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菊花白锈病抗性标准及人工离体接种鉴定方法的优化 被引量:2
作者 祝朋芳 赵妮拉 +2 位作者 齐丹 刘娜 段玉玺 《中国农学通报》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第13期149-152,共4页
为使菊花白锈病的抗性鉴定在可控条件下进行,笔者将目测观察与显微镜检方法相结合,制定了菊花白锈病6级抗性鉴定标准,并优化了人工离体接种方法。结果表明,培养瓶内茎段扦插法、培养皿内平铺叶片法均可用于菊花白锈病的离体鉴定;培养瓶... 为使菊花白锈病的抗性鉴定在可控条件下进行,笔者将目测观察与显微镜检方法相结合,制定了菊花白锈病6级抗性鉴定标准,并优化了人工离体接种方法。结果表明,培养瓶内茎段扦插法、培养皿内平铺叶片法均可用于菊花白锈病的离体鉴定;培养瓶内茎段扦插法优于培养皿内平铺叶片法,是最佳的人工离体接种鉴定方法。该优化方法是评价菊花白锈病抗性的既安全又简单的接种方法。 展开更多
关键词 菊花白锈病 堀氏菊柄锈菌 抗性标准 离体 显微镜检
鲜食玉米大斑病经济阈值及品种抗性分级标准 被引量:3
作者 代玉立 甘林 +3 位作者 滕振勇 陈伟 卢学松 杨秀娟 《西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第4期71-80,共10页
[目的]明确福建省鲜食玉米大斑病田间病情与玉米产量损失的关系,为福建省鲜食玉米大斑病的合理防控提供理论依据。[方法]在玉米大斑病自然发病条件下,利用不同施药次数人为造成田间不同病情梯度,建立病情指数与玉米产量损失率模型,制定... [目的]明确福建省鲜食玉米大斑病田间病情与玉米产量损失的关系,为福建省鲜食玉米大斑病的合理防控提供理论依据。[方法]在玉米大斑病自然发病条件下,利用不同施药次数人为造成田间不同病情梯度,建立病情指数与玉米产量损失率模型,制定适合福建省鲜食玉米大斑病的经济阈值。同样条件下,以病情指数与产量损失率模型推算不同抗性玉米品种科学用药时期和次数,制定鲜食玉米品种抗性分级标准。[结果]采用逐步回归分析建立了玉米大斑病全部叶片病情指数与种植天数的回归方程。玉米产量损失率与玉米大斑病全部叶和功能叶病情指数均呈显著正相关关系,建立了基于玉米全部叶和功能叶病情指数与产量损失率的模型。在用药次数依次为1,2,3和4次条件下,基于全部叶病情指数乳熟期(R3)玉米大斑病经济阈值分别是14.63,17.88,18.72和22.06,基于功能叶病情指数分别是7.74,10.43,12.24和16.80。基于建立的回归方程、经济阈值及玉米籽粒建成期(R2)功能叶病情指数(DI),建议玉米品种抗性分级标准为:DI≤15为抗病(R),1545为感病(S)。[结论]建立了福建省鲜食玉米大斑病田间病情消长动态理论模型和病情指数与产量损失率的模型,制定了玉米大斑病的经济阈值和不同玉米品种对大斑病的抗性分级标准。 展开更多
关键词 鲜食玉米 玉米大斑病 为害损失 经济阈值 分级标准 福建省
月季对北方根结线虫病抗性分级标准研究 被引量:1
作者 王新荣 VOISIN R +1 位作者 ESMENJAUD D 冯志新 《云南农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 2002年第4期347-351,共5页
实验结果表明 ,月季对北方根结线虫抗性分级标准为 :抗病 :根结指数为 0 0~ 1 0 ,即有根结根数少于整个根的 5 % ;中等抗病 :根结指数为 1 0~ 2 0 ,即有根结根数占整个根的 5 %~ 2 0 % ;轻度感病 :根结指数为 2 0~ 3 0 ,即有根... 实验结果表明 ,月季对北方根结线虫抗性分级标准为 :抗病 :根结指数为 0 0~ 1 0 ,即有根结根数少于整个根的 5 % ;中等抗病 :根结指数为 1 0~ 2 0 ,即有根结根数占整个根的 5 %~ 2 0 % ;轻度感病 :根结指数为 2 0~ 3 0 ,即有根结根数占整个根的 2 0 %~ 5 0 % ;中度感病 :根结指数为 3 0~ 4 0 ,即有根结根数占整个根的 5 0 %~ 80 % ;感病 :根结指数为 4 0以上 ,即有根结根数占整个根的 80 展开更多
关键词 月季 北方根结线虫病 分级标准
作者 陈玲 杨长登 +4 位作者 梁燕 曾宇翔 侯雨萱 陈天晓 季芝娟 《浙江农业科学》 2024年第11期2650-2658,共9页
真菌类病害对作物影响很大,会导致作物减产,甚至绝收,培育抗病品种尤为重要。文章综述了三大粮食作物水稻、小麦和玉米上经常发生的真菌类病害及其接种鉴定方法,分析作物的高效抗病鉴定标准,为真菌类病害的接种鉴定、我国主要粮食作物... 真菌类病害对作物影响很大,会导致作物减产,甚至绝收,培育抗病品种尤为重要。文章综述了三大粮食作物水稻、小麦和玉米上经常发生的真菌类病害及其接种鉴定方法,分析作物的高效抗病鉴定标准,为真菌类病害的接种鉴定、我国主要粮食作物的抗病研究和品种培育提供依据。 展开更多
关键词 粮食作物 真菌类病害 接种方法 鉴定标准
中国大豆抗孢囊线虫4号生理小种育种鉴定标准商榷 被引量:2
作者 任小俊 马俊奎 +4 位作者 史宏 王勇 任冬莲 赵晶芸 刘学义 《大豆科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第4期473-478,共6页
选择一组抗孢囊线虫4号生理小种育种亲本材料进行抗性鉴定,结果表明:品种间抗性存在极显著差异,且呈现连续性变化,根部孢囊附着量平均表现为0~145个。按照传统孢囊线虫鉴定分类标准,黑种皮的高抗抗源对SCN4号生理小种抗性十分稳定,灰... 选择一组抗孢囊线虫4号生理小种育种亲本材料进行抗性鉴定,结果表明:品种间抗性存在极显著差异,且呈现连续性变化,根部孢囊附着量平均表现为0~145个。按照传统孢囊线虫鉴定分类标准,黑种皮的高抗抗源对SCN4号生理小种抗性十分稳定,灰布支黑豆和PI437654的孢囊附着量分别为2.67和0个;绝大部分黄种皮亲本材料抗性均表现为高度感病,只有1267和1259表现为中感。对于4号强毒生理小种的特殊性,实际中将无法选育到抗性品种以解决生产需要问题。利用品种间抗性存在的差异和连续性变化,并比较其它方法,建议抗孢囊线虫4号生理小种育种鉴定标准划分为5级,分别为免疫、高抗、抗、感和高感,其IP指数(%)以Lee为对照时分别为0、0.1~15、15.1~50、50.1~100和>100。黄种皮大豆品种晋豆19号对4号生理小种反应稳定,可作育种参考对照。 展开更多
关键词 大豆 育种 孢囊线虫 4号生理小种 抗性标准
