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钻井液用抗高温抗盐钙聚合物降黏剂JNL-1的研制与评价 被引量:9
作者 王富华 王瑞和 +1 位作者 王力 刘江华 《油田化学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期1-4,共4页
所报道的抗高温抗盐钙的水基钻井液降黏剂JNL-1,是一种水溶性共聚物,其主链含碳-碳键、碳-硫键和高价阳离子螯合键,吸附基团有腈基(15%-20%)、酰胺基(10%-15%)和高价金属阳离子(Zr^4+,Fe^2+)螯合基团(10%-15%),水化基团... 所报道的抗高温抗盐钙的水基钻井液降黏剂JNL-1,是一种水溶性共聚物,其主链含碳-碳键、碳-硫键和高价阳离子螯合键,吸附基团有腈基(15%-20%)、酰胺基(10%-15%)和高价金属阳离子(Zr^4+,Fe^2+)螯合基团(10%-15%),水化基团为磺酸基(50%-65%),相对分子质量6000-8000。与商品降黏剂SF-260和BOSST相比,JNL-1的耐温性最好,达240℃,发生盐析时的盐度最高,为32.8%,抗钙性与SF-260相当,达10 g/L。JNL-1与各种处理剂配伍。考察了加入0.5%不同降黏剂的淡水、高密度盐水和高密度饱和盐水浆220℃热滚前后的性能,JNL-6的降黏效果十分显著,综合性能最好。讨论了JNL-1的降黏和抗温作用机理。 展开更多
关键词 降黏剂 钻井液处理剂 水基钻井液 高温 抗钙性 应用能评价
抗220℃高温的水基钻井液用降粘剂研究 被引量:21
作者 黄进军 蒲晓林 +1 位作者 李建波 李春霞 《油田化学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第3期197-199,207,共4页
根据已知分子设计理论 ,通过水溶液引发聚合 ,控制分子量在 1.0× 10 3 ~ 1.0× 10 4范围 ,制得了丙烯酸 /丙烯磺酸 / 2 甲基 2 丙烯酰胺基丙磺酸 /小阳离子单体共聚物 ,推荐用作钻井液降粘剂 ,代号THIN。THIN可抗 2 2 0℃高... 根据已知分子设计理论 ,通过水溶液引发聚合 ,控制分子量在 1.0× 10 3 ~ 1.0× 10 4范围 ,制得了丙烯酸 /丙烯磺酸 / 2 甲基 2 丙烯酰胺基丙磺酸 /小阳离子单体共聚物 ,推荐用作钻井液降粘剂 ,代号THIN。THIN可抗 2 2 0℃高温 ,抗盐 (NaCl)达 32 0 g/L ,抗钙 (以CaCl2 计 ) 1.0 g/L ,在水基粘土钻井液特别是高固相高密度钻井液中降粘效果优于常用降粘剂XY2 7和FCLS。THIN水溶液相对粘度在 15 0℃老化后增大 ,在 180℃和 2 2 0℃老化后略有减小(老化 16h)。THIN ,XY2 7和FCLS的盐析浓度分别为 32 .4 % ,2 0 .0 %和 2 7.0 % ,析出沉淀时CaCl2 浓度分别为1.0 ;0 .0 5和 >5 .0 g/L。在 2 2 0℃滚动 (16h)前后 ,0 .5 %THIN在 8.0 %淡水泥浆中的各项流变性 (5 0℃ ) ,均优于XY2 7和FCLS ,THIN加量≥ 0 .5 %即可使泥浆粘度和切力大幅度降低 ,且对老化后泥浆有降滤失作用 ;1.0 %THIN在高固相泥浆特别是高固相高密度泥浆中的降粘效果 ,从 5 0℃下的AV ,PV和Gel1min看 ,均优于相同加量的XY2 7和FCLS。表 5参 3。 展开更多
关键词 降粘剂 钻井液处理剂 水基钻井液 深井钻井液 高温 抗钙性 丙烯酸/甲基丙烯酰胺基丙磺酸/丙烯磺盐/阳离子单体共聚物 研制
AM/AMPS/MAA/HMOPTA四元共聚物的合成及作为钻井液处理剂的性能 被引量:12
作者 杨小华 刘明华 +1 位作者 王中华 李顺英 《油田化学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第3期193-195,204,共4页
用水溶液引发聚合的方法 ,由丙烯酰胺、2 丙烯酰胺基 2 甲基丙磺酸、甲基丙烯酸、2 羟基 3 甲基丙烯酰氧丙基三甲基氯化铵合成了AM/AMPS/MAA/HMOPTA四元共聚物 (粉剂 ) ,简介了合成方法 ,未说明单体投料比和共聚物结构参数。在淡水、... 用水溶液引发聚合的方法 ,由丙烯酰胺、2 丙烯酰胺基 2 甲基丙磺酸、甲基丙烯酸、2 羟基 3 甲基丙烯酰氧丙基三甲基氯化铵合成了AM/AMPS/MAA/HMOPTA四元共聚物 (粉剂 ) ,简介了合成方法 ,未说明单体投料比和共聚物结构参数。在淡水、4 %盐水、饱和盐水、钙镁钠复合盐水及含钙的 10 %盐水基浆中初步考察了共聚物作为泥浆处理剂的性能。该共聚物在各种基浆中均有较强的降滤失、提粘切、抗盐能力。加入 1.5 %共聚物可将含CaCl2高达 2 5 %的饱和盐水泥浆的滤失量控制在较低值 (18mL) ,抗钙能力远优于丙烯酸类聚合物处理剂MAN 10 1和SL 1。 1.5 %和 2 .0 %共聚物处理的各种泥浆在 15 0℃滚动 16h后滤失量仍较低。 12 0℃页岩滚动回收测试结果表明共聚物的抑制性好于阴离子型AMPS共聚物。中原油田某深井在用混油聚合物泥浆分别用等体积的饱和盐水和钙镁钠复合盐水稀释后加入 0 .3%或 0 .5 %共聚物 ,滤失量和抗温性获得大幅度改善 。 展开更多
关键词 AM/AMPS/MAA/HMOPTA 四元共聚物合成 钻井液处理剂 丙烯酰胺四元共聚物 降滤失剂 耐温 抗钙性
JST耐温抗盐聚合物冻胶体系的研究 被引量:12
作者 王正良 周玲革 《油田化学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第3期224-226,共3页
