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论技术学位体系的构建 被引量:5
作者 肖化移 《职教论坛》 北大核心 2017年第1期12-15,共4页
我国的学位制度历史较短。现有的学位体系中只有科学学位和工程学位,缺少技术学位。技术学位体系构建的依据包括哲学依据、终身教育理念和培养目标等。与科学学位和工程学位体系一样,技术学位体系也包括三个层次的学位,即技术学士、技... 我国的学位制度历史较短。现有的学位体系中只有科学学位和工程学位,缺少技术学位。技术学位体系构建的依据包括哲学依据、终身教育理念和培养目标等。与科学学位和工程学位体系一样,技术学位体系也包括三个层次的学位,即技术学士、技术硕士和技术博士。 展开更多
关键词 技术学位 学位体系 构建依据
英国基础学位对我国建立技术学位的启迪 被引量:1
作者 雷小波 李佳嘉 《职业教育研究》 2018年第10期76-80,共5页
基础学位是英国实施的新的高等教育资格认证学位,具有合作性、多样性、灵活性等特点。在我国高等职业教育体系亟需改革完善的今天,考察英国的基础学位制度,借鉴其成功经验,对进一步完善我国高等教育及其学位体系,建立具有中国特色的技... 基础学位是英国实施的新的高等教育资格认证学位,具有合作性、多样性、灵活性等特点。在我国高等职业教育体系亟需改革完善的今天,考察英国的基础学位制度,借鉴其成功经验,对进一步完善我国高等教育及其学位体系,建立具有中国特色的技术学位,推动高等职业教育发展具有十分重要的现实意义。 展开更多
关键词 英国 基础学位 技术学位 高等职业教育
作者 李政 《外国教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第3期100-111,共12页
美国大学工程技术学位体系的发展经历了“观念合法化”、“建制合法化”和“认同危机”的三个时期,体现了其争取知识体系独立、制度独立和市场定位独立的过程。目前,工程技术学位体系已经在学位层次和类型、认证制度、课程体系等方面形... 美国大学工程技术学位体系的发展经历了“观念合法化”、“建制合法化”和“认同危机”的三个时期,体现了其争取知识体系独立、制度独立和市场定位独立的过程。目前,工程技术学位体系已经在学位层次和类型、认证制度、课程体系等方面形成了独特的样态。纵观历史,美国工程技术学位的发展带来了教育、产业和社会的多元效益,其独立离不开美国高等教育发展模式的支撑,其体系化的现实追求是形成技术技能人才供给体系,其“认同危机”的解决需要反思智能化时代的生产模式。 展开更多
关键词 美国 大学 工程技术学位
作者 王浩南 李政 《职教通讯》 2022年第2期25-33,共9页
美国大学的工程技术学位经过一个多世纪的演变已经十分完善。以普渡大学为例,工程技术学位授予的种类和其所覆盖的专业非常全面;同时,也形成了完善的学位授予标准,课程与学生综合能力是其授予标准的具体要求,第三方认证制度、招生与双... 美国大学的工程技术学位经过一个多世纪的演变已经十分完善。以普渡大学为例,工程技术学位授予的种类和其所覆盖的专业非常全面;同时,也形成了完善的学位授予标准,课程与学生综合能力是其授予标准的具体要求,第三方认证制度、招生与双学分制度又为授予标准提供了保障。我国职业本科教育在制定学位授予标准时应高度重视专业理论课程建设的质量和匹配性、探索建立我国职业教育学位授予质量保障的第三方机制、建设专业群的核心素养体系。 展开更多
关键词 美国 普渡大学 工程技术学位 职业本科教育
我国高职本科技术学士学位的设置:问题、借鉴与构想 被引量:13
作者 肖化移 《现代教育管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第5期110-115,共6页
随着我国高职本科教育快速发展,其学位授予的问题日益引起大家的重视。当前我国高职本科学士学位设置存在学位授予种类单一、学位的授予模糊了职业教育人才的培养方向、技术学士学位制度没有建立起来等三大问题,这不利于高职教育的健康... 随着我国高职本科教育快速发展,其学位授予的问题日益引起大家的重视。当前我国高职本科学士学位设置存在学位授予种类单一、学位的授予模糊了职业教育人才的培养方向、技术学士学位制度没有建立起来等三大问题,这不利于高职教育的健康发展,也不利于学位制度的健全。借鉴美国、瑞士和芬兰三个国家高职技术学士学位设置的经验,我国的高职也应开辟技术学士学位路径,加强技术学士学位与其他学位的衔接。技术学士学位在横向衔接上,要加强与科学学士学位和职业资格证书的衔接;在纵向衔接上,要注重技术副学士学位与技术学士学位、科学学士学位的衔接,注重技术学士学位与技术硕士学位、技术博士学位的衔接。在技术学士学位设置保障方面,需要从国家层面完善法律法规、从社会层面促进理解与认可、从学校层面控制学位授予率。 展开更多
关键词 高职本科学位 技术学士学位 科学学士学位 学位设置 学位管理
地球信息技术专业学位研究生实践能力培养研究 被引量:2
作者 陈涛 牛瑞卿 王毅 《科技创新导报》 2018年第31期142-143,共2页
提高和加强专业学位研究生实践能力,一直是研究生教育改革中十分艰巨的任务。以学校地球科学办学特色和优势为背景,面向自然资源等行业需求,本文探讨了地球信息技术专业学位研究生实践能力培养的重要性与必要性,重点指出在该专业学位研... 提高和加强专业学位研究生实践能力,一直是研究生教育改革中十分艰巨的任务。以学校地球科学办学特色和优势为背景,面向自然资源等行业需求,本文探讨了地球信息技术专业学位研究生实践能力培养的重要性与必要性,重点指出在该专业学位研究生的实践能力培养的过程中,学校及导师应如何对学生的实践能力进行培养。 展开更多
关键词 地球信息技术专业学位研究生 实践能力培养 中国地质大学
美国高校的在线博士学位项目的培养模式——以北德克萨斯大学学习技术在线博士学位为个案 被引量:1
作者 王文礼 《外国教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第4期40-53,共14页
在线博士学位项目是一种新形式的博士生教育,是"互联网+教育"的新发展。近年来,在线博士学位项目在美国兴起,其原因是:在职人员没有时间攻读传统的博士学位,在线教育的大发展,获得博士学位意味着更美好的职业前景等。北德克... 在线博士学位项目是一种新形式的博士生教育,是"互联网+教育"的新发展。近年来,在线博士学位项目在美国兴起,其原因是:在职人员没有时间攻读传统的博士学位,在线教育的大发展,获得博士学位意味着更美好的职业前景等。北德克萨斯大学的学习技术在线博士学位项目开始于2012年,它的培养模式比较完善,具有一定代表性。 展开更多
关键词 北德克萨斯大学 学习技术在线博士学位 培养模式
职业本科学位设置:类型要义、主要争议及路径选择 被引量:17
作者 李必新 李仲阳 唐林伟 《现代教育管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第2期119-128,共10页
职业本科学位设置是职业本科作为类型教育发展的重要课题。职业本科学位设置应具有高层次技术技能型人才的评价属性,具备职业能力水平的资格属性以及现代职业教育体系的制度属性。当前职业本科学位设置的主要争议是选择将职业本科学位... 职业本科学位设置是职业本科作为类型教育发展的重要课题。职业本科学位设置应具有高层次技术技能型人才的评价属性,具备职业能力水平的资格属性以及现代职业教育体系的制度属性。当前职业本科学位设置的主要争议是选择将职业本科学位并入专业学位体系保持现有的学术型学位和专业学位"双轨制",还是增设技术学士学位或技能型学士学位形成"三轨制"。职业本科应在明确学位设置类型要义的基础上选择增设职业技术学士学位,并从目录设置、衔接设计和制度保障三个方面进行合理规划,统筹兼顾。 展开更多
关键词 类型教育 职业本科 学位设置 职业技术学位 路径选择
以色列高等工程教育概况及发展趋势 被引量:1
作者 魏小艾 田东平 《高等工程教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第3期75-77,共3页
