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作者 赵仲鹤 涂盼盼 +3 位作者 陈欢 邹炎 宋慧平 冯政君 《中国水土保持科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期129-135,共7页
生态毯是一种使用便捷的边坡修复材料,但因承载材料的限制,实际应用中植被恢复效果差。为提高生态毯的性能,比较纤维纸、薄无纺布、厚无纺布、针织布4种不同上层承载材料对边坡植物生长状况、水分入渗率以及土壤含水率等指标的作用差异... 生态毯是一种使用便捷的边坡修复材料,但因承载材料的限制,实际应用中植被恢复效果差。为提高生态毯的性能,比较纤维纸、薄无纺布、厚无纺布、针织布4种不同上层承载材料对边坡植物生长状况、水分入渗率以及土壤含水率等指标的作用差异。结果表明:种植30 d后,植物生长指标表现为针织布组>薄无纺布组>纤维纸组>厚无纺布组;坡面水分入渗量表现为针织布组(0.52 L)>纤维纸组(0.47 L)>薄无纺布(0.44 L)>厚无纺布(0.41 L);24 h内土壤含水率降低率表现为厚无纺布组(12.7%)<薄无纺布组(16.2%)<针织布组(17.2%)<纤维纸组(28.4%)。针织布在水分入渗、减少蒸发方面表现良好,也不会阻碍植物出苗,植被恢复情况最佳,是一种较为理想的上层承载材料,可以替代传统的无纺布,改善生态毯的性能。 展开更多
关键词 生态毯 承载材料 植被恢复 土壤水分状况
作者 骆庆山 《济南二轻科技开发与消费》 1994年第3期16-19,共4页
关键词 贴体包装 承载材料 聚乙烯 片材 包装材料
承载结构聚氨酯硬泡材料的研究进展 被引量:13
作者 赵斌 杨振国 +1 位作者 金忠 秦桑路 《理化检验(物理分册)》 CAS 2003年第2期82-88,共7页
评述了近十几年来聚氨酯硬泡作为承载结构材料的研究现状 ,着重举例介绍了高密度聚氨酯硬泡和增强聚氨酯硬泡两种材料 ,并展望了该领域的发展前景。
关键词 承载结构材料 高密度聚氨酯硬泡 偶联剂 增强聚氨酯硬泡 泡沫塑料
加氢反应器壁材料的氢损伤特性 被引量:6
作者 徐坚 钟曼英 +1 位作者 郭世行 D Hardie 《中国腐蚀与防护学报》 CAS CSCD 2003年第3期149-155,共7页
研究了在模拟加氢反应器工况条件下 ,国产加氢反应器壁材料 [2 (1/ 4 )Cr - 1Mo及其上的 30 9L和 347L不锈钢堆焊层 ]的氢损伤特性 .结果表明 :热渗氢后 ,明显降低了它们的断裂应力 (σf)和塑性 .对于 30 9L和 347L堆焊层 ,未经热渗氢... 研究了在模拟加氢反应器工况条件下 ,国产加氢反应器壁材料 [2 (1/ 4 )Cr - 1Mo及其上的 30 9L和 347L不锈钢堆焊层 ]的氢损伤特性 .结果表明 :热渗氢后 ,明显降低了它们的断裂应力 (σf)和塑性 .对于 30 9L和 347L堆焊层 ,未经热渗氢的原始试样 ,无论是光滑试样还是缺口试样 (除缺口位置在 30 9L区域试样外 )均断裂在 347L区域内 .而经热渗氢后 ,无论是起裂于 2 (1/ 4 )Cr - 1Mo和 30 9L的熔合线 ,还是 30 9L和 347L的熔合线处 ,最后都断在30 9L区域内 (除缺口位置在 347L区域试样外 ) .这是因为热渗氢使 30 9L和 347L的σf 分别从原始状态的 885MPa降至 4 78MPa和从原始状态的 799.9MPa降至 5 6 4MPa ;在对短裂纹的低周疲劳特性研究中 ,用da/dN =C(ΔJ) n计算了裂纹扩展速度 (da/dN)和门槛值 (ΔJth) .经热渗氢后 ,ΔJth有明显的下降 ,da/dN~ΔJ曲线也向左移 ,提高了da/dN .SEM断口分析结果与上述结论一致 .裂纹扩展以穿晶为主 ,热渗氢后有二次裂纹存在 .说明热渗氢降低了其力学性能 。 展开更多
关键词 承载材料 堆焊层 热渗氢 SSRT 低周疲劳
大开口高承载网格加筋壳的设计与工艺 被引量:3
作者 林再文 梁岩 +1 位作者 王士威 路明坤 《玻璃钢/复合材料》 CAS CSCD 2003年第5期30-31,共2页
本文采用有限元法计算了承受高轴压和外压作用下的大开口复合材料纵横密加筋壳的稳定性 ,得出不同铺层角度、不同受力工况下的大开口圆柱壳的临界载荷 ,并采用 1:1试验件进行试验验证 ,将计算值与实验值进行了比较 ;对大开口复合材料纵... 本文采用有限元法计算了承受高轴压和外压作用下的大开口复合材料纵横密加筋壳的稳定性 ,得出不同铺层角度、不同受力工况下的大开口圆柱壳的临界载荷 ,并采用 1:1试验件进行试验验证 ,将计算值与实验值进行了比较 ;对大开口复合材料纵横密加筋壳的缠绕工艺进行了研究 ,解决了大开口网格加筋壳开口补强的一次成型技术和密筋及开口部分的多丝嘴、无增量、非线性机械化缠绕成型工艺技术。 展开更多
关键词 大开口高承载复合材料 网格加筋壳 设计 工艺 有限元 稳定性 一次成型
作者 龙培 赵鸿瑞 周帅 《产业创新研究》 2018年第5期116-119,共4页
换填垫层法是一种常用的涵洞地基处理方法。其目的是增大地基承载力、减少沉降及不均匀沉降。通过列举常见的换填材料,并以秀印高速公路涵洞换填设计为依托,对不同材料垫层的受力进行分析计算,结果表明:换填材料的选择应充分考虑材料的... 换填垫层法是一种常用的涵洞地基处理方法。其目的是增大地基承载力、减少沉降及不均匀沉降。通过列举常见的换填材料,并以秀印高速公路涵洞换填设计为依托,对不同材料垫层的受力进行分析计算,结果表明:换填材料的选择应充分考虑材料的承载力、压应力扩散角的大小和经济性。 展开更多
关键词 换填垫层法 换填材料 材料承载 压应力扩散角 经济性
作者 李小琳 吝红育 《山西建筑》 2005年第10期29-30,共2页
关键词 分层有限元 极限承载 材料非线性
K_2Ti_6O_(13)Ti合金的生物相容性研究 被引量:6
作者 徐艳姬 崔春翔 +3 位作者 申玉田 何云 王如 王新 《电子显微学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第5期765-766,共2页
关键词 K2Ti6O13/Ti合金 生物相容性 生物医学材料 承载型骨替换材料
Ultimate flexural strength of normal section of FRP-confined RC circular columns 被引量:2
作者 顾冬生 吴刚 吴智深 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2010年第1期107-111,共5页
Numerical analysis is carried out to study the sectional properties of the fiber-reinforced polymer(FRP)-confined reinforced concrete(RC)circular columns. The axial load ratio, the FRP confinement ratio and the lo... Numerical analysis is carried out to study the sectional properties of the fiber-reinforced polymer(FRP)-confined reinforced concrete(RC)circular columns. The axial load ratio, the FRP confinement ratio and the longitudinal reinforcement characteristic value are the three main parameters that can influence the neutral axis depth when concrete compression strain