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作者 曾庆娣 陈心湉 《科技管理研究》 CSSCI 2024年第10期197-204,共8页
维贝克超越建构性技术评估思想和伦理技术评估思想提出伦理建构性技术评估思想。他认为,伦理技术评估思想的局限在于限制技术开辟新道德形式的可能性,其方法也过度依赖清单法,可能导致低估技术的道德复杂性,无法解决超出预期的伦理后果... 维贝克超越建构性技术评估思想和伦理技术评估思想提出伦理建构性技术评估思想。他认为,伦理技术评估思想的局限在于限制技术开辟新道德形式的可能性,其方法也过度依赖清单法,可能导致低估技术的道德复杂性,无法解决超出预期的伦理后果。他以环绕式人技关系为逻辑起点、技术调解为逻辑内核重构技术评估理论,提出一种实质为技术伴随的伦理建构性技术评估思想,不仅在宏观上关注技术对道德框架和社会进程的影响,也在微观上关注技术对用户日常生活的影响,即从人与技术关系的内部解决伦理问题。尽管伦理建构性技术评估方法遭受质疑,认为它简化了人与技术的关系、给技术评估带来新问题,甚至可能颠覆技术评估,但这一评估方法为解决技术评估正面临的结果主义危机提供了一种新思路。 展开更多
关键词 伦理建构性技术评估 技术调解 技术伴随 技术评估 技术决策
道德物化:技术调解理论视角下算法新闻伦理研究 被引量:1
作者 郑久良 《青年记者》 北大核心 2023年第6期43-46,共4页
技术调解理论的“道德物化”思想为技术伦理学研究提供了内在进路范式,主张对技术物负载伦理价值的设计,使其在道德实践中发挥行动者作用。本文在诠释该理论对算法新闻伦理研究启示的基础上,从混合意向性、技术自主性两方面揭示算法新... 技术调解理论的“道德物化”思想为技术伦理学研究提供了内在进路范式,主张对技术物负载伦理价值的设计,使其在道德实践中发挥行动者作用。本文在诠释该理论对算法新闻伦理研究启示的基础上,从混合意向性、技术自主性两方面揭示算法新闻作为“道德行动体”的可能性及其伦理价值属性。“道德物化”视角下的算法新闻伦理治理包括建构性评估和道德化设计两个层面,提出设计者道德想象力、扩展建构性技术评估和价值敏感设计等治理路径。 展开更多
关键词 技术调解理论 道德物化 算法新闻 伦理治理 路径分析
人工智能教育中“人—技术”关系博弈与建构——从反向驯化到技术调解 被引量:45
作者 孙田琳子 《开放教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第6期37-43,共7页
随着人工智能在教育领域的深度应用,技术自主性的日益膨胀对人类主体性发展带来威胁,促使人们重新审思教学技术与教育主体之间的博弈关系。文章揭示了现代技术裹挟下的教育困境,呼吁警惕对智能技术过度依赖引发的技术反向驯化和信息茧... 随着人工智能在教育领域的深度应用,技术自主性的日益膨胀对人类主体性发展带来威胁,促使人们重新审思教学技术与教育主体之间的博弈关系。文章揭示了现代技术裹挟下的教育困境,呼吁警惕对智能技术过度依赖引发的技术反向驯化和信息茧房现象;分析教育场域中人与技术的三种博弈形态——对立失衡、适应平衡和融合共生,指出技术调解是化解人与技术矛盾关系的可能出路;进而提出技术调解视域下人工智能教育的发展方向,并从“人-技术”关系维、技术维、主体维层面建构人工智能教育的实践路径,为教育可持续发展提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 人工智能教育 人—技术关系 反向驯化 技术调解 道德物化
技术调解下道德主体的重构探究 被引量:5
作者 贾璐萌 陈凡 《自然辩证法研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第6期39-43,共5页
技术调解理论对人与技术互动机制的探讨不仅揭示出了技术之于人的境遇性存在,也对传统技术伦理的二元框架及人的绝对主体性产生了冲击。对此,沿着关系论进路,道德主体的界定标准可概括为自主程度及伦理意向性,人与技术物的道德角色也可... 技术调解理论对人与技术互动机制的探讨不仅揭示出了技术之于人的境遇性存在,也对传统技术伦理的二元框架及人的绝对主体性产生了冲击。对此,沿着关系论进路,道德主体的界定标准可概括为自主程度及伦理意向性,人与技术物的道德角色也可据此分为三类:面向平凡技术物的操作型道德能动体、面向人工智能体的功能型道德能动体、面向人类行动者的伦理型道德能动体。对中国伦理语境而言,道德主体界定的关系论进路与天人合一观具有内在一致性,而对道德主体的重构也构成了我国传统技术伦理思想的现代语境。 展开更多
关键词 技术调解 道德主体 关系论进路 中国语境
生态性生存:“人—技术—世界”生态关系与技术调解 被引量:2
作者 林慧岳 《湖南师范大学社会科学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第4期51-57,共7页
生态性生存既是人类生存的意义和价值,又是人类生存的方向和路径。人、技术与世界是人类生态性生存的三个维度,构建人—技术—世界之间的生态关系是实现人类生态性生存的前提。这种生态关系可通过技术人工物的技术调解来建立。在人工物... 生态性生存既是人类生存的意义和价值,又是人类生存的方向和路径。人、技术与世界是人类生态性生存的三个维度,构建人—技术—世界之间的生态关系是实现人类生态性生存的前提。这种生态关系可通过技术人工物的技术调解来建立。在人工物的设计阶段,通过价值导向形成设计规范的生态蕴含,塑造技术人工物的生态功能。在人工物的使用阶段,通过规范导向形成技术人工物的生态约束,确保了技术对世界的无害化作用。最终,技术人工物实现对生态人、生态化的客体世界和人与世界生态关系的三重建构。 展开更多
关键词 生态性生存 人-技术-世界关系 生态意向性 技术调解
基于技术调解的使用者责任分析 被引量:3
作者 贾璐萌 陈思 《科学技术哲学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第3期87-92,共6页
技术调解使得使用者的责任问题更加凸显。受技术调解的使用情境是在人与技术的互动中构建起来的,这意味着必须超越主客对立的二元框架,采取一种混合性的视角来对待受技术调解的使用责任问题。在"人-技术-世界"的使用情境图式... 技术调解使得使用者的责任问题更加凸显。受技术调解的使用情境是在人与技术的互动中构建起来的,这意味着必须超越主客对立的二元框架,采取一种混合性的视角来对待受技术调解的使用责任问题。在"人-技术-世界"的使用情境图式中,技术调解的"透明性"决定了使用者的关注点与责任对象的变化,也由此带来了技术使用的双重责任:当技术调解呈透明状态时,使用者的关注点透过技术指向了他者与外部世界,应承担起"公平使用"与"生态使用"的责任;而当技术调解呈不透明状态时,使用者的关注点则回到了自身的使用实践上,从而应承担起重建自身受调解的主体性的责任。 展开更多
关键词 技术调解 使用情境 双重责任 透明性 主体性重构
说服的技艺:论法官的调解技术——从首届山东法院民商事办案能手经验切入 被引量:1
作者 陈怀峰 卜永利 《江苏警官学院学报》 2012年第1期46-51,共6页
说服是调解的根本之道,实务中的调解都是自觉或不自觉地围绕着说服进行的。从基层法官的具体办案经验切入,分析实务中的具体调解技术,可以梳理调解技术的具体分类。应将调解技术运用的模型建构,调解技术本身的显隐属性,调解技术的修辞... 说服是调解的根本之道,实务中的调解都是自觉或不自觉地围绕着说服进行的。从基层法官的具体办案经验切入,分析实务中的具体调解技术,可以梳理调解技术的具体分类。应将调解技术运用的模型建构,调解技术本身的显隐属性,调解技术的修辞包装及调解技术的运行机理等作为调解技术的可能深化路径。 展开更多
关键词 说服 调解技术 民事调解
作者 陈立华 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)工程技术》 2021年第7期112-112,114,共2页
随着我国工业的快速发展,不断拓宽新领域,利用新兴的节能技术减少对环境的污染及对能源的消耗状况,特别是变频调速技术的使用,可以形成较好的节能功效,完成对机械的调控情况,满足电气自动化的发展需求。本文将对变频调速技术在电动叉车... 随着我国工业的快速发展,不断拓宽新领域,利用新兴的节能技术减少对环境的污染及对能源的消耗状况,特别是变频调速技术的使用,可以形成较好的节能功效,完成对机械的调控情况,满足电气自动化的发展需求。本文将对变频调速技术在电动叉车上的运用进行分析,解析不同状态下的运用情况,仅供参考。 展开更多
关键词 变频调解技术 电动叉车 运用
作者 刘玉忠 赵舰 《山东工业技术》 2018年第16期53-53,共1页