关键词 以色列 高等工程教育 发展趋势 技术学士学位 科学学士学位 教育政策
Automatic Guidance of an Agricultural Tractor along with the Side Shift Control of the Attached Row Crop Cultivator 被引量:8
作者 Javad Robati Hossein Navid +1 位作者 Mahdi Rezaei Amir Rikhtehgar Ghiasi 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2012年第1期151-158,共8页
This paper presents the automatic guidance system of an agricultural tractor and the side shift control of the attached row crop cultivator using electro-hydraulic actuators. In order to simulate the dynamic behaviour... This paper presents the automatic guidance system of an agricultural tractor and the side shift control of the attached row crop cultivator using electro-hydraulic actuators. In order to simulate the dynamic behaviour of the tractor along with the attached cultivator, the modified bicycle model was adopted. Steering angle sensor, fibre optic gyroscope (FOG) and RTK-DGPS technologies are assumed for measurements of the steering angle, yaw rate and the lateral position of the tractor, respectively. The kinematics model was used for the implement. In this study four cascade controllers were designed and simulated for tractor guidance which consists ofPD, PD, P and PID controllers. Other PI and PID controllers also had been designed for implement side shifting purpose. Then, these two systems were combined and the performance of the whole system was evaluated through the simulation results. According to the results tractor reaches the desired path after less than 10 seconds. Simulations showed that the maximum deviation of the tractor from the desired path was about 5 cm within this period. And the cultivator blades would follow the predetermined path with steady state error of about 5 cm too. 展开更多
关键词 Row crop cultivator yaw rate servo valve servo cylinder cascade controller.
A Novel and Efficient Method for Iris Automatic Location 被引量:2
作者 XU Guang-zhu ZHANG Zai-feng MA Yi-de 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 EI 2007年第3期441-446,共6页
An efficient and robust iris location algorithm plays a very important role in a real iris recognition system. A novel and efficient iris automatic location method is presented in this study. It includes following two... An efficient and robust iris location algorithm plays a very important role in a real iris recognition system. A novel and efficient iris automatic location method is presented in this study. It includes following two steps mainly: pu- pil location and iris outer boundary location. A digital eye image was divided into many small rectangular blocks with fixed size in the pupil location, and the block with the smallest average intensity was selected as a reference area. Then image binarization was implemented taking the average intensity of the reference area as a threshold. At last the center coordinates and radius of pupil were estimated by extending the reference area to the pupil's boundaries in the binary iris image. In the iris outer location, two local parts of the eye image were selected and transformed into polar coordinates from Cartesian reference. In order to detect the fainter outer boundary of the iris quickly, a novel edge detector was used to locate boundaries of the two parts. The center coordinates and radius of the iris outer boundary can be estimated using the fusion of the locating results of the two local parts and the location information of the pupil. The algorithm was tested on CASIA vl.0 and MMU vl.0 digital eye image databases and experimental results show that the proposed method has satisfying performance and good robustness. 展开更多
