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作者 符磊 韩萌萌 《技术经济》 北大核心 2023年第5期91-103,共13页
区域全面经济伙伴关系协定(RCEP)合作框架下中国企业对外直接投资(OFDI)及其技术利益格局会深远影响成员国的后续科技创新与合作。本文基于上市公司面板数据,运用“熵权法”测算技术利益,结合企业、环境、东道国与OFDI特征研究中国企业... 区域全面经济伙伴关系协定(RCEP)合作框架下中国企业对外直接投资(OFDI)及其技术利益格局会深远影响成员国的后续科技创新与合作。本文基于上市公司面板数据,运用“熵权法”测算技术利益,结合企业、环境、东道国与OFDI特征研究中国企业对RCEP国家直接投资的技术利益实现问题。研究发现:对RCEP国家直接投资对实现技术利益具有显著促进作用;管理效率的提升强化技术利益的实现能力,高知识产权保护水平强化技术利益实现的动机。进一步分析表明,国有企业能实现更多的技术利益,而民营企业可以通过提高管理效率和知识产权保护水平提升技术利益实现水平;企业OFDI水平越高、东道国知识产权保护水平越高,技术利益实现效果越好;投资到RCEP国家的企业相比投资到“一带一路”国家的企业会获得更多技术利益。 展开更多
关键词 对外直接投资 技术利益 知识产权保护 企业管理效率
技术利益:现代技术风险研究的新视角 被引量:3
作者 毛明芳 《湖湘论坛》 CSSCI 2015年第5期131-135,共5页
在当代技术社会,技术利益是指技术带来的经济、社会、文化、生态等方方面面的好处,具有系统性、人文性、可持续性等特征。技术利益是现代技术风险形成的重要影响因素,在其形成过程中起了"催化剂"作用。防范技术风险,需要建立... 在当代技术社会,技术利益是指技术带来的经济、社会、文化、生态等方方面面的好处,具有系统性、人文性、可持续性等特征。技术利益是现代技术风险形成的重要影响因素,在其形成过程中起了"催化剂"作用。防范技术风险,需要建立技术利益协调机制和技术利益协调的保障机制。要协调技术发展的经济、生态、社会与人文利益,以及全球、国家、企业与个人利益两个层面的利益关系;要强化技术主体的技术伦理责任和对技术活动的规则制约。 展开更多
关键词 技术利益 风险社会 技术风险 风险防范
作者 朱智洺 张应允 戴芷歆 《中国科技资源导刊》 2022年第6期69-84,共16页
选取2005—2019年我国对RCEP伙伴国直接投资的省际面板数据,从逆向技术溢出视角,在利用基准回归模型检验OFDI对我国获取技术利益影响的基础上,构建门槛面板模型,检验在不同吸收能力下我国对RCEP伙伴国OFDI对我国获取技术利益的影响。实... 选取2005—2019年我国对RCEP伙伴国直接投资的省际面板数据,从逆向技术溢出视角,在利用基准回归模型检验OFDI对我国获取技术利益影响的基础上,构建门槛面板模型,检验在不同吸收能力下我国对RCEP伙伴国OFDI对我国获取技术利益的影响。实证结果表明:在如今世界各国对先进技术的保护和封锁力度不断加强的背景下,我国对RCEP伙伴国直接投资仍具有逆向技术溢出效应,能够显著促进我国技术利益的获得;在吸收能力的门槛效应检验中,人力资本水平和经济发展水平分别具有单一和双重门槛作用,均对我国技术利益的获取具有显著的正向促进作用,且该作用会随着水平的提升逐步增强。 展开更多
关键词 对外直接投资 区域全面经济伙伴关系 逆向技术溢出 技术利益 门槛效应
作者 符磊 张万林 韩萌萌 《投资研究》 北大核心 2024年第5期92-107,共16页
从RCEP协定框架酝酿谈判以来,东亚、东南亚与大西洋地区主要国家的利益融合机制开始逐步形成。文章主要探讨对RCEP成员国的企业直接投资是否实现了技术利益,与“一带一路”沿线国家的企业直接投资相比,该技术利益是否更大。研究发现:200... 从RCEP协定框架酝酿谈判以来,东亚、东南亚与大西洋地区主要国家的利益融合机制开始逐步形成。文章主要探讨对RCEP成员国的企业直接投资是否实现了技术利益,与“一带一路”沿线国家的企业直接投资相比,该技术利益是否更大。研究发现:2009-2019年期间,我国上市公司对现RCEP成员国进行直接投资总体获得了更高的技术利益;对现RCEP成员国进行直接投资所获得的技术利益,总体高于对“一带一路”沿线国家直接投资所获得的技术利益。此外文章还进行了必要的检验和拓展性分析,所得研究结论为我国进一步充分运用RCEP机制实现企业利益提供经验启示,也是从利益融合视角探讨RCEP机制成效的一次尝试。 展开更多
关键词 对外直接投资 技术利益 RCEP 利益融合
美国自由贸易协定研究——以生物技术内容为视角 被引量:2
作者 杨静 《河北法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第4期174-179,共6页
在生物技术企业巨头的主导下,近年来美国自由贸易协定竭力维护美生物技术利益集团的利益,在食品、农业、生物多样性的私有化和商品化以及在全球范围内推广转基因生物等方面均表现出比TRIPs协议更加强烈的意图,推行更加强硬的做法,对签... 在生物技术企业巨头的主导下,近年来美国自由贸易协定竭力维护美生物技术利益集团的利益,在食品、农业、生物多样性的私有化和商品化以及在全球范围内推广转基因生物等方面均表现出比TRIPs协议更加强烈的意图,推行更加强硬的做法,对签约国家和地区的生物安全、农业生产和粮食安全造成威胁。我国应当高度重视自由贸易协定中的生物技术内容,从维护本国生物安全的角度出发商定条款内容,保护国家生物安全和粮食安全。 展开更多
关键词 生物技术利益集团 美国自由贸易协定 TRIPS协议 生物安全
技术全球化与我国的策略选择 被引量:1
作者 王中保 《江西社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第10期14-20,共7页
按照科学发展观的指引"统筹国内发展和改革开放",就要求在技术全球化中构建自立主导型的我国对外技术转移战略。我国引进的技术对于发达国家来说,已是成熟技术或标准化的技术,而非先进技术,发达国家比我国获取更大比例的国际... 按照科学发展观的指引"统筹国内发展和改革开放",就要求在技术全球化中构建自立主导型的我国对外技术转移战略。我国引进的技术对于发达国家来说,已是成熟技术或标准化的技术,而非先进技术,发达国家比我国获取更大比例的国际技术转移利益,而我国注重技术的引进,忽视通过消化吸收提高自身的技术创新能力,以及我国外商投资企业尤其是外商独资企业在我国技术转移中的主导地位,我国获取的国际技术转移利益的比例趋于下降。为获取更多的国际技术转移利益,我国必须注重提高自主创新能力,推进全方位的技术引进战略,鼓励我国大型公司的跨国并购,以及利用我国较先进技术的输出,获取国际技术转移利益及更多关联国际贸易利益和国际投资利益。 展开更多
关键词 技术全球化 内外利益关系 国际技术转移利益
保险利益的概念检讨——以《保险法》第十二条为核心 被引量:2
作者 孟淑秀 《法治研究》 2008年第7期73-75,共3页
作为保险法上的核心概念,保险利益在保险理论和实践中起着举足轻重的作用。但是,我国《保险法》对这一概念的界定却存在诸多缺陷。保险利益的主体应该是被保险人而非投保人;保险利益以保险标的为基础,并不等同于保险标的,而保险标的的... 作为保险法上的核心概念,保险利益在保险理论和实践中起着举足轻重的作用。但是,我国《保险法》对这一概念的界定却存在诸多缺陷。保险利益的主体应该是被保险人而非投保人;保险利益以保险标的为基础,并不等同于保险标的,而保险标的的范围不但包括各种财产权利,还包括经济利益;保险利益只适用于人身保险领域,在保险利益的性质上,我们应坚持"经济关系说"的观点。 展开更多
关键词 保险利益 财产保险 人身保险 技术性保险利益 经济性保险利益
评述专利权用尽原则适用范围的发展问题 被引量:1
