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宋代市舶香药的抽解与博买 被引量:3
作者 夏时华 《云南社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第5期172-177,共6页
抽解和博买是宋代市舶司的主要职责之一,也是政府对香药禁榷经营的一个重要环节。宋代不同时期市舶香药抽解博买比例变化起伏较大,反映了政府与海商双方在香药贸易利益问题上的博弈,然而正是这一博弈促使市舶香药抽解博买比例在大多数... 抽解和博买是宋代市舶司的主要职责之一,也是政府对香药禁榷经营的一个重要环节。宋代不同时期市舶香药抽解博买比例变化起伏较大,反映了政府与海商双方在香药贸易利益问题上的博弈,然而正是这一博弈促使市舶香药抽解博买比例在大多数情况下趋于合理,从而有利于当时海外香药贸易持续繁盛。为照应社会不同层次消费群体的需要,宋代市舶司在抽解博买时往往同时兼收细色、粗色香药。在财政困窘的背景下,宋代政府一方面多方筹措市舶香药博买本钱,另一方面采取一系列举措加强对市舶香药抽解博买这一环节的有效管理,以确保其能正常进行并增加政府的收入。 展开更多
关键词 宋代 市舶香药 抽解 博买
宋代市舶关税的抽解制度及其经济地位 被引量:2
作者 王兴文 《经济师》 北大核心 2004年第3期294-295,共2页
市舶制度创始于唐 ,经历宋元明三代 ,历时千余年。宋代在唐代的基础上 ,制度渐趋完备。过去人们一直认为宋代的市舶关税与其他朝代一样 ,在国家财政收入中并不重要 ,在国家经济生活中处于次要地位。文章认为由于宋代特殊的国情———一... 市舶制度创始于唐 ,经历宋元明三代 ,历时千余年。宋代在唐代的基础上 ,制度渐趋完备。过去人们一直认为宋代的市舶关税与其他朝代一样 ,在国家财政收入中并不重要 ,在国家经济生活中处于次要地位。文章认为由于宋代特殊的国情———一方面积贫积弱 ,一方面商品经济发达 。 展开更多
关键词 宋代 市舶制度 市舶关税 抽解制度 税率
简析宋朝《市舶条法》的基本范畴 被引量:2
作者 任满军 《盐城师范学院学报(人文社会科学版)》 2006年第2期23-27,共5页
宋朝的《市舶条法》是世界上最早的成文海商法,它系统地规定了海外贸易的主管机关、贸易主体、出入境管理、经营许可证以及外商保护制度等内容,它构建了古代海商法的基本框架。由于该法律条文早已佚失,故本文通过对史料记载中所发现的... 宋朝的《市舶条法》是世界上最早的成文海商法,它系统地规定了海外贸易的主管机关、贸易主体、出入境管理、经营许可证以及外商保护制度等内容,它构建了古代海商法的基本框架。由于该法律条文早已佚失,故本文通过对史料记载中所发现的相关概念进行分析,试图系统地阐述宋朝市舶制度的基本内容。 展开更多
关键词 市舶条法 市舶司 舶商 公凭 抽解
Embodied Meaning in Comprehending Abstract Chinese Counterfactuals
作者 Xueyan LI Yahui ZHAO +1 位作者 Huili WANG Xue ZHANG 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2024年第3期414-432,524,共20页
Embodied cognition theories propose that language comprehension triggers a sensorimotor system in the brain.However,most previous research has paid much attention to concrete and factual sentences,and little emphasis ... Embodied cognition theories propose that language comprehension triggers a sensorimotor system in the brain.However,most previous research has paid much attention to concrete and factual sentences,and little emphasis has been put on the research of abstract and counterfactual sentences.The primary challenges for embodied theories lie in elucidating the meanings of abstract and counterfactual sentences.The most prevalent explanation is that abstract and counterfactual sentences are grounded in the activation of a sensorimotor system,in exactly the same way as concrete and factual ones.The present research employed a dual-task experimental paradigm to investigate whether the embodied meaning is activated in comprehending action-related abstract Chinese counterfactual sentences through the presence or absence of action-sentence compatibility effect(ACE).Participants were instructed to read and listen to the action-related abstract Chinese factual or counterfactual sentences describing an abstract transfer word towards or away from them,and then move their fingers towards or away from them to press the buttons in the same direction as the motion cue of the transfer verb.The action-sentence compatibility effect was observed in both abstract factual and counterfactual sentences,in line with the embodied cognition theories,which indicated that the embodied meanings were activated in both action-related abstract factuals and counterfactuals. 展开更多
关键词 action-sentence compatibility effect EMBODIMENT ABSTRACT COUNTERFACTUALS language comprehension
宋代竹木税述略 被引量:1
作者 屈斌 《保定学院学报》 2013年第6期64-68,共5页
竹木税是宋代政府对竹、木贩运所征通过之税,是宋代重要的商业税种之一。竹木税肇始于唐代。不过,与唐代不同,宋代竹木税的征收呈现出了专门化、规范化和制度化等新特点,如出现了专门的税收机构,明确了征税方式和税率以及规范了税收管... 竹木税是宋代政府对竹、木贩运所征通过之税,是宋代重要的商业税种之一。竹木税肇始于唐代。不过,与唐代不同,宋代竹木税的征收呈现出了专门化、规范化和制度化等新特点,如出现了专门的税收机构,明确了征税方式和税率以及规范了税收管理等。竹木务(场)、商税院、市舶司是宋代主要的竹木税收机构,分别负责水路、陆路以及海外贸易中竹木税的征收。抽解和征收货币是竹木税征收的主要方式。在特殊情况下,政府还会选择蠲免部分竹木税。对于竹木税征收过程中遇到的各种问题,政府采取积极有效措施进行整顿,从而保证了竹木税的正常征收。 展开更多
关键词 竹木税 竹木务 抽解 蠲免 匿税
碳四烃的综合利用研究 被引量:36
作者 李涛 柏基业 姚小利 《石油化工》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第11期1245-1252,共8页
