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论晚清差役在禁毁小说戏曲活动中的执法与犯法 被引量:1
作者 张天星 《台州学院学报》 2021年第4期69-76,共8页
差役是晚清官方查禁小说戏曲活动的主要执法者,他们通过传达、侦查、制止、传讯、拘捕、质证、行刑、销毁、护卫等方式参与查禁。地方官则通过选派干差、签票为凭、减少下乡、亲自督率、奖赏激励、劝善教化、问责惩处等方式加强对差役... 差役是晚清官方查禁小说戏曲活动的主要执法者,他们通过传达、侦查、制止、传讯、拘捕、质证、行刑、销毁、护卫等方式参与查禁。地方官则通过选派干差、签票为凭、减少下乡、亲自督率、奖赏激励、劝善教化、问责惩处等方式加强对差役的纪律控制,但效果相当程度上被恶性循环的吏役制度所抵消,差役肆意勒索、受贿包庇、勾连违禁、带头违禁成为普遍现象。差役的查禁活动对小说戏曲发展而言犹如双刃剑,他们执法犯法、取消禁令,为小说戏曲发展提供了一定空间;他们受贿勒索、牟取规费,迫使从业者依恃公权或寻求庇护,甚至形成行业潜规则,又不利于小说戏曲的发展。变革和超越差役参与的小说戏曲管理制度,成为中国传统文艺管理制度近代转型的重要内容。 展开更多
关键词 晚清差役 禁毁活动 职能 执法犯法 文艺管理制度 近代转型
《河北党风》 2003年第8期29-29,共1页
关键词 湖南省蓝山县公安局 执法质量 法律责任 领导干部 执法犯法现象 群众利益
作者 江秀华 《摩托车信息》 2001年第12期9-10,共2页
假冒伪劣摩托车在市场上兴风作浪,严重破坏了公正平等的竞争秩序和法则,阻碍了摩托车行业健康稳定的发展.假冒伪劣摩托车何以走俏市场,屡禁不止呢?带着这一疑问,笔者做了多方调查,现将结果整理如下,以期对打击制造假冒伪劣摩托车的行为... 假冒伪劣摩托车在市场上兴风作浪,严重破坏了公正平等的竞争秩序和法则,阻碍了摩托车行业健康稳定的发展.假冒伪劣摩托车何以走俏市场,屡禁不止呢?带着这一疑问,笔者做了多方调查,现将结果整理如下,以期对打击制造假冒伪劣摩托车的行为有所帮助. 展开更多
关键词 假冒伪劣 摩托车 地方保护主义 执法犯法 打假 造假者
作者 夏人 《中国青年》 2000年第14期14-15,共2页
六月初,头戴钢盔、手持冲锋枪的广铁公安巡逻队开驻广州火车站。他们每组四人分班镇守、24小时处于待命状态,专事广场巡逻。这是广州市政府动真格的整顿广州火车站的措施之一。自持枪军警进驻以来,这个号称是"全国最乱的地方之一&q... 六月初,头戴钢盔、手持冲锋枪的广铁公安巡逻队开驻广州火车站。他们每组四人分班镇守、24小时处于待命状态,专事广场巡逻。这是广州市政府动真格的整顿广州火车站的措施之一。自持枪军警进驻以来,这个号称是"全国最乱的地方之一"的广州火车站尚未发生过一起抢劫案。而这次整顿,很大程度上是起因于《南方都市报》上刊登的一封信: 揭发火车站黑幕南方都市报编辑部: 整顿火车站大快人心。首先要整公安内部。当班的民警向队长交钱买好岗位。 展开更多
关键词 地方腐败 执法犯法 权力滥用 行政执法监督
Hate Crimes Methodological, Theoretical & Empirical Difficulties A Pragmatic & Legal Overview
作者 Gadi Hitman Dror Harel 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2016年第1期1-13,共13页
Hate crimes are a culture phenomenon which is perceived by most as an occurrence that should be uprooted from the society. Yet, to date, we have been unable to do so. Hate crimes are the subject of research and commen... Hate crimes are a culture phenomenon which is perceived by most as an occurrence that should be uprooted from the society. Yet, to date, we have been unable to do so. Hate crimes are the subject of research and comments by experts in various fields. In this regard, most scholars agree that a hate based crime is distinguished from a "regular" criminal offence by the motive--the attack is aimed at a victim who is part of a differentiated minority group. However, when reading the relevant documents in the area, it seems that the differences between the experts start at the most basic point--what constitutes hate crimes? This article analyses the concept of "hate crimes" via an interdisciplinary approach aimed at flashing out the fundamental gaps in the research. We have found that the problems include, inter alia, discrepancies in the definition of hate crimes, methodological difficulties regarding validity and legitimacy (mainly due to the absence of information based on the attacker's point of view) and the lack of agreement on the appropriate legal methods required to deal with the ramifications of hate crimes. While part I of this paper revolves around the theoretical aspects of the questions put forth at the centre of this article, part II looks at the same questions from a legal viewpoint. The correlation between the two chapters shows the impact the methodological difficulties have on enforcement endeavors. This relation is further advanced through the examination of test cases from different countries, among them--lsrael. Finally, the article concludes by suggesting a few thoughts on the way to overcome the theoretical problems and making the enforcement efforts more efficient. 展开更多
关键词 hate crimes methodological problems legal enforcement
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