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燕京流派房家外科“理思解结”法治疗哺乳期乳头血性溢液经验 被引量:2
作者 张子辰 张董晓 刘秀茹(指导) 《中国中医药信息杂志》 CAS CSCD 2023年第4期154-158,共5页
房世鸿主任是中医外科名家,传承御医流派学术理论,为燕京流派房家外科代表人物之一。“理思解结”是房世鸿主任在外科疾病治疗中独具特色的学术思想,是中医辨证论治原则的进一步发展,体现了局部辨证与整体辨证相结合的中医外科治疗特点... 房世鸿主任是中医外科名家,传承御医流派学术理论,为燕京流派房家外科代表人物之一。“理思解结”是房世鸿主任在外科疾病治疗中独具特色的学术思想,是中医辨证论治原则的进一步发展,体现了局部辨证与整体辨证相结合的中医外科治疗特点。产后哺乳期乳头血性溢液是导致母乳喂养中断、提前回乳的重要因素之一。房世鸿主任认为,哺乳期血性溢液的病机关键为肝郁化热、乳汁淤积、排乳不当,辨证属肝经郁热、乳络阻塞证,内治当以清热凉血、疏肝通乳为原则,方用清热止血消肿通乳汤加减,配合外治药物及房家无痛排乳手法治疗,效果显著,可有效缩短病程,恢复哺乳。本文总结燕京流派房家外科名老专家学术思想,以飨同道,为产后哺乳期乳头血性溢液的诊治提供有益借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 哺乳期乳头血性溢液 哺乳期乳腺炎 理思解结 房家外科 房世鸿
燕京流派“房家外科”治疗哺乳期乳腺疾病学术思想初探 被引量:5
作者 张董晓 赵文洁 +5 位作者 付娜 东浩 黄巧 孙宇建 王君月 刘秀茹(指导) 《中华中医药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第6期3412-3415,共4页
房世鸿为我国著名的中医外科专家,也是北京中医外科三大家“房家外科”代表人物之一。房家外科承传御医流派学术思想,理法尊宗《医宗金鉴》。房世鸿擅长治疗乳腺疾病,其在产后乳少、乳腺炎等的治疗中疗效突出,被《京城国医谱》等多部书... 房世鸿为我国著名的中医外科专家,也是北京中医外科三大家“房家外科”代表人物之一。房家外科承传御医流派学术思想,理法尊宗《医宗金鉴》。房世鸿擅长治疗乳腺疾病,其在产后乳少、乳腺炎等的治疗中疗效突出,被《京城国医谱》等多部书籍所记载。其治疗经验、外用药物、治疗手法等均传承至今,仍沾溉后人,对临床起很大指导作用。文章梳理燕京流派“房家外科”在乳腺疾病治疗中特色,包括房老在产后乳少、哺乳期乳腺炎、产后回乳、哺乳期兼症等方面内治、外治的经验体会以及妊娠哺乳特殊时期的治疗理念,以期先生之学为更多后人所用,提升乳腺疾病治疗水平。 展开更多
关键词 产后乳少 回乳 乳腺炎 房家外科 房世鸿
房家外科辨治乳腺癌经验总结 被引量:3
作者 张董晓 谭玉培 +5 位作者 付娜 黄巧 赵文洁 东浩 梁欢 刘秀茹(指导) 《中华中医药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第3期1489-1491,共3页
中医药在乳腺癌术后及放化疗后的治疗中具有很大优势,不仅可提高患者生活质量,对各种并发症的治疗也有很好疗效。以房芝萱、房世鸿为代表的房家外科,传承御医流派学术思想,是北京中医外科三大家之一,在乳腺癌的治疗中积累了丰富的经验... 中医药在乳腺癌术后及放化疗后的治疗中具有很大优势,不仅可提高患者生活质量,对各种并发症的治疗也有很好疗效。以房芝萱、房世鸿为代表的房家外科,传承御医流派学术思想,是北京中医外科三大家之一,在乳腺癌的治疗中积累了丰富的经验。文章总结房家外科及其传人在乳腺癌治疗中的经验,从分期论治和分症而治两方面分别介绍房家外科在化疗后、放疗后不同阶段的治疗经验及在乳腺癌治疗中针对胃肠功能紊乱、情绪抑郁、患肢淋巴水肿、丹毒、浅静脉炎等兼症的治疗思路和内治、外治用药。 展开更多
