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“梅齐合壁”与中国戏曲的技艺化倾向 被引量:4
作者 陈维昭 《汕头大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2001年第3期19-27,共9页
齐如山一生致力于京剧舞台表演的舞蹈化实践与研究,这种舞蹈化在他与梅兰芳的合作中获得巨大成功,并于20世纪30年代在西方世界产生了巨大的影响。我们把他们的合作及其成功的现象称为“梅齐合壁”。这种合作以技艺化为重要的美学... 齐如山一生致力于京剧舞台表演的舞蹈化实践与研究,这种舞蹈化在他与梅兰芳的合作中获得巨大成功,并于20世纪30年代在西方世界产生了巨大的影响。我们把他们的合作及其成功的现象称为“梅齐合壁”。这种合作以技艺化为重要的美学特征,它强化了戏曲的通俗化特征,但同时则以人文价值关注的弱化为代价。当中国观众对戏曲中的舞蹈化已经不再感到新鲜的时候,在西方文艺完成对写实主义的超越,实现艺术转型之后,中国戏曲的舞蹈化的世界效应便一落千丈。 展开更多
关键词 齐如山 梅兰芳 技艺化 中国 戏曲 戏剧观念 组织体制 演剧形态
作者 周唯 《中医药学报》 CAS 2010年第2期1-4,共4页
关键词 中医诊疗 辨证论治 技艺化
从技艺到行动:学校德育技艺化的伦理反思——基于阿伦特“行动”理论的启示 被引量:5
作者 李义胜 《教育科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第5期26-31,共6页
虽然在技艺活动中,技艺者通过对物的支配与制作从而彰显了其自身的主体性,但从本质上说,它仍然是缺少伦理内涵的活动方式。德育应当是一种特定的伦理实践,然而当前学校德育的技艺化特征严重遮蔽了其应有的伦理意蕴。行动的开创性、展现... 虽然在技艺活动中,技艺者通过对物的支配与制作从而彰显了其自身的主体性,但从本质上说,它仍然是缺少伦理内涵的活动方式。德育应当是一种特定的伦理实践,然而当前学校德育的技艺化特征严重遮蔽了其应有的伦理意蕴。行动的开创性、展现性及复数性特征使它成为凸显伦理意蕴的真正的实践活动,从而为学校德育技艺化的抵制提供了重要的可能之径。教师及其他学校成员由技艺向行动的转变需要一系列主客观条件的支持,包括学校技艺管理方式的转变、教师伦理素养的自觉提升以及学校德育活动行动品性的彰显。 展开更多
关键词 技艺 技艺化 行动 德育 伦理
伦理意蕴的遮蔽与彰显:教学技艺化的伦理反思 被引量:2
作者 李义胜 《安庆师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2017年第1期120-124,共5页
伦理是实践的本质属性,伦理内涵的严重缺失则会使实践退化为单纯的技艺。当前,随着功利主义在学校的浸淫,以及现代技术向学校的过度嵌入,教学目标、教学内容及教学过程等方面有着浓厚的技艺化倾向,导致教学伦理意蕴的遮蔽。要提升教师... 伦理是实践的本质属性,伦理内涵的严重缺失则会使实践退化为单纯的技艺。当前,随着功利主义在学校的浸淫,以及现代技术向学校的过度嵌入,教学目标、教学内容及教学过程等方面有着浓厚的技艺化倾向,导致教学伦理意蕴的遮蔽。要提升教师的师德修养,实现从"无思"到"有思"的转变,在具体的教学情境中展开伦理性的行动。 展开更多
关键词 教学 技艺化 伦理
作者 汪帅 高春燕 《产业与科技论坛》 2017年第8期202-203,共2页
本文从文学表达方式上,论述了柏拉图美学中"美"的自我展示与魏晋文人在诗歌创作过程中,为增强诗歌艺术感染力而采取的创作方式的暗合;在诗歌的创作方式上,分析了柏拉图诗学的"摹仿"艺术与魏晋诗人对诗歌的继承与改... 本文从文学表达方式上,论述了柏拉图美学中"美"的自我展示与魏晋文人在诗歌创作过程中,为增强诗歌艺术感染力而采取的创作方式的暗合;在诗歌的创作方式上,分析了柏拉图诗学的"摹仿"艺术与魏晋诗人对诗歌的继承与改良方面的不谋而合;对在文学"美"的完善机制方面,论述了柏拉图对于美学的认识以及对美学的完善机制与魏晋时期文学自觉的文人所撰写的文学理论的相通性。本文以老庄思想为纽带,探讨柏拉图的美学思想与魏晋文学的暗合。 展开更多
关键词 柏拉图 美学思想 审美技艺化 魏晋南北朝文学
作者 徐姗姗 刘诗雨 +1 位作者 刘蕊奇 刘学(指导) 《河北画报》 2023年第14期16-18,214,共4页
本文旨在探讨徽雕文化的社会现状和历史意义,以及社会创新设计对于徽雕技艺活态化传承的价值和意义,分析了徽雕文化的利益相关者结构关系,并提出徽雕技艺的活态化传承社会协同共创模式,探讨该模式的可行性和实现路径,以推动徽雕技艺的... 本文旨在探讨徽雕文化的社会现状和历史意义,以及社会创新设计对于徽雕技艺活态化传承的价值和意义,分析了徽雕文化的利益相关者结构关系,并提出徽雕技艺的活态化传承社会协同共创模式,探讨该模式的可行性和实现路径,以推动徽雕技艺的保护和传承。同时,强调了社会创新设计在徽雕技艺活态化传承中的重要作用,为徽雕技艺的保护和传承提供理论指导和实践参考,呼吁各方共同努力,为徽雕技艺的传承和发展作出贡献。 展开更多
关键词 徽雕技艺活态传承 社会创新设计 协同共创
走向实践与技艺化危险:中美教师教育模式改革研究——中美教师教育比较研究之二 被引量:27
作者 宋萑 钟秉林 《高等教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第9期64-69,共6页
中美两国教师教育模式在走入大学本位的历程中,遭遇到了脱离实践的危机。美国主要通过大学—中小学校合作模式、中小学校本位模式和职前—职后一体化模式促使教师教育走向实践,中国则主要通过在现有大学本位教师教育模式框架中强化实践... 中美两国教师教育模式在走入大学本位的历程中,遭遇到了脱离实践的危机。美国主要通过大学—中小学校合作模式、中小学校本位模式和职前—职后一体化模式促使教师教育走向实践,中国则主要通过在现有大学本位教师教育模式框架中强化实践课程走向实践。但过度走向实践可能带来技艺化的危险,阻碍教师专业化进程。未来教师教育模式仍需夯实教师的学科专业基础,同时强化教育实习实践,方能培养出高素质的专业化教师。 展开更多
关键词 教师教育模式 实践取向 技艺化 专业知识基础
人文化·科学化·技艺化:中外新闻教育理念之异同——基于中、日、英、美四国新闻教育传统与变迁的比较研究 被引量:2
作者 栾轶玫 刘嘉旖 《传媒观察》 2019年第4期76-83,共8页
