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作者 姜彦辰 周维 《中共乐山市委党校学报》 2024年第2期68-78,共11页
社区治理转型方兴未艾,新兴治理主体的涌入对传统治理结构造成明显冲击并产生了多主体协同失灵现象。治理折叠化是指城市社区中虽然存在多元治理主体,但面对公共问题时却难以合作,主体治理能力与社区公共价值不断被折叠。地处同一街道的... 社区治理转型方兴未艾,新兴治理主体的涌入对传统治理结构造成明显冲击并产生了多主体协同失灵现象。治理折叠化是指城市社区中虽然存在多元治理主体,但面对公共问题时却难以合作,主体治理能力与社区公共价值不断被折叠。地处同一街道的P小区和Z小区在面对社区公共事务治理难题时呈现出迥异的状态,其中P小区由于抗争与避责同时交织于社区场域而造成了严重的治理危机,产生了治理折叠化现象;而Z小区虽然也曾面临公共危机,却最终由乱而治,实现了有机协同。研究发现,治理折叠化将消解社区认同、扭曲主体行为、降低治理绩效,而社区公共领域逼仄、公共权威缺位、社会资本不足以及主体治理能力孱弱则是造成上述现象的重要原因。为此,需要加强公共领域建设,塑造社区公共权威,重视社会资本积累,推动技术手段运用。 展开更多
关键词 社区治理 简约治理 多元主体 协同失灵 治理折叠化
作者 许镇勇 《中国厨卫》 2024年第11期34-36,共3页
为解决当前装配式折叠房屋受保温性能差、密封性不佳等缺陷引发的质量问题,文章以某工程案例为例,分析了模块化折叠集成房屋建筑施工技术,探讨了模块设计要点、平面设计要点、模块划分要点、构件折叠要点、铰链安装要点、模块封堵要点... 为解决当前装配式折叠房屋受保温性能差、密封性不佳等缺陷引发的质量问题,文章以某工程案例为例,分析了模块化折叠集成房屋建筑施工技术,探讨了模块设计要点、平面设计要点、模块划分要点、构件折叠要点、铰链安装要点、模块封堵要点及转角模块安装要点。通过装配式模块化折叠集成房技术的应用,提高折叠房屋集成化水平和强化建筑综合性能的效果。 展开更多
关键词 装配式 模块折叠集成房 施工技术 节能环保
装配式模块化折叠集成房屋建筑施工技术探析 被引量:1
作者 孔佑林 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)工程技术》 2023年第1期104-107,共4页
近几年装配式房屋建设已然成为建筑工程领域的关注重点,相较于传统房屋建筑结构而言,装配式模块化折叠集成结构在运输便捷性、稳定性、施工效率等方面存在显著优势。装配式模块化折叠集成房屋技术已然成为我国建筑领域节能化、高效化发... 近几年装配式房屋建设已然成为建筑工程领域的关注重点,相较于传统房屋建筑结构而言,装配式模块化折叠集成结构在运输便捷性、稳定性、施工效率等方面存在显著优势。装配式模块化折叠集成房屋技术已然成为我国建筑领域节能化、高效化发展的关注重点之一,鉴于此,本文结合实际案例分析来阐明装配式模块化折叠集成技术在房屋建筑工程施工中的具体应用。 展开更多
关键词 房屋建筑 装配式 施工技术 模块折叠集成
作者 朱江 《中文科技期刊数据库(文摘版)工程技术》 2023年第8期91-93,共3页
在房屋建筑工程高标准、大规模建设的过程中,装配式建筑的施工比重在不断上升,与传统的施工模式相比,装配式模块化折叠集成结构更具有安装便捷、施工高效等突出优势,能够充分满足现代房屋建筑工程的施工要求。因此,为了在施工流程及工... 在房屋建筑工程高标准、大规模建设的过程中,装配式建筑的施工比重在不断上升,与传统的施工模式相比,装配式模块化折叠集成结构更具有安装便捷、施工高效等突出优势,能够充分满足现代房屋建筑工程的施工要求。因此,为了在施工流程及工序中降低能耗量,形成绿色节能的施工效果,就需加强对装配式模块化折叠集成房屋建筑施工技术的科学应用,推动建筑领域向着节能化、现代化方向发展。 展开更多
关键词 装配式 模块折叠集成房屋建筑施工技术
作者 郑巧仪 陈觉尧 周华章 《中国医学创新》 CAS 2015年第22期113-114,共2页
目的:研究采用血管化平行折叠腓骨瓣重建下颌骨在肿瘤术后骨缺损的临床价值。方法:选用本院于2014年收治的10例肿瘤术后骨缺损患者,患者采用血管化平行折叠腓骨瓣重建下颌骨肿瘤术后骨缺损的方式进行治疗,对患者的临床疗效进行回顾性分... 目的:研究采用血管化平行折叠腓骨瓣重建下颌骨在肿瘤术后骨缺损的临床价值。方法:选用本院于2014年收治的10例肿瘤术后骨缺损患者,患者采用血管化平行折叠腓骨瓣重建下颌骨肿瘤术后骨缺损的方式进行治疗,对患者的临床疗效进行回顾性分析。结果:所有患者对颌面部外观满意,口齿清晰,吞咽正常。90%患者行义齿修复后,其义齿和剩余留牙咬合和咀嚼功能基本正常。术后半年经复查,患者的移植腓骨愈合情况良好。结论:对肿瘤术后骨缺损患者采用血管化平行折叠腓骨瓣重建下颌骨的方式进行治疗,可有效改善患者的病情发展,为义齿修复手术提供充足的骨量,颌面部外观良好,在临床中具有十分重要的应用价值。 展开更多
关键词 骨缺损 下颌骨 血管平行折叠 腓骨瓣 临床价值
级联式信道化和异构服务器的ESM系统组合架构 被引量:1
作者 彭平 张剑云 +1 位作者 周青松 赵利 《探测与控制学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第5期107-112,共6页
针对现代电子对抗支援侦察(ESM)系统难以同时实现全概率截获、高精度测频和实时可编程分选的问题,提出了折叠+数字级联式信道化侦察接收机和基于异构服务器的信号处理机的ESM系统组合架构。该架构为智能化雷达对抗平台的工程实现提供了... 针对现代电子对抗支援侦察(ESM)系统难以同时实现全概率截获、高精度测频和实时可编程分选的问题,提出了折叠+数字级联式信道化侦察接收机和基于异构服务器的信号处理机的ESM系统组合架构。该架构为智能化雷达对抗平台的工程实现提供了一种思路和方法。仿真结果表明,该架构能够在全概率截获、高精度测频、实时性传输和简化工程设计的基础上,实现对复杂交错宽带雷达侦察信号的实时可编程分选,从而达到快速侦察并精准引导干扰的目的。 展开更多
关键词 电子侦察支援 折叠信道 数字信道 异构服务器 信号分选 支持向量机
手机用玻璃研制的五大趋势 被引量:5
作者 王承遇 卢琪 陶瑛 《玻璃》 2020年第4期1-6,共6页
自进入21世纪以来,手机由功能型向智能型和智慧型转变,从而推动手机玻璃的跨越式发展。今后手机玻璃五大研发方向为:手机玻璃厚度超薄化,从毫米尺度到纳米尺度;手机玻璃形状由2D平面到3D曲面;手机玻璃硬度和抗摔性不断提高;手机玻璃呈... 自进入21世纪以来,手机由功能型向智能型和智慧型转变,从而推动手机玻璃的跨越式发展。今后手机玻璃五大研发方向为:手机玻璃厚度超薄化,从毫米尺度到纳米尺度;手机玻璃形状由2D平面到3D曲面;手机玻璃硬度和抗摔性不断提高;手机玻璃呈柔性化和可折叠化;手机玻璃达到多功能化和集成化。 展开更多
关键词 手机玻璃 柔性 折叠化 多功能 集成