关键词 房芝萱 房世鸿 乳腺癌 御医流派 房家外科
淄博市房家龙山文化遗址植物考古报告 被引量:2
作者 靳桂云 王传明 +1 位作者 张克思 王泽冰 《海岱考古》 2011年第1期66-71,共6页
一、考古发掘与植物遗存分析房家遗址位于山东省淄博市张店区傅家镇房家村北。遗址地处泰沂山系北麓的冲积平原地带,地势南高北低,遗址西距孝妇河2公里。遗址地表为农田,保存状况较好,北部被原济青铁路穿过。地理坐标为北纬36°47′... 一、考古发掘与植物遗存分析房家遗址位于山东省淄博市张店区傅家镇房家村北。遗址地处泰沂山系北麓的冲积平原地带,地势南高北低,遗址西距孝妇河2公里。遗址地表为农田,保存状况较好,北部被原济青铁路穿过。地理坐标为北纬36°47′37.9″,东经118°00′03.6″。遗址于2006年12月上旬,在配合新胶济铁路工程进行沿线文物调查时发现. 展开更多
关键词 遗址 房家 张店区 考古 植物 铁路 淄博市 工程
作者 山东省文物考古研究所 淄博市文物局 +3 位作者 淄博市博物馆 张克思 王泽冰 徐新 《海岱考古》 2011年第1期30-65,585-595,共47页
一、自然环境与工作概况房家遗址位于山东省淄博市张店区傅家镇房家村北,新建房家小区之西,靠近淄博市城区,处于西外环路和西八路之间。遗址地处泰沂山系北麓的冲积平原地带,地势南高北低,西距孝妇河2公里。遗址地表为农田,保存状况较好... 一、自然环境与工作概况房家遗址位于山东省淄博市张店区傅家镇房家村北,新建房家小区之西,靠近淄博市城区,处于西外环路和西八路之间。遗址地处泰沂山系北麓的冲积平原地带,地势南高北低,西距孝妇河2公里。遗址地表为农田,保存状况较好,北部被原济青铁路穿过。地理坐标为北纬36°47′37.9″,东经118°00′03.6″(图一)。 展开更多
关键词 遗址 房家 张店区 铁路 淄博市 外环路 南高北
中医外科名家房芝萱“消托补防”理论在乳腺疾病中的应用 被引量:10
作者 张董晓 高畅 +5 位作者 付娜 东浩 黄巧 赵文洁 李书琪 刘秀茹 《世界中西医结合杂志》 2020年第9期1643-1646,1649,共5页
房芝萱教授是我国杰出的中医外科名家,承传御医流派学术思想,为燕京外科三大家之一房家外科代表人物之一。"消托补防"是房老在外科疾病治疗中极具特色的学术思想。房老此学术思想贡献在于:(1)提出防重于治,在消托补的基础上... 房芝萱教授是我国杰出的中医外科名家,承传御医流派学术思想,为燕京外科三大家之一房家外科代表人物之一。"消托补防"是房老在外科疾病治疗中极具特色的学术思想。房老此学术思想贡献在于:(1)提出防重于治,在消托补的基础上加上防的概念,即消托补防治疗外科疾病;(2)扩大消托补防理论适应证,用于所有外科疾患,而非仅限于疮疡;(3)将原为内治总则的消托补理论引入外治领域,在消托补理论指导下使用外治法治疗疾病。文中以外科中有代表性的乳腺外科疾病为例对房老"消托补防"理论的应用进行总结,系统阐述房老学术思想的三大贡献。学习名老专家经验,提升乳腺疾病治疗水平。 展开更多
关键词 房芝萱 房家外科 消托补防 乳腺疾病
Which Central and Eastern European country has the greatest potential for housing market recovery?