我国棉蚜抗药性研究现状 被引量:28
作者 李飞 韩召军 +1 位作者 吴智锋 王荫长 《棉花学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2001年第2期121-124,共4页
简要综述自 2 0世纪 6 0年代以来 ,我国棉蚜的抗性发生和发展情况 ,以及棉蚜抗性机制的研究进展。害虫的抗性与农药的使用密切相关。我国棉蚜的抗性随着有机磷、氨基甲酸酯类和拟除虫菊酯类农药在我国棉区的交替使用或停用而波动。国内... 简要综述自 2 0世纪 6 0年代以来 ,我国棉蚜的抗性发生和发展情况 ,以及棉蚜抗性机制的研究进展。害虫的抗性与农药的使用密切相关。我国棉蚜的抗性随着有机磷、氨基甲酸酯类和拟除虫菊酯类农药在我国棉区的交替使用或停用而波动。国内外的研究结果证明 。 展开更多
关键词 棉蚜 棉花害虫 机制 体壁穿透 解毒作用 标准
玉米主要品种对粗缩病的田间抗性评价 被引量:2
作者 檀根甲 王向阳 +3 位作者 李淼 董猛 巩旭 孟召鹏 《安徽农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第5期667-671,共5页
玉米粗缩病是安徽省玉米产区重要病害,选育和应用抗病品种是唯一经济高效的防治措施。于2009年,对安徽省33个玉米品种进行粗缩病田间鉴定。根据相对抗病指数,将品种分为高抗(HR,0~0.20)、抗病(R,0.21~0.39)、中抗(MR,0.40~0.59)、感... 玉米粗缩病是安徽省玉米产区重要病害,选育和应用抗病品种是唯一经济高效的防治措施。于2009年,对安徽省33个玉米品种进行粗缩病田间鉴定。根据相对抗病指数,将品种分为高抗(HR,0~0.20)、抗病(R,0.21~0.39)、中抗(MR,0.40~0.59)、感病(S,0.60~0.79)、高感(HS,0.80~1.00)5类。鉴定结果表明:高感粗缩病的品种有13个(病指在52.1~100),分别是鲁宁202、雅玉12、弘大8号、滑玉13、苏玉20、郑单23、浚单18、中科11、益丰29、郑单958、申源213、蠡玉13和济单8号;感粗缩病的品种有8个(病指在41.0~52.0),分别是隆平206、浚单20、先玉335、金赛29、鲁单661、中农大236、鲁单981和金赛6850;中抗粗缩病的品种有5个(病指在31~40),分别是齐单1号、中农大311、利民15、皖玉17和东单80;抗粗缩病的品种有5个(病指在14.1~30.0),分别是中科4号、宿单9号、蠡玉35、鲁单6018和蠡玉16;高抗粗缩病的品种有2个(病指在0~14.0)分别是登海3号和农大108。 展开更多
关键词 玉米粗缩病 评价标准
作者 梅文泉 李彦刚 +1 位作者 方琦 张仲凯 《云南农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 2003年第3期320-322,共3页
建立了软荚菜豆花叶病的病情分级标准和抗性评价标准。对昆明地区生产上主要应用的13个软荚菜豆品种对花叶病抗性进行了鉴定。结果为:在13个品种中有2个高抗品种、4个中抗品种,其余品种为感、中感或高感品种。在13个品种中,电镜观察到其... 建立了软荚菜豆花叶病的病情分级标准和抗性评价标准。对昆明地区生产上主要应用的13个软荚菜豆品种对花叶病抗性进行了鉴定。结果为:在13个品种中有2个高抗品种、4个中抗品种,其余品种为感、中感或高感品种。在13个品种中,电镜观察到其中11个品种叶片内含有线状病毒粒子。 展开更多
关键词 昆明地区 软荚菜豆 花叶病 鉴定 病情分级标准 评价标准 品种
向日葵抗列当水平室内鉴定体系准确性评价及不同品种抗列当水平鉴定 被引量:7
作者 石胜华 柳惠卿 +3 位作者 云晓鹏 张键 赵君 闫洁 《杂草学报》 2019年第2期28-34,共7页
向日葵列当是一种寄生在向日葵根部的寄生性种子植物。向日葵被列当寄生后表现为植株矮化、花盘减小、产量急剧下降,含油量和蛋白含量也明显降低,严重时可导致向日葵绝收。利用12份在田间条件下鉴定出抗性水平的向日葵品种对室内建立的... 向日葵列当是一种寄生在向日葵根部的寄生性种子植物。向日葵被列当寄生后表现为植株矮化、花盘减小、产量急剧下降,含油量和蛋白含量也明显降低,严重时可导致向日葵绝收。利用12份在田间条件下鉴定出抗性水平的向日葵品种对室内建立的列当寄生体系(培养皿滤纸体系)鉴定结果的准确性进行了评价。在此基础上对供试的80份不同向日葵品种的抗列当水平进行了室内鉴定。结果表明,供试的47份食葵品种中以TP3313为代表的3份品种表现为免疫水平,所占比例为6%;而以JK601为代表的11份品种呈现高抗水平,占比为24%;其余品种均呈现感病和高感水平。供试的33份油葵品种中以F917为代表的11份品种表现为免疫水平,所占比例为33%;而以赤CY102为代表的14份品种呈现高抗水平,占比为43%;感病和高感水平品种占比为3%。整体看来,油葵品种对列当的抗性水平显著高于食葵品种。 展开更多
关键词 向日葵 列当 品种鉴定 鉴定标准
小麦品种抗麦红吸浆虫的研究现状与展望 被引量:10
作者 成卫宁 李修炼 +1 位作者 李建军 辛转霞 《麦类作物学报》 CAS CSCD 2003年第3期132-135,共4页
对小麦品种进行麦红吸浆虫抗性鉴定及抗性机制研究是培育抗虫品种、对麦红吸浆虫实行综合治理的基础工作。本文综述了20世纪50年代以来国内外对小麦品种进行麦红吸浆虫抗性鉴定的大田自然感虫鉴定法、虫圃人工接虫鉴定法、室内鉴定法、... 对小麦品种进行麦红吸浆虫抗性鉴定及抗性机制研究是培育抗虫品种、对麦红吸浆虫实行综合治理的基础工作。本文综述了20世纪50年代以来国内外对小麦品种进行麦红吸浆虫抗性鉴定的大田自然感虫鉴定法、虫圃人工接虫鉴定法、室内鉴定法、数学模型鉴定法,以及目前抗性鉴定所应用的等级评价标准和已取得的抗性鉴定结果;详细介绍了小麦品种抗麦红吸浆虫的形态抗虫机制、避虫机制以及生化抗虫机制中营养物质和次生代谢物质与品种抗虫性的关系。大量研究结果表明,小麦品种对麦红吸浆虫的抗性主要表现在抗性品种以其独特的穗形特征及避害性来阻止其产卵或取食,或通过产生有毒的次生物质或营养上的欠缺使其取食后不能正常发育而死亡。本文还对今后的研究趋势进行了展望。 展开更多
关键词 小麦 品种 麦红吸浆虫 鉴定 机制 评价标准
抗菌塑料及其在家电领域中应用的进展 被引量:1
作者 李毕忠 《家用电器科技》 2000年第8期52-55,共4页
关键词 家用电器 菌塑料 标准
中药合理辐照灭菌剂量设定的初步研究 被引量:23
作者 陈伟盛 简敏骞 +1 位作者 关倩明 江英桥 《核农学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第8期1515-1520,共6页
