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正确应用和解读个人信用报告的问题与建议 被引量:1
作者 娄荣民 董宝茹 《上海金融》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第1期90-91,共2页
在实践中如何正确应用和解读个人信用报告在异议处理中是十分棘手的问题。本文针对这一问题,从落实科学发展观的高度出发,认为解读并应用信用报告的核心原则是"以人为本",全面贯彻科学性、全面性、公正性和客观性等项原则,以... 在实践中如何正确应用和解读个人信用报告在异议处理中是十分棘手的问题。本文针对这一问题,从落实科学发展观的高度出发,认为解读并应用信用报告的核心原则是"以人为本",全面贯彻科学性、全面性、公正性和客观性等项原则,以上述原则为指引,指导商业银行正确解读和应用信用报告,制订更加科学的信贷审批制度和更加人性化的金融服务措施。 展开更多
关键词 个人 报告
以个人征信报告为切入点 建立居民信用体系 被引量:4
作者 章政 《征信》 2015年第6期1-2,共2页
关键词 用体系 报告 个人征
医院化验报告短信传送系统 被引量:4
作者 王慧 田力平 《医学信息(医学与计算机应用)》 2003年第10期556-557,共2页
医院化验报告短信传送系统是通过互联网 ,利用中国移动、中国联通、中国电信现有的短信通讯平台为基础 ,与中国移动、中国联通、中国电信的网关在互联网上进行信息交换 ,将患者的化验报告上传到网关 ,然后转发到患者手术上。实现了在第... 医院化验报告短信传送系统是通过互联网 ,利用中国移动、中国联通、中国电信现有的短信通讯平台为基础 ,与中国移动、中国联通、中国电信的网关在互联网上进行信息交换 ,将患者的化验报告上传到网关 ,然后转发到患者手术上。实现了在第一时间通知患者 ,这是一种全新的变革与尝试 ,也是为患者提供更快捷、更方便、更人性化服务的有效途径。同时为其他短信内容提供商开辟了一条廉价、高效、简便、易行的短信交换新思路 。 展开更多
关键词 医院化验报告传送系统 息发送 化验报告 医院息系统 息交换 人性化服务
危急值短信报告系统的设计与实现 被引量:4
作者 杨志海 《医疗卫生装备》 CAS 2017年第12期48-50,54,共4页
目的:设计一种涵盖医院现有检查、检验系统的危急值短信报告系统,对已有的危急值报告方式进行补充。方法:系统采用Delphi编程语言和MS SQL Server数据库进行设计。通过在各系统的数据库内建立统一格式的危急值数据视图,利用导入程序定... 目的:设计一种涵盖医院现有检查、检验系统的危急值短信报告系统,对已有的危急值报告方式进行补充。方法:系统采用Delphi编程语言和MS SQL Server数据库进行设计。通过在各系统的数据库内建立统一格式的危急值数据视图,利用导入程序定时将数据保存到短信报告系统的数据库中,短信发送程序定时从数据库中查询未发送的危急值信息,调用DLL函数对短信收发器进行控制,实现短信发送。结果:该系统实现了对患者各项危急值结果的短信报告,使医生尽快并正确地掌握了患者的危急值信息,有效减轻了医护人员的工作负担。结论:该系统更加全面地覆盖了医生的工作环境,提高了医技人员工作的效率和质量,同时为管理部门对危急值的管理提供了数据依据,具有实际应用价值。 展开更多
关键词 危急值短报告系统 Delphi编程语言 数据视图 医院息系统
个人征信报告中信息不符问题的调查与思考 被引量:1
作者 仇永超 万艳宏 《征信》 2016年第3期44-46,共3页
征信报告中存在的与实际不符现象,歪曲征信客户信用状况,降低征信报告质量,影响授信工作开展,甚至会引起信用风险。通过征信服务窗口对征信查询客户进行调查,分析征信报告中出现的不相符现象及其原因,认为应加强各金融机构对金融消费者... 征信报告中存在的与实际不符现象,歪曲征信客户信用状况,降低征信报告质量,影响授信工作开展,甚至会引起信用风险。通过征信服务窗口对征信查询客户进行调查,分析征信报告中出现的不相符现象及其原因,认为应加强各金融机构对金融消费者信用信息质量的自查与核对工作,建立健全基层内控制度,积极推进社会信用体系建设,提高身份识别等防欺诈甄别技术的创新和改进等,以促进征信报告质量的进一步提高。 展开更多
关键词 个人征报告 管理 个人用记录
关于征信报告造假的法律问题研究 被引量:1
作者 王翰卿 《金融经济》 2019年第10期131-132,共2页
随着我国市场经济和征信行业的快速发展,征信报告在经济活动和社会活动中的作用越来越重要。与此同时,也出现了征信报告造假这一亟待规制的社会现象。本文通过对征信报告造假这一行为可能涉及到的民法、刑法与行政法相关法律问题的分析... 随着我国市场经济和征信行业的快速发展,征信报告在经济活动和社会活动中的作用越来越重要。与此同时,也出现了征信报告造假这一亟待规制的社会现象。本文通过对征信报告造假这一行为可能涉及到的民法、刑法与行政法相关法律问题的分析与梳理,提出规制征信报告造假这一行为的相关建议。 展开更多
关键词 报告 造假 法律问题
作者 王咏梅 《黑龙江金融》 2022年第2期34-36,共3页
员工异常情况是员工管理风险的主要诱因。鉴于经济金融异常情况在员工异常情况中占比较大,各级银行管理部门将对经济金融异常情况的监督列为管控工作重点。但缺少有效监督手段的事实,严重制约了员工异常情况管控成效。现就如何有效突破... 员工异常情况是员工管理风险的主要诱因。鉴于经济金融异常情况在员工异常情况中占比较大,各级银行管理部门将对经济金融异常情况的监督列为管控工作重点。但缺少有效监督手段的事实,严重制约了员工异常情况管控成效。现就如何有效突破对员工经济金融异常情况监督瓶颈做如下分析。 展开更多
关键词 个人征报告 异常行为 监督管理
融合双区块链的征信数据存储和查询方案 被引量:4
作者 刘发升 孙起玄 李江华 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第2期123-128,共6页
征信数据涉及个人的高度隐私,在收集和查询的过程中极易泄露或者收集到不真实的数据,征信数据的泄露会给被泄露人带来名誉损害和财产威胁等严重影响,为减少征信数据采集时用户隐私泄露、信息不对称、易篡改、易伪造和过中心化等问题,提... 征信数据涉及个人的高度隐私,在收集和查询的过程中极易泄露或者收集到不真实的数据,征信数据的泄露会给被泄露人带来名誉损害和财产威胁等严重影响,为减少征信数据采集时用户隐私泄露、信息不对称、易篡改、易伪造和过中心化等问题,提出了一种融合双区块链的征信数据存储和查询方案,该方案由两条链组成,一条链用于存储多人的实时征信数据收集,另一条链用于存储个人的征信报告,融合双区块链的方案不仅能保证征信机构实时征信数据的收集记录,而且能够快速自动生成个人的征信报告,避免了个人征信数据在征信查询过程中的隐私泄露、篡改和伪造风险,从链结构、隐私保护性、数据完整性、可篡改性、可信中心、及时性和数据冗余性等七个方面定性论证了该模型的优点,能有效地提升征信数据的存储和查询的安全性和便利性。 展开更多
关键词 双区块链 数据 报告 隐私保护
区块链技术在个人征信领域的应用探索 被引量:9
作者 刘颖 张馨元 马小林 《征信》 北大核心 2021年第9期51-57,共7页
区块链技术起源于比特币,基于其去中心化、开放性、安全性、匿名性的特点,区块链已经受到各行各业的广泛关注。近年来,随着互联网、大数据技术的发展,个人征信报告泄露事件频出,如何应用区块链技术加强征信安全管理值得探究。利用区块... 区块链技术起源于比特币,基于其去中心化、开放性、安全性、匿名性的特点,区块链已经受到各行各业的广泛关注。近年来,随着互联网、大数据技术的发展,个人征信报告泄露事件频出,如何应用区块链技术加强征信安全管理值得探究。利用区块链技术的去中心化等特点,尝试探索在去中心化的情况下,将区块链技术应用于个人征信中身份信息识别、信贷账户信息管理、公共记录信息存储等模块,由个人和贷款机构掌握数据访问权,强化数据信息安全。 展开更多