作者 胡鹏 胡怀东 +2 位作者 唐俐 彭明利 任红 《西南师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第6期1090-1094,共5页
利用生物信息学手段分析了猪白细胞介素IL27p28(IL27p28)蛋白的二级结构及特征,并运用线索化/折叠识别方法模建了猪IL27p28蛋白分子的三维空间结构,它是一种与4-螺旋细胞因子超家族中的牛粒细胞集落刺激因子(G-CSF)类似,并且含有多个... 利用生物信息学手段分析了猪白细胞介素IL27p28(IL27p28)蛋白的二级结构及特征,并运用线索化/折叠识别方法模建了猪IL27p28蛋白分子的三维空间结构,它是一种与4-螺旋细胞因子超家族中的牛粒细胞集落刺激因子(G-CSF)类似,并且含有多个功能结构位点的全α型蛋白质.在此基础上,结合氨基酸特性,分析其可能的功能位点,发现其中5个功能结构位点分布在蛋白质纵轴的两端.包括1个蛋白激酶C磷酸化位点,3个酪蛋白激酶Ⅱ磷酸化位点和一个N-豆寇酰化位点,推测蛋白质纵轴的两端是其重要的功能结构区域. 展开更多
关键词 IL27p28 蛋白质三维结构 结构预测 线索/折叠识别方法
作者 陈红卫 张润生 《中国社区医师(医学专业)》 2008年第15期66-66,共1页
目的:总结6例三尖瓣下移畸形手术矫治的方法和疗效。方法:对6例三尖瓣下移畸形患者施行了手术矫治,其中三尖瓣成形术、房间隔缺损修补6例,同期行右室房化折叠5例,动脉导管结扎术1例。结果:全组死亡1例,早期并频发室性早搏1例,术后彩超示... 目的:总结6例三尖瓣下移畸形手术矫治的方法和疗效。方法:对6例三尖瓣下移畸形患者施行了手术矫治,其中三尖瓣成形术、房间隔缺损修补6例,同期行右室房化折叠5例,动脉导管结扎术1例。结果:全组死亡1例,早期并频发室性早搏1例,术后彩超示6例成形术患者中3例有轻度三尖瓣关闭不全,术后随访心功能均达I级。结论:应根据病变情况适期选用最佳方法矫治三尖瓣下移畸形,并同期治疗并发症。 展开更多
关键词 尖瓣下移畸形 三尖瓣成形 右室房折叠
应用MC3成形环矫治Ebstein畸形 被引量:1
作者 陆世春 朱亚彬 +1 位作者 石维平 贺建胜 《实用临床医药杂志》 CAS 2009年第5期19-20,共2页
关键词 EBSTEIN畸形 Edwards-MC3成形环 Quaegebeur房心室折叠
Effect of Autophagy Over Liver Diseases 被引量:1
作者 Dong-qian Yi Xue-feng Yang +4 位作者 Duan-fang Liao Qing Wu Nian Fu Yang Hu Ting Cao 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2016年第1期65-68,共4页
In recent years, increasingly evidences show that autophagy plays an important role in the pathogenesis and development of liver diseases, and the relationship between them has increasingly become a focus of concern. ... In recent years, increasingly evidences show that autophagy plays an important role in the pathogenesis and development of liver diseases, and the relationship between them has increasingly become a focus of concern. Autophagy refers to the process through which the impaired organelles, misfolded protein, and intruding microorganisms is degraded by lysosomes to maintain stability inside cells. This article states the effect of autophagy on liver diseases (hepatic fibrosis, fatty liver, viral hepatitis, and liver cancer), which aims to provide a new direction for the treatment of liver diseases. 展开更多
关键词 AUTOPHAGY hepatic fibrosis fatty liver viral hepatitis liver cancer
Why Bubble Economy Occurs and Crashes? Repeated History of Economic Growth and Collapse 被引量:2
作者 Eizo Kinoshita 《Chinese Business Review》 2011年第2期102-111,共10页
This paper shows that there are two different phases in economics. These are the primal and dual problems. In the primal problem phase, capital expenditures of private corporations grow, creating an impetus towards th... This paper shows that there are two different phases in economics. These are the primal and dual problems. In the primal problem phase, capital expenditures of private corporations grow, creating an impetus towards the maximization of profits. In this case, as Adam Smith once wrote, the "invisible hand of God" works to lead the economy to a significant growth. This paper defines the concept of economic growth, bubble economy and destruction of bubble economy. And this paper describes why bubble economy occurs and crashes. In the process, this paper shows that primal economy exists before bubble economy and dual economy exists after destruction of bubble economy. 展开更多
