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办高品质高中:文化承创视阈下普通高中优质特色发展的校本实践 被引量:3
作者 徐月新 《江苏教育研究》 2016年第12期26-29,共4页
克服高中"单质化"弊病,应努力实现"高品质"办学;而优质特色作为高品质高中的核心内容,应基于校本文化的承创。江苏省震泽中学尝试从"高品质文化""高品质师生""高品质课程""高... 克服高中"单质化"弊病,应努力实现"高品质"办学;而优质特色作为高品质高中的核心内容,应基于校本文化的承创。江苏省震泽中学尝试从"高品质文化""高品质师生""高品质课程""高品质教学"的视角切入,从"厘清文脉纲要,系统谋划高品质文化的优质发展""激发内生能量,着力涵养高品质师生的核心素养""强化课程建设,全面推进高品质课程的特色发展""创新发展范式,依托‘晓庵天文’的高品质教学培育核心素养"等方面开展"承创文化的高品质高中优质特色发展的校本实践",以期为普通高中优质特色发展提供一个实践样本。 展开更多
关键词 高品质高中 文化承创 普通高中 优质特色发展
文化承创视阈下普通高中优质特色发展的校本探析——以“活泼泼地”教育为例 被引量:1
作者 徐月新 《生活教育》 2016年第18期124-125,共2页
优质特色是内涵发展的核心内容,而顶层设计的文化承创无疑是优质特色的肯綮所在。承创"活泼泼地"文化,实现优质特色发展"震中之路"——爬梳剔抉,以品味"活泼泼地"教育的文化特质;共融共生,以唤醒"活泼泼地"教育的文化自觉,无疑... 优质特色是内涵发展的核心内容,而顶层设计的文化承创无疑是优质特色的肯綮所在。承创"活泼泼地"文化,实现优质特色发展"震中之路"——爬梳剔抉,以品味"活泼泼地"教育的文化特质;共融共生,以唤醒"活泼泼地"教育的文化自觉,无疑为普通高中优质特色发展提供了一种可资借鉴的参考样本。 展开更多
关键词 文化承创 普通高中 优质特色 活泼泼地
作者 陈丽香 《福建教育学院学报》 2008年第5期40-41,共2页
关键词 思想政治课 教学 承创并举
作者 袁凯君 《低碳世界》 2017年第17期143-144,共2页
关键词 承创大厦 电气安装 施工 质量 技术
文化承创视阈下的“晓庵天文”校本课程开发研究 被引量:1
作者 徐月新 《上海教育科研》 北大核心 2015年第6期46-49,共4页
学校课程是文化承创的载体,"晓庵天文研究"课程沿循"设计—开发—实施"的课程建设理路,摸索出了一条以课程建设促进学校优质特色发展的"震中路径"。通过梳理"晓庵天文研究"文化脉络,编制《&qu... 学校课程是文化承创的载体,"晓庵天文研究"课程沿循"设计—开发—实施"的课程建设理路,摸索出了一条以课程建设促进学校优质特色发展的"震中路径"。通过梳理"晓庵天文研究"文化脉络,编制《"晓庵天文"校本课程标准》,建设"晓庵天文公园",组建成立"晓庵天文研究所"和一批天文兴趣"自组织",有效地转变了传统的学习方式,促进了学生的自主发展,为普通高中优质特色发展提供了一种可资借鉴的模式。 展开更多
关键词 文化承创 校本课程 晓庵天文研究
李义凤《古今释林》探略 被引量:6
作者 徐时仪 《江西科技师范大学学报》 2017年第1期14-22,共9页
李义凤所编《古今释林》广搜博取汉唐宋儒道释历代典籍,传承参仿《语录解》编排体例,汇《语录解》、《译语类解》、《吏学指南》、《吏文集览》等所释为一编。从《古今释林》所载诠释不仅可探我国传统文化在朝鲜的承创脉络,而且亦可探... 李义凤所编《古今释林》广搜博取汉唐宋儒道释历代典籍,传承参仿《语录解》编排体例,汇《语录解》、《译语类解》、《吏学指南》、《吏文集览》等所释为一编。从《古今释林》所载诠释不仅可探我国传统文化在朝鲜的承创脉络,而且亦可探传播方和接受方的理念和观念异同,在研究我国古典文献和汉语词汇上具有重要学术价值。 展开更多
关键词 《古今释林》 承创脉络 学术价值
浅议思想政治工作的探索创新 被引量:1
作者 姜宪忠 《经济师》 2009年第7期185-185,共1页
当前,思想政治工作不断面临新情况、新问题。从客观上看,许多人理想信念淡化,传统美德淡化,敬业精神淡化;从主观上看,也有不少单位或部门认识不到位,工作机制不健全,方法不适应。所以新时期思想政治工作必须在继承中不断创新。文章对此... 当前,思想政治工作不断面临新情况、新问题。从客观上看,许多人理想信念淡化,传统美德淡化,敬业精神淡化;从主观上看,也有不少单位或部门认识不到位,工作机制不健全,方法不适应。所以新时期思想政治工作必须在继承中不断创新。文章对此展开详细论述。 展开更多
关键词 思想政治工作 科学发展 观继 承创 新结合
作者 王娟 王瑞旋 +2 位作者 陈玉杭 林伊伊 刘德涛 《文存阅刊》 2023年第9期58-60,共3页
习近平总书记在党的二十大提出“讲好中国故事,传播好中国声音”,为新时代青年指明了文化自信的建设与发展方向。教师是现代教育发展的第一资源,教师培养专业化、全科化是重要的战略性、基础性工作,作为现代教师资源后备力量的师范生,... 习近平总书记在党的二十大提出“讲好中国故事,传播好中国声音”,为新时代青年指明了文化自信的建设与发展方向。教师是现代教育发展的第一资源,教师培养专业化、全科化是重要的战略性、基础性工作,作为现代教师资源后备力量的师范生,其培养模式和质量越来越受关注。本研究基于师范生的思想教育,从文化自信出发,选取地域优秀文化,探讨师范生在地域优秀文化的认知、认同和承创三个方面的情况,分析师范院校的文化自信教育在其中发挥的作用,从而为师范生文化自信建设提供参考建议。 展开更多
关键词 文化自信 地域文化 师范生 文化承创 文化认同
作者 章依凌 曹超婵 《美术教育研究》 2023年第13期73-75,共3页
非遗是技艺与文化凝聚的形态,是不断发展的社会实践,需要产业、设计、品牌、营销、消费等各个环节的融合。利用产业赋能,有效衔接当地服装产业链,构建运河文化(杭州段)纺织非遗传承发展的保护链,可以促进传统工艺与现代产业融合发展,使... 非遗是技艺与文化凝聚的形态,是不断发展的社会实践,需要产业、设计、品牌、营销、消费等各个环节的融合。利用产业赋能,有效衔接当地服装产业链,构建运河文化(杭州段)纺织非遗传承发展的保护链,可以促进传统工艺与现代产业融合发展,使其向着可持续常态化方向发展,这对传承和创新中国传统纺织类技艺、传播和弘扬民族文化具有现实意义。 展开更多
关键词 文旅空间 纺织类非遗 服装产业 非遗承创
作者 贾俊 武志涛 +1 位作者 王少宁 李洪旭 《管理学家》 2020年第11期149-150,共2页
关键词 内外兼修 刚柔相济 承创并举 审计心理素养
It Takes Two to Tango: Entrepreneurship and Creativity in Troubled Times--Vietnam 2012 被引量:2
作者 Nancy K. Napier Dang Le Nguyen Vu Quan Hoang Vuong 《Sociology Study》 2012年第9期662-674,共13页
