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作者 钟雨桐 陈泉宏 +1 位作者 王钟霖 邓博夫 《管理会计研究》 2024年第4期82-92,共11页
防范化解重大金融风险客观要求商业银行要在内部治理建立一套长效的、激励与风险相容的薪酬机制,因此建立“绩效追索扣回”制度成为必然。然而,近年来商业银行向员工追索扣回绩效薪酬的事件时常引爆舆论,市场颇为疑惑绩效追索扣回是否... 防范化解重大金融风险客观要求商业银行要在内部治理建立一套长效的、激励与风险相容的薪酬机制,因此建立“绩效追索扣回”制度成为必然。然而,近年来商业银行向员工追索扣回绩效薪酬的事件时常引爆舆论,市场颇为疑惑绩效追索扣回是否代表了商业银行内部“风险激增”。本文通过分析舆情热度,综合对比分析招商银行和民生银行的一系列财务指标,排除了“绩效追索扣回”的风险激增假说,即该制度并不代表商业银行资产负债表存在风险增大趋势。相反,银行推出“绩效追索扣回”后,其不良贷款率明显降低,员工的业绩薪酬敏感性下降,股价崩盘风险降低,说明“绩效追索扣回”是银行完善薪酬制度、促进可持续发展、防范化解重大金融风险的必然结果。 展开更多
关键词 绩效追索扣回 金融风险 激励相容
作者 刘昌敏 《内蒙古公路与运输》 2014年第6期25-26,共2页
关键词 计量支付 动员预付款 自动扣回 扣回频率
作者 李茂英 《工程造价管理》 2013年第4期29-32,共4页
工程预付款是工程价款的组成部分。工程预付款支付额度的恰当选取,工程预付款的及时支付、合理使用、正确回扣,对工程项目的顺利实施和质量保证有着重要关系。本文分析了工程预付款的支付额度计算方法、支付时间、违约责任,以及工程... 工程预付款是工程价款的组成部分。工程预付款支付额度的恰当选取,工程预付款的及时支付、合理使用、正确回扣,对工程项目的顺利实施和质量保证有着重要关系。本文分析了工程预付款的支付额度计算方法、支付时间、违约责任,以及工程预付款的起扣点计算方法、扣回方法等,以供发、承包双方正确地进行工程预付款结算。 展开更多
关键词 工程预付款 支付额度 支付时间 扣回方法
银行机构绩效薪酬追索扣回的争议解决机制研究 被引量:1
作者 高涛 孙家旭 《理论月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第11期132-137,共6页
少数员工不履行或不正确履行职责导致绩效薪酬追索违规及案件风险事件时有发生,但因银行机构绩效薪酬追索扣回机制不健全,银行机构进行内部追责时对相关责任人绩效薪酬的追溯往往存在缺失和不到位的情况。以银行机构为视角,结合监管规... 少数员工不履行或不正确履行职责导致绩效薪酬追索违规及案件风险事件时有发生,但因银行机构绩效薪酬追索扣回机制不健全,银行机构进行内部追责时对相关责任人绩效薪酬的追溯往往存在缺失和不到位的情况。以银行机构为视角,结合监管规定和劳动者权益保护争议的情形进行分析研究,可从遵守外部法律法规和健全内部机制的角度探索相关思路,寻求贯彻落实监管要求、实现内部管理质效和防范化解员工劳动争议的平衡。 展开更多
关键词 绩效薪酬 追索扣回 风险控制 劳动争议
作者 毛炎云 《建设监理》 2024年第11期54-56,61,共4页
《中华人民共和国标准施工招标文件(2007年版)》的合同通用条款中明确给出了合同工程预付款的种类以及开工预付款的支付、扣回与还清的内容,结合工程监理实践总结了工程开工预付款的支付条件、支付比例和计算公式;探讨了开工预付款的扣... 《中华人民共和国标准施工招标文件(2007年版)》的合同通用条款中明确给出了合同工程预付款的种类以及开工预付款的支付、扣回与还清的内容,结合工程监理实践总结了工程开工预付款的支付条件、支付比例和计算公式;探讨了开工预付款的扣回方法,建立了四等份扣回法、按时间(月)等额扣回法、按进度百分比扣回法的计算公式,并且给出了计算例题。监理工程师应重视开工预付款的还清问题和扣回总金额的核对问题,确保开工预付款的应扣回金额和应支付金额相等。 展开更多
关键词 合同工程 开工预付款 支付条件 扣回方法 计算例题
作者 刘伟明 《北方金融》 2024年第8期36-39,共4页
