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左手疾病 右手生活
作者 刘耀兰 《家庭健康(医学科普)》 2015年第1期1-1,共1页
关键词 手疾病 生活 思想压力 长期服药 诊断室 糖尿病
作者 许怀瑾 《中国农村医学》 1995年第5期5-8,共4页
第4讲手部疾病门诊小手术(2)许怀瑾100730北京市同仁医院2手部感染手部感染在门急诊工作中是一种较为常见的手部疾病。引起感染的原因常是一些微小的损伤,如甲根部逆剥肉倒刺、刺伤、擦伤。有的由于砸伤,甲下或指腹血肿等... 第4讲手部疾病门诊小手术(2)许怀瑾100730北京市同仁医院2手部感染手部感染在门急诊工作中是一种较为常见的手部疾病。引起感染的原因常是一些微小的损伤,如甲根部逆剥肉倒刺、刺伤、擦伤。有的由于砸伤,甲下或指腹血肿等所致。这些微小的损伤一旦发生感染,... 展开更多
关键词 手疾病 外科 甲沟炎 部感染
作者 许怀瑾 《中国农村医学》 1995年第6期7-10,共4页
第6讲手部疾病门诊小手术(3)许怀瑾100730北京同仁医院3指(趾)腱鞘疾病3.1狭窄性腱鞘炎本病为一常见慢性腱鞘损伤,因为任何一根长的肌腱在越过关节的伸屈面处,都有坚韧的腱鞘将其约束在骨上,以防止肌腱向关节屈面弹... 第6讲手部疾病门诊小手术(3)许怀瑾100730北京同仁医院3指(趾)腱鞘疾病3.1狭窄性腱鞘炎本病为一常见慢性腱鞘损伤,因为任何一根长的肌腱在越过关节的伸屈面处,都有坚韧的腱鞘将其约束在骨上,以防止肌腱向关节屈面弹出和向两侧滑移,因此在该处腱鞘和骨... 展开更多
关键词 手疾病 外科 指腱鞘疾病 腱鞘囊肿
作者 许怀瑾 《中国农村医学》 1995年第4期8-12,共5页
第4讲手部疾病门诊小手术(1)许怀瑾100730北京市同仁医院1手指外伤手外伤的类型各异,有的处理非常复杂,如断指再植、断手再植、手软组织广泛损伤等,一般非门诊能处理的不属本节内容。本节只限于末节手指的小损伤。手指末... 第4讲手部疾病门诊小手术(1)许怀瑾100730北京市同仁医院1手指外伤手外伤的类型各异,有的处理非常复杂,如断指再植、断手再植、手软组织广泛损伤等,一般非门诊能处理的不属本节内容。本节只限于末节手指的小损伤。手指末节外伤虽不严重,但在急诊中极为常见... 展开更多
关键词 手疾病 外科 指外伤 甲下血肿 甲下异物
手区胃疾病生物信息影像表达的研究 被引量:3
作者 谢莉青 刘希双 李水贤 《山东中医药大学学报》 2011年第4期299-301,共3页
目的:基于胎儿生物信息基本形态在孕妇手掌内可成像展现的研究成果,探讨胃疾病信息与信息传递现象是否在手掌展现及如何用现代科学技术表达。方法:通过模式识别技术提取手区胃疾病生物信息特征,转换成数字影像表达;利用胃息肉切除前后... 目的:基于胎儿生物信息基本形态在孕妇手掌内可成像展现的研究成果,探讨胃疾病信息与信息传递现象是否在手掌展现及如何用现代科学技术表达。方法:通过模式识别技术提取手区胃疾病生物信息特征,转换成数字影像表达;利用胃息肉切除前后胃镜的临床结果与同期手区影像色谱图实测结果进行比对。结果:手区影像所表达的胃息肉形态、定位与胃镜下的描述是一致的,且息肉切除的生物信息会迅速传递到手区成像。结论:手区胃(息肉)生物信息的影像表达是胃(息肉)生物信息的反映,手区具有体内脏器病证生物信息实时表达的功能,初步证实了"大脑对体内器官存在监控表达体系"假说的客观存在。 展开更多
关键词 疾病 胃息肉 疾病生物信息影像色谱图 图像处理 模式识别
糖尿病对手外科疾病的影响 被引量:6
作者 王圣淳 查振刚 +1 位作者 郑小飞 王华军 《中国骨科临床与基础研究杂志》 2020年第2期118-124,共7页
手外科疾病是骨科门急诊常见病多发病。近年来研究发现,糖尿病与手外科疾病的发生、发展及预后存在明显相关性,不仅会增加手外科疾病的发病率,而且对其治疗效果产生影响。本文综述糖尿病对屈肌腱狭窄性腱鞘炎、手部骨关节炎、掌腱膜挛... 手外科疾病是骨科门急诊常见病多发病。近年来研究发现,糖尿病与手外科疾病的发生、发展及预后存在明显相关性,不仅会增加手外科疾病的发病率,而且对其治疗效果产生影响。本文综述糖尿病对屈肌腱狭窄性腱鞘炎、手部骨关节炎、掌腱膜挛缩症、腕管综合征、手和腕部骨折等手外科疾病的影响,并提出相应的预防措施。 展开更多
关键词 糖尿病 外科疾病 腱嵌压 骨关节炎 掌筋膜挛缩 腕管综合征 骨折 发病率 预后 术后并发症
建立手区中医影像技术的可行性探讨 被引量:3
作者 李水贤 谢莉青 +2 位作者 董国英 刘希双 王永光 《山东中医药大学学报》 2010年第3期206-207,共2页
通过对中医四诊客观化研究的分析认为:中医诊断技术的现代化必须具备两个要素,一是采用的中医诊断法医学基础应当明确,二是疾病生物信息所表达的物理量能够被现代科学技术准确反映。手区胃疾病生物信息成像法可以反映内脏病变在手区生... 通过对中医四诊客观化研究的分析认为:中医诊断技术的现代化必须具备两个要素,一是采用的中医诊断法医学基础应当明确,二是疾病生物信息所表达的物理量能够被现代科学技术准确反映。手区胃疾病生物信息成像法可以反映内脏病变在手区生物信息成像的性质和中医的科学内涵,计算机视觉模式识别技术具有对该手像法的医学内涵物理量的识别和重建能力,由此形成的中医影像技术,有可能使中医的诊断走出主观、模糊的状态,形成客观、量化、统一、标准的诊断技术。只有中医诊断技术实现现代化,才能建立有别于西医的具有中医特色的中医影像技术和实验室检测技术。 展开更多
关键词 中医诊断技术 疾病信息成像 区中医影像 中医现代化研究
腹部真皮下血管网皮瓣早期修复手背热压伤 被引量:1
作者 张鹏 陈更新 +2 位作者 林才 李力群 曹国洲 《浙江医学》 CAS 2004年第5期383-384,共2页
关键词 外科疾病 背热压伤 背伴多指背皮肤软组织缺损 腹部真皮下血管网皮瓣 术方法
作者 夏云宝 潘功茂 +1 位作者 薛峰 储伟 《中国医学影像学杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第6期554-556,共3页
近年来,多层螺旋CT(MSCT)以其扫描速度更快,解剖覆盖面更广,对比剂效应更大,更薄的层厚,结合多种后处理重组技术,在外周动脉疾病显示方面表现出独特的优势。我们应用64层螺旋CT血管造影技术,诊断了3例手部血管异常,并经手术... 近年来,多层螺旋CT(MSCT)以其扫描速度更快,解剖覆盖面更广,对比剂效应更大,更薄的层厚,结合多种后处理重组技术,在外周动脉疾病显示方面表现出独特的优势。我们应用64层螺旋CT血管造影技术,诊断了3例手部血管异常,并经手术病理证实。现报道如下。 展开更多
关键词 体层摄影术 螺旋计算机 血管造影术 血管疾病
对实施手术的手外科患儿联合进行臂丛神经阻滞麻醉和丙泊酚泵注麻醉的效果分析 被引量:1
作者 侯代亮 张红霞 《当代医药论丛》 2016年第5期1-2,共2页
目的 :对实施手术的手外科患儿联合进行臂丛神经阻滞麻醉和丙泊酚泵注麻醉的临床效果。方法 :对2013年3月至2015年2月期间在我院进行手术治疗的124例手外科疾病患儿的临床资料进行回顾性研究。我们将这124例患儿随机分为联合组和臂丛组... 目的 :对实施手术的手外科患儿联合进行臂丛神经阻滞麻醉和丙泊酚泵注麻醉的临床效果。方法 :对2013年3月至2015年2月期间在我院进行手术治疗的124例手外科疾病患儿的临床资料进行回顾性研究。我们将这124例患儿随机分为联合组和臂丛组,每组各有62例患儿。在这两组患儿进行手术治疗期间,为臂丛组患儿使用臂丛神经阻滞麻醉法进行麻醉,为联合组患儿联合进行臂丛神经阻滞麻醉和丙泊酚泵注麻醉。麻醉结束后,比较两组患儿在麻醉前(T0)、切开皮肤时(T1)、切开皮肤后1 min时(T2)、切开皮肤后5 min时(T3)、切开皮肤后10min时(T4)和手术结束时(T5)的呼吸频率(RR)、心率(HR)以及术后2小时内镇痛的效果、不良反应的发生率。结果 :两组患儿在T0的RR和HR相比差异不具有显著性(P>0.05)。联合组患儿在T1、T2、T3、T4、T5的RR和HR均明显低于臂丛组患儿,二者相比差异具有显著性(P<0.05)。联合组患儿术后2h内镇痛的有效率明显高于臂丛组患儿,二者相比差异具有显著性(P<0.05)。两组患儿术后不良反应的发生率相比差异不具有显著性(P>0.05)。结论 :联合使用臂丛神经阻滞麻醉法和丙泊酚泵注麻醉法对进行手术治疗的手外科疾病患儿实施麻醉的临床效果确切,可有效地降低其RR和HR,提高其术后2h内镇痛的有效率,而且不会增加其不良反应的发生率。 展开更多