reaches an ultimate value. The formula for computing the central angle θ, corresponding to the compression zone, is established according to the data regression of the numerical analysis results. The numerical analysis results demonstrate that the concrete stress enhancement from transverse confinement and strain hardening of the longitudinal reinforcement can cause a much greater flexural strength than that defined by the design code. Based on the analytical studies and the test results of 36 large scale columns, the formula to calculate the flexural strength when columns fail under seismic loading is proposed, and the calculated results agree well with the test results. Finally, parametric studies are conducted on a typical column with different axial load ratios, longitudinal reinforcement characteristic value and FRP confinement ratios. Analysis of the results shows that the calculated flexural strength can be increased by 50% compared to that of unconfined columns defined by the code. 展开更多
关键词 reinforced concrete(RC)circular columns flexural capacity of normal section fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) CONFINEMENT
立铣刀优化设计 被引量:1
作者 李宏德 《制造技术与机床》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第5期25-27,共3页
关键词 立铣刀 优化设计 目标函数 材料承载能力
作者 张立军 王德禹 +1 位作者 朱锡 张凌江 《船舶力学》 EI 北大核心 2010年第3期280-292,共13页
频率选择表面(FSS)被广泛用于各个领域。很多情况下,频率选择表面会受到外力的作用,例如:嵌在集成桅杆外壳或者雷达吸波-承载复合材料结构中的频率选择表面。文章研究了在力的作用下,频率选择表面的电磁性能是否会改变、如何改变。首先... 频率选择表面(FSS)被广泛用于各个领域。很多情况下,频率选择表面会受到外力的作用,例如:嵌在集成桅杆外壳或者雷达吸波-承载复合材料结构中的频率选择表面。文章研究了在力的作用下,频率选择表面的电磁性能是否会改变、如何改变。首先,分析了力影响频率选择表面电磁性能的机理;然后,使用力学有限元法和电磁学有限元法分析了不同大小、不同方向的力作用下,频率选择表面电磁性能改变的模式和大小。计算获得的电磁性能-力关系曲线显示:电磁性能的改变主要表现为电磁波响应频率的偏移和透射带宽的改变;在不同方向的力作用下,电磁性能的改变程度不一样。为了降低力对频率选择表面电磁性能的影响,在布置频率选择表面时,应使受力的方向避开频率选择表面的最敏感方向,同时带圆角的开孔型频率选择表面值得研究。 展开更多
关键词 周期性开孔薄板 频率选择表面 雷达吸波-承载复合材料结构 集成桅杆 电磁-力联合分析
《粮油加工》 北大核心 2008年第3期51-51,共1页
将拌合后的湿面团放入该设备,进行短暂的静置熟化,同时间隙性的将湿面团输送至面片压延设备等下一道工序。 该机采用无菌输送带作为承载材料,具有面团静置熟化和湿面团先进、先出的工艺效果;能使面筋网络得到较好的形成。该机具有... 将拌合后的湿面团放入该设备,进行短暂的静置熟化,同时间隙性的将湿面团输送至面片压延设备等下一道工序。 该机采用无菌输送带作为承载材料,具有面团静置熟化和湿面团先进、先出的工艺效果;能使面筋网络得到较好的形成。该机具有变频调速、光控喂料的特点。 展开更多
关键词 喂料机 熟化 皮带 压延设备 一道工序 承载材料 工艺效果 变频调速
作者 闫丽娟 刘木南 朱亚夫 《建筑机械》 北大核心 2006年第06S期86-88,共3页
关键词 全液压汽车起重机 国家工程机械质量监督检验中心 市场需求 成熟技术 标准规定 环保项目 工程起重机 有限公司 重型机械 承载材料
作者 罗建忠 《建筑安全》 2007年第3期45-47,共3页
当前,我国汽车式起重机大量吸取了国际上的先进设计。并在广泛的市场调研和技术论证的基础上,结合国内市场的实际情况,采用新材料和新工艺,在主要关键液压元件和承载材料上引进国际化配套,并大量应用电比例操纵系统、双变量液压系... 当前,我国汽车式起重机大量吸取了国际上的先进设计。并在广泛的市场调研和技术论证的基础上,结合国内市场的实际情况,采用新材料和新工艺,在主要关键液压元件和承载材料上引进国际化配套,并大量应用电比例操纵系统、双变量液压系统、具有专利技术的冷暖空调、椭圆形吊臂等新技术, 展开更多
关键词 汽车式起重机 倾翻事故 防范措施 技术论证 先进设计 市场调研 国内市场 承载材料
Flexural behaviors of double-reinforced ECC beams 被引量:3
作者 颜嫄 许赟 +1 位作者 汪逊 潘金龙 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2013年第1期66-72,共7页
In order to investigate the flexural behaviors of engineered cementitious composites (ECC), theoretical and experimental researches are done on flexural doublereinforced ECC beams. Based on the assumption of the pla... In order to investigate the flexural behaviors of engineered cementitious composites (ECC), theoretical and experimental researches are done on flexural doublereinforced ECC beams. Based on the assumption of the plane section remaining plane in bending and simplified constitutive models of materials, the calculation methods of load carrying capacities for different critical stages are obtained. Then, these calculation methods are demonstrated by comparing the test results with the calculation