随着科学技术的快速发展,近年来我国船舶机械故障诊断领域实现了较为长足的进步,共振解调技术在该领域的广泛应用便属于这一进步的直观体现,基于此,本文简单介绍了共振解调技术的船舶机械故障诊断原理,并对该技术的具体应用进行了详细论... 随着科学技术的快速发展,近年来我国船舶机械故障诊断领域实现了较为长足的进步,共振解调技术在该领域的广泛应用便属于这一进步的直观体现,基于此,本文简单介绍了共振解调技术的船舶机械故障诊断原理,并对该技术的具体应用进行了详细论述,希望由此能够为相关业内人士带来一定启发。 展开更多
关键词 共振调解技术 船舶 机械故障诊断
UNI-SPEC:An Instruction Set Description Language 被引量:2
作者 朱德新 Cheng +2 位作者 Xu Song Chuanhua 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2003年第4期33-38,共6页
Microprocessor development emphasizes hardware and software co design. Hw/Sw co design is a modern technique aimed at shortening the time to market in designing the real time and embedded systems. Key feature of this ... Microprocessor development emphasizes hardware and software co design. Hw/Sw co design is a modern technique aimed at shortening the time to market in designing the real time and embedded systems. Key feature of this approach is simultaneous development of the program tools and the target processor to match software application. An effective co design flow must therefore support automatic software toolkits generation, without loss of optimizing efficiency. This has resulted in a paradigm shift towards a language based design methodology for microprocessor optimization and exploration. This paper proposes a formal grammar, UNI SPEC, which supports the automatic generation of assemblers, to describe the translation rules from assembly to binary. Based on UNI SPEC, it implements two typical applications, i.e., automatically generating the assembler and the test suites. 展开更多
关键词 formal grammar retargetable assembler generator instruction set architecture
作者 Qi Chenhao Wu Lenan 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2009年第3期289-295,共7页
The paper presents a kind of transmission system which employs M-ary Position Phase Shift Keying(MPPSK) to send data and Phase Locked Loop(PLL) based techniques for data retrieve.With a single PLL, MPPSK demodulation ... The paper presents a kind of transmission system which employs M-ary Position Phase Shift Keying(MPPSK) to send data and Phase Locked Loop(PLL) based techniques for data retrieve.With a single PLL, MPPSK demodulation is achieved, as well as carrier recovery and symbol synchronization.Firstly, MPPSK modulation method is briefly introduced.2PPSK's PSD expression is given with its optimization result.Orthogonal Phase Detector(PD) and static threshold are used for the purpose of wider phase range and simplicity in demodulation.The data rate is alterable, which is 4.65 kbps for 2PPSK and 9.3 kbps for 4PPSK in the paper.Then some indicative comparisons in Signal to Noise Ratio Symbol Error Rate(SNR-SER) are made among 2PPSK, 3PPSK and 4PPSK, of which 4PPSK has proved to be optimal in ten slots each symbol conditions.And finally, it is demonstrated by system simulations that lower than 10-4 Symbol Error Rate(SER) performance can be obtained at 13 dB symbol SNR. 展开更多
关键词 Phase Locked Loop (PLL) M-ary Position Phase Shift Keying (MPPSK) Phase Detector (PD) Power Spectrum Density (PSD)
Periodic Boundary Value Problem for Functional Differential Equations with Impulses
作者 何智敏 葛渭高 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 1999年第4期347-351,共5页
Aim To investigate the periodic boundary value problem for functional differential equations with impulses. Methods The method of upper and lower solutions and the monotone iterative technique were used to establish... Aim To investigate the periodic boundary value problem for functional differential equations with impulses. Methods The method of upper and lower solutions and the monotone iterative technique were used to establish our results. Results and Conclusion The results of the existence of maximal and minimal solutions of the periodic boundary value problem for functional differential equations with impulses are obtained. 展开更多