关键词 区块链 个人征 去中心化 报告 智能合约 非对称密码学
P2P网络借贷市场信用风险识别 被引量:5
作者 蒋先玲 张庆波 程健 《中国流通经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第4期67-75,共9页
近年来,P2P网络借贷市场成为我国金融领域的重灾区,各类问题层出不穷,不仅损害了投资者利益,而且严重扰乱了我国的金融秩序,深入研究P2P网络借贷市场存在的问题具有重要现实意义。P2P网络借贷市场是信息不对称最为严重的市场之一,对借... 近年来,P2P网络借贷市场成为我国金融领域的重灾区,各类问题层出不穷,不仅损害了投资者利益,而且严重扰乱了我国的金融秩序,深入研究P2P网络借贷市场存在的问题具有重要现实意义。P2P网络借贷市场是信息不对称最为严重的市场之一,对借款人信用风险进行识别是P2P网络借贷的关键环节。根据信用风险定价理论,借贷利率应该充分反映违约风险,通过检验借贷利率与违约风险之间的关系可以验证借贷市场信用风险识别机制的有效性。基于“人人贷”平台公开的历史交易数据对P2P网络借贷市场的信用风险识别问题进行实证研究,结果表明:借贷利率能部分反映借款人的信用风险,但在相同的利率水平下,其他指标与违约风险也存在显著性关系,表明相同的利率未对应相同的信用风险,平台的信用风险识别机制部分有效。进一步研究表明,在缺乏成熟、易用的个人征信产品的情况下,无论借款人、P2P平台,还是投资者,对信用风险影响因素的判断与实际情况都存在一定的偏差,工作经验丰富的借款人付出了过高的借贷成本,平台在判断收入对信用风险的影响方面出现了偏差,投资者则忽视了借款人学历的价值。建议打破个人征信数据壁垒,丰富个人征信产品,保护居民信用数据安全,以保障借贷市场的持续发展。 展开更多
关键词 P2P网络借贷 用风险 个人征报告
个人征信信息主体权益保护探讨 被引量:3
作者 杨峙林 《征信》 北大核心 2014年第10期58-60,共3页
随着个人征信的广泛应用,相关的维权投诉事件不断增多。从基层人民银行查询个人信用报告的实际案例出发,以法律层面所涉及的征信信息主体享有的控制权、知情权、异议权和救济权为视角,分析我国个人征信信息主体权益保护存在的突出问题... 随着个人征信的广泛应用,相关的维权投诉事件不断增多。从基层人民银行查询个人信用报告的实际案例出发,以法律层面所涉及的征信信息主体享有的控制权、知情权、异议权和救济权为视角,分析我国个人征信信息主体权益保护存在的突出问题及其原因,探讨建立保护个人征信信息主体权益的有效途径。 展开更多
关键词 个人征:报告 权益保护
基于金融消费者权益的个人征信信息保护机制探析——以A银行为例 被引量:5
作者 王军富 孙小顺 窦海波 《征信》 北大核心 2018年第7期31-35,共5页
加强个人征信信息保护,健全征信业务内控管理机制,是目前商业银行做好金融消费者权益保护工作的重要途径。以A银行为例,通过对其个人征信管理基本情况、存在问题及原因进行分析,提出完善自身征信管理机制、提高消费者权益保护成效的针... 加强个人征信信息保护,健全征信业务内控管理机制,是目前商业银行做好金融消费者权益保护工作的重要途径。以A银行为例,通过对其个人征信管理基本情况、存在问题及原因进行分析,提出完善自身征信管理机制、提高消费者权益保护成效的针对性建议。 展开更多
关键词 消费者权益 个人征报告 应用 息保护
OCR文字识别在人行征信查询服务中的应用探析 被引量:2
作者 贺小琳 《金融科技时代》 2023年第1期60-64,共5页
随着金融信用信息基础数据库的社会关注度不断提高,征信报告查询量呈快速上升趋势,目前人民银行征信报告查询服务主要依赖人工审核查询申请资料,存在服务效率较低、错误率高以及信息泄露等风险。为提升人民银行征信服务效率、提高社会... 随着金融信用信息基础数据库的社会关注度不断提高,征信报告查询量呈快速上升趋势,目前人民银行征信报告查询服务主要依赖人工审核查询申请资料,存在服务效率较低、错误率高以及信息泄露等风险。为提升人民银行征信服务效率、提高社会公众满意度、强化征信信息安全,文章对基于深度学习的OCR文字识别技术在征信查询服务中的应用场景、识别算法进行研究,并设计了一种征信报告查询授权资料自动识别系统。 展开更多
关键词 OCR文字识别 汉字识别 报告查询
信用时代 大数据助力征信服务
《数据》 2019年第7期62-63,共2页
关键词 企业征 个人征 大数据 陈雨露 服务 用时代 挑女婿 报告
Financial Statements of Banks as a Source of Information About Implementation of IFRS 15: The Evidence from Poland 被引量:1
作者 Kinga Bauer Giovanna Centorrino 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2017年第6期235-248,共14页
Banks in the economies of individual countries play the role of entities of public trust and are perceived as "too big to fail". In fact, they are exposed to risks associated with business operations. In practice, t... Banks in the economies of individual countries play the role of entities of public trust and are perceived as "too big to fail". In fact, they are exposed to risks associated with business operations. In practice, there are even instances of banks going bankrupt. Therefore, the reliability of the financial statements of a bank as a source of information about its financial condition is of particular importance. The main objective of creating IAS/IFRS and their implementation within the European Union is the strive to standardize accounting rules utilized by companies and other organizations. IFRS, as any other regulations, are subject to change over years. One of the recent changes is the introduction of IFRS 15 "Revenue from Contracts with Customers". In all entities using