results. Finally, based on the proposed theoretical formulae, the effects of the compression strength, compression strain and tension strength of ECC, and the reinforcement ratio on the flexural behaviors of double-reinforced ECC beams are analyzed. The calculated and measured results are in good agreement, which indicates that the theoretical model can be used to predict the momentcurvature response of steel reinforced ECC beams. And the results of parametric studies show that the increase in the compression strength of ECC can greatly improve the flexural performance of beams; the increase in the ultimate compression strain can significantly improve the ultimate curvature and ductility, but has little effect on the load bearing capacity of beams. little effect on the flexural The tensile strength of ECC has behaviors of ECC beams. The increase in the steel reinforcement ratio can lead to significant improvement of the load bearing capacity and the stiffness of beams, but a degradation of the ductility of beams. The theoretical model and parameter analysis results in this paper are instructive for the design of steel reinforced ECC beams. 展开更多
关键词 engineered cementitious composites (ECC) ultimate carrying capacity ultimate curvature DUCTILITY parametric study
Lateral load-carrying capacity analyses of composite shear walls with double steel plates and filled concrete with binding bars 被引量:1
作者 周德源 刘凌飞 朱立猛 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第8期2083-2091,共9页
A method is developed to predict the lateral load-carrying capacity of composite shear walls with double steel plates and filled concrete with binding bars(SCBs). Nonlinear finite element models of SCBs were establish... A method is developed to predict the lateral load-carrying capacity of composite shear walls with double steel plates and filled concrete with binding bars(SCBs). Nonlinear finite element models of SCBs were established by using the finite element tool, Abaqus. Tie constraints were used to connect the binding bars and the steel plates. Surface-to-surface contact provided by the Abaqus was used to simulate the interaction between the steel plate and the core concrete. The established models could predict the lateral load-carrying capacity of SCBs with a reasonable degree of accuracy. A calculation method was developed by superposition principle to predict the lateral load-carrying capacity of SCBs for the engineering application. The concrete confined by steel plates and binding bars is under multi-axial compression; therefore, its shear strength was calculated by using the Guo-Wang concrete failure criterion. The shear strength of the steel plates of SCBs was calculated by using the von Mises yielding criterion without considering buckling. Results of the developed method are in good agreement with the testing and finite element results. 展开更多
关键词 composite shear wall double steel plate binding bar lateral load-carrying capacity nonlinear finite element analysis
A new numerical method for determining collapse load-carrying capacity of structure made of elasto-plastic material 被引量:2
作者 钟志鹏 任大龙 万水 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第1期398-404,共7页
