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作者 刘梦琦 朱永林 杨志成 《电子世界》 2018年第1期192-192,194,共2页
研发一种基于室内结构的空调送风控制系统。该系统可以使空调送风时,控制系统根据房屋结构(长度、宽度、高度)进行控制,最大限度的保证室内各个位置送风量均匀、人体舒适度强;并针对较狭长房间,为了保证距离空调出风口最远处的人也能享... 研发一种基于室内结构的空调送风控制系统。该系统可以使空调送风时,控制系统根据房屋结构(长度、宽度、高度)进行控制,最大限度的保证室内各个位置送风量均匀、人体舒适度强;并针对较狭长房间,为了保证距离空调出风口最远处的人也能享受空调带来的舒适,避免了空调机组全过程高负荷运转,造成能源的浪费。 展开更多
关键词 送风控制系统 空调机组 房间结构 人体舒适度 房屋结构 送风量 出风口 高负荷
作者 孟二林 于航 +2 位作者 刘成刚 孙志高 周波 《苏州科技学院学报(工程技术版)》 CAS 2015年第4期1-5,共5页
关键词 组合式相变房间围护结构 室内空气温度 热流密度
猪心脏房间隔解剖参数测定 被引量:4
作者 张杨杨 王永武 +1 位作者 张倞 李刚 《实验动物与比较医学》 CAS 2007年第4期244-245,共2页
目的应用新测量方法为心导管术堵闭房间隔缺损(ASD)动物模型建立提供形态学数据。方法20例新鲜家猪心脏,常规测量方法和低熔点石蜡灌注测量方法,分别测量房间隔周围结构数据。结果在各数值中低熔点石蜡灌注测量方法均较常规测量方法大(P... 目的应用新测量方法为心导管术堵闭房间隔缺损(ASD)动物模型建立提供形态学数据。方法20例新鲜家猪心脏,常规测量方法和低熔点石蜡灌注测量方法,分别测量房间隔周围结构数据。结果在各数值中低熔点石蜡灌注测量方法均较常规测量方法大(P<0.01)。结论在测量房间隔周围结构中,低熔点石蜡灌注测量值更接近生理实际情况。 展开更多
关键词 房间结构 心脏
关于渗透通风条件建筑结构对室内PM2.5浓度水平影响评价模型探讨 被引量:2
作者 陈超 陈紫光 +2 位作者 吴玉琴 魏绅 王平 《环境科学研究》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第11期1761-1768,共8页
我国京津冀地区近年频遭大气PM_(2.5)污染侵扰,相关研究表明,既使关闭建筑外窗,大气中PM_(2.5)仍可以通过渗透通风方式进入室内污染环境.为定量评价建筑渗透通风及无室内污染源条件下建筑结构(如外窗缝隙结构、房间建筑结构等)对室内ρ(... 我国京津冀地区近年频遭大气PM_(2.5)污染侵扰,相关研究表明,既使关闭建筑外窗,大气中PM_(2.5)仍可以通过渗透通风方式进入室内污染环境.为定量评价建筑渗透通风及无室内污染源条件下建筑结构(如外窗缝隙结构、房间建筑结构等)对室内ρ(PM_(2.5))的影响规律,基于北京市东城区、朝阳区6个不同建筑结构的房间室内外ρ(PM_(2.5))实时监测数据,重点比较分析了建筑结构对室内外ρ(PM_(2.5))关联特性的影响规律.此外,根据颗粒物穿透特性及沉降特性机理,提出了反映建筑外窗缝隙结构(如缝高、缝深)的无量纲特征参数AP与反映房间建筑结构(如层高、开间、进深)的无量纲特征参数Ak.在前期提出的室内ρ(PM_(2.5))预测模型基础上,进一步构建了二者(AP与Ak)对室内ρ(PM_(2.5))影响的评价模型,并通过实测数据验证了模型的正确性.结果表明:当室外PM_(2.5)污染程度与气象条件一定时,建筑结构对I/O[室内外ρ(PM_(2.5))之比]影响较大,其范围在0.4~0.7之间;随着建筑外窗气密性等级的提高,对应室内ρ(PM_(2.5))呈显著的下降趋势.建筑外窗缝隙结构对室内ρ(PM_(2.5))影响程度远大于房间建筑结构,敏感性分析结果表明,当建筑外窗缝高每降低50%或缝深每提高50%,对应室内ρ(PM_(2.5))约可下降33.6%与31.9%.研究显示,气密性等级较高的建筑外窗缝隙缝高往往较小、缝深较长,渗透通风条件下对控制室内ρ(PM_(2.5))水平作用更显著。 展开更多
关键词 PM2.5污染 建筑外窗缝隙通风特性 外窗缝隙结构特征 房间建筑结构特征 评价模型
房建结构设计节能环保问题研究 被引量:3
作者 朱树根 《江西建材》 2016年第23期49-50,共2页
笔者基于房建结构中节能环保设计状况实地调查之后,并结合相关理论和国家政策进行分析,充分意识到在资源日益匮乏,生态环境日趋恶化的总趋势下,建筑行业应改变传统的发展模式,走集约化发展道路,顺应人们对环保、绿色和舒适这一追求的潮... 笔者基于房建结构中节能环保设计状况实地调查之后,并结合相关理论和国家政策进行分析,充分意识到在资源日益匮乏,生态环境日趋恶化的总趋势下,建筑行业应改变传统的发展模式,走集约化发展道路,顺应人们对环保、绿色和舒适这一追求的潮流,从而提高房建设计的科学性和节约性,提高居民居住舒适度和幸福指数。 展开更多
关键词 房间结构 节能 环保 问题
房建结构楼板裂缝问题要点探讨 被引量:2
作者 刘朝阳 《科技传播》 2013年第11期45-46,共2页
近几年房地产市场的竞争愈演愈烈,加之人们对生活质量及品质的要求越来越高,房地产界便面临着极大压力和挑战。建筑企业为了提高自身的竞争力以期在建筑市场上能够立于不败之地,不少房地产公司建造了既科学、经济又风格迥异的精品住房... 近几年房地产市场的竞争愈演愈烈,加之人们对生活质量及品质的要求越来越高,房地产界便面临着极大压力和挑战。建筑企业为了提高自身的竞争力以期在建筑市场上能够立于不败之地,不少房地产公司建造了既科学、经济又风格迥异的精品住房。诸多现浇板因其自身的整体性能好、抗震能力强以及经济实用等多重特点而被广泛应用到商品房的建造施工中,与此同时居民楼也被广泛的应用了现浇板。随着大量的现浇板投入到房屋建设中去,一些裂缝问题也随之产生,使得住户的日常生活受到打扰。现浇板裂缝也就成了各方各界所关注的重点,下面本文便根据房间结构楼板的特点,分析了楼板出现裂缝的原因以及需要采取的防治对策,希望对同行有所借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 房间结构 楼板裂缝 要点分析
建筑内人员疏散的一种网络模型算法的讨论 被引量:14
作者 陈智明 霍然 王国栋 《火灾科学》 CSCD 2004年第2期90-94,共5页
