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免疫透射比浊法测定视黄醇结合蛋白的技术性能评价 被引量:4
作者 蔡晔芬 黄清松 《宜春学院学报》 2011年第4期74-75,共2页
目的:对免疫透射比浊法测定视黄醇结合蛋白进行技术性能评价。方法:根据美国临床实验室标准化委员会评价方案,对免疫透射比浊法测定视黄醇结合蛋白的精密度、线性范围、干扰因素和准确度加以评价。结果:正常值和高值的批内CV%为2.3%和1.... 目的:对免疫透射比浊法测定视黄醇结合蛋白进行技术性能评价。方法:根据美国临床实验室标准化委员会评价方案,对免疫透射比浊法测定视黄醇结合蛋白的精密度、线性范围、干扰因素和准确度加以评价。结果:正常值和高值的批内CV%为2.3%和1.7%,批间CV%为3.9%和3.1%,日间CV%为4.5%和3.8%,总CV%为5.5%和4.5%;线性上限可达120 mg/L;胆红素浓度低于442 umol/L和血红蛋白浓度低于5 g/L时对测定无显著干扰(P>0.05);平均回收率为99.2%。结论:免疫透射比浊法测定视黄醇结合蛋白符合临床检验的要求,加上自动化程度高,操作简便,检测速度快,值得临床推广。 展开更多
关键词 免疫透射比浊法 视黄醇结合蛋白 技术性评价
酶循环法定量检测血清同型半胱氨酸的技术性能评价 被引量:1
作者 邹燕 冯彩莲 +2 位作者 狄峰 莫佳颖 李伟良 《宜春学院学报》 2021年第3期77-79,共3页
目的:评价酶循环法(ECM)定量检测血清同型半胱氨酸(Hcy)的技术性能。方法:参考NCCLS评价方案,评价ECM定量检测血清Hcy的准确度、精密度、线性范围和干扰因素。结果:ECM定量检测低、高水平定值质控血清Hcy的相对偏差分别为2.52%和4.28%;... 目的:评价酶循环法(ECM)定量检测血清同型半胱氨酸(Hcy)的技术性能。方法:参考NCCLS评价方案,评价ECM定量检测血清Hcy的准确度、精密度、线性范围和干扰因素。结果:ECM定量检测低、高水平定值质控血清Hcy的相对偏差分别为2.52%和4.28%;正常值和高值血清测定的批内变异系数(CV)和总CV分别为1.63%~1.58%和4.65%~3.88%;3.12~49.98 umol/L范围内测定的线性相关系数(r^(2))达到0.9971;胆红素(20 mg/dL)、乳糜(1000 mg/dL)和维生素C(10 mg/dL)对该检测方法无显著性干扰(P>0.05)。结论:酶循环法不仅实用性高,而且可靠性强,因此在各级医疗机构的检验科均可普及使用。 展开更多
关键词 酶循环法 同型半胱氨酸 技术性评价
作者 邹燕 郑春苏 +3 位作者 何婉文 冯彩莲 黄湘宁 曾宇娟 《宜春学院学报》 2009年第4期73-74,100,共3页
目的:对HK法测定血清葡萄糖的技术性能进行评价。方法:采用HK法进行精密度试验、回收试验、线性试验、干扰试验,并与GOD-POD偶联法进行比较。结果:HK法批内CV为1.28%,批间CV为1.91%,日间CV为2.20%,总CV为2.74%;平均回收率为99.12%;线性... 目的:对HK法测定血清葡萄糖的技术性能进行评价。方法:采用HK法进行精密度试验、回收试验、线性试验、干扰试验,并与GOD-POD偶联法进行比较。结果:HK法批内CV为1.28%,批间CV为1.91%,日间CV为2.20%,总CV为2.74%;平均回收率为99.12%;线性上限可达30mmol/L;抗胆红素和维生素C干扰的能力均较强;没有发现高浓度的钩状效应;与GOD-POD偶联法的测定结果无显著性差异(P>0.05),有良好的相关性(Y=1.0192X-0.3135,r=0.9882)。结论:HK法是临床测定血清葡萄糖较理想的方法。 展开更多
关键词 技术性评价 己糖激酶法 葡萄糖
作者 邹燕 沙柳娟 +5 位作者 冯彩莲 植奇升 黄湘宁 梁智慧 杨显豪 魏续红 《宜春学院学报》 2017年第9期65-67,共3页
目的:评价免疫增强透射比浊法定量检测血清降钙素原(PCT)的技术性能。方法:按照NCCLS标准化的评价方案,应用全自动生化分析仪评价免疫增强透射比浊法定量检测PCT的准确度、精密度、干扰因素和线性范围。结果:平均回收率为97.4%;0.15ug/L... 目的:评价免疫增强透射比浊法定量检测血清降钙素原(PCT)的技术性能。方法:按照NCCLS标准化的评价方案,应用全自动生化分析仪评价免疫增强透射比浊法定量检测PCT的准确度、精密度、干扰因素和线性范围。结果:平均回收率为97.4%;0.15ug/L(正常值)和17.85ug/L(高值)的批内CV均<4.5%,批间CV均<8.0%;类风湿因子浓度在200IU/m L以下、血红蛋白浓度在4.0g/L以下、三酰甘油浓度在10.0mmol/L以下和胆红素浓度在340umol/L以下时对PCT的定量检测均无显著性干扰(P>0.05);线性范围为0.00-80.00ug/L。结论:免疫增强透射比浊法具有自动化程度高、检测速度快、成本低、安全的优点,而且各项技术性能优良,因此具有较高的临床推广应用价值。 展开更多
关键词 透射比浊法 降钙素原 技术性评价
反应吸附强化焦炉煤气蒸汽重整制氢技术评价 被引量:3
作者 刘昊 吴嵘 吴素芳 《天然气化工—C1化学与化工》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第6期84-89,共6页
以实验研究结果为基础,建立了反应吸附强化焦炉煤气水蒸汽重整制氢(ReSER-COG)工艺流程,并进行了技术性能评价计算。计算过程采用化工模拟软件Aspen Plus,基于不同反应温度、水碳比、钙碳比等工艺操作参数,对各个操作单元进行物料平衡... 以实验研究结果为基础,建立了反应吸附强化焦炉煤气水蒸汽重整制氢(ReSER-COG)工艺流程,并进行了技术性能评价计算。计算过程采用化工模拟软件Aspen Plus,基于不同反应温度、水碳比、钙碳比等工艺操作参数,对各个操作单元进行物料平衡和能量平衡计算,并考察制氢性能指标产氢率和COG能量转化效率受制氢工艺操作参数影响的敏感度分析,得到最优操作参数范围。分析结果表明:ReSER-COG制氢工艺在反应温度600℃,水碳物质的量比4,钙碳物质的量比2.75,常压反应的条件下,1m^3COG可获得最大产氢气率为1.8m^3,且能量转化效率达到最高76.3%。与现有的COG制氢技术相比,ReSERCOG制氢技术在同样条件下,可以得到较高的产氢率和COG能量转化效率,具备较强的技术优势。 展开更多
关键词 焦炉煤气 制氢 吸附作用 计算机模拟 技术性评价
SEW控制和净化猪场疫病的有效技术途径 被引量:2
作者 徐子伟 李永明 《中国猪业》 2005年第1期29-32,共4页
本文分析了国际国内猪群健康受疫病威胁的现状,在此基础上,阐述了用于净化或控制猪群疫病的新技术体系——早期断奶隔离饲养技术,包括SEW的原理,SEW的技术内容和要点,SEW的生产工艺,SEW的技术性评价和经济性分析,报道了作者最近... 本文分析了国际国内猪群健康受疫病威胁的现状,在此基础上,阐述了用于净化或控制猪群疫病的新技术体系——早期断奶隔离饲养技术,包括SEW的原理,SEW的技术内容和要点,SEW的生产工艺,SEW的技术性评价和经济性分析,报道了作者最近研究实例,通过实施SEW,成功地从特定病原(PRRS、伪狂犬病和喘气病)阳性老猪场构建出阴性新猪群,75日龄前日增重提高50%以上,指出SEW是净化或控制猪场疫病的经济有效的技术途径,是健康养猪产业化发展的战略选择。 展开更多
关键词 猪群 早期断奶隔离饲养技术 SEW 生产工艺 技术性评价 经济性分析
制造业绿色发展战略评价 被引量:1
作者 赵忠华 李君 张丽娜 《沈阳工业学院学报》 2003年第2期46-48,共3页