关键词 外科疾病 患儿 丙泊酚泵注 臂丛神经阻滞麻醉法
作者 惠琛 张慰庭 《安徽医科大学学报》 CAS 1995年第3期243-243,共1页
手─口─足病30例报告惠琛,张慰庭手─口─足病是一种婴幼儿轻型传染病,笔者1989年4月~1992年7月,共诊治30例,现报道如下。1临床资料1.1一般资料本组30例,男18例,女12例。年龄<1岁8例,2~3岁18... 手─口─足病30例报告惠琛,张慰庭手─口─足病是一种婴幼儿轻型传染病,笔者1989年4月~1992年7月,共诊治30例,现报道如下。1临床资料1.1一般资料本组30例,男18例,女12例。年龄<1岁8例,2~3岁18例,~6岁3例,11岁1例;3岁以... 展开更多
关键词 口足疾病 婴幼儿 病例报告
Risk Factors of Early Complications after Pancreaticoduodenectomy in 200 Consecutive Patients 被引量:4
作者 程庆保 张宝华 +6 位作者 罗祥基 张永杰 姜小清 易滨 俞文隆 吴孟超 张柏和 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2005年第4期194-198,共5页
To study the risk factors for early complications after pancreaticoduodenectomy (PD). Methods: Two hundred patients undergoing PD at our hospital between December 1996 and September 2002 were reviewed retrospective... To study the risk factors for early complications after pancreaticoduodenectomy (PD). Methods: Two hundred patients undergoing PD at our hospital between December 1996 and September 2002 were reviewed retrospectively. Standard PD was performed on 176 cases, standard PD with extended lymphadenectomy on 24 patients, whereas pylorus-preserving PD was not used. An end-toside combined with mucosa-to-mucosa pancreaticojejunostomy was performed on the patients with a hard pancreas and a dilated pancreatic duct, and a traditional end-to-end invagination pancreaticojejunostomy on the patients with a soft pancreas and a non-dilated duct. The risk factors with the potential to affect the incidence of complications were analyzed with SAS 8.12 software. Logistic regression was then used to determine the effect of multiple factors on early complications. Results: The overall rate of the major com- plications was 21% (42/200), with the failure of pancreaticojejunal anastomosis being the most frequently encountered. Age (odds ratio [OR] 2.162), diabetes mellitus (OR 4.086), total serum bilirubin level (OR 7.556), end-to-end pancreaticojejunostomy (OR 2.616), T tube through the choledochojejunostomy (OR 0.100), and blood transfusion over 1000 mL (OR 2.410) were the significant risk factors for the morbidity. Conclusion: The results from published series concerning morbidity after pancreaticoduodenectomy are not comparable because of lack of homogeneity between them. The knowledge of the complications rate in each particular department turns out essentially to provide the patient with tailored information about risks before surgery. Additionally, management of postoperative complications is essential for improving the results of this operation. 展开更多
关键词 PANCREATICODUODENECTOMY surgical complications pancreatic fistula
《生物医学工程与临床》 CAS 2013年第6期628-628,共1页
据VafiyapuriS2013年10月7日(NatCommun,2013,4:2564.)报道,Reading大学在了解血块形成过程中获得了关键性突破,导致血栓的血小板之间有互相的“沟通”机制。该研究由英国心脏基金会(BHF)资助,新研究结果可能会导致开发出新... 据VafiyapuriS2013年10月7日(NatCommun,2013,4:2564.)报道,Reading大学在了解血块形成过程中获得了关键性突破,导致血栓的血小板之间有互相的“沟通”机制。该研究由英国心脏基金会(BHF)资助,新研究结果可能会导致开发出新的药物治疗世界上最大的杀手疾病之一。 展开更多
关键词 血小板 结构 血块形成 药物治疗 基金会 手疾病
Laparoscopic hepatic left lateral lobectomy combined with fiber choledochoscopic exploration of the common bile duct and traditional open operation 被引量:8
作者 Kun Zhang Shao-Geng Zhang +3 位作者 Yi Jiang Peng-Fen Gao Hai-Ying Xie Zhi-Hong Xie 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第7期1133-1136,共4页
