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作者 朱靖华 《井冈山大学学报(社会科学版)》 2002年第3期15-24,共10页
苏轼者,启山林手也。探索其创造奥秘以取得强劲借鉴,是每个学者孜孜以求的事情。苏轼论创造个性所应具备的七要素,是在总结前人(曹丕、陆机、刘勰等)论述的基础上,特别是依据他本人独创的实践经验所概括出的一套系统而完整的理论命题。... 苏轼者,启山林手也。探索其创造奥秘以取得强劲借鉴,是每个学者孜孜以求的事情。苏轼论创造个性所应具备的七要素,是在总结前人(曹丕、陆机、刘勰等)论述的基础上,特别是依据他本人独创的实践经验所概括出的一套系统而完整的理论命题。一、“才”:苏轼很强调“才”的作用:“夫欲有所立于天下,击搏进取以求非常之功者,则必有卓然可见之才,而后可以有望其成。”二、“气”:苏轼特别强调“气”的创造活力和威力。他继承了孟子“浩然之气”的说法而又有所发展,他认为“气”是一种“盖天下”而“出万物之上”的至刚至人的精神状态,并指出它是通向成功之路的关键要素。三、“识”(即“学”):苏轼认为要想成其非常之功,需要有非常之识度。他把“识度”置于“智术”之先,可见他对“识”的重视程度。四、“意”(同“理”或“道”):苏轼突出强调创作过程中的“以意为主”。“意”,指表现对象所包含的思想和义理,是作品的灵魂,是一篇之关键,居先驱地位。五、“志”:谓作家立身行事之决心和志气,亦即指理想。苏轼论士人的“才”与“气”,皆从“志”入手。六、“节”:苏轼说:“古之所谓豪杰之士者,必有过人之节。”对“节”的无比重视,直接否定和批判了曹丕不重“名节”的观点。七、“艺”:指艺术创作中所必须具备的? 展开更多
关键词 创造要素 才、气、识、意、志、节、艺 临时随宜
点按睛明穴配合意守丹田治疗呃逆30例临床观察 被引量:1
作者 胡汝云 《按摩与康复医学》 1989年第3期11-12,共2页
呃逆一症,多因饮食不节,情志不和,正气亏虚三方面引起胃气上逆动膈而致。临床医者诊治此病,或用针灸,或处以方药,虽有其效,但总有不便,余欲以一简便手法代之,经二年实践,终有所悟,得出此法,并付之实践。其法简便易行。笔者治疗30例,收... 呃逆一症,多因饮食不节,情志不和,正气亏虚三方面引起胃气上逆动膈而致。临床医者诊治此病,或用针灸,或处以方药,虽有其效,但总有不便,余欲以一简便手法代之,经二年实践,终有所悟,得出此法,并付之实践。其法简便易行。笔者治疗30例,收效颇佳,现介绍如下: 展开更多
关键词 临床观察 不和 饮食不 上逆 丹田穴 刺激量 外科手术
Higher cortical modulation of pain perception in the human brain:Psychological determinant
作者 陈昭燃 《Neuroscience Bulletin》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第5期267-276,共10页
Pain perception and its genesis in the human brain have been reviewed recently. In the current article, the reports on pain modulation in the human brain were reviewed from higher cortical regulation, i.e. top-down ef... Pain perception and its genesis in the human brain have been reviewed recently. In the current article, the reports on pain modulation in the human brain were reviewed from higher cortical regulation, i.e. top-down effect, particularly studied in psychological determinants. Pain modulation can be examined by gene therapy, physical modulation, pharmacological modulation, psychological modulation, and pathophysiological modulation. In psychological modulation, this article exam- ined (a) willed determination, (b) distraction, (c) placebo, (d) hypnosis, (e) meditation, (f) qi-gong, (g) belief, and (h) emotions, respectively, in the brain function for pain modulation. In each, the operational definition, cortical processing, neuroimaging, and pain modulation were systematically deliberated. However, not all studies had featured the brain modulation processing but rather demonstrated potential effects on human pain. In our own studies on the emotional modulation on human pain, we observed that emotions could be induced from music melodies or pictures perception for reduction of tonic human pain, mainly in potentiation of the posterior alpha EEG fields, likely resulted from underneath activities of precuneous in regulation of consciousness, including pain perception. To sum, higher brain functions become the leading edge research in all sciences. How to solve the information bit of thinking and feeling in the brain can be the greatest challenge of human intelligence. Application of higher cortical modulation of human pain and suffering can lead to the progress of social humanity and civilization. 展开更多
关键词 pain modulation brain will DISTRACTION PLACEBO HYPNOSIS MEDITATION BELIEF qi-gong emotions
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