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投子修颙禅师修为研究 被引量:1
作者 耿静波 《河南科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2012年第6期33-36,共4页
宋代高僧投子修颙禅师,对北宋时期官居要职的富弼、文彦博以及"北宋五子"之一邵雍等人都产生过重大影响,然其现存史料极少,且未有其禅法思想的系统阐释。从其与富弼等弟子的参问、参悟经历以及邵雍的主要理学思想中归纳禅师... 宋代高僧投子修颙禅师,对北宋时期官居要职的富弼、文彦博以及"北宋五子"之一邵雍等人都产生过重大影响,然其现存史料极少,且未有其禅法思想的系统阐释。从其与富弼等弟子的参问、参悟经历以及邵雍的主要理学思想中归纳禅师禅法思想的主要特点,对全面、客观地认识其禅法思想的重大影响有所帮助。 展开更多
关键词 投子修颙 邵雍 富弼 修为
邵雍与投子修颙禅师研究 被引量:1
作者 耿静波 《枣庄学院学报》 2012年第4期27-31,共5页
宋明理学的形成,很大程度上源于佛学的思想助缘作用。作为理学的奠基者及早期代表人物——"北宋五子",无论在本体论、心性论,抑或理学其他方面,受佛教影响自然更为明显与直接。鉴于此,笔者选取五子中的邵雍为代表,结合投子颙... 宋明理学的形成,很大程度上源于佛学的思想助缘作用。作为理学的奠基者及早期代表人物——"北宋五子",无论在本体论、心性论,抑或理学其他方面,受佛教影响自然更为明显与直接。鉴于此,笔者选取五子中的邵雍为代表,结合投子颙禅师的相关语录,以及其与居士交往,与弟子参问等资料,总结修颙禅师的主要思想,进而揭示其对邵雍理学思想的重要影响,以期对探讨宋明理学与佛学关系有所裨益。 展开更多
关键词 邵雍 投子修颙 理学
作者 耿静波 《焦作大学学报》 2012年第4期21-24,共4页
投子义青,北宋一代高僧,为南岳下十世浮山法远弟子,后代曹洞宗传法,嗣法弟子众多;修颙禅师,浅为人知,且史料较少,据现存资料记载,为青原下十二世,云门宗圆照宗本弟子,仅有少数弟子传录行世。而据笔者对修颙禅师嗣法弟子所处时代,结合投... 投子义青,北宋一代高僧,为南岳下十世浮山法远弟子,后代曹洞宗传法,嗣法弟子众多;修颙禅师,浅为人知,且史料较少,据现存资料记载,为青原下十二世,云门宗圆照宗本弟子,仅有少数弟子传录行世。而据笔者对修颙禅师嗣法弟子所处时代,结合投子义青所处时代,以及二师禅风特点及嗣法弟子主要思想等方面的综合分析,在诸多相关论据基础之上,认为二师可能实为一人。 展开更多
关键词 投子义青 修颙禅师 弟子 共性
作者 徐金龙 《广东佛教》 2002年第1期25-27,共3页
关键词 投子 大同禅师 佛教文化 禅宗
作者 杨奇霖 《宗教学研究》 北大核心 2023年第1期112-121,共10页
安徽桐城投子山丛林为唐末投子大同禅师栖心之所及曹洞宗祖庭。明嘉靖朝,士绅盛汝谦以违碍风水为名请旨将其拆毁。清雍正帝晚年重整佛教,有意原址复建,却遭桐城籍重臣张廷玉反对,理由仍是担心破坏全县风水。最终只得在县城外30里处另择... 安徽桐城投子山丛林为唐末投子大同禅师栖心之所及曹洞宗祖庭。明嘉靖朝,士绅盛汝谦以违碍风水为名请旨将其拆毁。清雍正帝晚年重整佛教,有意原址复建,却遭桐城籍重臣张廷玉反对,理由仍是担心破坏全县风水。最终只得在县城外30里处另择新址重修。乾隆元年(1736)新寺建成,赐名慈济,命曹洞宗法嗣侣石万清住持。投子寺毁废、重建和迁址的波折,体现出地方佛教受到地域社会集体性的知识、思想和信仰的影响,亦透露出明清间皇帝、士绅、高僧之间的复杂关系和多元互动。 展开更多
关键词 桐城 投子 地域文化 明清佛教
浮山法远代传曹洞宗法脉考述 被引量:3
作者 陈东 《安庆师范学院学报(社会科学版)》 2012年第4期100-104,共5页
浮山法远是宋代临济宗高僧,他禅理高深,不仅仅悦服禅林,也声播士林。他曾受曹洞宗大阳警玄之托,代曹洞宗物色了法脉继承人投子义青,并付其曹洞、临济两家禅法,使中断了四十多年的曹洞宗法脉得到了接续、振兴。临济宗宗师为曹洞宗培育法... 浮山法远是宋代临济宗高僧,他禅理高深,不仅仅悦服禅林,也声播士林。他曾受曹洞宗大阳警玄之托,代曹洞宗物色了法脉继承人投子义青,并付其曹洞、临济两家禅法,使中断了四十多年的曹洞宗法脉得到了接续、振兴。临济宗宗师为曹洞宗培育法嗣,在千余年的禅宗发展史上是一件罕见的异事,也是一段名垂千古的佳话。 展开更多
关键词 禅宗 曹洞宗 安庆 浮山法远 投子义青
安徽佛教旅游文化资源的开发 被引量:6
作者 于志斌 《学术界》 CSSCI 1994年第2期53-57,共5页
安徽佛教旅游文化资源的开发于志斌安徽省是华东内陆腹地,江淮之间西峙崇山、东绵丘陵;江南山区叠嶂列岫、群峰雄峻;淮北平原,广袤千里;堪称山河壮丽、钟灵毓秀。有此一区佳土,必然孕育出灿烂辉煌的文化。由徽州文化、桐城文化、... 安徽佛教旅游文化资源的开发于志斌安徽省是华东内陆腹地,江淮之间西峙崇山、东绵丘陵;江南山区叠嶂列岫、群峰雄峻;淮北平原,广袤千里;堪称山河壮丽、钟灵毓秀。有此一区佳土,必然孕育出灿烂辉煌的文化。由徽州文化、桐城文化、淮涡流域的老庄一道教文化等等,可见... 展开更多
关键词 安徽 佛教文化 旅游资源 开发利用 寺庙 佛教建筑 旅游项目 真胜寺 石涧寺 投子
浅议六博的产生、演变及其影响 被引量:5
作者 许蓉生 《四川文物》 2005年第6期63-66,共4页
六博是我国现在所知最早流行于世,并且具有完整规则和道具的博戏。根据古文献和出土文物,六博最早出现于商代,春秋战国时期广泛流行,两汉时期更是深入民间。到魏晋南北朝时期,六博的形制发生了一些变化,其中“大博”与“小博”的... 六博是我国现在所知最早流行于世,并且具有完整规则和道具的博戏。根据古文献和出土文物,六博最早出现于商代,春秋战国时期广泛流行,两汉时期更是深入民间。到魏晋南北朝时期,六博的形制发生了一些变化,其中“大博”与“小博”的形制有很大差别。六博的流行为后来中国象棋的出现产生了重大影响。 展开更多
关键词 博戏 六博 博局 投子
江西佛教和新罗僧侣 被引量:4
作者 卡麟锡 《农业考古》 2002年第4期25-26,共2页
关键词 那汉寺 大林寺 海会寺 投子 南泉寺 江西 佛教 新罗僧侣
Multi-Parameter Design and Optimization for the Decomposition Projective Method and Its Applications
作者 孙连友 洪伟 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2002年第3期205-207,共3页
In order to solve the electromagnetic problems on the large multi branch domains, the decomposition projective method(DPM) is generalized for multi subspaces in this paper. Furthermore multi parameters are designed fo... In order to solve the electromagnetic problems on the large multi branch domains, the decomposition projective method(DPM) is generalized for multi subspaces in this paper. Furthermore multi parameters are designed for DPM, which is called the fast DPM(FDPM), and the convergence ratio of the above algorithm is greatly increased. The examples show that the iterative number of the FDPM with optimal parameters decreases much more, which is less than one third of the DPM iteration number. After studying the ... 展开更多
关键词 decomposition projective method projective operator cavity filter
Expressway traffic flow prediction using chaos cloud particle swarm algorithm and PPPR model 被引量:2