制造业在将资源转变为产品的过程中及产品使用和处理过程中 ,产生的废弃物对环境的影响比较严重 ,可持续发展能力不强 .企业为了生存和发展 ,适应内外环境变化 ,赢得竞争优势的关键在于制定一个适合制造业发展的绿色发展战略 .本文在阐... 制造业在将资源转变为产品的过程中及产品使用和处理过程中 ,产生的废弃物对环境的影响比较严重 ,可持续发展能力不强 .企业为了生存和发展 ,适应内外环境变化 ,赢得竞争优势的关键在于制定一个适合制造业发展的绿色发展战略 .本文在阐述绿色发展战略评价的目的和内容的基础上 ,建立了将制造业的绿色发展战略的技术评价及经济评价相结合的评价理论体系、程序和方法 . 展开更多
关键词 制造业 绿色发展战略 技术性评价 评价指标 评语集 经济性评价
电网项目后评价体系研究及应用 被引量:3
作者 杨如明 贾巍 马千里 《浙江电力》 2015年第4期1-6,共6页
基于逻辑框架法和层次分析法构建电网投资项目后评价体系,提出33项定量化的后评价指标。通过电网建设项目后评价来真实反映电网项目的技术性能和投资效益,从而提高电网建设决策和管理的科学性。以台州220 kV童燎输变电工程为例,验证了... 基于逻辑框架法和层次分析法构建电网投资项目后评价体系,提出33项定量化的后评价指标。通过电网建设项目后评价来真实反映电网项目的技术性能和投资效益,从而提高电网建设决策和管理的科学性。以台州220 kV童燎输变电工程为例,验证了评价体系的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 项目后评价 过程评价 技术性评价 持续性评价 投资效益比 影响评价
基于TPS改性沥青应力吸收层材料性能研究 被引量:10
作者 孙洁 《中外公路》 北大核心 2017年第3期257-260,共4页
为减少半刚性基层以及旧水泥路面加铺沥青层后出现的反射裂缝,常铺筑应力吸收层。该文采用TPS高黏改性沥青,利用Superpave方法进行配合比设计,并对其改性后的沥青高温、低温以及抗疲劳性能进行研究。针对应力吸收层的受力特点,通过比较... 为减少半刚性基层以及旧水泥路面加铺沥青层后出现的反射裂缝,常铺筑应力吸收层。该文采用TPS高黏改性沥青,利用Superpave方法进行配合比设计,并对其改性后的沥青高温、低温以及抗疲劳性能进行研究。针对应力吸收层的受力特点,通过比较不同材料的抗拉应变能力、抗弯拉强度以及常温和高温条件下的抗剪强度。通过试验结果分析认为TPS改性沥青混合料作为应力吸收层具有一定的优势。 展开更多
关键词 TPS改性沥青 应力吸收层 沥青混合料 技术性评价 力学性能
Research of Comprehensive Evaluation of Agricultural Land Suitability in Typical Area of Huanghuaihai Plain based on GIS 被引量:1
作者 肖燕 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第6期125-129,178,共6页
The paper aims to study agricultural land suitability in typical agricultural area in Huanghuaihai plain by the comprehensive evaluation of natural factors and environmental conditions of agricultural land with Liaoch... The paper aims to study agricultural land suitability in typical agricultural area in Huanghuaihai plain by the comprehensive evaluation of natural factors and environmental conditions of agricultural land with Liaocheng area in Shangdong Province in the center of Huanghuaihai plain as a case.The results suggested that the land quality in Liaocheng was above the average and accorded with the local practical situation.The authors validated the scientificity of agricultural land suitability study by using GIS technology and proposed some suggestions on analysis results. 展开更多
关键词 Huanghuaihai plain Agriculture land suitability evaluation GIS technology
作者 武小悦 沙基昌 何小怀 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 1998年第1期65-68,共4页
Fault tolerant ability is an important aspect for overall evaluation of distributed system(DS). This paper discusses three measures for the evaluation: node/edge connectivity, number of spanning trees and synthetic co... Fault tolerant ability is an important aspect for overall evaluation of distributed system(DS). This paper discusses three measures for the evaluation: node/edge connectivity, number of spanning trees and synthetic connectivity. A numerical example for illustration and analysis is given, and the synthetic connectivity measure presented by this paper is proved to be rational and satisfactory. 展开更多
关键词 distributed network EVALUATIONS fault tole rant technique RELIABILITY network topology distributed system
Non-collinear nonlinear properties of steel and LY12 aluminum alloy 被引量:1
作者 王丽梅 王召巴 路旭 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS CSCD 2016年第2期155-160,共6页