随着新技术在新闻实践与新闻科研中被广泛应用,以及媒介生态和业界需求不断变化,中国新闻教育也应进行革新。本文遴选出中、日、英、美四国56所新闻传播院校,对其新闻传统、新闻课程、新闻实践进行梳理与分析,发现四国新闻教育理念主要... 随着新技术在新闻实践与新闻科研中被广泛应用,以及媒介生态和业界需求不断变化,中国新闻教育也应进行革新。本文遴选出中、日、英、美四国56所新闻传播院校,对其新闻传统、新闻课程、新闻实践进行梳理与分析,发现四国新闻教育理念主要有"实践取向"与"人文取向"两大分野;此外,新闻教育理念呈现出国别差异,比如说美国的"密苏里方法"、英国的"学徒制模式"、日本的"人文关怀与通识教育"等。本文指出:中国新闻教育理念呈现出人文化、科学化、技艺化三种倾向。文章从"新闻课程、科研发表、新闻工作坊、业界招聘、评奖风向标"等多个维度分析了"人文化、科学化、技艺化"的表征以及形成原因,以此探讨新闻教育的边界与核心,试图回答"何为新时代新闻教育之‘芯’",以及什么才是我们应有的面向未来的新闻教育理念。 展开更多
关键词 新闻教育 人文 科学 技艺化 美国“密苏里方法” 英国“学徒制模式” 日本通识教育 新闻工作坊
革命的技艺化——重读梅仪慈的《丁玲的小说》 被引量:1
作者 陈逢玥 《中国现代文学研究丛刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期171-178,共8页
本文重读英语学界丁玲研究的经典之作《丁玲的小说》,结合梅仪慈所挖掘的丁玲小说中历史、政治、文学之间的对话关系,从外化的视角、革命的文体、疾病的隐喻三个方面,重新思考丁玲小说革命叙事的技艺化,指出革命叙事不一定要借由暴力的... 本文重读英语学界丁玲研究的经典之作《丁玲的小说》,结合梅仪慈所挖掘的丁玲小说中历史、政治、文学之间的对话关系,从外化的视角、革命的文体、疾病的隐喻三个方面,重新思考丁玲小说革命叙事的技艺化,指出革命叙事不一定要借由暴力的方式展出,它自有一套自成体系的表述规范和叙事模式。与其把革命文学看作是政治的图解,不如看作是一种具有生产性的写作范式。 展开更多
关键词 丁玲 革命叙事 技艺化
民族技艺:旅游化传承与资本化运营——以云南·新华村银器技艺传承与发展为例 被引量:2
作者 吕本勋 罗明义 《红河学院学报》 2014年第2期70-74,共5页
与生产生活紧密相关的技艺传承是民族文化传承的重要组成部分。在现代工业化和商品化大潮的冲击下,民族技艺面临着生存空间的挤压和失传的风险。如何促进民族技艺的传承与发展,寻找一条可以融入现代社会经济运行发展的模式是一个问题。... 与生产生活紧密相关的技艺传承是民族文化传承的重要组成部分。在现代工业化和商品化大潮的冲击下,民族技艺面临着生存空间的挤压和失传的风险。如何促进民族技艺的传承与发展,寻找一条可以融入现代社会经济运行发展的模式是一个问题。本文在研究回顾的基础上,通过对云南新华村白族银器技艺在旅游大潮中的发展轨迹和资本化运营方式进行了深入的分析与思考,为当下民族技艺传承与发展探索模式与出路。 展开更多
关键词 民族技艺旅游传承 资本运营 云南·新华村白族银器技艺
论小说的起源:从“语”到“说” 被引量:2
作者 小南一郎 李凤银 《南开学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第5期69-74,共6页
在先秦至汉这一历史阶段内,中国的话语形态经历了由"语"到"说"的嬗变过程,"语"这种场所,是以西周时代以来的社会制度为依托的,可以说是一种"安定"的话语场所;与之相反,"说"的场所则... 在先秦至汉这一历史阶段内,中国的话语形态经历了由"语"到"说"的嬗变过程,"语"这种场所,是以西周时代以来的社会制度为依托的,可以说是一种"安定"的话语场所;与之相反,"说"的场所则不再有稳定的社会基础。处于失去西周时期那种秩序的社会之中,要捕捉住心情多变的听者的心理,"说"的对谈就要磨练话语技巧。因此谈说者们为了吸引心情多变的听者们,在凝炼种种技巧的同时,其内容也更加丰富。小说这种文艺形式正是在这个过程中发展起来的。 展开更多
关键词 “语” “说” 小说 技艺化
Quantitative Description of the Effects of Sweep Efficiency and Displacement Efficiency during Chemical Flooding on a Heterogeneous Reservoir 被引量:6
作者 沈平平 袁士义 +2 位作者 邓宝荣 宋杰 沈奎友 《Petroleum Science》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第3期41-48,77,共9页
The processes of flooding—water flooding, polymer flooding and ternary combination flooding—were simulated respectively on a 2-D positive rhythm profile geological model by using the ASP numerical modeling softw... The processes of flooding—water flooding, polymer flooding and ternary combination flooding—were simulated respectively on a 2-D positive rhythm profile geological model by using the ASP numerical modeling software developed by RIPED (Yuan, et al. 1995). The recovery coefficient, remaining oil saturation, sweep efficiency and displacement efficiency were calculated and correlated layer by layer. The results show that the sweep efficiency and displacement efficiency work different effects on different layers in the severely