The crack propagation rates of T6 peak aging and T7951 secondary aging 7055 aluminium alloys were tested under stress ratios (R) of 0.6, 0.05 and ?1, respectively. The microstructures and fracture surfaces were analyz...The crack propagation rates of T6 peak aging and T7951 secondary aging 7055 aluminium alloys were tested under stress ratios (R) of 0.6, 0.05 and ?1, respectively. The microstructures and fracture surfaces were analyzed by TEM and SEM. The results reveal that the crack propagation rate is affected by the stress ratio and microstructure such as the distribution, dimension and volume fraction of matrix precipitates, grain boundary precipitates and precipitate free zone. For both heat-treated specimens, crack propagation rate increases with the improvement of R when it is a positive value while crack propagation rate at R=?1 is much similar to that at R=0.06. The crack growth rates exhibit no obvious difference in lower stress intensity factor range (ΔK), while the difference starts to be obvious when ΔK exceeds certain value. The fracture analysis testifies a better fracture toughness for 7055-T7951 with a smaller striation space in Paris region.展开更多
Reduced Q-matrix (Qr matrix) plays an important role in the rule space model (RSM) and the attribute hierarchy method (AHM). Based on the attribute hierarchy, a valid/invalid item is defined. The judgment method...Reduced Q-matrix (Qr matrix) plays an important role in the rule space model (RSM) and the attribute hierarchy method (AHM). Based on the attribute hierarchy, a valid/invalid item is defined. The judgment method of the valid/invalid item is developed on the relation between reachability matrix and valid items. And valid items are explained from the perspective of graph theory. An incremental augment algorithm for constructing Qr matrix is proposed based on the idea of incremental forward regression, and its validity is theoretically considered. Results of empirical tests are given in order to compare the performance of the incremental augment algo-rithm and the Tatsuoka algorithm upon the running time. Empirical evidence shows that the algorithm outper-forms the Tatsuoka algorithm, and the analysis of the two algorithms also show linear growth with respect to the number of valid items. Mathematical models with 10 attributes are built for the two algorithms by the linear regression analysis.展开更多
The forbidden pitch "dip" in the critical dimension (CD) through the pitch curve is a well-known optical proximity effect. The CD and CD process window near the "dip",usually found near a pitch range of 1.1 to 1...The forbidden pitch "dip" in the critical dimension (CD) through the pitch curve is a well-known optical proximity effect. The CD and CD process window near the "dip",usually found near a pitch range of 1.1 to 1.4 wavelength/ NA (numerical aperture),is smaller when compared with other pitches. This is caused by inadequate imaging contrast for an unequal line and space grating. Although this effect is relatively well-known, its relationship with typical process condition parameters,such as the effective image blur caused by the photo-acid diffusion during the post exposure bake or the aberration in the imaging lens, has not been systematically studied. In this paper, we will examine the correlation between the image blur and the effect on the CD, including the decrease in the CD value (the depth of the "dip") and the CD process window. We find that both the decrease in the CD value and the focus latitude near the forbidden pitch correlate very well with the effective Gaussian image blur. Longer effective diffusion length correlates well with a smaller process window and a deeper CD "dip". We conclude that the dip depth is very sensitive to the change in image contrast.展开更多
The effective detection depth of the needle-like optical probe is studied. The light transport model in highly scattering tissue is the diffusion equation and the boundary is Neuman. The sensitivity matrix is related ...The effective detection depth of the needle-like optical probe is studied. The light transport model in highly scattering tissue is the diffusion equation and the boundary is Neuman. The sensitivity matrix is related to the position of the light source and the detector. It can be used to evaluate the effective detection depth. The sensitivity matrix is defined as the multiplication of the source and detector hght distribution. Six different groups about ix parameters including the source diameter and detector fibers, the core-to-core distance between the source and detector fibers, the opotode depth, the absorption, and reduced scattering coefficient, are used as experimental models. The relationship between the six parameters and the effective detection depth is analyzed. Resuits can be used to study the spatial resolution and the depth of multi-fibers.展开更多
