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一种采用同步降压拓扑的本质安全电源的研制 被引量:5
作者 佟强 张东来 徐殿国 《电力电子技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第11期45-46,共2页
在分析传统开关型本质安全电源各种损耗的基础上,得出采用同步Buck拓扑可以显著提高电源效率,减少发热,提高本质安全特性。首次将同步Buck拓扑应用在本质安全电源中,采用本质安全设计方法对电路参数进行设计。实验证明该电源具有效率高... 在分析传统开关型本质安全电源各种损耗的基础上,得出采用同步Buck拓扑可以显著提高电源效率,减少发热,提高本质安全特性。首次将同步Buck拓扑应用在本质安全电源中,采用本质安全设计方法对电路参数进行设计。实验证明该电源具有效率高、体积小、可靠性高等优点。 展开更多
关键词 电源 损耗 效率/同步Buck拓扑
基于形式概念分析的交通监测传感网络贪婪性同步拓扑算法 被引量:2
作者 叶青 史昕 +1 位作者 孙梦薇 朱健 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第3期869-875,共7页
针对交通监测传感网络时间同步拓扑的能量有效性和场景适应性问题,提出一种基于形式概念分析的交通监测传感网络贪婪性同步拓扑算法GST-FCA。首先分析交通监测传感网络同步拓扑的场景适应性需求和能量有效性问题模型;其次,利用形式概念... 针对交通监测传感网络时间同步拓扑的能量有效性和场景适应性问题,提出一种基于形式概念分析的交通监测传感网络贪婪性同步拓扑算法GST-FCA。首先分析交通监测传感网络同步拓扑的场景适应性需求和能量有效性问题模型;其次,利用形式概念分析(FCA)对同层和相邻层传感节点的邻接特征进行关联性解析,根据最多邻居贪婪策略构建广播元组(BT)并划分同步集合;然后利用回溯广播改进传感网络时间同步协议(TPSN)算法的层探测广播策略,同时设计向上托管机制,增大已同步节点信息的共享范围,进一步缓解贪婪策略产生的局部最优解问题;最后对GST-FCA的能量有效性和场景适应性进行测试。仿真结果表明,相较于TPSN、LECFO等算法,GST-FCA在部署位置、部署规模、道路部署三个测试场景中的同步报文开销分别至少降低11.54%、24.59%和39.16%。由此可见,GST-FCA能缓解局部最优解问题并降低同步报文开销,而且能在同步拓扑满足上述三个场景适应性需求下达到良好的能量有效性。 展开更多
关键词 交通监测传感网络 同步拓扑 形式概念分析 广播元组 贪婪策略 同步报文开销
作者 程明 卢建福 罗晋 《广东通信技术》 2021年第11期56-62,共7页
在骨干网络环境下控制器需要对全局网络状态保持全面并且实时的掌握,设计并实现一种私有的全网拓扑发现和同步协议。实验结果证明,在所搭建的网络环境下,三层路由设备和二层交换设备之间可有效实现邻居设备的自动感知发现,自动建立邻居... 在骨干网络环境下控制器需要对全局网络状态保持全面并且实时的掌握,设计并实现一种私有的全网拓扑发现和同步协议。实验结果证明,在所搭建的网络环境下,三层路由设备和二层交换设备之间可有效实现邻居设备的自动感知发现,自动建立邻居链路信息并实现链路信息的全网扩散和同步;当网络设备出现链路状态变更时,链路信息能快速的在各路由和交换机设备进行同步;网络拓扑信息能及时通过变更通知上层控制器,有效地减轻了控制器的负担。 展开更多
关键词 邻居发现 链路信息 拓扑同步
不同化疗方案联合同步放疗治疗中晚期宫颈癌的疗效分析 被引量:8
作者 曾筱怡 《江西医药》 CAS 2015年第10期1063-1065,共3页
目的观察中晚期宫颈癌患者接受拓扑替康同步放化疗的疗效及毒性反应,探讨其临床适用性。方法选择自2007年3月至2008年12月于我院治疗的中晚期宫颈癌患者140例,简单随机分为试验组和对照组各70例,试验组接受拓扑替康同步放化疗治疗,对照... 目的观察中晚期宫颈癌患者接受拓扑替康同步放化疗的疗效及毒性反应,探讨其临床适用性。方法选择自2007年3月至2008年12月于我院治疗的中晚期宫颈癌患者140例,简单随机分为试验组和对照组各70例,试验组接受拓扑替康同步放化疗治疗,对照组予PF同步放化疗治疗。观察两组患者近期疗效情况、远期生存情况及不良反应情况。结果试验组的近期总有效率及远期生存率优于对照组,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);试验组的复发率、转移率低于对照组(P<0.05);试验组患者的血液毒性、肾功能损伤略高于对照组(P<0.05),其余不良反应发生率大致相当(P>0.05)。结论拓扑替康同步放化疗同步放化疗治疗中晚期宫颈癌患者,可以提高其临床疗效,延长生存期,安全性相对高,适合临床长期推广应用。 展开更多
关键词 拓扑替康同步放化疗 PF同步放化疗治疗 中晚期宫颈癌
作者 姜世宇 单梁 《电气工程学报》 2017年第5期50-57,共8页
Fly-Buck拓扑从常规的同步整流降压拓扑演变而来,不需要额外的环路反馈便可获得隔离的电源输出,使用该拓扑可以简化低功率隔离辅助电源的设计过程。本文基于Fly-Buck拓扑电路,分析研究了Fly-Buck拓扑的工作原理,通过电路仿真证明了理论... Fly-Buck拓扑从常规的同步整流降压拓扑演变而来,不需要额外的环路反馈便可获得隔离的电源输出,使用该拓扑可以简化低功率隔离辅助电源的设计过程。本文基于Fly-Buck拓扑电路,分析研究了Fly-Buck拓扑的工作原理,通过电路仿真证明了理论分析的正确性,并基于Fly-Buck拓扑电路设计了数码发电机的辅助电源样机,通过实验得到了二次侧的输出特性,验证了该拓扑的可行性和实用性。文中特别分析研究了当一次侧轻载或空载时Fly-Buck拓扑工作模式对二次侧输出的稳压性能的影响,电路仿真和实验结果表明:Fly-Buck拓扑工作在强迫连续模式下仍能保证二次侧输出具有良好的稳压性能,并跟随一次侧输出。 展开更多
关键词 Fly-Buck 同步整流降压拓扑 辅助电源 强迫连续模式
无线HART协议——一种真正意义上的工业无线短程网协议的概述和比较 被引量:22
作者 彭瑜 《仪器仪表标准化与计量》 2007年第5期31-37,共7页
本文在概要叙述无线HART技术的开发目的和开发过程,以及它的基本特性和HART 7规范之后,较详细地描述了无线HART技术的基本网络技术——时间同步网格协议TSMP的特点和关键要素,还讨论了目前ZigBee协议为何不能完全适应工业应用的问题。
关键词 无线HART技术 ZIGBEE协议 时间同步网格拓扑协议 无线短程网
基于单片机的双向DC-DC变换器设计 被引量:1
作者 陶聪 王献 谢冬辉 《科技广场》 2015年第9期235-237,共3页
本文以STC15F2K61S2单片机和TL494作为控制器的核心,利用电流内环—电压外环的双环路控制方式实现高精度、1A^2A的恒流功能,采用同步BUCK拓扑结构提升DC-DC的转换效率至90%~92%。将充电时的实际电流和设定的电流通过数码管显示,用键盘... 本文以STC15F2K61S2单片机和TL494作为控制器的核心,利用电流内环—电压外环的双环路控制方式实现高精度、1A^2A的恒流功能,采用同步BUCK拓扑结构提升DC-DC的转换效率至90%~92%。将充电时的实际电流和设定的电流通过数码管显示,用键盘调节电流步进值、控制电流精度以及变换率。 展开更多
关键词 STC15F2K61S2 同步BUCK拓扑 TL494
QoS Adaptive Topology Configuration in Synchronous Wireless Sensor Networks 被引量:1
作者 杨挺 武娇雯 +1 位作者 李昂 张志东 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2010年第5期354-358,共5页
By using hyper-graph theory,this paper proposes a QoS adaptive topology configuration(QATC) algorithm to effectively control large-scale topology and achieve robust data transmitting in synchronous wireless sensor net... By using hyper-graph theory,this paper proposes a QoS adaptive topology configuration(QATC) algorithm to effectively control large-scale topology and achieve robust data transmitting in synchronous wireless sensor networks.Firstly,a concise hyper-graph model is abstracted to analyze the large-scale and high-connectivity network.Secondly,based on the control theory of biologic 'Cell Mergence',a novel self-adaptive topology configuration algorithm is used to build homologous perceptive data logic sub-network ... 展开更多