关键词 economic growth bubble economy destruction of bubble economy
Simplification of Double Folding Model Calculations in Study of Interaction Between Two Deformed Nuclei
作者 O.N.Ghodsi 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第6期1140-1144,共5页
The Double Folding (DF) model calculation of the internuclear potential in heavy-ion interactions when the participant nuclei are deformed in their ground states involves a six-dimensional integral. Using the multip... The Double Folding (DF) model calculation of the internuclear potential in heavy-ion interactions when the participant nuclei are deformed in their ground states involves a six-dimensional integral. Using the multipole expansion in these calculations, the DF six-dimensional integral reduce to the sum of the products of three single-dimensional integrals. In this paper we have presented a procedure for the calculation of the radius dependent functions in the multipole expansion of the nuclear density and their Fourier transforms. We have also reduced the DF model integrals to the sum of the single dimensional integrals using the obtained relations for the radius dependent functions in the multipole expansion and their Fourier transforms. 展开更多
关键词 double folding model deformed nuclei internuclear potential
基于Hash建立索引和Kmp快速匹配算法的DNA序列查找方法 被引量:1
作者 李云辉 邓伟 《数学的实践与认识》 北大核心 2016年第23期173-179,共7页
研究了DNA序列片段的查找问题,针对DNA数据量大和DNA序列碱基排列的特点提出了DNA序列检索的问题.在对DNA序列检索中,基于Hash建立了索引表以提高在大数据中检索的速度和效率,同时在平衡树的数据存储模型上使用了改进的Kmp快速匹配算法... 研究了DNA序列片段的查找问题,针对DNA数据量大和DNA序列碱基排列的特点提出了DNA序列检索的问题.在对DNA序列检索中,基于Hash建立了索引表以提高在大数据中检索的速度和效率,同时在平衡树的数据存储模型上使用了改进的Kmp快速匹配算法,提高了在索引上的检索效率.介绍了Hash索引的建立、Kmp的优化以及平衡树的再平衡.利用软件评估实验得出的实验结果表明了该算法的有效性. 展开更多
关键词 Hash索引 Kmp快速匹配 平衡树 折叠化 DNA检索
Chemical Versus Thermal Folding of Graphene Edges 被引量:1
作者 Ninghai Su Miao Liu Feng Liu 《Nano Research》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第12期1242-1247,共6页
Using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, we have investigated the kinetics of the graphene edge folding process. The lower limit of the energy barrier is found to be -380 meV/A (or about 800 meV per edge atom) a... Using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, we have investigated the kinetics of the graphene edge folding process. The lower limit of the energy barrier is found to be -380 meV/A (or about 800 meV per edge atom) and -50 meV/A (or about 120 meV per edge atom) for folding the edges of intrinsic clean single-layer graphene (SLG) and double-layer graphene (DLG), respectively. However, the edge folding barriers can be substantially reduced by imbalanced chemical adsorption, such as of H atoms, on the two sides of graphene along the edges. Our studies indicate that thermal folding is not feasible at room temperature (RT) for clean SLG and DLG edges and is feasible at high temperature only for DLG edges, whereas chemical folding (with adsorbates) of both SLG and DLG edges can be spontaneous at RT. These findings suggest that the folded edge structures of suspended graphene observed in some experiments are possibly due to the presence of adsorbates at the edges. 展开更多