关键词 functional differential equation upper and lower solutions monotone iterative technique periodic boundary value problem IMPULSE
Error analysis and correction of high-accuracy modulation domain measurement
作者 杜念文 朱伟 毛黎明 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS 2013年第2期142-145,共4页
Modulation domain measurement can be u sed to analyze the frequency,phase,and time intervals which transiently change with time.During the implementation of modulation domain analyzer,meas urement errors can be introd... Modulation domain measurement can be u sed to analyze the frequency,phase,and time intervals which transiently change with time.During the implementation of modulation domain analyzer,meas urement errors can be introduced in multiple parts.Aiming at a typical implementation of modul ation domain analyzer,this paper analyzes the inherent error between channe l s,temperature drift error in time-to-digital converter(TDC),random err or,time-base error and their influence on the modulation domain measurement.It also gives a correction sche me and comparison of the measurement results.The frequency resolution can be im proved from 10 to 12 bit/s after correction. 展开更多
关键词 modulation domain time-to-digital converter (TDC) error analysis
Mediators of Parental Status (Single or Both Parenting) and Academic Performance of Primary School Pupils in Ghana 被引量:1
作者 Theresa Antwi 《Sociology Study》 2014年第1期1-17,共17页
This multivariate study investigated whether Parental Support, Teacher Support, and Academic Motivation mediate the relationship between Parental Status (i.e., children from single or both parents homes) and Academi... This multivariate study investigated whether Parental Support, Teacher Support, and Academic Motivation mediate the relationship between Parental Status (i.e., children from single or both parents homes) and Academic Performance, The research design used for the study was a cross sectional survey using the quantitative approach. Data set from 250 primary school pupils from the Effutu Municipality were analysed using partial correlation and multiple regression analytical techniques. Among the study findings, that were when the effects of Parental Status were controlled for, Parental Support, Teacher Support, and Academic Motivation still related significantly to Academic Performance. Among the conclusions of the findings are that, whether the child was from a single or both parent home was not important with regard to his or her academic performance but rather it was the quality of support that the child gets from whoever is doing the parenting, teacher support and the child's own academic motivation that were important to determine the child's Academic Performance. The study also found that Parental Support was the best predictor of the pupils' Academic Performance out of the three factors includingTeacher Support and Academic Motivation. 展开更多
关键词 MEDIATORS parental status teacher support academic motivation academic performance
Emergency evacuation system for mines
作者 QIAN Qing-yi BUDIMAN Jeff SHEN Jay 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2011年第3期281-284,共4页
There are many potential hazards in the underground mining these include fire, explosion, inundation, roof collapse, toxic gases, chemical pollution, etc. Over past centuries, in US alone, more than 100 000 miners los... There are many potential hazards in the underground mining these include fire, explosion, inundation, roof collapse, toxic gases, chemical pollution, etc. Over past centuries, in US alone, more than 100 000 miners lost their life in different accidents. The primary safety methods used in underground mines concentrate on the monitoring of the hazardous gases, fire detection and ventilation. Using advanced instruments