分析了C_4烃的来源、组成、分离技术和加工利用途径,探讨了目前国内C_4烃的加工利用流程,针对炼化装置副产的异丁烷和催化裂化C_4烃,提出建设直接烷基化油装置加以利用;对裂解C_4抽余液的加工利用问题进行了多方案对比,提出建设甲基叔... 分析了C_4烃的来源、组成、分离技术和加工利用途径,探讨了目前国内C_4烃的加工利用流程,针对炼化装置副产的异丁烷和催化裂化C_4烃,提出建设直接烷基化油装置加以利用;对裂解C_4抽余液的加工利用问题进行了多方案对比,提出建设甲基叔丁基醚(MTBE)裂解制纯异丁烯装置,发展以纯异丁烯为主的下游产品;或将原有MTBE装置进行部分改造,增加加氢单元,采用间接烷基化工艺改产高辛烷值的异辛烷烷基化油。 展开更多
关键词 碳四烃 异丁烯 异丁烷 C_4余液 综合利用
作者 蔡宗骥 《中国经贸》 2018年第4期32-34,共3页
关键词 北宋 海上贸易 政策 抽解 禁榷 博买 番商 朝贡
作者 王申 《隋唐辽宋金元史论丛》 2023年第1期215-219,共5页
泉州市舶司遺址出土多塊“市舶亭”文字磚,其上文字可復原、補全爲“監造市舶亭蒲壽庚”。考古工作者未能明確泉州市舶司市舶亭的具體建築功能。對比宋元時期廣州、明州市舶亭可知,泉州市舶亭應是市舶司設置於城外入城水道上的“檢查點... 泉州市舶司遺址出土多塊“市舶亭”文字磚,其上文字可復原、補全爲“監造市舶亭蒲壽庚”。考古工作者未能明確泉州市舶司市舶亭的具體建築功能。對比宋元時期廣州、明州市舶亭可知,泉州市舶亭應是市舶司設置於城外入城水道上的“檢查點”,主要承擔檢查客舟的政務工作,也可能同時具有“抽解”等徵税職能,並非因觀賞功能而興建。而泉州市舶司内的清芬亭則是一座觀賞亭。由此可知,泉州市舶司所建亭的建築功能未必相同,至少分爲辦公和觀賞兩類。 展开更多
关键词 泉州 市舶司 市舶亭 抽解
作者 岑东 吕建新 +2 位作者 裴仁治 刘东海 张顺 《检验医学教育》 2003年第3期38-42,共5页
目的:构建实时荧光定量PCR标准品以定量检测人肝细胞生长因子mRNA的表达。方法:以Trizol裂解抽提法提取新鲜肝组织总RNA。以RT-PCR法制备HGF cDNA目的片段并进行扩增;以A—T载体克隆法将纯化的目的片段与pGEM—T Easy Vector连接成重组... 目的:构建实时荧光定量PCR标准品以定量检测人肝细胞生长因子mRNA的表达。方法:以Trizol裂解抽提法提取新鲜肝组织总RNA。以RT-PCR法制备HGF cDNA目的片段并进行扩增;以A—T载体克隆法将纯化的目的片段与pGEM—T Easy Vector连接成重组质粒并转化E. coli DH5_α。采用碱裂解法提取重组质粒,联合用直接PCR、α互补法和氨苄青霉素筛选法、EcoR Ⅰ限制性酶切和序列分析法鉴定其特异性。用聚乙二醇沉淀法纯化质粒并检测λ260nm吸光度,确定原液的重组质粒拷贝浓度并以此制备FQ—PCR梯度浓度标准品。结果:HGF cDNA目的片段成功制备并获得稳定的重组质粒,保持了目的片段的特异性和序列完整性。结论:成功构建了实时荧光PCR定量标准。 展开更多
关键词 实时荧光定量PCR标准品 人肝细胞生长因子 MRNA表达 Trizol裂提法 RT-PCR法 A-T载体克隆法 碱裂
Subspaces for weak mild solutions of the second order abstract differential equation
作者 王梅英 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2007年第2期313-316,共4页
The topic on the subspaces for the polynomially or exponentially bounded weak mild solutions of the following abstract Cauchy problem d^2/(dr^2)u(t,x)=Au(t,x);u(0,x)=x,d/(dt)u(0,x)=0,x∈X is studied, wher... The topic on the subspaces for the polynomially or exponentially bounded weak mild solutions of the following abstract Cauchy problem d^2/(dr^2)u(t,x)=Au(t,x);u(0,x)=x,d/(dt)u(0,x)=0,x∈X is studied, where A is a closed operator on Banach space X. The case that the problem is ill-posed is treated, and two subspaces Y(A, k) and H(A, ω) are introduced. Y(A, k) is the set of all x in X for which the second order abstract differential equation has a weak mild solution v( t, x) such that ess sup{(1+t)^-k|d/(dt)〈v(t,x),x^*〉|:t≥0,x^*∈X^*,|x^*‖≤1}〈+∞. H(A, ω) is the set of all x in X for which the second order abstract differential equation has a weak mild solution v(t,x)such that ess sup{e^-ωl|d/(dt)〈v(t,x),x^*)|:t≥0,x^*∈X^*,‖x^*‖≤1}〈+∞. The following conclusions are proved that Y(A, k) and H(A, ω) are Banach spaces, and both are continuously embedded in X; the restriction operator A | Y(A,k) generates a once-integrated cosine operator family { C(t) }t≥0 such that limh→0+^-1/h‖C(t+h)-C(t)‖Y(A,k)≤M(1+t)^k,arbitary t≥0; the restriction operator A |H(A,ω) generates a once- integrated cosine operator family {C(t)}t≥0 such that limh→0+^-1/h‖C(t+h)-C(t)‖H(A,ω)≤≤Me^ωt,arbitary t≥0. 展开更多
关键词 second order abstract differential equation polynomially bounded solution cosine operator function
Critical Human Rights and Liberal Legality: Struggling for "The Right to Have Communal Rights"
作者 Roger Merino Acuna 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2013年第3期246-261,共16页
Recent critical approaches on human rights have exalted the potentiality of this category for seeking progressive agendas (Santos 2007) insofar as they are enacted within counter-hegemonic cognitive frames (Rajagop... Recent critical approaches on human rights have exalted the potentiality of this category for seeking progressive agendas (Santos 2007) insofar as they are enacted within counter-hegemonic cognitive frames (Rajagopal 2006) towards the construction of "subaltern human rights" (Onazi 2009). Others,. however, have pointed out that the human rights institutional and political hegemony makes other valuable emancipatory strategies less available, and that this foregrounds problems of participation and procedure at the