AIM: To investigate the possibilities and advantages of laparoscopic hepatic left lateral lobectomy combined with fiber choledochoscopic exploration of the common bile duct compaired with traditional open operation.ME... AIM: To investigate the possibilities and advantages of laparoscopic hepatic left lateral lobectomy combined with fiber choledochoscopic exploration of the common bile duct compaired with traditional open operation.METHODS: Laparoscopic hepatic left lateral lobectomy combined with fiber choledochoscopic exploration of the common bile duct and traditional open operation were performed in two groups of patients who had gallstones in the left lobe of liver and in the common bile duct. The hospitalization time, hospitalization costs, operation time, operative complications and post-operative liver functions of the two groups of patients were studied.RESULTS: The operation time and post-operative liver functions of the two groups of patients had no significant differences, while the hospitalization time, hospitalization costs and operative complications of the laparoscopic hepatic left lateral lobectomy combined with fiber choledochoscopic exploration in the common bile duct group were significantly lower than those in the traditional open operation group.CONCLUSION: For patients with gallstones in the left lobe of liver and in the common bile duct, laparoscopic hepatic left lateral lobectomy combined with fiber choledochoscopic exploration of the common bile duct can significantly shorten the hospitalization time, reduce the hospitalization costs and the post-operative complications,without prolonging the operation time and bringing about more liver function damages compared with traditional open operation. This kind of operation has more advantages than traditional open operation. 展开更多
关键词 LAPAROSCOPY Fiber choledochoscopy Hepatic Iobectomy Exploration of common bile duct
Corrosive injury to upper gastrointestinal tract: Still a major surgical dilemma 被引量:8
作者 Siew Min Keh Nzewi Onyekwelu +1 位作者 Kieran McManus Jim McGuigan 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第32期5223-5228,共6页
In the developed and developing countries, corrosive injury to the gastrointestinal system as a consequence of either accidental ingestion or as a result of self-harm has become a less common phenomenon compared to de... In the developed and developing countries, corrosive injury to the gastrointestinal system as a consequence of either accidental ingestion or as a result of self-harm has become a less common phenomenon compared to decades ago. This could partly be attributed to the tighter legislation imposed by the government in these countries on detergents and other corrosive products and general public awareness. Most busy upper gastrointestinal surgical units in these countries, especially in the developed countries will only encounter a small number of cases per year. Up to date knowledge on the best management approach is lacking. In this article, we present our experience of two contrasting cases of corrosive injury to the upper gastrointestinal tract in our thoracic unit in the last 2 years and an up-to-date Medline literature search has been carried out to highlight the areas of controversies in the management of corrosive injuries of the upper gastrointestinal tract. We concluded that the main principle in managing such patients requires a good understanding of the pathophysiology of corrosive injury in order to plan both acute and future management. Each patient must be evaluated individually as the clinical picture varies widely. Signs and symptoms alone are an unreliable guide to injury. 展开更多