Kidney bean seed was dried in a laboratory scale fixed bed. The effect of seed coat on drying dynamic characteristics and the changes of seed coat structure were investigated. A mathematical model was established to s...Kidney bean seed was dried in a laboratory scale fixed bed. The effect of seed coat on drying dynamic characteristics and the changes of seed coat structure were investigated. A mathematical model was established to simulate the drying process and determine the moisture diffusivity. Numerical results agree well with the experimental data. The average moisture diffusivity of the seed with separated coat is 1.67 times larger than that of the seed with coat, and the moisture diffusivity of seed cotyledon is 3.2 times larger than that of the seed coat. It is proved that the seed coat is the most main resistance of mass transfer and is also one of the key points of the optimization of heat and mass transfer for seed drying.展开更多
Considering both the compaction effect of pile surrounding soil and the stress diffusion effect of pile end soil,this paper theoretically investigates the torsional vibration characteristics of tapered pile.Utilizing ...Considering both the compaction effect of pile surrounding soil and the stress diffusion effect of pile end soil,this paper theoretically investigates the torsional vibration characteristics of tapered pile.Utilizing the complex stiffness transfer model to simulate compaction effect and tapered fictitious soil pile model to simulate stress diffusion,the analytical solution for the torsional impedance at tapered pile top is obtained by virtue of Laplace transform technique and impedance transfer method.Based on the present solution,a parametric study is conducted to investigate the rationality of the present solution and the influence of soil and pile properties on the torsional vibration characteristics of tapered pile embedded in layered soil.The results show that,both the compaction effect and stress diffusion effect have significant influence on the torsional vibration characteristics of tapered pile,and these two factors should be considered during the dynamic design of pile foundation.展开更多
This paper presents a theoretical method for predicting the effective diffusion coefficient of macromolecules in the microporous membrfines in view of the effects of molecular dimension and configuration. On the basi...This paper presents a theoretical method for predicting the effective diffusion coefficient of macromolecules in the microporous membrfines in view of the effects of molecular dimension and configuration. On the basis of the hindered diffusion theory of spherical neutral macromolecules in a micropore of a long cylinder, the effects of molecular dimension and configuration are studied by defining two molecular dimensions:the mean projected radius to predict the concentration partition and the ' hydrodynamically equivalent sphere' radius to evaluate the hydrodynamic reverse drag force. The quantitative comparison shows that the effective diffusion coefficients for different macromolecules predicted by the present method are more consistent with the available published experimental data.展开更多
Petrography and geochemistry of the altered and unaltered host rocks surrounding the Koktokay No.3 pegmatite revealed that the unaltered amphibolite is mainly composed of hornblende, plagioclase, and ilmenite.Beyond t...Petrography and geochemistry of the altered and unaltered host rocks surrounding the Koktokay No.3 pegmatite revealed that the unaltered amphibolite is mainly composed of hornblende, plagioclase, and ilmenite.Beyond these primary components, the altered host rocks contain a few newly formed minerals, including biotite,tourmaline, chlorine, and muscovite. The alteration zone surrounding the Koktokay No.3 pegmatite is limited to 2.0 m, characterized by biotitization, tourmalization, and chloritization. In the altered host rocks, the contents of SiO2, MgO, MnO, Na2O, and TiO2 did not vary greatly.However, Al2O3 showed a weak decreasing trend with the increasing distance from the pegmatite contact zone, while Fe2O3 and CaO showed an increasing trend. The contents of Li, Rb, and Cs in the altered host rocks were much higher than those in the unaltered host rocks, decreasing with distance from the contact. The chondrite-normalized rare earth element(REE) pattern of the altered and unaltered host rock was right-inclined from La to Lu, but enriched in light REEs over heavy REEs after hydrothermal alteration. An isocon plot shows that some oxides migrated in with an order of P2O5〉K2O 〉TiO2〉Al2O3〉SiO2〉MnO≥MgO, while others migrated out with an order of Na2O 〉CaO 〉Fe2O3. For REEs, the migration ratios are positive values withCs 〉Rb 〉Li 〉Nb 〉Ta 〉Be, signifying that all REEs migrated from the exsolved magmatic fluid into the altered host rocks. It was concluded that diffusion was the only mechanism for migration of ore-forming elements in the alteration zone. The effective diffusion coefficients(Deff)of LiF, RbF, and CsF were estimated under a fluid temperature of 500–550℃. Using a function of concentration(C(x,t)) and distance(x), the order of migration distance was determined to be LiF 〉CsF 〉RbF, with diffusion times of (3.39 ± 0.35)× 10^6,(3.19 ± 0.28) × 10^5 and(6.33 ± 0.05) × 10^5 years, respectively.展开更多