expense of distribution (Kennedy 2005). Finally, others have explained how the abstractedness of the category entails a de-politicization (Rancière 2004; Zizek 2005; Douzinas 2007) or an emptiness that, of course, can be filled by progressive activism, but whose substance is easily reappropriated by those in power (Miéville 2005). By engaging with the above-mentioned perspectives, and following the decolonial approach (Mignolo 2009; 2011), I suggest that the category human rights can be decolonized and being used for progressive agendas only after a comprehensive critique of liberal legality (that entails a critique of liberal abstract rationality, political economy, and modernity/coloniality) has been performed. 展开更多
关键词 critical human rights modernity LIBERALISM decoloniality
Potential-Decomposition Strategy in Markov Chain Monte Carlo Sampling Algorithms
作者 上官丹骅 包景东 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第11期854-856,共3页
We introduce the potential-decomposition strategy (PDS), which can be used in Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling algorithms. PDS can be designed to make particles move in a modified potential that favors diffusion in... We introduce the potential-decomposition strategy (PDS), which can be used in Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling algorithms. PDS can be designed to make particles move in a modified potential that favors diffusion in phase space, then, by rejecting some trial samples, the target distributions can be sampled in an unbiased manner. Furthermore, if the accepted trial samples are insumcient, they can be recycled as initial states to form more unbiased samples. This strategy can greatly improve efficiency when the original potential has multiple metastable states separated by large barriers. We apply PDS to the 2d Ising model and a double-well potential model with a large barrier, demonstrating in these two representative examples that convergence is accelerated by orders of magnitude. 展开更多
关键词 potential-decomposition strategy Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling algorithms
Decomposition behavior of CaSO_4 during potassium extraction from a potash feldspar-CaSO_4 binary system by calcination 被引量:7
作者 Li Lü Chun Li +2 位作者 Guoquan Zhang Xiaowei Hu Bin Liang 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第4期838-844,共7页
The extraction of potassium from a tablet mixture of K-feldspar ore and CaSO4by roasting was studied with a focus on the effects of the decomposition behavior of CaSO4on the potassium extraction process.The roasted sl... The extraction of potassium from a tablet mixture of K-feldspar ore and CaSO4by roasting was studied with a focus on the effects of the decomposition behavior of CaSO4on the potassium extraction process.The roasted slags were characterized by X-ray diffraction(XRD),scanning electron microscopy(SEM),energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy,and thermogravimetric(TG)analysis.The XRD analysis revealed that hydrosoluble mischcrystal K2Ca2(SO4)3was obtained by ion exchange of Ca^2+ in CaSO4 and K^+ in KAlSi3O8.Meanwhile,the intermediate product,SiO2,separated from KAl Si3O8and reacted with CaSO4to decompose CaSO4.The SEM results showed that some blowholes emerged on the surface of the CaSO4particles when they reacted with SiO2at 1200℃,which indicates that SO2and O2gases were released from CaSO4.The TG curves displayed that pure CaSO4could not be decomposed below 1200℃,while the mixture of K-feldspar ore and CaSO4began to lose weight at 1000℃.The extraction rate of potassium and decomposition rate of CaSO4were 62%and 44%,respectively,at a mass ratio of CaSO4to K-feldspar ore of 3:1,temperature of 1200℃,tablet-forming pressure of6 MPa,and roasting time of 2 h.The decomposition of CaSO4reduced the potassium extraction rate;therefore,the required amount of CaSO4was more than the theoretical amount.However,excess CaSO4was also undesirable for the potassium extraction reaction because a massive amount of SO2and O2gas were derived from the decomposition of CaSO4,which provided poor contact between the reactants.The SO2released from CaSO4decomposition can be effectively recycled. 展开更多