关键词 Adsorption GRAPHENE KINETICS molecular dynamics
Folded MoS2 layers with reduced interlayer coupling 被引量:11
作者 Andres Castellanos-Gomez Herre S. J. van der Zant Gary A. Steele 《Nano Research》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第4期572-578,共7页
We study molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) structures generated by folding single-layer and bilayer MoS2 flakes. We find that this modified layer stacking leads to a decrease in the interlayer coupling and an enhancement ... We study molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) structures generated by folding single-layer and bilayer MoS2 flakes. We find that this modified layer stacking leads to a decrease in the interlayer coupling and an enhancement of the photoluminescence emission yield. We additionally find that folded single-layer MoS2 structures show a contribution to photoluminescence spectra of both neutral and charged excitons, which is a characteristic feature of single-layer MoS2 that has not been observed in multilayer MoS2. The results presented here open the door to fabrication of multilayered MoS2 samples with high optical absorption while maintaining the advantageous enhanced photoluminescence emission of single-layer MoS2 by controllably twisting the MoS2 layers. 展开更多
关键词 molybdenum disulfide(MoS2) folded MoS2 twisted MoS2 interlayer coupling Raman spectroscopy PHOTOLUMINESCENCE
The dynamical contact order:Protein folding rate parameters based on quantum conformational transitions 被引量:7
作者 ZHANG Ying LUO LiaoFu 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS 2011年第4期386-392,共7页
Protein folding is regarded as a quantum transition between the torsion states of a polypeptide chain.According to the quantum theory of conformational dynamics,we propose the dynamical contact order(DCO) defined as a... Protein folding is regarded as a quantum transition between the torsion states of a polypeptide chain.According to the quantum theory of conformational dynamics,we propose the dynamical contact order(DCO) defined as a characteristic of the contact described by the moment of inertia and the torsion potential energy of the polypeptide chain between contact residues.Conse-quently,the protein folding rate can be quantitatively studied from the point of view of dynamics.By comparing theoretical calculations and experimental data on the folding rate of 80 proteins,we successfully validate the view that protein folding is a quantum conformational transition.We conclude that(i) a correlation between the protein folding rate and the contact inertial moment exists;(ii) multi-state protein folding can be regarded as a quantum conformational transition similar to that of two-state proteins but with an intermediate delay.We have estimated the order of magnitude of the time delay;(iii) folding can be classified into two types,exergonic and endergonic.Most of the two-state proteins with higher folding rate are exergonic and most of the multi-state proteins with low folding rate are endergonic.The folding speed limit is determined by exergonic folding. 展开更多