所报道的JST聚合物冻胶体系 ,由分子量 1.2× 10 7~ 1.4× 10 7、单体质量比 7∶3的AM /AMPS二元共聚物、含有低分子量呋喃树脂、酚醛树脂、脲醛树脂及有机硅的交联稳定剂JL及潜在有机酸催化剂JC组成。由 90℃下的实验结果得... 所报道的JST聚合物冻胶体系 ,由分子量 1.2× 10 7~ 1.4× 10 7、单体质量比 7∶3的AM /AMPS二元共聚物、含有低分子量呋喃树脂、酚醛树脂、脲醛树脂及有机硅的交联稳定剂JL及潜在有机酸催化剂JC组成。由 90℃下的实验结果得到适宜配方如下 :0 .1%~ 0 .6 %共聚物 +0 .5 %~ 1.0 %交联稳定剂 +0 .0 2 %~ 0 .0 6 %催化剂 ,用淡水配制的胶液粘度 (室温 ,6 .6s-1)为 30~ 78mPa·s,成胶时间 4 8~ 12 0h ,冻胶粘度 4 .8~ 5 5Pa·s。实验配方胶液在 80~ 130℃下的成胶时间随温度升高而缩短 (96~ 6h) ,冻胶粘度则基本不变 (4 7.8~ 5 1.6Pa·s) ,耐温达 130℃(90d) ,抗盐 (NaCl)达 2 0 0~ 30 0 g/L ,抗钙达 2~ 3g/L。体系成胶时间可通过改变催化剂加量进行调节。在渗透率0 .15 6~ 2 .5 3μm2 的填砂岩心上 ,在 12 0℃下 ,低浓度 (0 .2 %~ 0 .3% )共聚物冻胶的堵水率为 90 %~ 95 % ,堵塞物的突破压力为 5 .0MPa/m ,高浓度 (0 .6 % )共聚物冻胶的堵水率为 99.99% ,堵塞物的突破压力达 14MPa/m。该冻胶体系可用于深水井调剖和深油井堵水。表 5参 3。 展开更多
关键词 聚合物水基冻胶 堵剂 丙烯酰胺共聚物 磺化聚合物 低分子量混合树脂 耐温 抗钙性 驱油剂 调剖堵水剂
膦甲基酚醛树脂的合成与降滤失性能 被引量:9
作者 何耀春 黄步耕 +1 位作者 王江 侯士法 《承德石油高等专科学校学报》 CAS 2005年第3期18-22,共5页
以三氯化磷、酸性聚合酚醛树脂或碱性聚合酚醛树脂合成了膦甲基酚醛树指(PMP),并测定了其在钻井液中的降滤失、抗温、抗钙和抗盐性能.结果表明在酸性聚合介质、酚醛摩尔比<1.0条件下合成的PMP具有较好的溶解性和降滤失作用.当加入的PM... 以三氯化磷、酸性聚合酚醛树脂或碱性聚合酚醛树脂合成了膦甲基酚醛树指(PMP),并测定了其在钻井液中的降滤失、抗温、抗钙和抗盐性能.结果表明在酸性聚合介质、酚醛摩尔比<1.0条件下合成的PMP具有较好的溶解性和降滤失作用.当加入的PMP质量分数为1.0%和1.5%时,可使质量分数为4.0%膨润土浆的API滤失量由35.2 mL分别降至10.2 mL和9.8 mL;1.0%PMP使4.0%膨润土浆的抗盐性小于质量分数为1.0%氯化钠,抗钙能力为2200×10-6,在20~200 ℃范围降滤失量保持不变,具有良好的抗温性能. 展开更多
关键词 降滤失剂 钻井液处理剂 PMP 合成 抗钙性
Effect of CaO doping on mechanical properties and thermal shock resistance of 10NiO-NiFe_2O_4 composite ceramics 被引量:1
作者 赖延清 张勇 +2 位作者 张刚 田忠良 李劼 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 EI 2008年第1期25-28,共4页
The CaO doped 10NiO-NiFe2O4 composite ceramics were prepared by the cold isostatic pressing-sintering process, and the effects of CaO content on the phase composition, mechanical property and thermal shock resistance ... The CaO doped 10NiO-NiFe2O4 composite ceramics were prepared by the cold isostatic pressing-sintering process, and the effects of CaO content on the phase composition, mechanical property and thermal shock resistance of 10NiO-NiFe2O4 composite ceramics were studied. The results show that the samples mainly consist of NiO and NiFe2O4 when content of CaO is less than 4%(mass fraction), bending strength increases obviously by CaO doping. Bending strength of the samples doped with 2% CaO is above 185 MPa, but that of the samples without CaO is only 60 MPa. Fracture toughness is improved obviously by CaO doping, the samples doped with 2% CaO have the maximum fracture toughness of 2.12 MPa ·m1/2 , which is about two times of that of the undoped ceramics. CaO doping is bad to thermal shock resistance of 10NiO-NiFe2O4 composite ceramics. 展开更多
关键词 mechanical property thermal shock resistance CaO doping 10NiO-NiFe2O4 inert anode
Effects of Exogenous Calcium and Calcium Ion Inhibitor on Cold Resistance of Pistil of Kernel Apricot
作者 Tiezheng LIU Xiangmin sue +2 位作者 Jing WANG Guosheng LIU Yali FU 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第10期1900-1903,共4页
