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作者 邓乐 樊坤 《太阳能》 2024年第1期83-88,共6页
在太阳电池生产过程中,传统的硅片搬运机构存在搬运效率低、容易产生硅片搭边不良、吸盘印不良的问题,且无法在线检测硅片搭边不良。研究了一种基于多目机器视觉技术的硅片搬运机构,在对传统硅片搬运机构的机械结构和动作流程分析的基础... 在太阳电池生产过程中,传统的硅片搬运机构存在搬运效率低、容易产生硅片搭边不良、吸盘印不良的问题,且无法在线检测硅片搭边不良。研究了一种基于多目机器视觉技术的硅片搬运机构,在对传统硅片搬运机构的机械结构和动作流程分析的基础上,介绍了基于多目机器视觉技术的硅片搬运机构的动作流程、机械结构及特性,并重点分析了其使用多目机器视觉技术实现硅片位置检测及硅片搭边不良在线检测的原理,提出了该机构与传统的硅片搬运机构相比所具有的优势,其创新性在于引入了多目机器视觉技术和独特的动作流程,从而解决了硅片搬运过程中会产生吸盘印、划伤、隐裂等缺陷的问题。研究结果为多目机器视觉技术在光伏自动化设备中的应用开拓了思路,该新型硅片搬运机构在物理气相沉积(PVD)自动化设备的实际应用中,生产效率与良率均达到了全球领先水平。 展开更多
关键词 机器视觉技术 光伏行业 太阳电池 硅片搬运 硅片搭边不良 自动化设备 物理气相沉积
破除技术障目:足够智慧的城市发展之道 被引量:10
作者 刘淑妍 吕俊延 《同济大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第1期88-99,共12页
技术为城市的阶段演化和功能转换提供了关键动能。在技术赋能下,城市的发展形态历经前工业城市、工业城市和信息城市三个阶段,正在向智慧城市的高级阶段迈进。但在城市发展过程中,对技术手段的过于痴迷容易造成技术障目的幻象,即复杂问... 技术为城市的阶段演化和功能转换提供了关键动能。在技术赋能下,城市的发展形态历经前工业城市、工业城市和信息城市三个阶段,正在向智慧城市的高级阶段迈进。但在城市发展过程中,对技术手段的过于痴迷容易造成技术障目的幻象,即复杂问题的化约幻象、公民参与的赋权幻象和政府决策的赋能幻象。在技术障目的作用下,资本逻辑和权力逻辑挤压城市的生活逻辑,使得城市发展本末倒置。为破除技术障目的束缚,城市发展的合理追求是建设一个足够智慧的城市。具体而言,足够智慧的城市涵括人民本位、科技向善和数字包容三大核心理念。因此,推动智慧城市建设的合理路径应是智慧设施的技术适配人民城市的理念,并通过多元主体参与共推足够智慧的城市建设,共创城市的美好未来。 展开更多
关键词 智慧城市 技术 人民城市 城市数字化
作者 吕维平 赵静 《四川图书馆学报》 2002年第3期67-70,共4页
阐述了《中图法》中电源技术类目设置沿革 ,剖析了电源技术类文献分类标引面临的问题 ,提出了电源技术类目设置修订的设想。
关键词 中图法 电源技术 分类标引 电源技术类文献 设置
对《中图法》第4版TN类—无线电电子学、电信技术类目修订的分析 被引量:1
作者 薛调 《天津理工大学学报》 2001年第z1期137-138,143,共3页
本文对《中图法》第 3版、第 4版中的无线电电子学、电信技术类目进行了比较 ,总结出第 4版对无线电电子学。
关键词 中国图书馆分类法 无线电电子学、电信技术 修订
作者 谢天保 《印刷技术》 北大核心 2001年第34期41-42,共2页
关键词 印刷品 调幅加网技术 调频加网技术 数字网技术
作者 翟微 《西部广播电视》 2016年第5期208-208,共1页
20世纪80年代末,研发出了IP"多目广播"新技术,在网络中实现了组播。它旨在于提升自身在网络中被使用的最大效率,同时拓展其在互联网领域内应用的类型,以组代表着主机的集合,令各组对应D类IP的地址,使组内成员拥有类似的特征... 20世纪80年代末,研发出了IP"多目广播"新技术,在网络中实现了组播。它旨在于提升自身在网络中被使用的最大效率,同时拓展其在互联网领域内应用的类型,以组代表着主机的集合,令各组对应D类IP的地址,使组内成员拥有类似的特征。应用"IP多目广播"的技术,提升了网络参与者在传输中的效率,本文对该技术在现今互联网中的应用,进行了系统分析。 展开更多
关键词 IP多广播技术 互连网 应用
《CAD/CAM与制造业信息化》 2002年第7期24-25,共2页
大家知道,在“十五”期间,国家将从资金、人才等方面大力加强制造业信息化的推广力度,以提高制造业企业的核心竞争力。武汉开目信息技术有限责任公司作为国内知名的CAD软件公司,如何扎根于制造业,为企业提供信息化解决方案?如何为客户... 大家知道,在“十五”期间,国家将从资金、人才等方面大力加强制造业信息化的推广力度,以提高制造业企业的核心竞争力。武汉开目信息技术有限责任公司作为国内知名的CAD软件公司,如何扎根于制造业,为企业提供信息化解决方案?如何为客户创造价值,实现企业自身发展?带着这一系列问题,本刊记者采访了武汉开目信息技术有限责任公司总经理耿标先生。 展开更多
关键词 客户创造价值 武汉开信息技术有限责任公司 耿标 制造业企业 企业信息化
作者 王先花 《中国新技术新产品》 2010年第23期11-,共1页
人体运动分析在高级人机交互、安全监控、视频会议、医疗诊断及基于内容的图像存储与检索等方面具有广泛的应用前景和潜在的经济价值,从而激发了世界上广大科研工作者及相关商家的浓厚兴趣,尤其在美国、英国等国家已经开展了大量相关项... 人体运动分析在高级人机交互、安全监控、视频会议、医疗诊断及基于内容的图像存储与检索等方面具有广泛的应用前景和潜在的经济价值,从而激发了世界上广大科研工作者及相关商家的浓厚兴趣,尤其在美国、英国等国家已经开展了大量相关项目的研究,人体运动跟踪技术目前的研究主要集中在人的脸像识别、步态识别或特定行为的识别,尽管当前的研究已取得了一定的进展,但是依然处于初级阶段,需要不断地提出新的方法以推广此项技术在各方面的应用。 展开更多
关键词 人体运动跟踪 运动视觉 分析技术 脸像识别 人体运动分析 科研工作者 应用前景 医疗诊断 相关项 图像存储 视频会议 人机交互 经济价值 基于内容 初级阶段 步态识别 安全监控 技术目 英国 行为
绿竹笋芽提前萌发促成技术研究 被引量:9
作者 陈双林 陈长远 +1 位作者 王维辉 杨清平 《西南林学院学报》 2004年第3期17-20,共4页
以绿竹林高产、高效、优质和可持续经营为目标,为促成笋芽提前萌发,采用3种措施对比试验表明:林地覆盖和提前晒目竹笋早出效果明显.3月初晒目20d,可提前出笋36d,笋期延长32d;2月中旬以砻糠覆盖30cm厚可提前出笋57d,笋期延长17d;土壤水... 以绿竹林高产、高效、优质和可持续经营为目标,为促成笋芽提前萌发,采用3种措施对比试验表明:林地覆盖和提前晒目竹笋早出效果明显.3月初晒目20d,可提前出笋36d,笋期延长32d;2月中旬以砻糠覆盖30cm厚可提前出笋57d,笋期延长17d;土壤水分供应对笋期影响不显著,但显著提高出笋数量和竹笋产量、质量.绿竹林地覆盖和提前晒目可作为竹业实用技术推广,指出应就竹林土壤水分精准化供应和长期立地生产力维护等技术开展深入研究. 展开更多
关键词 绿竹 笋芽 提前萌发促成技术 林地覆盖技术 提前晒技术