目前尚无适用于中药辐照合理剂量设定的标准,为了规范中药辐照剂量的设定,本试验参考ISO 11137的标准抗性分布(SDR),计算中药辐照的理论剂量,并与9种中药粉和1种丸剂的实际系列辐照剂量进行比对。结果表明,丸剂和个别中药粉理论剂量比... 目前尚无适用于中药辐照合理剂量设定的标准,为了规范中药辐照剂量的设定,本试验参考ISO 11137的标准抗性分布(SDR),计算中药辐照的理论剂量,并与9种中药粉和1种丸剂的实际系列辐照剂量进行比对。结果表明,丸剂和个别中药粉理论剂量比实际剂量偏小,达到-88%^-50%;有7种中药粉的理论剂量与实际剂量基本一致,偏差约为1k Gy。推断大部分中药粉可以通过SDR计算出合理的理论剂量,但对丸剂不建议按照SDR直接进行辐照剂量设定。本研究结果有效地提高了中药合理剂量筛选的效率,降低辐照风险,为中药辐照灭菌剂量的合理设定提供了方法参考。 展开更多
关键词 中药 辐照 剂量设定 标准分布
多项式拟合法设定辐照灭菌剂量的研究 被引量:6
作者 龚频 汤晓斌 陈达 《核技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第11期17-22,共6页
受传统方法精确度的限制,生产实践中辐照灭菌剂量的设定值往往超过产品的实际需要。多余的辐照剂量会对产品造成不必要的辐照损伤,同时也降低了辐照工厂的产能。本文通过理论研究证明,任一给定抗性分布的微生物种群存在一条非线性的&qu... 受传统方法精确度的限制,生产实践中辐照灭菌剂量的设定值往往超过产品的实际需要。多余的辐照剂量会对产品造成不必要的辐照损伤,同时也降低了辐照工厂的产能。本文通过理论研究证明,任一给定抗性分布的微生物种群存在一条非线性的"灭菌剂量曲线"。对于具有标准抗性分布(Standard distribution of resistances,SDR)的微生物种群,采用5种常用函数拟合其灭菌剂量曲线的结果表明,5次多项式函数的拟合程度最好。与传统使用线性函数拟合的方法相比,基于5次多项式函数拟合的灭菌剂量设定方法可以将所设定的灭菌剂量与理论值的偏差范围从-9.8%-123.1%缩小至-7.7%-1.9%。此方法可以在保证产品灭菌合格的基础上有效降低多余的辐照剂量。 展开更多
关键词 多项式拟合 辐照灭菌 标准分布 灭菌剂量设定
Optimization on Identification Standards and Artificial Inoculation Methods In Vitro on Resistance to Chrysanthemum White Rust
作者 祝朋芳 赵妮拉 +2 位作者 齐丹 刘娜 段玉玺 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第11期1640-1644,共5页
[Objective] This research aimed at exploring an effective way for inoculation and identification of chrysanthemum white rust under controlled conditions. [Method] By combining the observation methods with the naked ey... [Objective] This research aimed at exploring an effective way for inoculation and identification of chrysanthemum white rust under controlled conditions. [Method] By combining the observation methods with the naked eye and under optical microscope, we had established the identification standards for chrysanthemum white rust with six classifications and optimized artificial inoculation methods in vitro. [Result] The results showed that bottled cuttings identification method and petri dished leaves identification method both can be used for identification in vitro of chrysanthemum white rust, bottled cuttings identification method had shown better effects than petri dished leaves identification method, and was supposed to be best artificial inoculation and identification method in vitro. [Conclusion] This research had provided a scientific method for safe and effective researches on chrysanthemum white rust, in order to control the occurrence and diffusion of this quarantine disease. 展开更多
关键词 Chrysanthemum white rust (CWR) Puccinia horiana Henn Identification standards In vitro Microscopy test
On the Confrontation Between Masculinism and Feminism in The Great Gatsby
作者 LI Bao-feng JIA Xue-ying 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2015年第11期874-880,共7页
