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教育就是培养“完整的人”--对克里希拉穆提《一生的学习》的解读 被引量:4
作者 郑国桂 郑国凤 《铜仁学院学报》 2016年第2期101-105,共5页
克里希拉穆提是印度著名的教育家,他的著作《一生的学习》是一部影响世界的教育学名著,在书中克氏倡导"完整人"的教育观。其教育思想中的教育目标、教学内容、实施途径构成了一套系统的"完整人"培养体系。研究其&qu... 克里希拉穆提是印度著名的教育家,他的著作《一生的学习》是一部影响世界的教育学名著,在书中克氏倡导"完整人"的教育观。其教育思想中的教育目标、教学内容、实施途径构成了一套系统的"完整人"培养体系。研究其"完整人"的教育观,对我国高职院校人才培养方向有重大的借鉴和启示意义。 展开更多
关键词 克里希拉穆 完整人 教育思想 高职教育
论中国对当代印尼文学的影响:以普拉穆迪亚·阿南达·杜尔为例(下) 被引量:1
作者 刘宏 《华文文学》 2000年第2期56-62,共7页
关键词 迪亚 拉穆 文学 普拉 中华人民共和国 穆迪
作者 维吉萨.巴斯那亚克 《世界建筑》 北大核心 2003年第1期54-56,共3页
场地面积:405 m2总建筑面积:222 m2工程造价:300万斯里兰卡卢比(人民币 257,550元)业主:莫利·德·萨拉穆结构工程师:J T 拉加辛咖姆主要承包商:-石工:B S 萨地里斯-木工:J J 帕里萨-
关键词 拉穆 住宅 莫利 斯里兰卡 南亚
作者 好必斯 《音乐创作》 北大核心 2001年第2期104-111,共8页
关键词 拉穆 曰目 知知 口口 甲甲 二目
拉穆群岛考察 肯尼亚考古琐忆
作者 丁雨 《大众考古》 2013年第6期78-82,共5页
关键词 肯尼亚 考古学 拉穆群岛 科学考察
作者 J.C.布拉沃 胡云鹤 《水利水电快报》 2013年第4期20-22,共3页
西班牙拉穆埃拉Ⅱ号抽水蓄能电站一旦建成,将标志着科尔特斯-拉穆埃拉水电枢纽工程全部完工。该工程由伊维尔德罗拉发电公司经营,坐落于西班牙东部的胡卡尔河上,距科夫伦特斯核电厂11km。科尔特斯-拉穆埃拉第1期工程建于1982~1989年,... 西班牙拉穆埃拉Ⅱ号抽水蓄能电站一旦建成,将标志着科尔特斯-拉穆埃拉水电枢纽工程全部完工。该工程由伊维尔德罗拉发电公司经营,坐落于西班牙东部的胡卡尔河上,距科夫伦特斯核电厂11km。科尔特斯-拉穆埃拉第1期工程建于1982~1989年,包括常规电站科尔特斯Ⅱ号,以及拉穆埃拉Ⅰ号抽水蓄能电站,这两座电站建成后一直处于运行中。详细介绍了拉穆埃拉Ⅱ号抽水蓄能电站的设计情况。 展开更多
关键词 抽水蓄能电站 水电站设计 拉穆埃拉Ⅱ号抽水蓄能电站 西班牙
西藏神巫拉穆吹忠与乾隆宫廷往来史实——乾隆帝设立金瓶掣签制度内因研究 被引量:5
作者 王家鹏 《故宫博物院院刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第1期25-42,共18页
拉穆吹忠是西藏护法神白梵天的代言神巫,是乾隆设定金瓶掣签制度时的关键人物,作者新近在故宫博物院所藏文物中又发现了多件与拉穆吹忠有关的档案文物,为研究拉穆吹忠与乾隆宫廷之关系,研究金瓶掣签制度的内在成因提供了新材料。拉穆吹... 拉穆吹忠是西藏护法神白梵天的代言神巫,是乾隆设定金瓶掣签制度时的关键人物,作者新近在故宫博物院所藏文物中又发现了多件与拉穆吹忠有关的档案文物,为研究拉穆吹忠与乾隆宫廷之关系,研究金瓶掣签制度的内在成因提供了新材料。拉穆吹忠因在寻访确认八世达赖呼毕勒罕过程中所起的决定作用,受到乾隆皇帝和章嘉国师的重视,乾隆皇帝对拉穆吹忠予以很高的礼遇,成为西藏地方政教领袖及与清朝关系史中的特殊角色。乾隆五十七年(1792)清朝金瓶掣签之策的产生与乾隆皇帝对拉穆吹忠的了解有直接关系。 展开更多
关键词 拉穆吹忠 活佛转世 章嘉国师 六世班禅 七世达赖 廓尔喀 金瓶掣签
非洲拉穆的中国文化印记 被引量:1
作者 侯石柱 王元林 《中华文化画报》 2011年第1期106-109,共4页
很多年以前,有一艘中国大船在帕泰附近海域触礁沉没。船上有400人没有死,于是在上佳登岛上岸。上岸后,由于淡水缺乏,只有40人留在上佳,其中240人到了附近的西邮,还有100人到了附近帕泰。留在上佳的40人,生活十分艰难,以后又发生过一场... 很多年以前,有一艘中国大船在帕泰附近海域触礁沉没。船上有400人没有死,于是在上佳登岛上岸。上岸后,由于淡水缺乏,只有40人留在上佳,其中240人到了附近的西邮,还有100人到了附近帕泰。留在上佳的40人,生活十分艰难,以后又发生过一场大的瘟疫,村里居民所剩无几。从此再没有中国人的消息,直至今日,村里没有一户中国人。 展开更多
关键词 拉穆 船上 帕泰岛 古城遗址 中国瓷器 文化印记 麻林地 国瓷 一点印象 沿海地区
作者 沈以澧 《旅行者》 2008年第7期68-73,共6页
关键词 拉穆 马赛马拉草原 身影 角马大迁徙
作者 张能秋 《杉乡文学》 2010年第8期69-70,共2页
关键词 拉穆 在草原上 那曲 火中 了收 烤全羊
《时代主人》 2012年第10期25-25,共1页
位于肯尼亚东部的拉穆古城其实就是一个濒临印度洋的小岛。作为非洲斯瓦希里文化的发源地,被列入世界遗产名录的拉穆古城仍保留着传统的生活方式。在飞速发展的世界面前,古城的人们正在寻求发展与传统之间的平衡。一踏上这个小岛,就会... 位于肯尼亚东部的拉穆古城其实就是一个濒临印度洋的小岛。作为非洲斯瓦希里文化的发源地,被列入世界遗产名录的拉穆古城仍保留着传统的生活方式。在飞速发展的世界面前,古城的人们正在寻求发展与传统之间的平衡。一踏上这个小岛,就会有种时空倒转的感觉。港口边矗立着几个世纪前的大炮,手工艺者在一凿一凿地雕琢木门。数百年来,岛上惟一的交通工具就是驴。出岛、进岛, 展开更多
关键词 拉穆 斯瓦希里文化 世界遗产名录 出岛 阿拉伯文化 边布 异域文化
通古斯语言元音和谐与书面满语元音系统 被引量:2
作者 李兵 《满语研究》 1998年第1期21-32,共12页
关键词 通古斯语 元音和谐 元音系统 高元音 满语 拉穆特语 中性元音 大五家子 埃文基语 鄂伦春语
作者 魏红 《国际展望》 1984年第3期30-31,共2页
关键词 国家保密局 小城市 拉穆 科曼 部长会议主席 柯西金 国务院文件 市南 马岛战争 资本主义世界
《当代体育(扣篮)》 2007年第41期46-46,共1页
出生在11月上旬的球星,主宰行星是火星和冥王星,属于水相星座,生辰星位或太阳在天蝎座。强烈,是天蝎座人的突出性格表现。巨大的耐力使他敢于迎接艰难险阻,并能征服之。无论生活中的还是情感方面的错综复杂的问题,非但不会使他厌烦,相... 出生在11月上旬的球星,主宰行星是火星和冥王星,属于水相星座,生辰星位或太阳在天蝎座。强烈,是天蝎座人的突出性格表现。巨大的耐力使他敢于迎接艰难险阻,并能征服之。无论生活中的还是情感方面的错综复杂的问题,非但不会使他厌烦,相反还会给他的生活增添乐趣。约克、艾玛尔、菲戈、梅策尔德、费迪南德、拉穆奇、皮埃罗、莱曼等球星,都是出生在11月的天蝎。 展开更多
关键词 皮埃罗 菲戈 梅策 费迪南德 拉穆 莱曼 库托 大甲 从零开始 从中渔利
作者 宋然然 《留学》 2015年第Z1期14-14,共1页
第二届"多种语言,一个世界"作文竞赛和全球青年论坛正在全球范围内开展。"多种语言,一个世界"由ELS教育服务公司与联合国学术影响力组织(UNAI)联合举办,旨在促进多语言使用和对联合国六种官方语言的持续学习,并让... 第二届"多种语言,一个世界"作文竞赛和全球青年论坛正在全球范围内开展。"多种语言,一个世界"由ELS教育服务公司与联合国学术影响力组织(UNAI)联合举办,旨在促进多语言使用和对联合国六种官方语言的持续学习,并让世界各地具有全球意识的青年学者共聚一堂,就各种全球问题和倡议进行对话。2010年11月,联合国秘书长潘基文发起了"联合国学术影响力"倡议活动。2012年,联合国学术影响力主任拉穆·达莫达伦(Ramu Damodaran) 展开更多
