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作者 马龙 《中文科技期刊数据库(引文版)工程技术》 2024年第5期0238-0241,共4页
建筑工程中的屋面防水项目对于整个建筑的稳定性和使用寿命具有重要影响,其技术可持续性的提高有利于节约资源、保护环境,降低总体生命周期成本。本研究首先对目前的建筑工程屋面防水技术进行了全面详细的评估,揭示了当前技术在材料使... 建筑工程中的屋面防水项目对于整个建筑的稳定性和使用寿命具有重要影响,其技术可持续性的提高有利于节约资源、保护环境,降低总体生命周期成本。本研究首先对目前的建筑工程屋面防水技术进行了全面详细的评估,揭示了当前技术在材料使用、施工过程、岗位管理、最终效果等方面存在的问题和挑战。接着,基于生命周期评价法和改进思路,我们提出了一套全新的屋面防水技术可持续性提升方案。这包括选用性能优越、环保的防水材料,优化施工工艺,强化对屋面防水项目的管理监控,以及定期对防水效果进行检测与修复。研究结果表明,应用这一新方案后,超过85%的屋面防水工程的防水性能和使用寿命明显增加,而且水源的消耗、温室气体排放和维保成本均可显著降低。这为推进建筑工程屋面防水技术的可持续性发展提供了有效策略和技术支持。 展开更多
关键词 建筑工程屋面防水 技术可持续性 生命周期评价法 管理监控 环保防水材料
作者 吴春模 《现代营销(上)》 2024年第3期137-139,共3页
本文基于我国30个省区市2011—2021年的面板数据,对各省份制造业高质量发展水平作出测度,并量化评价制造业高质量发展的现状。在这一研究的基础上,本文探究可持续性技术创新影响制造业高质量发展的作用机理,并构建面板回归的模型,根据... 本文基于我国30个省区市2011—2021年的面板数据,对各省份制造业高质量发展水平作出测度,并量化评价制造业高质量发展的现状。在这一研究的基础上,本文探究可持续性技术创新影响制造业高质量发展的作用机理,并构建面板回归的模型,根据可持续性技术创新对制造业高质量发展的影响进行实证分析。研究表明,可持续性产品创新和可持续性工艺创新对中国制造业高质量发展均具有显著的正向影响,并且相较于可持续性工艺创新,可持续性产品创新的影响程度更大。 展开更多
关键词 可持续性技术创新 制造业 高质量发展 面板数据模型
土壤修复技术的可持续性评价--以原位稳定/固化技术和异位填埋技术为例 被引量:10
作者 李青青 罗启仕 +1 位作者 郑伟 李小平 《土壤》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第2期308-314,共7页
土壤修复技术的可持续性是评价土壤修复工程的可持续性和选择土壤修复技术的重要依据。本研究以上海某重大工程的污染场地土壤修复为例,运用多标准分析法(MCA),从人体健康、社会、能源消耗以及环境保护等角度,对两种典型的修复技术(原... 土壤修复技术的可持续性是评价土壤修复工程的可持续性和选择土壤修复技术的重要依据。本研究以上海某重大工程的污染场地土壤修复为例,运用多标准分析法(MCA),从人体健康、社会、能源消耗以及环境保护等角度,对两种典型的修复技术(原位稳定/固化,异地填埋)的可持续性进行综合分析和评价。结果表明,稳定/固化技术是一种较为经济且环境污染少的可持续的修复方法:填埋技术不仅经济成本较高,而且温室气体排放种类多,对社会的可持续发展较为不利。 展开更多
关键词 土壤修复 技术可持续性 原位稳定/固化 异位填埋
作者 何涛 《陕西建筑》 2023年第8期63-67,共5页
本文主要将英国的城市内涝解决方案与我国的海绵城市做对比,总结出国内海绵城市发展可借鉴之处。从中国的实际情况出发,分析海绵城市发展的研究方向。以西安为例,总结出海绵城市地方发展的建设方向和要点,表明三套系统的衔接协调再发展... 本文主要将英国的城市内涝解决方案与我国的海绵城市做对比,总结出国内海绵城市发展可借鉴之处。从中国的实际情况出发,分析海绵城市发展的研究方向。以西安为例,总结出海绵城市地方发展的建设方向和要点,表明三套系统的衔接协调再发展中的重要性。 展开更多
关键词 海绵城市建设 可持续性排水技术 城市内涝 三套系统
作者 李青青 罗启仕 +1 位作者 李小平 郑伟 《上海环境科学》 CAS CSCD 2008年第5期185-191,共7页
土壤修复技术的可持续性是评价土壤修复工程的可持续性和选择土壤修复技术的重要依据。以上海市某重大工程的污染场地土壤修复为例,基于欧盟组织CLARINET和英国开发的污染土可持续发展的指标评分系统,制定了评价原则;运用多标准分析... 土壤修复技术的可持续性是评价土壤修复工程的可持续性和选择土壤修复技术的重要依据。以上海市某重大工程的污染场地土壤修复为例,基于欧盟组织CLARINET和英国开发的污染土可持续发展的指标评分系统,制定了评价原则;运用多标准分析法(MCA),从人体健康、社会、能源消耗以及环境保护等角度.对2种典型的修复技术(原位稳定/固化,异地填埋)的可持续性进行综合分析和评价。结果表明,稳定/固化技术是1种较为经济且环境污染少的可持续的修复方法;填埋技术不仅经济成本较高,而且温室气体排放种类多.对社会的可持续发展较为不利。 展开更多
关键词 土壤修复 技术可持续性 原位稳定/固化 异位填埋 评价
智能建筑中可持续性技术研究 被引量:2
作者 叶紫嫣 《知识经济》 2010年第14期141-141,共1页
智能化的建筑外围护结构及与之直接相关的,影响建筑的内、外部造型的节能技术手段作为对可持续性智能建筑关注的重点。"智能建筑的发展不再局限于智能系统控制建筑,而是更加关注与自然结合的建筑自控,成为绿色建筑体系的一部分&qu... 智能化的建筑外围护结构及与之直接相关的,影响建筑的内、外部造型的节能技术手段作为对可持续性智能建筑关注的重点。"智能建筑的发展不再局限于智能系统控制建筑,而是更加关注与自然结合的建筑自控,成为绿色建筑体系的一部分"。 展开更多
关键词 智能建筑 可持续性技术 发展
