Apocalypse Now is a 1979 American epic war film set during the Vietnam War, directed and produced by Francis Ford Coppola. It was originally adapted from the novella Heart of Darkness (1902), which was written in th...Apocalypse Now is a 1979 American epic war film set during the Vietnam War, directed and produced by Francis Ford Coppola. It was originally adapted from the novella Heart of Darkness (1902), which was written in the colonial era. Apocalypse Now Redux (2001) is a refined version of the 1979 edition. In previous researches, most scholars only focused on either of the two adapted versions in terms of thematic discussion and narrative analysis, which have ignored the significance of the evolution of the film and the changing historical contexts. Accordingly, on the basis of narrative theory and cultural study, the thesis makes a narrative analysis of the evolution of Apocalypse Now Redux (2001). It indicates that through some newly-inserted narrative elements in Apocalypse Now Redux (2001), more attention is paid to minority groups, darkness in war and media quagmire, which is related to different historical and political contexts and endeavors to remind the American public of the harsh lesson of Vietnam War in the 20th century. However, efforts to restraint the war seem to be ineffective, which is fully exemplified by Iraq War in 2003展开更多
文摘Apocalypse Now is a 1979 American epic war film set during the Vietnam War, directed and produced by Francis Ford Coppola. It was originally adapted from the novella Heart of Darkness (1902), which was written in the colonial era. Apocalypse Now Redux (2001) is a refined version of the 1979 edition. In previous researches, most scholars only focused on either of the two adapted versions in terms of thematic discussion and narrative analysis, which have ignored the significance of the evolution of the film and the changing historical contexts. Accordingly, on the basis of narrative theory and cultural study, the thesis makes a narrative analysis of the evolution of Apocalypse Now Redux (2001). It indicates that through some newly-inserted narrative elements in Apocalypse Now Redux (2001), more attention is paid to minority groups, darkness in war and media quagmire, which is related to different historical and political contexts and endeavors to remind the American public of the harsh lesson of Vietnam War in the 20th century. However, efforts to restraint the war seem to be ineffective, which is fully exemplified by Iraq War in 2003