针对疏散模型问题进行了一些讨论,在分析疏散模型的基础上,认为网络模型较为适合工程应用,确定发展网络疏散模型。在讨论网络疏散模型路径时,首先将整个建筑物模型划分为四种不同的结构,并假设了模型成立的条件,再按照典型的流量限制原... 针对疏散模型问题进行了一些讨论,在分析疏散模型的基础上,认为网络模型较为适合工程应用,确定发展网络疏散模型。在讨论网络疏散模型路径时,首先将整个建筑物模型划分为四种不同的结构,并假设了模型成立的条件,再按照典型的流量限制原理和该单元内疏散的特点,分别讨论了这四种不同类型的结构的算法。 展开更多
关键词 网络模型 疏散算法 房间结构 大厅结构 楼梯结构 电梯结构 人员疏散方法 火灾事故 安全通道
《世界建筑》 北大核心 2005年第6期46-47,共2页
关键词 机械工程学院 工业大学 慕尼黑 技术 德国 房间结构 新建筑 建筑物
作者 药一男 伍笑(摄影) 《数码》 2006年第1期172-173,共2页
经过一番奋斗,终于有了自己的窝,地方虽然不大,却很是舒适惬意。小客厅才21平米,但是小有小住,照样可以舒服地小资一把。 这是一间结构规整的21平米客厅,装修得简约精致,给人很淡雅的感觉。地面铺的是浅色的木地板,墙面、窗户... 经过一番奋斗,终于有了自己的窝,地方虽然不大,却很是舒适惬意。小客厅才21平米,但是小有小住,照样可以舒服地小资一把。 这是一间结构规整的21平米客厅,装修得简约精致,给人很淡雅的感觉。地面铺的是浅色的木地板,墙面、窗户和窗帘都是浅色的,这种搭配让房间显得很明亮。家具也很淡雅,电视柜和地板一样,同为很浅的原木色,而浅绿色的布面沙发则给这间客厅增添了几分激情和活动。在电器的选择上,当然也要遵循房间结构的特点。作为客厅主要家电的视听产品尽量不选择黑色,其他产品也应尽量符合房间的整体风格,总预算为33000元。 展开更多
关键词 客厅 简约 房间结构 现代 视听产品 木地板 淡雅 浅色 舒适 装修
作者 萧爱彬 郭丽丽 +2 位作者 全昌杰 李耿 沐沐 《城市住宅》 2004年第2期94-99,共6页
对于联体别墅而言.楼梯是至关重要的,因为通常联体别墅的平面面积不会很大.如果楼梯的位置和造型设计不好,就会破坏整个房间的结构.要么占用大量有效空间.使其它使用面积减小.要么直接影响其它房间的面貌,如果都一样.就是造成... 对于联体别墅而言.楼梯是至关重要的,因为通常联体别墅的平面面积不会很大.如果楼梯的位置和造型设计不好,就会破坏整个房间的结构.要么占用大量有效空间.使其它使用面积减小.要么直接影响其它房间的面貌,如果都一样.就是造成空间的浪费。 展开更多
关键词 联体别墅 楼梯 造型设计 房间结构 建筑空间
作者 Camp Yu(图) 《微型计算机》 2018年第17期12-13,共2页
网络的重要性在如今早已和以往不可相提并论,断网成为了一件比停气停水更加无法接受的事故—当然,重庆789月高温停水除外。然而,由于种种条件的限制,很少有人家中的无线信号能让人满意。以我的体验来看,单个无线路由满足三四十平米乃至... 网络的重要性在如今早已和以往不可相提并论,断网成为了一件比停气停水更加无法接受的事故—当然,重庆789月高温停水除外。然而,由于种种条件的限制,很少有人家中的无线信号能让人满意。以我的体验来看,单个无线路由满足三四十平米乃至五六十平米的房间并没有太大问题,但对于稍微大点譬如一百平米又或者障碍物较多的房间结构就难免不出现几处死角了。正是因为这些原因,分布式无线路由在最近发展得很快。在这方面,华硕是当之无愧的领导者之一。从第一款Lyra分布式无线路由到现在仅仅不到一年的时间,华硕又已经推出了旗下第二款分布式无线路由,也就是让人惊艳的Lyra Trio智能分布式路由(下文简称Trio)。 展开更多
关键词 无线路由 分布式路由 平方 覆盖 房间结构 Lyra 无线信号 障碍物
作者 郑冰 李凌 《城市住宅》 2004年第2期72-79,共8页
这个样板房最有特色的是它是个集住宅和营商用途于一体的单位。只有一百多平方米的空间,同时充当住宅和办公室的角色,这是一个比较新的定位,最适合事业刚起步的小公司以及 SOHO 一族人士。这个示范单位的主题是为从事 IT 行业的人士而... 这个样板房最有特色的是它是个集住宅和营商用途于一体的单位。只有一百多平方米的空间,同时充当住宅和办公室的角色,这是一个比较新的定位,最适合事业刚起步的小公司以及 SOHO 一族人士。这个示范单位的主题是为从事 IT 行业的人士而设。设计师在确定了这次的主题之后,大胆地对房间结构进行改造。为改善之前长条型的房间结构,设计师使用了大面积玻璃扩大了视觉,使整个空间都开阔起来。在面山的那面墙上也使用了玻璃,把窗外的山色反映到室内来,丰富了室内的景色。 展开更多
关键词 样板房 房间结构 室内设计 建筑风格
B&O BeoLab 14家庭影院音箱
《现代音响技术》 2013年第11期13-13,共1页
BeoLab14是个可供任意选配的方案。你可以根据实际需求,选择卫星箱和超低音的数量。所有音箱都已内置功放,省却了这部分的花销。BeoLab14的卫星箱共有6种织物面网可选,外壳由阳极氧化铝打造,钢材支架,底座选用轻便的铝材制作。当... BeoLab14是个可供任意选配的方案。你可以根据实际需求,选择卫星箱和超低音的数量。所有音箱都已内置功放,省却了这部分的花销。BeoLab14的卫星箱共有6种织物面网可选,外壳由阳极氧化铝打造,钢材支架,底座选用轻便的铝材制作。当然,你也可以将它挂在墙壁上使用。超低音内置8英寸单元和280W的D类数字功放,输出功率可根据房间结构和大小做出自适应的处理。是种非常智能化的设计。 展开更多
关键词 家庭影院音箱 内置功放 阳极氧化铝 数字功放 房间结构 输出功率 超低音 卫星箱
Insight into the structural features of organic species in Fushun oil shale via thermal dissolution 被引量:3
作者 Shengkang Wang Xianyong Wei Zhimin Zong 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第10期2162-2168,共7页