作者 杨勇 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)工程技术》 2020年第11期272-273,共2页
关键词 智能建筑 可持续性技术 设计
作者 高旺盛 《经济研究参考》 1998年第45期33-34,共2页
1.面向农业系统的三个持续性的协调统一。农业系统是由生物一自然环境亚系统、生物一社会环境亚系统所组成的综合体,其组织、结构、功能的变化决定了农业系统可持续性态势。因此,农业持续性是多维的,从理论上可归结为三个持续性即经济... 1.面向农业系统的三个持续性的协调统一。农业系统是由生物一自然环境亚系统、生物一社会环境亚系统所组成的综合体,其组织、结构、功能的变化决定了农业系统可持续性态势。因此,农业持续性是多维的,从理论上可归结为三个持续性即经济持续性、生态持续性及社会持续性。这三者并非相互独立,而是相互关联、互为因果,构成了农业系统多目标运行机制。 展开更多
关键词 可持续性农业技术 理论思考 农业系统 农业持续性 亚系统 生态持续性 经济持续性 面向农业 农业投入 社会持续
作者 耿立清 《黑龙江农业科学》 2002年第6期9-10,23,共3页
关键词 农业 持续发展 松嫩平原 生态可持续性技术 生产可持续性技术 经济可持续性技术
作者 王春艳 《国际学术动态》 2001年第3期62-62,共1页
第4届绿色化学与工程年会与2000年美国总统绿色化学挑战奖发布会同时召开,会议的主题是可持续性技术——从科研至工业应用。与会人员包括高校和科研机构的学者、大中小行企业的技术开发人员和决策人员、企业领导和各国政府相关机构的代... 第4届绿色化学与工程年会与2000年美国总统绿色化学挑战奖发布会同时召开,会议的主题是可持续性技术——从科研至工业应用。与会人员包括高校和科研机构的学者、大中小行企业的技术开发人员和决策人员、企业领导和各国政府相关机构的代表等。首先,美国已在教育、科研和工业各方面形成了良好的联合,并已有多项技术开发成果用于工业生产,特别是造纸、医药、农药和新材料等污染严重的领域,绿色化学新技术显示了其独特的魅力。高效活化剂、生物催化剂、新的合成路线、新溶剂体系、废物回收利用等方面的研究及应用技术开发异常活跃,如Carnegie-Mellon大学的TAML氧化活化剂用于造纸工业和洗涤剂生产方面可避免产生含氯废水,并能提高洗涤剂性能,该活化剂还有望用于大规模废水处理过程。Biofine公司由价格低廉的纤维废物生产具有高附加值的乙酰丙酸及其衍生物等化学品,该技术以农副产品、某些固体废物等为原料,产品生产成本只有$0.32/1b,而市场售价为$4~6/1b,在废物处理的同时获得了巨大的经济效益。 展开更多
关键词 绿色化学 国际学术会议 可持续性技术
Fresh Water Demand Minimization in Residential Urban Buildings
作者 Antonios Saragkas George Paschalidis 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2015年第4期210-214,共5页
In the last decades, there is a lot of discussion in many scientific fields, about the high importance of water as a basic element for the existence and the maintenance of life, aiming to the right and proper usage of... In the last decades, there is a lot of discussion in many scientific fields, about the high importance of water as a basic element for the existence and the maintenance of life, aiming to the right and proper usage of water in our everyday basic water-needs due to its limited resources and the growing demand. This research deals with simple ways and technological systems applicable in urban residential buildings for the better management of domestic fresh water, as far as its maintenance and sustainability. Main aim of the survey is the effective minimization of urban daily water usage. All measurements of water quantities have estimated in the imperial gallon (1 gallon = 4.546 liter), and in liter (1 liter = 0.2 gallon). 展开更多
关键词 Efficient urban water management sustainable buildings water resources sustainability
Absorptive Capacities for Sustainability Technologies:Perspectives from the BRICS and China 被引量:1
作者 Rainer Walz Katrin Ostertag 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2009年第2期3-10,共8页