当前我国中小银行薪酬监管政策包括薪酬管理基本制度、绩效考核制度、绩效薪酬延期支付制度以及绩效薪酬追索扣回制度。监管的现实困境导致公司治理和内控合规管理水平相对不高的中小银行在落实上述薪酬监管政策方面存在薪酬管理违规行... 当前我国中小银行薪酬监管政策包括薪酬管理基本制度、绩效考核制度、绩效薪酬延期支付制度以及绩效薪酬追索扣回制度。监管的现实困境导致公司治理和内控合规管理水平相对不高的中小银行在落实上述薪酬监管政策方面存在薪酬管理违规行为频发、绩效薪酬管理不合规现象突出以及由于绩效薪酬管理问题导致仲裁和诉讼的案件数量增多等诸多现实问题。在当前和今后相当长的一段时间内,中小银行应高度重视并严格执行薪酬监管政策。据此,作者建议中小银行切实做好薪酬监管政策的宣传贯彻工作,主动披露相关薪酬信息,从合规层面高度重视本行绩效考核工作,进一步提高绩效薪酬延期支付制度的合规管理力度和绩效薪酬追索扣回制度的落地力度。 展开更多
关键词 中小银行 薪酬 绩效考核 绩效薪酬延期支付 绩效薪酬追索扣回 金融监管
作者 杨品贤 《建筑技术开发》 2024年第9期29-31,共3页
研究主要介绍了住宅项目平面布置阶段,对于布置在地下室顶板上及地下室范围外天然基础上的施工升降机基础进行了分析。项目将施工升降机基础与地下室顶板结构相结合,在施工升降机基础内设置暗梁对顶板回顶架体进行设计,对天然基础上设... 研究主要介绍了住宅项目平面布置阶段,对于布置在地下室顶板上及地下室范围外天然基础上的施工升降机基础进行了分析。项目将施工升降机基础与地下室顶板结构相结合,在施工升降机基础内设置暗梁对顶板回顶架体进行设计,对天然基础上设置钢筋混凝土墩台及短柱等方面进行阐述,旨在设计施工方案、保证工程质量,减小施工升降机使用的安全风险。 展开更多
关键词 施工升降机 扣回顶架 天然地基 地下室顶板
“甲供材”费用扣回争议探析——以南京某工程为例 被引量:3
作者 汪明纲 《建筑经济》 北大核心 2012年第11期47-50,共4页
为解决工程量清单计价模式下的"甲供材"费用扣回争议,本文以南京一个住宅小区结算时产生的争议为例,分析"甲供材"费用扣回案件的实际争议点,并对合同效力、扣回方法的探析,提出扣回方法的要素及其确定标准,结论可... 为解决工程量清单计价模式下的"甲供材"费用扣回争议,本文以南京一个住宅小区结算时产生的争议为例,分析"甲供材"费用扣回案件的实际争议点,并对合同效力、扣回方法的探析,提出扣回方法的要素及其确定标准,结论可以为同类型案例的解决提供理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 “甲供材”费用 扣回 争议
2013版清单计价规范下甲供材料结算探讨 被引量:7
作者 徐南 《建筑经济》 2015年第1期59-61,共3页
《建设工程工程量清单计价规范》(GB50500-2013)对"发包人提供材料和工程设备"作出规定,但是在实际执行过程中容易发生理解偏差,造成甲供材料结算错误。为规避此问题,本文通过对甲供材供货方式及甲乙双方应承担的责任以及风... 《建设工程工程量清单计价规范》(GB50500-2013)对"发包人提供材料和工程设备"作出规定,但是在实际执行过程中容易发生理解偏差,造成甲供材料结算错误。为规避此问题,本文通过对甲供材供货方式及甲乙双方应承担的责任以及风险进行分析,讨论甲供材供货方式下甲供材料的计算方法,并提出做好结算的三点建议。 展开更多
关键词 甲供材料 计价规范 结算方法 扣回单价
美国高管薪酬监管制度存在的缺陷 被引量:2
作者 隋平 《社会科学家》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第6期83-86,90,共5页
美国联邦存款保险公司制定的薪酬扣回制度缺乏在宏观层面的系统性考虑,没有对其可能产生的负面效应进行考虑和评估,因而导致薪酬扣回制度实际上产生了更大的问题,增加了金融体系的系统性风险。该制度仅仅是考虑了经济稳定时期抑制金融... 美国联邦存款保险公司制定的薪酬扣回制度缺乏在宏观层面的系统性考虑,没有对其可能产生的负面效应进行考虑和评估,因而导致薪酬扣回制度实际上产生了更大的问题,增加了金融体系的系统性风险。该制度仅仅是考虑了经济稳定时期抑制金融机构管理人员经营活动的目的,而没有仔细研究其在金融动荡时期可能产生的负面效果。同时,该制度急于迎合大众口味,追求政治上的正确性,因而在制度设计上走向极端,迫使金融机构管理人员承担不该承担的责任,因而产生破坏市场竞争的效果,推动金融市场中的集中度,加剧"太大而不能倒"的问题,并忽视了薪酬监管的顺周期性风险,增加了整个金融体系的风险。 展开更多