A rotating disc column (RDC) with inner diameter 68 mm and 28 compartments is used in this study. Parameters including Sauter mean diameter, hold-up and mass transfer coefficient are measured experimentally un-der dif...A rotating disc column (RDC) with inner diameter 68 mm and 28 compartments is used in this study. Parameters including Sauter mean diameter, hold-up and mass transfer coefficient are measured experimentally un-der different operating conditions. The correlations in literature for molecular diffusion and enhancement factor equation including eddy diffusion, circulation and oscillation of drops are evaluated. A new equation for the effec-tive diffusion coefficient as a function of Reynolds number is proposed. The calculated values of mass transfer co-efficient and column height from the previous equations and present equation are compared with the experimental data. The results from the present equation are in very good agreement with the experimental results, which may be used in designing RDC columns.展开更多
Mass transfer characteristics have been investigated in a 113 mm diameter asymmetric rotating disk contactor of the pilot plant scale for two different liquid–liquid systems. The effects of operating parameters inclu...Mass transfer characteristics have been investigated in a 113 mm diameter asymmetric rotating disk contactor of the pilot plant scale for two different liquid–liquid systems. The effects of operating parameters including rotor speed and continuous and dispersed phase velocities on the volumetric overall mass transfer coefficients are investigated. The results show that the mass transfer performance is strongly dependent on agitation rate and interfacial tension, but only slightly dependent on phase flow rates. In this study, effective diffusivity is used instead of molecular diffusivity in the Grober equation for estimation of dispersed phase overall mass transfer coefficient.The enhancement factor is determined experimentally and there from an empirical expression is derived for prediction of the enhancement factor as a function of Reynolds number. The predicted results compared to the experimental data show that the proposed correlation can efficiently predict the overall mass transfer coefficients in asymmetric rotating disk contactors.展开更多
The Vrentas-Duda free-volume theory has been extensively used tocorrelated or predict the solvent diffusion coefficient of apolymer/solvent system. The energy term in the free volume diffusionequation is difficult to ...The Vrentas-Duda free-volume theory has been extensively used tocorrelated or predict the solvent diffusion coefficient of apolymer/solvent system. The energy term in the free volume diffusionequation is difficult to estimate, so the energy term was usuallyneglected in previous predictive versions of the free volumediffusion coefficient equation. Recent studies show that the energyeffect is very important even above the glass transition temperatureof the system. In this paper, a new evaluating method of the energyterm is proposed, that is, the diffusion energy at different solventconcentrations is assumed to be a linear function of the solventdiffusion energy in pure solvents and that in polymers under thecondition that the solvent in infinite dilution.展开更多
Saffron is the most precious and expensive agricultural product. A dehydration treatment is necessary to convert Crocus sativus L. stigmas into saffron spice. To the best of our knowledge, no information on mass trans...Saffron is the most precious and expensive agricultural product. A dehydration treatment is necessary to convert Crocus sativus L. stigmas into saffron spice. To the best of our knowledge, no information on mass transfer parameters of saffron stigmas is available in the literature. This study aimed at investigating the moisture transfer parameters and quality attributes of saffron stigmas under infrared treatment at different temperatures(60,70, …, 110 ℃). It was observed that the dehydration process of the samples occurred in a short accelerating rate period at the start followed by a falling rate period. The effective moisture diffusivity and convective mass transfer coefficient were determined by using the Dincer and Dost model. The diffusivity values varied from1.1103 × 10^-10m^2·s^-1to 4.1397 × 10^-10m^2·s^-1 and mass transfer coefficient varied in the range of 2.6433 × 10^-7–8.7203 × 10^-7m·s^-1. The activation energy was obtained to be 27.86 kJ·mol^-1. The quality assessment results showed that the total crocin content increased, when the temperature increased up to90 ℃ but, in higher temperatures, the amount of crocin decreased slightly. The total safranal content of the samples decreased slightly when drying temperature increased from 60 ℃ to 70 ℃ and then continuously increased up to 110 ℃. Also, the amount of picrocrocin increased from 83.1 to 93.3 as the drying temperature increased from 60 ℃ to 100 ℃.展开更多