作者 赵泽辉 康海贵 李明伟 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2013年第3期328-335,共8页
Aiming at the real-time fluctuation and nonlinear characteristics of the expressway short-term traffic flow forecasting the parameter projection pursuit regression PPPR model is applied to forecast the expressway traf... Aiming at the real-time fluctuation and nonlinear characteristics of the expressway short-term traffic flow forecasting the parameter projection pursuit regression PPPR model is applied to forecast the expressway traffic flow where the orthogonal Hermite polynomial is used to fit the ridge functions and the least square method is employed to determine the polynomial weight coefficient c.In order to efficiently optimize the projection direction a and the number M of ridge functions of the PPPR model the chaos cloud particle swarm optimization CCPSO algorithm is applied to optimize the parameters. The CCPSO-PPPR hybrid optimization model for expressway short-term traffic flow forecasting is established in which the CCPSO algorithm is used to optimize the optimal projection direction a in the inner layer while the number M of ridge functions is optimized in the outer layer.Traffic volume weather factors and travel date of the previous several time intervals of the road section are taken as the input influencing factors. Example forecasting and model comparison results indicate that the proposed model can obtain a better forecasting effect and its absolute error is controlled within [-6,6] which can meet the application requirements of expressway traffic flow forecasting. 展开更多
关键词 expressway traffic flow forecasting projectionpursuit regression particle swarm algorithm chaoticmapping cloud model
作者 赵力 赵梓彤 《棋艺(象棋)》 2017年第11期62-63,共2页
如图1是华东朱剑秋与华南杨官璘于1951年华东华南名手对抗赛上弈成的局面,现在轮到黑方行棋。红方虽是有车杀无车,但是黑方卧槽马威力太大。1.…………炮1平6肋炮一挂,基本已经宣判对手死刑!2.兵三进一马3进43.帅四进一…………防止黑方... 如图1是华东朱剑秋与华南杨官璘于1951年华东华南名手对抗赛上弈成的局面,现在轮到黑方行棋。红方虽是有车杀无车,但是黑方卧槽马威力太大。1.…………炮1平6肋炮一挂,基本已经宣判对手死刑!2.兵三进一马3进43.帅四进一…………防止黑方炮2退2。若走兵三进一,则炮2退2,兵三进一,炮6进2,也是绝杀。 展开更多
关键词 黑方 临门一脚 朱剑 红方 有车 南杨 卧槽 四平 个人赛 投子
Agricultural Input and Output in Jiangsu Province with Case Analysis
作者 杜华章 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第11期2006-2010,2025,共6页
[Objective] The aim was to explore interrelationship between agricultural input and output in Jiangsu and the influence degrees of input factors on agricultur-al output. [Method] Quantitative analysis and evaluation w... [Objective] The aim was to explore interrelationship between agricultural input and output in Jiangsu and the influence degrees of input factors on agricultur-al output. [Method] Quantitative analysis and evaluation were made on agricultural input and output in Jiangsu during 1990-2012 as per factor analysis and regression analysis. [Result] The result of factor analysis showed that since the 1990s, the comprehensive efficiency of agricultural input/output in Jiangsu was growing and in-put/output of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery, crop farming, and of food production were extracted, whose scores reflect the changes of input/output ef-ficiencies in terms of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, fishery, crop farming and food production in the two decades. The results of regression analysis indicated that the effects of the three indices on agricultural output tended to be volatile and the influence degrees were concluded also by regression parameters. [Conclusion] The research provides theoretical references for agricultural input/output structure in Jiangsu Province. 展开更多
关键词 Agriculture Input/output Factor analysis Regression analysis Jiangsu Province
An Efficient and Economic Scheme for Remotely Preparing a Multi-Qudit State via a Single Entangled Qudit Pair 被引量:1
作者 詹佑邦 张群永 +2 位作者 施锦 马鹏程 胡宝林 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第9期463-468,共6页