关键词 薪酬扣回 系统性风险 太大而不倒 商业判断规则 顺周期性
公路工程动员预付款综述 被引量:1
作者 时耀文 《内蒙古公路与运输》 2012年第3期40-41,共2页
动员预付款是公路工程建设过程中一笔由业主提供给承包人的无息贷款,主要用于承包人为合同工程施工购置材料、工程设备、施工设备,修建临时设施以及组织施工队伍进场等支付。文章系统地论述了动员预付款的定义、性质、支付与扣回方法,... 动员预付款是公路工程建设过程中一笔由业主提供给承包人的无息贷款,主要用于承包人为合同工程施工购置材料、工程设备、施工设备,修建临时设施以及组织施工队伍进场等支付。文章系统地论述了动员预付款的定义、性质、支付与扣回方法,并且结合实际案例阐述动员预付款的支付与扣回办法。 展开更多
关键词 公路工程 动员预付款 支付与扣回
The Discount Rate in Terms of Evaluating Investments in Rangelands: The Case Study of Greece
作者 Melina A Kourantidou Athanasios S. Christodoulou 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2012年第3期344-349,共6页
This paper aims at analyzing and evaluating investments in rangeland management through the use of the discount rate tool. The most important parameter which is considered when estimating the discount rate is the life... This paper aims at analyzing and evaluating investments in rangeland management through the use of the discount rate tool. The most important parameter which is considered when estimating the discount rate is the lifetime of the investment, which varies depending on the kind of the intervention. An undeniable characteristic of rangelands is their rich biodiversity. However, the fact that not all the flora and fauna has been recorded yet, suggests the need for using the lowest possible discount rate (but not zero), giving thus a high value on the benefits that will arise for future generations always in the light of sustainable development. At the same time, a sensitivity analysis has to be performed in order to determine the upper and lower limit of return on investment, so that the decision-maker in charge can be more flexible on the evaluation Of an investment proposal. 展开更多
关键词 Discount rate RANGELAND sustainable management.