作者 Kristian Kahre 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2010年第11期25-33,共9页
This paper is concentrated on analyzing the CEE (Central and Eastern European) countries housing and lending market development in 2002-2009. These countries experienced real estate boom and bust phases during that ... This paper is concentrated on analyzing the CEE (Central and Eastern European) countries housing and lending market development in 2002-2009. These countries experienced real estate boom and bust phases during that time and the aim of this paper is to understand which of these countries have the greatest potential for housing market recovery. The study has conducted comparable analysis of these countries and their real estate and lending market. The data was collected from central banks, national statistic offices and real estate companies. The results suggest that countries with higher housing debt had stronger real estate booms and the current bust-cycle has caused much steeper decline in prices. This paper attempts to look at the CEE housing markets from the developer's or investor's point of view and may be useful for banks and other financial institutions which are related to housing market and lending. 展开更多
关键词 housing price-to-income ratio housing boom Central and Eastern Europe
Study on urban housing consumption selection based on Logit model
作者 Zhaoyun Li 《International English Education Research》 2015年第8期62-64,共3页
Housing problem is the problem of livelihood. The problem of housing consumer behavior has become one of the main concern of the Government after more than 10 years the rapid development of real estate. This article i... Housing problem is the problem of livelihood. The problem of housing consumer behavior has become one of the main concern of the Government after more than 10 years the rapid development of real estate. This article is based on the logit model, integrated family net worth, family income, labor factors and so on. Results showed that housing in Shanghai have household net worth is the most critical, followed by labour income and labour force. 展开更多
关键词 housing consumption logit model
The enlightenment of rental housing market in the developed countries for our country
作者 Zhaoyun Li Qing Wu 《International English Education Research》 2014年第8期20-22,共3页
a mature housing market is consist of housing market and the rental housing market .A reasonable housing rental market, not only can promote the residents' consumption, but also can realize the balance of purchase ut... a mature housing market is consist of housing market and the rental housing market .A reasonable housing rental market, not only can promote the residents' consumption, but also can realize the balance of purchase utility and the rental, reduce the impact on the microeconomic. In this paper, summarizes the Germany, the United States, Japan, Britain and other major developed countries the rental housing market management experience and make policy Suggestions on the legal protecting, Exploring the housing, protecting the interests of the lessee, paying the rent subsidies about our country housing rental market. 展开更多
关键词 housing rent developed counlries
Developments in the Romanian Real Estate: Where to?
作者 Madalina Matei Nitoiu 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2011年第5期533-539,共7页
The financial crisis has deeply affected Eastern European countries since the end of 2008. The global economic crisis put an end to a period when the region witnessed solid economic growth, high inflows of foreign inv... The financial crisis has deeply affected Eastern European countries since the end of 2008. The global economic crisis put an end to a period when the region witnessed solid economic growth, high inflows of foreign investment and a dynamic real estate sector, which was one of the main drivers of the region's economic growth (Abelson, Kaemar, & Jackofsky, 1990). The Eastern European real estate market was deeply impacted by the crisis. Investment in real estate dropped sharply due to the significant increase in risks and difficulties in financial borrowing (Bruce, 1991). Rising unemployment affected retail sales, as well as office net absorption. Take-up fell significantly in all markets: Transactions were of smaller size and demand for buildings decreased. On the supply side, vacancy increased sharply due to the high level of completions entering the market (Smith, 1992). The strong rise in vacancy rates has put pressure on rents, which dropped sharply in 2008 and in early 2009. They started to stabilize only by the end of 2009. How will the Romanian real estate market evolve? No one knows for certain. Through this work we try to get some predictions based on statistical theory and not on the lessons learned from other crises. 展开更多