关键词 贝立 联合国秘书长 服务公司 国际公司 青年论坛 潘基文 拉穆 全球意识 达伦 全球问题
The Impact of the Collapse of the IS on the Environment of International Terrorism 被引量:1
作者 Li Wei 《Contemporary International Relations》 2017年第6期126-143,共18页
Recently, the international campaign against terrorism has made great achievements, with Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the Islamic State(IS) killed, the last city Mosul the IS controlled in Iraq liberated and it... Recently, the international campaign against terrorism has made great achievements, with Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the Islamic State(IS) killed, the last city Mosul the IS controlled in Iraq liberated and its so-called capital Raqqa in Syria besieged. The visible"Caliphate"of the IS is breaking up with an obvious trend of declining, which will return to a normal terrorist group from a new-type and semi-militarized terrorist organization with an independent army, territories and administrative systems. Such a change will bring about new uncertainties to the IS itself and the environment of international terrorism. For some time to come in the future, how to cope with the impact brought about by such a change of the IS will become a major issue of the international community. 展开更多
关键词 IS international terrorism international security
Feasibility Comparison of Reanalysis Data from NCEP-I and NCEP-II in the Himalayas 被引量:3
作者 XIE Aihong REN Jiawen +1 位作者 QIN Xiang KANG Shichang 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2009年第1期56-65,共10页
Mt. Everest is often referred to as the earth's 'third' pole. As such it is relatively inaccessible and little is known about its meteorology. In 2005, an automatic weather station was operated at North Col (28... Mt. Everest is often referred to as the earth's 'third' pole. As such it is relatively inaccessible and little is known about its meteorology. In 2005, an automatic weather station was operated at North Col (28°1′ 0.95" N, 86°57′ 48.4" E, 6523 m a.s.l.) of Mt. Everest. Based on the observational data, this paper compares the reanalysis data from NCEP/NCAR (hereafter NCEP-Ⅰ) and NCEP-DOE AMIP-Ⅱ (NCEP- Ⅱ), in order to understand which reanalysis data are more suitable for the high Himalayas with Mr. Everest region. When comparing with those from the other levels, pressure interpolated from 500 hPa level is closer to the observation and can capture more synoptic-scale variability, which may be due to the very complex topography around Mt. Everest and the intricately complicated orographic land-atmosphereocean interactions. The interpolation from both NCEP-Ⅰ and NCEP-Ⅱ daily minimum temperature and daily mean pressure can capture most synopticscale variability (r〉0.82, n=83, p〈0.001). However, there is difference between NCEP-Ⅰ and NCEP-Ⅱ reanalysis data because of different model parameterization. Comparing with the observation, the magnitude of variability was underestimated by 34.1%, 28.5 % and 27.1% for NCEP-Ⅰ temperature and pressure, and NCEP-Ⅱ pressure, respectively, while overestimated by 44.5 % for NCEP-Ⅱ temperature. For weather events interpolated from the reanalyzed data, NCEP-Ⅰ and NCEP-Ⅱ show the same features that weather events interpolated from pressure appear at the same day as those from the observation, and some events occur one day ahead, while most weather events and NCEP-Ⅱ temperature interpolated from NCEP-Ⅰ happen one day ahead of those from the observation, which is much important for the study on meteorology and climate changes in the region, and is very valuable from the view of improving the safety of climbers who attempt to climb Mt. Everest. 展开更多