For the development process in the rapidly growing economies, knowledge transfer and technology cooperation are becoming important issues. Research and technological competences are key indicators for the absorptive c... For the development process in the rapidly growing economies, knowledge transfer and technology cooperation are becoming important issues. Research and technological competences are key indicators for the absorptive capacity of sustainability technologies and for the ability to export them. These issues are analyzed empirically for Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS). Sustainability related research in BRICS is mostly carried out within broader, more sector oriented programmes. Specialization patterns of international patents and in foreign trade indicate various strengths and weaknesses of the BRICS countries. The differences within the countries imply that the analysis must proceed at a technology specific level. China has considerable capabilities in technologies such as photovoltaics, solar thermal or buildings. There is a strong need for strategic positioning of the countries and for coordination of the various policy fields involved. 展开更多
关键词 sustainability technologies INNOVATION absorptive capacities BRICS
Contribution for a Better Understanding of the Technological Sustainability in Electrical Energy Production through Photovoltaic Cells
作者 R.P. Mendes L.C. Goncalves P.D. Gaspar 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2011年第6期542-547,共6页
The conversion of solar energyinto electricity reveals a huge importance in the production of"clean" energy, mainly when applied to decentralized production systems (micro-generation). However, there is the need t... The conversion of solar energyinto electricity reveals a huge importance in the production of"clean" energy, mainly when applied to decentralized production systems (micro-generation). However, there is the need to develop and optimize these processes in order to turn it more sustainable in economic and technological scoops. The main purpose of this work is to study the solar energy conversion into electricity through photovoltaic cells, characterizing the process efficiencies. This study intends to evaluate the energetic and exergetic efficiencies defining them as indicators in the formulation ofa sustainability index. All the procedures are in a theoretical scope with an illustrative example in the end of this work. 展开更多
关键词 Sustainability index energy EXERGY photovoltaic indicators.