IAS/IFRS, communication of planned changes should involve disclosure ahead of time, regarding the analysis of their impact on the financial statements. The purpose of this paper has been to analyze whether the financial statements of banks contain any records on the impact of IFRS 15. These analyses are within the mainstream of studying how complete and prospective is the information contained in the financial statements for external users. The subjects for research are the consolidated financial statements of five major banks in Poland. As a result of research, it was found that in all studied cases, work on the implementation of IFRS 15 was observed. However, looking at every bank separately, a differentiated approach to presenting information on the standard is observed, which may be a hindrance for users of banks' financial statements. 展开更多
关键词 BANK financial statement International Financial Reporting Standards IFRS 15 Poland
A Comparative Analysis of Disclosures in Annual Reports 被引量:2
作者 Ebru Esendemirli 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2014年第4期414-424,共11页
Public companies issue periodic annual reports to give information about the past financial and operational results while presenting the future strategies. Companies release non-financial information concerned with co... Public companies issue periodic annual reports to give information about the past financial and operational results while presenting the future strategies. Companies release non-financial information concerned with corporate sustainability issues like market share, customer loyalty, supply chain management, corporate governance, and human resources in annual reports as well as the audited financial reports. Annual reports, one of the important instruments of transparency and disclosure, are widely used by shareholders and stakeholders. Recent laws and regulations in the US, European Union, and Turkey require enhanced disclosures in annual reports. In the first part of this study, a comparative regulatory framework for annual reports will be established under the Sarbanes Oxley Act (SOX), the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filing requirements, the New Turkish Commercial Code, and regulations of Capital Markets Board (CMB) of Turkey. In the second part of this study, annual reports of four sample companies listed in the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and Corporate Governance Index of Borsa Istanbul will be discussed in the light of disclosure requirements of Form 20-F. Findings of this study support the hypothesis which states that regulatory environment has a positive impact on the quantity and quality of disclosures. Attention is drawn to the need for global standardization to reduce the reporting variances and the need for independent audit of annual reports to increase the reliability. 展开更多
关键词 annual reports disclosure requirements REGULATIONS
Annual Reports of Non-profit Organizations (NPOs): An Analysis 被引量:4
作者 Saunah Zainon Marshita Hashim Nadzira Yahaya Ruhaya Atan 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2013年第2期183-192,共10页