In The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald depicts the conflicts and contradictions between men and women about society, family, love, and money, literally mirroring the patriarchal society constantly challenged by feminism in t... In The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald depicts the conflicts and contradictions between men and women about society, family, love, and money, literally mirroring the patriarchal society constantly challenged by feminism in the 1920s of America. This paper intends to compare the features of masculinism and feminism in three aspects: gender, society, and morality. Different identifications of gender role between men and women lead to female protests against male superiority and pursuits of individual liberation. Meanwhile, male unshaken egotism and gradually expanded individualism of women enable them both in lack of sound moral standards. But compared with the female, male moral pride drives them with much more proper moral judge, which reflects Fitzgerald's support of the masculine society. Probing into the confrontation between masculinism and feminism, it is beneficial for further study on how to achieve equal coexistence and harmony between men and women. 展开更多
关键词 The Great Gatsby CONFRONTATION masculinism FEMINISM
Anticoagulation early after mechanical heart valve replacement 被引量:2
作者 Qin Chuan Xiao Yingbin Chen Lin 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2010年第1期24-28,共5页
Objective: To explore the changes of coagulation activity and the characters of anticoagulation early after mechanical heart valve replacement. Methods: All patients only took warfarin orally for anticoagulation. Th... Objective: To explore the changes of coagulation activity and the characters of anticoagulation early after mechanical heart valve replacement. Methods: All patients only took warfarin orally for anticoagulation. The predicted international normalized ratio (INR) was 1.5 to 2.0. Several coagulation markers were monitored early after valve replacement. Complications associated with anticoagulation were recorded and analyzed. The patients were divided into three groups based on the number and position of mechanical valve prothesis, including group M (mitral valve replacement), group A (aortic valve replacement) and group D (mitral and aortic valve replacement).Comparison was made between the three groups. Results: Three events of mild cerebral embolism and five events of mild bleeding occurred during the early postoperative period. One patient suffered from mild cerebral embolism on the 4th day after operation, accompanied by large volume of pericardial drainage. Two patients with bleeding had lower INRs than predicted range. However, INR in one patient with mild cerebral embolism was in the predicted range. There was no significant difference in thrombo time (TT), activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) and 1NR on the 3rd day after operation compared to those before operation; meanwhile, plasma fibrinogen (FIB) concentration was higher than that before operation (P〈0.05). 