作者 张冬 范桂荣 《学术交流》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第9期63-65,共3页
后金融危机时代,与私权公权化发展相适应,专利权用尽原则呈现出扩大化的适用趋势。虽然在专利权用尽原则的国内适用范围上,多数国家和地区达成了共识,包括地域性原则处于权利用尽的次要地位,"权利穷竭"属于"权利限制&qu... 后金融危机时代,与私权公权化发展相适应,专利权用尽原则呈现出扩大化的适用趋势。虽然在专利权用尽原则的国内适用范围上,多数国家和地区达成了共识,包括地域性原则处于权利用尽的次要地位,"权利穷竭"属于"权利限制"等,然而,在专利权用尽的国际适用层面上,发达国家和地区出现了不合理的区域限制倾向。研究发现,它不但违反了TRIPS协议的基本原则,而且阻碍了国际核心专利技术贸易的自由流转,侵害了以我国为代表的自主创新技术尚需扶持的欠发达国家的发展利益。我们需要充分利用WTO—TRIPs协议的弹性条款,完善我国新专利法权利用尽原则适用范围扩大化的立法解释和司法实施,以切实保障我国技术专利化的战略需求。 展开更多
关键词 专利权用尽原则 适用范围扩大化 技术竞争利益
An Overview of Internet of Vehicles 被引量:58
作者 YANGFangchun WANG Shangguang LI Jinglin LIU Zhihan SUN Qibo 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第10期1-15,共15页
The new era of the Internet of Things is driving the evolution of conventional Vehicle Ad-hoc Networks into the lnternet of Vehicles (IoV). With the rapid development of computation and communication technologies, l... The new era of the Internet of Things is driving the evolution of conventional Vehicle Ad-hoc Networks into the lnternet of Vehicles (IoV). With the rapid development of computation and communication technologies, loV promises huge commercial interest and research value, thereby attracting a large number of companies and researchers. This paper proposes an abstract network model of the IoV, discusses the technologies required to create the IoV, presents different applications based on certain currently existing technologies, provides several open research challenges and describes essential future research in the area of loV. 展开更多
关键词 internet of vehicles VANET vehicle telematics network model
Shale gas exploitation with supercritical CO_2 technology 被引量:5
作者 Wang Haizhu Shen Zhonghou +2 位作者 Li Gensheng Tian Shouceng Cheng Yuxiong 《Engineering Sciences》 2012年第4期12-15,42,共5页
This paper analyzes the physicochemical properties of supercritical C02, the characteristic of shale gas and shale gas reservoirs. The technologies of drilling, production, fracturing using the supercritical CO2 in sh... This paper analyzes the physicochemical properties of supercritical C02, the characteristic of shale gas and shale gas reservoirs. The technologies of drilling, production, fracturing using the supercritical CO2 in shale gas explo- ration are proposed, to increase the penetration rate, decrease the damage to formation while fracturing, and enhance the recovery of shale gas. It is believed that the huge economic benefits of shale gas exploration with the supercritical CO2 fluid will be obtained, and it also can initiate a new technology field of CO2 in the petroleum engineering. 展开更多
关键词 shale gas exploration supereritical CO2 DRILLING
Change of Customer Concept in Marketing Activities
作者 Xun LI 《International English Education Research》 2014年第3期121-122,共2页
Marketing concept refers to the guiding ideology of correctly dealing with the interest relationship among enterprise, customers and society and also the fundamental standard for behaviors in the process of an enterpr... Marketing concept refers to the guiding ideology of correctly dealing with the interest relationship among enterprise, customers and society and also the fundamental standard for behaviors in the process of an enterprise to carry out all marketing activities in a certain period of time, production and business technology, and market environmental conditions. In this paper, the change of customer concept in marketing activities is mainly discussed. Therefore, this paper is of certain practical and guiding significance. 展开更多
