect of Drought Occurring at Different Growth Stages on Productivity of Grain Amaranth Amaranthus cruentus G6
作者 Silva Grobelnik Mlakar Martina Bavec Manfred Jakop Franc Bavec 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2012年第3期283-286,共4页
A greenhouse pot experiment was conducted to study the effect of drought induced at different phenological stages on growth, biomass production and yield performance of grain amaranth Amaranthus cruentus G6. After eme... A greenhouse pot experiment was conducted to study the effect of drought induced at different phenological stages on growth, biomass production and yield performance of grain amaranth Amaranthus cruentus G6. After emergence seedlings were exposed to different soil water regimes: constant adequate moisture (W1) and drought (W2) throughout the growing period, drought initiated at crop inflorescence formation (W3), drought condition during pre-inflorescence formation (W4) and treatment W5 where drought condition occurred in the period from the beginning of inflorescence formation to the beginning of flowering. Crop samples were taken at the maturity. The growth and yield performance of amaranth were assessed by measuring root length, stem height and inflorescence length, and by evaluating fresh and dry weight of plant parts, grain yield and harvest index. Drought stress initiated at different phenological stages affected the evaluated morphological parameters, assimilate allocation and grain yield. Drought throughout the growing period resulted in grain and biomass yield reduction for 51% and 50%, respectively. Water deficit during inflorescence formation appears to be critical growing stage influencing grain yield, while soil drying in the vegetative growth stages improve the assimilate allocation to the above-ground biomass and particularly to the grain. 展开更多
关键词 Grain amaranth Amaranthus cruentus DROUGHT biomass allocation grain yield.
Long-Term Frozen Storage Impact on the Antioxidant Capacity and Chemical Composition of Sardinian Myrtle (Myrtus communis L,) Berries 被引量:2
作者 A. Angioni M. Schirra 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2011年第8期1168-1175,共8页
The effects of frozen storage at -18 ℃ up to 6 months, on the antioxidant properties, chemical composition and other physicochemical properties of myrtle berries (Myrtus comrnunis L.) has been evaluated. Berries sh... The effects of frozen storage at -18 ℃ up to 6 months, on the antioxidant properties, chemical composition and other physicochemical properties of myrtle berries (Myrtus comrnunis L.) has been evaluated. Berries showed a good resistance to storage decay, and weight loss remained after six months in the 15% range. Results showed that frozen storage up to 6 months affect individual antocyanins content in different ways. Nevertheless the total anthocyanins content was at the end of storage higher than in fresh fruits. The antioxidant capacity calculated with 2,2-diphenyl-l-picrylhidrazyl (DPPH) and 2,2'-Azino-bis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS) increased during storage and the calculated r2 showed a positive correlation with the total anthocyanins content. Gluconic and fumaric acid did not changed, quinic acid decreased while malic and shikimic acid increased. The total organic acid content during storage was higher than in fresh fruits causing a slight decrease in pH. Fructose and glucose increased with the same rate and the ratio fructose/glucose remained unchanged (1.06 ± 0.01), CIE L^*a^*b^* coordinates showed a shift of the colour to tawny brown after six months storage. 展开更多
关键词 Myrtle berries frozen storage chemical composition antioxidant capacity.
Effects of Plant Population on Growth, Development and Oil Yield of Safflower
作者 Vallantino Emongor Otsoseng Oagile Boipuso Kedikanetswe 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2013年第5期321-333,共13页
Two field trials were clone to evaluate the effects of plant density on the growth, development and yield of safflower. The results showed that plant density and season of growth had significant (P ≤ 0.01) effects ... Two field trials were clone to evaluate the effects of plant density on the growth, development and yield of safflower. The results showed that plant density and season of growth had significant (P ≤ 0.01) effects on growth, development, yield components, yield and oil content of safflower. Increasing safflower plant density from 100,000 to 250,000 plants ha^- significantly reduced plant height (13.2%-21.3%), branch number plant^-1 (37%-54.7%), leaf number plant^-1 (39%-39.2%), leaf area (19.5%-53%), plant spread (39.6%-54.4%), root length (28.1%-54.4%), plant biomass (17%-50%), capitula size (12%-12.7%), capitula number plant^-1 (39.5%-50.5%), seed number capitula~ (39%-45%), capitula weight (3.3%-3.6%), seed yield (67.9%-69.8%) and seed oil content (14.7%-20.8%). The reduction in vegetative growth, yield components, yield and oil content of safflower due to increased plant density was attributed to inter and intra-plant competition for light, nutrients and water necessary for growth and development. The differences between winter and summer grown safflower were attributed to difference in day and night temperature (DIF) and the average daily temperature which were optimum for safflower growth in winter. It was concluded that under Botswana conditions or in semi-arid areas, safflower should be planted at 50 cm × 20 cm or wider in order to maximize yield and oil content and allow the plants to express their maximum genetic potential. 展开更多
关键词 Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) plant density vegetative growth yield and yield components oil content.
Regulation of Anthocyanin during Storage Root Development Stage in Sweet Potato(Ipomoea batatas(L.) Lam.)
作者 Fuyun HOU Aixian LI +4 位作者 Haiyan ZHANG Shunxu DONG Beitao XIE Liming ZHANG Qingmei WANG 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第6期1376-1378,1474,共4页
Anthocyanin accumulation during storage root development in purple-fleshed sweet potato was analyzed by detection of anthocyanin concentration, accumulation rate and the expression pattern of anthocyanin biosynthetic ... Anthocyanin accumulation during storage root development in purple-fleshed sweet potato was analyzed by detection of anthocyanin concentration, accumulation rate and the expression pattern of anthocyanin biosynthetic genes by semi-quantitative RT-PCR. Anthocyanin concentration in sweet potato cvs Jishu 18 and Ayamurasaki increased steadily during storage root development stage. The accumulation rate in two genotypes peaked at 50 to 65 d after transplanting, and then declined rapidly. During storage root development of Ayamurasaki, the anthocyanin biosynthesis gene, IbCHS, was constitutively expressed, the genes IbF3H, IbDFR, IbANS were induced steadily, reaching a maximum at the later stage of root thickening, and IbPAL steadily decreased. Therefore, the mechanism of anthocyanin accumulation differed between the two cultivars, and anthocyanin biosynthesis was regulated through regulation of its synthetic enzymes. 展开更多
关键词 Ipomoea Lam anthocyanin sweet potato Sweet purple biosynthesis enzymes steadily
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