Fushun oil shale(FOS) was subjected to thermal dissolution(TD) under different conditions. The results show that the optimal solvent, temperature, time, and ratio of solvent to FOS are ethanol, 300 °C, 2 h, and 5... Fushun oil shale(FOS) was subjected to thermal dissolution(TD) under different conditions. The results show that the optimal solvent, temperature, time, and ratio of solvent to FOS are ethanol, 300 °C, 2 h, and 5 ml·g^(-1),respectively and the corresponding yield of the soluble portion(SP) is 32.2%(daf), which is much higher than the oil content of FOS(ca. 6%), suggesting that TD in ethanol is an excellent way to extract organics from FOS.According to 3 direct analyses, aliphatic moieties in FOS are the most abundant followed by C\\O-containing moieties and each cluster in FOS has 3 conjugated aromatic rings on average with fewer substituents. According to the analysis with a gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer, alkanes are predominant in all the SPs. A number of alkenes were identified in the SPs from the TD, while none of the alkenes were detected in acetone-SP obtained at room temperature, implying that the TD can destroy the π-π and intertwining interactions between alkenes and macromolecular structures in FOS. Moreover, a small amount of alkyl-substituted phenols and alkoxysubstituted phenols were detected in ethanol-SP from the TD, which could be the products from ethanolyzing the macromolecular moiety of FOS. 展开更多
关键词 Oil shale Structural feature Thermal dissolution
Toxicity of Chlorpyrifos and Dimethoate to the Ciliate Urostyla grandis, with Notes on Their Effects on Cell Ultrastructure
作者 MU Weijie WARREN Alan +1 位作者 PAN Xuming YING Chen 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第3期697-704,共8页
Chlorpyrifos and dimethoate are overused agricultural pesticides that can trigger trophic cascades, resulting in toxicity to both terrestrial and aquatic organisms as well as altered ecosystems. In previous studies, s... Chlorpyrifos and dimethoate are overused agricultural pesticides that can trigger trophic cascades, resulting in toxicity to both terrestrial and aquatic organisms as well as altered ecosystems. In previous studies, substantial attention has been given to the effects of pesticides on vertebrate species and, to a lesser extent, species of zooplankton. The present study was designed to show that the fission time effective concentration in ciliates is a potential aquatic detection index for environmental monitoring. The ciliate Urostyla grandis was treated with doses of chlorpyrifos and dimethoate. After exposed to the pesticides, the LC_(50)(i.e., concentration that killed 50% of the ciliate cells within 24 h) values were 0.029 mg L^(-1) for chlorpyrifos and 0.0685 mg L^(-1) for dimethoate. The fission time effective concentrations after 168 h of exposure were 0.0075–0.0093 mg L^(-1) for chlorpyrifos and 0.2640–0.2750 mg L^(-1) for dimethoate. These results show that the fission time effective concentration is lower than the