作者 郝戈非 《图书馆学刊》 2012年第5期44-47,共4页
随着《中图法》第5版2010年9月出版发行,《少图法》第3版修订工作也于2011年9月开始启动。沈阳市少儿图书馆承担《少图法》第3版TP类目的修订工作。依据《少图法》第3版的修订原则,结合分类工作实践和TP类目修订过程中所遇到的实际问题... 随着《中图法》第5版2010年9月出版发行,《少图法》第3版修订工作也于2011年9月开始启动。沈阳市少儿图书馆承担《少图法》第3版TP类目的修订工作。依据《少图法》第3版的修订原则,结合分类工作实践和TP类目修订过程中所遇到的实际问题,从调整类目结构、增设新类目、修改类目名称、增改类目注释及删除合并类目等方面提出修改意见。 展开更多
关键词 《少图法》第3版计算机技术修订
作者 温泉 《中国制造业信息化(学术版)》 2005年第6期60-61,共2页
关键词 武汉开信息技术有限责任公司 企业文化 企业管理 发展策略
Goals and Key Technology of Fertilizer-pesticide "Double Reduction" and Synergism for Greenhouse Strawberry
作者 王建华 成玮 +1 位作者 邬劼 吉沐祥 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第11期2113-2117,2122,共6页
In order to develop green good, reduce the use of chemical fertilizer and pesticide, realize "double reduction" and synergism, improve safety and quality of products, protect the ecological environment and promote t... In order to develop green good, reduce the use of chemical fertilizer and pesticide, realize "double reduction" and synergism, improve safety and quality of products, protect the ecological environment and promote the healthy and steady development of strawberry industry, the goals and key technology of fertilizer-pesticide "double reduction" and synergism for greenhouse strawberry are summed up in this paper targeting at the current situation of strawberry production and combined with the new technology achievements at home and abroad. The key technology includes six items: healthy seedling cultivating technique, soil improvement and continuous cropping obstacle treatment technique, agricultural ecological prevention tech- nique, physicochemical trap of pest control technique, biological control technique and low residual risk chemical control technique. 展开更多
关键词 Greenhouse strawberry Green development "Double reduction" and synergism Technology target Key technology
建立螺旋藻转基因体系初报 被引量:9
作者 茅云翔 王高歌 +3 位作者 张宝红 杨官品 隋正红 张学成 《中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 2000年第z1期-,共6页
从钝顶螺旋藻单细胞克隆的制备、重组平台的 克隆、同源重组表达质粒的构建、质粒的电激转化和报告基因的表达等方面对螺旋藻转基因 表达系统进行了研究,初步建立起螺旋藻转基因体系。用次氯酸钠溶液处理获得无菌培养系 ;用钠、钙离... 从钝顶螺旋藻单细胞克隆的制备、重组平台的 克隆、同源重组表达质粒的构建、质粒的电激转化和报告基因的表达等方面对螺旋藻转基因 表达系统进行了研究,初步建立起螺旋藻转基因体系。用次氯酸钠溶液处理获得无菌培养系 ;用钠、钙离子混合液处理,获得了可再生的螺旋藻单细胞。用含EDTA的培养基预培养和用 培养基洗涤可分别去除胞外核酸酶活性和抑制胞内核酸酶活性。以氯霉素乙酰转移酶基因替 换大肠杆菌表达质粒pBV220的抗性选择标记,同时插入系列同源重组片段和萤火虫荧光素酶 基因,构建了同源重组表达载体pBVCS01-04L。电激转化螺旋藻S6-4品系单 细胞,获得了具有稳定氯霉素抗性的培养系,并用SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳证实了报告基 因的表达。 展开更多
关键词 螺旋藻 重组质粒 同源重组 表达
作者 姚海根 《印刷杂志》 2009年第6期42-45,共4页
数字成像技术的发展导致人们以dpi这一指标衡量各种设备的成像精度,反映打印(印刷)设备记录点或视频设备显示点的空间排列密度,描述各自独立的记录点或显示点在一英寸线长上可以排列的数量,例如计算机显示器、扫描仪、打印机、激... 数字成像技术的发展导致人们以dpi这一指标衡量各种设备的成像精度,反映打印(印刷)设备记录点或视频设备显示点的空间排列密度,描述各自独立的记录点或显示点在一英寸线长上可以排列的数量,例如计算机显示器、扫描仪、打印机、激光照排机、直接制版机和数字印刷机等。由于扫描以dPi作为图像数字化转换精度的衡量指标,因而数字图像的分辨力也以dpi表示。 展开更多
关键词 分辨力 寻址能力 数字印刷 输出设备 技术
Selecting method of districts with science and technology program’s priority support and its positive analysis 被引量:2
作者 王宏起 王雪原 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2008年第1期80-85,共6页