关键词 moment of inertia dynamical contact order (DCO) protein folding rate
Mesh parameterization based on edge collapse
作者 Jiang QIAN Xiu-zi YE +1 位作者 Cui-hao FANG San-yuan ZHANG 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2009年第8期1153-1159,共7页
Parameterizations that use mesh simplification to build the base domain always adopt the vertex removal scheme.This paper applies edge collapse to constructing the base domain instead.After inducing the parameterizati... Parameterizations that use mesh simplification to build the base domain always adopt the vertex removal scheme.This paper applies edge collapse to constructing the base domain instead.After inducing the parameterization of the original mesh over the base domain,new algorithms map the new vertices in the simplified mesh back to the original one according to the edge transition sequence to integrate the parameterization.We present a direct way,namely edge classification,to deduce the sequence.Experimental results show that the new parameterization features considerable saving in computing complexity and maintains smoothness. 展开更多
关键词 Edge collapse Vertex removal MAPPING Edge classification
Tightening up the structure, lighting up the pathway:application of molecular constraints and light to manipulate protein folding, self-assembly and function
作者 MARKIEWICZ Beatrice N. CULIK Robert M. GAI Feng 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第12期1615-1624,共10页
Chemical cross-linking provides an effective avenue to reduce the conformational entropy of polypeptide chains and hence has become a popular method to induce or force structural formation in peptides and proteins.Rec... Chemical cross-linking provides an effective avenue to reduce the conformational entropy of polypeptide chains and hence has become a popular method to induce or force structural formation in peptides and proteins.Recently,other types of molecular constraints,especially photoresponsive linkers and functional groups,have also found increased use in a wide variety of applications.Herein,we provide a concise review of using various forms of molecular strategies to constrain proteins,thereby stabilizing their native states,gaining insight into their folding mechanisms,and/or providing a handle to trigger a conformational process of interest with light.The applications discussed here cover a wide range of topics,ranging from delineating the details of the protein folding energy landscape to controlling protein assembly and function. 展开更多
关键词 protein folding aggregation SELF-ASSEMBLY CROSS-LINKER phototrigger light-activation
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