The sensitivity of collinear nonlinear nondestructive testing technique based on harmonic detection is high,but the results are vulnerable to interference from other nonlinear of experiment sources,which leads to this... The sensitivity of collinear nonlinear nondestructive testing technique based on harmonic detection is high,but the results are vulnerable to interference from other nonlinear of experiment sources,which leads to this technology limited in industrial applications.To solve this problem,a non-collinear nonlinear ultrasonic testing experimental system is established based on non-collinear beam mixing technology.The non-collinear nonlinear response is observed in the steel and LY12 aluminum alloy.The results show that:1 Based on the benefits of space selection,mode conversion,frequency and steerable optional of non-collinear beam mixing technology,the interference of system nonlinear effects can be suppressed effectively;2 Mode conversion and beam mixing are present in steel and LY12 aluminum alloy,and the non-collinear non-linear response of LY12 aluminum alloy is stronger than steel and the measurement results are more obvious;3 The technology has the feasibility to evaluate the uniformity of material internal. 展开更多
关键词 nonlinear spatial distribution nonlinear ultrasonic evaluation technology non-collinear beam mixing
OLYMPUS AU600全自动生化仪的应用体会 被引量:1
作者 杜武杰 罗焰芳 《广西医学》 CAS 2003年第9期1752-1753,共2页
关键词 OLYMPUS-AU600全自动生化仪 工作环境 技术性评价 试剂选择 室内质控 标本处理 故障处理
Evaluation of microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg-xCe-0.5Zn alloys by nano-indentation 被引量:2
作者 K.C.PARK B.H.KIM +1 位作者 Y.H.PARK I.M.PARK 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第7期1240-1243,共4页
The microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg-xCe-0.5Zn (x=0.5, 1.5, 2.5, molar fraction, %) alloys were examined using a nano-indentation technique. The alloys were fabricated using a vacuum induction melting ... The microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg-xCe-0.5Zn (x=0.5, 1.5, 2.5, molar fraction, %) alloys were examined using a nano-indentation technique. The alloys were fabricated using a vacuum induction melting method under an argon atmosphere The microstruetures of Mg-xCe-0.5Zn alloys mainly consist ofa-Mg and eutectic Mg12Ce phase. The volume fraction and size of the eutectic Mgl2Ce phase increase with increasing Ce contents. Nano-indentation test results show that the indentation hardness and elastic modulus of the eutectic Mg12Ce phase are higher than those of the a-Mg matrix. In addition, the mean indentation hardness and elastic modulus of the Mg-xCe-0.5Zn alloys increase with the Ce addition amount increasing. 展开更多
关键词 Mg alloys Mg-Ce-Zn rare earth MICROSTRUCTURE mechanical properties nano-indentation
A VV&A evaluation system based on hierarchical evaluation 被引量:1
作者 方可 杨明 王子才 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2005年第2期184-188,共5页
Evaluation is the major activity of performing Verification, Validation and Accreditation (VV&A) of a simulation system. Unfortunately, there is a lack of reasonable and operable evaluation methods. Moreover, ther... Evaluation is the major activity of performing Verification, Validation and Accreditation (VV&A) of a simulation system. Unfortunately, there is a lack of reasonable and operable evaluation methods. Moreover, there are other problems to address in VV&A evaluation, such as index definition, conclusion analysis, etc. In this paper, a VV&A evaluation system is introduced to try to resolve these problems. The system is based on a