Interoperable Process: Efficient Systems in New Constructive and Product Performances
作者 Consiglia Mocerino 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2017年第5期477-493,共17页
In the construction sector, which is one of the major goals of the new economy, the company is aiming at a new constructive practice and upgrading of the built, using ICT (information and communications technology) ... In the construction sector, which is one of the major goals of the new economy, the company is aiming at a new constructive practice and upgrading of the built, using ICT (information and communications technology) technologies. So the focus is on new operating and organizational models of sustainable building processes in the architecture, engineering and construction sectors, which are based on three-dimensional models of digital technology BIM (building information modeling). It is intended as a human activity that improves building workflows and, through software and IFACs (industry foundation classes), manages flexibility, coordinates and optimizes operational choices on time, economic, and environmental sustainability parameters. The goal is a new interoperable building process that involves designers, contractors and businesses from programming to lifecycle building and maintenance through the integrated project delivery of the building. Dynamic architectures, interactive with efficient technological and constructive systems, are integrated with innovative products of complex nature and bi-directional performance, engineered, with energy storage and renewable resources. The methodologies are based, above all, on the adoption of BIM technologies with the digital project manager and the use of robotic technological tools. Digitization is applied for the design and construction of architectural and infrastructure artifacts, in interaction with intelligent, adaptive, nanotechnical and user-friendly materials and climate. The results are aimed at efficient buildings with user comfort and safety, accuracy, and risk monitoring with remote monitoring, highlighting VDC (visual design construction) in CID (computational intelligent design). 展开更多
关键词 CONSTRUCTION technology digital system PROCESS INTEROPERABILITY CONCRETE adaptive design sustainability.
Impacts of Coffee Production in Agroforestry System for Sustainable Development
作者 Flavia Maria de Mello Bliska Patricia Helena Nogueira Turco +1 位作者 Antonio Bliska Jfinior Daniel Carvalho Nepomuceno 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2013年第8期535-544,共10页
This study estimates the environmental and socioeconomic impacts of coffee production in the agroforestry system in the settlements of farmers located in the West of the state of Silo Paulo, Brazil, in the region know... This study estimates the environmental and socioeconomic impacts of coffee production in the agroforestry system in the settlements of farmers located in the West of the state of Silo Paulo, Brazil, in the region known as Pontal of Paranapanema, aiming at the development of programs to support the growth of production sustainable coffee and programs to protect the coffee activity before the possible global climate change. The settlements are located in areas with sandy soils and highly degraded by human action Moreover, the region is considered marginal for the production of coffee, because it is subject to periods of high temperatures, prolonged drought and frost risk, which hinders the sustainability of farms. The environmental and socioeconomic impacts of agroforestry are analyzed through Ambitec-agro system, consisting of a set of indicators aimed at ex-post evaluation of the contribution of technological innovation to environmental, social and economic development of an agricultural activity. The system Ambitec involves: (1) general data collection about the technology; (2) application of questionnaires with adopters selected and insertion of data on impact indicators spreadsheets via platform MS-Excel and to obtain quantitative results and impacts partial indexes and aggregates the impact of technology selected; (3) analysis and interpretation of indices obtained, which vary between -15 and 15. The results indicate that agroforestry management can contribute to: (1) maintaining or increasing the sustainability of traditional coffee-growing regions in the case of sudden climate change; (2) the expansion of the coffee regions now considered unsuitable for the cultivation of coffee; (3) for sustainable regional development. 展开更多
关键词 Climate changes sustainable development regional development coffee production.
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