Determination of collapse load-carrying capacity of elasto-plastic material is very important in designing structure. The problem is commonly solved by elasto-plastic finite element method (FEM). In order to deal wi... Determination of collapse load-carrying capacity of elasto-plastic material is very important in designing structure. The problem is commonly solved by elasto-plastic finite element method (FEM). In order to deal with material nonlinear problem involving strain softening problem effectively, a new numerical method-damped Newton method was proposed. The iterative schemes are discussed in detail for pure equilibrium models. In the equilibrium model, the plasticity criterion and the compatibility of the strains are verified, and the strain increment and plastic factor are treated as independent unknowns. To avoid the stiffness matrix being singularity or condition of matrix being ill, a damping factor a was introduced to adjust the value of plastic consistent parameter automatically during the iterations. According to the algorithm, the nonlinear finite element program was complied and its numerical example was calculated. The numerical results indicate that this method converges very fast for both small load steps and large load steps. Compared with those results obtained by analysis and experiment, the predicted ultimate bearing capacity from the proposed method is identical. 展开更多
关键词 damped Newton method collapse load elasto-plastic material non-linear finite element method incremental-iterativeanalysis
Mechanical Behavior of Rectangular Steel-Reinforced ECC/Concrete Composite Column under Eccentric Compression 被引量:2
作者 潘金龙 鲁冰 +2 位作者 顾大伟 夏正昊 夏天阳 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2015年第3期269-277,共9页
In order to improve the seismic performance, deformation ability and ultimate load-carrying capacity of columns with rectangular cross section, engineered cementitious composite (ECC) is introduced to partially subs... In order to improve the seismic performance, deformation ability and ultimate load-carrying capacity of columns with rectangular cross section, engineered cementitious composite (ECC) is introduced to partially substitute concrete in the edge zone of reinforced concrete columns and form reinforced ECC/concrete composite columns. Firstly, based on the assumption of plane remaining plane and the simplified constitutive models, the calculation method of the load-carrying capacity of reinforced ECC/concrete columns is proposed. The stress and strain distribu- tions and crack propagation of the composite columns in different states of eccentric compressive loading are ana- lyzed. Then, nonlinear finite element analysis is conducted to study the mechanical performance of reinforced ECC/concrete composite columns with rectangular cross section. It is found that the simulation results are in good agreement with the theoretical results, indicating that the proposed method for calculating the load-carrying capacity of concrete/ECC composite columns is valid. Finally, based on the proposed method, the effects of ECC thickness, com- pressive strength of concrete and longitudinal reinforcement ratio on the mechanical performance of reinforced ECC/ concrete composite columns are analyzed. Calculation results indicate that increasing the thickness of ECC layer or longitudinal reinforcement ratio can effectively increase the ultimate load-carrying capacity of the composite column with both small and large eccentricity, but increasing the strength of concrete can only increase the ultimate Ioad- carrying capacity of the composite column with small eccentricity. 展开更多