The characteristics of adsorption, desorption, and diffusion of gas in tectonic coal are important for the prediction of coal and gas outbursts. Three types of coal samples, of which both metamorphic grade and degree ...The characteristics of adsorption, desorption, and diffusion of gas in tectonic coal are important for the prediction of coal and gas outbursts. Three types of coal samples, of which both metamorphic grade and degree of damage is different, were selected from Tongchun, Qilin, and Pingdingshan mines. Using a series of experiments in an electrostatic field, we analyzed the characteristics of gas adsorption and diffusion in tectonic coal. We found that gas adsorption in coal conforms to the Langmuir equation in an electrostatic field. Both the depth of the adsorption potential well and the coal molecular electroneg- ativity increases under the action of an electrostatic field. A Joule heating effect was caused by changing the coal-gas system conductivity in an electrostatic field. The quantity of gas adsorbed and AP result from competition between the depth of the adsorption potential well, the coal molecular electronegativ- ity, and the Joule heating effect. △P peaks when the three factors control behavior equally. Compared with anthracite, the impact of the electrostatic field on the gas diffusion capacity of middle and high rank coals is greater. Compared with the original coal, the gas adsorption quantity,△P, and the gas diffusion capacity of tectonic coal are greater in an electrostatic field. In addition, the smaller the particle size of tectonic coal, the larger the△P.展开更多
A flux equation of diffusion for bi-disperse porous catalyst pellets was proposed by modifying the previously developed model equation over fractal trajectories. The proposed fractal model equation considered the same...A flux equation of diffusion for bi-disperse porous catalyst pellets was proposed by modifying the previously developed model equation over fractal trajectories. The proposed fractal model equation considered the same tortuous degree for both micro-and macro-pores. The experimental data of diffusion over a bi-disperse Ni/gamma-alumina pellet were obtained with a standard Wicke-Kallenbach diffusion cell for both carbon monoxide- ethylene and carbon dioxide-ethylene binary mixtures. The fitting between experimental results and the fractal model equation leads to a fractal dimension of 1.11. The prediction of diffusion flux over the bi-disperse Ni/gamma- alumina pellet by the proposed fractal model equation is much better than the traditional tortuosity-based model equation by comparison with the measured flux through the pellet.展开更多
The diffusion and reaction phenomenon in a Fe-based catalyst pellet for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis was studied. It was considered that the pores of catalyst pellets were full of liquid wax under Fischer-Tropsch synthes...The diffusion and reaction phenomenon in a Fe-based catalyst pellet for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis was studied. It was considered that the pores of catalyst pellets were full of liquid wax under Fischer-Tropsch synthesis conditions. The re- actants diffused from the bulk gas phase to the external surface of the pellet, and then the reactants diffused through the wax inside the pellet and reacted on the internal surface formed along the pore passages of the pellet. On the basis of reaction kinetics and double a-ASF product distribution model, a diffusion and reaction model of catalyst pellet was established. The effects of diffusion and reaction interaction in a catalyst pellet, the bulk temperature, the reaction pressure and the pellet size on the reactivity were further investigated. The relationship between the internal diffusion effectiveness factor of spherical catalyst pellet and the Thiele modulus were also discussed. The bulk temperature and pellet size have significant effects on the reactivity, while the pressure shows only a slight influence on the reactivity. The internal diffusion effectiveness factor decreases with an increasing Thiele modulus.展开更多