关键词 BIOMETRICS iris recognition iris location pattern recognition
我国高职本科技术学士学位设置的必要性与可行性 被引量:1
作者 冯兰 《大视野》 2019年第1期19-24,共6页
关键词 高职本科 技术学士学位 必要性 可行性
Application of Stable Isotope Techniques in Studies of Carbon and Nitrogen Biogeochemical Cycles of Ecosystem 被引量:8
作者 SUN Zhigao MOU Xiaojie +3 位作者 LI Xinhua WANG Lingling SONG Hongli JIANG Huanhuan 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第2期129-148,共20页
Stable isotope techniques have been proved useful as tools for studying the carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) biogeochemical cycles of ecosystem. This paper firstly introduced the basic principles and the distribution chara... Stable isotope techniques have been proved useful as tools for studying the carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) biogeochemical cycles of ecosystem. This paper firstly introduced the basic principles and the distribution characteristics of stable isotope, then reviewed the recent advances and applications of stable isotope in the C and N biogeochemical cycles of ecosystem. By applying the 13 C natural abundance technique, ecologists are able to understand the photosynthetic path and CO 2 fixation of plants, the CO 2 exchange and C balance status of ecosystem, the composition, distribution and turnover of soil organic C and the sources of organic matter in food webs, while by using the 13 C labeled technique, the effects of elevated CO 2 on the C processes of ecosystem and the sources and fate of organic matter in ecosystem can be revealed in detail. Differently, by applying the 15 N natural abundance technique, ecologists are able to analyze the biological N 2 -fixation, the N sources of ecosystem, the N transformation processes of ecosystem and the N trophic status in food webs, while by using the 15 N labeled technique, the sources, transformation and fate of N in ecosystem and the effects of N input on the ecosystem can be investigated in depth. The applications of both C and N isotope natural abundance and labeled techniques, combined with the elemental, other isotope ( 34 S) and molecular biomarker information, will be more propitious to the investigation of C and N cycle mechanisms. Finally, this paper concluded the problems existed in current researches, and put forward the perspective of stable isotope techniques in the studies on C and N biogeochemical cycles of ecosystem in the future. 展开更多
关键词 stable isotope isotope fractionation isotope natural abundance biogeochemical cycle CARBON NITROGEN
Intergranular Corrosion of UNS S31803 Heat Treated at 800 ℃ Varying Range Times 被引量:1
作者 Najara Barros Dias Bianca Barros dos Santos Pedro Rupf Pereira Vlana 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2015年第8期503-508,共6页
The aim of this work is evaluate the intergranular corrosion on UNS S31803 steel, with heat treatments at 800 ℃, varying treatment times of 30 mins, 360 mins and 1,440 mins. The results confirm the formation of o pha... The aim of this work is evaluate the intergranular corrosion on UNS S31803 steel, with heat treatments at 800 ℃, varying treatment times of 30 mins, 360 mins and 1,440 mins. The results confirm the formation of o phases and secondary austenite (γ2). For the analysis of the influence of o and γ2 phases, metallographic analysis were conducted through optical microscopy, potentiokinetic