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作者 曹凤兰 翁信源 周彦明 《天津药学》 1990年第2期35-37,共3页
抗凝液中有三种成份需要做含量测定,操作很繁杂,其中葡萄糖的含量测定采用间接碘量法,更费时间,而大输液中间体检查要求快速而准确,故不能符合需要,虽然葡萄糖可用旋光法快速检测,但由于葡萄糖配制溶液后有变旋的特性,达到平衡状态需要... 抗凝液中有三种成份需要做含量测定,操作很繁杂,其中葡萄糖的含量测定采用间接碘量法,更费时间,而大输液中间体检查要求快速而准确,故不能符合需要,虽然葡萄糖可用旋光法快速检测,但由于葡萄糖配制溶液后有变旋的特性,达到平衡状态需要较长时间,即使加入氨水促其溶解加速,但仍需放置半小时,故也不适用于大输液中间体检查。折光法测定葡萄糖含量,操作简单快速,但由于折光值是三种成份的相加值, 展开更多
关键词 葡萄糖含量 旋光法 抗凝液 大输 含量测定 标示量 检查要求 间接碘量法 回收率试验 振摇
枸橼酸钠抗凝置换液在高危出血肾衰病人床旁血液滤过中的应用 被引量:2
作者 桂保松 郭蕊军 +3 位作者 王亮琪 吕星 周琳 姚钢炼 《西安医科大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第2期208-209,共2页
关键词 枸橼酸钠抗凝置换 高危出血 床旁血滤过 肾功能衰竭
临床医学检验中血液细胞检验的质量控制方法探讨 被引量:10
作者 胡响祥 《中国继续医学教育》 2018年第4期32-34,共3页
目的探讨临床医学检验中血液细胞检验的质量控制方法。方法选取2016年2月—2017年1月在本院进行体检的60名志愿者作为研究对象,对其血液细胞进行质量检验,并分析和比较。结果 RBC、WBC、HGB及PLT的检验结果与抗凝剂的配置比例、血液标... 目的探讨临床医学检验中血液细胞检验的质量控制方法。方法选取2016年2月—2017年1月在本院进行体检的60名志愿者作为研究对象,对其血液细胞进行质量检验,并分析和比较。结果 RBC、WBC、HGB及PLT的检验结果与抗凝剂的配置比例、血液标本放置时间及血液标本放置温度有密切关联,P<0.05。结论抗凝剂的配置比例、血液标本放置时间及血液标本放置温度可影响血液细胞的形态,故在临床中为保证血液结果准确,需对每个环节进行质量控制,以此保证血细胞检验的准确度。 展开更多
关键词 细胞检验 临床医学检验 质量控制 抗凝液配置 准确度
一次性使用塑料采血袋检测与标准研究 被引量:1
作者 王俊平 赵晓华 +1 位作者 蔡磊 时宝红 《中国输血杂志》 CAS CSCD 2004年第2期96-97,共2页
目的 为了控制一次性使用塑料采血袋质量 ,对现行采血袋行业标准检验项目进行了方法学研究。方法 按照《中国输血技术操作规程》《中国生物制品规程》对采血袋各项目进行检验。结果 4年中抽验购进采血袋81批次 ,其中 2 3批次不合格 ,... 目的 为了控制一次性使用塑料采血袋质量 ,对现行采血袋行业标准检验项目进行了方法学研究。方法 按照《中国输血技术操作规程》《中国生物制品规程》对采血袋各项目进行检验。结果 4年中抽验购进采血袋81批次 ,其中 2 3批次不合格 ,合格率 71 .6 % ,主要不合格项目为标签、外观、容量等。结论采血袋所含药液质量问题较为突出 ,其抗凝液的行业标准低于《中国药典》 展开更多
关键词 采血袋抗凝液
急性期脑血栓形成7项生化指标的动态观察 被引量:4
作者 王曦照 郝梅妹 +1 位作者 包承鑫 陈关珍 《血栓与止血学》 1996年第1期27-28,共2页
19世纪Wirchow指出,血管内血栓形成是由于血管壁改变,血流改变和血液性质改变所致,在不同的血管内血栓形成中,这3种因素的改变,并不是同等程度的,而且互相之间还存在调节和制约。我们从反应这3种因素之多项生化指标中,选择了有意义的7... 19世纪Wirchow指出,血管内血栓形成是由于血管壁改变,血流改变和血液性质改变所致,在不同的血管内血栓形成中,这3种因素的改变,并不是同等程度的,而且互相之间还存在调节和制约。我们从反应这3种因素之多项生化指标中,选择了有意义的7项指标,进行动态观察,以期了解其演变规律。 展开更多
关键词 急性期脑血栓形成 生化指标 动态观察 脑血栓形成急性期 血管内血栓形成 免疫火箭电泳 抗凝血酶 血小板 抗凝液 血流改变
急性非淋巴细胞白血病初发患者抗凝骨髓液、血清中肝细胞生长因子水平及其临床意义 被引量:3
作者 张洁 林茂芳 +3 位作者 姚航平 张立煌 楼基余 胡中荣 《中华血液学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第7期384-384,共1页
关键词 急性 白血病 抗凝骨髓 肝细胞生长因子
骨髓涂片常规检验的基本实践和体会 被引量:6
作者 李早荣 徐胜 刘鹏 《现代检验医学杂志》 CAS 2008年第2期46-49,共4页
目的根据多年的实践和体会采用全新的概念,对确诊血液病及其疗效、预后和骨髓移植遣血功能的恢复判断具有重要意义的骨髓涂片常规检验作了开拓性探索,使该项检验能为临床提供更准确可靠、更直观定量和更新更多的信息。方法采用理论与... 目的根据多年的实践和体会采用全新的概念,对确诊血液病及其疗效、预后和骨髓移植遣血功能的恢复判断具有重要意义的骨髓涂片常规检验作了开拓性探索,使该项检验能为临床提供更准确可靠、更直观定量和更新更多的信息。方法采用理论与实践、经验与体会、具体方法与实验数椐相比较的手段。结果骨髓液取材部位以髂后上棘为好;骨髓液取材量以真正抽到骨髓液、满足检验的需要为原则,以往规定以0.2ml左右为佳,而根据作者抽取不同骨髓液量的三组标本统计,抽取0.04-0.20ml组、0.2-1.00ml组及1.00-3.00ml组比较,三组有核细胞定量计数,均值分别为67.6,94.6和119.4,A组与B组,A组与C组均值间差异有显著性意义。所以抽取骨髓液的量以0.5-1.0ml(0.5ml左右)为佳;为了涂到数量足够、细胞分布均匀的涂片,提出以EDTA-K2抗凝骨髓液(2-4mg/ml);以定量(5μl)抗凝骨髓液涂成2cm×3.5cm能区别头、体、尾的簿片,这样既比较规范又可对巨核细胞进行定量计数,根据38份骨髓液涂片标本实验,采用单位面积法、每张涂片法和定量计数法比较,其变异系数(CV%)分别为65.8,27.6和26.4,显然,定量计数法最好;采用批量(每次50-100张)垂直染色可使涂片之间染色结果相对一致,还可避免沉渣附着影响镜下观察;用血细胞计数池直接计数抗凝骨髓液内的有核细胞,高、中、低值标本结果变异系数(CV)分别可达到6.1,6.1和9.6,准确性和重复性十分理想,大大提高了对骨髓增生程度判断的准确性和重复性,而且便于动态观察和回顾性比较;以往采用低倍镜或油镜视野计数成熟红细胞与有核细胞数的比例来判断骨髓增生程度,重复性和准确性差,而且各种型号显微镜的视野面积也有很大的差异。结论文中提出了一些全新的观点,例如:骨髓液的抗凝,定量涂片,批量垂直染色,骨髓有核细胞定量计数和巨核细胞定量计数,各型显微镜视野面积不同等,具有很强的实用性和针对性。 展开更多
关键词 骨髓 骨髓抗凝 定量涂片 有核细胞定量计数 巨核细胞定量计数
作者 陆树芬 施建英 雷永良 《丽水学院学报》 1993年第5期80-87,共2页