This study focuses on perceived values of entrepreneurship and creativity within a turbulent environment. The initial hypothesis is that a typical entrepreneurial process carries with its "creativity-enabling element... This study focuses on perceived values of entrepreneurship and creativity within a turbulent environment. The initial hypothesis is that a typical entrepreneurial process carries with its "creativity-enabling elements". In a normal situation, businesses focus on optimizing their resources for commercial gains, thus perceptions about values of entrepreneurial creativity are usually vague. However, in difficult times, the difference between survival and failure may be creativity. This paper examines many previous findings on entrepreneurship and creativity, and suggests a highly possible "organic growth" of creativity in an entrepreneurial environment and reinforcing value of entrepreneurship when creativity power is present. In other words, the authors see each idea reinforcing the other. The authors survey Vietnamese firms during the chaotic year of 2012 to learn about the "entrepreneurship-creativity nexus", looking at influential cultural values, namely risk tolerance, relationship, and dependence on resources--to assess how they influence entrepreneurial decisions. A set of 137 qualified responses was obtained for this statistical examination. A categorical data analysis is performed to confirm that creativity and entrepreneurial spirit could hardly be separate, for both entrepreneurial and accomplished companies. Although the most important factor during implementation is still "relationship", business people are increasingly aware of the need of creativity/innovation in troubled times. 展开更多
Singapore Pie in Global Chinese Education: Inheritance and Innovation in Chinese Literature Education in Singapore
作者 LI Jia QU Jing-yi 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2016年第9期744-753,共10页
Singapore's Chinese literature education has continuously evolved and advanced over the years, forming a unique style in global Chinese education, which can be described as: "Singapore pie". Through its bilingual ... Singapore's Chinese literature education has continuously evolved and advanced over the years, forming a unique style in global Chinese education, which can be described as: "Singapore pie". Through its bilingual policy, the Singapore government has been committed to creating a pool of bicultural talents, by supplementing the teaching of Chinese language with classes on Chinese literature and culture. This thesis seeks to understand the pros and cons of Chinese literature education in Singapore by analysing its development over the years. The teaching of Chinese literature began with the first wave of Chinese migration to Nanyang in the 19th century, and from there, it went through three phases of development: relocation, adjustment, and burgeoning. 展开更多
关键词 teaching Chinese literature in Singapore Chinese literature Nanyang characteristics teaching Chinese as secondary language
Use of Innovative Contracting Methods by Dots - Project Managers Speak
作者 Edward Minchin Ralph D. Ellis +1 位作者 Jae-Ho Pyeon Jichao Zhan 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2010年第8期14-26,共13页
Alternative contracting techniques have been frequently used in highway construction in the United State and have played an important role in the effort to improve construction project performance. However, it is stil... Alternative contracting techniques have been frequently used in highway construction in the United State and have played an important role in the effort to improve construction project performance. However, it is still unknown whether which project factors have significant influence on project performance. It is essential to learn from the experiences and opinions of construction project managers who had executed