Non-profit organizations (NPOs) in Malaysia are not subjected to statutory requirement to follow the accounting standards when preparing their annual reports. This study analyzed the annual reports of 100 NPOs regis... Non-profit organizations (NPOs) in Malaysia are not subjected to statutory requirement to follow the accounting standards when preparing their annual reports. This study analyzed the annual reports of 100 NPOs registered with the Registry of Society (ROS) under the charity and religious categories. The objectives of this study are: (1) to determine the current state of reporting practices by NPOs; and (2) to describe the contents of a set of annual reports and the financial statement presentation of NPOs. This study found that there were variations in reporting practices among the charity and religious categories of NPOs. On average, the results show that NPOs do not focus on the disclosing information required by the ROS, the governing body of NPOs. This indicates that the regulators need to strongly practice enforcement to strengthen the compliance of the annual reports submission. Overall, the findings of this study provide useful information to regulators as a basis for preparing and presenting NPOs' annual report framework in the future. 展开更多
关键词 annual reports CHARITY non-profit organizations (NPOs) RELIGIOUS
Loan Loss Provisioning Practices
作者 Mohd Yaziz Mohd Isa Yap Voon Choong David Yong Gun Fie 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2013年第6期814-822,共9页
The purpose of this paper is to come up with factors in loan loss provisioning practices on commercial banks that reflect on collectability of defaulted loans. The need for this research is due to failures in the loan... The purpose of this paper is to come up with factors in loan loss provisioning practices on commercial banks that reflect on collectability of defaulted loans. The need for this research is due to failures in the loan loss provisioning practices which resulted in loan loss provisions (LLP) not reflecting on collectability of the defaulted loans. As a consequence, the banks do not capture their loss expectations and do not continuously reassess their loss expectations as the conditions affecting their borrowers may change. Henceforth, in their financial reporting, the banks do not represent relevantly and faithfully their true underlying credit risks conditions. When the banks do not represent relevantly and faithfully their true underlying risk conditions, they contradict the objectives of useful financial reporting. The results showed that among explanatory variables, bad debt recoveries as a factor in loan loss provisioning practices that reflect on collectability of defaulted loans was rejected. Bad debt recoveries was a biased variable and inconsistent estimator. In context of perceived credit risks as the basis to make credit judgments, an estimate of bad debt recoveries had not fulfilled the criteria. On the other hand, non-performing loans (NPL) as a factor in loan loss provisioning practices was not rejected. 展开更多
关键词 loan loss provisioning practices commercial banks non-performing loans (NPL) estimated bad debt recoveries defaulted loans
Surgical management of non-parasitic hepatic cyst with biliary communication: a case report 被引量:1
作者 Wei Cui Hong-Yuan Zhou +2 位作者 Yan-Hui Zhang Ti Zhang Qiang Li 《Cancer Biology & Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第2期110-113,共4页