We propose some schemes for remote preparation of arbitrary high-dimensional equatorial entangled state via a single bipartite high-dimensional entangled state as quantum channel. We firstly present the remote prepara... We propose some schemes for remote preparation of arbitrary high-dimensional equatorial entangled state via a single bipartite high-dimensional entangled state as quantum channel. We firstly present the remote preparation of bipartite three- and d-dimensional equatorial entangled state by using a single entangled qutrit and qudit pair, respectively, and then directly generalize the schemes to multipartite case. The cases of the quantum channel being non-maximally two-qutrit and two-qudit entangled state are also considered, respectively. In these schemes the required resources are single-particle projective measurement dimensional C-NOT operation. It is shown that the greatly reduced in our schemes. appropriate local unitary operation, auxiliary particle, and highentanglement resource and classical communication cost are both 展开更多
关键词 remote state preparation high-dimensional equatorial entangled state high-dimensional C-NOTgate
Assisted Cloning and Orthogonal Complementing of an Arbitrary Unknown Two-Qubit Entangled State 被引量:4
作者 FANG Ming LIU Yi-Min +2 位作者 LIU Jun SHI Shou-Hua ZHANG Zhan-Jun 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第5X期849-852,共4页
Based on A.K. Pati's original idea [Phys. Rev. A 61 (2000) 022308] on single-qubit-state-assisted clone, very recently Zhan has proposed two assisted quantum cloning protocols of a special class of unknown two-qubi... Based on A.K. Pati's original idea [Phys. Rev. A 61 (2000) 022308] on single-qubit-state-assisted clone, very recently Zhan has proposed two assisted quantum cloning protocols of a special class of unknown two-qubit entangled states [Phys. Lett. A 336 (2005) 317]. In this paper we further generalize Zhan's protocols such that an arbitrary unknown two-qubit entangled state can be treated. 展开更多
关键词 quantum cloning arbitrary two-qubit entangled state two-qubit projective measurement
Multiparty-Controlled Remote Preparation of Two-Particle State 被引量:2
作者 HOU Kui WANG Jing +1 位作者 YUAN Hao SHI Shou-Hua 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第11期848-852,共5页
We propose a scheme for multiparty-controlled remote preparation of the two-particle state by using two non-maximally Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states as quantum channel. Our scheme consists of one sender and n remo... We propose a scheme for multiparty-controlled remote preparation of the two-particle state by using two non-maximally Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states as quantum channel. Our scheme consists of one sender and n remote receivers. It will be shown that the sender can help either one of the n receivers to remotely preparation the original state with the appropriate probability, and the sender Alice's two-particle projective measurement and the controllers' single-particle product meazurements are needed. We also obtained the probability of the successful remote state preparation. 展开更多
关键词 remote state preparation two-particle state MULTIPARTY
Generalized Quantum Two-Qutrit-State Splitting 被引量:2
作者 YUAN Hao LIU Yi-Min ZHANG Zhan-Jun 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第10期873-878,共6页
A three-party scheme for splitting an arbitrary unknown two-qutrit state is proposed,where two non-maximally-entangled three-qutrit states are taken as the quantum channel among three parties.With the sender'shelp... A three-party scheme for splitting an arbitrary unknown two-qutrit state is proposed,where two non-maximally-entangled three-qutrit states are taken as the quantum channel among three parties.With the sender'shelp,if and only if both receivers collaborate together,they can securely share the quantum state in a probabilisticway by introducing an ancilla qutrit and performing appropriate unitary operations.The relation between the successprobability and coefficients characterizing the quantum channel is revealed.The security of the present scheme is analyzedand confirmed.Moreover,the generalization of the three-party scheme to more-party case is also sketched. 展开更多