method called hierarchical evaluation, and it uses a good combination of evaluation processes and indexes. First, a thorough analysis of the VV&A evaluation’s essentials and principles are given, then the uncertainty of the evaluation results caused by various analysis of the evaluators is pointed out, then a hierarchical evaluation mechanism based on evaluator weight and evaluation hierarchy is brought forward, and finally a comprehensive VV&A evaluation system with evaluation flow processing, index management and hierarchical evaluation fulfillment is established. The system gives good consideration to ease of operation, reasonableness of evaluation conclusion, and the ability to comprehensively resolve VV&A problems. Since VV&A is attracting more and more recognition, it is meaningful to provide a good system for implementing credible simulation systems. It is hoped that this VV&A evaluation will provide a good way. 展开更多
关键词 VV&A evaluation activity hierarchical evaluation VV&A evaluation system CREDIBILITY
Assessment of Habitat Suitability in the Upper Reaches of the Min River in China 被引量:9
作者 GUO Ya-lin WANG Qing +2 位作者 YAN Wei-po ZHOU Qin SHI Min-qiu 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第3期737-746,共10页
HabRat richness influences and even determines biological diversity. Plant habitat suitability assessment can provide technical guidance and information support for ecological restoration. Thirteen factors in three ca... HabRat richness influences and even determines biological diversity. Plant habitat suitability assessment can provide technical guidance and information support for ecological restoration. Thirteen factors in three categories of terrain, meteorology and soil were chosen to build a habitat suitability assessment index framework in the Upper Reaches of the Min River, based on the local natural environment and the actual influencing factors of vegetative growth. Combined with the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and entropy method, which were used to calculate weights of indexes, habitat suitability was studied by using a multi-objective linear weighting model and geographic information systems (GIS) spatial analysis techniques. The assessment results are as follows: Altitude, soil stability, aspect and slope have more important effects on plant habitat suitability in the Upper Reaches of the Min River, and their weights are o.311, 0.260, o.198 and o.125, respectively. Suitable and sub-suitable habitats cover 4431.8o km2 and 6171.12 km2, respectively; most of which are distributed along both sides of rivers and have higher suitability. Unsuitable habitats cover the largest area (6679.76 km2), accounting for 29.83% of the whole area; and the worst unsuitable habitats are 5107.23 km2 (22.81%); they account for more than half of the study area. These results indicate that the plant habitat in the Upper Reaches of the Min River is poor and ecological restoration is both urgent and difficult. Therefore, based on the principle of taking measures suitable to the habitat in ecological restoration projects, ecological and engineering measures should be combined to have better effects, while increasing the strength of ecological protection. 展开更多
关键词 Habitat suitability Analytic hierarchyprocess (AHP) Entropy method Spatial analysis Min River China