1NR had no significant changes on the 2nd day after the beginning of anticoagulation compared to that before operation; however, 1NR was significantly elevated on the 4th day (P〈0.05). Warfarin doses and INRs were similar among the three groups, but FIB concentrations in plasma were higher in groups M and D than in group A (P〈0.01). Conclusion: Hypercoagulabale state exists early after mechanical heart valve replacement. When anticoagulation begins is determined by the change of coagulation markers, not by the volume of chest or pericardial drainage. INR can not accurately reflect the coagulation state sometimes, especially during the first 3 days after anticoagulation. The number and position of mechanical valve prothesis could affect coagulation state. Therefore, anticoagulation therapy should be regulated accordingly. 展开更多
关键词 ANTICOAGULATION Mechanical heart valve replacement International normalized ratio WARFARIN
Effective Utilization of Coal Fly Ash in Building Material Production
作者 Jozef Junak Nadezda Stevulova 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2011年第8期724-728,共5页
This paper is aimed at verifying utilization possibilities of alkaline modified coal fly ash as cement replacement in the concrete. The influence of alkaline activated coal fly ash originating from Slovakian power pla... This paper is aimed at verifying utilization possibilities of alkaline modified coal fly ash as cement replacement in the concrete. The influence of alkaline activated coal fly ash originating from Slovakian power plant in Novsky (Si/Al = 3,1) as a partial cement replacement in concrete on compressive strength of hardened composites after 28 and 90 days was investigated. Alkaline activation of coal fly ash was realized in an autoclave at 130 ℃ and pressure of 160 kPa during 5 hours and in a reactor under normal conditions (equal temperature during 36 hours) at solid/liquid ratio of 0.5. Coal fly ash/cement mixtures were prepared with 25 % cement replacement by starting and modified coal fly ash and given in forms. Compressive strengths of composites after 28 and 90 days of hardening were compared to referential composite without coal fly ash and evaluated according to the standard of STN EN 450 by the value of relative strength KR (compressive strength of coal fly ash/cement composite to compressive strength of comparative concrete). The final compressive strengths of hardened composites based on alkaline activated coal fly ash reached values in the range of 6 up to 50 MPa. In the set of experimental composites based on alkaline activated coal fly ashes, the highest value of relative strength after 28- and 90- days of hardening reached composite with cement replacement by coal fly ash zeolitized in autoclave (105% of compressive strength of referential sample), what is connected with formation of zeolitic phases on surface of coal fly ash particles. The achieved results confirm that alkaline activation of coal fly ash in an autoclave under observed conditions can be successfully used as a partial cement replacement in concrete of C20/25 and C25/30 in accordance with requirements of standards (STN EN 450 and STN EN 206). 展开更多