1980年Rosen berg首次报道:淋巴因子激活的杀伤细胞(LAK细胞),可以杀伤NK细胞抵抗的多种自体和同种、新鲜和传代的瘤细胞而不杀伤正常细胞。近年来,我国对LAK细胞也进行研究,认为LAK对乙型肝炎病毒的复制有抑制作用。我院从1991年8月份... 1980年Rosen berg首次报道:淋巴因子激活的杀伤细胞(LAK细胞),可以杀伤NK细胞抵抗的多种自体和同种、新鲜和传代的瘤细胞而不杀伤正常细胞。近年来,我国对LAK细胞也进行研究,认为LAK对乙型肝炎病毒的复制有抑制作用。我院从1991年8月份开始采用自体LAK细胞回输法,治疗乙型肝炎、肿瘤患者收到了一定的效果,现将应用情况及护理体会介绍如下。 展开更多
关键词 乙型肝炎病毒 抑制作用 乙肝三系 抗凝液 定期复查 无菌注射器 静脉穿刺 红细胞溶解 静脉推注 非那根
作者 麻海燕 曹文涛 +2 位作者 白康 周鹏 韩丽娟 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2010年第4期306-312,共7页
The influence of glycol,the main composition of the most frequently used aircraft dicer,on the freeze-thaw durability of high performance concrete(HPC)is investigated.Freeze-thaw durability of HPC is tested by accel... The influence of glycol,the main composition of the most frequently used aircraft dicer,on the freeze-thaw durability of high performance concrete(HPC)is investigated.Freeze-thaw durability of HPC is tested by accelerated freeze-thaw test.Four kinds of the solution,i.e.,tap water,3.5% NaCl solution,glycol solutions,and a LBR-A type commercial aircraft deicer are employed.Results show that freeze-thaw durability of HPC exposed to glycol solutions is closely related to the solution concentrations.The failure of HPC exposed to 3.5% glycol solution is similar to that of those exposed to 3.5% NaCl solution,i.e.,serious surface scaling.While the damage of HPC exposed to 12.5%—25% glycol solutions is postponed.Compared with glycol solution,the commercial aircraft deicer has much more negative effects on HPC freeze-thaw durability compared with 3.5% NaCl solution.In the presence of commercial aircraft deicer for HPC subjected to freeze-thaw cycles,the deterioration is mainly due to scaling and spalling. 展开更多
关键词 concrete pavements DURABILITY aircraft deicer freeze-thaw cycles high performance concrete
Effects of Characteristics of Fly Ash on the Properties of Geopolymer
作者 杜海燕 杨立娜 +1 位作者 高婉琪 刘家臣 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2016年第3期261-267,共7页
The properties of two types of fly ash geopolymers made from class F fly ashes produced in wet bottom and dry bottom boilers were investigated in the present study. The source material used in the geopolymer concrete ... The properties of two types of fly ash geopolymers made from class F fly ashes produced in wet bottom and dry bottom boilers were investigated in the present study. The source material used in the geopolymer concrete was activated with sodium hydroxide and sodium silicate solution. The results revealed that the geopolymer produced with wet bottom boiler fly ash(CZ-FA)hardened quickly, and had higher early-age strength and lower shrinkage than the geopolymer produced with dry bottom boiler fly ash(SX-FA). The compressive strength of the two geopolymers made from CZ-FA and SX-FA was 45 MPa and 15 MPa respectively when cured at 60 ℃ and delayed for 14 d. However, after 90 days' delay, the compressive strength of both the samples is almost the same, up to 80 MPa. Nearly 20% volume shrinkage of the samples made from SX-FA was much higher than that made from CZ-FA, which was almost zero. XRD, SEM/EDS and FT-IR were used to analyze the main reason of the differences. 展开更多
关键词 GEOPOLYMER class F fly ash CALCIUM compressive strength
Prediction of Compressive Strength Using Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity for CLSM with Waste LCD Glass Concrete
作者 Chien-Chih Wang Her-Yung Wang +1 位作者 Chih-Hsien Chen Chi Huang 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2015年第6期691-700,共10页