关键词 K Acid ALKALI Oesophageal stricture Endoscopy STEROIDS Oesophageal and gastric carcinoma
Antioxidant enriched enteral nutrition and oxidative stress after major gastrointestinal tract surgery 被引量:4
作者 Mireille FM van Stijn Gerdien C Ligthart-Melis +5 位作者 Petra G Boelens Peter G Scheffer Tom Teerlink Jos WR Twisk Alexander PJ Houdijk Paul AM van Leeuwen 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第45期6960-6969,共10页
AIM: To investigate the effects of an enteral supple-ment containing antioxidants on circulating levels of antioxidants and indicators of oxidative stress after major gastrointestinal surgery.METHODS: Twenty-one patie... AIM: To investigate the effects of an enteral supple-ment containing antioxidants on circulating levels of antioxidants and indicators of oxidative stress after major gastrointestinal surgery.METHODS: Twenty-one patients undergoing major upper gastrointestinal tract surgery were randomised in a single centre, open label study on the effect of postoperative enteral nutrition supplementedwith antioxidants. The effect on circulating levels of antioxidants and indicators of oxidative stress, such as F2-isoprostane, was studied. RESULTS: The antioxidant enteral supplement showed no adverse effects and was well tolerated. After surgery a decrease in the circulating levels of antioxidant parameters was observed. Only selenium and glutamine levels were restored to pre-operative values one week after surgery. F2-isoprostane increased in the first three postoperative days only in the antioxidant supplemented group. Lipopolysaccharide binding protein (LBP) levels decreased faster in the antioxidant group after surgery.CONCLUSION: Despite lower antioxidant levels there was no increase in the circulating markers of oxidative stress on the first day after major abdominal surgery. The rise in F2-isoprostane in patients receiving the antioxidant supplement may be related to the conversion of antioxidants to oxidants which raises questions on antioxidant supplementation. Module AOX restored the postoperative decrease in selenium levels. The rapid decrease in LBP levels in the antioxidant group suggests a possible protective effect on gut wall integrity. Further studies are needed on the role of oxidative stress on outcome and the use of antioxidants in patients undergoing major abdominal surgery. 展开更多
关键词 ANTIOXIDANTS Critical illness Enteral nutrition Oxidative stress SURGERY Upper gastrointestinal tract
Is there a changing trend in surgical management of gastroesophageal reflux disease in children? 被引量:2
作者 Mahmud Saedon Stavros Gourgiotis Stylianos Germanos 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第33期4417-4422,共6页
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GORD) is a pathological process in infants manifesting as poor weight gain, signs of esophagitis, persistent respiratory symptoms and changes in neurobehaviour. It is currently estimat... Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GORD) is a pathological process in infants manifesting as poor weight gain, signs of esophagitis, persistent respiratory symptoms and changes in neurobehaviour. It is currently estimated that approximately one in every 350 children will experience severe symptomatic gastroesophageal reflux necessitating surgical treatment. Surgery for GORD is currently one of the common major operations performed in infants and children. Most of the studies found favour laparoscopic approach which has surpassed open antireflux surgery as the gold standard of surgical management for GORD.However, it must be interpreted with caution due to the limitation of the studies, especially the small number of subject included in these studies. This review reports the changing trends in the surgical treatment of GORD inchildren. 展开更多