关键词 Marketing Activities CUSTOMERS Definitions Change of Concept
An Institutional Innovation for Agricultural Technology Adaptation and Adoption: Rice in West and Central Africa 被引量:1
作者 Sidi Sanyang Moussa Sie +4 位作者 Aliou Diagne Marie-Noelle Ndjiondjop Dogbe Selome Yawovi Mamadou MBare Coulibaly Patrice Ygue Adegbola 《Sociology Study》 2012年第11期848-867,共20页
This paper traces the origins and achievements of the R^seau Ouest et Centre Africain du Riz--ROCARIZ (West and Central Africa Rice Research and Development Network). The ROCARIZ institutional arrangement showed tha... This paper traces the origins and achievements of the R^seau Ouest et Centre Africain du Riz--ROCARIZ (West and Central Africa Rice Research and Development Network). The ROCARIZ institutional arrangement showed that rice science is approached from multi-stakeholder perspectives that place end users and entrepreneurs at the center of research for development, and collaboration among rice-based stakeholders can be enhanced and sustained. The ROCARIZ used competitive research grants through multi-stakeholder task forces to generate, adapt, and facilitate the adoption of rice-based technologies and approaches by resource poor households. The grants contributed to: (1) farmer adoption of high yielding and multiple stress resilient lowland NERICAs (New Rices for Africa) (NERICA-L); (2) producer access to credit and services resulting in increased marketing of quality seed rice, paddy, and grain rice by farmer entrepreneurs and poor rural households; (3) improved skills of stakeholders on the use of impact assessment tools to demonstrate adoption of rice-based technologies; (4) enhanced skills of rice breeders in molecular assisted marker selection to shorten the varietal development process; and (S) experiential learning and sharing to improve access to information and knowledge. 展开更多
关键词 Rice-based technologies innovations stakeholder capacity
Transnationalization on the Technique of Assisted Human Reproduction
作者 Edna Raquel Hogemann 《Sociology Study》 2014年第3期262-268,共7页
This paper's purpose is to present a reflective analysis about the process of transnationalization in which the technique of assisted human reproduction has been going to the extent that such a procedure has been rev... This paper's purpose is to present a reflective analysis about the process of transnationalization in which the technique of assisted human reproduction has been going to the extent that such a procedure has been revealed as a true "fertility tourism", offered through packages for those people who have financial conditions, but cannot through natural means to realize the dream of membership. Through the dialectic method of discourse, promoting the comparison of the thought of many authors who focus on issues such as globalization, commodification of human, technical exacerbation detriment of humans, and their interpersonal relations, the author seeks to introduce issues that are the order of day with respect to this global market arising from the tremendous advances reproductive techniques in a society marked by economic interests, it turns much more to the consumer and considers the human being as an additional asset to be sold, since its conception. The author acknowledges that they cease for tourism human reproduction is a trade that is worth of human frailty, because relying on one of the most intimate aspects of life: the desire to be a mother or father or ultimately, the perpetuation of the species. 展开更多