The purpose of this paper is to develop a prediction model of WGCLSM (waste LCD (liquid crystal display) glass controlled low strength materials) concrete, the relationship between UPV (ultrasonic pulse velocity... The purpose of this paper is to develop a prediction model of WGCLSM (waste LCD (liquid crystal display) glass controlled low strength materials) concrete, the relationship between UPV (ultrasonic pulse velocity) and compressive strength, UPV-strength model. The power function was used to perform the nonlinear-multivariate regression analysis of UPV with water-binder ratio (w/b), curing age (t) and waste glass content (G) in our previous study. Test results show that the compressive strength increases with UPV and approach to a linear relationship. Thus, the UPV-strength model was established by linear-multivariate regression analysis and the compressive strength evaluated by ultrasonic pulse velocity. The calculated results are in accordance with the laboratory measured data ultrasonic pulse velocity and compressive strength. In addition, the statistical analysis shows that the coefficient of determination R2 and the MAPE (mean absolute percentage error) were from 0.916 to 0.951 and 12.6% to 15.1% for the compressive strength, respectively. The proposed models are highly accurate in predicting the compressive and ultrasonic pulse velocity of WGCLSM concrete. However, with other ranges of mixture parameters, the predicted models must be further studied. 展开更多
关键词 Glass concrete CLSM ultrasonic pulse velocity compressive strength.
Changes of proteins induced by anticoagulants can be more sensitively detected in urine than in plasma 被引量:19
作者 LI MengLin ZHAO MinDi GAO YouHe 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS 2014年第7期649-656,共8页
The most fundamental property of biomarkers is change.But changes are hard to maintain in plasma since it is strictly controlled by homeostatic mechanisms of the body.There is no homeostatic mechanism for urine.Beside... The most fundamental property of biomarkers is change.But changes are hard to maintain in plasma since it is strictly controlled by homeostatic mechanisms of the body.There is no homeostatic mechanism for urine.Besides,urine is partly a filtration of blood,and systematic information can be reflected in urine.We hypothesize that change of blood can be reflected in urine more sensitively.Here we introduce the interference into the blood by two anticoagulants heparin or argatroban.Plasma and urine proteins were profiled by LC-MS/MS and then validated by Western blot in totally six SD female rats before and after the drug treatments.In argatroban treated group,with exactly the same experimental procedure and the same cutoff value for both plasma and urine proteins,62 proteins changed in urine,only one of which changed in plasma.In heparin treated group,27 proteins changed in urine but only three other proteins changed in plasma.Both LC-MS/MS and Western blot analyses demonstrated drug-induced increases in transferrin and hemopexin levels in urine but not in plasma.Our data indicates that urine may serve as a source for more sensitive detection of protein biomarkers than plasma. 展开更多
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