关键词 generalized quantum state splitting partially entangled state generalized Bell-state measurement single-qutrit projective measurement
Application of Fourier Slice Theorem in Wigner Operator Theory and New Complete Representation
作者 WANG Tong-Tong FAN Hong-Yi 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第11期829-831,共3页
By applying the Fourier slice theorem, Sθ(λ) =∫^∞-∞Pθ(t)e^-iλt=F(λcosθ,λsinθ),where Pθ(t) is a projection of f(x,p)=^∞∫∫-∞F(u,v)e^i(uz+up) dudv along lines of constant, to the Wigner ... By applying the Fourier slice theorem, Sθ(λ) =∫^∞-∞Pθ(t)e^-iλt=F(λcosθ,λsinθ),where Pθ(t) is a projection of f(x,p)=^∞∫∫-∞F(u,v)e^i(uz+up) dudv along lines of constant, to the Wigner operator we are naturally led to a projection operator (pure state), which results in a new complete representation. The Weyl orderimg formalism of the Wigner operator is used in the derivation. 展开更多
关键词 Wigner operator Fourier slice theorem new complete representation
Projection Operator and Feynman Propagator for a Free Massive Particle of Arbitrary Spin
作者 HUANGShi-Zhong ZHANGPeng-Fei +2 位作者 RUANTu-Nan ZHUYu-Can ZHENGZhi-Peng 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第3期405-418,共14页
Based on the solution to the Bargmann Wigner equations, a direct derivation of the projection operator and Feynman propagator for a free massive particle of arbitrary spin is worked out. The projection operator constr... Based on the solution to the Bargmann Wigner equations, a direct derivation of the projection operator and Feynman propagator for a free massive particle of arbitrary spin is worked out. The projection operator constructed by Behrends and Fronsdal is re-deduced and confirmed, and simplified in the case of half-integral spin, the general commutation rules and Feynman propagator with additional non-covariant terms for a free massive particle with any spin are derived, and explicit expressions for the propagators for spins 3/2, 2, 5/2, 3, 7/2, and 4 are provided. 展开更多
关键词 free massive particle arbitrary spin projection operator Feynman propagator
Scheme for Cloing a Three-Particle GHZ Class State with Assistance 被引量:1
作者 马松雅 陈秀波 +2 位作者 汤平 钮心忻 杨义先 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第5期771-774,共4页
Our concern is to design an assisted-clone scheme which can produce a perfect copy of a three-particle Oreenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) class state with a high probability. In the first stage of the protocol, the s... Our concern is to design an assisted-clone scheme which can produce a perfect copy of a three-particle Oreenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) class state with a high probability. In the first stage of the protocol, the sender teleports the input state to the receiver by using three EPR pairs as the quantum channel. In the second stage of the protocol, a novel set of mutually orthogonal basis vectors is constructed. With the assistance of the preparer through a three-particle projective measurement under this basis, the perfect copy of an original state can be reestablished by the sender with the probability 1/2. Moreover, the classical communication cost of the scheme is also calculated. 展开更多
关键词 assisted clone quantum teleportation remote state preparation complete orthogonal basis three- particle projective measurement
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