关键词 Transnationalization assisted reproduction TRADE
Strategies to Promote Regional Innovation
作者 Andriele De Pra Carvalho Paula Regina Zarelli Marco Antonio Harms Dias 《Chinese Business Review》 2016年第10期466-478,共13页
A favorable environment for the exchange of information and innovation is able to provide the economic and social progress. Thus, this article aims to propose a study methodology to develop strategies for promoting te... A favorable environment for the exchange of information and innovation is able to provide the economic and social progress. Thus, this article aims to propose a study methodology to develop strategies for promoting technological innovation, to answer the research question: What actions to leverage the innovative potential of a region? Data were collected through qualitative and quantitative approaches. The study was characterized as exploratory, descriptive, and inventory. The study sample was composed of the industrial spectrum of Francisco Beltrao region. Innovation indexes were identified companies operating in areas of greatest economic importance. Representatives of the companies were interviewed for the researcher could analyze their knowledge of the laws that encourage innovation and actions imposed by the interested parties and the municipal government. Interested parties were also interviewed to verify the effectiveness of actions. The main results indicated a low overall rate of innovation of companies in the Francisco Beltrao region. Another point was the very low number of companies they knew about laws and incentives. The higher content of knowledge of these laws and actions of stakeholders were among the companies participating in the single business hub of the city looking for technological innovation. The main conclusions brought proposed strategies to promote technological innovation. 展开更多
关键词 regional development innovation management sustainable development INNOVATION SUSTAINABLE management
作者 张建成 《井冈山大学学报(社会科学版)》 1995年第3期37-42,共6页
本文对社会主义民主的目标结构及其运行规律进行研究,以民主的利益决策形式和技术决策形式为探讨的基本对象,分析了民主的利益决策形式和技术决策形式的基本内容、所遵循的原则以及两者之间的关系,阐明了社会主义民主的利益决策形式... 本文对社会主义民主的目标结构及其运行规律进行研究,以民主的利益决策形式和技术决策形式为探讨的基本对象,分析了民主的利益决策形式和技术决策形式的基本内容、所遵循的原则以及两者之间的关系,阐明了社会主义民主的利益决策形式和技术决策形式是对资本主义民主的利益决策形式和技术决策形式的扬弃,提出了促成社会主义民主目标结构正常运行是社会主义民主建设的重要任务。 展开更多
关键词 目标结构 利益决策形式和技术决策形式
Components Qualification for the Safe Operation of Nuclear Power Plants
作者 Holger Schmidt Martin Beetz +5 位作者 Ingo Ganzmann Achim Beisiegel Thomas Wagner Christian Bonneau Darryl Gordon Sun Jing 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2016年第10期581-590,共10页
AREVA operates a world-wide unique thermal hydraulic platform to ensure high safety standards in the nuclear industries. This platform is operated as an accredited test and inspection body according to ISO 17025 and 1... AREVA operates a world-wide unique thermal hydraulic platform to ensure high safety standards in the nuclear industries. This platform is operated as an accredited test and inspection body according to ISO 17025 and 17020 to grant a high and independently confmned quality standard. The