关键词 CHILDREN Gastroesophageal reflux Antireflux surgery Laparoscopic fundoplication
Role and outcome of conventional surgery in the treatment of pyogenic liver abscess in the modern era of minimally invasive therapy 被引量:7
作者 Simon Siu-Man Ng Janet Fung-Yee Lee Paul Bo-San Lai 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第5期747-751,共5页
AIM:To evaluate the role and outcome of conventional surgery in the treatment of pyogenic liver abscess in the modern era of minimally invasive therapy. METHODS:The medical records of thirteen patients with pyogenic l... AIM:To evaluate the role and outcome of conventional surgery in the treatment of pyogenic liver abscess in the modern era of minimally invasive therapy. METHODS:The medical records of thirteen patients with pyogenic liver abscess who underwent surgical treatment between January 1995 and December 2002 were retrospectively reviewed to determine the clinical presentation, indication and nature of surgery, and out-come of surgery. RESULTS:The patients were predominantly women (10/13) with a mean age of 65 ± 17 years. Their main presenting symptoms were abdominal pain (100%) and fever (77%). The aetiologies included biliary (n = 6), cryptogenic (n = 3), portal (n = 2), and trauma (n = 2). Seven patients underwent percutaneous drainage as the initial treatment. Of these, three patients developed peritonitis secondary to peritoneal spillage. Another four patients failed to respond because of multilocula-tion. Salvage surgery was required in these patients. Six patients proceeded to straight laparotomy:two had marked sepsis and multiloculated abscess that precluded percutaneous drainage, and four presented with perito-nitis of uncertain pathology. Surgical procedures included deroofment and drainage (n = 9), liver resection (n = 3), peritoneal lavage (n = 2), cholecystectomy (n = 4), and exploration of common bile duct (n = 2). One patient required reoperation because of bleeding. Three patients required further percutaneous drainage after surgery. The overall mortality was 46%. Four patients died of multiorgan failure and two patients died of pulmonary embolism. CONCLUSION:Surgical treatment of pyogenic liver ab-scess is occasionally needed when percutaneous drainage has failed due to various reasons. Mortality rate in this group of patients has remained high. 展开更多
关键词 Pyogenic liver abscess Surgical drainage Liver resection Percutaneous drainage OUTCOME
Adenocarcinoma of gastric cardia in the elderly: Surgical problems and prognostic factors 被引量:5
作者 Natale Di Martino Giuseppe Izzo +4 位作者 Angelo Cosenza Guido Cerullo Francesco Torelli Antonio Brillantino Alberto del Genio 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第33期5123-5128,共6页