关键词 wireless sensor network QOS TOPOLOGY synchronous network
Coherence Resonance and Noise-Induced Synchronization in Hindmarsh-Rose Neural Network with Different Topologies 被引量:3
作者 WEI Du-Qu LUO Xiao-Shu 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第4X期759-762,共4页
In this paper, we investigate coherence resonance (CR) and noise-induced synchronization in Hindmarsh- Rose (HR) neural network with three different types of topologies: regular, random, and small-world. It is fo... In this paper, we investigate coherence resonance (CR) and noise-induced synchronization in Hindmarsh- Rose (HR) neural network with three different types of topologies: regular, random, and small-world. It is found that the additive noise can induce CR in HR neural network with different topologies and its coherence is optimized by a proper noise level. It is also found that as coupling strength increases the plateau in the measure of coherence curve becomes broadened and the effects of network topology is more pronounced simultaneously. Moreover, we find that increasing the probability p of the network topology leads to an enhancement of noise-induced synchronization in HR neurons network. 展开更多
关键词 coherence resonance small-world network SYNCHRONIZATION Hindmarsh-Rose neural
Effects of Scale-Free Topological Properties on Dynamical Synchronization and Control in Coupled Map Lattices 被引量:1
作者 CHEN Wei FANG Jin-Qing KANG Ge-Wen 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第2期361-368,共8页
In the paper, we study effects of scale-free (SF) topology on dynamical synchronization and control in coupled map lattices (CIVIL). Our strategy is to apply three feedback control methods, including constant feed... In the paper, we study effects of scale-free (SF) topology on dynamical synchronization and control in coupled map lattices (CIVIL). Our strategy is to apply three feedback control methods, including constant feedback and two types of time-delayed feedback, to a small fraction of network nodes to reach desired synchronous state. Two controlled bifurcation diagrams verses feedback strength are obtained respectively. It is found that the value of critical feedback strength γc for the first time-delayed feedback control is increased linearly as e is increased linearly. The GML with SF loses synchronization and intermittency occurs if γ 〉 γc. Numerical examples are presented to demonstrate all results. 展开更多
关键词 scale-free network coupled map lattice dynamical synchronization feedback control timedelayed feedback
作者 Xi Kang Ge Ning Feng Chongxi (Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084) 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2003年第3期215-219,共5页
Multi-service SDH networks support both packet- and circuit-switched traffic. Optimal design of such a network means to guarantee the circuit connections and configure a logical packet-switched topology with lowest co... Multi-service SDH networks support both packet- and circuit-switched traffic. Optimal design of such a network means to guarantee the circuit connections and configure a logical packet-switched topology with lowest congestion. This letter first formulates the problem as a mixed integer linear programming, which achieves optimal solution but has high computation. Then a heuristic algorithm is proposed to yield near-optimal solution efficiently. Performance of the algorithm is verified by an example. 展开更多
关键词 Multi-service networks Logical topology design SDH
Relay switched, scalable topology control for mobile robot networks based on motion synchronization
作者 张飞 Chen Weidong 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2009年第4期401-408,共8页