With a kernel apricot cultivar Youzhu 07-3 as the test material, the effects of exogenous calcium and calcium inhibitor on the cold resistance of pistils were investigated. In the bud germination and enlargement perio... With a kernel apricot cultivar Youzhu 07-3 as the test material, the effects of exogenous calcium and calcium inhibitor on the cold resistance of pistils were investigated. In the bud germination and enlargement period, exogenous calcium and calcium ion inhibitor were sprayed to the kernel apdcot trees, respectively. At the full-bloom stage, a certain number of flower branches of kernel apricot were sam- pied and subjected to low-temperature stress indoor, and the soluble sugar content, MDA content, SOD activity and POD activity in the pistils were determined. The results showed that exogenous calcium increased the soluble sugar content, reduced the MDA content and improved the SOD and POD activity in pistils, and it significantly relieved the cold damage to pistils and improved the cold resistance of pistils; while exogenous calcium ion inhibitor showed the opposite effects. 展开更多
关键词 Kernel apricot PISTIL Exogenous calcium Cold resistance
Hydration and Mechanical Properties of Portland Cement Blended with Low-CaO Steel Slag
作者 Eugene Atiemo Kwabena Appiah Boakye James Sarfo-Ansah 《Journal of Physical Science and Application》 2014年第7期444-449,共6页
The hydration and mechanical properties of Portland cement blended with low-CaO steel slag were studied and reported. The steel slag was used to replace cement up to 30% and then blended cement powder, paste and morta... The hydration and mechanical properties of Portland cement blended with low-CaO steel slag were studied and reported. The steel slag was used to replace cement up to 30% and then blended cement powder, paste and mortar samples prepared for the experiment. The quantitative analysis of XRD shows that ettringite formation is greatly reduced by incorporation of steel slag but there was a relatively low reduction of portlandite. Thermal analysis by TG shows that slag injection reduced portlandite content in the cement by at least 50%. Generally, the slag cement pastes required less water to form a workable paste compared to the reference cement, reducing as the slag content was increased. However, the setting times were higher than the reference. The permeability of the blended cement samples were lower than the control. The incorporation of 5% slag could not have an effect on the compressive strength of the concrete. The results confirmed that whilst cements with up to 15% slag content satisfied the strength requirements of class 42.5 N and those containing 20%-30% produce Class 32.5R cement. 展开更多
关键词 HYDRATION cement low-CaO steel slag ETTRINGITE portlandite permeability.
Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on carbon assimilation and ecological stoichiometry of maize under combined abiotic stresses
作者 Qiong Ran Songlin Zhang +3 位作者 Muhammad Arif Xueting Yin Shanshan Chen Guangqian Ren 《Journal of Plant Ecology》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第2期74-88,共15页