heterogeneous reservoir. The study shows that the displacement efficiency and sweep efficiency play different roles in different layers for severely heterogeneous reservoirs. The displacement efficiency contributes mainly to the high permeability zones, the sweep efficiency to the low permeability zones, both of which contribute to the middle permeable zones. To improve the sweep efficiency in the low permeability zones is of significance for enhancing the whole recovery of the reservoir. It is an important path for improving the effectiveness of chemical flooding in the severely heterogeneous reservoirs to inject ternary combination slug after profile control. 展开更多
关键词 Chemical flooding displacement efficiency sweep efficiency recovery efficiency heterogenous reservoir
SCDI Flash Memory Device Ⅱ:Experiments and Characteristics
作者 欧文 钱鹤 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第5期497-501,共5页
Step channel direct injection(SCDI) flash memory device is successfully achieved by 1 2μm CMOS technology,moreover good performance is obtained.At the bias condition of V g=6V, V d=5V,the programming speed ... Step channel direct injection(SCDI) flash memory device is successfully achieved by 1 2μm CMOS technology,moreover good performance is obtained.At the bias condition of V g=6V, V d=5V,the programming speed of SCDI device is 42μs.Under the condition of V g=-8V, V s=8V,the erasing speed is 24ms.Compared with the same size of conventional flash memory device whose corresponding parameters are 500μs and 24ms,respectively,the performance of SCDI device is remarkably improved.During manufacturing of SCDI device,the key technologies are to make the shallow step with appropriate depth and angle,along with eliminating the etch damage during the process of Si 3N 4 spacer. 展开更多
关键词 SCDI flash memory programming speed key technology
Electroless Plating of Carbon Nanotubes with Copper 被引量:1
作者 凤仪 袁海龙 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2004年第5期728-731,共4页
A simple chemical method was employed to coat carbon nanotubes with a layer of copper. Due to the hydrophobic nature, large surface curvature, small diameter and large aspect ratio, it is difficult to gain continuous ... A simple chemical method was employed to coat carbon nanotubes with a layer of copper. Due to the hydrophobic nature, large surface curvature, small diameter and large aspect ratio, it is difficult to gain continuous electroless plating layer on the surface of carbon nanotubes. In this paper, a series methods (oxidization, sensitization and activation) are used to add active sites before electroless plating, and the adjustment of the traditional composition of copper electroless plating bath and operating condition can decelerate electroless plating rate. The samples before and after coating were analyzed using transmission electron microscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. The results showed that the surface of carbon nanotubes was successfully coated with continuous layer of copper, which lays a good foundation for applying carbon nanotubes in composites. 展开更多