accreditation also ensures the independency of the organization and confidentiality to the individual stakeholders, for example research centers, utilities, components suppliers, engineering companies and vendors. Especially for nuclear power plants, it is very relevant to consider that reliability depends on the integrity of its components during its life time-from design through construction, operation and maintenance. For example, a typical NPP (nuclear power plant) has 1,000 to 2,000 large valves and 7,500 to 12,500 small valves, of which about 200 to 400 are designated Safety Class 1. The qualification of these Safety Class 1 components is relevant for reactor new builds but also for installed plants. This paper explains newly established qualification tasks, the corresponding testing infrastructure, and the state of the art of testing technology. By way of example, the paper describes the program and possible sequence of qualifying NPP safety-related components. 展开更多
关键词 Components testing nuclear qualification thermal hydraulics testing nuclear safety
Opportunities from ICT for Agro-Food Supply Chains
作者 FlavioBoccia Tiziana Volpe 《Computer Technology and Application》 2011年第2期127-136,共10页
Nowadays the situation of agro-food and rural sector in terms of markets, development and competitiveness and the specific impact that rural activities have in the society, added to the potential positive impact of ne... Nowadays the situation of agro-food and rural sector in terms of markets, development and competitiveness and the specific impact that rural activities have in the society, added to the potential positive impact of new ICT technologies, has arisen new challenges. Support the European Agro-food industry to be a worldwide leader in the supply of high quality and safe food products. The relevance of agro-food industry is not only related to its importance in European economy but also is consequence of increase awareness concerning to the necessity of producing high quality and safe products. The implementation of the new technologies in agro-food domain, enabling adequate combination of traditional products and modern management processes will definitively contribute to produce high quality and safe products. Increase the level of involvement of consumers in the agro-food value chain by means of the wide adoption of relevant IC Technologies and applications. The agro-food sector is very much a consumer driven sector. However, in order to realise the full participation of citizens in the whole agro-food supply chain, further developments in ICTs are required. The incorporation of ICT tools will greatly contribute to achieving a deeper integration, communication and information flow between the different stakeholders in the supply chain, from "fork to farm", from farmers to consumers. Therefore, in first place the objective of the work is to analyze the opportunities offered by the ICT to implement the systems of traceability in the food system. In according to place the study wants to deepen the norm ISO22000, in which the ICT has a fundamental role to have a synthetic tool of guarantee and greater trust for the consumer. The purpose is to make a critical review of the existing literature on this matter in relationship to the agro-food systems. 展开更多
关键词 FOOD information and communications technology (ICT) ISO QUALITY traceability.