and monitoring techniques have significantly reduced the accidents in the modem mines. However despite the advancement of these monitoring facilities, accidents still occur in underground mining annually in the world, and many miners were killed because they were trapped and unable to escape due to blocked of exit access. Described a new development for the emergency evacuation system in underground mines and analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of the system. It is expected that the new system will greatly improve the emergency exit methods and save more lives in the future. 展开更多
关键词 evacuation system mine shaft elevators shaft lining
Research on the impact of computer technology on art and design
作者 Luxuan FAN 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第6期84-86,共3页
With the rapid development of digital technology in the new century, modem technology used to provide aid for teaching is widely used. The pattern of education had been great changed in due to input digital technology... With the rapid development of digital technology in the new century, modem technology used to provide aid for teaching is widely used. The pattern of education had been great changed in due to input digital technology .There are many tremendous changes such as the information collected and stored, the teaching process and performance, all aspects of the learner receives ways and means, especially the traditional art education be affected at the most significant way. In the traditional art teaching process, educators and learners mainly in the unarmed way of painting and design which tend to form on the art of teaching content recapitulate and mechanical reproduction of art materials for teaching situation. The art of teaching behaviors had become no creativity and creative fun. Modem art education needs innovation; needs to reflect the flavor of the era of technology. Therefore, the new model for art teaching with the perfect combination of the help of modem digital computer technology is becoming the most urgent needs. 展开更多
关键词 computer technology Art and Design INFLUENCE
"From a Utopia to a Dystopia" On Mark Twain's Compliance with and Deviation from Heterotopology in A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
作者 Billy Bin Feng Huang 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2014年第9期572-584,共13页
In this paper, the author intends to parallelize Mark Twain's A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court with Foucault's theorizations about heterotopia, or heterotopology. For Foucault, heterotopia is a paradox b... In this paper, the author intends to parallelize Mark Twain's A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court with Foucault's theorizations about heterotopia, or heterotopology. For Foucault, heterotopia is a paradox because it is paces that are both real and placeless. Twain's novel is a time travel story, which juxtaposes the temporalities of the 6th and 19th centuries. In the story, Hank, the hero, is allowed access to Camelot, King Arthur's court. Above all, he has introduced to it quite a few elements of modem technology and civilization. So far Twain seems to have complied with Foucault's heterotopology. That is, there is a textual heterotopia created in his novel. However, the last principle of Foucault's heterotopology states that a heterotopia can be comparable to a utopia because of its contrastive function. A typical time travel story has the same contrastive function as well. That is, in either case there should be a utopia, a dystopia, or a mixture of them. However, Twain's novel fails to contrast the 6th century with the 19th century simply because the heterotopia Hank has created leaps from a utopia to a dystopia. It is at this point where Twain has deviated from heterotopology. The shifting nature of this heterotopia not only disables its contrastive mechanism but also jeopardizes its thematic clarity. Most of all, it indicates that Twain has a considerably ambivalent attitude towards the industrial civilization, and that as a consequence, he is indecisive about the direction of this novel. 展开更多