LC_(50) value in ciliates, indicating that fission time effective concentration is more suitable than the LC_(50) value for environmental monitoring using ciliates. The effects of chlorpyrifos and dimethoate on ciliate cell ultrastructures included agglutination of chromatin in the macronucleus, protruded and discontinuous macronuclear and micronuclear membranes, loss of integrity of mitochondrial membranes and contents, and abscission and deformation of the adoral zone of membranelles. 展开更多
关键词 CILIATE fission time effective concentration LC50 PESTICIDE ULTRASTRUCTURE
作者 本刊记者 《高保真音响》 2012年第12期56-58,共3页
关键词 展览会 音响 国际 北京 房间结构 酒店 展会
Deformation mode-determined misorientation and microstructural characteristics in rolled pure Zr sheet 被引量:3
作者 CHAI LinJiang XIA JiYing +4 位作者 ZHI Yan GOU YinNing CHEN LiangYu YANG ZhiNan GUO Ning 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第9期1346-1352,共7页
In this work, commercially pure Zr sheets were subjected to β air cooling and then rolled to different reductions(10% and 50%)at room temperature. Microstructures of both the β-air-cooled and the rolled specimens we... In this work, commercially pure Zr sheets were subjected to β air cooling and then rolled to different reductions(10% and 50%)at room temperature. Microstructures of both the β-air-cooled and the rolled specimens were well characterized by electron channelling contrast imaging and electron backscatter diffraction techniques, with special attentions paid to their misorientation characteristics. Results show that the β-air-cooled specimen owns a Widmanst?tten structure featured by lamellar grains with typical phase transformation misorientations. The 10% rolling allows prismatic slip and tensile twinning({11-21}<11-2-6> and{10-12}<10-11>) to be activated profusely, which produce new low-angle(~3°–5°) and high-angle(~35° and ~85°) misorientation peaks, respectively. After increasing the rolling reduction to 50%, twinning is suppressed and dislocation slip becomes the dominant deformation mode, with the lamellar grains highly elongated and aligned towards the rolling direction.Meanwhile, only one strong low-angle misorientation peak related to the prismatic slip is presented in the 50%-rolled specimen,with all other peaks disappeared. Analyses on local misorientations reveal that hardly any residual strains exist in the β-air-cooled specimen, which should be related to their sufficient relaxation during slow cooling. Residual strains introduced by 10% rolling are heterogeneously distributed near grain/twin boundaries while heavier deformation(50% rolling) produces much larger residual strains pervasively existing throughout the specimen microstructure. 展开更多
关键词 pure Zr ROLLING MISORIENTATION TWINNING electron backscatter diffraction
Microstructural characteristics of cold-rolled Zr-2.5Nb alloy annealed near the monotectoid temperature 被引量:3