关键词 Mt. Everest NCEP/NCAR (NCEP-Ⅰ) NCEP-DOE AMIP-Ⅱ (NCEP-Ⅱ) daily minimumtemperature (DMinT) daily mean pressure(DMeanP) High Himalayas
Monitoring Glacier and Supra-glacier Lakes from Space in Mt. Qomolangma Region of the Himalayas on the Tibetan Plateau in China 被引量:27
作者 YE Qinghua ZHONG Zhenwei +3 位作者 KANG Shichang Alfred Stein WEI Qiufang LIU Jingshi 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2009年第3期211-220,共10页
Because of the large number and remoteness, satellite data, including microwave data and optical imagery, have commonly been used in alpine glaciers surveys. Using remote sensing and Geographical Information System (... Because of the large number and remoteness, satellite data, including microwave data and optical imagery, have commonly been used in alpine glaciers surveys. Using remote sensing and Geographical Information System (GIS) techniques, the paper presents the results of a multitemporal satellite glacier extent mapping and glacier changes by glacier sizes in the Mt. Qomolangma region at the northern slopes of the middle Himalayas over the Tibetan Plateau. Glaciers in this region have both retreated and advanced in the past 35 years, with retreat dominating. The glacier retreat area was 3.23 km2 (or o.75 km^2 yr^-1 during 1974 and 1976, 8.68 km^2 (or 0.36 km^2 yr^-1 during 1976 and 1992, 1.44 km^2 (or 0.12 km^2 yr^-1) during 1992-2ooo. 1.14 km^2 (or 0.22 km^2 yr^-1 during 2000-2003, and 0.52 km^2 (or 0.07 km^2 yr^-1 during 2003-2008, respectively. While supra-glacier lakes on the debris-terminus of the Rongbuk Glacier were enlarged dramatically at the same time, from 0.05 km^2 in 1974 increased to 0.71 km^2 in 2008, which was more than 13 times larger in the last 35 years. In addition, glacier changes also showed spatial differences, for example, glacier retreat rate was the fastest at glacier termini between 5400 and 5700 m a.s.l than at other elevations. The result also shows that glaciers in the middle Himalayas retreat almost at a same pace with those in the western Himalayas. 展开更多
关键词 GLACIER lake Remote Sensing Mr. Qomolangma region HIMALAYAS Tibetan Plateau
Hydrological Characteristics of the Rongbuk Glacier Catchment in Mt.Qomolangma Region in the Central Himalayas,China 被引量:2
作者 LIU Weigang REN Jiawen +4 位作者 QIN Xiang LIU Jingshi LIU Qiang CUI Xiaoqing WANG Yetang 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第2期146-156,共11页
From 8 April to 11 October in 2005, hydrological observation of the Rongbuk Glacier catchment was carried out in the Mr. Qomolangma (Everest) region in the central Himalayas, China. The results demonstrated that due... From 8 April to 11 October in 2005, hydrological observation of the Rongbuk Glacier catchment was carried out in the Mr. Qomolangma (Everest) region in the central Himalayas, China. The results demonstrated that due to its large area with glacier lakes at the tongue of the Rongbuk Glacier, a large amount of stream flow was found at night, which indicates the strong storage characteristic of the Rongbuk Glacier catchment. There was a time lag ranging from 8 to 14 hours between daily discharge peaks and maximum