关键词 Mark Twain Michel Foucault A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court heterotopia (-topology) UTOPIA DYSTOPIA
A Brief Analysis of the Manifestation of Traditional Handicraft Techniques in Modem Fashion Design
作者 Ning Zhang Wei Huang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第5期122-123,共2页
The fashion design of China starts late and has a weak foundation. Compared to western countries, design works of China have obvious disadvantages. At the same time, the traditional handicraft techniques of China have... The fashion design of China starts late and has a weak foundation. Compared to western countries, design works of China have obvious disadvantages. At the same time, the traditional handicraft techniques of China have suffered strong blows of modem technologies with the development of time and their living space have been gradually occupied. The combination of traditional handicraft techniques with modem fashion design has dual significances. On the one hand, it helps infuse new ideas into fashion design. On the other hand, it promotes the development of traditional handicraft techniques in modern times. In this respect, this combination has some positive significances. 展开更多
Study on the Development and Design of the Souvenirs in Jiangxi Red Revolutionary Museums
作者 Liqin Jl 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第10期24-25,共2页
Through the analysis on the current situation of the souvenirs in Jiangxi red revolutionary museums, the new design positioning of the souvenirs is discussed, and also the development direction of the souvenirs is stu... Through the analysis on the current situation of the souvenirs in Jiangxi red revolutionary museums, the new design positioning of the souvenirs is discussed, and also the development direction of the souvenirs is studied from culture connotation excavation, buying motivation, buying groups, the combination of design with technology, and pre-sale, in-sale, and after-sale services. On the basis of preserving the traditional revolutionary culture, the revolutionary stories are reshaped using modem design language and science and technology, so that new living space and development direction are given to the souvenirs of red revolution, the sales of the souvenirs are promoted, the economic benefits of the red revolutionary museums are improved, the red tourism is more effectively promoted, and Jiangxi red revolutionary culture is developed and expanded. 展开更多
关键词 JIANGXI Red Culture Development and Design
Research on Influence of Micro Structure on Residual Oil Distribution
作者 Xu Xin Cao Ying Li Lei 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第2期127-129,共3页
Researching residual oil distribution not only is a difficulty in the world, but also is the pioneering research subject in different fields such as geology, physical geography and reservoir engineering. The modem geo... Researching residual oil distribution not only is a difficulty in the world, but also is the pioneering research subject in different fields such as geology, physical geography and reservoir engineering. The modem geology technique, well logging technology and reservoir engineering technique develops rapidly, which provides favorable conditions for researching residual oil distribution. 展开更多
关键词 detailed reservoir description residual oil distribution sedimentary characteristics heterogenous
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