关键词 coal fly ash chemical activation CONCRETE compressive strength ZEOLITE
Predator-induced physiological responses in tadpoles challenged with herbicide pollution 被引量:1
作者 Pablo BURRACO Lidia Jimenez DUARTE Ivan GOMEZ-MESTRE 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第4期475-484,共10页
Predators induce plastic responses in multiple prey taxa, ranging from morphological to behavioral or physiological changes. In amphibians, tadpoles activate plastic responses to reduce predation risk by reducing thei... Predators induce plastic responses in multiple prey taxa, ranging from morphological to behavioral or physiological changes. In amphibians, tadpoles activate plastic responses to reduce predation risk by reducing their activity rate and altering their morphology, specifically tail depth and pigmentation. Furthermore, there is now evidence that tadpoles' defenses are modi- fied when predators combine with other stressful factors such as pollutants or competitors, but our knowledge on the physiologi- cal responses underlying these responses is still scarce. Here we study physiological responses in Pelobates cultripes tadpoles exposed to a natural predator (larvae of the aquatic beetle Dytiscus circumflexus), non-lethal concentrations of herbicide (gly- phosate, 0.5 mg/L and 1.0 mg/L) or both factors combined. We measured corticosterone levels, standard metabolic rate, oxidative damage (TBARS) and activity of antioxidant enzymes, and immune response (via leukocyte count). Tadpoles reduced their corti- costerone concentration by ca. 24% in the presence of predator cues, whereas corticosterone did not change in the presence of glyphosate. Two enzymes involved in antioxidant response also decreased in the presence of predators (14.7% and 13.2% respec- tively) but not to glyphosate. Herbicide, however, increased the number of neutrophils and reduced that of lymphocytes, and had an interaction effect with predator presence. Standard metabolic rate did not vary across treatments in our experiment. Thus we show a marked physiological response to the presence of predators but little evidence for interaction between predators and low levels of herbicide. Multiple assessment of the physiological state of animals is important to understand the basis and conse- quences ofphenotypic plasticity 展开更多
关键词 Inducible defenses Physiological responses CORTICOSTERONE GLYPHOSATE Spadefoot toads Oxidative stress
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