According to growth pole theory, this paper puts forward that when allocating regional science and technology (S&T) innovation resources based on S&T program, should abide the principle that important area rec... According to growth pole theory, this paper puts forward that when allocating regional science and technology (S&T) innovation resources based on S&T program, should abide the principle that important area receives priority support; Meanwhile, it designs method to ascertain district S&T advantage and S&T innovation resources utilizing efficiency as well as S&T developing speed by using component analysis and DEA method, and then constructs three-dimension selecting model,by which a positive research on Heilongjiang is made, the purpose of which is to offer scientific method support and decision-making foundation for making regional S&T program. 展开更多
关键词 science and technology program science and technology advantage utilizing efficiency developing speed
Detection technique of moving target based on passive millimeter wave
作者 李世中 牟春阳 张勇 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS 2014年第4期29-33,共5页
To solve the problem of insufficient ability when detecting the high-speed moving target with passive millimeter wave technology, a direct-detection passive millimeter wave detecting system using the monolithic microw... To solve the problem of insufficient ability when detecting the high-speed moving target with passive millimeter wave technology, a direct-detection passive millimeter wave detecting system using the monolithic microwave integrated cir- cuit (MMIC) millimeter wave radiometer is built, and the measured data are obtained by experiment under different condi- tions. Based on feature analysis of testing signals, it points out that the peak of the first pulse and interval of two peak pulses are valid features which can reflect the motion characteristic of target. A method to calculate the moving speed of target is put forward. The calculating results indicate that the proposed method has enough accuracy and is feasible to determine the parameters of the moving target using for passive millimeter wave system. 展开更多
关键词 passive millimeter wave technology millimeter wave radiometer detection of moving target feature analysis moving speed of target
Preserving the literary past, looking to the future: the first Hong Kong Literature Database 被引量:1
作者 MA Leo F.H. WONG Rita LAU Paul 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第11期1341-1347,共7页
In the last two decades of the 20th century, there has been an increasing interest in and emphasis on the study of the Hong Kong literature in both the academic and general public in Hong Kong. Recognizing the emergen... In the last two decades of the 20th century, there has been an increasing interest in and emphasis on the study of the Hong Kong literature in both the academic and general public in Hong Kong. Recognizing the emergent need of the resources on Hong Kong literature, the University Library System of the Chinese University of Hong Kong set up the Hong Kong Literature Database (the “Database”), which was the first Chinese literature database in the Internet in 2000. The paper will examine how the database is constructed using XML technology andometadata