关键词 carbon nanotube electroless plating COPPER
Separation and Purification of Dodecanedioic Acid from Its Homologous Compounds by Falling Film Crystallization 被引量:1
作者 李裕 刘有智 齐雪琴 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2004年第3期451-453,共3页
Separation and purification of dodecanedioic acid (DDDA) from its homologous compounds were studied experimentally by falling film crystallization (FFC). The influences of various operation parameters, including cryst... Separation and purification of dodecanedioic acid (DDDA) from its homologous compounds were studied experimentally by falling film crystallization (FFC). The influences of various operation parameters, including crystallizing time, flow rate of melt and temperature of glycerine bath, on purity of DDDA and crystallizing rate were investigated. Over 99% (by mole) DDDA was obtained for a feed composition of 96% (by mole). The main factors affecting the separation efficiency are flow rate of melt and temperature of glycerine bath. The crystallizing layer of DDDA was further purified by sweating and blasting. A set of optimized operation data are provided for better understanding the mechanism of heat and mass transfer in FFC, and for further industrial application of DDDA purification process. 展开更多
关键词 dodecanedioic acid homologous compound falling film crystallization SEPARATION PURIFICATION
Effects of DPC on Agronomic Traits and Economic Characters of Machine-Harvested Cotton in the Yellow River Valley of China and Chemical Control Techniques 被引量:3
作者 Liying LIU Maohua DAI Zhenliang WU 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第10期1887-1891,共5页
[Objective] The aim was to investigate the effects of DPC chemical controlling technique on agronomic traits, yield and quality of machine-harvested cotton in the Yellow River Valley of China, and clarify the reasonab... [Objective] The aim was to investigate the effects of DPC chemical controlling technique on agronomic traits, yield and quality of machine-harvested cotton in the Yellow River Valley of China, and clarify the reasonable control period and the application amount of DPC. [Method] The new machine-harvested cotton variety Hengmian HD008 was used as the test material, and 3 different DPC treatments were set. [Result] DPC significantly reduced plant height and branch length, reduced branch angle and leaf area, so the rational control can effectively shape the ideal plant type of machine-harvested cotton. DPC had significant