Applying real time seismic monitoring technology for slope stability assessment—An Indian opencast coal mine perspective 被引量:10
作者 Vinoth S. Ajay Kumar L. 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI 2014年第1期75-80,共6页
This paper outlines the results obtained from real time microseismic monitoring of an opencast coal mine in South India.The objective of the study is to investigate the stress changes within the rockmass along the slo... This paper outlines the results obtained from real time microseismic monitoring of an opencast coal mine in South India.The objective of the study is to investigate the stress changes within the rockmass along the slope due to underground mine development operation and their impact on the stability of the highwall slope.The installed microseismic systems recorded the seismic triggerings down toà2 moment magnitude.In general,most of the events recorded during the monitoring period are weak in seismic energy.The study adopts a simple and more reliable tool to characterize the seismically active zone for assessing the stability of the highwall in real time.The impact of underground working on the slope is studied on the basis of the seismic event impact contours and seismic clusters.During the monitoring period,it is observed that the intensity of the overall microseismic activity along the slope due to the mine development operations did not cause any adverse impact on the highwall stability. 展开更多
关键词 Seismic monitoring Induced seismicity Seismic clusters Slope stability Opencast mining
Influence of Conative Characteristics on Special Olympics Athletes and Unified Partners' Success in Football
作者 Milos Popovic Veroljub Stankovic +3 位作者 Dragan Popovic Evagelia Boli Vladimir Savic Milica Bojovic 《Sociology Study》 2015年第10期794-799,共6页
The research was conducted in order to determine influence of conative characteristics on the criterion variables in Special Olympics athletes and partners in football. For this purpose, 80 athletes and partners engag... The research was conducted in order to determine influence of conative characteristics on the criterion variables in Special Olympics athletes and partners in football. For this purpose, 80 athletes and partners engaged in football were tested. For the assessment of conative characteristics, the measurement instrument CON6 was selected by which the following conative regulators were evaluated: activity regulator, organ function regulator, defense reaction regulator, attack reaction regulator, system for coordination of regulatory functions, system for integration of regulatory functions, and system for excitation and inhibition. To assess success in a football game, the following variables were used: evaluation of the effectiveness of the techniques, evaluation of the performance effectiveness in the offensive phase, evaluation of the performance effectiveness in the defensive phase, evaluation of individual creativity during the game, team responsibility evaluation, engagement evaluation, behavior evaluation, general evaluation of success in the game. All the data in this research were analyzed at the Multidisciplinary Research Center, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Pristina, by the system of data processing programs DRSOFT developed by D. Popovi~ and K. Momirovi~. The algorithms and programs implemented within this thesis have been fully presented and the results of the programs have been analyzed. 展开更多