schema, The database also employs Unicode UTF-8 as the internal code. A mapping table for traditional and simplified Chinese characters was created based on Unihan and is used behind the scene so that a user can either input traditional or simplified Chinese characters and retrieval will give both traditional and simplified Chinese characters. Currently 65% of journals use OCR technology so that full-text searching is possible. The Chinese OCR technology will be examined in greater detail. Special features of the Database such as, page-by-page browse mode, position-highlight for full-page newspaper, linking Table-Of-Contents and book jackets from the Library catalogue, etc. are described. The paper will also bring out the problem of massive downloading and compare the state-of-the-art technology and their shortcomings. This paper shows how the Hong Kong Literature Database facilitates future collaboration and data exchange by using open standard, shareable structure and the latest technology. 展开更多
关键词 Hong Kong Literature Hong Kong Literature Database XML Metadata schema Database structure UnicodeUTF-8 OCR technology
Optimization of Wigley Hull Form in order to Ensure the Objective Functions of the Seakeeping Performance
作者 Hassan Bagheri Hassan Ghassemi 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2014年第4期422-429,共8页
The research performed in this paper was carried out to investigate the computational procedure to design seakeeping optimized ship hull form. To reach the optimized hull form, four stages should be done, which consis... The research performed in this paper was carried out to investigate the computational procedure to design seakeeping optimized ship hull form. To reach the optimized hull form, four stages should be done, which consists of: generate alternative hull form, seakeeping calculations, objective functions and optimization techniques. There are many parameters that may be determined in ship hull form optimization. This paper deals with developed strip theory for determining the seakeeping performance, genetic algorithm (GA) as optimization method, high order equations for curve fitting of the hull form and finally reaching to the minimum bow vertical motion in regular head waves. The Wigley hull is selected as an initial hull and carried to be optimized. Two cases are considered. For the first case, the only form coefficients of the hull (CB, CM, Cw, Cp) are changed and main dimensions (L, B, 7) are fixed. In the second case both hull form and main dimensions are varied simultaneously. Finally, optimized hull form and its seakeeping performances are presented. The results of optimization procedure demonstrate that the optimized hull forms yield a reduction in vertical motion and acceleration. 展开更多
关键词 OPTIMIZATION genetic algorithm (GA) Wigley hull hullform SEAKEEPING
Developing Theoretical Relativistic Framework for Research in Open and Flexible Learning: A New Trend in Educational Research 被引量:1
作者 Yousaf Khan 《Journal of Mathematics and System Science》 2015年第9期345-363,共19页