关键词 K-feldspar Calcium sulfate Potassium extraction Calcium sulfate decomposition Roasting
Exploring the relationship of physical exercise situations, attitude and intensity with middle school students' shame
作者 Shenghua QI 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第3期1-4,共4页
In order to explore the relationship between physical exercises and the feeling of shame, 1258 Shanghai middle school students are surveyed with the help of the middle school students' shame measurement scale with th... In order to explore the relationship between physical exercises and the feeling of shame, 1258 Shanghai middle school students are surveyed with the help of the middle school students' shame measurement scale with the combination of delaminating and random sampling. The results of questionnaire show that the feeling of shame is closely related with the scene of physical exercises, the extent students like physical exercises and the intensity they take exercises, which provide methodological support for the remission of the shame of middle school students with physical exercise. 展开更多
关键词 Middle School Students SHAME Physical Exercise
On Integrated Solutions to Abstract Cauchy Problem
作者 张升海 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 1997年第2期24-28, ,共5页
Integrated semigroups which are not exponentially bounded have been studied. The integrated solutions of inhomogeneous and nonlinear abstract Caucby problems are discussed. The reults extends and improves the theorems... Integrated semigroups which are not exponentially bounded have been studied. The integrated solutions of inhomogeneous and nonlinear abstract Caucby problems are discussed. The reults extends and improves the theorems in [1]. 展开更多
关键词 integrated semigroups abstract Cauchy problems integrated solutions
Two Independent Numerical Studies Demonstrating How to Efficiently Eliminate Electrolysis Side Reactions in Magneto-Hydro-Dynamic Pumping System
作者 Adam Bouras Raoudha Chaabane Kamel Charrada Rachid Sald 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2012年第6期536-546,共11页
In this work, a numerical study for designing a new kind of MHD (Magneto-Hydrn-Dynamic) pumps is presented. This technique makes a compromise between electrolysis prevention and high flow rate performance. This tech... In this work, a numerical study for designing a new kind of MHD (Magneto-Hydrn-Dynamic) pumps is presented. This technique makes a compromise between electrolysis prevention and high flow rate performance. This technique should eliminate electrolytic bubble generation, electrodes wear and fluid propriety modification. All these side phenomena are prevented by considering isolated electrodes. The numerical presented results in this paper demonstrate that continuous MHD pumping is possible with isolated electrodes. The MHD excitation combines a high frequency altering current with a low frequency altering magnetic field. In order to validate our results, two independent theoretical methods for computing flow rate are followed. The two presented independent approaches show that high flow rate is possible even with isolated electrodes. To overcome the problem of dimensioning this kind of pumps, a generic numerical analysis is proposed. Hence, the pump performances as functions of the external parameter are studied and tools to calculate for a given fluid and the optimal high frequency regime are provided. 展开更多
关键词 Magneto-Hydro-Dynamic iorenz force high frequency regime electric line model characteristic impedance high flow rate.