作者 韩天衡 《书法》 2008年第2期40-41,共2页
白石老人以书画印蜚声于海内外,其影响之大,一时无其匹,堪称缶庐后第一人。白石老人长寿,即使扣回那用'瞒天过海'法添出来的两岁,他实际上也活了九十四岁。九四老人自然有漫长的创作期,他一生所作书画达几万件,而所刻印章前后... 白石老人以书画印蜚声于海内外,其影响之大,一时无其匹,堪称缶庐后第一人。白石老人长寿,即使扣回那用'瞒天过海'法添出来的两岁,他实际上也活了九十四岁。九四老人自然有漫长的创作期,他一生所作书画达几万件,而所刻印章前后也不会少于数千,专事研究齐氏篆刻的戴山青先生曾汇辑齐氏印蜕达一千四百余钮。随着时光的流逝,以及天灾人祸,上述的虚数还会打一个很大的折扣。 展开更多
关键词 白石 齐氏 老人 书画 扣回
Differential effects of long and short train theta burst stimulation on LTP induction in rat anterior cingulate cortex slices:Multi-electrode array recordings
作者 何莹 刘明刚 +1 位作者 巩克瑞 陈军 《Neuroscience Bulletin》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第5期309-318,共10页
Objective There is substantial evidence supporting the notion that the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) is an important limbic structure involved in multiple brain functions such as sensory perception, motor conflict... Objective There is substantial evidence supporting the notion that the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) is an important limbic structure involved in multiple brain functions such as sensory perception, motor conflict monitoring, memory, emotion and cognition. It has been shown that long term potentiation (LTP) is an important synaptic model of neural plasticity in the ACC, however, little is known about the spatiotemporal properties of ACC at network level. The present study was designed to see the LTP induction effects across different layers of the ACC by using different conditioning stimuli (CS) protocols. Methods A unique multi-electrode array recording technique was used in the acutely-dissociated ACC slices of rats. Long and short train theta burst stimulation (TBS) paradigms were applied in layer V-VI as the CS and the LTP induction effects were compared across different layers of the ACC. Briefly, both long and short train TBS are composed of bursts (4 pulses at 100 Hz) with a 200 ms interval, however, the former (TBS1) was with 10 trains and the latter (TBS2) was with 5 trains. After test stimulation at layer V-VI in the ACC, network field potentials (FPs) could be simultaneously recorded across all layers of the ACC. Results The waveforms of FPs were different across different layers. Namely, positive-going waveforms were recorded in layer I and negative-going waveforms were recorded in layers V-VI, in contrast, complex waveforms were localized mainly in layers II-III. Following application of two CS protocols, the induction rate of LTP was significantly different between TBS 1 and TBS2 regardless of the spatial properties. TBS1 had more than 60% success, while TBS2 was less than 25% in induction of LTP. Moreover, both the 2 CS protocols could induce LTP in layers II-III and layers V-VI without layer-related difference. However, no LTP was inducible in layer I. Conclusion The present findings indicate that stimulation protocols may, at least in part, account for a large portion of variations among previous LTP studies, and hence highlight the importance of selecting the best LTP induction protocol when designing such experiments. Moreover, the present results demonstrate the prominent superiority of multi-electrode array recording in revealing the network properties of synaptic activities in the ACC, especially in comparing the spatiotemporal characteristics between different layers of this structure. 展开更多
关键词 long term potentiation anterior cingulate cortex theta burst stimulation multi-electrode array recordings RAT
Effects of three needling manipulations of the right-side Zusanli(ST 36) on brain using functional magnetic resonance imaging 被引量:8
作者 Lu Fengyan Gao Junhong +11 位作者 Wang Yuanyuan Dai Qiufu Bao Yan Hong Yang Zhang Guolei Xin Juanjuan Zhao Yuxue Wu Shuyang Chen Yuanyuan Li Xiaojiao Fang Jiliang Yu Xiaochun 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第3期298-307,共10页