melting (maximum temperature). As melting went on the time lag got shorter. A high correlation was found between the hydrological process and daily temperature during the ablation period. The runoff from April to October was about 80% of the total in the observation period. Compared with the discharge data in 1959, the runoff in 2005 was much more, and the runoff in June, July and August increased by 69%, 35% and 14%, respectively. The rising of temperature is a major factor causing the increase in runoff. The discharges from precipitation and snow and ice melting are separated. The discharge induced by precipitation accounts for about 20% of the total runoff, while snow and ice melting for about 80%. 展开更多
关键词 Central Himalayas Mt. Qomolangma Rongbuk Glacier Hydrological characteristics
The Maghrebian Scholarship and the Development of Muslim Intelligentsias in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Case Study of the Central Bilad al-Sudan
作者 Mukhtar Umar Bunza 《History Research》 2013年第5期342-352,共11页
Central Bilad al-Sudan refers to the areas of the ancient Hausa states, and the domains of the ancient Kanem Bornu. As a result of the aged long commercial, cultural, and religious linkages between North Africa and th... Central Bilad al-Sudan refers to the areas of the ancient Hausa states, and the domains of the ancient Kanem Bornu. As a result of the aged long commercial, cultural, and religious linkages between North Africa and the Central Sudan, one finds so many things in common among the two regions in dress, diets, cultural traits, as well as educational and religious practices. The extent of influence of the North African region on the individual and communal lives of the central Sudan has been extraordinarily great. The central Sudan is one of the most Islamized areas of West Africa, and Arabic language is second language to the Muslim communities in domestic and public spheres. And as a result of the entrenchment of Islam among the people due to the activities of North African scholars and traders the area became the hub of Islamic scholarship. The intellectual history of the Central Bilad al-Sudan cannot be complete without the mention of an Algerian scholar, Muhammad ibn Abd-A1-Kareem al-Maghili who in addition to his scholarly influence took appointment as Special Adviser in Kano in the 1460s. The same could be said of an Egyptian prolific writer, Jalal al-Deen al-Suyuti, who settled in Katsina and Gobir and also took the appointment of Grand Qadi in Katsina in the 15th century. Similarly, books of Sanhaja scholars, Shinqit Ulama'a, as well as Spanish-Andalusian scholars via Morocco were made available and widely studied in this part of Muslim world. The combination of the activities of such scholars, literature, and learning tradition were responsible lbr the growth and development of Muslim intelligentsia in the central Bilad al-Sudan since the earliest time, and the influence continues to date. Thus this paper aims at examining the phenomenon, primarily by assessing the influence of scholars, literature, and educational institutions from the Maghreb on the intellectual development and the emergence of native scholars and intelligentsia and on the general scholarly trend in the central Bilad al-Sudan. 展开更多
关键词 the Maghreb scholarship central Sudan Northern Nigeria indigenous intelligentsia
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