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi(AMF)enhance plant tolerance to abiotic stresses like salinity and improve crop yield.However,their effects are variable,and the underlying cause of such variation remains largely unknown.T... Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi(AMF)enhance plant tolerance to abiotic stresses like salinity and improve crop yield.However,their effects are variable,and the underlying cause of such variation remains largely unknown.This study aimed to assess how drought modifed the effect of AMF on plant resistance to high calcium-saline stress.A pot experiment was performed to examine how AMF inoculation affects the growth,photosynthetic activity,nutrient uptake and carbon(C),nitrogen(N)and phosphorus(P)stoichiometric ratio(C:N:P)of maize under high calcium stress and contrasting water conditions.The results showed that high calcium stress signifcantly reduced mycorrhizal colonization,biomass accumulation,C assimilation rate and C:N stoichiometric ratio in plant tissues.Besides,the adverse effects of calcium stress on photosynthesis were exacerbated under drought.AMF inoculation profoundly alleviated such reductions under drought and saline stress.However,it barely affected maize performance when subjected to calcium stress under well-watered conditions.Moreover,watering changed AMF impact on nutrient allocation in plant tissues.Under well-watered conditions,AMF stimulated P accumulation in roots and plant growth,but did not induce leaf P accumulation proportional to C and N,resulting in increased leaf C:P and N:P ratios under high calcium stress.In contrast,AMF decreased N content and the N:P ratio in leaves under drought.Overall,AMF inoculation improved maize resistance to calcium-salt stress through enhanced photosynthesis and modulation of nutrient stoichiometry,particularly under water defcit conditions.These results highlighted the regulatory role of AMF in carbon assimilation and nutrient homeostasis under compound stresses,and provide signifcant guidance on the improvement of crop yield in saline and arid regions. 展开更多
关键词 arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi compound abiotic stresses C:N:P stoichiometry induced systemic resistance calcium-salt stress
A novel autoantibody in patients with primary hypertension: antibody against L-type Ca^2+ channel
作者 ZHOU Zi-hua WANG Jun XIAO Hua CHEN Zhi-jian WANG Min CHENG Xiang LIAO Yu-hua 《Chinese Medical Journal》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第16期1513-1517,共5页