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effects on the brain using three needling manipulations(twirling, lifting-thrusting, and twirling plus lifting-thrusting)when the right-side Zusanli(ST 36) acupoint was stimulated with ne... OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effects on the brain using three needling manipulations(twirling, lifting-thrusting, and twirling plus lifting-thrusting)when the right-side Zusanli(ST 36) acupoint was stimulated with needles.METHODS: Seventeen healthy subjects accepted three needling manipulations stimulating the right Zusanli(ST 36) over separate days. Functional magnetic resonance imaging was used to detect changes in the brain during the manipulations, and then the needling sensations were recorded using the MGH acupuncture sensation scale(MASS) after each scan. f MRI data were processed using Statistical Parametric Mapping 8 to analyze the positiveand negative activation in the brain induced by different acupuncture manipulations.RESULTS: The individual needling sensations showed no statistically significant differences among the three manipulations. However, the MASS index showed that lifting-thrusting > twirling plus lifting-thrusting > twirling. Lifting-thrusting activated left premotor cortex, left postcentral,right middle frontal gyrus, left inferior frontal gyrus,right lingual gyrus, left insula, right putamen, bilateral cingulate gyrus and right cerebellum; and deactivated bilateral hippocampus and left caudate.Twirling activated bilateral orbital middle frontal gyrus, left opercular and triangular inferior frontal gyrus, and right middle occipital gyrus; and deactivated bilateral precuneus, right amygdala, left anterior cingulate gyrus, right inferior temporal gyrus,right middle frontal gyrus, right supplementary motor gyrus, and left postcentral. Twirling plus lifting-thrusting activated bilateral postcentral, left inferior occipital gyrus, left insula, left thalamus, left cingulate gyrus, and right putamen; and deactivated right superior frontal gyrus, right superior parietal gyrus, right temporal gyrus, right middle occipital gyrus, right insula, and left lingual gyrus. Pairwise comparisons of the three manipulations showed that signals induced by lifting-thrusting were the strongest, especially in the limbic system,followed by twirling plus lifting-thrusting; twirling alone was the weakest.CONCLUSION: Three methods of needling manipulations similarly activated areas associated with the somatosensory system, vision, cognition, and emotional regulation. This may have significant implications for acupuncture in clinical practice. 展开更多
关键词 Needling methods Point ST 36 (Zusan-li) Magnetic resonance imaging Limbic system NEOCORTEX
Progress in the mechanism of acupuncture intervention on pain emotion and pain cognition mediated by limbic system
作者 MA Cui ZOU Yichun +3 位作者 YE Yujuan CAO Mengqi YAN Xingke ZHANG Kaiwei 《Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science》 CSCD 2022年第6期499-504,共6页
Pain is a complex physiological and psychological activity,involving at least three dimensions,including pain sensation,pain emotion,and pain cognition.Acupuncture can clearly relieve the pain sensation of patients an... Pain is a complex physiological and psychological activity,involving at least three dimensions,including pain sensation,pain emotion,and pain cognition.Acupuncture can clearly relieve the pain sensation of patients and improve pain emotion and pain cognition induced by pain;acupuncture participates in the multi-dimensional regulation of pain through brain regions of the limbic system such as anterior cingulate cortex(ACC),amygdala(AMY),and hippocampus.By analyzing relevant literature,it has been found that the regulation of acupuncture on pain emotion is mainly related to the activation of pertinent opioid receptors in the ACC,the decrease of the expression of extracellular signal-regulated kinase(ERK),and the promotion of the expression of glutamic acid(Glu)A1,metabotropic glutamate receptor-1(mGluR1),andγ-aminobutyric acid aminobutyric acid(GABA)B2 protein in the AMY.The regulation of acupuncture on pain cognition is mainly related to the elevation of the expression of protein kinase A(PKA)and phospho-p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase(phospho-p38 MAPK)and the inhibition of cyclic adenosine monophosphate(cAMP)/PKA/cAMP response element-binding protein(CREB)signaling pathway in the ACC. 展开更多
关键词 Acupuncture Therapy Acupuncture Analgesia PAIN Limbic System Gyrus Cinguli AMYGDALA HIPPOCAMPUS Receptors Opioid
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