effects on yield and yield components, and the proper amount of DPC could increase the number of bolls during hot days, the number bolls in autumn and the total number of bolls. It increased the boll weight and seed index, but decreased lint percentage decreased, and proper amount of DPC could increase the yield. DPC significantly increased the specific breaking strength of fibers, and proper control could improve the uniformity of fibers, but other indexes had no significant influence. [Conclusion] According to the requirements of machine harvest to the agronomic traits of cotton and the growth characteristics of cotton plant, chemical control could begin after floral bud emergence in cotton about every 10 d, and the spraying amount can be controlled according to the growth amount of the main stem. The daily growth amount of plant height should be controlled at 1.5-1.8 cm, and the plant height should be within 75-90 cm. 展开更多
关键词 Machine-harvested cotton Agronomic characters YIELD Fiber quality Chemical controlling technique
Three-Stage Six-Step Flue-Curing Technology for Viginia Tobacco Leaves and Its Application in China 被引量:1
作者 Hongfeng Wang Houlong Jiang +3 位作者 Chen Xu Daibin Wang Chao Yang Bojun Wang 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2016年第4期232-238,共7页
In order to overcome the problem that the leaf yellowing stage in tobacco curing reduces the fragrance of the product, this study introduced the principle and key parameters of a three-stage six-step curing technology... In order to overcome the problem that the leaf yellowing stage in tobacco curing reduces the fragrance of the product, this study introduced the principle and key parameters of a three-stage six-step curing technology. The field trail was conducted in Wulong county of Chongqing city in 2010, and Virginia K326 was the tested cultivar. The middle leaves were harvested and plaited after maturity, and then cured with the three-stage six-step curing technology and traditional three-stage curing technology, respectively. Three replicates were established for each of the two curing technologies. Then, chemical constituents, aromatic substances and smoking quality were analyzed. The results show that compared with the traditional three-stage curing technology, the three-stage six-step curing technology produces more suitable ratios of chemical constituents, higher aromatic component content and higher smoking quality grade of tobacco leaves. Therefore, the continuous improvement of corollary equipment and matching technologies is expected to widen the applications of the three-stage six-step curing technology in tobacco and provide a strong technical support for the development of the tobacco industry. 展开更多
关键词 Flue-cured tobacco curing technology quality index.