The purpose of research study was to develop a theoretical relativistic framework for research in open and flexible learning environment because it is a new dimension in the field of education. Developing a theoretica... The purpose of research study was to develop a theoretical relativistic framework for research in open and flexible learning environment because it is a new dimension in the field of education. Developing a theoretical relativistic framework for any research study is first and prime step in walking on the track to reach the distinction set by the researcher. Open and flexible learning is a new trend in education, enriched with ICT-use as a basic demand of the 21st century generation in all parts of the globe. So, it requires a theoretical framework for its initiation, implementation, development and evaluation which is relatively developed and advanced from the existing framework. In any research study the literature review is carried out in order to develop, build or construct a theoretical framework. The researcher of the study has observed while attending the international conference on ODL (AAOU, 2013) that most of the studies require theoretical underpinning for ICT-use in education. The researcher assume that being a new trend in education to use ICT for teaching learning purpose; it requires conceptual clarity and theoretical background of the user and researcher, because, without theory the practice is wastage of money, time and energy and it becomes ineffective and requires relatively new conceptual development. So, the problem stated by the researcher for the study was: Developing theoretical relativistic framework for research in open and flexible learning: A new trend in educational research. The objective of the study was integrating the interrelated concepts to build a pnemonological network for identifying the constructs in ICT-rich open and flexible learning environment. The study was significant because it provided theoretical background for conducting research in ICT-use for teaching and learning through open and flexible systems; whether blended or online learning and training. The methodology used by the researcher was qualitative and interpretive because there were reviewing of literature and meta-analysis for building the framework. The data were analyzed and interpreted by the researcher for the findings and drawing conclusions. On the basis of conclusions the researcher has made suggestions and recommendations for conducting research in open and flexible learning environment by using this theoretical relativistic framework. The framework was named as Virtual Learning Environment Framework (VLEF). 展开更多
关键词 Open and flexible learning Research in ICT Research in open and flexible learning Pnemonological network in ODLand ICT.
作者 廖林丽 王静敏 +2 位作者 李翔 杨成昊 彭清华 《湖南中医杂志》 2019年第9期116-117,共2页
眼健康是一个全面的概念,是指在没有眼生理缺陷、眼病以及功能异常的基础上,拥有良好的视觉体验。目前针对眼健康的评价尚未建立起一个独立的体系。现代科学信息技术的发展为中医目诊客观化、标准化奠定了基础。开发并应用数字化、信息... 眼健康是一个全面的概念,是指在没有眼生理缺陷、眼病以及功能异常的基础上,拥有良好的视觉体验。目前针对眼健康的评价尚未建立起一个独立的体系。现代科学信息技术的发展为中医目诊客观化、标准化奠定了基础。开发并应用数字化、信息化的现代中医目诊技术,将发挥中医药在眼健康服务上的独特优势。 展开更多
关键词 眼健康 现代中医技术 理念优势 临床操作优势
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