Background Recently, it has been proposed that the autoantibodies against various cardiovascular receptors play a role in the pathogenesis of primary hypertension. In this study, we aimed to identify whether or not th... Background Recently, it has been proposed that the autoantibodies against various cardiovascular receptors play a role in the pathogenesis of primary hypertension. In this study, we aimed to identify whether or not there are autoantibodies against cardiovascular L-type Ca^2+ channels in patients with primary hypertension. Methods A peptide corresponding to the sequence 2-16 of the alc-subunit of L-type Ca^2+ channel was used as an antigen to screen the autoantibodies from 90 patients with primary hypertension and 45 healthy controls by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The clinical data of 90 hypertensive patients were compared between patients with and without these autoantibodies. Results Serum from 3 (6.7%) of the 45 healthy controls, 33 (36.7%) of 90 hypertensives showed positive responses in ELISA (P 〈0.01). The prevalence of such autoantibodies in two subgroups of hypertensives with coronary heart disease (9/21, 57.14%, P 〈0.05) and left ventricular diastolic dysfunction (28/63, 44.4%, P 〈0.05) was higher than in those without the corresponding complications. And the patients with such autoantibodies had lower E/A than patients without such autoantibodies (0.803±0.191 vs 1.004±0.322, P=0.002). Conclusion There are autoantibodies against vascular L-tyPe Ca^2+ channels in patients with primary hvnertension. 展开更多
关键词 AUTOANTIBODY primary hypertension L-trpe Ca^2+ channel
Ambient stable FAPbI3-based perovskite solar cells with a 2D-EDAPbI4 thin capping layer 被引量:2
作者 Ya-Han Wu Yong Ding +4 位作者 Xiao-Yan Liu Xi-Hong Ding Xue-Peng Liu Xu Pan Song-Yuan Dai 《Science China Materials》 SCIE EI CSCD 2020年第1期47-54,共8页
Two-dimensional(2D) lead halide perovskite materials are emerging as one of promising light-absorbing materials in perovskite solar cells(PSCs), which show outstanding stability and defect passivation. Unfortunately, ... Two-dimensional(2D) lead halide perovskite materials are emerging as one of promising light-absorbing materials in perovskite solar cells(PSCs), which show outstanding stability and defect passivation. Unfortunately, the power conversion efficiency(PCE) of those stable 2D PSCs is still far behind that of 3D PSCs. Herein, we reported a simple in-situ growth technique for the ethylenediamine lead iodide(EDAPbI4) layer on the top of formamidinium lead iodide(FAPbI3) layer. The rationally designed layered architecture of2D-3 D perovskite film could improve the PCE of the PSCs. In addition, benefiting from the high moisture resistance and inhibited ion migration of EDAPbI4 layer, the 2D-3D-based devices showed obviously enhanced long-term stability,keeping the initial PCE value for 200 h and 90% of its initial PCE even after 500 h. 展开更多
关键词 EDAPbI4 FAPbI3 2D-3D perovskite solar cell STABILITY
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