While pre-deformation is often conducted before aging treatment to increase the strength and microhardness of 2195 Al-Li alloy, it often increases the fatigue crack growth(FCG) rate and thus reduces the fatigue life o...While pre-deformation is often conducted before aging treatment to increase the strength and microhardness of 2195 Al-Li alloy, it often increases the fatigue crack growth(FCG) rate and thus reduces the fatigue life of the alloy.To determine the effects and causes of pre-deformation and heat treatment on the mechanical properties and FCG rate of2195 Al-Li alloy, and to provide a suitable calculation model for the FCG rate under different pre-deformation conditions, 2195 Al-Li alloy specimens with different degrees of pre-rolling(0, 3%, 6%, and 9%) were investigated. The experimental results indicate that with the increase of pre-rolling, the density of the T1phase and the uniformity of the S′distribution and the microhardness, tensile strength, and yield strength of the alloy increase and at the same time the FCG rate increases, and thus the fatigue life is reduced. It was also found that the normalized stress intensity factor of elastic modulus(E) can be applied to correlate the FCG rate of pre-rolled 2195 Al-Li alloy with constant C and K parameters.展开更多
基金Project(51405309)supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaProject(2013024012)supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Liaoning Province,China
文摘The crack propagation rates of T6 peak aging and T7951 secondary aging 7055 aluminium alloys were tested under stress ratios (R) of 0.6, 0.05 and ?1, respectively. The microstructures and fracture surfaces were analyzed by TEM and SEM. The results reveal that the crack propagation rate is affected by the stress ratio and microstructure such as the distribution, dimension and volume fraction of matrix precipitates, grain boundary precipitates and precipitate free zone. For both heat-treated specimens, crack propagation rate increases with the improvement of R when it is a positive value while crack propagation rate at R=?1 is much similar to that at R=0.06. The crack growth rates exhibit no obvious difference in lower stress intensity factor range (ΔK), while the difference starts to be obvious when ΔK exceeds certain value. The fracture analysis testifies a better fracture toughness for 7055-T7951 with a smaller striation space in Paris region.
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (30860084,60673014,60263005)the Backbone Young Teachers Foundation of Fujian Normal University(2008100244)the Department of Education Foundation of Fujian Province (ZA09047)~~
文摘Reduced Q-matrix (Qr matrix) plays an important role in the rule space model (RSM) and the attribute hierarchy method (AHM). Based on the attribute hierarchy, a valid/invalid item is defined. The judgment method of the valid/invalid item is developed on the relation between reachability matrix and valid items. And valid items are explained from the perspective of graph theory. An incremental augment algorithm for constructing Qr matrix is proposed based on the idea of incremental forward regression, and its validity is theoretically considered. Results of empirical tests are given in order to compare the performance of the incremental augment algo-rithm and the Tatsuoka algorithm upon the running time. Empirical evidence shows that the algorithm outper-forms the Tatsuoka algorithm, and the analysis of the two algorithms also show linear growth with respect to the number of valid items. Mathematical models with 10 attributes are built for the two algorithms by the linear regression analysis.
文摘The forbidden pitch "dip" in the critical dimension (CD) through the pitch curve is a well-known optical proximity effect. The CD and CD process window near the "dip",usually found near a pitch range of 1.1 to 1.4 wavelength/ NA (numerical aperture),is smaller when compared with other pitches. This is caused by inadequate imaging contrast for an unequal line and space grating. Although this effect is relatively well-known, its relationship with typical process condition parameters,such as the effective image blur caused by the photo-acid diffusion during the post exposure bake or the aberration in the imaging lens, has not been systematically studied. In this paper, we will examine the correlation between the image blur and the effect on the CD, including the decrease in the CD value (the depth of the "dip") and the CD process window. We find that both the decrease in the CD value and the focus latitude near the forbidden pitch correlate very well with the effective Gaussian image blur. Longer effective diffusion length correlates well with a smaller process window and a deeper CD "dip". We conclude that the dip depth is very sensitive to the change in image contrast.