关键词 real estate financial crisis Eastern European countries
Remittances to Ghana: Benefits to the Housing Sector and Impact of Financial Crisis
作者 Noah Kofi Karley 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2012年第10期1319-1337,共19页
The role of inflow of overseas remittances towards the development of housing sector in Ghana, and the impact of recent financial crisis on the development process is investigated. This is achieved through a review an... The role of inflow of overseas remittances towards the development of housing sector in Ghana, and the impact of recent financial crisis on the development process is investigated. This is achieved through a review and analysis of information gathered through national and international statistical sources and targeted household and institutional interviews. As a prelude to the analysis the study assessed the importance of remittance as large and growing part of the economic underpinning of developing countries. It then assesses whether remittances have a particular relationship with housing. The research provided an estimate of the nature, level and uses of remittances and the different cyclical characters of other flows. It reveals that the successful real estate market development across Ghana during the past decade benefited from a buoyant national economy, improved financial systems and family remittances. However, the picture changed especially during 2008 attributed mainly to the global financial crisis and economic downturn. The reverberating problems of unemployment and high levels of bankruptcies in the advanced countries were felt but not as pronounced as they were in the major industrialised economies. The discussions concluded by posing a much broader question in relation to other developing countries about how remittances could be mobilised towards the development of the housing sector. 展开更多
关键词 Migrant remittances housing sector financial crisis
For a Still “Social” Housing: The Fluent Governance
作者 Michelina Venditti Gianluca Antonucci +1 位作者 Camillo Stefano Pasott Simone di Zio 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2015年第8期938-950,共13页
Network governance, widely used as theoretical model in investigations on social housing, is not free from critiques, first of all, for the fact that it has a uni-directionality of bottom-up processes, when oriented t... Network governance, widely used as theoretical model in investigations on social housing, is not free from critiques, first of all, for the fact that it has a uni-directionality of bottom-up processes, when oriented to public deliberation, or top-down when decision-makers are technical experts at the political level. Given the new complexity of the social housing issue and the considered limits of the network governance, this work aims at looking for a possible different theoretical framework able to give different tools to simplify decision making processes without any alteration of any basic decisional element. The contribution given by this work is the proposition of what has been called "fluent governance" as a framework of decision making able to represent the whole spectrum of interventions in the process, also taking into account aspects not captured by standard models. The paper reports an experimentation of the proposed model conducted in Italy in the field of renovating social housing policy. 展开更多
关键词 Govemance social housing structural analysis network governance decision making.
中医外科名家房世鸿治疗乳腺增生症经验总结 被引量:20
作者 张董晓 赵文洁 +3 位作者 黄巧 付娜 东浩 刘秀茹(指导) 《中华中医药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第9期4308-4310,共3页
乳腺增生症是临床常见疾病,中医药治疗具有较大优势。房世鸿老师是"房家外科"代表人物之一。其承传御医流派学术思想,擅长治疗乳腺疾病,疗效突出,在同行中享有盛誉。房老在乳腺增生症的治疗中辨证精当、用药考究,独具特色。... 乳腺增生症是临床常见疾病,中医药治疗具有较大优势。房世鸿老师是"房家外科"代表人物之一。其承传御医流派学术思想,擅长治疗乳腺疾病,疗效突出,在同行中享有盛誉。房老在乳腺增生症的治疗中辨证精当、用药考究,独具特色。文章总结房老对乳腺增生症中医病机认识与辨证论治经验、具体用药特色,以期为临床治疗提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 房世鸿 外科名家 乳腺增生症 房家外科 经验
从肝脾辨治乳头溢液经验总结 被引量:1
作者 张董晓 谭玉培 +4 位作者 赵文洁 黄巧 付娜 东浩 刘秀茹 《现代中医临床》 2022年第5期68-71,共4页
乳头溢液属中医“乳泣”“乳汁自出”范畴,血性溢液属“乳衄”范畴。房家外科在乳腺等各类外科疾病诊疗方面经验丰富,本文总结房家外科从肝脾辨治乳头溢液的经验。临床以辨病为先。病机上,病责肝脾,认为乳头溢液和肝郁化火及脾虚失统关... 乳头溢液属中医“乳泣”“乳汁自出”范畴,血性溢液属“乳衄”范畴。房家外科在乳腺等各类外科疾病诊疗方面经验丰富,本文总结房家外科从肝脾辨治乳头溢液的经验。临床以辨病为先。病机上,病责肝脾,认为乳头溢液和肝郁化火及脾虚失统关系密切;治疗上,针对肝郁化火、血热妄行和脾虚失统、痰凝血瘀两类证候,分别予疏肝清热、凉血止血及健脾行气、活血化痰之法;同药异治,根据同一味中药炮制方法、采摘时机、入药部位等不同而辨证使用;在乳头溢液治疗中擅用玄参和仙鹤草两味中药。 展开更多
关键词 肝脾辨治 乳头溢液 房家外科
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