作者 CHAI LinJiang WU Hao +3 位作者 WANG ShuYan LUAN BaiFeng WU Yue HUANG XiaoYu 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第4期558-566,共9页
A dual-phase Zr-2.5 Nb alloy was rolled at room temperature to 50% reduction and then annealed at two temperatures(560 and580°C) near the monotectoid temperature. X-ray diffraction, electron channeling contrast i... A dual-phase Zr-2.5 Nb alloy was rolled at room temperature to 50% reduction and then annealed at two temperatures(560 and580°C) near the monotectoid temperature. X-ray diffraction, electron channeling contrast imaging and electron backscatter diffraction techniques were jointly used to characterize microstructural characteristics developed in the as-rolled and annealed specimens. Results show that plastic deformation occurs in both bulk α-Zr grains and thin β-Zr films during rolling, allowing large lattice strains to be accumulated in β-Zr and active dislocation slip(especially the prismatic áa?slip) to be initiated in α-Zr. During subsequent annealing at 580°C, the prior β-Zr films are transformed into submicron β-Zr particles, which lose coherency(the Burgers orientation relationship) with surrounding α grains. In the specimen annealed at 560°C, however, the prior β-Zr films are found to be decomposed into nanoscale β-Nb particles. In both the annealed specimens, the β-Zr and the β-Nb particles appeared to be linearly distributed along the rolling direction. Two types of α structures, i.e., small equiaxed crystallites formed by recovery of dislocation structures and coarse bamboo-like recrystallized grains, are revealed in the annealed specimens. Effective boundary pinning due to the dense β-phase particles is demonstrated to play a key role in forming such unusual bamboo-like grains. 展开更多
关键词 Zr alloy dual-phase microstructure rolling recrystallization electron backscatter diffraction
Intensive photocatalytic activity enhancement of Bi5O7I via coupling with band structure and content adjustable BiOBrxI1-x 被引量:1
作者 Xin Li Tiedan Chen +3 位作者 Haili Lin Jing Cao Hongwei Huang Shifu Chen 《Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CSCD 2018年第4期219-227,共9页
Band structure and component content are the key factors for determining the activity of semiconductor heterojunction. In this study, a novel Bi5O7I/BiOBrxI1-x heterostructure was synthesized by a simple hydrobromic ... Band structure and component content are the key factors for determining the activity of semiconductor heterojunction. In this study, a novel Bi5O7I/BiOBrxI1-x heterostructure was synthesized by a simple hydrobromic (HBr) acid etching method through transforming partial of Bi5O7I to I ion doped BiOBr (BiOBrxI1-x) at room temperature without adding extra dopant. Both the band structure and component content