reactivation electrochemical techniques and potentiodynamic polarization in NaCI 3.5% solution. Microstructural analysis has shown a formation of γ2 and o phase in heat treatment, due to diffusion of chromium and molybdenum from δ phase to y phase, precipitating on δ/γ and δ/δ interfaces. The DL-EPR (Double loop electrochemical potentiokinetic reactivation) results have shown an increase of the DOS (degree of sensitization) for long periods of time on heat treatment. The results of potentiodynamic polarization showed a reduction of the corrosion and pitting potentials, followed by an increase of the current density when the UNS S31830 steel is heat treated during long periods of time. 展开更多
关键词 Intergranular corrosion a phase DL-EPR pitting corrosion
Translational Techniques as a Teaching Tool Using Culture-Specific Units: The Case of French-English Proverbs
作者 Priye Enemi lyalla-Amadi 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2014年第2期111-118,共8页
Given the fact that cultures are a distinct way of identifying the mores and customs of a people, culture-specific units such as proverbs could serve as veritable teaching tools to pass on otherwise difficult language... Given the fact that cultures are a distinct way of identifying the mores and customs of a people, culture-specific units such as proverbs could serve as veritable teaching tools to pass on otherwise difficult language concepts to students, especially in the context of acquiring a foreign language. Proverbs can actually be viewed as succinct sayings that convey semantically-laden units expressing a people's worldview. In this paper, an attempt is made to illustrate the effectiveness of using culture-specific units like French proverbs to teach challenging grammatical features to English-speaking students in a French class. For example, grammatical aspects like verb conjugation French syntax, etc., can be effectively tackled. Translational techniques could then serve as pedagogical tools to bring about a better grasp of the foreign language being acquired, and in the process, exposure to a larger world culture would be achieved 展开更多
关键词 culture-specific units foreign language acquisition grammatical features world culture translational techniques pedagogical tools
Analysis of Vocational Skills and Employment Countermeasures of the Art Postgraduates
作者 Zhou Shiquan Wang Chengguo 《Review of Global Academics》 2014年第6期454-458,共5页
In the year of 2011, the ministry of education increased the art discipline and established the Master of Fine Art (MFA). At present, the national employment of art postgraduates has made progress in the training an... In the year of 2011, the ministry of education increased the art discipline and established the Master of Fine Art (MFA). At present, the national employment of art postgraduates has made progress in the training and development, however, the employment rate is relatively low. This article carries out an analysis on the causes of this current phenomenon combined with the orientation of professional skills and puts forward corresponding countermeasures. 展开更多
关键词 ART POSTGRADUATES vocational skills employment Countermeasures
Advances and applications in spatial transcriptomics 被引量:1
作者 SUN Yueqiu YU Nianzuo ZHANG Junhu 《分子科学学报》 CAS 2024年第2期95-106,共12页