基金Supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province (BK2009371)the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China ("863" Program) (2008AA02Z438)~~
文摘The effective detection depth of the needle-like optical probe is studied. The light transport model in highly scattering tissue is the diffusion equation and the boundary is Neuman. The sensitivity matrix is related to the position of the light source and the detector. It can be used to evaluate the effective detection depth. The sensitivity matrix is defined as the multiplication of the source and detector hght distribution. Six different groups about ix parameters including the source diameter and detector fibers, the core-to-core distance between the source and detector fibers, the opotode depth, the absorption, and reduced scattering coefficient, are used as experimental models. The relationship between the six parameters and the effective detection depth is analyzed. Resuits can be used to study the spatial resolution and the depth of multi-fibers.
文摘Kidney bean seed was dried in a laboratory scale fixed bed. The effect of seed coat on drying dynamic characteristics and the changes of seed coat structure were investigated. A mathematical model was established to simulate the drying process and determine the moisture diffusivity. Numerical results agree well with the experimental data. The average moisture diffusivity of the seed with separated coat is 1.67 times larger than that of the seed with coat, and the moisture diffusivity of seed cotyledon is 3.2 times larger than that of the seed coat. It is proved that the seed coat is the most main resistance of mass transfer and is also one of the key points of the optimization of heat and mass transfer for seed drying.
基金Projects(51578164,51678547,51878634,51878185,41807262)supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China。
文摘Considering both the compaction effect of pile surrounding soil and the stress diffusion effect of pile end soil,this paper theoretically investigates the torsional vibration characteristics of tapered pile.Utilizing the complex stiffness transfer model to simulate compaction effect and tapered fictitious soil pile model to simulate stress diffusion,the analytical solution for the torsional impedance at tapered pile top is obtained by virtue of Laplace transform technique and impedance transfer method.Based on the present solution,a parametric study is conducted to investigate the rationality of the present solution and the influence of soil and pile properties on the torsional vibration characteristics of tapered pile embedded in layered soil.The results show that,both the compaction effect and stress diffusion effect have significant influence on the torsional vibration characteristics of tapered pile,and these two factors should be considered during the dynamic design of pile foundation.
文摘This paper presents a theoretical method for predicting the effective diffusion coefficient of macromolecules in the microporous membrfines in view of the effects of molecular dimension and configuration. On the basis of the hindered diffusion theory of spherical neutral macromolecules in a micropore of a long cylinder, the effects of molecular dimension and configuration are studied by defining two molecular dimensions:the mean projected radius to predict the concentration partition and the ' hydrodynamically equivalent sphere' radius to evaluate the hydrodynamic reverse drag force. The quantitative comparison shows that the effective diffusion coefficients for different macromolecules predicted by the present method are more consistent with the available published experimental data.
基金supported jointly by the Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.41372104)Research Project of Xinjiang Nonferrous Metals Industry (Group) Co.,Ltd.(Grant No.YSKY2011-02)
文摘Petrography and geochemistry of the altered and unaltered host rocks surrounding the Koktokay No.3 pegmatite revealed that the unaltered amphibolite is mainly composed of hornblende, plagioclase, and ilmenite.Beyond these primary components, the altered host rocks contain a few newly formed minerals, including biotite,tourmaline, chlorine, and muscovite. The alteration zone surrounding the Koktokay No.3 pegmatite is limited to 2.0 m, characterized by biotitization, tourmalization, and chloritization. In the altered host rocks, the contents of SiO2, MgO, MnO, Na2O, and TiO2 did not vary greatly.However, Al2O3 showed a weak decreasing trend with the increasing distance from the pegmatite contact zone, while Fe2O3 and CaO showed an increasing trend. The contents of Li, Rb, and Cs in the altered host rocks were much higher than those in the unaltered host rocks, decreasing with distance from the contact. The chondrite-normalized rare earth element(REE) pattern of the altered and unaltered host rock was right-inclined from La to Lu, but enriched in light REEs over heavy REEs after hydrothermal alteration. An isocon plot shows that some oxides migrated in with an order of P2O5〉K2O 〉TiO2〉Al2O3〉SiO2〉MnO≥MgO, while others migrated out with an order of Na2O 〉CaO 〉Fe2O3. For REEs, the migration ratios are positive values withCs 〉Rb 〉Li 〉Nb 〉Ta 〉Be, signifying that all REEs migrated from the exsolved magmatic fluid into the altered host rocks. It was concluded that diffusion was the only mechanism for migration of ore-forming elements in the alteration zone. The effective diffusion coefficients(Deff)of LiF, RbF, and CsF were estimated under a fluid temperature of 500–550℃. Using a function of concentration(C(x,t)) and distance(x), the order of migration distance was determined to be LiF 〉CsF 〉RbF, with diffusion times of (3.39 ± 0.35)× 10^6,(3.19 ± 0.28) × 10^5 and(6.33 ± 0.05) × 10^5 years, respectively.