The Policy Effectiveness of"Go Organic": A Study on Implementation and Efficiency of Organic Vegetable Cultivation in Semarang Municipality
作者 Sucihatiningsih Dian Wisika Prajanti Etty Soesilowati 《Sociology Study》 2012年第6期468-482,共15页
This paper discussed the cost and benefit level of the marketing mix of organic vegetable cultivation. In 2011, the research assessed the effectiveness of policy of"Go Organic 2010" in Semarang municipality. The obj... This paper discussed the cost and benefit level of the marketing mix of organic vegetable cultivation. In 2011, the research assessed the effectiveness of policy of"Go Organic 2010" in Semarang municipality. The objectives of this work are to assess: (1] program implementations; (2) related stakeholders; C3] external and internal constrains; (4] the level of effectiveness; and (5) the efficiency on the use of production factors. Further, it aims to improve the competitiveness of the agricultural commodity through using efficient production factors, lessening the environmental damage as the use of pesticide, and promoting awareness of responsibilty among government, university, and society. Having employed interactive approach and SPSS 13.0 program, the result indicates that behavior of farming in the research area sounds to be less efficient. Further, agriculture extension agent performance in Semarang needs also to be better improved. Therefore, improvement on counselling activities is proposed to be a solution to make the performance of the extension optimum. Meanwhile, the number of extension agents is not sufficient. It is expected that the ideal number for extension--one village one extension--can be applied. 展开更多
关键词 EFFECTIVENESS EFFICIENCY production factor CULTIVATION organic vegetable
The Role of Institutional Investors in the Evolutionary Dynamics of Agro-food Enterprises
作者 Vincenzo Formisano Maria Fedele Emanuela Antonucci 《Chinese Business Review》 2015年第2期61-71,共11页
The research topic is the one of public finance company whose core business is focused to support investment projects to overcome enterprises technological and structural gap. The research question is: If and how a p... The research topic is the one of public finance company whose core business is focused to support investment projects to overcome enterprises technological and structural gap. The research question is: If and how a public finance company is able to create and favor value creation processes sustainability for agro-food enterprises, highlighting the positive emerging externalities for different categories of stakeholders. They have results with particular evidences allow comparisons between the private investments and the support of institutional public investors. In such perspective, the mode of disbursement of soft loans and investment operations made by a public financing company will be examined. The methodological approach used, following a deductive-inductive perspective, is based on the ease study. Such technique able to formulate theories about a little known phenomena in their context, allows the study of recent events on which the researcher has little control. To this, a qualitative analysis on both primary and secondary data adds. From data analysis, it resulted that the Institute of Agribusiness Development (ISA) initiatives facilitated, just for example, the technological innovation of production department and consequent production capacity, the acquisition of production assets for row material processing and optimization of internal logistics, through an innovative automated warehouse. As a result, the case study finds sustainability at multiple levels reached by the activities promoted by ISA and the subsequent co-creation of value for stakeholders involved, small agro-food businesses innovation, and/or internationalization processes. As long as practical implications are concerned, such highlight the importance and the need for public and private institutions in their effort to continue to invest in projects to support the economy of the country. The originality of the paper lies in the proposed interpretation of more integrative paradigms (viable system approach, sustainability, and, value creation), analyzing a financial institution for the development of the Italian food industry. At the same time, authors stress the research limit that is the analysis of the input of only one organization and consequent limited data in quantity and time span. 展开更多
关键词 public finance company shared value creation SUSTAINABILITY agro-food context investment projects
作者 王召侠 黄鲁成 《科学学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第8期1153-1159,1127,共8页
基于Kaivan Mμnshi和MkerloG模型构建社会规范与新技术间的长期关系模型。分析得出:虽然社会规范和新技术间的长期关系是相互促进和制约的关系,社会规范和新技术间具有相互的选择力;但是基于生产力的发展,新技术对社会规范的选择力相... 基于Kaivan Mμnshi和MkerloG模型构建社会规范与新技术间的长期关系模型。分析得出:虽然社会规范和新技术间的长期关系是相互促进和制约的关系,社会规范和新技术间具有相互的选择力;但是基于生产力的发展,新技术对社会规范的选择力相对占据优势。在模型中关键因素的相互作用和对关系数据的分析为顺利实现技术的社会价值,保证二者长期的先进性和关系的协调性提供了实践方法的指导。 展开更多
关键词 声誉 短期关系 技术的经济利益 关系数据
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