关键词 engineered cementitious composite (ECC) steel-reinforced concrete ECC/concrete composite column eccentric compression behavior ultimate load-carrying capacity
Bearing capacity and settlement of strip footing on geosynthetic reinforced clayey slopes 被引量:6
作者 S.A.Naeini B.Khadem Rabe E.Mahmoodi 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第4期1116-1124,共9页
The effect of geosynthetic reinforcing on bearing capacity of a strip footing resting on georeinforced clayey slopes was investigated.The results of a series of numerical study using finite element analyses on strip f... The effect of geosynthetic reinforcing on bearing capacity of a strip footing resting on georeinforced clayey slopes was investigated.The results of a series of numerical study using finite element analyses on strip footing upon both reinforced and unreinforced clayey slopes were presented.The objectives of this work are to:1) determine the influence of reinforcement on the bearing-capacity of the strip footings adjacent slopes,2) suggest an optimum number of reinforcement and 3) survey the effect of friction angle in clayey soils reinforced by geogrids.The investigations were carried out by varying the edge distance of the footing from slope.Also different numbers of geosynthetic layers were applied to obtaining the maximum bearing capacity and minimum settlement.To achieve the third objective,two different friction angles were used.The results show that the load?settlement behavior and ultimate bearing capacity of footing can be considerably improved by the inclusion of reinforcing layer.But using more than one layer reinforcement,the ultimate bearing capacity does not change considerably.It is also shown that for both reinforced and unreinforced slopes,the bearing capacity increases with an increase in edge distance.In addition,as the soil friction angle is increased,the efficiency of reinforcing reduces. 展开更多
关键词 geosynthetic reinforcing numerical analysis bearing capacity strip footing clayey slope friction angle
Numerical Analysis of the Composite Connection of Steel Joist Embedded in Concrete Girder
《Journal of Mathematics and System Science》 2017年第7期198-210,共13页
So far, numerous numerical studies have been conducted on the behavior of Composite Reinforced Concrete-Steel (RCS) beam-to-column connections. However, the lack of studies regarding the steel joist-concrete girder ... So far, numerous numerical studies have been conducted on the behavior of Composite Reinforced Concrete-Steel (RCS) beam-to-column connections. However, the lack of studies regarding the steel joist-concrete girder connection has yet to be addressed through comprehensive finite element methods to get an understanding of influential parameters. Hence, in this paper, composite connection of embedded steel joist in concrete girder is investigated with an appropriate finite element software, namely, ABAQUS. The validity of the proposed model is examined by the comparison made with the test data in literature. Results indicate that maximum bending capacity of the connection is achieved when embedment ratio is 1.78. Moreover, double web angles in the embedment region significantly reduce the embedment length required to achieve the maximum bending capacity. Finally, damage analyses show that bending capacity of concrete girder is slightly reduced in the connection zone. 展开更多
关键词 Composite beam-to-column connection embedment length steel coupled beam bending capacity
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