文摘A rotating disc column (RDC) with inner diameter 68 mm and 28 compartments is used in this study. Parameters including Sauter mean diameter, hold-up and mass transfer coefficient are measured experimentally un-der different operating conditions. The correlations in literature for molecular diffusion and enhancement factor equation including eddy diffusion, circulation and oscillation of drops are evaluated. A new equation for the effec-tive diffusion coefficient as a function of Reynolds number is proposed. The calculated values of mass transfer co-efficient and column height from the previous equations and present equation are compared with the experimental data. The results from the present equation are in very good agreement with the experimental results, which may be used in designing RDC columns.
文摘Mass transfer characteristics have been investigated in a 113 mm diameter asymmetric rotating disk contactor of the pilot plant scale for two different liquid–liquid systems. The effects of operating parameters including rotor speed and continuous and dispersed phase velocities on the volumetric overall mass transfer coefficients are investigated. The results show that the mass transfer performance is strongly dependent on agitation rate and interfacial tension, but only slightly dependent on phase flow rates. In this study, effective diffusivity is used instead of molecular diffusivity in the Grober equation for estimation of dispersed phase overall mass transfer coefficient.The enhancement factor is determined experimentally and there from an empirical expression is derived for prediction of the enhancement factor as a function of Reynolds number. The predicted results compared to the experimental data show that the proposed correlation can efficiently predict the overall mass transfer coefficients in asymmetric rotating disk contactors.
基金Supported by the National Nature Science Foundation of China (No. 20076038).
文摘The Vrentas-Duda free-volume theory has been extensively used tocorrelated or predict the solvent diffusion coefficient of apolymer/solvent system. The energy term in the free volume diffusionequation is difficult to estimate, so the energy term was usuallyneglected in previous predictive versions of the free volumediffusion coefficient equation. Recent studies show that the energyeffect is very important even above the glass transition temperatureof the system. In this paper, a new evaluating method of the energyterm is proposed, that is, the diffusion energy at different solventconcentrations is assumed to be a linear function of the solventdiffusion energy in pure solvents and that in polymers under thecondition that the solvent in infinite dilution.
文摘Saffron is the most precious and expensive agricultural product. A dehydration treatment is necessary to convert Crocus sativus L. stigmas into saffron spice. To the best of our knowledge, no information on mass transfer parameters of saffron stigmas is available in the literature. This study aimed at investigating the moisture transfer parameters and quality attributes of saffron stigmas under infrared treatment at different temperatures(60,70, …, 110 ℃). It was observed that the dehydration process of the samples occurred in a short accelerating rate period at the start followed by a falling rate period. The effective moisture diffusivity and convective mass transfer coefficient were determined by using the Dincer and Dost model. The diffusivity values varied from1.1103 × 10^-10m^2·s^-1to 4.1397 × 10^-10m^2·s^-1 and mass transfer coefficient varied in the range of 2.6433 × 10^-7–8.7203 × 10^-7m·s^-1. The activation energy was obtained to be 27.86 kJ·mol^-1. The quality assessment results showed that the total crocin content increased, when the temperature increased up to90 ℃ but, in higher temperatures, the amount of crocin decreased slightly. The total safranal content of the samples decreased slightly when drying temperature increased from 60 ℃ to 70 ℃ and then continuously increased up to 110 ℃. Also, the amount of picrocrocin increased from 83.1 to 93.3 as the drying temperature increased from 60 ℃ to 100 ℃.