Spatial transcriptomics is an organizational study done on tissue sections that preserves the spatial information of the sample.Spatial transcriptomics aims to combine spatial information with gene expression data to ... Spatial transcriptomics is an organizational study done on tissue sections that preserves the spatial information of the sample.Spatial transcriptomics aims to combine spatial information with gene expression data to quantify the mRNA expression of a large number of genes in the spatial context of tissues and cells.As a paradigm shift in biological research,spatial transcriptomics can provide both spatial location information and transcriptome-level cellular gene expression data,elucidating the interactions between cells and the microenvironment.From the understanding of the entire functional life cycle of RNA to the characterization of molecular mechanisms to the mapping of gene expression in various tissue regions,by choosing the appropriate spatial transcriptome technology,researchers can achieve a deeper exploration of biological developmental processes,disease pathogenesis,etc.In recent years,the field of spatial transcriptomics has ushered in several challenges along with its rapid development,such as the dependence on sample types,the resolution of visualized genes,the difficulty of commercialization,and the ability to obtain detailed single-cell information.In this paper,we summarize and review the four major categories of spatial transcriptome technologies and compare and analyze the technical advantages and major challenges of multiple research strategies to assist current experimental design and research analysis.Finally,the importance of spatial transcriptomics in the integration of multi-omics analysis and disease modeling as well as the future development prospects are summarized and outlined. 展开更多
关键词 spatial transcriptomics spatial position omics technology multi-omics
Cell orientation of swimming bacteria:From theoretical simulation to experimental evaluation 被引量:2
作者 PING LiYan 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS 2012年第3期202-209,共8页
The motion of small bacteria consists of two phases:relatively long runs alternate with intermittent stops,back-ups,or tumbles,depending on the species.In polar monotrichous bacteria,the flagellum is anchored at the c... The motion of small bacteria consists of two phases:relatively long runs alternate with intermittent stops,back-ups,or tumbles,depending on the species.In polar monotrichous bacteria,the flagellum is anchored at the cell pole inherited from the parent generation(old pole) and is surrounded by a chemoreceptor cluster.During forward swimming,the leading pole is always the pole recently formed in cell division(new pole).The flagella of the peritrichous bacterium Escherichia coli often form a bundle behind the old pole.Its cell orientation and receptor positioning during runs generally mimic that of monotrichous bacteria.When encountering a solid surface,peritrichous bacteria exhibit a circular motion with the leading pole dipping downward.Some polar monotrichous bacteria also perform circular motion near solid boundaries,but during back-ups.In this case,the leading pole points upward.Very little is known about behavior near milieu-air interfaces.Biophysical simulations have revealed some of the mechanisms underlying these phenomena,but leave many questions unanswered.Combining biophysics with molecular techniques will certainly advance our understanding of bacterial locomotion. 展开更多
关键词 bacterial motion cell orientation hydrodynamic interaction Brownian motion wall effect
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