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辽河油田西部凹陷雷家地区房身泡组玄武岩储层特征研究 被引量:1
作者 刘玉婷 《化工设计通讯》 CAS 2020年第5期253-253,265,共2页
利用岩心、薄片、电镜、分析化验资料研究辽河油田西部凹陷房身泡组玄武岩储层特征,结果表明:房身泡组玄武岩主要岩石类型为火山熔岩玄武岩,次为火山碎屑岩类。火山熔岩类包括了玄武岩、杏仁状玄武岩、角砾状玄武岩和蚀变玄武岩。火山... 利用岩心、薄片、电镜、分析化验资料研究辽河油田西部凹陷房身泡组玄武岩储层特征,结果表明:房身泡组玄武岩主要岩石类型为火山熔岩玄武岩,次为火山碎屑岩类。火山熔岩类包括了玄武岩、杏仁状玄武岩、角砾状玄武岩和蚀变玄武岩。火山碎屑岩类包括了玄武质凝灰岩和玄武质火山角砾岩。该套岩石蚀变深,普遍见碳酸盐交代、充填。裂缝和次生溶孔为有利的储集空间类型;物性表现为中-高孔,中-高渗。 展开更多
关键词 西部凹陷 房身泡组 玄武岩 储层特征
作者 唐洁云 《化工设计通讯》 CAS 2020年第5期254-255,共2页
利用岩石薄片、铸体薄片、扫描电镜、分析化验资料探讨辽河油田西部凹陷房身泡组玄武岩储层主控因素,分析孔隙演化过程,建立孔隙形成模式,进而讨论玄武岩的形成环境。结果表明:房身泡组玄武岩储层受构造作用、成岩作用和上覆烃源岩的影... 利用岩石薄片、铸体薄片、扫描电镜、分析化验资料探讨辽河油田西部凹陷房身泡组玄武岩储层主控因素,分析孔隙演化过程,建立孔隙形成模式,进而讨论玄武岩的形成环境。结果表明:房身泡组玄武岩储层受构造作用、成岩作用和上覆烃源岩的影响。雷家房身泡组玄武岩为陆上喷发板状玄武岩,并非水下喷发玄武岩。 展开更多
关键词 西部凹陷 房身泡组 玄武岩 主控因素
作者 关传宇 《黑龙江史志》 2015年第14期16-16,共1页
1987年8月17日,双城县(1988年撤县变市)兰棱镇房身泡屯的农民许义,在自家院内距地表30厘米、长、宽约50厘米的坑内,发现了铜镜、瓷碗、瓷杯、小瓷罐、瓷碟、瓷瓶、灰陶罐、铁犁铧、铁车穿、剪刀、铁门扣、铁圈、铁锥子等,还有北宋"... 1987年8月17日,双城县(1988年撤县变市)兰棱镇房身泡屯的农民许义,在自家院内距地表30厘米、长、宽约50厘米的坑内,发现了铜镜、瓷碗、瓷杯、小瓷罐、瓷碟、瓷瓶、灰陶罐、铁犁铧、铁车穿、剪刀、铁门扣、铁圈、铁锥子等,还有北宋"崇宁通宝"、"崇宁重宝"等文物,共计22件。许义发现这批文物后,立即报告了镇文化站,现在这批文物已由县文管所收藏。 展开更多
关键词 兰棱镇房身泡屯 宋代 出土文物
《吉林农业》 2016年第1期26-26,共1页
关键词 环岭街道 吉林省 桦甸市 新湖镇 二道江区 雁鸣湖镇 省级 房身 合心镇 东昌区 曙光镇 东辽县 桦郊乡 山村 安图县 珲春市
"Mass Production" in the Mass Consumption Societies The Case of Male Bodybuilding
作者 Guillaume Vallet 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2014年第3期208-218,共11页
Nowadays, the body seems to be the perfect object of consumption. People use it to define themselves but also as a vehicle that can send signs to others in the hope that their body will be a factor of social integrati... Nowadays, the body seems to be the perfect object of consumption. People use it to define themselves but also as a vehicle that can send signs to others in the hope that their body will be a factor of social integration and social recognition. Hence we can observe the development of practices of body transformations which go along with the philosophy of the society in which everything seems possible for everybody, with no limit whatsoever. Indeed, if you want your body to be seen, you have to "produce" it before. The practice of bodybuilding sustains efforts in that direction: historically born and developed along with the consumption society, it came to embody its values. The analysis is based on qualitative methodology that is observations in three bodybuilding Gyms and 30 interviews with bodybuilders in France. The results show that bodybuilding reflects the consumption society's norms, that is a practice in which the body is in tension between imitation and distinction, hence showing the will to be "like others but in better" thanks to the production of a nice and "massive" body. Such a dimension could sometimes be dialectical, when the body becomes a source of alienation. 展开更多
关键词 BODYBUILDING CAPITALISM consumption societies
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