of Bi5O7I/BiOBrxI1-x alter with the additive HBr acid. The Bi5O7I/BiOBrxI1-x (S3.0) sample exhibits the best photocatalytic activity, 6 times higher than that of pure Bis071, for the degradation of methyl orange under visible-light (2 〉 420 nm). The activity enhancement of Bi5O7I/BiOBrxI1-x is primarily ascribed to the improved separation efficiency of photocharges, originated from the adjustable band structure and component content, The significant findings of this paper provide a facile way to construct highly efficient semiconductor heterojunction via playing the synergetic effect of adjustable band struc- ture and component content for purifying organic pollutants in wastewater. 展开更多
关键词 Bi5O7I/BiOBrxI1-xBand structureComponent contentPhotocatalytic activity
Prevalent intrinsic emission from nonaromatic amino acids and poly(amino acids) 被引量:9
作者 Xiaohong Chen Weijian Luo +3 位作者 Huili Ma Qian Peng Wang Zhang Yuan Yongming Zhang 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第3期351-359,共9页
Nonaromatic amino acids are generally believed to be nonemissive, owing to their lack of apparently remarkable conjugation within individual molecules. Here we report the intrinsic visible emission of nonaromatic amin... Nonaromatic amino acids are generally believed to be nonemissive, owing to their lack of apparently remarkable conjugation within individual molecules. Here we report the intrinsic visible emission of nonaromatic amino acids and poly(amino acids) in concentrated solutions and solid powders. This unique and widespread luminescent characteristic can be well rationalized by the clustering-triggered emission(CTE) mechanism, namely the clustering of nonconventional chromophores(i.e. amino, carbonyl,and hydroxyl) and subsequent electron cloud overlap with simultaneous conformation rigidification. Such CTE mechanism is further supported by the single crystal structure analysis, from which 3 D through space electronic communications are uncovered.Besides prompt fluorescence, room temperature phosphorescence(RTP) is also detected from the solids. Moreover, persistent RTP is observed in the powders of exampled poly(amino acids) of ε-poly-L-lysine(.-PLL) after ceasing UV irradiation. These results not only illustrate the feasibility of employing the building blocks of nonaromatic amino acids in the exploration of new luminescent biomolecules, but also provide significant implications for the emissions of peptides and proteins at aggregated or crystalline states. Meanwhile, they may also shed lights on further understanding of autofluorescence from biological systems. 展开更多
关键词 nonaromatic amino acids aggregation-induced emission clustering-triggered emission through space electronic communications room temperature phosphorescence
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