Optimization of Steam Explosion Process Condition for Extracting Polysaccharides from Pseudostellaria heterophylla by Response Surface Methodology 被引量:6
作者 PAN Hui-qing ZHANG Zhao-kun +3 位作者 ZHANG Yan-da LIU Han-ru YUAN Ji-duan ZHAO Qi 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2020年第2期41-46,共6页
【Objective】To optimize the steam explosion process condition for extracting polysaccharides from Pseudostellaria heterophylla.【Method】The effects of steam pressure,pressure-maintaining time and material moisture c... 【Objective】To optimize the steam explosion process condition for extracting polysaccharides from Pseudostellaria heterophylla.【Method】The effects of steam pressure,pressure-maintaining time and material moisture content on the extraction of polysaccharides from Pseudostellaria heterophylla were studied by response surface methodology based on Box-Behnken design.【Result】The findings showed that each factor could significantly affect the test index,and the optimum condition was as follows:steam pressure 1.50 Mpa,pressuremaintaining time 46 s and material moisture content 46%.Under this condition,the verified experimental value of polysaccharides from Pseudostellaria heterophylla was 39.32%,indicating a relative standard deviation of 2.73%from the predictive value.Meanwhile,scanning electron microcopy(SEM)images showed that the surface physical structure of Pseudostellaria heterophylla was irregularly broken and cracked,which means the physical structure of Pseudostellaria heterophylla was changed and destroyed at the cellular level.【Conclusion】This experiment provides a new approach for the extraction of polysaccharides from Pseudostellaria heterophylla,as well as a reference for the resource utilization of Pseudostellaria heterophylla. 展开更多
关键词 Pseudostellaria heterophylla POLYSACCHARIDES Extraction technology Steam explosion Response surface optimization
Resarch on Welding Robotic System with Petri Net
作者 马国红 陈善本 林涛 《Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong university(Science)》 EI 2007年第5期651-654,共4页
Petri net (PN) theory model was adopted for complexity in welding flexible manufacturing system (WFMS). A scheduling arithmetic was devised to optimize the process of controlling system. With this scheduling way, mode... Petri net (PN) theory model was adopted for complexity in welding flexible manufacturing system (WFMS). A scheduling arithmetic was devised to optimize the process of controlling system. With this scheduling way, model simulation experiment was designed to validate the model. And a sort of controlling software was designed on local net. Besides, a special welding experiment had been designed to check the controlling way. Results show the controlling process rightly and feasibly. 展开更多
关键词 ROBOT welding flexible manufacturing system(WFMS) MODEL Petri net
The Possibilities of Improving Underground Coal Gasification Processes
作者 K. Kostfir 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2011年第11期1041-1052,共12页
The idea of the transformation of coal in underground into synthetic gas so-called syngas is interested in world in many centuries. Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) is an in-situ technique to recover the fuel or ... The idea of the transformation of coal in underground into synthetic gas so-called syngas is interested in world in many centuries. Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) is an in-situ technique to recover the fuel or feedstock value of coal that is not economically available through conventional recovery technologies. Today, less than one sixth of the world's coal is economically accessible. Today, similarly to all other countries in the world also in Slovakia there is an interest in the revival and perfection of the UCG technology. From the viewpoint of content the research is directed toward to increasing heating capacity of syngas. From the standpoint of the methods used the research can be divided into 2 approaches: experiments in UCG laboratory and mathematical modeling, including simulation studies. Both approaches have helped to discover complicated relationships during UCG and they will be the subject of this paper. The most important factors are methods, the humidity of the coal, heat losses, temperatures in relevant zones, the composition of oxidation agents and the permeability of the coal. The calorific value of syngas was found generally to be 0.55-4.45 MJ.Nm^-3 with a maximum of 25.51 MJ.m^-3 if only air is used as the oxidation agent. Where a mixture of air and oxygen is used, calorific values in the range 0.43-6.38 MJ.m^-3 were generally obtained, with maximum 27.53 MJ·m^-3. Analysis was carried out on these big differences in order to improve UCG. 展开更多
关键词 Mathematical model UCG laboratory SYNGAS GASIFICATION calorific value optimal control.
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