The Impact of Collaborative Reading on Iranian EFL Learners Development of Reading Comprehension
作者 Esmaeil Momtaz Glareh Naji 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2012年第9期1493-1501,共9页
This research was carried out in Iranian EFL (English as a foreign language) reading comprehension classes in an attempt to answer three research questions: (1) Does collaborative reading lead to greater comprehe... This research was carried out in Iranian EFL (English as a foreign language) reading comprehension classes in an attempt to answer three research questions: (1) Does collaborative reading lead to greater comprehension of a text than private reading?; (2) If so, what strategies are used by the students during collaborative reading?; and (3) In what ways might these strategies contribute to the higher level of comprehension?. A quasi-experimental design was used to answer the first question. The participants were pre-tested and streamed into two classes of equal reading comprehension abilities. The intervention consisted of four texts of equal length, comprising two rated in a pilot study as conceptually difficult/linguistically easy, and two rated as conceptually easy/linguistically difficult. The subjects in each class were involved in reading the two types of texts collaboratively and privately for four sessions. After reading the text, the subjects were asked to answer in writing 10 comprehension questions. Collaborative reading resulted in consistently and significantly higher scores than private reading for all four texts. Qualitative methods were employed to answer the last two questions. Group interactions during collaborative reading were tape recorded and transcribed, and 10 students selected at random from the two classes were interviewed in depth. Analysis of the group interaction transcripts revealed that the participants were using five major strategies in co-constructing meaning from the texts. These strategies included brainstorming, clarifying the language, summarizing, paraphrasing, and interaction management. Other minor (i.e., infrequent) strategies were also identified, such as making PCU/NCU (positive/negative claim to understand), eliciting confirmation, and confirming. 展开更多
关键词 collaborative reading private reading EFL (English as a foreign language) reading comprehension
Artificial intelligence in drug design 被引量:15
作者 Feisheng Zhong Jing Xing +13 位作者 Xutong Li Xiaohong Liu Zunyun Fu Zhaoping Xiong Dong Lu Xiaolong Wu Jihui Zhao Xiaoqin Tan Fei Li Xiaomin Luo Zhaojun Li Kaixian Chen Mingyue Zheng Hualiang Jiang 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第10期1191-1204,共14页
Thanks to the fast improvement of the computing power and the rapid development of the computational chemistry and biology,the computer-aided drug design techniques have been successfully applied in almost every stage... Thanks to the fast improvement of the computing power and the rapid development of the computational chemistry and biology,the computer-aided drug design techniques have been successfully applied in almost every stage of the drug discovery and development pipeline to speed up the process of research and reduce the cost and risk related to preclinical and clinical trials.Owing to the development of machine learning theory and the accumulation of pharmacological data, the artificial intelligence(AI) technology, as a powerful data mining tool, has cut a figure in various fields of the drug design, such as virtual screening,activity scoring, quantitative structure-activity relationship(QSAR) analysis, de novo drug design, and in silico evaluation of absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion and toxicity(ADME/T) properties. Although it is still challenging to provide a physical explanation of the AI-based models, it indeed has been acting as a great power to help manipulating the drug discovery through the versatile frameworks. Recently, due to the strong generalization ability and powerful feature extraction capability,deep learning methods have been employed in predicting the molecular properties as well as generating the desired molecules,which will further promote the application of AI technologies in the field of drug design. 展开更多
关键词 drug design artificial intelligence deep learning QSAR ADME/T
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