关键词 Reliability LATENT dimension matrix VECTORS variance
Chemical Contamination and Radiological Risk Assessment of Water Sources in Richards Bay
作者 Felix. B. Masok Paulus L. Masiteng +1 位作者 Risimati D. Mavunda Peane P. Maleka 《Journal of Physical Science and Application》 2016年第5期8-13,共6页
South Africa is pronounced a dry country. Though KwaZulu-Natal has a higher rain fall than most part of the country, it has recorded cases of austere droughts. The present study was aimed at examining the quality of w... South Africa is pronounced a dry country. Though KwaZulu-Natal has a higher rain fall than most part of the country, it has recorded cases of austere droughts. The present study was aimed at examining the quality of water within Richards Bay precinct in relation to South African target water quality range (TWQR). Fifty water samples were collected from five water sources (effluent, stream, Mzingazi River, Indian Ocean and Esikawini drinking tap water) and analyzed using ICP-MS technique to determine the concentrations of some traced metals i.e., Fe, Cu, T1, Zn, Pb, Cr, and Ni. The main impurities were found to be Cd, Mn and As with concentrations of 2.21 × 10^0mg. l-1, 7.19 × 10-1mg.l-1and 2.72 ×10-3mg. 1-1 respectively. The surface gross alpha contamination of mineral stores within the facilities ranges from 1.00 × 10-4 ± 1.5 × 10-2 Bq.cm-2 to 1.45× 10-2 ±4.20 ×10-3Bq.cm-2 with a mean concentration of 1.15 × 10-2 ±1.36 ×10-2Bq.cm-2while the gross beta contamination ranges from 1.00 ×10-3 ± 1.14 × 10-ZBq, cm-2 to 4.15 × 10-2 ± 2.17 × 10-2Bq. cm-2 with a mean concentration of 2.15 ×10-2 ±1.80×10-2Bq. cm-2. The result indicated that the water quality was acceptable. 展开更多
关键词 Water heavy metals contamination.
Experimental Evaluation of Rogowski Coil Performance for Locating PD in Energized Overhead Covered-Conductor Feeder
作者 Muzamir Isa Nagy Ibrahim Elkalashy +1 位作者 Ghulam Murtaza Hashmi Matti Lehtonen 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2012年第6期949-959,共11页
An experimental analysis is performed to evaluate Rogowski coil performance for PD (partial discharge) location on overhead CC (covered-conductor) distribution lines. The measuring set-up is arranged in high volta... An experimental analysis is performed to evaluate Rogowski coil performance for PD (partial discharge) location on overhead CC (covered-conductor) distribution lines. The measuring set-up is arranged in high voltage laboratory. A multi-end measuring method is chosen as a technique to locate PD source point on the line. A power transformer is used to energize one end of the CC line by the AC voltage source. The performance of Rogowski-coil is tested in noisy environment. The tests are carried out conceming different measurement conditions such as off-line and on-line PD measuring systems. The results obtained from the laboratory measurements confirm the capability of the Rogowski-coil in order to measure and locate the high frequency PD source on the CC line in consistent with energizing AC source. Chirp detector is used as a signal-processing tool in order to extract the PD signals and then apply the locator algorithm. 展开更多
关键词 Partial discharge Rogowski coil overhead covered-conductor distribution network PD sensors.
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