基金the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.41272177)the Henan Polytechnic University Doctor Foundation(No.WS2013A11)
文摘The characteristics of adsorption, desorption, and diffusion of gas in tectonic coal are important for the prediction of coal and gas outbursts. Three types of coal samples, of which both metamorphic grade and degree of damage is different, were selected from Tongchun, Qilin, and Pingdingshan mines. Using a series of experiments in an electrostatic field, we analyzed the characteristics of gas adsorption and diffusion in tectonic coal. We found that gas adsorption in coal conforms to the Langmuir equation in an electrostatic field. Both the depth of the adsorption potential well and the coal molecular electroneg- ativity increases under the action of an electrostatic field. A Joule heating effect was caused by changing the coal-gas system conductivity in an electrostatic field. The quantity of gas adsorbed and AP result from competition between the depth of the adsorption potential well, the coal molecular electronegativ- ity, and the Joule heating effect. △P peaks when the three factors control behavior equally. Compared with anthracite, the impact of the electrostatic field on the gas diffusion capacity of middle and high rank coals is greater. Compared with the original coal, the gas adsorption quantity,△P, and the gas diffusion capacity of tectonic coal are greater in an electrostatic field. In addition, the smaller the particle size of tectonic coal, the larger the△P.
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 50228203 and No. 20476076)
文摘A flux equation of diffusion for bi-disperse porous catalyst pellets was proposed by modifying the previously developed model equation over fractal trajectories. The proposed fractal model equation considered the same tortuous degree for both micro-and macro-pores. The experimental data of diffusion over a bi-disperse Ni/gamma-alumina pellet were obtained with a standard Wicke-Kallenbach diffusion cell for both carbon monoxide- ethylene and carbon dioxide-ethylene binary mixtures. The fitting between experimental results and the fractal model equation leads to a fractal dimension of 1.11. The prediction of diffusion flux over the bi-disperse Ni/gamma- alumina pellet by the proposed fractal model equation is much better than the traditional tortuosity-based model equation by comparison with the measured flux through the pellet.
基金Financial support from the National Basic Research Program of China(973 Program,2010CB736203)
文摘The diffusion and reaction phenomenon in a Fe-based catalyst pellet for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis was studied. It was considered that the pores of catalyst pellets were full of liquid wax under Fischer-Tropsch synthesis conditions. The re- actants diffused from the bulk gas phase to the external surface of the pellet, and then the reactants diffused through the wax inside the pellet and reacted on the internal surface formed along the pore passages of the pellet. On the basis of reaction kinetics and double a-ASF product distribution model, a diffusion and reaction model of catalyst pellet was established. The effects of diffusion and reaction interaction in a catalyst pellet, the bulk temperature, the reaction pressure and the pellet size on the reactivity were further investigated. The relationship between the internal diffusion effectiveness factor of spherical catalyst pellet and the Thiele modulus were also discussed. The bulk temperature and pellet size have significant effects on the reactivity, while the pressure shows only a slight influence on the reactivity. The internal diffusion effectiveness factor decreases with an increasing Thiele modulus.
基金Project(U21A20132) supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaProject(Gui Renzi2019(13))supported by the Guangxi Specially-invited Experts Foundation of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region,China。
文摘While pre-deformation is often conducted before aging treatment to increase the strength and microhardness of 2195 Al-Li alloy, it often increases the fatigue crack growth(FCG) rate and thus reduces the fatigue life of the alloy.To determine the effects and causes of pre-deformation and heat treatment on the mechanical properties and FCG rate of2195 Al-Li alloy, and to provide a suitable calculation model for the FCG rate under different pre-deformation conditions, 2195 Al-Li alloy specimens with different degrees of pre-rolling(0, 3%, 6%, and 9%) were investigated. The experimental results indicate that with the increase of pre-rolling, the density of the T1phase and the uniformity of the S′distribution and the microhardness, tensile strength, and yield strength of the alloy increase and at the same time the FCG rate increases, and thus the fatigue life is reduced. It was also found that the normalized stress intensity factor of elastic modulus(E) can be applied to correlate the FCG rate of pre-rolled 2195 Al-Li alloy with constant C and K parameters.