innovative or alternative contracts in order to improve and refine the usage of alternative contracting methods. Innovative contracting methods have been used by state Departments of Transportation for many years, so there is now sufficient data to measure the effectiveness of these innovations. Working under a grant from the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), the research team used the experiences and opinions of construction field engineers who had executed innovative contracts on FDOT projects to measure the effectiveness of these systems. To that end, interviews were conducted with FDOT and consultant personnel from across Florida. All interviewed were project managers who had overseen at least one project using an innovative contracting method. Discussions brought enthusiastic responses from those interviewed, both for and against certain innovations. This paper will focus on the experiences and opinions of those experienced construction field engineers dealing with well-known innovations, as well as newer innovations such as "Detour Rental" and "Damage Recovery". 展开更多
关键词 Alternative contracting highway construction A+B incentive/disincentive DESIGN-BUILD CM-at-Risk.
The Research on Historical Evolution and Inheritance Development of Ansai waist drum in China
作者 Feng YANG 《International English Education Research》 2015年第1期1-3,共3页
This article from the perspective of sports science and sociology to explain the origin and development ofansai waist drum, analyzes the historical evolution of ansai waist drum, analysis of ansai waist drum in proble... This article from the perspective of sports science and sociology to explain the origin and development ofansai waist drum, analyzes the historical evolution of ansai waist drum, analysis of ansai waist drum in problems existing in the process of development, and according to the analysis and the reality put forward the countermeasures of development of ansai waist drum inheritance: transmission of ansai waist drum based on school, and innovation of art form, "waist drum troupe" building, the establishment of various rules and regulations and the drummer cultivation mechanism and strengthening network, books, magazines and other publicity and performances. 展开更多
关键词 Ansai waist drum Historical Evolution Inheritance Development
Integrating Climate Change Factors into Environmental Planning Innovation of the National 12^(th) Five Year Development Plan towards Climate Change in China
作者 Yang Xiao Li Yangfan Yin Rongyao Sun Xiang Zhu Xiaodong 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2011年第4期42-48,共7页
Effects on sustainable development of climate change have been going further nowadays.National Five Year Development Plan in China should have specific policies on how to take climate change impacts into account throu... Effects on sustainable development of climate change have been going further nowadays.National Five Year Development Plan in China should have specific policies on how to take climate change impacts into account through the environmental planning.Key fields distribute in three levels of natural bearing capacity,production system and human settlements,and include seven aspects:ecosystems,water resources,disasters and risks,low-carbon economy,vulnerable departments,urbanization,and coastland. 展开更多
关键词 climate change environmental planning innovation the 12th Five Year Development Plan
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