AIM: To analyze retrospectively, our results about patients who underwent surgical treatment for adenocarcinoma of the cardia in relation to age, in order to evaluate surgical problems and prognostic factors. METHODS... AIM: To analyze retrospectively, our results about patients who underwent surgical treatment for adenocarcinoma of the cardia in relation to age, in order to evaluate surgical problems and prognostic factors. METHODS: From January 1987 to March 2003, 140 patients with adenocarcinoma of the cardia underwent resection in the authors' institution. They were divided into three groups with regard to age. Patients 〈70 and 〉 60 year old (31) were excluded; we also excluded 18 out of 109 patients with poor general status or systemic metastases. So, we compared 51 elderly (≥ 70 year old) and 58 younger patients (≤ 60 year old). The treatment was esophagectomy for type I tumors, and extended gastrectomy and distal esophagectomy for type Ⅱ and Ⅲ lesions. RESULTS: Laparotomy was carried out in 91 patients (83.4%), 38 in the elderly (74.5%) and 53 in younger patients (91.3%, P〈0.05). Primary resection was performed in 81 cases (89%) without significant differences between the two groups. Postoperative death was higher in the elderly (12.1%) than the other group (4.1%, P〈0.05), while morbidity was similar in both groups. A curative resection (R0) was performed in 59 patients (72.8%), 69.6% in the elderly and 75% in the younger group (P〉0.05). The overall 3- and 5-year survival rates were 26.7% and 17.8% respectively for the elderly and 40.7% and 35.1% respectively for younger patients (P = 0.1544). Survival rates were significantly associated with R0 resection, pathological node-poskive category and tumor differentiation in both groups.CONCLUSION: As the age of the general population increases, more elderly patients with gastric cardia cancer will be candidates for surgical resection. Age alone should not preclude surgical treatment in elderly patients with gastric cardia cancer and a tumor resection can be carried out safely. Certainly, we should take care in defining the surgical treatment in elderly patients, particularly as regarding the surgical approach; although the surgical approach does not influence the survival rate, the transhiatal way still remains the best one due, to the lower incidence of respiratory morbidity and thoracic pain. 展开更多
关键词 Gastric cardia carcinoma Esophagogastricjunction carcinoma ELDERLY SURGERY
Heterotopic pancreas in the stomach:A case report and literature review 被引量:34
作者 Grigorios Christodoulidis Dimitris Zacharoulis +2 位作者 Sotiris Barbanis Emmanuel Katsogridakis Konstantine Hatzitheofilou 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第45期6098-6100,共3页
Ectopic pancreas is defined as pancreatic tissue found outside the usual anatomic location of the pancreas. It is often an incidental finding and can be found at different sites in the gastrointestinal tract. It may b... Ectopic pancreas is defined as pancreatic tissue found outside the usual anatomic location of the pancreas. It is often an incidental finding and can be found at different sites in the gastrointestinal tract. It may become clinically evident when complicated by pathologic changes such as inflammation, bleeding, obstruction, and malignant transformation. In this report, a 40 years old woman with epigastric pain due to ectopic pancreatic tissue in the stomach is described. The difficulty of making an ac- curate diagnosis is highlighted. The patient has remained free of symptoms since she underwent wedge resection of the lesion three years ago. Frozen sections may help in deciding the extent of resection intraoperatively. Al- though ectopic pancreas is rare, it should be considered in the differential diagnosis of a submucosal gastric tumour. 展开更多
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