A mobile robot network is said to be easily scalable to any number of robots if its performance is kept almost fixed after these robots are added or some fail in the network. An interaction dynamics model based on mot... A mobile robot network is said to be easily scalable to any number of robots if its performance is kept almost fixed after these robots are added or some fail in the network. An interaction dynamics model based on motion synchronization is first established. Considering the mobility of mobile robot networks, we propose a relay switched, distributed topology control for the scalable network to drive neMy added robots to the most suitable positions with more neighbors as well as self-heal the blank positions of failed robots, and give a metric of the topology structure for evaluating the performance of network topologies. Then, we prove the stability of motion synchronization with the individual control based on Lyapunov exponent. Finally, the results of simulations have demonstrated the validity of the proposed modeling and control methods. 展开更多
关键词 SCALABILITY mobile robot network switched topology motion synchronization
Effect of Topology Structures on Synchronization Transition in Coupled Neuron Cells System 被引量:1
作者 梁立嗣 张季谦 +2 位作者 许贵霞 刘乐柱 黄守芳 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第9期380-386,共7页
In this paper, by the help of evolutionary algorithm and using Hindmarsh-Rose (HR) neuron model, we investigate the effect of topology structures on synchronization transition between different states in coupled neu... In this paper, by the help of evolutionary algorithm and using Hindmarsh-Rose (HR) neuron model, we investigate the effect of topology structures on synchronization transition between different states in coupled neuron cells system. First, we build different coupling structure with N cells, and found the effect of synchronized transition contact not only closely with the topology of the system, but also with whether there exist the ring structures in the system. In particular, both the size and the number of rings have greater effects on such transition behavior. Secondly, we introduce synchronization error to qualitative analyze the effect of the topology structure. Phrthermore, by fitting the simulation results, we find that with the increment of the neurons number, there always exist the optimization structures which have the minimum number of connecting edges in the coupling systems. Above results show that the topology structures have a very crucial role on synchronization transition in coupled neuron system. Biological system may gradually acquire such efficient topology structures through the long-term evolution, thus the systems' information process may be optimized by this scheme. 展开更多
关键词 neuron network topology configuration synchronization transition
Synchronization Research of a Modified Time-Delayed Multi-agent Network Model 被引量:1
作者 刘玉良 朱杰 丁大为 《Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong university(Science)》 EI 2009年第3期321-324,共4页
The synchronization of time-delayed multi-agent networks with connected and directed topology is studied. Based on the correlative work about the agent synchronization, a modified model is presented, in which each com... The synchronization of time-delayed multi-agent networks with connected and directed topology is studied. Based on the correlative work about the agent synchronization, a modified model is presented, in which each communication receiver is distributed a delay 7. In addition, a proportional term k is introduced to modulate the delay range and to guarantee the synchronization of each agent. Two new parameters mentioned above are only correlative to the network topology, and a theorem about their connections is derived by both frequency domain method and geometric method. Finally, the theoretical result is illustrated by numerical simulations. 展开更多
关键词 SYNCHRONIZATION time delay multi-agent network communication receiver
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