Non-parasitic hepatic cysts with biliary communication are rare. qhe clinical symptoms involved are not specific to this condition, thereby making diagnosis difficult and treatment controversial. Here, we report a cas... Non-parasitic hepatic cysts with biliary communication are rare. qhe clinical symptoms involved are not specific to this condition, thereby making diagnosis difficult and treatment controversial. Here, we report a case of 70-year-old woman complaining of abdominal satiety, combined with non-specific pain in the right upper quadrant, qhe abdominal contrast-enhanced MR.I-scan revealed a large and thick-walled septus cystic lesion in the liver. During operation, the biliary fistula was confirmed in the cyst cavity. A silica gel tube was inserted via the cystic duct for cholangiography, which demonstrated communication between the cyst and biliary tract. We performed wide-scale cyst wall resection; the biliary fistula was completely repaired by the closure of communicated bile ducts. The postoperative course was uneventful, and the patient was discharged with no sign ofcholangitis or any other symptoms. The novel surgical management via wide resection of the cyst wall and closure of biliary communication proved to be an adequate and effective procedure for treating nonparasitic hepatic cysts with biliary communication. 展开更多
关键词 Hepatic cyst biliary communication surgical management
The Extent of Voluntary Information in the Annual Report and the Share Price Volatility: Application of DEA and SFA on the French Market 被引量:2
作者 Amal Hamrouni, Hermann Ratsimbanier 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2012年第7期951-966,共16页
In the current paper, the authors investigate empirically the relationship between the share price volatility and the amount of voluntary information disclosed in the corporate annual report. The authors use the data ... In the current paper, the authors investigate empirically the relationship between the share price volatility and the amount of voluntary information disclosed in the corporate annual report. The authors use the data envelopment analysis (DEA) and the stochastic frontier analysis (SFA) models on a sample of 50 listed French firms belonging to the Soci6t6s des Bourses Fran^aises (SBF250) index from 2004 to 2008. The authors focus on the extent of voluntary disclosure in the annual reports that have been measure by using a composite disclosure index. Then, the authors study the relevance of disclosure policies through the ability of the voluntary disclosure level to effectively reduce the share price volatility. The findings of DEA and SFA provide, in average, highly efficient scores of the sample, reveal the several dispositions taken by the French Exchange Market authorities and the initiative of French firms to improve the market stability. In addition, the findings highlight, in average, stability of the firms' efficiency scores over the studied period. The authors explain these findings by the stability of corporate disclosure policy as suggested in previous literature (e.g., Botosan, 1997). However, there are some differences between the findings of SFA and DEA models. 展开更多
关键词 share price volatility corporate disclosure voluntary information stochastic frontier efficiency dataenvelopment approach
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